falseQ20000716314falsefalse--03-31falsefalse2024one yearP1Y.333P3Y2020 2021 2022 20232019 2020 2021 2022 20232020 2021 2022 20232018 2019 2020 2021 2022 20230000716314srt:MinimumMember2023-10-132023-10-130000716314ghm:StockCompensationPriorPlanMemberghm:TwoThousandIncentivePlanMember2024-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2024-09-300000716314ghm:TimeVestedRestrictedStockUnitsRsusMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314ghm:TimeVestedRestrictedStockUnitsRsusMember2024-04-012024-09-3000007163142023-06-300000716314country:US2023-04-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember2023-03-310000716314us-gaap:TreasuryStockCommonMember2023-04-012023-06-300000716314ghm:EmployeeStockPurchasePlanMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314ghm:P3TechnologiesLlcMember2024-06-300000716314us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2023-07-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2023-04-012023-06-300000716314us-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberghm:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetActuarialGainLossesMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:TradeNamesMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember2023-09-300000716314us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2024-04-012024-06-300000716314us-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberus-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember2023-07-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember2023-03-310000716314us-gaap:TradeNamesMember2023-04-012024-03-310000716314ghm:NewRevolvingCreditFacilityMemberus-gaap:SecuredOvernightFinancingRateSofrOvernightIndexSwapRateMember2023-10-132023-10-130000716314ghm:P3TechnologiesLlcMember2024-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2024-06-300000716314ghm:SpaceMember2023-07-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember2024-03-310000716314ghm:OtherMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember2023-06-300000716314ghm:AllOtherCountriesMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314ghm:NewRevolvingCreditFacilityMembersrt:MaximumMember2024-07-152024-07-150000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2023-06-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2023-09-300000716314us-gaap:TreasuryStockCommonMember2023-09-300000716314us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2023-04-012023-06-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMembersrt:MaximumMember2023-04-012024-03-310000716314us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2024-04-012024-06-300000716314country:US2024-07-012024-09-300000716314ghm:CustomerDepositsMember2024-03-310000716314us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2024-06-300000716314ghm:NewRevolvingCreditFacilityMemberus-gaap:SecuredOvernightFinancingRateSofrOvernightIndexSwapRateMembersrt:MaximumMember2023-10-132023-10-1300007163142024-06-300000716314us-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberghm:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetActuarialGainLossesMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:RevolvingCreditFacilityMembersrt:MaximumMember2023-10-130000716314us-gaap:CommonStockMember2024-06-300000716314srt:DirectorMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberghm:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetActuarialGainLossesMember2023-07-012023-09-300000716314ghm:DefenseMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:EmployeeStockOptionMemberghm:TwoThousandIncentivePlanMember2020-08-112020-08-110000716314us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2024-03-310000716314country:CA2023-04-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberghm:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetActuarialGainLossesMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:CommonStockMember2023-04-012023-06-300000716314ghm:BacklogMember2023-04-012024-03-310000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember2024-09-300000716314ghm:NewRevolvingCreditFacilityMembersrt:MinimumMember2024-07-152024-07-150000716314ghm:BankOfAmericaMember2024-09-300000716314ghm:DefenseMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314srt:AsiaMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314srt:AsiaMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314ghm:P3TechnologiesLlcMember2024-03-310000716314srt:AsiaMember2023-07-012023-09-300000716314ghm:AllOtherCountriesMember2023-07-012023-09-300000716314ghm:ChinaConstructionBankMember2024-09-300000716314ghm:OtherMember2023-07-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:BaseRateMemberghm:NewRevolvingCreditFacilityMembersrt:MaximumMember2023-10-132023-10-130000716314srt:MaximumMemberghm:TechnologyAndTechnicalKnowHowMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314ghm:BacklogMember2024-09-300000716314srt:MaximumMember2023-10-132023-10-130000716314ghm:CustomerDepositsMember2024-09-300000716314ghm:RefiningMember2023-07-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2024-09-300000716314us-gaap:LetterOfCreditMember2024-09-300000716314ghm:OfficersAndKeyEmployeesMemberghm:TimeVestOneThirdPerYearPercentageMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:RevolvingCreditFacilityMember2024-09-300000716314us-gaap:RestrictedStockMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314ghm:EmployeeStockPurchasePlanMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314ghm:OfficersAndKeyEmployeesMemberghm:TimeVestedRestrictedStockUnitsRsusMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2023-03-310000716314us-gaap:BaseRateMemberghm:NewRevolvingCreditFacilityMembersrt:MinimumMember2023-10-132023-10-130000716314ghm:P3TechnologiesLlcMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:LetterOfCreditMember2024-03-310000716314srt:MaximumMemberghm:TechnologyAndTechnicalKnowHowMember2023-04-012024-03-310000716314us-gaap:CommonStockMember2024-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2023-03-310000716314ghm:OfficersAndKeyEmployeesMemberghm:TimeVestOneThirdPerYearPercentageMember2024-04-012024-09-3000007163142023-04-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember2024-06-300000716314us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2023-06-300000716314us-gaap:MiddleEastMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314ghm:BacklogMember2024-04-012024-09-3000007163142024-01-01srt:MinimumMember2024-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:TreasuryStockCommonMember2023-03-310000716314srt:MinimumMemberghm:TechnologyAndTechnicalKnowHowMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314ghm:MisconductEmployeesMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMember2024-09-300000716314ghm:NewRevolvingCreditFacilityMembersrt:MinimumMember2023-10-132023-10-130000716314us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2024-06-300000716314us-gaap:RestrictedStockUnitsRSUMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:CommonStockMember2023-07-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:StockCompensationPlanMembersrt:MaximumMemberghm:TwoThousandIncentivePlanMember2024-09-3000007163142024-01-01srt:MaximumMember2024-09-300000716314us-gaap:ForeignCountryMemberus-gaap:StateAdministrationOfTaxationChinaMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314ghm:SpaceMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:RestrictedStockUnitsRSUMember2023-07-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember2024-04-012024-06-300000716314ghm:HSBCBankUSAMember2024-09-300000716314us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2023-03-3100007163142023-04-012023-06-300000716314ghm:P3TechnologiesLlcMember2023-11-090000716314ghm:P3TechnologiesLlcMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314ghm:SpaceMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314ghm:OtherMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314ghm:P3TechnologiesLlcMember2024-06-3000007163142023-03-310000716314ghm:TechnologyAndTechnicalKnowHowMember2024-03-310000716314srt:SouthAmericaMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314ghm:RefiningMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember2023-07-012023-09-300000716314ghm:P3TechnologiesLlcMemberghm:TradenameMember2023-11-090000716314us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2024-09-300000716314us-gaap:RevolvingCreditFacilityMember2023-10-130000716314us-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberus-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314ghm:RefiningMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:CommonStockMember2024-04-012024-06-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember2024-06-300000716314ghm:ChemicalPetrochemicalMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314ghm:P3TechnologiesLlcMember2023-11-090000716314ghm:NewRevolvingCreditFacilityMembersrt:MaximumMember2023-10-132023-10-130000716314us-gaap:LetterOfCreditMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314srt:DirectorMemberghm:PerformanceVestedPerformanceStockUnitsPsuMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:RevolvingCreditFacilityMemberus-gaap:LetterOfCreditMembersrt:MaximumMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314srt:MinimumMember2025-01-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember2023-04-012023-06-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember2023-04-012023-06-300000716314us-gaap:StateAndLocalJurisdictionMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314ghm:AllOtherCountriesMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314srt:MinimumMemberus-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314ghm:AllOtherCountriesMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:TreasuryStockCommonMember2024-04-012024-06-300000716314ghm:EmployeeStockPurchasePlanMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember2024-03-310000716314ghm:ChemicalPetrochemicalMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:CommonStockMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314ghm:BankOfAmericaMemberus-gaap:RevolvingCreditFacilityMemberus-gaap:LetterOfCreditMember2024-04-012024-09-3000007163142024-03-310000716314ghm:P3TechnologiesLlcMembersrt:MaximumMember2023-11-0900007163142025-01-012024-09-300000716314ghm:P3TechnologiesLlcMember2024-04-012024-06-300000716314us-gaap:MiddleEastMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:TreasuryStockCommonMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:CommonStockMember2023-03-310000716314ghm:DefenseMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314country:US2023-07-012023-09-300000716314srt:MinimumMemberghm:TechnologyAndTechnicalKnowHowMember2023-04-012024-03-310000716314us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2024-03-310000716314ghm:NewRevolvingCreditFacilityMember2024-09-300000716314ghm:EmployeeStockPurchasePlanMember2023-07-012023-09-300000716314ghm:NewRevolvingCreditFacilityMember2023-10-132023-10-130000716314us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314ghm:P3TechnologiesLlcMemberghm:TechnologyAndTechnicalKnowHowMember2023-11-0900007163142025-01-01srt:MaximumMember2024-09-300000716314srt:DirectorMemberghm:PerformanceVestedPerformanceStockUnitsPsuMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2023-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2024-03-310000716314srt:DirectorMemberghm:TimeVestedRestrictedStockUnitsRsusMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314ghm:BacklogMember2024-03-310000716314ghm:OtherMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314ghm:P3TechnologiesLlcMemberus-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMember2023-11-090000716314us-gaap:RestrictedStockMemberghm:TwoThousandIncentivePlanMemberghm:PerformanceVestedRestrictedStockMember2023-07-012023-09-300000716314srt:MinimumMemberus-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMember2023-04-012024-03-310000716314us-gaap:RestrictedStockMember2024-07-012024-09-3000007163142024-11-070000716314us-gaap:TreasuryStockCommonMember2023-06-300000716314us-gaap:CommonStockMember2023-09-3000007163142023-07-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:RestrictedStockMemberghm:TwoThousandIncentivePlanMemberghm:PerformanceVestedRestrictedStockMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:RevolvingCreditFacilityMembersrt:MinimumMemberus-gaap:LetterOfCreditMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314ghm:OfficersAndKeyEmployeesMemberghm:PerformanceVestOneThirdPerYearPercentageMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314ghm:OfficersAndKeyEmployeesMemberghm:PerformanceVestOneThirdPerYearPercentageMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314ghm:NewRevolvingCreditFacilityMemberus-gaap:SecuredOvernightFinancingRateSofrOvernightIndexSwapRateMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:CommonStockMember2023-06-3000007163142023-09-300000716314ghm:P3TechnologiesLlcMember2023-07-012023-09-300000716314ghm:OfficersAndKeyEmployeesMemberghm:PerformanceVestedPerformanceStockUnitsPsuMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:TreasuryStockCommonMember2024-09-300000716314ghm:SpaceMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314srt:SouthAmericaMember2023-07-012023-09-300000716314ghm:P3TechnologiesLlcMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2023-09-300000716314us-gaap:TradeNamesMember2024-03-310000716314ghm:P3TechnologiesLlcMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:RestrictedStockMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314country:CA2023-07-012023-09-300000716314ghm:NewRevolvingCreditFacilityMemberus-gaap:BaseRateMember2023-10-132023-10-130000716314country:US2024-04-012024-09-300000716314ghm:EmployeeStockPurchasePlanMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314ghm:PerformanceVestedPerformanceStockUnitsPsuMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314ghm:OfficersAndKeyEmployeesMemberghm:TimeVestedRestrictedStockUnitsRsusMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2023-06-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember2023-06-300000716314us-gaap:RestrictedStockUnitsRSUMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314ghm:EmployeeStockPurchasePlanMember2024-09-300000716314country:CA2024-07-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberus-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:RestrictedStockUnitsRSUMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314ghm:RefiningMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMember2024-03-310000716314srt:SouthAmericaMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314ghm:P3TechnologiesLlcMember2023-11-102024-03-310000716314srt:MaximumMemberus-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:DomesticCountryMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314ghm:NewRevolvingCreditFacilityMemberus-gaap:SecuredOvernightFinancingRateSofrOvernightIndexSwapRateMembersrt:MinimumMember2023-10-132023-10-130000716314us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2023-07-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:ForeignCountryMemberus-gaap:MinistryOfFinanceIndiaMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:TreasuryStockCommonMember2024-03-310000716314us-gaap:MiddleEastMember2023-07-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember2024-04-012024-06-300000716314ghm:TechnologyAndTechnicalKnowHowMember2024-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember2024-09-300000716314ghm:PerformanceVestedPerformanceStockUnitsPsuMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314ghm:OfficersAndKeyEmployeesMember2024-04-012024-09-300000716314ghm:P3TechnologiesLlcMember2023-11-092023-11-090000716314us-gaap:ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMemberus-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2024-04-012024-06-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember2023-07-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:RevolvingCreditFacilityMember2023-10-132023-10-130000716314us-gaap:MiddleEastMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:TradeNamesMember2024-09-300000716314srt:SouthAmericaMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314country:CA2024-04-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember2024-07-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember2023-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2023-04-012023-06-300000716314ghm:ChemicalPetrochemicalMember2023-07-012023-09-300000716314ghm:ChemicalPetrochemicalMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:TreasuryStockCommonMember2024-06-300000716314ghm:DefenseMember2023-07-012023-09-300000716314ghm:ChinaCiticBankCoLtdMember2024-09-300000716314us-gaap:CommonStockMember2024-03-310000716314us-gaap:RestrictedStockMember2023-07-012023-09-3000007163142024-09-300000716314srt:AsiaMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314srt:DirectorMemberghm:TimeVestedRestrictedStockUnitsRsusMember2023-04-012023-09-300000716314us-gaap:RevolvingCreditFacilityMemberus-gaap:LetterOfCreditMember2023-10-1300007163142024-04-012024-09-3000007163142024-07-012024-09-300000716314us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2023-07-012023-09-3000007163142024-04-012024-06-300000716314ghm:OfficersAndKeyEmployeesMemberghm:PerformanceVestedPerformanceStockUnitsPsuMember2024-04-012024-09-30xbrli:purexbrli:sharesiso4217:CNYiso4217:USD
(Mark One)
For the quarterly period ended September 30, 2024
For the transition period from _____________ to ___________
Commission File Number 001-08462
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
Delaware |
16-1194720 |
(State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization) |
(I.R.S. Employer Identification No.) |
20 Florence Avenue, Batavia, New York |
14020 |
(Address of principal executive offices) |
(Zip Code) |
(Registrant's telephone number, including area code)
Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:
Title of each class |
Trading Symbol(s) |
Name of each exchange on which registered |
Common Stock, Par Value $0.10 Per Share |
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes ☒ No ☐
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically every Interactive Data File required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files). Yes ☒ No ☐
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, a smaller reporting company, or an emerging growth company. See the definitions of "large accelerated filer," "accelerated filer," "smaller reporting company," and "emerging growth company" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.
Large accelerated filer |
☐ |
Accelerated filer |
☒ |
Non-accelerated filer |
☐ |
Smaller reporting company |
☒ |
Emerging growth company |
☐ |
If an emerging growth company, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act. ☐
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).
Yes ☐ No ☒
As of November 7, 2024, there were outstanding 10,889,928 shares of the registrant’s common stock, par value $0.10 per share.
Graham Corporation and Subsidiaries
Index to Form 10-Q
As of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024 and for the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
SEPTEMBER 30, 2024
Item 1. Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements
(Dollar amounts in thousands, except per share data)
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Net sales |
$ |
53,563 |
$ |
45,076 |
$ |
103,514 |
$ |
92,645 |
Cost of products sold |
40,764 |
37,885 |
78,347 |
74,477 |
Gross profit |
12,799 |
7,191 |
25,167 |
18,168 |
Other operating expenses and income: |
Selling, general and administrative |
8,723 |
6,115 |
17,561 |
13,134 |
Selling, general and administrative – amortization |
437 |
273 |
873 |
547 |
Other operating income |
(596 |
) |
— |
(726 |
) |
— |
Operating income |
4,235 |
803 |
7,459 |
4,487 |
Other expense, net |
91 |
94 |
182 |
187 |
Interest (income) expense, net |
(153 |
) |
55 |
(314 |
) |
240 |
Income before provision for income taxes |
4,297 |
654 |
7,591 |
4,060 |
Provision for income taxes |
1,016 |
243 |
1,344 |
1,009 |
Net income |
$ |
3,281 |
$ |
411 |
$ |
6,247 |
$ |
3,051 |
Per share data |
Basic: |
Net income |
$ |
0.30 |
$ |
0.04 |
$ |
0.57 |
$ |
0.29 |
Diluted: |
Net income |
$ |
0.30 |
$ |
0.04 |
$ |
0.57 |
$ |
0.28 |
Weighted average common shares outstanding: |
Basic |
10,887 |
10,699 |
10,875 |
10,675 |
Diluted |
11,024 |
10,810 |
10,995 |
10,761 |
See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
(Dollar amounts in thousands)
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Net income |
$ |
3,281 |
$ |
411 |
$ |
6,247 |
$ |
3,051 |
Other comprehensive income: |
Foreign currency translation adjustment |
131 |
(58 |
) |
103 |
(310 |
) |
Defined benefit pension and other postretirement plans net of income tax expense of $45 and $47 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $90 and $93 for the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively |
150 |
164 |
300 |
328 |
Total other comprehensive income |
281 |
106 |
403 |
18 |
Total comprehensive income |
$ |
3,562 |
$ |
517 |
$ |
6,650 |
$ |
3,069 |
See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
(Dollar amounts in thousands, except per share data)
September 30, 2024 |
March 31, 2024 |
Assets |
Current assets: |
Cash and cash equivalents |
$ |
32,318 |
$ |
16,939 |
Trade accounts receivable, net of allowances ($56 and $79 at September 30 and March 31, 2024, respectively) |
29,083 |
44,400 |
Unbilled revenue |
40,730 |
28,015 |
Inventories |
31,536 |
33,410 |
Prepaid expenses and other current assets |
4,414 |
3,561 |
Income taxes receivable |
124 |
— |
Total current assets |
138,205 |
126,325 |
Property, plant and equipment, net |
36,602 |
32,080 |
Prepaid pension asset |
6,513 |
6,396 |
Operating lease assets |
6,757 |
7,306 |
Goodwill |
25,520 |
25,520 |
Customer relationships, net |
13,729 |
14,299 |
Technology and technical know-how, net |
10,688 |
11,065 |
Other intangible assets, net |
7,019 |
7,181 |
Deferred income tax asset |
2,883 |
2,983 |
Other assets |
1,614 |
724 |
Total assets |
$ |
249,530 |
$ |
233,879 |
Liabilities and stockholders’ equity |
Current liabilities: |
Current portion of finance lease obligations |
$ |
20 |
$ |
20 |
Accounts payable |
21,887 |
20,788 |
Accrued compensation |
13,097 |
16,800 |
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities |
5,102 |
6,666 |
Customer deposits |
86,483 |
71,987 |
Operating lease liabilities |
1,142 |
1,237 |
Income taxes payable |
77 |
715 |
Total current liabilities |
127,808 |
118,213 |
Finance lease obligations |
57 |
65 |
Operating lease liabilities |
5,922 |
6,449 |
Accrued pension and postretirement benefit liabilities |
1,258 |
1,254 |
Other long-term liabilities |
2,011 |
2,332 |
Total liabilities |
137,056 |
128,313 |
Commitments and contingencies (Note 10) |
Stockholders’ equity: |
Preferred stock, $1.00 par value, 500 shares authorized |
— |
— |
Common stock, $0.10 par value, 25,500 shares authorized, 11,064 and 10,993 shares issued and 10,890 and 10,850 shares outstanding at September 30 and March 31, 2024, respectively |
1,106 |
1,099 |
Capital in excess of par value |
33,120 |
32,015 |
Retained earnings |
88,246 |
81,999 |
Accumulated other comprehensive loss |
(6,610 |
) |
(7,013 |
) |
Treasury stock (174 and 143 shares at September 30 and March 31, 2024, respectively) |
(3,388 |
) |
(2,534 |
) |
Total stockholders’ equity |
112,474 |
105,566 |
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity |
$ |
249,530 |
$ |
233,879 |
See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
(Dollar amounts in thousands)
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
Operating activities: |
Net income |
$ |
6,247 |
$ |
3,051 |
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: |
Depreciation |
1,721 |
1,549 |
Amortization of intangible assets |
1,109 |
891 |
Amortization of actuarial losses |
391 |
421 |
Amortization of debt issuance costs |
— |
119 |
Equity-based compensation expense |
778 |
625 |
Change in fair value of contingent consideration |
(726 |
) |
— |
Deferred income taxes |
2 |
1,162 |
(Increase) decrease in operating assets, net of acquisition: |
Accounts receivable |
15,387 |
(4,947 |
) |
Unbilled revenue |
(12,746 |
) |
4,620 |
Inventories |
1,886 |
(734 |
) |
Prepaid expenses and other current and non-current assets |
(1,738 |
) |
(1,343 |
) |
Income taxes receivable |
(124 |
) |
(489 |
) |
Operating lease assets |
643 |
589 |
Prepaid pension asset |
(117 |
) |
(144 |
) |
Increase (decrease) in operating liabilities, net of acquisition: |
Accounts payable |
1,505 |
(6,451 |
) |
Accrued compensation, accrued expenses and other current and non-current liabilities |
(4,801 |
) |
5 |
Customer deposits |
14,485 |
13,503 |
Income taxes payable |
(634 |
) |
— |
Operating lease liabilities |
(623 |
) |
(529 |
) |
Long-term portion of accrued compensation, accrued pension and postretirement benefit liabilities |
4 |
— |
Net cash provided by operating activities |
22,649 |
11,898 |
Investing activities: |
Purchase of property, plant and equipment |
(6,464 |
) |
(3,312 |
) |
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment |
— |
38 |
Acquisition of P3 Technologies, LLC |
(170 |
) |
— |
Net cash used by investing activities |
(6,634 |
) |
(3,274 |
) |
Financing activities: |
Principal repayments on debt |
— |
(1,020 |
) |
Repayments on financing lease obligations |
(157 |
) |
(147 |
) |
Issuance of common stock |
334 |
225 |
Purchase of treasury stock |
(854 |
) |
(57 |
) |
Net cash used by financing activities |
(677 |
) |
(999 |
) |
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash |
41 |
(82 |
) |
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents |
15,379 |
7,543 |
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period |
16,939 |
18,257 |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period |
$ |
32,318 |
$ |
25,800 |
See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
(Dollar amounts in thousands)
Common Stock |
Capital in |
Accumulated Other |
Total |
Par |
Excess of |
Retained |
Comprehensive |
Treasury |
Stockholders' |
Shares |
Value |
Par Value |
Earnings |
Loss |
Stock |
Equity |
Balance at April 1, 2024 |
10,993 |
$ |
1,099 |
$ |
32,015 |
$ |
81,999 |
$ |
(7,013 |
) |
$ |
(2,534 |
) |
$ |
105,566 |
Comprehensive income |
2,966 |
122 |
3,088 |
Issuance of shares |
50 |
5 |
(5 |
) |
— |
Recognition of equity-based compensation expense |
344 |
344 |
Purchase of treasury stock |
(810 |
) |
(810 |
) |
Balance at June 30, 2024 |
11,043 |
1,104 |
32,354 |
84,965 |
(6,891 |
) |
(3,344 |
) |
108,188 |
Comprehensive income |
3,281 |
281 |
3,562 |
Issuance of shares |
21 |
2 |
332 |
334 |
Recognition of equity-based compensation expense |
434 |
434 |
Purchase of treasury stock |
(44 |
) |
(44 |
) |
Balance at September 30, 2024 |
11,064 |
$ |
1,106 |
$ |
33,120 |
$ |
88,246 |
$ |
(6,610 |
) |
$ |
(3,388 |
) |
$ |
112,474 |
Common Stock |
Capital in |
Accumulated Other |
Total |
Par |
Excess of |
Retained |
Comprehensive |
Treasury |
Stockholders' |
Shares |
Value |
Par Value |
Earnings |
Loss |
Stock |
Equity |
Balance at April 1, 2023 |
10,774 |
$ |
1,075 |
$ |
28,061 |
$ |
77,443 |
$ |
(7,463 |
) |
$ |
(2,183 |
) |
$ |
96,933 |
Comprehensive income (loss) |
2,640 |
(88 |
) |
2,552 |
Issuance of shares |
53 |
8 |
(8 |
) |
— |
Forfeiture of shares |
(9 |
) |
(1 |
) |
1 |
— |
Recognition of equity-based compensation expense |
293 |
293 |
Issuance of treasury stock |
294 |
(294 |
) |
— |
Purchase of treasury stock |
(57 |
) |
(57 |
) |
Balance at June 30, 2023 |
10,818 |
1,082 |
28,641 |
80,083 |
(7,551 |
) |
(2,534 |
) |
99,721 |
Comprehensive income |
411 |
106 |
517 |
Issuance of shares |
28 |
2 |
223 |
225 |
Recognition of equity-based compensation expense |
332 |
332 |
Balance at September 30, 2023 |
10,846 |
$ |
1,084 |
$ |
29,196 |
$ |
80,494 |
$ |
(7,445 |
) |
$ |
(2,534 |
) |
$ |
100,795 |
See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
(Amounts in thousands, except per share data)
Graham Corporation's (the "Company's") Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements include its wholly-owned subsidiaries located in Arvada, Colorado, Suzhou, China and Ahmedabad, India at September 30 and March 31, 2024, and its recently acquired wholly-owned subsidiary, P3 Technologies, LLC ("P3"), located in Jupiter, Florida (see Note 2). The Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the U.S. ("GAAP") for interim financial information and the instructions to Form 10-Q and Rule 8-03 of Regulation S-X, each as promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company's Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements do not include all information and notes required by GAAP for complete financial statements. The unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2024 presented herein was derived from the Company’s audited Consolidated Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2024. For additional information, please refer to the consolidated financial statements and notes included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 ("fiscal 2024"). In the opinion of management, all adjustments, including normal recurring accruals considered necessary for a fair presentation, have been included in the Company's Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
The Company's results of operations and cash flows for the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 are not necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for the current fiscal year, which ends March 31, 2025 ("fiscal 2025").
On November 9, 2023, the Company completed its acquisition of P3, a privately-owned custom turbomachinery engineering, product development, and manufacturing business located in Jupiter, Florida that serves the space, new energy, defense, and medical industries. The Company believes this acquisition advances its growth strategy, further diversifies its market and product offerings, and broadens its turbomachinery solutions. P3 will be managed through the Company's Barber-Nichols, LLC ("BN") subsidiary and is highly complementary to BN's technology and enhances its turbomachinery solutions.
This transaction was accounted for as a business combination which requires that assets acquired and liabilities assumed be recognized at their fair value as of the acquisition date. The purchase price of $11,238 was comprised of 125 shares of the Company's common stock, representing a value of $1,930, and cash consideration of $7,268. The cash consideration was funded through borrowings on the Company's line of credit. The purchase agreement included a contingent earn-out dependent upon certain financial measures of P3 post-acquisition, in which the sellers are eligible to receive up to $3,000 in additional cash consideration. A rollforward of the P3 contingent earn-out liability since the date of acquisition is as follows:
Balance at November 9, 2023 |
$ |
2,040 |
Change in fair value |
80 |
Payments |
— |
Balance at March 31, 2024 |
2,120 |
Change in fair value |
(130 |
) |
Payments |
— |
Balance at June 30, 2024 |
1,990 |
Change in fair value |
(596 |
) |
Payments |
— |
Balance at September 30, 2024 |
$ |
1,394 |
The change in fair value of the contingent earn-out liability was included in other operating income in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations.
The cost of the acquisition was allocated to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed based upon their estimated fair value at the date of acquisition and the amount exceeding the fair value of $1,997 was recorded as goodwill, which is deductible for tax purposes. Goodwill generated in the acquisition is related to P3’s assembled workforce, synergies between the Company’s other operations and P3 that are expected to occur as a result of the combined engineering knowledge, the ability of each of the operations to leverage each other’s technology solutions, and the Company’s ability to utilize acquired management knowledge in providing complementary product
offerings to the Company’s customers. The following table summarizes the final purchase price allocation of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed:
November 9, |
2023 |
Assets acquired: |
Cash and cash equivalents |
$ |
286 |
Trade accounts receivable, net of allowances |
465 |
Unbilled revenue |
302 |
Inventories |
808 |
Prepaid expenses and other current assets |
93 |
Property, plant & equipment, net |
542 |
Operating lease assets |
130 |
Goodwill |
1,997 |
Customer relationships |
4,400 |
Technology and technical know-how |
2,500 |
Tradename |
300 |
Total assets acquired |
11,823 |
Liabilities assumed: |
Accrued compensation |
62 |
Customer deposits |
389 |
Operating lease liabilities |
134 |
Total liabilities assumed |
585 |
Purchase price |
$ |
11,238 |
The fair value of acquisition-related intangible assets includes customer relationships, technology and technical know-how, and tradename. The tradename is included in the line item other intangible assets, net in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. The fair value of customer relationships was calculated using an income approach, specifically the Multi Period Excess Earnings method, which incorporates assumptions regarding retention rate, new customer growth and customer related costs. The fair value of tradename and technology and technical know-how were both calculated using a Relief from Royalty method, which develops a market based royalty rate used to reflect the after tax royalty savings attributable to owning the intangible asset.
Customer relationships and tradename are amortized in selling, general and administrative expense on a straight line basis over their estimated useful lives of eight years and three years respectively. Technology and technical know-how is amortized in cost of products sold on a straight line basis over its estimated useful life of ten years.
During the three months ended June 30, 2024, the seller received $170 for tax liabilities owed in accordance with the purchase agreement.
The Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations for the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 includes net sales for P3 of $859 and $2,437, respectively and net (loss) income of ($200) and $276, respectively. The following unaudited pro forma information presents the consolidated results of operations of the Company as if the P3 acquisition had occurred at the beginning of each of the fiscal periods presented:
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Net sales |
$ |
53,563 |
$ |
46,833 |
$ |
103,514 |
$ |
95,833 |
Net income |
3,281 |
945 |
6,247 |
3,811 |
Income per share |
Basic |
$ |
0.30 |
$ |
0.09 |
$ |
0.57 |
$ |
0.35 |
Diluted |
$ |
0.30 |
$ |
0.09 |
$ |
0.57 |
$ |
0.35 |
The unaudited pro forma information presents the combined operating results of the Company and P3 with the results prior to the acquisition date adjusted to include the pro forma impact of the adjustment of depreciation of fixed assets based on the preliminary purchase price allocation, the adjustment to interest expense reflecting the cash paid in connection with the acquisition, including acquisition-related expenses, at the Company’s weighted average interest rate, amortization expense related to the fair value adjustments for intangible assets, non-recurring acquisition-related costs, and the impact of income taxes on the pro forma adjustments utilizing the applicable statutory tax rate.
The unaudited pro forma results are presented for illustrative purposes only. These pro forma results do not purport to be indicative of the results that would have actually been obtained if the acquisition occurred as of the beginning of each of the periods presented, nor does the pro forma data intend to be a projection of results that may be obtained in the future.
The Company recognizes revenue on contracts when or as it satisfies a performance obligation by transferring control of the product to the customer. For contracts in which revenue is recognized upon shipment, control is generally transferred when products are shipped, title is transferred, significant risks of ownership have transferred, the Company has rights to payment, and rewards of ownership pass to the customer. For contracts in which revenue is recognized over time, control is generally transferred as the Company creates an asset that does not have an alternative use to the Company and the Company has an enforceable right to payment for the performance completed to date.
The following table presents the Company’s revenue disaggregated by product line and geographic area:
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
Market |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Refining |
$ |
8,416 |
$ |
7,289 |
$ |
16,658 |
$ |
14,156 |
Chemical/Petrochemical |
5,422 |
4,365 |
10,205 |
10,406 |
Defense |
30,897 |
25,118 |
59,991 |
47,935 |
Space |
3,416 |
2,775 |
7,363 |
7,597 |
Other |
5,412 |
5,529 |
9,297 |
12,551 |
Net sales |
$ |
53,563 |
$ |
45,076 |
$ |
103,514 |
$ |
92,645 |
Geographic Region |
Asia |
$ |
4,274 |
$ |
2,980 |
$ |
9,576 |
$ |
8,882 |
Canada |
1,665 |
1,092 |
2,661 |
1,991 |
Middle East |
794 |
669 |
1,777 |
1,718 |
South America |
314 |
172 |
369 |
199 |
U.S. |
45,460 |
38,604 |
86,390 |
76,745 |
All other |
1,056 |
1,559 |
2,741 |
3,110 |
Net sales |
$ |
53,563 |
$ |
45,076 |
$ |
103,514 |
$ |
92,645 |
A performance obligation represents a promise in a contract to provide a distinct good or service to a customer. The Company accounts for a contract when it has approval and commitment from both parties, the rights of the parties are identified, payment terms are identified, the contract has commercial substance and collectability of consideration is probable. Transaction price reflects the amount of consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled in exchange for transferred products. A contract’s transaction price is allocated to each distinct performance obligation and revenue is recognized as the performance obligation is satisfied. In certain cases, the Company may separate a contract into more than one performance obligation, while in other cases, several products may be part of a fully integrated solution and are bundled into a single performance obligation. If a contract is separated into more than one performance obligation, the Company allocates the total transaction price to each performance obligation in an amount based on the estimated relative standalone selling prices of the promised goods underlying each performance obligation. The Company has made an accounting policy election to exclude from the measurement of the contract price all taxes assessed by government authorities that are collected by the Company from its customers. The Company does not adjust the contract price for the effects of a financing component if the Company expects, at contract inception, that the period between when a product is transferred to a customer and when the customer pays for the product will be one year or less. Shipping and handling fees billed to the customer are recorded in revenue and the related costs incurred for shipping and handling are included in cost of products sold.
The Company recognizes revenue over time when contract performance results in the creation of a product for which the Company does not have an alternative use and the contract includes an enforceable right to payment in an amount that corresponds directly with the value of the performance completed. To measure progress towards completion on performance obligations for which revenue is recognized over time the Company utilizes an input method based upon a ratio of direct labor hours incurred to date to management’s estimate of the total labor hours to be incurred on each contract, an input method based upon a ratio of total contract costs incurred to date to management’s estimate of the total contract costs to be incurred or an output method based upon completion of operational milestones, depending upon the nature of the contract. The Company has established the systems and procedures essential to developing the estimates required to account for performance obligations over time. These procedures include monthly review by management of costs incurred, progress towards completion, identified risks and opportunities, sourcing determinations, changes in estimates of costs yet to be incurred, availability of materials, and execution by subcontractors. Sales and earnings are adjusted in current accounting
periods based on revisions in the contract value due to pricing changes and estimated costs at completion. Losses on contracts are recognized immediately when evident to management. Revenue on the majority of the Company's contracts, as measured by number of contracts, is recognized upon shipment to the customer. Revenue on larger contracts, which are fewer in number but represent the majority of revenue, is recognized over time. The following table presents the Company's revenue percentages disaggregated by revenue recognized over time or upon shipment:
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Revenue recognized over time |
79 |
% |
75 |
% |
80 |
% |
78 |
% |
Revenue recognized at shipment |
21 |
% |
25 |
% |
20 |
% |
22 |
% |
The timing of revenue recognition, invoicing and cash collections affect trade accounts receivable, unbilled revenue (contract assets) and customer deposits (contract liabilities) on the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. Unbilled revenue represents revenue on contracts that is recognized over time and exceeds the amount that has been billed to the customer. Unbilled revenue is separately presented in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. The Company may have an unconditional right to payment upon billing and prior to satisfying the performance obligations. The Company will then record a contract liability and an offsetting asset of equal amount until the deposit is collected and the performance obligations are satisfied. Customer deposits are separately presented in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. Customer deposits are not considered a significant financing component as they are generally received less than one year before the product is completed or used to procure specific material on a contract, as well as related overhead costs incurred during design and construction.
Net contract assets (liabilities) consisted of the following:
September 30, 2024 |
March 31, 2024 |
Change |
Change due to revenue recognized |
Change due to invoicing customers/ additional deposits |
Unbilled revenue - contract assets |
$ |
40,730 |
$ |
28,015 |
$ |
12,715 |
$ |
52,216 |
$ |
(39,501 |
) |
Customer deposits - contract liabilities |
(86,483 |
) |
(71,987 |
) |
(14,496 |
) |
34,439 |
(48,935 |
) |
Net contract (liabilities) assets |
$ |
(45,753 |
) |
$ |
(43,972 |
) |
$ |
(1,781 |
) |
Contract liabilities at September 30 and March 31, 2024 include $8,344 and $21,426, respectively, of customer deposits for which the Company has an unconditional right to collect payment. Trade accounts receivable, as presented on the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets, includes corresponding balances at September 30, and March 31, 2024, respectively.
Receivables billed but not paid under retainage provisions in the Company’s customer contracts were $1,859 and $1,875 at September 30, and March 31, 2024, respectively.
The Company’s remaining unsatisfied performance obligations represent a measure of the total dollar value of work to be performed on contracts awarded and in progress. The Company also refers to this measure as backlog. As of September 30, 2024, the Company had remaining unsatisfied performance obligations of $407,009. The Company expects to recognize revenue on approximately 35% to 45% of the remaining performance obligations within one year, 30% to 40% in one to two years and the remaining beyond two years.
Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net realizable value, using the average cost method.
Major classifications of inventories are as follows:
September 30, |
March 31, |
2024 |
2024 |
Raw materials and supplies |
$ |
4,998 |
$ |
4,396 |
Work in process |
24,033 |
27,065 |
Finished products |
2,505 |
1,949 |
Total |
$ |
31,536 |
$ |
33,410 |
Intangible assets are comprised of the following:
Weighted Average Amortization Period |
Gross Carrying Amount |
Accumulated Amortization |
Net Carrying Amount |
At September 30, 2024 |
Intangibles subject to amortization: |
Customer relationships |
8 - 20 years |
$ |
16,200 |
$ |
2,471 |
$ |
13,729 |
Technology and technical know-how |
10 - 20 years |
12,600 |
1,912 |
10,688 |
Backlog |
4 years |
3,900 |
3,789 |
111 |
Tradename |
3 years |
300 |
92 |
208 |
$ |
33,000 |
$ |
8,264 |
$ |
24,736 |
Intangibles not subject to amortization: |
Tradename |
Indefinite |
$ |
6,700 |
$ |
— |
$ |
6,700 |
$ |
6,700 |
$ |
— |
$ |
6,700 |
Weighted Average Amortization Period |
Gross Carrying Amount |
Accumulated Amortization |
Net Carrying Amount |
At March 31, 2024 |
Intangibles subject to amortization: |
Customer relationships |
8 - 20 years |
$ |
16,200 |
$ |
1,901 |
$ |
14,299 |
Technology and technical know-how |
10 - 20 years |
12,600 |
1,535 |
11,065 |
Backlog |
4 years |
3,900 |
3,677 |
223 |
Tradename |
3 years |
300 |
42 |
258 |
$ |
33,000 |
$ |
7,155 |
$ |
25,845 |
Intangibles not subject to amortization: |
Tradename |
Indefinite |
$ |
6,700 |
$ |
— |
$ |
6,700 |
$ |
6,700 |
$ |
— |
$ |
6,700 |
Intangible amortization was $555 and $445 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $1,109 and $891 for the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The estimated annual future amortization expense by fiscal year is as follows:
Annual Amortization |
Remainder of 2025 |
$ |
1,109 |
2026 |
1,995 |
2027 |
1,953 |
2028 |
1,895 |
2029 |
1,895 |
2030 and thereafter |
15,889 |
Total intangible amortization |
$ |
24,736 |
The 2020 Graham Corporation Equity Incentive Plan, as amended (the "2020 Plan"), provides for the issuance of 722 shares of common stock in connection with grants of incentive stock options, non-qualified stock options, restricted stock units and stock awards to officers, key employees and outside directors, including 112 shares that became available under the 2020 Plan from the Company’s prior plan, the Amended and Restated 2000 Graham Corporation Incentive Plan to Increase Shareholder Value (the "2000 Plan"). As of August 11, 2020, the effective date of the 2020 Plan, no further awards will be granted under the 2000 Plan.
No time vesting restricted stock units ("RSUs") or performance based restricted stock units ("PSUs") were awarded in the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. The following restricted stock units were awarded in the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:
Vest 100% on First |
Vest One-Third Per Year |
Vest 100% on Third |
Anniversary (1) |
Over Three-Year Term (1) |
Anniversary (1) |
Officers and |
Officers and |
Total Shares |
Six months ended September 30, |
Directors |
Key Employees |
Key Employees |
Awarded |
2024 |
Time Vesting RSUs |
18 |
29 |
8 |
55 |
Performance Vesting PSUs |
— |
— |
62 |
62 |
2023 |
Time Vesting RSUs |
38 |
40 |
— |
78 |
Performance Vesting PSUs |
— |
— |
79 |
79 |
(1)Subject to the terms of the applicable award.
The Company has an Employee Stock Purchase Plan, as amended (the "ESPP"), which allows eligible employees to purchase shares of the Company's common stock at a discount of up to 15% of its fair market value on the lower of the last or first day of the six-month offering period. As of September 30, 2024, a total of 400 shares of common stock may be purchased under the ESPP.
The Company has recognized equity-based compensation costs, which is primarily included in selling, general and administrative costs, as follows:
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Restricted stock awards |
$ |
6 |
$ |
77 |
$ |
33 |
$ |
164 |
Restricted stock units |
394 |
249 |
682 |
445 |
Employee stock purchase plan |
34 |
6 |
63 |
16 |
$ |
434 |
$ |
332 |
$ |
778 |
$ |
625 |
Income tax benefit recognized |
$ |
100 |
$ |
74 |
$ |
179 |
$ |
139 |
Basic income per share is computed by dividing net income by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the period. Diluted income per share is calculated by dividing net income by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding
and, when applicable, potential common shares outstanding during the period. A reconciliation of the numerators and denominators of basic and diluted income per share is presented below:
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Basic income per share |
Numerator: |
Net income |
$ |
3,281 |
$ |
411 |
$ |
6,247 |
$ |
3,051 |
Denominator: |
Weighted average common shares outstanding |
10,887 |
10,699 |
10,875 |
10,675 |
Basic income per share |
$ |
0.30 |
$ |
0.04 |
$ |
0.57 |
$ |
0.29 |
Diluted income per share |
Numerator: |
Net income |
$ |
3,281 |
$ |
411 |
$ |
6,247 |
$ |
3,051 |
Denominator: |
Weighted average common shares outstanding |
10,887 |
10,699 |
10,875 |
10,675 |
Restricted stock units outstanding |
137 |
111 |
120 |
86 |
Weighted average common and potential common shares outstanding |
11,024 |
10,810 |
10,995 |
10,761 |
Diluted income per share |
$ |
0.30 |
$ |
0.04 |
$ |
0.57 |
$ |
0.28 |
The reconciliation of the changes in the product warranty liability is as follows:
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Balance at beginning of period |
$ |
702 |
$ |
616 |
$ |
806 |
$ |
578 |
Expense for product warranties |
25 |
112 |
48 |
203 |
Product warranty claims paid |
(90 |
) |
(90 |
) |
(217 |
) |
(143 |
) |
Balance at end of period |
$ |
637 |
$ |
638 |
$ |
637 |
$ |
638 |
The product warranty liability is included in the line item accrued expenses and other current liabilities in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets.
Interest and income taxes paid as well as non-cash investing and financing activities are as follows:
For the Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
Interest paid |
$ |
124 |
$ |
507 |
Income taxes paid |
2,073 |
337 |
Capital purchases recorded in accounts payable |
513 |
392 |
The Company has been named as a defendant in lawsuits alleging personal injury from exposure to asbestos allegedly contained in, or accompanying, products made by the Company or from exposure to asbestos at the Company facilities. The Company is a co-defendant with numerous other defendants in these lawsuits and intends to vigorously defend itself against these claims. The claims in most of the Company’s current lawsuits are similar to those made in previous asbestos-related suits that named the Company as a defendant, which either were dismissed when it was shown that the Company had not supplied products to the plaintiffs’ places of work or were settled for immaterial amounts. The Company believes that the resolution of these asbestos-related lawsuits will not have a
material adverse effect on the Company's financial position or results of operations. However, legal matters are subject to inherent uncertainties and there exists the possibility that the ultimate resolution of these asbestos-related lawsuits could have a material adverse impact on the Company's financial position and the results of operations.
During the third quarter of fiscal 2024, the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors, with the assistance of external counsel and forensic professionals, concluded an investigation into a whistleblower complaint received regarding its wholly-owned subsidiary Graham India Private Limited ("GIPL"). The investigation identified evidence supporting the complaint and other misconduct by employees. The other misconduct totaled $150 over a period of four years and was isolated to GIPL. All involved employees have been terminated and the Company has implemented remedial actions, including strengthening its compliance program and internal controls. As a result of the investigation, during the third quarter of fiscal 2024, the statutory auditor and bookkeeper of GIPL tendered their resignations and new firms were appointed. The Company has voluntarily reported the findings of its investigation to the appropriate authorities in India and the U.S. Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Although the resolutions of these matters are inherently uncertain, we do not believe any remaining impact will be material to the Company’s overall consolidated results of operations, financial position, or cash flows.
As of September 30, 2024, the Company was subject to the claims noted above, as well as other potential claims that have arisen in the ordinary course of business. Although the outcome of the lawsuits, legal proceedings or potential claims to which the Company is, or may become, a party to cannot be determined and an estimate of the reasonably possible loss or range of loss cannot be made for the majority of the claims, management does not believe that the outcomes, either individually or in the aggregate, will have a material adverse effect on the Company’s results of operations, financial position or cash flows.
The Company previously entered into operating leases with Ascent Properties Group, LLC, a limited liability company of which our Chief Executive Officer holds a majority interest, for two building lease agreements and two equipment lease agreements in Arvada, Colorado. In connection with such leases, the Company made fixed minimum lease payments to the lessor of $247 and $242 during the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $494 and $466 during the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The Company is obligated to make payments of $496 during the remainder of fiscal 2025. Future fixed minimum lease payments under these leases as of September 30, 2024 are $5,291.
The Company files federal and state income tax returns in several domestic and international jurisdictions. In most tax jurisdictions, returns are subject to examination by the relevant tax authorities for a number of years after the returns have been filed. The Company is subject to U.S. federal examination for the tax years 2020 through 2023 and examination in state tax jurisdictions for the tax years 2019 through 2023. The Company is subject to examination in the People’s Republic of China for tax years 2020 through 2023 and in India for tax years 2018 through 2023.
There was no liability for unrecognized tax benefits at either September 30, 2024 or March 31, 2024.
The income tax provision for interim periods is determined using an estimate of the annual effective tax rate, adjusted for discrete items, if any, that are taken into account in the relevant period. Each quarter, the estimate of the annual effective tax rate is updated, and if the estimated effective tax rate changes, a cumulative adjustment is made. There is a potential for volatility of the effective tax rate due to several factors, including discrete items, changes in the mix and amount of projected pre-tax income and the jurisdictions to which it relates, changes in tax laws and foreign tax holidays, business reorganizations, settlements with taxing authorities and foreign currency fluctuations. In addition, the Company continues to explore tax planning opportunities that may have a material impact on its effective tax rate. The Company's effective tax rate as of the second quarter of 2025 was 17.7% on $7,591 of income before taxes compared to 24.9% on $4,060 of income before taxes for the same period in fiscal 2024. The decrease in the Company's effective tax rate was primarily due to a discrete benefit recognized in the first quarter of fiscal 2025 related to the vesting of restricted stock awards and the Company's improved stock price over the last year. Additionally, the first six months of fiscal 2025 effective tax rate benefited from a higher mix of income in lower tax rate jurisdictions in fiscal 2025 compared to fiscal 2024.
The changes in accumulated other comprehensive loss by component for the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 are as follows:
Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Items |
Foreign Currency Items |
Total |
Balance at April 1, 2024 |
$ |
(6,776 |
) |
$ |
(237 |
) |
$ |
(7,013 |
) |
Other comprehensive loss before reclassifications |
— |
(28 |
) |
(28 |
) |
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss |
150 |
— |
150 |
Net current-period other comprehensive income (loss) |
150 |
(28 |
) |
122 |
Balance at June 30, 2024 |
(6,626 |
) |
(265 |
) |
(6,891 |
) |
Other comprehensive income before reclassifications |
— |
131 |
131 |
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss |
150 |
— |
150 |
Net current-period other comprehensive income |
150 |
131 |
281 |
Balance at September 30, 2024 |
$ |
(6,476 |
) |
$ |
(134 |
) |
$ |
(6,610 |
) |
Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Items |
Foreign Currency Items |
Total |
Balance at April 1, 2023 |
$ |
(7,470 |
) |
$ |
7 |
$ |
(7,463 |
) |
Other comprehensive loss before reclassifications |
— |
(252 |
) |
(252 |
) |
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss |
164 |
— |
164 |
Net current-period other comprehensive income (loss) |
164 |
(252 |
) |
$ |
(88 |
) |
Balance at June 30, 2023 |
(7,306 |
) |
(245 |
) |
(7,551 |
) |
Other comprehensive loss before reclassifications |
— |
(58 |
) |
(58 |
) |
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss |
164 |
— |
164 |
Net current-period other comprehensive income (loss) |
164 |
(58 |
) |
106 |
Balance at September 30, 2023 |
$ |
(7,142 |
) |
$ |
(303 |
) |
$ |
(7,445 |
) |
The reclassifications out of accumulated other comprehensive loss by component for the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 are as follows:
Details about Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss Components |
Amount Reclassified from Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss |
Affected Line Item in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income |
Three Months Ended |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
Pension and other postretirement benefit items: |
Amortization of actuarial loss |
$ |
195 |
(1) |
$ |
210 |
(1) |
Income before benefit for income taxes |
Tax effect |
45 |
46 |
Provision for income taxes |
$ |
150 |
$ |
164 |
Net income |
Details about Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss Components |
Amount Reclassified from Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss |
Affected Line Item in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
Pension and other postretirement benefit items: |
Amortization of actuarial loss |
$ |
390 |
(1) |
$ |
421 |
(1) |
Income before benefit for income taxes |
Tax effect |
90 |
93 |
Provision for income taxes |
$ |
300 |
$ |
328 |
Net income |
(1)These accumulated other comprehensive loss components are included within the computation of pension and other postretirement benefit costs.
On October 13, 2023, the Company terminated its revolving credit facility and repaid its term loan with Bank of America and entered into a new five-year revolving credit facility with Wells Fargo Bank, National Association ("Wells Fargo") that provides a $35,000 line of credit and automatically increased to $50,000 upon the Company satisfying specified covenants, which were satisfied during the second quarter of fiscal 2025 (the "New Revolving Credit Facility"). The New Revolving Credit Facility has a $25,000 sub-limit for letters of credit. As of September 30, 2024, there was $0 borrowed and $6,848 letters of credit outstanding on the New Revolving Credit Facility.
The New Revolving Credit Facility contains customary terms and conditions, including representations and warranties and affirmative and negative covenants, as well as financial covenants for the benefit of Wells Fargo, which require the Company to maintain (i) a consolidated total leverage ratio not to exceed 3.50:1.00 and (ii) a consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio of at least 1.20:1.00, in both cases computed in accordance with the definitions and requirements specified in the New Revolving Credit Facility. As of September 30, 2024, the Company was in compliance with the financial covenants of the New Revolving Credit Facility.
Borrowings under the New Revolving Credit Facility bear interest at a rate equal to, at the Company’s option, either (i) a forward-looking term rate based on the secured overnight financing rate ("SOFR") for the applicable interest period, subject to a floor of 0.0% per annum or (ii) a base rate determined by reference to the highest of (a) the rate of interest per annum publicly announced by the Lender as its prime rate, (b) the federal funds rate plus 0.50% per annum and (c) one-month term SOFR plus 1.00% per annum, subject to a floor of 1.00% per annum, plus, in each case, an applicable margin. The applicable margins range between (i) 1.25% per annum and 2.50% per annum in the case of any term SOFR loan and (ii) 0.25% per annum and 1.50% per annum in the case of any base rate loan, in each case based upon the Company’s then-current consolidated total leverage ratio; provided, however, for a period of one year following the closing date, the applicable margin shall be set at 1.25% per annum in the case of any term SOFR loan and 0.25% per annum in the case of any base rate loan. As of September 30, 2024, the SOFR rate was 4.96%.
The Company is required to pay a quarterly commitment fee on the unused portion of the New Revolving Credit Facility during the applicable quarter at a per annum rate also determined by reference to the Company’s then-current consolidated total leverage ratio, which fee ranges between 0.10% per annum and 0.20% per annum; provided, however, for a period of one year following the closing date, the quarterly commitment fee will be set at 0.10% per annum. Any outstanding letters of credit that are cash secured will bear a fee equal to the daily amount available to be drawn under such letters of credit multiplied by 0.65% per annum. Any outstanding letters of credit issued under the New Revolving Credit Facility will bear a fee equal to the daily amount drawn under such letters of credit multiplied by the applicable margin for term SOFR loans. As of September 30, 2024, the amount available under the New Revolving Credit Facility was $43,152, subject to the interest and leverage covenants.
As of September 30, 2024, $272 letters of credit remain outstanding with Bank of America and are cash secured. These outstanding letters of credit are subject to a fee of 0.60% per annum. As of September 30, 2024, $4,607 letters of credit are outstanding with HSBC Bank USA, N.A and are cash secured. These outstanding letters of credit are subject to a fee of between 0.75% and 0.85% per annum, depending on the term of the letter of credit. As of September 30, 2024, $11 letters of credit are outstanding with China Construction Bank and are cash secured. Additionally, we have a 20,000 RMB bank guaranty line of credit with China Citic Bank Co. LTD which had $1,919 letters of credit outstanding as of September 30, 2024. Outstanding letters of credit under this agreement are subject to a fee of 0.60% per annum.
On July 15, 2024, the Company and Wells Fargo entered into an amendment to the New Revolving Credit Facility, which increased the maximum aggregate principal amount of indebtedness of Foreign Subsidiaries and Non-Guarantor Subsidiaries, as defined in the New Revolving Credit Facility, allowed under the New Revolving Credit Facility from $2,000 to $3,500.
Total letters of credit outstanding as of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024 were $13,656 and $8,442, respectively.
In the normal course of business, management evaluates all new accounting pronouncements issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB"), the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Emerging Issues Task Force, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants or any other authoritative accounting bodies to determine the potential impact they may have on the Company's consolidated financial statements.
In November 2023, the FASB issued Accounting Standards Update ("ASU") No. 2023-07, "Segment Reporting (Topic 280)," which requires companies to enhance disclosure of significant segment expenses by requiring disclosure of significant segment expenses regularly provided to the chief operating decision maker, extend certain annual disclosures to interim periods, and permits more than one measure of segment profit or loss to be reported under certain conditions. The amendments are effective for the Company in years beginning after December 15, 2023, and interim periods within years beginning after December 15, 2024. The Company is currently evaluating the impact that the adoption of this ASU will have on its consolidated financial statements.
In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-09, Income Taxes (Topic 740)-Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures. The ASU requires additional quantitative and qualitative income tax disclosures to allow readers of the consolidated financial statements to assess how the Company’s operations, related tax risks and tax planning affect its tax rate and prospects for future cash flows. For public business entities, the ASU is effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2024. The Company is currently evaluating the impact that the adoption of this ASU will have on its consolidated financial statements.
Item 2. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
(Dollar and share amounts in thousands, except per share data)
We are a global leader in the design and manufacture of mission critical fluid, power, heat transfer and vacuum technologies for the defense, space, energy and process industries. For the defense industry, our equipment is used in nuclear and non-nuclear propulsion, power, fluid transfer, and thermal management systems. For the space industry, our equipment is used in propulsion, power and energy management systems and for life support systems. We supply equipment for vacuum, heat transfer and fluid transfer applications used in energy and new energy markets including oil refining, cogeneration, and multiple alternative and clean power applications including hydrogen. For the chemical and petrochemical industries, our equipment is used in fertilizer, ammonia, ethylene, methanol and downstream chemical facilities.
Our brands are built upon engineering expertise and close customer collaboration to design, develop, and produce mission critical equipment and systems that enable our customers to meet their economic and operational objectives. Continual improvement of our processes and systems to ensure qualified and compliant equipment are hallmarks of our brand. Our early engagement with customers and support until the end of service life are values upon which our brands are built.
Our corporate headquarters is located with our production facilities in Batavia, New York, where surface condensers and ejectors are designed, engineered, and manufactured for the defense, energy, and petrochemical industries. Our wholly-owned subsidiary, Barber-Nichols, LLC ("BN"), based in Arvada, Colorado, designs, develops, manufactures and sells specialty turbomachinery products for the space, aerospace, cryogenic, defense, and energy markets. In November 2023, we acquired P3 Technologies, LLC ("P3"), located in Jupiter, Florida (See "Acquisition" below). We also have wholly-owned foreign subsidiaries, Graham Vacuum and Heat Transfer Technology Co., Ltd. ("GVHTT"), located in Suzhou, China and Graham India Private Limited ("GIPL"), located in Ahmedabad, India. GVHTT provides sales and engineering support for us throughout Southeast Asia. GIPL provides sales and engineering support for us in India and the Middle East.
Our fiscal year ends on March 31 of each year. We refer to our fiscal year, which ends March 31, 2025, as fiscal 2025. Likewise, we refer to our fiscal year that ended March 31, 2024 and March 31, 2023 as fiscal 2024 and fiscal 2023, respectively.
On November 9, 2023, we completed our acquisition of P3, a privately-owned custom turbomachinery engineering, product development, and manufacturing business located in Jupiter, Florida that serves the space, new energy, defense, and medical industries. We believe this acquisition advances our growth strategy, further diversifies our market and product offerings, and broadens our turbomachinery solutions. P3 will be managed through BN and is highly complementary to BN's technology and enhances its turbomachinery solutions.
The purchase price for P3 was $11,238 and was comprised of 125 shares of our common stock, representing a value of $1,930, and cash consideration of $7,268. The cash consideration was funded through borrowings on our line of credit. The purchase agreement included a contingent earn-out dependent upon certain financial measures of P3 post-acquisition, in which the sellers are eligible to receive up to $3,000 in additional cash consideration. See Note 2 to the Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements included in Part I, Item 1 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the second quarter ended September 30, 2024 (the "Form 10-Q") for additional information.
Highlights for the three months ended September 30, 2024 include:
•Net sales for the second quarter of fiscal 2025 were $53,563, up $8,487, or 19% compared with $45,076 for the second quarter of fiscal 2024. Incremental revenue from the acquisition of P3 accounted for $859 of this increase. The remainder of this increase was spread across our markets including a $5,779 or 23% increase in sales to the defense industry, primarily due to new programs, growth in existing programs, and timing. Net sales for the quarter for the refining and chemical/petrochemical markets increased 15% and 24%, respectively, driven by increased sales in India and the timing of larger capital projects, partially offset by lower aftermarket sales and sales in China. Aftermarket sales to the refining, chemical/petrochemical, and defense markets of $9.8 million remained strong but were $1.5 million lower than the prior year record levels.
•Gross profit and margin for the second quarter of fiscal 2025 was 12,799 and 23.9%, respectively. The 790 basis point improvement in gross profit margin over the comparable period of fiscal 2024 reflected increased leverage on fixed overhead costs due to the higher volume of sales discussed above, as well as an improved mix of sales related to higher margin projects, better execution, and improved pricing. Additionally, second quarter fiscal 2025 gross profit benefited $435 due to a $2,100 grant received from the BlueForge Alliance to reimburse us for the cost of our defense welder training programs
in Batavia and related equipment. To date we have received $1,098 of funding under this grant. The BlueForge Alliance is a nonprofit, neutral integrator that supports the United States ("U.S.") Navy's Submarine Industrial Base Initiatives.
•Selling, general and administrative expenses ("SG&A"), including intangible amortization, for the second quarter of fiscal 2025 increased $2,772 over the same period of fiscal 2024 and reflects the investments we are making in our operations, our employees, and our technology. In connection with the acquisition of BN, we entered into a Performance Bonus Agreement to provide employees of BN with a supplemental performance-based award based on the achievement of BN performance objectives for the fiscal years ending March 31, 2024, 2025, and 2026, which can range between $2,000 to $4,000 per year (the "BN Performance Bonus). During the second quarter of fiscal 2025, we recorded $1,076 related to the BN Performance Bonus, a $274 increase over the prior year. The remainder of the increase in SG&A is primarily due to costs related to the implementation of a new enterprise resource planning ("ERP") system at our Batavia facility and additional costs related to P3, as well as increased professional services fees, research and development investment, and personnel costs in connection with our growth and strategic initiatives.
•Net income and income per diluted share for the second quarter of fiscal 2025 were $3,281 and $0.30, respectively, compared with net income and income per diluted share of $411 and $0.04, respectively, for the second quarter of fiscal 2024. Adjusted net income and adjusted net income per diluted share for the second quarter of fiscal 2025 were $3,414 and $0.31, respectively, compared with adjusted net income and adjusted net income per diluted share of $754 and $0.07, respectively, for the second quarter of fiscal 2024. See "Non-GAAP Measures" below for a reconciliation of adjusted net income and adjusted net income per diluted share to the comparable GAAP amount.
•Orders booked in the second quarter of fiscal 2025 increased to $63,678 compared with $36,464 in the second quarter of fiscal 2024. This increase was primarily in the defense and space markets and included an order received to provide the cryogenic pumps for a space launch vehicle and contract to provide the MK19 Air Turbine Pump for the U.S. Navy Columbia-class submarine, which is a new program for the Company. Additionally, after-market orders for the refining and petrochemical markets for the second quarter of fiscal 2025 increase 11% to $12,741 compared with the prior-year period. For more information on this key performance indicator see "Orders and Backlog" below.
•Backlog was $407,009 at September 30, 2024, compared with $390,868 and $313,343 at March 31, 2024 and September 30, 2023, respectively. This increase was primarily driven by growth in our chemical/petrochemical and space markets. For more information on this key performance indicator see "Orders and Backlog" below.
•Cash and cash equivalents at September 30, 2024 were $32,318, compared with $16,939 at March 31, 2024. This increase was primarily due to cash provided by operating activities of $22,649, partially offset by capital expenditures of $6,464 as we continue to invest in process improvement and longer-term growth opportunities. Cash flow from operations during the quarter was primarily driven by cash net income and a reduction in working capital as a result of strong cash management and favorable contract terms.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This Form 10-Q and other documents we file with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") include forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements for purposes of this Form 10-Q. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to be materially different from any future results implied by the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are indicated by words such as "anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "can," "may," "intend," "expect," "plan," "goal," "predict," "project," "outlook," "potential," "will," and similar words and expressions.
Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and there are certain important factors that could cause our actual results to differ, possibly materially, from expectations or estimates reflected in such forward-looking statements including, but not limited to, those described in the "Risk Factors" section in Item 1A of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for fiscal 2024 and elsewhere in the reports we file with the SEC. Undue reliance should not be placed on our forward-looking statements. New risks and uncertainties arise from time to time and we cannot predict these events or how they may affect us and cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by our forward-looking statements. Therefore, you should not rely on our forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. When considering these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, you should keep in mind the cautionary statements contained in this report and any documents incorporated herein by reference. You should read this document and the documents that we reference in this Form 10-Q completely and with the understanding that our actual future results may be materially different from what we expect. All forward-looking statements attributable to us are expressly qualified by these cautionary statements.
All forward-looking statements included in this Form 10-Q are made only as of the date indicated or as of the date of this Form 10-Q. Except as required by law, we undertake no obligation to update or announce any revisions to forward-looking statements contained in this report, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
Current Market Conditions
Demand for our equipment and systems for the defense industry is expected to remain strong and continue to expand, based on defense budget plans, accelerated ship build schedules, increased geopolitical tensions, the projected build schedule of submarines, aircraft carriers and undersea propulsion and power systems and the solutions we provide. In addition to U.S. Navy applications, we also provide specialty pumps, turbines, compressors, and controllers for various fluid and thermal management systems used in U.S. Department of Defense radar, laser, electronics, and power systems. We have built a leading position, and in most instances a sole source position, for certain systems and equipment for the defense industry.
Our traditional energy markets are undergoing significant transition. While we expect that fossil fuels will continue to be an important component in the global energy industry for many years to come, there are significant changes in the priorities for capital investments by our customers and the regions in which those investments are being made. We expect that the systemic changes in the energy markets, which are influenced by the increasing use by consumers of alternative fuels and government policies to stimulate their usage, will lead to demand growth for fossil-based fuels that is less than the global growth rate. The timing and catalyst for a recovery in this market remain uncertain. Accordingly, we believe that in the near term the quantity of projects available for us to compete for will remain low and that new project pricing will remain challenging. Additionally, we believe that the majority of new capital investment orders in our traditional energy markets will be outside the U.S. such as India and the Middle-East. Finally, over the last few years we have experienced an increase in our energy and chemical aftermarket orders primarily from the domestic market as our customers continue to maintain and invest in the facilities they currently operate. We expect this trend to continue for the foreseeable future.
Over the long-term, we expect that population growth, an expanding global middle class, and an increasing desire for improved quality of life and access to consumer products will drive increased demand for industrial goods within the plastics and resins value chain along with fertilizers and related products. As such, we expect investment in new global chemical and petrochemical capacity will improve and drive growth in demand for our products and services.
We intend to stay competitive in our traditional energy and chemical/petrochemical markets by investing in technology such as our NextGen steam ejector nozzle, which has been engineered to reduce steam consumption, lower operating costs, and increase system capacity, allowing refineries and process plants to enhance throughput while minimizing their carbon footprint. We estimate that the total market opportunity for our NextGen nozzle exceeds $50 million over the next 5 to 10 years.
Our turbomachinery, pumps, and cryogenic products and market access provide revenue and growth potential in the commercial space/aerospace markets. The commercial space market has grown and evolved rapidly, and we provide rocket engine turbopump systems and components to many of the launch providers for satellites. We expect that in the long-term, extended space exploration will become more prevalent, and we anticipate that our thermal/fluid management and environmental control and life support system turbomachinery will play important roles. We are also participating in future aerospace power and propulsion system development through supply of fluid and thermal management systems components. Small power dense systems are imperative for these applications, and we believe our technology and expertise will enable us to achieve sales growth in this market. Sales and orders to the space industry are variable in nature and many of our customers, who are key players in the industry, have yet to achieve profitability and may be unable to continue operations without additional funding. As a result, future revenue and growth to this market can be uncertain and may negatively impact our business.
The alternative and clean energy opportunities for our heat transfer, power production and fluid transfer systems are expected to continue to grow. We assist in designing, developing and producing equipment for hydrogen production, distribution and fueling systems, concentrated solar power and storage, small modular nuclear systems, bioenergy products, and geothermal power generation with lithium extraction. We are positioning the Company to be a more significant contributor as these markets continue to develop.
As illustrated below, we have succeeded over the last several years with our strategy to increase our participation in the defense market, which comprised 83% of our total backlog at September 30, 2024.

*Note: "FYE" refers to fiscal year ended March 31
Results of Operations
To better understand the significant factors that influenced our performance during the periods presented, the following discussion should be read in conjunction with our Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements and the notes to our Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements included in Part I, Item 1, of this Form 10-Q.
The following table summarizes our results of operations for the periods indicated:
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Net sales |
$ |
53,563 |
$ |
45,076 |
$ |
103,514 |
$ |
92,645 |
Gross profit |
$ |
12,799 |
$ |
7,191 |
$ |
25,167 |
$ |
18,168 |
Gross profit margin |
24 |
% |
16 |
% |
24 |
% |
20 |
% |
SG&A expenses |
$ |
9,160 |
$ |
6,388 |
$ |
18,434 |
$ |
13,681 |
SG&A as a percent of sales |
17 |
% |
14 |
% |
18 |
% |
15 |
% |
Net income |
$ |
3,281 |
$ |
411 |
$ |
6,247 |
$ |
3,051 |
Income per diluted share |
$ |
0.30 |
$ |
0.04 |
$ |
0.57 |
$ |
0.28 |
The following tables provide our net sales by product line and geographic region including the percentage of total and change in comparison to the prior year for each category and period presented. Percentages may not sum to the total due to rounding:

Second Quarter and First Six Months of Fiscal 2025 Compared with Second Quarter and First Six Months of Fiscal 2024
Net sales for the second quarter of fiscal 2025 increased $8,487, or 19%, compared with the second quarter of fiscal 2024. Incremental revenue from the acquisition of P3 accounted for $859 of this increase. The remainder of this increase was spread across our markets including a $5,779, or 23%, increase in sales to the defense industry, primarily due to new programs, growth in existing programs, and timing. Net sales for the quarter for the refining and chemical/petrochemical markets increased 15% and 24%,
respectively, driven by increased sales in India and the timing of larger capital projects, partially offset by lower aftermarket sales and sales in China. Aftermarket sales to the refining, chemical/petrochemical, and defense markets of $9.8 million remained strong but were $1.5 million lower than the prior year record levels.
Domestic sales as a percentage of aggregate sales were 85% in the second quarter of fiscal 2025, comparable to the 86% in the second quarter of fiscal 2024, reflecting our continued presence in the defense industry, which is U.S. based. Sales for the three months ended September 30, 2024 were 58% to the defense industry compared to 56% for the comparable quarter in fiscal 2024.
Net sales for the first six months of fiscal 2025 increased $10,869, or 12%, from the first six months of fiscal 2024. Approximately $2,437 of this increase was due to the acquisition of P3. Additionally, the increase over the prior year was due to a $12,056, or 28%, increase in sales to the defense industry, primarily due to better execution, improved pricing, new programs, growth in existing programs, and increased direct labor. Net sales for the first six months of fiscal 2025 to the refining market increased 18%, driven by increased sales in India and the timing of larger capital projects, partially offset by lower aftermarket sales and sales in China. Aftermarket sales to the refining, chemical/petrochemical, and defense markets of $17,610 remained strong but were $4,553 lower than the prior year record levels. These increases were partially offset by a $3,254 decrease in "Other" sales due to project timing across multiple markets and customers.
Domestic sales as a percentage of aggregate sales were 83% for the first six months of fiscal 2025, comparable to the same period of fiscal 2024, reflecting our continued presence in the defense industry, which is U.S. based. Sales for the six months ended September 30, 2024 were 58% to the defense industry compared to 52% for the comparable quarter in fiscal 2024. Fluctuation in sales among markets, products and geographic locations varies, sometimes significantly, from quarter-to-quarter based on timing and magnitude of projects. See also "Current Market Conditions," above. For additional information on anticipated future sales and our markets, see "Orders and Backlog" below.
Gross profit and margin for the second quarter of fiscal 2025 was $12,799 and 23.9%, respectively. Gross profit and margin for the first six months of fiscal 2025 was $25,167 and 24.3%, respectively. These 790 and 470 basis point improvements in gross profit margin over the comparable quarter and year-to-date periods of fiscal 2024, respectively, reflected increased leverage on fixed overhead costs due to the higher volume of sales discussed above, as well as an improved mix of sales related to higher margin projects, better execution, and improved pricing, partially offset by higher incentive compensation in comparison with the prior year. Additionally, second quarter and the first six months of fiscal 2025 gross profit benefited $435 and $915, respectively, from a $2,100 grant received from the BlueForge Alliance to reimburse us for the cost of our defense welder training programs in Batavia and related equipment. To date we have received $1,098 of funding under this grant.
Changes in SG&A expense, including amortization expense, for the three and six months ending September 30, 2024 versus the comparable prior year period is as follows:
Change Q2 FY25 vs. Q2 FY24 |
Change YTD Q2 FY25 vs. YTD Q2 FY24 |
BN Performance Bonus |
$ |
274 |
$ |
583 |
Amortization of intangibles |
164 |
326 |
P3 Technologies |
207 |
394 |
ERP implementation costs |
205 |
547 |
Equity based compensation |
204 |
260 |
Performance-based compensation |
236 |
112 |
Professional fees |
154 |
373 |
Research & development |
176 |
530 |
Personnel costs |
469 |
901 |
All other |
683 |
727 |
Total SG&A change |
$ |
2,772 |
$ |
4,753 |
In connection with the acquisition of BN, we entered into a Performance Bonus Agreement to provide employees of BN with a supplemental performance-based award based on the achievement of BN performance objectives for fiscal years ending March 31, 2024, 2025 and 2026, which can range between $2,000 and $4,000 per year. The increase in research and development costs reflects the increased level of investment we are making in our products and technology. The increase in ERP implementation costs related to the new ERP system at our Batavia facility. In addition to the above, P3 added $371 and $720 to SG&A expense for the quarter and first six months of fiscal 2025 versus the prior year, respectively, which includes amortization of customer relationship and tradename intangibles. Other increases to SG&A include increases due to normal merit increases as well as increased staffing to support our growth.
Other operating income represents the change in fair value of the P3 contingent earn-out liability and was $596 and $726 for the three and six month periods ended September 30, 2024, respectively, versus $0 for the comparable prior year periods of fiscal 2024.
Net interest income for the second quarter and first six months of fiscal 2025 was $153 and $314, respectively, compared to net interest expense of $55 and $240 for the comparable periods of fiscal 2024, respectively. This increase in interest income was due to our strong cash position and lower debt levels versus fiscal 2024.
Our effective tax rate for the second quarter of fiscal 2025 was 24%, compared with 37% in the second quarter of fiscal 2024. Our effective tax rate for the first six months of fiscal 2025 was 18%, compared with 25% for the first six months of fiscal 2024. Our effective tax rate can vary significantly from quarter to quarter depending on the level of projected pre-tax income, the amount of projected income derived from our higher tax rate foreign subsidiaries, as well as the timing of discrete tax items, primarily related to the vesting of restricted stock awards. The decrease in our effective tax rate was primarily due to a discrete benefit recognized in the first quarter of fiscal 2025 related to the vesting of restricted stock awards and the Company's improved stock price over the last year. Additionally, the first six months of fiscal 2025 effective tax rate benefited from a higher mix of income in lower tax rate jurisdictions in fiscal 2025 compared to fiscal 2024. For fiscal 2025, we expect our effective tax rate to be between 20% and 22%, as the impact of these discrete tax items on our full year effective tax rate lessens over the course of the year.
The result of the above is that net income and income per diluted share for the second quarter of fiscal 2025 were $3,281 and $0.30, respectively, compared with $411 and $0.04, respectively, for the second quarter of fiscal 2024. Adjusted net income and adjusted net income per diluted share for the second quarter of fiscal 2025 were $3,414 and $0.31, respectively, compared with net income of $754 and $0.07, respectively, for the second quarter of fiscal 2024. See "Non-GAAP Measures" below for a reconciliation of adjusted net income and adjusted net income per diluted share to the comparable GAAP amount.
Net income and income per diluted share for the first six months of fiscal 2025 were $6,247 and $0.57, respectively, compared with net income of $3,051 and $0.28, respectively, for the first six months of fiscal 2024. Adjusted net income and adjusted net income per diluted share for the first six months of fiscal 2025 were $6,999 and $0.64, respectively, compared with net income of $3,737 and $0.35, respectively, for the first six months of fiscal 2024. See "Non-GAAP Measures" below for a reconciliation of adjusted net income and adjusted net income per diluted share to the comparable GAAP amount.
Non-GAAP Measures
Adjusted net income before interest (income) expense, income taxes, depreciation and amortization ("EBITDA"), adjusted net income, and adjusted net income per diluted share are provided for informational purposes only and are not measures of financial performance under accounting principles generally accepted in the U.S. ("GAAP").
Management believes the presentation of these financial measures reflecting non-GAAP adjustments provides important supplemental information to investors and other users of our financial statements in evaluating the operating results of the Company. In particular, those charges and credits that are not directly related to our operating performance, and are not reflective of our underlying business particularly in light of their unpredictable nature. These non-GAAP disclosures have limitations as analytical tools, should not be viewed as a substitute for net income or net income per diluted share determined in accordance with GAAP, and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for analysis of our results as reported under GAAP, nor are they necessarily comparable to non-GAAP performance measures that may be presented by other companies. In addition, supplemental presentation should not be construed as an inference that our future results will be unaffected by similar adjustments to net income or net income per diluted share determined in accordance with GAAP. Adjusted EBITDA, adjusted net income and adjusted net income per diluted share are key metrics used by management and our board of directors to assess the Company’s financial and operating performance and adjusted EBITDA is a basis for a significant portion of management's performance-based compensation.
Adjusted EBITDA excludes charges for depreciation, amortization, interest (income) expense, income taxes, acquisition related (income) expenses, equity-based compensation, ERP implementation costs, and other unusual/nonrecurring items. Adjusted net income and adjusted net income per diluted share exclude intangible amortization, acquisition related (income) expenses, other unusual/nonrecurring items, and the related tax impacts of those adjustments.
A reconciliation of adjusted EBITDA, adjusted net income and adjusted net income per diluted share to net income in accordance with GAAP is as follows:
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Net income |
$ |
3,281 |
$ |
411 |
$ |
6,247 |
$ |
3,051 |
Acquisition & integration income |
(587 |
) |
- |
(680 |
) |
- |
Equity-based compensation |
434 |
332 |
778 |
625 |
ERP implementation costs |
205 |
- |
547 |
- |
Net interest (income) expense |
(153 |
) |
55 |
(314 |
) |
240 |
Income tax expense |
1,016 |
243 |
1,344 |
1,009 |
Depreciation & amortization |
1,419 |
1,201 |
2,830 |
2,440 |
Adjusted EBITDA(1) |
$ |
5,615 |
$ |
2,242 |
$ |
10,752 |
$ |
7,365 |
Net Sales |
$ |
53,563 |
$ |
45,076 |
$ |
103,514 |
$ |
92,645 |
Net income as a % of revenue |
6.1 |
% |
0.9 |
% |
6.0 |
% |
3.3 |
% |
Adjusted EBITDA as a % of revenue |
10.5 |
% |
5.0 |
% |
10.4 |
% |
7.9 |
% |
(1) Beginning in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024, adjusted EBITDA no longer excludes the BN Performance Bonus, but now excludes the impact of non-cash equity-based compensation expense in order to be more consistent with market practice. Prior period results have been adjusted to reflect these changes on a comparable basis. The BN Performance Bonus expense was $1,076 and $2,152 for the second quarter and first six months of fiscal 2025, respectively, and $802 and $1,569 for the second quarter and first six months of fiscal 2024, respectively, and will be completed at the end of fiscal year 2026. |
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Net income |
$ |
3,281 |
$ |
411 |
$ |
6,247 |
$ |
3,051 |
Acquisition & integration income |
(587 |
) |
- |
(680 |
) |
- |
Amortization of intangible assets |
555 |
445 |
1,109 |
891 |
ERP implementation costs |
205 |
- |
547 |
- |
Normalized tax rate(1) |
(40 |
) |
(102 |
) |
(224 |
) |
(205 |
) |
Adjusted net income(2) |
$ |
3,414 |
$ |
754 |
$ |
6,999 |
$ |
3,737 |
GAAP net income per diluted share |
$ |
0.30 |
$ |
0.04 |
$ |
0.57 |
$ |
0.28 |
Adjusted net income per diluted share |
$ |
0.31 |
$ |
0.07 |
$ |
0.64 |
$ |
0.35 |
Diluted weighted average common shares outstanding |
11,024 |
10,810 |
10,995 |
10,761 |
(1) Applies a normalized tax rate to non-GAAP adjustments, which are pre-tax, based upon the statutory tax rate. |
(2) Beginning in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024, adjusted net income no longer excludes the BN Performance Bonus. Prior period results have been adjusted to reflect this change on a comparable basis. The BN Performance Bonus expense, net-of-tax, was $829 and $1,657 for the second quarter and first six months of fiscal 2025, respectively, and $618 and $1,208 for the second quarter and first six months of fiscal 2024, respectively, and will be completed at the end of fiscal year 2026. |
Acquisition and integration (income) costs are incremental costs that are directly related to and as a result of the P3 acquisition. These costs (income) may include, among other things, professional, consulting and other fees, system integration costs, and contingent consideration fair value adjustments. ERP implementation costs primarily relate to consulting costs (training, data conversion, and
project management) incurred in connection with the ERP system being implemented throughout our Batavia, New York facility in order to enhance efficiency and productivity and are not expected to recur once the project is completed.
Liquidity and Capital Resources
The following discussion should be read in conjunction with our Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets and Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows:
September 30, |
March 31, |
2024 |
2024 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
$ |
32,318 |
$ |
16,939 |
Working capital (1) |
10,397 |
8,112 |
Working capital ratio(1) |
1.1 |
1.1 |
(1)Working capital equals current assets minus current liabilities. Working capital ratio equals current assets divided by current liabilities.
Net cash provided by operating activities for the first six months of fiscal 2025 was $22,649 compared with $11,898 for the first six months of fiscal 2024. This increase was primarily a result of higher cash net income and a reduction in working capital. Over the last year, cash flow from operations benefited approximately $21,000 from customer deposits, net of unbilled revenue, primarily from long-term U.S. Navy defense contracts/projects, that will require cash expenditures over the next 12 to 24 months, which could reduce cash flows from operations.
Capital expenditures for the first six months of fiscal 2025 was $6,464 compared to $3,312 for the comparable period in fiscal 2024. Capital expenditures for fiscal 2025 were primarily for machinery and equipment, as well as for buildings and leasehold improvements to support our growth and productivity improvement initiatives and included expenditures related to the expansion of defense production capabilities at our Batavia facility, which is primarily being funded by a $13,500 strategic grant from one of our defense customers. We have increased our expected fiscal 2025 capital expenditures to be in the range of $13,000 to $18,000 from our previous expectations of $10,000 to $15,000 due to a land purchase in Arvada, Colorado and plans to build a cryogenic propellant (LH2, LOX, LCH4) testing facility in Florida to support future growth and customer needs. Approximately half of our planned capital expenditures for fiscal 2025 are discretionary, with the other half being related to the Batavia facility defense expansion. We estimate that our maintenance capital spend is approximately $2,000 per year. However, for the next several years we expect capital expenditures to be approximately 7% to 10% of sales as we continue to invest in our business in order to support our long-term organic growth goals.
Cash and cash equivalents were $32,318 at September 30, 2024 compared with $16,939 at March 31, 2024, up $15,379 primarily due to cash provided by operations, offset by capital expenditures. At September 30, 2024, $4,890 of our cash and cash equivalents was used to secure our letters of credit and $3,816 of our cash was held by foreign subsidiaries.
On October 13, 2023, we terminated our revolving credit facility and repaid our term loan with Bank of America, and entered into a new five-year revolving credit facility with Wells Fargo that provides a $35,000 line of credit that automatically increases to $50,000 upon the Company satisfying specified covenants, which were satisfied during the second quarter of fiscal 2025 (the "New Revolving Credit Facility"). As of September 30, 2024, there were no borrowings and $6,847 letters of credit outstanding on the New Revolving Credit Facility and the amount available to borrow was $43,152, subject to interest and leverage covenants.
The New Revolving Credit Facility contains customary terms and conditions, including representations and warranties and affirmative and negative covenants, as well as financial covenants for the benefit of Wells Fargo, which require us to maintain (i) a consolidated total leverage ratio not to exceed 3.50:1.00 and (ii) a consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio of at least 1.20:1.00, in both cases computed in accordance with the definitions and requirements specified in the New Revolving Credit Facility. As of September 30, 2024, we were in compliance with the financial covenants of the New Revolving Credit Facility and our leverage ratio as calculated in accordance with the terms of the New Revolving Credit Facility was 0.6x.
The New Revolving Credit Facility contains terms that may, under certain circumstances as defined in the agreement, restrict our ability to declare or pay dividends. Any determination by our Board of Directors regarding dividends in the future will depend on a variety of factors, including our future financial performance, organic and inorganic growth opportunities, general economic conditions, and financial, competitive, regulatory, and other factors, many of which are beyond our control. We did not pay any dividends during the six months ended September 30, 2024, or during fiscal 2024 and currently have no intention to pay dividends for the foreseeable future.
We did not have any off-balance sheet arrangements as of September 30, 2024 and 2023, other than letters of credit incurred in the ordinary course of business.
We believe that cash generated from operations combined with the liquidity provided by our New Revolving Credit Facility, will be adequate to meet our cash needs for the immediate future.
Orders and Backlog
In addition to the non-GAAP measures discussed above, management uses the following key performance metrics to analyze and measure our financial performance and results of operations: orders, backlog, and book-to-bill ratio. Management uses orders and backlog as measures of current and future business and financial performance and these may not be comparable with measures provided by other companies. Orders represent written communications received from customers requesting us to provide products and/or services. Backlog is defined as the total dollar value of net orders received for which revenue has not yet been recognized. Management believes tracking orders and backlog are useful as it often times is a leading indicator of future performance. In accordance with industry practice, contracts may include provisions for cancellation, termination, or suspension at the discretion of the customer.
The book-to-bill ratio is an operational measure that management uses to track the growth prospects of the Company. The Company calculates the book-to-bill ratio for a given period as net orders divided by net sales.
Given that each of orders, backlog, and book-to-bill ratio is an operational measure and that the Company's methodology for calculating orders, backlog and book-to-bill ratio does not meet the definition of a non-GAAP measure, as that term is defined by the SEC, a quantitative reconciliation for each is not required or provided.
The following tables provides our orders by market and geographic region including the percentage of total orders and change in comparison to the prior year for each category and period presented. Percentages may not sum to the total due to rounding:

Orders booked in the second quarter of fiscal 2025 were $63,678 or 1.2x net sales for the quarter. Orders booked for the six-month were $119,445 or 1.2x net sales for the period. As a result, backlog increased $10,234 (3%) during the quarter and $16,141 (4%) for the first six month of fiscal 2025 to $407,009 at September 30, 2024. Orders for the second quarter of fiscal 2025 benefited from a contract to provide the cryogenic pumps for a space launch vehicle and contract to provide the MK19 Air Turbine Pump for the U.S. Navy Columbia-class submarine, which is a new program for the Company. In addition to the above, orders for the first six months of fiscal 2025 included follow-on orders for the second option year of alternators and regulators for the U.S. Navy MK48 Torpedo program, as well as an order for three surface condenser systems for the world's first net-zero carbon emissions integrated ethylene cracker and derivatives site located in North America. Additionally, after-market orders for the refining and petrochemical markets for the second quarter and first six months of fiscal 2025 were approximately $12,741 and $20,953, respectively, representing an 11% and 8% increase over the prior-year, respectively. Orders for the first six months of fiscal 2024 included $22,000 related to a strategic investment and follow-on orders from a major defense customer and $9,100 for a vacuum distillation system for a refinery in India.
Orders to the U.S. represented 74% of total orders for the first six months of fiscal 2025 compared to 81% for the prior year. These orders were primarily to the defense market which are U.S. based.
The following table provides our backlog by market, including the percentage of total backlog, for each category and period presented. Percentages may not sum to the total due to rounding:
September 30, |
September 30, |
Change |
Market |
2024 |
% |
2023 |
% |
$ |
% |
Refining |
$ |
30,653 |
8 |
% |
$ |
29,116 |
9 |
% |
$ |
1,537 |
5 |
% |
Chemical/Petrochemical |
21,633 |
5 |
% |
13,705 |
4 |
% |
7,928 |
58 |
% |
Space |
18,180 |
4 |
% |
7,263 |
2 |
% |
10,917 |
150 |
% |
Defense |
327,438 |
80 |
% |
250,732 |
80 |
% |
76,706 |
31 |
% |
Other |
9,105 |
2 |
% |
12,527 |
4 |
% |
(3,422 |
) |
-27 |
% |
Total backlog |
$ |
407,009 |
100 |
% |
$ |
313,343 |
100 |
% |
$ |
93,666 |
30 |
% |
We expect to recognize revenue on approximately 35% to 45% of the backlog within one year, 30% to 40% in one to two years and the remaining beyond two years. The majority of the orders that are expected to convert beyond twenty-four months are for the defense industry, specifically the U.S. Navy that have a long conversion cycle (up to six years).
We are providing the following updated fiscal 2025 outlook ($ in thousands):
New Guidance |
Previous Guidance |
Net Sales |
$200,000 to $210,000 |
$200,000 to $210,000 |
Gross Profit |
23% - 24% of sales |
22% - 23% of sales |
SG&A Expenses (Including Amortization)(1) |
17% - 18% of sales |
16.5% - 17.5% of sales |
Tax Rate |
20% to 22% |
20% to 22% |
Adjusted EBITDA(2) |
$18,000 to $21,000 |
$16,500 to $19,500 |
Capital Expenditures |
$13,000 to $18,000 |
$10,000 to $15,000 |
(1) Includes approximately $6,500 to $7,500 of BN Performance Bonus, equity-based compensation, and ERP conversion costs included in SG&A expense. |
(2) Excludes net interest expense, income taxes, depreciation and amortization from net income, as well as approximately $2,000 to $3,000 of equity-based compensation and ERP conversion costs included in SG&A expense and approximately $700 of acquisition & integration income, net. |
See "Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statement" and "Non-GAAP Measures" above for additional information about forward-looking statements and non-GAAP measures. We have not reconciled non-GAAP forward-looking adjusted EBITDA to its most directly comparable GAAP measure, as permitted by Item 10(e)(1)(i)(B) of Regulation S-K. Such reconciliation would require unreasonable efforts to estimate and quantify various necessary GAAP components largely because forecasting or predicting our future operating results is subject to many factors out of our control or not readily predictable.
We have made significant progress with the advancements in our business, which puts us on schedule in achieving our fiscal 2027 goals of 8% to 10% average annualized organic revenue growth and adjusted EBITDA margins in the low to mid-teens.
Our expectations for sales and profitability assume that we will be able to operate our production facilities at planned capacity, have access to our global supply chain including our subcontractors, do not experience significant global health related disruptions, and assumes no further impact from any other unforeseen events.
Contingencies and Commitments
We have been named as a defendant in lawsuits alleging personal injury from exposure to asbestos allegedly contained in or accompanying our products or from exposure to asbestos at the Company's facilities. We are a co-defendant with numerous other defendants in these lawsuits and intend to vigorously defend ourselves against these claims. The claims in most of our current lawsuits are similar to those made in previous asbestos lawsuits that named us as a defendant. Such previous lawsuits either were dismissed when it was shown that we had not supplied products to the plaintiffs’ places of work, or were settled by us for immaterial amounts. We believe that the resolution of these asbestos-related lawsuits will not have a material adverse effect on our financial position or results of operations. However, legal matters are subject to inherent uncertainties and there exists the possibility that the ultimate resolution of these asbestos-related lawsuits could have a material adverse impact on our financial position and results of operations.
During the third quarter of fiscal 2024, the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors, with the assistance of external counsel and forensic professionals, concluded an investigation into a whistleblower complaint received regarding GIPL. The investigation identified evidence supporting the complaint and other misconduct by employees. The other misconduct total $150 over a period of four years and was isolated to GIPL. All involved employees have been terminated and we have implemented remedial actions, including strengthening our compliance program and internal controls. As a result of the investigation, during the third quarter of fiscal 2024, the statutory auditor and bookkeeper of GIPL tendered their resignations and new firms were appointed. We have voluntarily reported the findings of our investigation to the appropriate authorities in India and the U.S. Department of Justice and the SEC. Although the resolutions of
these matters are inherently uncertain, we do not believe any remaining impact will be material to our overall consolidated results of operations, financial position, or cash flows.
As of September 30, 2024, we are subject to the claims noted above, as well as other legal proceedings and potential claims that have arisen in the ordinary course of business. Although the outcome of the lawsuits, legal proceedings or potential claims to which we are or may become a party cannot be determined and an estimate of the reasonably possible loss or range of loss cannot be made for the majority of the claims, we do not believe that the outcomes, either individually or in the aggregate, will have a material adverse effect on our results of operations, financial position or cash flows. See Note 10 to the Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements included in Part I, Item 1 of this Form 10-Q for additional information.
Critical Accounting Policies, Estimates, and Judgments
Our Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements are based on the selection of accounting policies and the application of significant accounting estimates, some of which require management to make significant assumptions. We believe that the most critical accounting estimates used in the preparation of our Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements relate to labor hour estimates, total cost, and establishment of operational milestones which are used to recognize revenue over time, accounting for contingencies, under which we accrue a loss when it is probable that a liability has been incurred and the amount can be reasonably estimated, accounting for business combinations and intangible assets, and accounting for pensions and other postretirement benefits. There have been no material changes to the aforementioned critical accounting policies and estimates. For further information, refer to Item 7 "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and Item 8 "Financial Statements and Supplementary Data" included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 2024.
New Accounting Pronouncements
In the normal course of business, management evaluates all new Accounting Standards Updates and other accounting pronouncements issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board, SEC, or other authoritative accounting bodies to determine the potential impact they may have on the Company's Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements. Other than those discussed in the Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements, management does not expect any of the recently issued accounting pronouncements, which have not already been adopted, to have a material impact on the Company's Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements. For discussion of the newly issued accounting pronouncements see Note 14 to the Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements included in Part I, Item 1 of this Form 10-Q for additional information.
Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk
The principal market risks (i.e., the risk of loss arising from market changes) to which we are exposed are foreign currency exchange rates, price risk, and interest rate risk.
The assumptions applied in preparing the following qualitative and quantitative disclosures regarding foreign currency exchange rate, price risk and interest rate risk are based upon volatility ranges experienced by us in relevant historical periods, our current knowledge of the marketplace, and our judgment of the probability of future volatility based upon the historical trends and economic conditions of the markets in which we operate.
Foreign Currency
International consolidated sales for the first six months of fiscal 2025 were 18% of total sales. Operating in markets throughout the world exposes us to movements in currency exchange rates. Currency movements can affect sales in several ways, the foremost being our ability to compete for orders against foreign competitors that base their prices on relatively weaker currencies. Business lost due to competition for orders against competitors using a relatively weaker currency cannot be quantified. In addition, cash can be adversely impacted by the conversion of sales made by us in a foreign currency to U.S. dollars. In the first six months of fiscal 2025, substantially all sales by us and our wholly-owned subsidiaries, for which we were paid, were denominated in the local currency of the respective subsidiary (U.S. dollars, Chinese RMB or India INR). For the first six months of fiscal 2025, foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations increased our cash balances by $41 primarily due to the weakening of the U.S. dollar.
We have limited exposure to foreign currency purchases. In the first six months of fiscal 2025, our purchases in foreign currencies represented approximately 6% of the cost of products sold. At certain times, we may enter into forward foreign currency exchange rate agreements to hedge our exposure against potential unfavorable changes in foreign currency values on significant sales and purchase contracts negotiated in foreign currencies. Forward foreign currency exchange rate contracts were not used in the periods being reported in this Form 10-Q and as of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, we held no forward foreign currency contracts.
Price Risk
Operating in a global market place requires us to compete with other global manufacturers which, in some instances, benefit from lower production costs and more favorable economic conditions. Although we believe that our customers differentiate our products on the basis of our manufacturing quality, engineering experience, and customer service, among other things, such lower production costs and more favorable economic conditions mean that our competitors are able to offer products similar to ours at lower prices. In extreme
market downturns, we typically see depressed price levels. Additionally, we have faced, and may continue to face, significant cost inflation, specifically in labor costs, raw materials, and other supply chain costs due to increased demand for raw materials and resources caused by the broad disruption of the global supply chain. International conflicts or other geopolitical events, including the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas war, may further contribute to increased supply chain costs due to shortages in raw materials, increased costs for transportation and energy, disruptions in supply chains, and heightened inflation. Further escalation of geopolitical tensions may also lead to changes to foreign exchange rates and financial markets, any of which may adversely affect our business and supply chain, and consequently our results of operations. While there could ultimately be a material impact on our operations and liquidity, at the time of this report, the impact could not be determined.
Interest Rate Risk
In order to fund our strategic growth objectives, including acquisitions, from time to time we may borrow funds under our New Revolving Credit Facility that bears interest at a variable rate. As part of our risk management activities, we evaluate the use of interest rate derivatives to add stability to interest expense and to manage our exposure to interest rate movements. As of September 30, 2024, we had no variable rate debt outstanding on our New Revolving Credit Facility and no interest rate derivatives outstanding. See "Debt" in Note 13 to the Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements included in Part I, Item 1 of this Form 10-Q for additional information about our outstanding debt.
Item 4. Controls and Procedures
Conclusion regarding the effectiveness of disclosure controls and procedures
Our President and Chief Executive Officer (our principal executive officer) and Vice President - Finance and Chief Financial Officer (our principal financial officer) each have evaluated the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) as of the end of the period covered by this Form 10-Q. Based on such evaluation, and as of such date, our President and Chief Executive Officer and Vice President - Finance and Chief Financial Officer concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were effective in all material respects.
Changes in internal control over financial reporting
Other than the events discussed under the section entitled "P3 Technologies, LLC Acquisition" below, there has been no change to our internal control over financial reporting during the quarter covered by this Form 10-Q that has materially affected, or that is reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.
P3 Technologies, LLC Acquisition
On November 9, 2023, we acquired P3, a privately-owned custom turbomachinery engineering, product development, and manufacturing business that serves the space, new energy, defense, and medical industries. For additional information regarding the acquisition, refer to Note 2 to the Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements included in Part I, Item 1 in this Form 10-Q and Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations included in Part I, Item 2 in this Form 10-Q. Based on the recent completion of this acquisition and, pursuant to the SEC's guidance that an assessment of a recently acquired business may be omitted from the scope of an assessment for a period not to exceed one year from the date of acquisition, the scope of our assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting as of the end of the period covered by this report does not include P3.
We are in the process of implementing our internal control structure over P3 and we expect that this effort will be completed during the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025.
Item 1A. Risk Factors
There have been no material changes from the risk factors previously disclosed in Part 1 – Item 1A of the Company’s Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024.
Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities, Use of Proceeds, and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities
Purchase of Equity Securities by the Issuer
During the second quarter of fiscal 2025, we directly withheld shares for tax withholding purposes from restricted stock awarded to officers that vested during the period. Common stock repurchases in the quarter ended September 30, 2024 were as follows:
Period |
Total Number of Shares Purchased (in thousands) |
Average Price Paid Per Share |
Total Number of Shares Purchased as Part of Publicly Announced Program |
Maximum Number of Shares That May Yet Be Purchased Under the Program |
7/01/2024-7/31/2024 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
8/01/2024-8/31/2024 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
9/01/2024-9/30/2024 |
1 |
$ |
31.84 |
— |
— |
1 |
$ |
31.84 |
— |
— |
Dividend Policy
Our revolving credit facility with Wells Fargo contains terms that may, under certain circumstances as defined in the agreement, restrict our ability to declare or pay dividends. Any determination by our Board of Directors regarding dividends in the future will depend on a variety of factors, including our future financial performance, organic and inorganic growth opportunities, general economic conditions and financial, competitive, regulatory, and other factors, many of which are beyond our control. We did not pay any dividends during the six months ended September 30, 2024 or during fiscal 2024 and we currently have no intention to pay dividends for the foreseeable future.
Item 6. Exhibits
(104) |
Cover Page Interactive Data File embedded within the Inline XBRL document |
+ ++ |
Exhibit filed with this report Exhibit furnished with this report |
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
By: |
Christopher J. Thome |
Vice President-Finance, Chief Financial Officer, |
Chief Accounting Officer, and Corporate Secretary |
(On behalf of the Registrant and as Principal Financial Officer) |
Date: November 8, 2024
On November 9, 2023, Graham Corporation acquired P3 Technologies, LLC. Management has excluded this acquisition from its internal assessment of internal control over financial reporting for the quarter ended September 30, 2024.
I, Daniel J. Thoren, certify that:
1.I have reviewed this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of Graham Corporation;
2.Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;
3.Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;
4.The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d–15(f)) for the registrant and have:
(a)Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;
(b)Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
(c)Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures, and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and
(d)Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's fourth fiscal quarter in the case of an annual report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and
5.The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's Board of Directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):
(a)All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and
(b)Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.
Date: November 8, 2024
Daniel J. Thoren |
President and Chief Executive Officer |
On November 9, 2023, Graham Corporation acquired P3 Technologies, LLC. Management has excluded this acquisition from its internal assessment of internal control over financial reporting for the quarter ended September 30, 2024.
I, Christopher J. Thome, certify that:
1.I have reviewed this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of Graham Corporation;
2.Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;
3.Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;
4.The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d–15(f)) for the registrant and have:
(a)Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;
(b)Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
(c)Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures, and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and
(d)Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's fourth fiscal quarter in the case of an annual report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and
5.The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's Board of Directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):
(a)All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and
(b)Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.
Date: November 8, 2024
Christopher J. Thome |
Vice President-Finance, Chief Financial Officer, |
Chief Accounting Officer, and Corporate Secretary |
18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350
In connection with the Quarterly Report of Graham Corporation (the "Company") on Form 10-Q for the period ended September 30, 2024 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Report"), each of the undersigned certifies, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 that:
1) the Report fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and
2) the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company.
Daniel J. Thoren |
Christopher J. Thome |
President and Chief Executive Officer (Principal Executive Officer) |
Vice President-Finance, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Accounting Officer, and Corporate Secretary |
(Principal Financial Officer) |
Date: November 8, 2024 |
Date: November 8, 2024 |
A signed original of this written statement required by Section 906 has been provided to Graham Corporation and will be retained by Graham Corporation and furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission or its staff upon request.
Document and Entity Information - shares
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Nov. 07, 2024 |
Cover [Abstract] |
Document Type |
Amendment Flag |
Document Period End Date |
Sep. 30, 2024
Document Fiscal Year Focus |
Document Fiscal Period Focus |
Trading Symbol |
Entity Registrant Name |
Entity Central Index Key |
Current Fiscal Year End Date |
Entity Filer Category |
Accelerated Filer
Entity Current Reporting Status |
Entity Interactive Data Current |
Entity Shell Company |
Entity Small Business |
Entity Emerging Growth Company |
Title of 12(b) Security |
Common Stock, Par Value $0.10 Per Share
Security Exchange Name |
Entity File Number |
Entity Incorporation, State or Country Code |
Entity Tax Identification Number |
Entity Address, Address Line One |
20 Florence Avenue
Entity Address, City or Town |
Entity Address, State or Province |
Entity Address, Postal Zip Code |
City Area Code |
Local Phone Number |
Document Quarterly Report |
Document Transition Report |
Entity Common Stock, Shares Outstanding |
X |
- DefinitionBoolean flag that is true when the XBRL content amends previously-filed or accepted submission.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_AmendmentFlag |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:booleanItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionEnd date of current fiscal year in the format --MM-DD.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_CurrentFiscalYearEndDate |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:gMonthDayItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionFiscal period values are FY, Q1, Q2, and Q3. 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarter 10-Q or 10-QT statements have value Q1, Q2, and Q3 respectively, with 10-K, 10-KT or other fiscal year statements having FY.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_DocumentFiscalPeriodFocus |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:fiscalPeriodItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThis is focus fiscal year of the document report in YYYY format. For a 2006 annual report, which may also provide financial information from prior periods, fiscal 2006 should be given as the fiscal year focus. Example: 2006.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_DocumentFiscalYearFocus |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:gYearItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionFor the EDGAR submission types of Form 8-K: the date of the report, the date of the earliest event reported; for the EDGAR submission types of Form N-1A: the filing date; for all other submission types: the end of the reporting or transition period. The format of the date is YYYY-MM-DD.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_DocumentPeriodEndDate |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:dateItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionBoolean flag that is true only for a form used as an quarterly report.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Form 10-Q -Number 240 -Section 308 -Subsection a
+ Details
Name: |
dei_DocumentQuarterlyReport |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:booleanItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionBoolean flag that is true only for a form used as a transition report.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Forms 10-K, 10-Q, 20-F -Number 240 -Section 13 -Subsection a-1
+ Details
Name: |
dei_DocumentTransitionReport |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:booleanItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe type of document being provided (such as 10-K, 10-Q, 485BPOS, etc). The document type is limited to the same value as the supporting SEC submission type, or the word 'Other'.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_DocumentType |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:submissionTypeItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAddress Line 1 such as Attn, Building Name, Street Name
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityAddressAddressLine1 |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:normalizedStringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Definition
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityAddressCityOrTown |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:normalizedStringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionCode for the postal or zip code
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityAddressPostalZipCode |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:normalizedStringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionName of the state or province.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityAddressStateOrProvince |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:stateOrProvinceItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionA unique 10-digit SEC-issued value to identify entities that have filed disclosures with the SEC. It is commonly abbreviated as CIK.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection b-2
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityCentralIndexKey |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:centralIndexKeyItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionIndicate number of shares or other units outstanding of each of registrant's classes of capital or common stock or other ownership interests, if and as stated on cover of related periodic report. Where multiple classes or units exist define each class/interest by adding class of stock items such as Common Class A [Member], Common Class B [Member] or Partnership Interest [Member] onto the Instrument [Domain] of the Entity Listings, Instrument.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionIndicate 'Yes' or 'No' whether registrants (1) have filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that registrants were required to file such reports), and (2) have been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. This information should be based on the registrant's current or most recent filing containing the related disclosure.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityCurrentReportingStatus |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:yesNoItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionIndicate if registrant meets the emerging growth company criteria.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection b-2
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityEmergingGrowthCompany |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:booleanItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionCommission file number. The field allows up to 17 characters. The prefix may contain 1-3 digits, the sequence number may contain 1-8 digits, the optional suffix may contain 1-4 characters, and the fields are separated with a hyphen.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityFileNumber |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:fileNumberItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionIndicate whether the registrant is one of the following: Large Accelerated Filer, Accelerated Filer, Non-accelerated Filer. Definitions of these categories are stated in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act. This information should be based on the registrant's current or most recent filing containing the related disclosure.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection b-2
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityFilerCategory |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:filerCategoryItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTwo-character EDGAR code representing the state or country of incorporation.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityIncorporationStateCountryCode |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:edgarStateCountryItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionBoolean flag that is true when the registrant has submitted electronically every Interactive Data File required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Regulation S-T -Number 232 -Section 405
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityInteractiveDataCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:yesNoItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe exact name of the entity filing the report as specified in its charter, which is required by forms filed with the SEC.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection b-2
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityRegistrantName |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:normalizedStringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionBoolean flag that is true when the registrant is a shell company as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection b-2
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityShellCompany |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:booleanItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionIndicates that the company is a Smaller Reporting Company (SRC).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection b-2
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntitySmallBusiness |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:booleanItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe Tax Identification Number (TIN), also known as an Employer Identification Number (EIN), is a unique 9-digit value assigned by the IRS.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection b-2
+ Details
Name: |
dei_EntityTaxIdentificationNumber |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:employerIdItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionLocal phone number for entity.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_LocalPhoneNumber |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:normalizedStringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTitle of a 12(b) registered security.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection b
+ Details
Name: |
dei_Security12bTitle |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:securityTitleItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionName of the Exchange on which a security is registered.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Exchange Act -Number 240 -Section 12 -Subsection d1-1
+ Details
Name: |
dei_SecurityExchangeName |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:edgarExchangeCodeItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTrading symbol of an instrument as listed on an exchange.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
dei_TradingSymbol |
Namespace Prefix: |
dei_ |
Data Type: |
dei:tradingSymbolItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited) - USD ($) shares in Thousands, $ in Thousands |
3 Months Ended |
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Income Statement [Abstract] |
Net sales |
$ 53,563
$ 45,076
$ 103,514
$ 92,645
Cost of products sold |
Gross profit |
Other operating expenses and income: |
Selling, general and administrative |
Selling, general and administrative – amortization |
Other operating income |
Operating income |
Other expense, net |
Interest (income) expense, net |
Income before provision for income taxes |
Provision for income taxes |
Net income |
$ 3,281
$ 411
$ 6,247
$ 3,051
Basic: |
Net income |
$ 0.3
$ 0.04
$ 0.57
$ 0.29
Diluted: |
Net income |
$ 0.3
$ 0.04
$ 0.57
$ 0.28
Weighted average common shares outstanding: |
Basic |
Diluted |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of expense recognized in the current period that reflects the allocation of the costs of intangible assets over the expected benefit of such assets. This element applies only to intangible assets that are not used in the production of goods.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_SellingGeneralAndAdministrativeAmortizationExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe aggregate costs related to goods produced and sold and services rendered by an entity during the reporting period. This excludes costs incurred during the reporting period related to financial services rendered and other revenue generating activities.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(2)(d)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(2)(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 924 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SAB Topic 11.L) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479941/924-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CostOfGoodsAndServicesSold |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of net income (loss) for the period per each share of common stock or unit outstanding during the reporting period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 52 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482635/260-10-55-52
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-3
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 15 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482635/260-10-55-15
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (e)(4) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-7
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-2
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 60B -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-60B
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-4
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482662/260-10-50-1
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-10
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(25)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(27)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(23)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-7
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_EarningsPerShareBasic |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_EarningsPerShareBasicAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of net income (loss) for the period available to each share of common stock or common unit outstanding during the reporting period and to each share or unit that would have been outstanding assuming the issuance of common shares or units for all dilutive potential common shares or units outstanding during the reporting period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 52 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482635/260-10-55-52
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-3
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 15 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482635/260-10-55-15
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (e)(4) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-7
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-2
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 60B -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-60B
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-4
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482662/260-10-50-1
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(25)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(27)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(23)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-7
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_EarningsPerShareDiluted |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_EarningsPerShareDilutedAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAggregate revenue less cost of goods and services sold or operating expenses directly attributable to the revenue generation activity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 22 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-22
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 48 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482785/280-10-55-48
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 30 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-30
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 270 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482964/270-10-50-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (ee) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 7: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 8: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 9: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 31 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-31
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_GrossProfit |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncomeStatementAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of interest income (expense) classified as operating.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 22 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-22
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(10)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InterestIncomeExpenseNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe portion of profit or loss for the period, net of income taxes, which is attributable to the parent.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 9 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-9
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482765/220-10-50-6
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-3
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-1
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-8
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-4
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-10
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479105/946-220-45-7
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(18)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-07(9)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-1
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(1)(d)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 27: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 28: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 29: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 30: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 31: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 32: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 60B -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-60B
Reference 33: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-7
Reference 34: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 35: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1A
Reference 36: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1B
Reference 37: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(22)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetIncomeLoss |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of expense (reversal of expense) for net periodic benefit cost components, excluding service cost component, of defined benefit plan. Amount includes, but is not limited to, interest cost, expected (return) loss on plan asset, amortization of prior service cost (credit), amortization of (gain) loss, amortization of transition (asset) obligation, settlement (gain) loss, curtailment (gain) loss and certain termination benefits.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 715 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 3A -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480535/715-20-45-3A
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetPeriodicDefinedBenefitsExpenseReversalOfExpenseExcludingServiceCostComponent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe net result for the period of deducting operating expenses from operating revenues.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 22 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-22
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 30 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-30
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 270 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482964/270-10-50-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (ee) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 6: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 31 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-31
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingIncomeLoss |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherIncomeAndExpensesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe net amount of other operating income and expenses, the components of which are not separately disclosed on the income statement, from items that are associated with the entity's normal revenue producing operations.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherOperatingIncomeExpenseNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, excluding tax collected from customer, of revenue from satisfaction of performance obligation by transferring promised good or service to customer. Tax collected from customer is tax assessed by governmental authority that is both imposed on and concurrent with specific revenue-producing transaction, including, but not limited to, sales, use, value added and excise.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 41 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-41
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 270 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482964/270-10-50-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (ee) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 924 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SAB Topic 11.L) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479941/924-10-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-5
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 30 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-30
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 42 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-42
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 22 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-22
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-40
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 22 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-22
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-4
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe aggregate total costs related to selling a firm's product and services, as well as all other general and administrative expenses. Direct selling expenses (for example, credit, warranty, and advertising) are expenses that can be directly linked to the sale of specific products. Indirect selling expenses are expenses that cannot be directly linked to the sale of specific products, for example telephone expenses, Internet, and postal charges. General and administrative expenses include salaries of non-sales personnel, rent, utilities, communication, etc.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_SellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe average number of shares or units issued and outstanding that are used in calculating diluted EPS or earnings per unit (EPU), determined based on the timing of issuance of shares or units in the period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482662/260-10-50-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 16 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-16
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_WeightedAverageNumberOfDilutedSharesOutstanding |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_WeightedAverageNumberOfSharesOutstandingAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionNumber of [basic] shares or units, after adjustment for contingently issuable shares or units and other shares or units not deemed outstanding, determined by relating the portion of time within a reporting period that common shares or units have been outstanding to the total time in that period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482662/260-10-50-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-10
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_WeightedAverageNumberOfSharesOutstandingBasic |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Unaudited) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
3 Months Ended |
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Statement of Comprehensive Income [Abstract] |
Net Income (Loss) |
$ 3,281
$ 411
$ 6,247
$ 3,051
Other comprehensive income: |
Foreign currency translation adjustment |
Defined benefit pension and other postretirement plans net of income tax expense of $45 and $47 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $90 and $93 for the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively |
Total other comprehensive income (loss) |
Total comprehensive income |
$ 3,562
$ 517
$ 6,650
$ 3,069
X |
- DefinitionAmount after tax of increase (decrease) in equity from transactions and other events and circumstances from net income and other comprehensive income, attributable to parent entity. Excludes changes in equity resulting from investments by owners and distributions to owners.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(24)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(26)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(22)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1A
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1B
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 7: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-5
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTax |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe portion of profit or loss for the period, net of income taxes, which is attributable to the parent.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 9 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-9
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482765/220-10-50-6
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-3
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-1
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-8
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-4
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-10
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479105/946-220-45-7
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(18)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-07(9)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-1
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(1)(d)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 27: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 28: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 29: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 30: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 31: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 32: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 60B -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-60B
Reference 33: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-7
Reference 34: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 35: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1A
Reference 36: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1B
Reference 37: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(22)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetIncomeLoss |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after tax and reclassification adjustments of gain (loss) on foreign currency translation adjustments, foreign currency transactions designated and effective as economic hedges of a net investment in a foreign entity and intra-entity foreign currency transactions that are of a long-term-investment nature.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10A -Subparagraph (a) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 220 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-10A
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(19)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationAdjustmentNetOfTax |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after tax of other comprehensive income (loss) attributable to parent entity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 19 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-19
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 20 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 810 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-20
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (c)(3) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 810 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481203/810-10-50-1A
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1B
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1A
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTaxPortionAttributableToParent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, after tax and reclassification adjustment, of (increase) decrease in accumulated other comprehensive income for defined benefit plan.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10A -Subparagraph (j) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 220 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-10A
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10A -Subparagraph (k) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 220 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-10A
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 11 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-11
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10A -Subparagraph (i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-10A
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(19)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetOfTax |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StatementOfIncomeAndComprehensiveIncomeAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, after reclassification adjustment, of tax (expense) benefit for (increase) decrease in accumulated other comprehensive income of defined benefit plan.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10A -Subparagraph (j) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 220 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-10A
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10A -Subparagraph (k) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 220 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-10A
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 12 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 220 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-12
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 19 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-19
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10A -Subparagraph (i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-10A
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansTax |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StatementOfIncomeAndComprehensiveIncomeAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Current assets: |
Cash and cash equivalents |
$ 32,318
$ 16,939
Trade accounts receivable, net of allowances ($56 and $79 at September 30 and March 31, 2024, respectively) |
Unbilled revenue |
Inventories |
Prepaid expenses and other current assets |
Income taxes receivable |
Total current assets |
Property, plant and equipment, net |
Prepaid pension asset |
Operating lease assets |
Goodwill |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Net |
Other intangible assets, net |
Deferred income tax asset |
Other assets |
Total assets |
Current liabilities: |
Current portion of finance lease obligations |
Accounts payable |
Accrued compensation |
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities |
Customer deposits |
Operating lease liabilities |
Income taxes payable |
Total current liabilities |
Finance lease obligations |
Operating lease liabilities |
Accrued pension and postretirement benefit liabilities |
Other long-term liabilities |
Total liabilities |
Commitments and contingencies (Note 10) |
Stockholders’ equity: |
Preferred stock, $1.00 par value, 500 shares authorized |
Common stock, $0.10 par value, 25,500 shares authorized, 11,064 and 10,993 shares issued and 10,890 and 10,850 shares outstanding at September 30 and March 31, 2024, respectively |
Capital in excess of par value |
Retained earnings |
Accumulated other comprehensive loss |
Treasury stock (174 and 143 shares at September 30 and March 31, 2024, respectively) |
Total stockholders’ equity |
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity |
Customer Relationships [Member] |
Current assets: |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Net |
Technology and Technical Know-How [Member] |
Current assets: |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Net |
$ 10,688
$ 11,065
X |
- DefinitionCarrying value as of the balance sheet date of liabilities incurred (and for which invoices have typically been received) and payable to vendors for goods and services received that are used in an entity's business. Used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(19)(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AccountsPayableCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, after allowance for credit loss, of right to consideration from customer for product sold and service rendered in normal course of business, classified as current.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 310 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481990/310-10-45-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AccountsReceivableNetCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionCarrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred and payable, pertaining to costs that are statutory in nature, are incurred on contractual obligations, or accumulate over time and for which invoices have not yet been received or will not be rendered. Examples include taxes, interest, rent and utilities. Used to reflect the current portion of the liabilities (due within one year or within the normal operating cycle if longer).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AccruedLiabilitiesCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, after tax, of accumulated increase (decrease) in equity from transaction and other event and circumstance from nonowner source.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 14A -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-14A
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 11 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-11
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(2)(ii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480016/944-40-65-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (h)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480016/944-40-65-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(30)(a)(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(23)(a)(3)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 7: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 14 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-14
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTax |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionValue received from shareholders in common stock-related transactions that are in excess of par value or stated value and amounts received from other stock-related transactions. Includes only common stock transactions (excludes preferred stock transactions). May be called contributed capital, capital in excess of par, capital surplus, or paid-in capital.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(30)(a)(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AdditionalPaidInCapitalCommonStock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of asset recognized for present right to economic benefit.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 48 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482785/280-10-55-48
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 49 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482785/280-10-55-49
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 270 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482964/270-10-50-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (ee) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 22 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-22
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (bb) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481203/810-10-50-3
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 25 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-25
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 12 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-12
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(12)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(8)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(18)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 27: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 28: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481404/852-10-50-7
Reference 29: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 30 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-30
Reference 30: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(11)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_Assets |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of asset recognized for present right to economic benefit, classified as current.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (bb) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481203/810-10-50-3
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 25 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-25
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483467/210-10-45-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(9)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481404/852-10-50-7
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AssetsCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AssetsCurrentAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of currency on hand as well as demand deposits with banks or financial institutions. Includes other kinds of accounts that have the general characteristics of demand deposits. Also includes short-term, highly liquid investments that are both readily convertible to known amounts of cash and so near their maturity that they present insignificant risk of changes in value because of changes in interest rates. Excludes cash and cash equivalents within disposal group and discontinued operation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483467/210-10-45-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-4
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CashAndCashEquivalentsAtCarryingValue |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionRepresents the caption on the face of the balance sheet to indicate that the entity has entered into (1) purchase or supply arrangements that will require expending a portion of its resources to meet the terms thereof, and (2) is exposed to potential losses or, less frequently, gains, arising from (a) possible claims against a company's resources due to future performance under contract terms, and (b) possible losses or likely gains from uncertainties that will ultimately be resolved when one or more future events that are deemed likely to occur do occur or fail to occur.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(17)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(25)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(19)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(15)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommitmentsAndContingencies |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAggregate par or stated value of issued nonredeemable common stock (or common stock redeemable solely at the option of the issuer). This item includes treasury stock repurchased by the entity. Note: elements for number of nonredeemable common shares, par value and other disclosure concepts are in another section within stockholders' equity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(22)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommonStockValue |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, after allowance for credit loss, of right to consideration in exchange for good or service transferred to customer when right is conditioned on something other than passage of time, classified as current.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479837/606-10-45-3
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479837/606-10-45-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-8
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ContractWithCustomerAssetNetCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of obligation to transfer good or service to customer for which consideration has been received or is receivable, classified as current.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479837/606-10-45-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-8
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479837/606-10-45-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ContractWithCustomerLiabilityCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of asset, recognized in statement of financial position, for overfunded defined benefit pension and other postretirement plans.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(10)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 715 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 17 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480482/715-20-55-17
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(10)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(7)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 715 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480535/715-20-45-2
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 715 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480535/715-20-45-3
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 715 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480506/715-20-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DefinedBenefitPlanAssetsForPlanBenefitsNoncurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionPresent value of lessee's discounted obligation for lease payments from finance lease, classified as current.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479041/842-20-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FinanceLeaseLiabilityCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionPresent value of lessee's discounted obligation for lease payments from finance lease, classified as noncurrent.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479041/842-20-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FinanceLeaseLiabilityNoncurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after amortization of assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 926 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483154/926-20-50-5
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, after accumulated impairment loss, of asset representing future economic benefit arising from other asset acquired in business combination or from joint venture formation or both, that is not individually identified and separately recognized.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 49 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482785/280-10-55-49
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482548/350-20-55-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 820 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 100 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482078/820-10-55-100
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(15)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482598/350-20-45-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482573/350-20-50-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (h) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482573/350-20-50-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(10)(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_Goodwill |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after valuation and LIFO reserves of inventory expected to be sold, or consumed within one year or operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483467/210-10-45-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(6)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InventoryNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of liability recognized for present obligation requiring transfer or otherwise providing economic benefit to others.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(22)) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 210 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(24)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(19)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(25)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 6: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(26)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 7: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(23)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 8: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(21)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481203/810-10-50-3
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 25 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-25
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (bb) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481203/810-10-50-3
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 12 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-12
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(14)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 27: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481404/852-10-50-7
Reference 28: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481404/852-10-50-7
Reference 29: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 30 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-30
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_Liabilities |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of liabilities and equity items, including the portion of equity attributable to noncontrolling interests, if any.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(25)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 6: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(23)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
Reference 7: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(32)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LiabilitiesAndStockholdersEquity |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionTotal obligations incurred as part of normal operations that are expected to be paid during the following twelve months or within one business cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(21)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481203/810-10-50-3
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 25 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-25
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (bb) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481203/810-10-50-3
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483467/210-10-45-5
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481404/852-10-50-7
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481404/852-10-50-7
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LiabilitiesCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LiabilitiesCurrentAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionPresent value of lessee's discounted obligation for lease payments from operating lease, classified as current.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479041/842-20-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingLeaseLiabilityCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionPresent value of lessee's discounted obligation for lease payments from operating lease, classified as noncurrent.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479041/842-20-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingLeaseLiabilityNoncurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of lessee's right to use underlying asset under operating lease.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479041/842-20-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingLeaseRightOfUseAsset |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of noncurrent assets classified as other.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(17)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherAssetsNoncurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after accumulated amortization of finite-lived and indefinite-lived intangible assets classified as other.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherIntangibleAssetsNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of liabilities classified as other, due after one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(24)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of liability, recognized in statement of financial position, for defined benefit pension and other postretirement plans, classified as noncurrent.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(24)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 715 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 17 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480482/715-20-55-17
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 715 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480535/715-20-45-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 715 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480535/715-20-45-3
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 715 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480506/715-20-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PensionAndOtherPostretirementDefinedBenefitPlansLiabilitiesNoncurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAggregate par or stated value of issued nonredeemable preferred stock (or preferred stock redeemable solely at the option of the issuer). This item includes treasury stock repurchased by the entity. Note: elements for number of nonredeemable preferred shares, par value and other disclosure concepts are in another section within stockholders' equity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(28)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(21)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PreferredStockValue |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of asset related to consideration paid in advance for costs that provide economic benefits in future periods, and amount of other assets that are expected to be realized or consumed within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(9)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PrepaidExpenseAndOtherAssetsCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization of physical assets used in the normal conduct of business to produce goods and services and not intended for resale. Examples include, but are not limited to, land, buildings, machinery and equipment, office equipment, and furniture and fixtures.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 360 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482099/360-10-50-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7A -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478964/842-20-50-7A
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(8)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 360 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478451/942-360-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PropertyPlantAndEquipmentNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of accumulated undistributed earnings (deficit).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(30)(a)(3)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(2)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480016/944-40-65-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (h)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480016/944-40-65-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480990/946-20-50-11
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(23)(a)(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(17)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 8: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.3-04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480008/505-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RetainedEarningsAccumulatedDeficit |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of equity (deficit) attributable to parent. Excludes temporary equity and equity attributable to noncontrolling interest.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(30)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(31)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 12 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-12
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(19)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-05(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-2
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(4)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(6)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(7)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 14: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 310 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SAB Topic 4.E) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480418/310-10-S99-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockholdersEquity |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockholdersEquityAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount allocated to treasury stock. Treasury stock is common and preferred shares of an entity that were issued, repurchased by the entity, and are held in its treasury.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(30)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 505 -SubTopic 30 -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481520/505-30-50-4
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 505 -SubTopic 30 -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481549/505-30-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_TreasuryStockValue |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis=us-gaap_CustomerRelationshipsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis=ghm_TechnologyAndTechnicalKnowHowMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited) (Parenthetical) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Statement of Financial Position [Abstract] |
Allowances on trade accounts receivable |
$ 56
$ 79
Preferred stock, par value |
$ 1
$ 1
Preferred stock, shares authorized |
Common stock, par value |
$ 0.1
$ 0.1
Common stock, shares authorized |
Common stock, shares issued |
Common stock, shares outstanding |
Treasury stock |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of allowance for credit loss on accounts receivable, classified as current.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 326 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479344/326-20-45-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 310 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481962/310-10-50-4
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AllowanceForDoubtfulAccountsReceivableCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionFace amount or stated value per share of common stock.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommonStockParOrStatedValuePerShare |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe maximum number of common shares permitted to be issued by an entity's charter and bylaws.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(16)(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommonStockSharesAuthorized |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionTotal number of common shares of an entity that have been sold or granted to shareholders (includes common shares that were issued, repurchased and remain in the treasury). These shares represent capital invested by the firm's shareholders and owners, and may be all or only a portion of the number of shares authorized. Shares issued include shares outstanding and shares held in the treasury.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommonStockSharesIssued |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionNumber of shares of common stock outstanding. Common stock represent the ownership interest in a corporation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 505 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-2
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-05(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(4)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(16)(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(7)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommonStockSharesOutstanding |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionFace amount or stated value per share of preferred stock nonredeemable or redeemable solely at the option of the issuer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(28)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-13
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PreferredStockParOrStatedValuePerShare |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe maximum number of nonredeemable preferred shares (or preferred stock redeemable solely at the option of the issuer) permitted to be issued by an entity's charter and bylaws.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(28)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(16)(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PreferredStockSharesAuthorized |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StatementOfFinancialPositionAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionNumber of previously issued common shares repurchased by the issuing entity and held in treasury.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 505 -SubTopic 30 -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481549/505-30-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_TreasuryStockCommonShares |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Operating activities: |
Net income |
$ 6,247
$ 3,051
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash used provided by operating activities: |
Depreciation |
Amortization of intangible assets |
Amortization of actuarial losses |
Amortization of debt issuance costs |
Equity-based compensation expense |
Change in fair value of contingent consideration |
Deferred income taxes |
(Increase) decrease in operating assets, net of acquisition: |
Accounts receivable |
Unbilled revenue |
Inventories |
Prepaid expenses and other current and non-current assets |
Income taxes receivable |
Operating lease assets |
Prepaid pension asset |
Increase (decrease) in operating liabilities, net of acquisition: |
Accounts payable |
Accrued compensation, accrued expenses and other current and non-current liabilities |
Customer deposits |
Income taxes payable |
Operating lease liabilities |
Long-term portion of accrued compensation, accrued pension and postretirement benefit liabilities |
Net cash provided by operating activities |
Investing activities: |
Purchase of property, plant and equipment |
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment |
Acquisition of P3 Technologies, LLC |
Net cash used by investing activities |
Financing activities: |
Principal repayments on debt |
Repayments on financing lease obligations |
Issuance of common stock |
Purchase of treasury stock |
Net cash used by financing activities |
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash |
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents |
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period |
$ 32,318
$ 25,800
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of gains and losses recognized in net periodic benefit cost related to defined benefit plans.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_AmortizationOfActuarialLosses |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionReversal of a liability recognized in the acquisition from the termination of an earn out agreement.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_ChangeInFairValueOfContingentConsideration |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe increase (decrease) during the reporting period in the aggregate amount of liabilities incurred for obligations related to services received from employees, obligations and expenses incurred but not paid and noncurrent obligations.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_IncreaseDecreaseInAccruedCompensationAccruedExpensesAndOtherCurrentAndNonCurrentLiabilities |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe (increase) decrease during the reporting period in the amount of the asset recognized for an overfunded defined benefit pension plan.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_IncreaseDecreaseInDefinedBenefitPlanAssetsForPlanBenefitsNoncurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe increase (decrease) during the reporting period in the aggregate amount of liabilities incurred for deferred compensation arrangements payable beyond one year and noncurrent liabilities associated with defined benefit pension plans and other postretirement defined benefit plans.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_IncreaseDecreaseInLongTermPortionOfAccruedCompensationAccruedPensionLiabilityAndAccruedPostretirementBenefits |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionIncrease (decrease) in operating lease liabilities.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_IncreaseDecreaseInOperatingLeaseLiabilities |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionIncrease (decrease) in operating lease right of use asset.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_IncreaseDecreaseInOperatingLeaseRightOfUseAsset |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash outflow for principal payment on a lease financing obligation that did not meet the criteria for a sales leaseback.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_RepaymentsOnLeaseFinancingObligations |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AdjustmentsToReconcileNetIncomeLossToCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivitiesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of amortization expense attributable to debt issuance costs.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(8)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1F -Subparagraph (b)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1F
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 835 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482925/835-30-45-3
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AmortizationOfFinancingCosts |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe aggregate expense charged against earnings to allocate the cost of intangible assets (nonphysical assets not used in production) in a systematic and rational manner to the periods expected to benefit from such assets. As a noncash expense, this element is added back to net income when calculating cash provided by or used in operations using the indirect method.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (b) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482686/350-30-45-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AmortizationOfIntangibleAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash and cash equivalents, and cash and cash equivalents restricted to withdrawal or usage; including, but not limited to, disposal group and discontinued operations. Cash includes, but is not limited to, currency on hand, demand deposits with banks or financial institutions, and other accounts with general characteristics of demand deposits. Cash equivalents include, but are not limited to, short-term, highly liquid investments that are both readily convertible to known amounts of cash and so near their maturity that they present insignificant risk of changes in value because of changes in interest rates.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482913/230-10-50-8
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-24
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-4
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CashCashEquivalentsRestrictedCashAndRestrictedCashEquivalentsIncludingDisposalGroupAndDiscontinuedOperations |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents, and cash and cash equivalents restricted to withdrawal or usage; including effect from exchange rate change. Cash includes, but is not limited to, currency on hand, demand deposits with banks or financial institutions, and other accounts with general characteristics of demand deposits. Cash equivalents include, but are not limited to, short-term, highly liquid investments that are both readily convertible to known amounts of cash and so near their maturity that they present insignificant risk of changes in value because of changes in interest rates.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-24
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -SubTopic 230 -Topic 830 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477401/830-230-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CashCashEquivalentsRestrictedCashAndRestrictedCashEquivalentsPeriodIncreaseDecreaseIncludingExchangeRateEffect |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of expense recognized in the current period that reflects the allocation of the cost of tangible assets over the assets' useful lives. Includes production and non-production related depreciation.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (b) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 360 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482099/360-10-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_Depreciation |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of increase (decrease) from effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents, and cash and cash equivalents restricted to withdrawal or usage; held in foreign currencies; including, but not limited to, disposal group and discontinued operations. Cash includes, but is not limited to, currency on hand, demand deposits with banks or financial institutions, and other accounts with general characteristics of demand deposits. Cash equivalents include, but are not limited to, short-term, highly liquid investments that are both readily convertible to known amounts of cash and so near their maturity that they present insignificant risk of changes in value because of changes in interest rates.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 830 -SubTopic 230 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477401/830-230-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_EffectOfExchangeRateOnCashCashEquivalentsRestrictedCashAndRestrictedCashEquivalentsIncludingDisposalGroupAndDiscontinuedOperations |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe increase (decrease) during the reporting period in the aggregate amount of liabilities incurred (and for which invoices have typically been received) and payable to vendors for goods and services received that are used in an entity's business.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (a) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncreaseDecreaseInAccountsPayable |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe increase (decrease) during the reporting period in amount due within one year (or one business cycle) from customers for the credit sale of goods and services.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (a) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncreaseDecreaseInAccountsReceivable |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of increase (decrease) in right to consideration in exchange for good or service transferred to customer when right is conditioned on something other than passage of time.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncreaseDecreaseInContractWithCustomerAsset |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of increase (decrease) in obligation to transfer good or service to customer for which consideration has been received or is receivable.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 912 -SubTopic 310 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478345/912-310-45-11
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncreaseDecreaseInContractWithCustomerLiability |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe increase (decrease) during the reporting period in the aggregate value of all inventory held by the reporting entity, associated with underlying transactions that are classified as operating activities.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (a) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncreaseDecreaseInInventories |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncreaseDecreaseInOperatingAssetsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncreaseDecreaseInOperatingLiabilitiesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of increase (decrease) in prepaid expenses, and assets classified as other.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (a) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncreaseDecreaseInPrepaidDeferredExpenseAndOtherAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash inflow (outflow) from financing activities, including discontinued operations. Financing activity cash flows include obtaining resources from owners and providing them with a return on, and a return of, their investment; borrowing money and repaying amounts borrowed, or settling the obligation; and obtaining and paying for other resources obtained from creditors on long-term credit.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-24
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetCashProvidedByUsedInFinancingActivities |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetCashProvidedByUsedInFinancingActivitiesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash inflow (outflow) from investing activities, including discontinued operations. Investing activity cash flows include making and collecting loans and acquiring and disposing of debt or equity instruments and property, plant, and equipment and other productive assets.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-24
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetCashProvidedByUsedInInvestingActivities |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetCashProvidedByUsedInInvestingActivitiesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash inflow (outflow) from operating activities, including discontinued operations. Operating activity cash flows include transactions, adjustments, and changes in value not defined as investing or financing activities.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-24
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 25 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-25
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivities |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetCashProvidedByUsedInOperatingActivitiesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow to reacquire common stock during the period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 15 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-15
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PaymentsForRepurchaseOfCommonStock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow associated with the acquisition of a business, net of the cash acquired from the purchase.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-13
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PaymentsToAcquireBusinessesNetOfCashAcquired |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow associated with the acquisition of long-lived, physical assets that are used in the normal conduct of business to produce goods and services and not intended for resale; includes cash outflows to pay for construction of self-constructed assets.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-13
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PaymentsToAcquirePropertyPlantAndEquipment |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash inflow from the additional capital contribution to the entity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 14 -Subparagraph (a) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-14
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ProceedsFromIssuanceOfCommonStock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash inflow from the sale of long-lived, physical assets that are used in the normal conduct of business to produce goods and services and not intended for resale.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 12 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-12
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ProceedsFromSaleOfPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe consolidated profit or loss for the period, net of income taxes, including the portion attributable to the noncontrolling interest.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 9 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-9
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-8
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 11 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-11
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 205 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478009/946-205-45-3
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479105/946-220-45-7
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(16)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-07(9)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-1
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(1)(d)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 19 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-19
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482765/220-10-50-6
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 27: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 28: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 29: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 235 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-05(b)(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477314/942-235-S99-1
Reference 30: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-7
Reference 31: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 4J -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481175/810-10-55-4J
Reference 32: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 4K -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481175/810-10-55-4K
Reference 33: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1A
Reference 34: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1B
Reference 35: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-2
Reference 36: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481203/810-10-50-1A
Reference 37: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (c)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481203/810-10-50-1A
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ProfitLoss |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow for debt initially having maturity due after one year or beyond the normal operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 15 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-15
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-03(i)(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479886/946-10-S99-3
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RepaymentsOfLongTermDebt |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of noncash expense for share-based payment arrangement.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (a) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensation |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity - USD ($) shares in Thousands, $ in Thousands |
Total |
Common Stock [Member] |
Capital in Excess of Par Value [Member] |
Retained Earnings [Member] |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss [Member] |
Treasury Stock, Common [Member] |
Beginning balance at Mar. 31, 2023 |
$ 96,933
$ 1,075
$ 28,061
$ 77,443
$ (7,463)
$ (2,183)
Beginning balance, shares at Mar. 31, 2023 |
Comprehensive income (loss) |
Issuance of shares |
$ 8
Issuance of shares, shares |
Forfeiture of shares |
$ (1)
Forfeiture of shares, shares |
Recognition of equity-based compensation expense |
Issuance of treasury stock |
Purchase of treasury stock |
Ending Balance at Jun. 30, 2023 |
$ 1,082
Ending Balance, shares at Jun. 30, 2023 |
Beginning balance at Mar. 31, 2023 |
$ 1,075
Beginning balance, shares at Mar. 31, 2023 |
Comprehensive income (loss) |
Ending Balance at Sep. 30, 2023 |
$ 1,084
Ending Balance, shares at Sep. 30, 2023 |
Beginning balance at Jun. 30, 2023 |
$ 1,082
Beginning balance, shares at Jun. 30, 2023 |
Comprehensive income (loss) |
Issuance of shares |
$ 2
Issuance of shares, shares |
Recognition of equity-based compensation expense |
Ending Balance at Sep. 30, 2023 |
$ 1,084
Ending Balance, shares at Sep. 30, 2023 |
Beginning balance at Mar. 31, 2024 |
$ 1,099
Beginning balance, shares at Mar. 31, 2024 |
Comprehensive income (loss) |
Issuance of shares |
$ 5
Issuance of shares, shares |
Recognition of equity-based compensation expense |
Purchase of treasury stock |
Ending Balance at Jun. 30, 2024 |
$ 1,104
Ending Balance, shares at Jun. 30, 2024 |
Beginning balance at Mar. 31, 2024 |
$ 1,099
Beginning balance, shares at Mar. 31, 2024 |
Comprehensive income (loss) |
Ending Balance at Sep. 30, 2024 |
$ 1,106
Ending Balance, shares at Sep. 30, 2024 |
Beginning balance at Jun. 30, 2024 |
$ 1,104
Beginning balance, shares at Jun. 30, 2024 |
Comprehensive income (loss) |
Issuance of shares |
$ 2
Issuance of shares, shares |
Recognition of equity-based compensation expense |
Purchase of treasury stock |
Ending Balance at Sep. 30, 2024 |
$ 112,474
$ 1,106
$ 33,120
$ 88,246
$ (6,610)
$ (3,388)
Ending Balance, shares at Sep. 30, 2024 |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of increase to additional paid-in capital (APIC) for recognition of cost for award under share-based payment arrangement.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 35 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480483/718-10-35-2
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 718 -SubTopic 20 -Section 55 -Paragraph 13 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481089/718-20-55-13
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 718 -SubTopic 20 -Section 55 -Paragraph 12 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481089/718-20-55-12
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalSharebasedCompensationRequisiteServicePeriodRecognitionValue |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after tax of increase (decrease) in equity from transactions and other events and circumstances from net income and other comprehensive income, attributable to parent entity. Excludes changes in equity resulting from investments by owners and distributions to owners.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(24)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(26)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(22)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1A
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1B
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 7: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-5
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTax |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionNumber of shares of stock issued as of the balance sheet date, including shares that had been issued and were previously outstanding but which are now held in the treasury.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 505 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_SharesIssued |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionNumber of new stock issued during the period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 505 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-2
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(28)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 505 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478448/946-505-50-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(4)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-03(i)(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479886/946-10-S99-3
Reference 7: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.3-04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480008/505-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesNewIssues |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionNumber of shares related to Restricted Stock Award forfeited during the period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 505 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-2
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(28)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.3-04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480008/505-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesRestrictedStockAwardForfeited |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionEquity impact of the value of new stock issued during the period. Includes shares issued in an initial public offering or a secondary public offering.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 505 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-2
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(28)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 11 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-11
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 205 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478009/946-205-45-4
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 505 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478448/946-505-50-2
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(4)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 8: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.3-04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480008/505-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueNewIssues |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionValue of stock related to Restricted Stock Awards forfeited during the period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 505 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-2
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(28)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.3-04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480008/505-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueRestrictedStockAwardForfeitures |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionValue of treasury shares or units reissued. Excludes reissuance of shares or units in treasury for award under share-based payment arrangement.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 505 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-2
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(28)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.3-04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480008/505-10-S99-1
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 505 -SubTopic 30 -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481549/505-30-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueTreasuryStockReissued |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of equity (deficit) attributable to parent. Excludes temporary equity and equity attributable to noncontrolling interest.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(30)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(31)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 12 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-12
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(19)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-05(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-2
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(4)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(6)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(7)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 14: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 310 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SAB Topic 4.E) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480418/310-10-S99-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockholdersEquity |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionEquity impact of the cost of common and preferred stock that were repurchased during the period. Recorded using the par value method.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 505 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481112/505-10-50-2
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 505 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.3-04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480008/505-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 505 -SubTopic 30 -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481549/505-30-45-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_TreasuryStockValueAcquiredParValueMethod |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Regulation S-K -Number 229 -Section 402 -Subsection v -Paragraph 1
+ Details
Name: |
ecd_PvpTable |
Namespace Prefix: |
ecd_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe portion of profit or loss for the period, net of income taxes, which is attributable to the parent.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 9 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-9
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482765/220-10-50-6
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-3
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-1
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-8
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-4
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-10
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479105/946-220-45-7
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(18)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-07(9)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-1
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(1)(d)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 27: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 28: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 29: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 30: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 31: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 32: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 60B -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-60B
Reference 33: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-7
Reference 34: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 35: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1A
Reference 36: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1B
Reference 37: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(22)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetIncomeLoss |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Regulation S-K -Number 229 -Section 408 -Subsection a -Paragraph 1
+ Details
Name: |
ecd_NonRule10b51ArrAdoptedFlag |
Namespace Prefix: |
ecd_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:booleanItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Regulation S-K -Number 229 -Section 408 -Subsection a -Paragraph 1
+ Details
Name: |
ecd_NonRule10b51ArrTrmntdFlag |
Namespace Prefix: |
ecd_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:booleanItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Regulation S-K -Number 229 -Section 408 -Subsection a -Paragraph 1
+ Details
Name: |
ecd_Rule10b51ArrAdoptedFlag |
Namespace Prefix: |
ecd_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:booleanItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Regulation S-K -Number 229 -Section 408 -Subsection a -Paragraph 1
+ Details
Name: |
ecd_Rule10b51ArrTrmntdFlag |
Namespace Prefix: |
ecd_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:booleanItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef -Publisher SEC -Name Regulation S-K -Number 229 -Section 408 -Subsection a -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph A
+ Details
Name: |
ecd_TradingArrByIndTable |
Namespace Prefix: |
ecd_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Basis of Presentation
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements [Abstract] |
Basis of Presentation |
NOTE 1 – BASIS OF PRESENTATION: Graham Corporation's (the "Company's") Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements include its wholly-owned subsidiaries located in Arvada, Colorado, Suzhou, China and Ahmedabad, India at September 30 and March 31, 2024, and its recently acquired wholly-owned subsidiary, P3 Technologies, LLC ("P3"), located in Jupiter, Florida (see Note 2). The Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the U.S. ("GAAP") for interim financial information and the instructions to Form 10-Q and Rule 8-03 of Regulation S-X, each as promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company's Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements do not include all information and notes required by GAAP for complete financial statements. The unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2024 presented herein was derived from the Company’s audited Consolidated Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2024. For additional information, please refer to the consolidated financial statements and notes included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 ("fiscal 2024"). In the opinion of management, all adjustments, including normal recurring accruals considered necessary for a fair presentation, have been included in the Company's Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements. The Company's results of operations and cash flows for the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 are not necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for the current fiscal year, which ends March 31, 2025 ("fiscal 2025").
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OrganizationConsolidationAndPresentationOfFinancialStatementsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for organization, consolidation and basis of presentation of financial statements disclosure.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480424/946-10-50-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480424/946-10-50-2
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 810 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/810/tableOfContent
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 205 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/205/tableOfContent
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OrganizationConsolidationAndPresentationOfFinancialStatementsDisclosureTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Business Combinations [Abstract] |
Acquisition |
NOTE 2 – ACQUISITION: On November 9, 2023, the Company completed its acquisition of P3, a privately-owned custom turbomachinery engineering, product development, and manufacturing business located in Jupiter, Florida that serves the space, new energy, defense, and medical industries. The Company believes this acquisition advances its growth strategy, further diversifies its market and product offerings, and broadens its turbomachinery solutions. P3 will be managed through the Company's Barber-Nichols, LLC ("BN") subsidiary and is highly complementary to BN's technology and enhances its turbomachinery solutions. This transaction was accounted for as a business combination which requires that assets acquired and liabilities assumed be recognized at their fair value as of the acquisition date. The purchase price of $11,238 was comprised of 125 shares of the Company's common stock, representing a value of $1,930, and cash consideration of $7,268. The cash consideration was funded through borrowings on the Company's line of credit. The purchase agreement included a contingent earn-out dependent upon certain financial measures of P3 post-acquisition, in which the sellers are eligible to receive up to $3,000 in additional cash consideration. A rollforward of the P3 contingent earn-out liability since the date of acquisition is as follows:
Balance at November 9, 2023 |
$ |
2,040 |
Change in fair value |
80 |
Payments |
— |
Balance at March 31, 2024 |
2,120 |
Change in fair value |
(130 |
) |
Payments |
— |
Balance at June 30, 2024 |
1,990 |
Change in fair value |
(596 |
) |
Payments |
— |
Balance at September 30, 2024 |
$ |
1,394 |
The change in fair value of the contingent earn-out liability was included in other operating income in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations. The cost of the acquisition was allocated to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed based upon their estimated fair value at the date of acquisition and the amount exceeding the fair value of $1,997 was recorded as goodwill, which is deductible for tax purposes. Goodwill generated in the acquisition is related to P3’s assembled workforce, synergies between the Company’s other operations and P3 that are expected to occur as a result of the combined engineering knowledge, the ability of each of the operations to leverage each other’s technology solutions, and the Company’s ability to utilize acquired management knowledge in providing complementary product offerings to the Company’s customers. The following table summarizes the final purchase price allocation of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed:
November 9, |
2023 |
Assets acquired: |
Cash and cash equivalents |
$ |
286 |
Trade accounts receivable, net of allowances |
465 |
Unbilled revenue |
302 |
Inventories |
808 |
Prepaid expenses and other current assets |
93 |
Property, plant & equipment, net |
542 |
Operating lease assets |
130 |
Goodwill |
1,997 |
Customer relationships |
4,400 |
Technology and technical know-how |
2,500 |
Tradename |
300 |
Total assets acquired |
11,823 |
Liabilities assumed: |
Accrued compensation |
62 |
Customer deposits |
389 |
Operating lease liabilities |
134 |
Total liabilities assumed |
585 |
Purchase price |
$ |
11,238 |
The fair value of acquisition-related intangible assets includes customer relationships, technology and technical know-how, and tradename. The tradename is included in the line item other intangible assets, net in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. The fair value of customer relationships was calculated using an income approach, specifically the Multi Period Excess Earnings method, which incorporates assumptions regarding retention rate, new customer growth and customer related costs. The fair value of tradename and technology and technical know-how were both calculated using a Relief from Royalty method, which develops a market based royalty rate used to reflect the after tax royalty savings attributable to owning the intangible asset. Customer relationships and tradename are amortized in selling, general and administrative expense on a straight line basis over their estimated useful lives of eight years and three years respectively. Technology and technical know-how is amortized in cost of products sold on a straight line basis over its estimated useful life of ten years. During the three months ended June 30, 2024, the seller received $170 for tax liabilities owed in accordance with the purchase agreement. The Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations for the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 includes net sales for P3 of $859 and $2,437, respectively and net (loss) income of ($200) and $276, respectively. The following unaudited pro forma information presents the consolidated results of operations of the Company as if the P3 acquisition had occurred at the beginning of each of the fiscal periods presented:
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Net sales |
$ |
53,563 |
$ |
46,833 |
$ |
103,514 |
$ |
95,833 |
Net income |
3,281 |
945 |
6,247 |
3,811 |
Income per share |
Basic |
$ |
0.30 |
$ |
0.09 |
$ |
0.57 |
$ |
0.35 |
Diluted |
$ |
0.30 |
$ |
0.09 |
$ |
0.57 |
$ |
0.35 |
The unaudited pro forma information presents the combined operating results of the Company and P3 with the results prior to the acquisition date adjusted to include the pro forma impact of the adjustment of depreciation of fixed assets based on the preliminary purchase price allocation, the adjustment to interest expense reflecting the cash paid in connection with the acquisition, including acquisition-related expenses, at the Company’s weighted average interest rate, amortization expense related to the fair value adjustments for intangible assets, non-recurring acquisition-related costs, and the impact of income taxes on the pro forma adjustments utilizing the applicable statutory tax rate. The unaudited pro forma results are presented for illustrative purposes only. These pro forma results do not purport to be indicative of the results that would have actually been obtained if the acquisition occurred as of the beginning of each of the periods presented, nor does the pro forma data intend to be a projection of results that may be obtained in the future.
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for a business combination (or series of individually immaterial business combinations) completed during the period, including background, timing, and recognized assets and liabilities. The disclosure may include leverage buyout transactions (as applicable).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479907/805-20-50-5
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 805 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/805/tableOfContent
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationDisclosureTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Revenue Recognition
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Revenue from Contract with Customer [Abstract] |
Revenue Recognition |
NOTE 3 – REVENUE RECOGNITION: The Company recognizes revenue on contracts when or as it satisfies a performance obligation by transferring control of the product to the customer. For contracts in which revenue is recognized upon shipment, control is generally transferred when products are shipped, title is transferred, significant risks of ownership have transferred, the Company has rights to payment, and rewards of ownership pass to the customer. For contracts in which revenue is recognized over time, control is generally transferred as the Company creates an asset that does not have an alternative use to the Company and the Company has an enforceable right to payment for the performance completed to date. The following table presents the Company’s revenue disaggregated by product line and geographic area:
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
Market |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Refining |
$ |
8,416 |
$ |
7,289 |
$ |
16,658 |
$ |
14,156 |
Chemical/Petrochemical |
5,422 |
4,365 |
10,205 |
10,406 |
Defense |
30,897 |
25,118 |
59,991 |
47,935 |
Space |
3,416 |
2,775 |
7,363 |
7,597 |
Other |
5,412 |
5,529 |
9,297 |
12,551 |
Net sales |
$ |
53,563 |
$ |
45,076 |
$ |
103,514 |
$ |
92,645 |
Geographic Region |
Asia |
$ |
4,274 |
$ |
2,980 |
$ |
9,576 |
$ |
8,882 |
Canada |
1,665 |
1,092 |
2,661 |
1,991 |
Middle East |
794 |
669 |
1,777 |
1,718 |
South America |
314 |
172 |
369 |
199 |
U.S. |
45,460 |
38,604 |
86,390 |
76,745 |
All other |
1,056 |
1,559 |
2,741 |
3,110 |
Net sales |
$ |
53,563 |
$ |
45,076 |
$ |
103,514 |
$ |
92,645 |
A performance obligation represents a promise in a contract to provide a distinct good or service to a customer. The Company accounts for a contract when it has approval and commitment from both parties, the rights of the parties are identified, payment terms are identified, the contract has commercial substance and collectability of consideration is probable. Transaction price reflects the amount of consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled in exchange for transferred products. A contract’s transaction price is allocated to each distinct performance obligation and revenue is recognized as the performance obligation is satisfied. In certain cases, the Company may separate a contract into more than one performance obligation, while in other cases, several products may be part of a fully integrated solution and are bundled into a single performance obligation. If a contract is separated into more than one performance obligation, the Company allocates the total transaction price to each performance obligation in an amount based on the estimated relative standalone selling prices of the promised goods underlying each performance obligation. The Company has made an accounting policy election to exclude from the measurement of the contract price all taxes assessed by government authorities that are collected by the Company from its customers. The Company does not adjust the contract price for the effects of a financing component if the Company expects, at contract inception, that the period between when a product is transferred to a customer and when the customer pays for the product will be one year or less. Shipping and handling fees billed to the customer are recorded in revenue and the related costs incurred for shipping and handling are included in cost of products sold. The Company recognizes revenue over time when contract performance results in the creation of a product for which the Company does not have an alternative use and the contract includes an enforceable right to payment in an amount that corresponds directly with the value of the performance completed. To measure progress towards completion on performance obligations for which revenue is recognized over time the Company utilizes an input method based upon a ratio of direct labor hours incurred to date to management’s estimate of the total labor hours to be incurred on each contract, an input method based upon a ratio of total contract costs incurred to date to management’s estimate of the total contract costs to be incurred or an output method based upon completion of operational milestones, depending upon the nature of the contract. The Company has established the systems and procedures essential to developing the estimates required to account for performance obligations over time. These procedures include monthly review by management of costs incurred, progress towards completion, identified risks and opportunities, sourcing determinations, changes in estimates of costs yet to be incurred, availability of materials, and execution by subcontractors. Sales and earnings are adjusted in current accounting periods based on revisions in the contract value due to pricing changes and estimated costs at completion. Losses on contracts are recognized immediately when evident to management. Revenue on the majority of the Company's contracts, as measured by number of contracts, is recognized upon shipment to the customer. Revenue on larger contracts, which are fewer in number but represent the majority of revenue, is recognized over time. The following table presents the Company's revenue percentages disaggregated by revenue recognized over time or upon shipment:
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Revenue recognized over time |
79 |
% |
75 |
% |
80 |
% |
78 |
% |
Revenue recognized at shipment |
21 |
% |
25 |
% |
20 |
% |
22 |
% |
The timing of revenue recognition, invoicing and cash collections affect trade accounts receivable, unbilled revenue (contract assets) and customer deposits (contract liabilities) on the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. Unbilled revenue represents revenue on contracts that is recognized over time and exceeds the amount that has been billed to the customer. Unbilled revenue is separately presented in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. The Company may have an unconditional right to payment upon billing and prior to satisfying the performance obligations. The Company will then record a contract liability and an offsetting asset of equal amount until the deposit is collected and the performance obligations are satisfied. Customer deposits are separately presented in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. Customer deposits are not considered a significant financing component as they are generally received less than one year before the product is completed or used to procure specific material on a contract, as well as related overhead costs incurred during design and construction. Net contract assets (liabilities) consisted of the following:
September 30, 2024 |
March 31, 2024 |
Change |
Change due to revenue recognized |
Change due to invoicing customers/ additional deposits |
Unbilled revenue - contract assets |
$ |
40,730 |
$ |
28,015 |
$ |
12,715 |
$ |
52,216 |
$ |
(39,501 |
) |
Customer deposits - contract liabilities |
(86,483 |
) |
(71,987 |
) |
(14,496 |
) |
34,439 |
(48,935 |
) |
Net contract (liabilities) assets |
$ |
(45,753 |
) |
$ |
(43,972 |
) |
$ |
(1,781 |
) |
Contract liabilities at September 30 and March 31, 2024 include $8,344 and $21,426, respectively, of customer deposits for which the Company has an unconditional right to collect payment. Trade accounts receivable, as presented on the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets, includes corresponding balances at September 30, and March 31, 2024, respectively. Receivables billed but not paid under retainage provisions in the Company’s customer contracts were $1,859 and $1,875 at September 30, and March 31, 2024, respectively. The Company’s remaining unsatisfied performance obligations represent a measure of the total dollar value of work to be performed on contracts awarded and in progress. The Company also refers to this measure as backlog. As of September 30, 2024, the Company had remaining unsatisfied performance obligations of $407,009. The Company expects to recognize revenue on approximately 35% to 45% of the remaining performance obligations within one year, 30% to 40% in one to two years and the remaining beyond two years.
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RevenueFromContractWithCustomerAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure of revenue from contract with customer to transfer good or service and to transfer nonfinancial asset. Includes, but is not limited to, disaggregation of revenue, credit loss recognized from contract with customer, judgment and change in judgment related to contract with customer, and asset recognized from cost incurred to obtain or fulfill contract with customer. Excludes insurance and lease contracts.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 9 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-9
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-10
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 15 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-15
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 12 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-12
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 12 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-12
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 12 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-12
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 12 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-12
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 12 -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-12
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (b)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-13
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 606 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/606/tableOfContent
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RevenueFromContractWithCustomerTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Inventory Disclosure [Abstract] |
Inventories |
NOTE 4 – INVENTORIES: Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net realizable value, using the average cost method. Major classifications of inventories are as follows:
September 30, |
March 31, |
2024 |
2024 |
Raw materials and supplies |
$ |
4,998 |
$ |
4,396 |
Work in process |
24,033 |
27,065 |
Finished products |
2,505 |
1,949 |
Total |
$ |
31,536 |
$ |
33,410 |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InventoryDisclosureAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for inventory. Includes, but is not limited to, the basis of stating inventory, the method of determining inventory cost, the classes of inventory, and the nature of the cost elements included in inventory.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 330 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/330/tableOfContent
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InventoryDisclosureTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Intangible Assets
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Goodwill and Intangible Assets Disclosure [Abstract] |
Intangible Assets |
NOTE 5 – INTANGIBLE ASSETS: Intangible assets are comprised of the following:
Weighted Average Amortization Period |
Gross Carrying Amount |
Accumulated Amortization |
Net Carrying Amount |
At September 30, 2024 |
Intangibles subject to amortization: |
Customer relationships |
8 - 20 years |
$ |
16,200 |
$ |
2,471 |
$ |
13,729 |
Technology and technical know-how |
10 - 20 years |
12,600 |
1,912 |
10,688 |
Backlog |
4 years |
3,900 |
3,789 |
111 |
Tradename |
3 years |
300 |
92 |
208 |
$ |
33,000 |
$ |
8,264 |
$ |
24,736 |
Intangibles not subject to amortization: |
Tradename |
Indefinite |
$ |
6,700 |
$ |
— |
$ |
6,700 |
$ |
6,700 |
$ |
— |
$ |
6,700 |
Weighted Average Amortization Period |
Gross Carrying Amount |
Accumulated Amortization |
Net Carrying Amount |
At March 31, 2024 |
Intangibles subject to amortization: |
Customer relationships |
8 - 20 years |
$ |
16,200 |
$ |
1,901 |
$ |
14,299 |
Technology and technical know-how |
10 - 20 years |
12,600 |
1,535 |
11,065 |
Backlog |
4 years |
3,900 |
3,677 |
223 |
Tradename |
3 years |
300 |
42 |
258 |
$ |
33,000 |
$ |
7,155 |
$ |
25,845 |
Intangibles not subject to amortization: |
Tradename |
Indefinite |
$ |
6,700 |
$ |
— |
$ |
6,700 |
$ |
6,700 |
$ |
— |
$ |
6,700 |
Intangible amortization was $555 and $445 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $1,109 and $891 for the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The estimated annual future amortization expense by fiscal year is as follows:
Annual Amortization |
Remainder of 2025 |
$ |
1,109 |
2026 |
1,995 |
2027 |
1,953 |
2028 |
1,895 |
2029 |
1,895 |
2030 and thereafter |
15,889 |
Total intangible amortization |
$ |
24,736 |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_GoodwillAndIntangibleAssetsDisclosureAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for goodwill and intangible assets.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/350-30/tableOfContent
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/350-20/tableOfContent
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_GoodwillAndIntangibleAssetsDisclosureTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Equity-Based Compensation
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Share-Based Payment Arrangement [Abstract] |
Equity-Based Compensation |
NOTE 6 – EQUITY-BASED COMPENSATION: The 2020 Graham Corporation Equity Incentive Plan, as amended (the "2020 Plan"), provides for the issuance of 722 shares of common stock in connection with grants of incentive stock options, non-qualified stock options, restricted stock units and stock awards to officers, key employees and outside directors, including 112 shares that became available under the 2020 Plan from the Company’s prior plan, the Amended and Restated 2000 Graham Corporation Incentive Plan to Increase Shareholder Value (the "2000 Plan"). As of August 11, 2020, the effective date of the 2020 Plan, no further awards will be granted under the 2000 Plan. No time vesting restricted stock units ("RSUs") or performance based restricted stock units ("PSUs") were awarded in the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. The following restricted stock units were awarded in the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:
Vest 100% on First |
Vest One-Third Per Year |
Vest 100% on Third |
Anniversary (1) |
Over Three-Year Term (1) |
Anniversary (1) |
Officers and |
Officers and |
Total Shares |
Six months ended September 30, |
Directors |
Key Employees |
Key Employees |
Awarded |
2024 |
Time Vesting RSUs |
18 |
29 |
8 |
55 |
Performance Vesting PSUs |
— |
— |
62 |
62 |
2023 |
Time Vesting RSUs |
38 |
40 |
— |
78 |
Performance Vesting PSUs |
— |
— |
79 |
79 |
(1)Subject to the terms of the applicable award. The Company has an Employee Stock Purchase Plan, as amended (the "ESPP"), which allows eligible employees to purchase shares of the Company's common stock at a discount of up to 15% of its fair market value on the lower of the last or first day of the six-month offering period. As of September 30, 2024, a total of 400 shares of common stock may be purchased under the ESPP. The Company has recognized equity-based compensation costs, which is primarily included in selling, general and administrative costs, as follows:
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Restricted stock awards |
$ |
6 |
$ |
77 |
$ |
33 |
$ |
164 |
Restricted stock units |
394 |
249 |
682 |
445 |
Employee stock purchase plan |
34 |
6 |
63 |
16 |
$ |
434 |
$ |
332 |
$ |
778 |
$ |
625 |
Income tax benefit recognized |
$ |
100 |
$ |
74 |
$ |
179 |
$ |
139 |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for share-based payment arrangement.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/718/tableOfContent
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (h)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (h)(2)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (l) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisclosureOfCompensationRelatedCostsShareBasedPaymentsTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Income Per Share
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Earnings Per Share [Abstract] |
Income Per Share |
NOTE 7 – INCOME PER SHARE: Basic income per share is computed by dividing net income by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the period. Diluted income per share is calculated by dividing net income by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding and, when applicable, potential common shares outstanding during the period. A reconciliation of the numerators and denominators of basic and diluted income per share is presented below:
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Basic income per share |
Numerator: |
Net income |
$ |
3,281 |
$ |
411 |
$ |
6,247 |
$ |
3,051 |
Denominator: |
Weighted average common shares outstanding |
10,887 |
10,699 |
10,875 |
10,675 |
Basic income per share |
$ |
0.30 |
$ |
0.04 |
$ |
0.57 |
$ |
0.29 |
Diluted income per share |
Numerator: |
Net income |
$ |
3,281 |
$ |
411 |
$ |
6,247 |
$ |
3,051 |
Denominator: |
Weighted average common shares outstanding |
10,887 |
10,699 |
10,875 |
10,675 |
Restricted stock units outstanding |
137 |
111 |
120 |
86 |
Weighted average common and potential common shares outstanding |
11,024 |
10,810 |
10,995 |
10,761 |
Diluted income per share |
$ |
0.30 |
$ |
0.04 |
$ |
0.57 |
$ |
0.28 |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_EarningsPerShareAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for earnings per share.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482662/260-10-50-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/260/tableOfContent
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482662/260-10-50-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482662/260-10-50-3
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_EarningsPerShareTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Product Warranty Liability
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Guarantees [Abstract] |
Product Warranty Liability |
NOTE 8 – PRODUCT WARRANTY LIABILITY: The reconciliation of the changes in the product warranty liability is as follows:
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Balance at beginning of period |
$ |
702 |
$ |
616 |
$ |
806 |
$ |
578 |
Expense for product warranties |
25 |
112 |
48 |
203 |
Product warranty claims paid |
(90 |
) |
(90 |
) |
(217 |
) |
(143 |
) |
Balance at end of period |
$ |
637 |
$ |
638 |
$ |
637 |
$ |
638 |
The product warranty liability is included in the line item accrued expenses and other current liabilities in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets.
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_GuaranteesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for standard and extended product warranties and other product guarantee contracts, including a tabular reconciliation of the changes in the guarantor's aggregate product warranty liability for the reporting period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 460 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (a)(4) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482425/460-10-50-4
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 460 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (a)(5) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482425/460-10-50-4
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 460 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482425/460-10-50-4
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 460 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482425/460-10-50-4
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 460 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (a)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482425/460-10-50-4
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 460 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482425/460-10-50-4
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ProductWarrantyDisclosureTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Cash Flow Statement
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Supplemental Cash Flow Elements [Abstract] |
Cash Flow Statement |
NOTE 9 – CASH FLOW STATEMENT: Interest and income taxes paid as well as non-cash investing and financing activities are as follows:
For the Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
Interest paid |
$ |
124 |
$ |
507 |
Income taxes paid |
2,073 |
337 |
Capital purchases recorded in accounts payable |
513 |
392 |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for supplemental cash flow activities, including cash, noncash, and part noncash transactions, for the period. Noncash is defined as information about all investing and financing activities of an enterprise during a period that affect recognized assets or liabilities but that do not result in cash receipts or cash payments in the period. "Part noncash" refers to that portion of the transaction not resulting in cash receipts or cash payments in the period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/230/tableOfContent
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CashFlowSupplementalDisclosuresTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_SupplementalCashFlowElementsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Commitments and Contingencies
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Commitments and Contingencies Disclosure [Abstract] |
Commitments and Contingencies |
NOTE 10 – COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES: The Company has been named as a defendant in lawsuits alleging personal injury from exposure to asbestos allegedly contained in, or accompanying, products made by the Company or from exposure to asbestos at the Company facilities. The Company is a co-defendant with numerous other defendants in these lawsuits and intends to vigorously defend itself against these claims. The claims in most of the Company’s current lawsuits are similar to those made in previous asbestos-related suits that named the Company as a defendant, which either were dismissed when it was shown that the Company had not supplied products to the plaintiffs’ places of work or were settled for immaterial amounts. The Company believes that the resolution of these asbestos-related lawsuits will not have a material adverse effect on the Company's financial position or results of operations. However, legal matters are subject to inherent uncertainties and there exists the possibility that the ultimate resolution of these asbestos-related lawsuits could have a material adverse impact on the Company's financial position and the results of operations. During the third quarter of fiscal 2024, the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors, with the assistance of external counsel and forensic professionals, concluded an investigation into a whistleblower complaint received regarding its wholly-owned subsidiary Graham India Private Limited ("GIPL"). The investigation identified evidence supporting the complaint and other misconduct by employees. The other misconduct totaled $150 over a period of four years and was isolated to GIPL. All involved employees have been terminated and the Company has implemented remedial actions, including strengthening its compliance program and internal controls. As a result of the investigation, during the third quarter of fiscal 2024, the statutory auditor and bookkeeper of GIPL tendered their resignations and new firms were appointed. The Company has voluntarily reported the findings of its investigation to the appropriate authorities in India and the U.S. Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Although the resolutions of these matters are inherently uncertain, we do not believe any remaining impact will be material to the Company’s overall consolidated results of operations, financial position, or cash flows. As of September 30, 2024, the Company was subject to the claims noted above, as well as other potential claims that have arisen in the ordinary course of business. Although the outcome of the lawsuits, legal proceedings or potential claims to which the Company is, or may become, a party to cannot be determined and an estimate of the reasonably possible loss or range of loss cannot be made for the majority of the claims, management does not believe that the outcomes, either individually or in the aggregate, will have a material adverse effect on the Company’s results of operations, financial position or cash flows. The Company previously entered into operating leases with Ascent Properties Group, LLC, a limited liability company of which our Chief Executive Officer holds a majority interest, for two building lease agreements and two equipment lease agreements in Arvada, Colorado. In connection with such leases, the Company made fixed minimum lease payments to the lessor of $247 and $242 during the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $494 and $466 during the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The Company is obligated to make payments of $496 during the remainder of fiscal 2025. Future fixed minimum lease payments under these leases as of September 30, 2024 are $5,291.
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- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommitmentsAndContingenciesDisclosureAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for commitments and contingencies.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 405 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/405-30/tableOfContent
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 440 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482648/440-10-50-4
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 450 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/450/tableOfContent
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 954 -SubTopic 440 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478522/954-440-50-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 440 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482648/440-10-50-4
Reference 6: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 440 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/440/tableOfContent
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CommitmentsAndContingenciesDisclosureTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Income Taxes
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Income Tax Disclosure [Abstract] |
Income Taxes |
NOTE 11 – INCOME TAXES: The Company files federal and state income tax returns in several domestic and international jurisdictions. In most tax jurisdictions, returns are subject to examination by the relevant tax authorities for a number of years after the returns have been filed. The Company is subject to U.S. federal examination for the tax years 2020 through 2023 and examination in state tax jurisdictions for the tax years 2019 through 2023. The Company is subject to examination in the People’s Republic of China for tax years 2020 through 2023 and in India for tax years 2018 through 2023. There was no liability for unrecognized tax benefits at either September 30, 2024 or March 31, 2024. The income tax provision for interim periods is determined using an estimate of the annual effective tax rate, adjusted for discrete items, if any, that are taken into account in the relevant period. Each quarter, the estimate of the annual effective tax rate is updated, and if the estimated effective tax rate changes, a cumulative adjustment is made. There is a potential for volatility of the effective tax rate due to several factors, including discrete items, changes in the mix and amount of projected pre-tax income and the jurisdictions to which it relates, changes in tax laws and foreign tax holidays, business reorganizations, settlements with taxing authorities and foreign currency fluctuations. In addition, the Company continues to explore tax planning opportunities that may have a material impact on its effective tax rate. The Company's effective tax rate as of the second quarter of 2025 was 17.7% on $7,591 of income before taxes compared to 24.9% on $4,060 of income before taxes for the same period in fiscal 2024. The decrease in the Company's effective tax rate was primarily due to a discrete benefit recognized in the first quarter of fiscal 2025 related to the vesting of restricted stock awards and the Company's improved stock price over the last year. Additionally, the first six months of fiscal 2025 effective tax rate benefited from a higher mix of income in lower tax rate jurisdictions in fiscal 2025 compared to fiscal 2024.
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for income tax.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 12 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482685/740-10-50-12
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 231 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482663/740-10-55-231
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 12C -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482685/740-10-50-12C
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 12B -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482685/740-10-50-12B
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 270 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477891/740-270-50-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SAB Topic 6.I.5.Q1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479360/740-10-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 13 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480990/946-20-50-13
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(h)(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/740/tableOfContent
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 14 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482685/740-10-50-14
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 21 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482685/740-10-50-21
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 17 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482685/740-10-50-17
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SAB Topic 11.C) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479360/740-10-S99-2
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482603/740-30-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncomeTaxDisclosureTextBlock |
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us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Changes in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Equity [Abstract] |
Changes in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss |
NOTE 12 – CHANGES IN ACCUMULATED OTHER COMPREHENSIVE LOSS: The changes in accumulated other comprehensive loss by component for the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 are as follows:
Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Items |
Foreign Currency Items |
Total |
Balance at April 1, 2024 |
$ |
(6,776 |
) |
$ |
(237 |
) |
$ |
(7,013 |
) |
Other comprehensive loss before reclassifications |
— |
(28 |
) |
(28 |
) |
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss |
150 |
— |
150 |
Net current-period other comprehensive income (loss) |
150 |
(28 |
) |
122 |
Balance at June 30, 2024 |
(6,626 |
) |
(265 |
) |
(6,891 |
) |
Other comprehensive income before reclassifications |
— |
131 |
131 |
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss |
150 |
— |
150 |
Net current-period other comprehensive income |
150 |
131 |
281 |
Balance at September 30, 2024 |
$ |
(6,476 |
) |
$ |
(134 |
) |
$ |
(6,610 |
) |
Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Items |
Foreign Currency Items |
Total |
Balance at April 1, 2023 |
$ |
(7,470 |
) |
$ |
7 |
$ |
(7,463 |
) |
Other comprehensive loss before reclassifications |
— |
(252 |
) |
(252 |
) |
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss |
164 |
— |
164 |
Net current-period other comprehensive income (loss) |
164 |
(252 |
) |
$ |
(88 |
) |
Balance at June 30, 2023 |
(7,306 |
) |
(245 |
) |
(7,551 |
) |
Other comprehensive loss before reclassifications |
— |
(58 |
) |
(58 |
) |
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss |
164 |
— |
164 |
Net current-period other comprehensive income (loss) |
164 |
(58 |
) |
106 |
Balance at September 30, 2023 |
$ |
(7,142 |
) |
$ |
(303 |
) |
$ |
(7,445 |
) |
The reclassifications out of accumulated other comprehensive loss by component for the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 are as follows:
Details about Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss Components |
Amount Reclassified from Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss |
Affected Line Item in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income |
Three Months Ended |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
Pension and other postretirement benefit items: |
Amortization of actuarial loss |
$ |
195 |
(1) |
$ |
210 |
(1) |
Income before benefit for income taxes |
Tax effect |
45 |
46 |
Provision for income taxes |
$ |
150 |
$ |
164 |
Net income |
Details about Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss Components |
Amount Reclassified from Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss |
Affected Line Item in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
Pension and other postretirement benefit items: |
Amortization of actuarial loss |
$ |
390 |
(1) |
$ |
421 |
(1) |
Income before benefit for income taxes |
Tax effect |
90 |
93 |
Provision for income taxes |
$ |
300 |
$ |
328 |
Net income |
(1)These accumulated other comprehensive loss components are included within the computation of pension and other postretirement benefit costs.
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- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for comprehensive income, which includes, but is not limited to, 1) the amount of income tax expense or benefit allocated to each component of other comprehensive income, including reclassification adjustments, 2) the reclassification adjustments for each classification of other comprehensive income and 3) the ending accumulated balances for each component of comprehensive income.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(19)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(21)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(23)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/220/tableOfContent
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ComprehensiveIncomeNoteTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_EquityAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Debt Disclosure [Abstract] |
Debt |
NOTE 13 – DEBT: On October 13, 2023, the Company terminated its revolving credit facility and repaid its term loan with Bank of America and entered into a new five-year revolving credit facility with Wells Fargo Bank, National Association ("Wells Fargo") that provides a $35,000 line of credit and automatically increased to $50,000 upon the Company satisfying specified covenants, which were satisfied during the second quarter of fiscal 2025 (the "New Revolving Credit Facility"). The New Revolving Credit Facility has a $25,000 sub-limit for letters of credit. As of September 30, 2024, there was $0 borrowed and $6,848 letters of credit outstanding on the New Revolving Credit Facility. The New Revolving Credit Facility contains customary terms and conditions, including representations and warranties and affirmative and negative covenants, as well as financial covenants for the benefit of Wells Fargo, which require the Company to maintain (i) a consolidated total leverage ratio not to exceed 3.50:1.00 and (ii) a consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio of at least 1.20:1.00, in both cases computed in accordance with the definitions and requirements specified in the New Revolving Credit Facility. As of September 30, 2024, the Company was in compliance with the financial covenants of the New Revolving Credit Facility. Borrowings under the New Revolving Credit Facility bear interest at a rate equal to, at the Company’s option, either (i) a forward-looking term rate based on the secured overnight financing rate ("SOFR") for the applicable interest period, subject to a floor of 0.0% per annum or (ii) a base rate determined by reference to the highest of (a) the rate of interest per annum publicly announced by the Lender as its prime rate, (b) the federal funds rate plus 0.50% per annum and (c) one-month term SOFR plus 1.00% per annum, subject to a floor of 1.00% per annum, plus, in each case, an applicable margin. The applicable margins range between (i) 1.25% per annum and 2.50% per annum in the case of any term SOFR loan and (ii) 0.25% per annum and 1.50% per annum in the case of any base rate loan, in each case based upon the Company’s then-current consolidated total leverage ratio; provided, however, for a period of one year following the closing date, the applicable margin shall be set at 1.25% per annum in the case of any term SOFR loan and 0.25% per annum in the case of any base rate loan. As of September 30, 2024, the SOFR rate was 4.96%. The Company is required to pay a quarterly commitment fee on the unused portion of the New Revolving Credit Facility during the applicable quarter at a per annum rate also determined by reference to the Company’s then-current consolidated total leverage ratio, which fee ranges between 0.10% per annum and 0.20% per annum; provided, however, for a period of one year following the closing date, the quarterly commitment fee will be set at 0.10% per annum. Any outstanding letters of credit that are cash secured will bear a fee equal to the daily amount available to be drawn under such letters of credit multiplied by 0.65% per annum. Any outstanding letters of credit issued under the New Revolving Credit Facility will bear a fee equal to the daily amount drawn under such letters of credit multiplied by the applicable margin for term SOFR loans. As of September 30, 2024, the amount available under the New Revolving Credit Facility was $43,152, subject to the interest and leverage covenants. As of September 30, 2024, $272 letters of credit remain outstanding with Bank of America and are cash secured. These outstanding letters of credit are subject to a fee of 0.60% per annum. As of September 30, 2024, $4,607 letters of credit are outstanding with HSBC Bank USA, N.A and are cash secured. These outstanding letters of credit are subject to a fee of between 0.75% and 0.85% per annum, depending on the term of the letter of credit. As of September 30, 2024, $11 letters of credit are outstanding with China Construction Bank and are cash secured. Additionally, we have a 20,000 RMB bank guaranty line of credit with China Citic Bank Co. LTD which had $1,919 letters of credit outstanding as of September 30, 2024. Outstanding letters of credit under this agreement are subject to a fee of 0.60% per annum. On July 15, 2024, the Company and Wells Fargo entered into an amendment to the New Revolving Credit Facility, which increased the maximum aggregate principal amount of indebtedness of Foreign Subsidiaries and Non-Guarantor Subsidiaries, as defined in the New Revolving Credit Facility, allowed under the New Revolving Credit Facility from $2,000 to $3,500. Total letters of credit outstanding as of September 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024 were $13,656 and $8,442, respectively.
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- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DebtDisclosureAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for information about short-term and long-term debt arrangements, which includes amounts of borrowings under each line of credit, note payable, commercial paper issue, bonds indenture, debenture issue, own-share lending arrangements and any other contractual agreement to repay funds, and about the underlying arrangements, rationale for a classification as long-term, including repayment terms, interest rates, collateral provided, restrictions on use of assets and activities, whether or not in compliance with debt covenants, and other matters important to users of the financial statements, such as the effects of refinancing and noncompliance with debt covenants.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481544/470-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481544/470-10-50-6
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 405 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477092/405-40-50-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 405 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477092/405-40-50-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 405 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477092/405-40-50-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 405 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477092/405-40-50-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 405 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477092/405-40-50-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (h) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1B
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(c)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 10: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 470 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/470/tableOfContent
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 835 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482925/835-30-45-2
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1B -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1B
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1B
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1B
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1C -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1C
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1C -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1C
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1C -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1C
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1E -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1E
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1I -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1I
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1I -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1I
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1I -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1I
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DebtDisclosureTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Accounting and Reporting Changes
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Accounting Changes and Error Corrections [Abstract] |
Accounting and Reporting Changes |
NOTE 14 – ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING CHANGES: In the normal course of business, management evaluates all new accounting pronouncements issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB"), the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Emerging Issues Task Force, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants or any other authoritative accounting bodies to determine the potential impact they may have on the Company's consolidated financial statements. In November 2023, the FASB issued Accounting Standards Update ("ASU") No. 2023-07, "Segment Reporting (Topic 280)," which requires companies to enhance disclosure of significant segment expenses by requiring disclosure of significant segment expenses regularly provided to the chief operating decision maker, extend certain annual disclosures to interim periods, and permits more than one measure of segment profit or loss to be reported under certain conditions. The amendments are effective for the Company in years beginning after December 15, 2023, and interim periods within years beginning after December 15, 2024. The Company is currently evaluating the impact that the adoption of this ASU will have on its consolidated financial statements. In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-09, Income Taxes (Topic 740)-Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures. The ASU requires additional quantitative and qualitative income tax disclosures to allow readers of the consolidated financial statements to assess how the Company’s operations, related tax risks and tax planning affect its tax rate and prospects for future cash flows. For public business entities, the ASU is effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2024. The Company is currently evaluating the impact that the adoption of this ASU will have on its consolidated financial statements.
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AccountingChangesAndErrorCorrectionsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe entire disclosure for change in accounting principle. Includes, but is not limited to, nature, reason, and method of adopting amendment to accounting standards or other change in accounting principle.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476173/280-10-65-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b)(4) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 105 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479343/105-10-65-7
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 848 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483550/848-10-65-2
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(4) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 848 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (d)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483550/848-10-65-2
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 848 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (e)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483550/848-10-65-1
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(2)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480016/944-40-65-2
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(2)(ii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480016/944-40-65-2
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(2)(iii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480016/944-40-65-2
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(2)(iv) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480016/944-40-65-2
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (h)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480016/944-40-65-2
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 5 -Subparagraph (SAB Topic 11.M.Q2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480530/250-10-S99-5
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 6 -Subparagraph (i)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480528/815-20-65-6
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-1
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 326 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (e)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479654/326-10-65-4
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 326 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (e)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479654/326-10-65-4
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 926 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483194/926-20-65-2
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 926 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483194/926-20-65-2
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 926 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483194/926-20-65-2
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480530/250-10-S99-6
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (c)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-1
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-1
Reference 27: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 250 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/250/tableOfContent
Reference 28: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (e)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NewAccountingPronouncementsAndChangesInAccountingPrinciplesTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Acquisition - (Tables)
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Business Combinations [Abstract] |
Schedule of Contingent Earn Out Liability |
A rollforward of the P3 contingent earn-out liability since the date of acquisition is as follows:
Balance at November 9, 2023 |
$ |
2,040 |
Change in fair value |
80 |
Payments |
— |
Balance at March 31, 2024 |
2,120 |
Change in fair value |
(130 |
) |
Payments |
— |
Balance at June 30, 2024 |
1,990 |
Change in fair value |
(596 |
) |
Payments |
— |
Balance at September 30, 2024 |
$ |
1,394 |
Schedule of Final Purchase Price Allocation, After Adjustments of the Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed |
The following table summarizes the final purchase price allocation of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed:
November 9, |
2023 |
Assets acquired: |
Cash and cash equivalents |
$ |
286 |
Trade accounts receivable, net of allowances |
465 |
Unbilled revenue |
302 |
Inventories |
808 |
Prepaid expenses and other current assets |
93 |
Property, plant & equipment, net |
542 |
Operating lease assets |
130 |
Goodwill |
1,997 |
Customer relationships |
4,400 |
Technology and technical know-how |
2,500 |
Tradename |
300 |
Total assets acquired |
11,823 |
Liabilities assumed: |
Accrued compensation |
62 |
Customer deposits |
389 |
Operating lease liabilities |
134 |
Total liabilities assumed |
585 |
Purchase price |
$ |
11,238 |
Schedule of Unaudited Pro Forma Information |
The following unaudited pro forma information presents the consolidated results of operations of the Company as if the P3 acquisition had occurred at the beginning of each of the fiscal periods presented:
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Net sales |
$ |
53,563 |
$ |
46,833 |
$ |
103,514 |
$ |
95,833 |
Net income |
3,281 |
945 |
6,247 |
3,811 |
Income per share |
Basic |
$ |
0.30 |
$ |
0.09 |
$ |
0.57 |
$ |
0.35 |
Diluted |
$ |
0.30 |
$ |
0.09 |
$ |
0.57 |
$ |
0.35 |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of pro forma results of operations for a material business acquisition or series of individually immaterial business acquisitions that are material in the aggregate.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (h)(2) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 805 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479328/805-10-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (h)(3) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 805 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479328/805-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionProFormaInformationTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of contingent payment arrangements including the terms that will result in payment and the accounting treatment that will be followed if such contingencies occur, including the potential impact on earnings per share if contingencies are to be settled in common stock of the entity. The description also may include the period over which amounts are expected to be paid, and changes in the amount since the previous reporting period. This also includes contingent options and commitments.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ScheduleOfBusinessAcquisitionsByAcquisitionContingentConsiderationTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of the amounts recognized as of the acquisition date for each major class of assets acquired and liabilities assumed. May include but not limited to the following: (a) acquired receivables; (b) contingencies recognized at the acquisition date; and (c) the fair value of noncontrolling interests in the acquiree.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Paragraph 1 -Section 50 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479907/805-20-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ScheduleOfRecognizedIdentifiedAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Revenue Recognition (Tables)
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Revenue from Contract with Customer [Abstract] |
Revenue Disaggregated by Product Line and Geographic Area |
The following table presents the Company’s revenue disaggregated by product line and geographic area:
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
Market |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Refining |
$ |
8,416 |
$ |
7,289 |
$ |
16,658 |
$ |
14,156 |
Chemical/Petrochemical |
5,422 |
4,365 |
10,205 |
10,406 |
Defense |
30,897 |
25,118 |
59,991 |
47,935 |
Space |
3,416 |
2,775 |
7,363 |
7,597 |
Other |
5,412 |
5,529 |
9,297 |
12,551 |
Net sales |
$ |
53,563 |
$ |
45,076 |
$ |
103,514 |
$ |
92,645 |
Geographic Region |
Asia |
$ |
4,274 |
$ |
2,980 |
$ |
9,576 |
$ |
8,882 |
Canada |
1,665 |
1,092 |
2,661 |
1,991 |
Middle East |
794 |
669 |
1,777 |
1,718 |
South America |
314 |
172 |
369 |
199 |
U.S. |
45,460 |
38,604 |
86,390 |
76,745 |
All other |
1,056 |
1,559 |
2,741 |
3,110 |
Net sales |
$ |
53,563 |
$ |
45,076 |
$ |
103,514 |
$ |
92,645 |
The following table presents the Company's revenue percentages disaggregated by revenue recognized over time or upon shipment:
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Revenue recognized over time |
79 |
% |
75 |
% |
80 |
% |
78 |
% |
Revenue recognized at shipment |
21 |
% |
25 |
% |
20 |
% |
22 |
% |
Schedule of Net Contract Assets (Liabilities) |
Net contract assets (liabilities) consisted of the following:
September 30, 2024 |
March 31, 2024 |
Change |
Change due to revenue recognized |
Change due to invoicing customers/ additional deposits |
Unbilled revenue - contract assets |
$ |
40,730 |
$ |
28,015 |
$ |
12,715 |
$ |
52,216 |
$ |
(39,501 |
) |
Customer deposits - contract liabilities |
(86,483 |
) |
(71,987 |
) |
(14,496 |
) |
34,439 |
(48,935 |
) |
Net contract (liabilities) assets |
$ |
(45,753 |
) |
$ |
(43,972 |
) |
$ |
(1,781 |
) |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of receivable, contract asset, and contract liability from contract with customer. Includes, but is not limited to, change in contract asset and contract liability.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-10
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ContractWithCustomerAssetAndLiabilityTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of disaggregation of revenue into categories depicting how nature, amount, timing, and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows are affected by economic factor.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-5
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisaggregationOfRevenueTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RevenueFromContractWithCustomerAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Inventories (Tables)
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Inventory Disclosure [Abstract] |
Major Classifications of Inventories |
Major classifications of inventories are as follows:
September 30, |
March 31, |
2024 |
2024 |
Raw materials and supplies |
$ |
4,998 |
$ |
4,396 |
Work in process |
24,033 |
27,065 |
Finished products |
2,505 |
1,949 |
Total |
$ |
31,536 |
$ |
33,410 |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InventoryDisclosureAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of the carrying amount as of the balance sheet date of merchandise, goods, commodities, or supplies held for future sale or to be used in manufacturing, servicing or production process.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(6)(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(6)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(6)(c)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483489/210-10-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ScheduleOfInventoryCurrentTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Intangible Assets (Tables)
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Goodwill and Intangible Assets Disclosure [Abstract] |
Schedule of Intangible assets |
Intangible assets are comprised of the following:
Weighted Average Amortization Period |
Gross Carrying Amount |
Accumulated Amortization |
Net Carrying Amount |
At September 30, 2024 |
Intangibles subject to amortization: |
Customer relationships |
8 - 20 years |
$ |
16,200 |
$ |
2,471 |
$ |
13,729 |
Technology and technical know-how |
10 - 20 years |
12,600 |
1,912 |
10,688 |
Backlog |
4 years |
3,900 |
3,789 |
111 |
Tradename |
3 years |
300 |
92 |
208 |
$ |
33,000 |
$ |
8,264 |
$ |
24,736 |
Intangibles not subject to amortization: |
Tradename |
Indefinite |
$ |
6,700 |
$ |
— |
$ |
6,700 |
$ |
6,700 |
$ |
— |
$ |
6,700 |
Weighted Average Amortization Period |
Gross Carrying Amount |
Accumulated Amortization |
Net Carrying Amount |
At March 31, 2024 |
Intangibles subject to amortization: |
Customer relationships |
8 - 20 years |
$ |
16,200 |
$ |
1,901 |
$ |
14,299 |
Technology and technical know-how |
10 - 20 years |
12,600 |
1,535 |
11,065 |
Backlog |
4 years |
3,900 |
3,677 |
223 |
Tradename |
3 years |
300 |
42 |
258 |
$ |
33,000 |
$ |
7,155 |
$ |
25,845 |
Intangibles not subject to amortization: |
Tradename |
Indefinite |
$ |
6,700 |
$ |
— |
$ |
6,700 |
$ |
6,700 |
$ |
— |
$ |
6,700 |
Schedule of Estimated Annual Future Amortization Expense |
The estimated annual future amortization expense by fiscal year is as follows:
Annual Amortization |
Remainder of 2025 |
$ |
1,109 |
2026 |
1,995 |
2027 |
1,953 |
2028 |
1,895 |
2029 |
1,895 |
2030 and thereafter |
15,889 |
Total intangible amortization |
$ |
24,736 |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_GoodwillAndIntangibleAssetsDisclosureAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of goodwill and intangible assets, which may be broken down by segment or major class.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/350-30/tableOfContent
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/350-20/tableOfContent
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ScheduleOfIntangibleAssetsAndGoodwillTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of the amount of amortization expense expected to be recorded in succeeding fiscal years for finite-lived intangible assets.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ScheduleofFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsFutureAmortizationExpenseTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Equity-Based Compensation (Tables)
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Share-Based Payment Arrangement [Abstract] |
Schedule of Time-Vesting Restricted Stock Units ("RSUs") and Performance-Vesting Restricted Stock Units ("PSUs") Granted |
The following restricted stock units were awarded in the six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:
Vest 100% on First |
Vest One-Third Per Year |
Vest 100% on Third |
Anniversary (1) |
Over Three-Year Term (1) |
Anniversary (1) |
Officers and |
Officers and |
Total Shares |
Six months ended September 30, |
Directors |
Key Employees |
Key Employees |
Awarded |
2024 |
Time Vesting RSUs |
18 |
29 |
8 |
55 |
Performance Vesting PSUs |
— |
— |
62 |
62 |
2023 |
Time Vesting RSUs |
38 |
40 |
— |
78 |
Performance Vesting PSUs |
— |
— |
79 |
79 |
(1)Subject to the terms of the applicable award.
Schedule of recognized equity-based compensation |
The Company has recognized equity-based compensation costs, which is primarily included in selling, general and administrative costs, as follows:
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Restricted stock awards |
$ |
6 |
$ |
77 |
$ |
33 |
$ |
164 |
Restricted stock units |
394 |
249 |
682 |
445 |
Employee stock purchase plan |
34 |
6 |
63 |
16 |
$ |
434 |
$ |
332 |
$ |
778 |
$ |
625 |
Income tax benefit recognized |
$ |
100 |
$ |
74 |
$ |
179 |
$ |
139 |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of share-based payment arrangement.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 718 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisclosureOfShareBasedCompensationArrangementsByShareBasedPaymentAwardTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of activity for award under share-based payment arrangement. Includes, but is not limited to, outstanding award at beginning and end of year, granted, exercised, forfeited, and weighted-average grant date fair value.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (d) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 718 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (e) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 718 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ScheduleOfShareBasedCompensationActivityTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Income Per Share (Tables)
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Earnings Per Share [Abstract] |
Reconciliation of Numerators and Denominators of Basic and Diluted Income (Loss) Per Share |
A reconciliation of the numerators and denominators of basic and diluted income per share is presented below:
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Basic income per share |
Numerator: |
Net income |
$ |
3,281 |
$ |
411 |
$ |
6,247 |
$ |
3,051 |
Denominator: |
Weighted average common shares outstanding |
10,887 |
10,699 |
10,875 |
10,675 |
Basic income per share |
$ |
0.30 |
$ |
0.04 |
$ |
0.57 |
$ |
0.29 |
Diluted income per share |
Numerator: |
Net income |
$ |
3,281 |
$ |
411 |
$ |
6,247 |
$ |
3,051 |
Denominator: |
Weighted average common shares outstanding |
10,887 |
10,699 |
10,875 |
10,675 |
Restricted stock units outstanding |
137 |
111 |
120 |
86 |
Weighted average common and potential common shares outstanding |
11,024 |
10,810 |
10,995 |
10,761 |
Diluted income per share |
$ |
0.30 |
$ |
0.04 |
$ |
0.57 |
$ |
0.28 |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_EarningsPerShareAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of an entity's basic and diluted earnings per share calculations, including a reconciliation of numerators and denominators of the basic and diluted per-share computations for income from continuing operations.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482662/260-10-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ScheduleOfEarningsPerShareBasicAndDilutedTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Product Warranty Liability (Tables)
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Guarantees [Abstract] |
Reconciliation of the Changes in Product Warranty Liability |
The reconciliation of the changes in the product warranty liability is as follows:
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Balance at beginning of period |
$ |
702 |
$ |
616 |
$ |
806 |
$ |
578 |
Expense for product warranties |
25 |
112 |
48 |
203 |
Product warranty claims paid |
(90 |
) |
(90 |
) |
(217 |
) |
(143 |
) |
Balance at end of period |
$ |
637 |
$ |
638 |
$ |
637 |
$ |
638 |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_GuaranteesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of the changes in the guarantor's aggregate product warranty liability, including the beginning balance of the aggregate product warranty liability, the aggregate reductions in that liability for payments made (in cash or in kind) under the warranty, the aggregate changes in the liability for accruals related to product warranties issued during the reporting period, the aggregate changes in the liability for accruals related to preexisting warranties (including adjustments related to changes in estimates), and the ending balance of the aggregate product warranty liability.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 460 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482425/460-10-50-8
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ScheduleOfProductWarrantyLiabilityTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of supplemental cash flow information for the periods presented.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ScheduleOfCashFlowSupplementalDisclosuresTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_SupplementalCashFlowElementsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Changes in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss (Tables)
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Equity [Abstract] |
Changes in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss by Component |
The changes in accumulated other comprehensive loss by component for the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 are as follows:
Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Items |
Foreign Currency Items |
Total |
Balance at April 1, 2024 |
$ |
(6,776 |
) |
$ |
(237 |
) |
$ |
(7,013 |
) |
Other comprehensive loss before reclassifications |
— |
(28 |
) |
(28 |
) |
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss |
150 |
— |
150 |
Net current-period other comprehensive income (loss) |
150 |
(28 |
) |
122 |
Balance at June 30, 2024 |
(6,626 |
) |
(265 |
) |
(6,891 |
) |
Other comprehensive income before reclassifications |
— |
131 |
131 |
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss |
150 |
— |
150 |
Net current-period other comprehensive income |
150 |
131 |
281 |
Balance at September 30, 2024 |
$ |
(6,476 |
) |
$ |
(134 |
) |
$ |
(6,610 |
) |
Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Items |
Foreign Currency Items |
Total |
Balance at April 1, 2023 |
$ |
(7,470 |
) |
$ |
7 |
$ |
(7,463 |
) |
Other comprehensive loss before reclassifications |
— |
(252 |
) |
(252 |
) |
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss |
164 |
— |
164 |
Net current-period other comprehensive income (loss) |
164 |
(252 |
) |
$ |
(88 |
) |
Balance at June 30, 2023 |
(7,306 |
) |
(245 |
) |
(7,551 |
) |
Other comprehensive loss before reclassifications |
— |
(58 |
) |
(58 |
) |
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss |
164 |
— |
164 |
Net current-period other comprehensive income (loss) |
164 |
(58 |
) |
106 |
Balance at September 30, 2023 |
$ |
(7,142 |
) |
$ |
(303 |
) |
$ |
(7,445 |
) |
Reclassifications Out of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss by Component |
The reclassifications out of accumulated other comprehensive loss by component for the three and six months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 are as follows:
Details about Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss Components |
Amount Reclassified from Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss |
Affected Line Item in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income |
Three Months Ended |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
Pension and other postretirement benefit items: |
Amortization of actuarial loss |
$ |
195 |
(1) |
$ |
210 |
(1) |
Income before benefit for income taxes |
Tax effect |
45 |
46 |
Provision for income taxes |
$ |
150 |
$ |
164 |
Net income |
Details about Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss Components |
Amount Reclassified from Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss |
Affected Line Item in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income |
Six Months Ended |
September 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
Pension and other postretirement benefit items: |
Amortization of actuarial loss |
$ |
390 |
(1) |
$ |
421 |
(1) |
Income before benefit for income taxes |
Tax effect |
90 |
93 |
Provision for income taxes |
$ |
300 |
$ |
328 |
Net income |
(1)These accumulated other comprehensive loss components are included within the computation of pension and other postretirement benefit costs.
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_EquityAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of information about items reclassified out of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss).
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionTabular disclosure of the components of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 14A -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-14A
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 830 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481674/830-30-50-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 830 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 20 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481694/830-30-45-20
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ScheduleOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTableTextBlock |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:textBlockItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Acquisition - Additional Information (Details) - USD ($) shares in Thousands, $ in Thousands |
3 Months Ended |
6 Months Ended |
Nov. 09, 2023 |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Jun. 30, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Business Acquisition [Line Items] |
Goodwill |
$ 25,520
$ 25,520
$ 25,520
Net sales |
$ 45,076
$ 92,645
Net income (loss) |
$ 411
$ 3,051
P3 Technologies Llc [Member] |
Business Acquisition [Line Items] |
Business combination, purchase price |
$ 11,238
Business combination, common stock, shares |
Business combination, common stock value |
$ 1,930
Business combination, cash consideration |
Goodwill |
Net sales |
Net income (loss) |
$ (200)
$ 276
Tax liabilities |
$ 170
P3 Technologies Llc [Member] | Maximum [Member] |
Business Acquisition [Line Items] |
Business combination contingent earn-out eligible to receive, additional cash consideration |
$ 3,000
X |
- DefinitionNumber of shares of equity interests issued or issuable to acquire entity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b)(4) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479581/805-30-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionEquityInterestsIssuedOrIssuableNumberOfSharesIssued |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionLine items represent financial concepts included in a table. These concepts are used to disclose reportable information associated with domain members defined in one or many axes to the table.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479907/805-20-50-5
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of consideration transferred, consisting of acquisition-date fair value of assets transferred by the acquirer, liabilities incurred by the acquirer, and equity interest issued by the acquirer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 30 -Paragraph 8 -SubTopic 30 -Topic 805 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479637/805-30-30-8
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -SubTopic 30 -Topic 805 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479581/805-30-50-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 30 -Paragraph 7 -SubTopic 30 -Topic 805 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479637/805-30-30-7
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationConsiderationTransferred1 |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of equity interests of the acquirer, including instruments or interests issued or issuable in consideration for the business combination.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 30 -Paragraph 8 -SubTopic 30 -Topic 805 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479637/805-30-30-8
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 30 -Paragraph 7 -SubTopic 30 -Topic 805 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479637/805-30-30-7
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationConsiderationTransferredEquityInterestsIssuedAndIssuable |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionFor contingent consideration arrangements recognized in connection with a business combination, this element represents an estimate of the high-end of the potential range (undiscounted) of the consideration which may be paid.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 805 -SubTopic 30 -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (c)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479581/805-30-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationContingentConsiderationArrangementsRangeOfOutcomesValueHigh |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of deferred tax liability attributable to taxable temporary differences assumed at the acquisition date.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 805 -SubTopic 20 -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479907/805-20-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedDeferredTaxLiabilities |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, after accumulated impairment loss, of asset representing future economic benefit arising from other asset acquired in business combination or from joint venture formation or both, that is not individually identified and separately recognized.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 49 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482785/280-10-55-49
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482548/350-20-55-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 820 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 100 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482078/820-10-55-100
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(15)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482598/350-20-45-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482573/350-20-50-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (h) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482573/350-20-50-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(10)(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_Goodwill |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe portion of profit or loss for the period, net of income taxes, which is attributable to the parent.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 9 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-9
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482765/220-10-50-6
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-3
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-1
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-8
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-4
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-10
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479105/946-220-45-7
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(18)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-07(9)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-1
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(1)(d)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 27: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 28: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 29: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 30: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 31: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 32: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 60B -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-60B
Reference 33: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-7
Reference 34: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 35: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1A
Reference 36: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1B
Reference 37: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(22)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetIncomeLoss |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow associated with the acquisition of business during the period. The cash portion only of the acquisition price.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479581/805-30-50-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-13
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PaymentsToAcquireBusinessesGross |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, excluding tax collected from customer, of revenue from satisfaction of performance obligation by transferring promised good or service to customer. Tax collected from customer is tax assessed by governmental authority that is both imposed on and concurrent with specific revenue-producing transaction, including, but not limited to, sales, use, value added and excise.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 41 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-41
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 270 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482964/270-10-50-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (ee) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 924 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SAB Topic 11.L) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479941/924-10-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-5
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 30 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-30
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 42 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-42
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 22 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-22
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-40
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 22 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-22
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-4
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=ghm_P3TechnologiesLlcMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_RangeAxis=srt_MaximumMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Acquisition - Schedule of Contingent Earn Out Liability (Details) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
3 Months Ended |
5 Months Ended |
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Jun. 30, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Business Acquisition [Line Items] |
Change in fair value |
$ (726)
$ 0
Payments |
$ 0
P3 Technologies Llc [Member] |
Business Acquisition [Line Items] |
Begining balance |
$ 1,990
$ 2,120
$ 2,040
Change in fair value |
Payments |
Ending balance |
$ 1,394
$ 1,990
$ 2,120
$ 1,394
X |
- DefinitionReversal of a liability recognized in the acquisition from the termination of an earn out agreement.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_ChangeInFairValueOfContingentConsideration |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionLine items represent financial concepts included in a table. These concepts are used to disclose reportable information associated with domain members defined in one or many axes to the table.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479907/805-20-50-5
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of liability recognized arising from contingent consideration in a business combination.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 820 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (bbb)(2)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482106/820-10-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 820 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (bbb)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482106/820-10-50-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 820 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (bbb)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482106/820-10-50-2
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 35 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479613/805-30-35-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (c)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479581/805-30-50-1
Reference 6: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 805 -SubTopic 30 -Section 25 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479668/805-30-25-6
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationContingentConsiderationLiability |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe cash outflow associated with the acquisition of a business, net of the cash acquired from the purchase.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-13
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PaymentsToAcquireBusinessesNetOfCashAcquired |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis=ghm_P3TechnologiesLlcMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Acquisition - Schedule of Final Purchase Price Allocation, After Adjustments of the Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed (Details) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Nov. 09, 2023 |
Assets acquired: |
Goodwill |
$ 25,520
$ 25,520
P3 Technologies Llc [Member] |
Assets acquired: |
Cash and cash equivalents |
$ 286
Trade accounts receivable, net of allowances |
Unbilled revenue |
Inventories |
Prepaid expenses and other current assets |
Property, plant & equipment, net |
Operating lease asset |
Goodwill |
Total assets acquired |
Liabilities assumed: |
Accrued compensation |
Customer deposits |
Operating lease liabilities |
Total liabilities assumed |
Purchase price |
Customer Relationships [Member] | P3 Technologies Llc [Member] |
Assets acquired: |
Intangibles |
Technology and Technical Know-How [Member] | P3 Technologies Llc [Member] |
Assets acquired: |
Intangibles |
Tradename [Member] | P3 Technologies Llc [Member] |
Assets acquired: |
Intangibles |
$ 300
X |
- DefinitionBusiness combination, recognized identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed, accrued compensation.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedAccruedCompensation |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionBusiness combination, recognized identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed, customer deposits.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedCustomerDeposits |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionBusiness combination, recognized identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed, operating lease asset.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedOperatingLeaseAsset |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionBusiness combination, recognized identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed, operating lease liabilities.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedOperatingLeaseLiabilities |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionBusiness combination, recognized identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed, unbilled revenue.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedUnbilledRevenue |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of assets acquired at the acquisition date.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 805 -SubTopic 20 -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479907/805-20-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedAssetsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of currency on hand as well as demand deposits with banks or financial institutions, acquired at the acquisition date. Includes other kinds of accounts that have the general characteristics of demand deposits. Also includes short-term, highly liquid investments that are both readily convertible to known amounts of cash and so near their maturity that they present insignificant risk of changes in value because of changes in interest rates.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 805 -SubTopic 20 -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479907/805-20-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedCashAndEquivalents |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of other assets expected to be realized or consumed before one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer, acquired at the acquisition date.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 805 -SubTopic 20 -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479907/805-20-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedCurrentAssetsOther |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount due from customers or clients for goods or services, including trade receivables, that have been delivered or sold in the normal course of business, and amounts due from others, including related parties expected to be converted to cash, sold or exchanged within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer, acquired at the acquisition date.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 805 -SubTopic 20 -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479907/805-20-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedCurrentAssetsReceivables |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of intangible assets, excluding goodwill, acquired at the acquisition date.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 805 -SubTopic 20 -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479907/805-20-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedIntangibleAssetsOtherThanGoodwill |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of inventory recognized as of the acquisition date.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 805 -SubTopic 10 -Section 55 -Paragraph 37 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479303/805-10-55-37
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 805 -SubTopic 20 -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479907/805-20-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedInventory |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of liabilities assumed at the acquisition date.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 805 -SubTopic 20 -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479907/805-20-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedLiabilities |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedLiabilitiesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount recognized as of the acquisition date for the identifiable assets acquired in excess of (less than) the aggregate liabilities assumed.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 805 -SubTopic 10 -Section 55 -Paragraph 37 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479303/805-10-55-37
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 805 -SubTopic 20 -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479907/805-20-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of property, plant, and equipment recognized as of the acquisition date.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 805 -SubTopic 10 -Section 55 -Paragraph 37 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479303/805-10-55-37
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 805 -SubTopic 20 -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479907/805-20-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessCombinationRecognizedIdentifiableAssetsAcquiredAndLiabilitiesAssumedPropertyPlantAndEquipment |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, after accumulated impairment loss, of asset representing future economic benefit arising from other asset acquired in business combination or from joint venture formation or both, that is not individually identified and separately recognized.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 49 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482785/280-10-55-49
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 24 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482548/350-20-55-24
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 820 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 100 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482078/820-10-55-100
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(15)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482598/350-20-45-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482573/350-20-50-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (h) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482573/350-20-50-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(10)(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_Goodwill |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=ghm_P3TechnologiesLlcMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis=us-gaap_CustomerRelationshipsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis=ghm_TechnologyAndTechnicalKnowHowMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis=ghm_TradenameMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Acquisition - Schedule of Unaudited Pro Forma Information (Details) - P3 Technologies Llc [Member] - USD ($) $ / shares in Units, $ in Thousands |
3 Months Ended |
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Business Acquisition [Line Items] |
Net sales |
$ 53,563
$ 46,833
$ 103,514
$ 95,833
Net income (loss) |
$ 3,281
$ 945
$ 6,247
$ 3,811
Basic |
$ 0.3
$ 0.09
$ 0.57
$ 0.35
Diluted |
$ 0.3
$ 0.09
$ 0.57
$ 0.35
X |
- DefinitionLine items represent financial concepts included in a table. These concepts are used to disclose reportable information associated with domain members defined in one or many axes to the table.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479907/805-20-50-5
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis=ghm_P3TechnologiesLlcMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Revenue Recognition - Revenue Disaggregated by Product Line and Geographic Area (Detail) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
3 Months Ended |
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Disaggregation Of Revenue [Line Items] |
Net sales |
$ 53,563
$ 45,076
$ 103,514
$ 92,645
Refining [Member] |
Disaggregation Of Revenue [Line Items] |
Net sales |
Chemical/Petrochemical [Member] |
Disaggregation Of Revenue [Line Items] |
Net sales |
Defense [Member] |
Disaggregation Of Revenue [Line Items] |
Net sales |
Space [Member] |
Disaggregation Of Revenue [Line Items] |
Net sales |
Other [Member] |
Disaggregation Of Revenue [Line Items] |
Net sales |
Asia [Member] |
Disaggregation Of Revenue [Line Items] |
Net sales |
Canada [Member] |
Disaggregation Of Revenue [Line Items] |
Net sales |
Middle East [Member] |
Disaggregation Of Revenue [Line Items] |
Net sales |
South America [Member] |
Disaggregation Of Revenue [Line Items] |
Net sales |
U.S. [Member] |
Disaggregation Of Revenue [Line Items] |
Net sales |
All Other [Member] |
Disaggregation Of Revenue [Line Items] |
Net sales |
$ 1,056
$ 1,559
$ 2,741
$ 3,110
X |
- DefinitionLine items represent financial concepts included in a table. These concepts are used to disclose reportable information associated with domain members defined in one or many axes to the table.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-5
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 91 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479777/606-10-55-91
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 91 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479777/606-10-55-91
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 91 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479777/606-10-55-91
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 91 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479777/606-10-55-91
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 91 -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479777/606-10-55-91
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 91 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479777/606-10-55-91
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 91 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479777/606-10-55-91
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisaggregationOfRevenueLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, excluding tax collected from customer, of revenue from satisfaction of performance obligation by transferring promised good or service to customer. Tax collected from customer is tax assessed by governmental authority that is both imposed on and concurrent with specific revenue-producing transaction, including, but not limited to, sales, use, value added and excise.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 41 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-41
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 270 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482964/270-10-50-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (ee) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 4: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/otherTransitionRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 32 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-32
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 924 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SAB Topic 11.L) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479941/924-10-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-5
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 30 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-30
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 42 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-42
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 22 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-22
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-40
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 280 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 22 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482810/280-10-50-22
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-4
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_ProductOrServiceAxis=ghm_RefiningMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_ProductOrServiceAxis=ghm_ChemicalPetrochemicalMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_ProductOrServiceAxis=ghm_DefenseMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_ProductOrServiceAxis=ghm_SpaceMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_ProductOrServiceAxis=ghm_OtherMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_StatementGeographicalAxis=srt_AsiaMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_StatementGeographicalAxis=country_CA |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_StatementGeographicalAxis=us-gaap_MiddleEastMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_StatementGeographicalAxis=srt_SouthAmericaMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_StatementGeographicalAxis=country_US |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_StatementGeographicalAxis=ghm_AllOtherCountriesMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DisaggregationOfRevenueAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionContract with customer assets and liabilities.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_ContractWithCustomerAssetsAndLiabilitiesLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of obligation to transfer good or service to customer for which consideration is receivable.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_ContractWithCustomerLiabilityConsiderationReceivable |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount billed to customers under long-term contracts or programs that have been withheld because of retainage provisions in a contract.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_ContractWithCustomerReceivablesBilledButNotPaidUnderRetainage |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of transaction price allocated to performance obligation that has not been recognized as revenue.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (a) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 606 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-13
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RevenueRemainingPerformanceObligation |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_BalanceSheetLocationAxis=ghm_CustomerDepositsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Revenue Recognition - Schedule of Net Contract Assets (Liabilities) (Detail) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Revenue from Contract with Customer [Abstract] |
Unbilled revenue - contract assets |
$ 40,730
$ 28,015
Customer deposits - contract liabilities |
Net contract (liabilities) assets |
$ (43,972)
Unbilled revenue - contract assets |
Customer deposits - contract liabilities |
Net contract (liabilities) assets |
Change due to revenue recognized - Contract assets |
Change due to revenue recognized - Contract Liabilities |
Change due to invoicing customers/ additional deposits - Contract Assets |
Change due to invoicing customers/ additional deposits - Contract Liabilities |
$ (48,935)
X |
- DefinitionChange due to invoicing customers/ additional deposits (Contract Assets).
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_ChangeDueToInvoicingCustomersAdditionalDepositsContractAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionChange due to invoicing customers/ additional deposits (Contract Liabilities).
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_ChangeDueToInvoicingCustomersAdditionalDepositsContractLiabilities |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionChange due to revenue recognized contract assets
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_ChangeDueToRevenueRecognizedContractAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionChange due to revenue recognized Contract Liabilities
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_ChangeDueToRevenueRecognizedContractLiabilities |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe change in the balance of the contract with customer asset.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_ChangeInContractWithCustomerAsset |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe change in the net balance of the contract with customer asset and contract with customer liability.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_ChangeInContractWithCustomerAssetLiabilityNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe change in the balance of the contract with customer liability.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_ChangeInContractWithCustomerLiability |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe net balance of current contract with customer assets and current contract with customer liabilities.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_ContractWithCustomerNetAssetLiabilityCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount, after allowance for credit loss, of right to consideration in exchange for good or service transferred to customer when right is conditioned on something other than passage of time, classified as current.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479837/606-10-45-3
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479837/606-10-45-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-8
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ContractWithCustomerAssetNetCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of obligation to transfer good or service to customer for which consideration has been received or is receivable, classified as current.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479837/606-10-45-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-8
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 606 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479837/606-10-45-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ContractWithCustomerLiabilityCurrent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RevenueFromContractWithCustomerAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
Revenue Recognition - Additional Information (Detail1)
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Revenue, Remaining Performance Obligation, Expected Timing of Satisfaction, Start Date: 2025-01-01 |
Contract With Customer Assets And Liabilities [Line Items] |
Revenue remaining performance obligation, expected timing of satisfaction, period |
1 year
Minimum [Member] | Revenue, Remaining Performance Obligation, Expected Timing of Satisfaction, Start Date: 2024-01-01 |
Contract With Customer Assets And Liabilities [Line Items] |
Revenue remaining performance obligation percentage |
Minimum [Member] | Revenue, Remaining Performance Obligation, Expected Timing of Satisfaction, Start Date: 2025-01-01 |
Contract With Customer Assets And Liabilities [Line Items] |
Revenue remaining performance obligation percentage |
Maximum [Member] | Revenue, Remaining Performance Obligation, Expected Timing of Satisfaction, Start Date: 2024-01-01 |
Contract With Customer Assets And Liabilities [Line Items] |
Revenue remaining performance obligation percentage |
Revenue remaining performance obligation, expected timing of satisfaction, period |
1 year
Maximum [Member] | Revenue, Remaining Performance Obligation, Expected Timing of Satisfaction, Start Date: 2025-01-01 |
Contract With Customer Assets And Liabilities [Line Items] |
Revenue remaining performance obligation percentage |
Revenue remaining performance obligation, expected timing of satisfaction, period |
2 years
X |
- DefinitionContract with customer assets and liabilities.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_ContractWithCustomerAssetsAndLiabilitiesLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionPeriod in which remaining performance obligation is expected to be recognized as revenue, in 'PnYnMnDTnHnMnS' format, for example, 'P1Y5M13D' represents reported fact of one year, five months, and thirteen days.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (b)(1) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 606 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-13
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RevenueRemainingPerformanceObligationExpectedTimingOfSatisfactionPeriod1 |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:durationItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionPercentage of remaining performance obligation to total remaining performance obligation not recognized as revenue.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 13 -Subparagraph (b)(1) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 606 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479806/606-10-50-13
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RevenueRemainingPerformanceObligationPercentage |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RevenueRemainingPerformanceObligationExpectedTimingOfSatisfactionStartDateAxis=2025-01-01 |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_RangeAxis=srt_MinimumMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_RevenueRemainingPerformanceObligationExpectedTimingOfSatisfactionStartDateAxis=2024-01-01 |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_RangeAxis=srt_MaximumMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Inventories - Major Classifications of Inventories (Detail) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Inventory Disclosure [Abstract] |
Raw materials and supplies |
$ 4,998
$ 4,396
Work in process |
Finished products |
Total |
$ 31,536
$ 33,410
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InventoryDisclosureAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount before valuation and LIFO reserves of completed merchandise or goods expected to be sold within one year or operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(6)(a)(1)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InventoryFinishedGoods |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after valuation and LIFO reserves of inventory expected to be sold, or consumed within one year or operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483467/210-10-45-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(6)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InventoryNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount before valuation and LIFO reserves of raw materials expected to be sold, or consumed within one year or operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(6)(a)(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InventoryRawMaterials |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount before valuation and LIFO reserves of merchandise or goods in the production process expected to be completed within one year or operating cycle, if longer.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(6)(a)(3)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InventoryWorkInProcess |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
Intangible Assets - Schedule of Intangible assets (Detail) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
6 Months Ended |
12 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets [Line Items] |
Intangibles subject to amortization, Gross Carrying Amount |
$ 33,000
$ 33,000
Intangibles subject to amortization, Accumulated Amortization |
Total intangible amortization |
Intangibles not subject to amortization, Gross Carrying Amount |
Intangibles not subject to amortization, Net Carrying Amount |
Customer Relationships [Member] |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets [Line Items] |
Intangibles subject to amortization, Gross Carrying Amount |
Intangibles subject to amortization, Accumulated Amortization |
Total intangible amortization |
$ 13,729
$ 14,299
Customer Relationships [Member] | Minimum [Member] |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets [Line Items] |
Intangibles subject to amortization, Weighted Average Amortization Period |
8 years
8 years
Customer Relationships [Member] | Maximum [Member] |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets [Line Items] |
Intangibles subject to amortization, Weighted Average Amortization Period |
20 years
20 years
Technology and Technical Know-How [Member] |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets [Line Items] |
Intangibles subject to amortization, Gross Carrying Amount |
$ 12,600
$ 12,600
Intangibles subject to amortization, Accumulated Amortization |
Total intangible amortization |
$ 10,688
$ 11,065
Technology and Technical Know-How [Member] | Minimum [Member] |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets [Line Items] |
Intangibles subject to amortization, Weighted Average Amortization Period |
10 years
10 years
Technology and Technical Know-How [Member] | Maximum [Member] |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets [Line Items] |
Intangibles subject to amortization, Weighted Average Amortization Period |
20 years
20 years
Backlog [Member] |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets [Line Items] |
Intangibles subject to amortization, Weighted Average Amortization Period |
4 years
4 years
Intangibles subject to amortization, Gross Carrying Amount |
$ 3,900
$ 3,900
Intangibles subject to amortization, Accumulated Amortization |
Total intangible amortization |
$ 111
$ 223
Tradename [Member] |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets [Line Items] |
Intangibles subject to amortization, Weighted Average Amortization Period |
3 years
3 years
Intangibles subject to amortization, Gross Carrying Amount |
$ 300
$ 300
Intangibles subject to amortization, Accumulated Amortization |
Total intangible amortization |
$ 208
$ 258
Intangibles not subject to amortization, Weighted Average Amortization Period |
Intangibles not subject to amortization, Gross Carrying Amount |
$ 6,700
$ 6,700
Intangibles not subject to amortization, Net Carrying Amount |
$ 6,700
$ 6,700
X |
- DefinitionIndefinite lived intangible assets excluding goodwill gross.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsExcludingGoodwillGross |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionIndefinite lived intangible assets weighted average amortization period.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsWeightedAverageAmortizationPeriod |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionWeighted average amortization period of finite-lived intangible assets acquired either individually or as part of a group of assets, in 'PnYnMnDTnHnMnS' format, for example, 'P1Y5M13D' represents the reported fact of one year, five months, and thirteen days.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 985 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481283/985-20-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AcquiredFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsWeightedAverageUsefulLife |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:durationItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAccumulated amount of amortization of assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480265/350-10-S45-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(16)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAccumulatedAmortization |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount before amortization of assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480265/350-10-S45-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 928 -SubTopic 340 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478859/928-340-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsGross |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionLine items represent financial concepts included in a table. These concepts are used to disclose reportable information associated with domain members defined in one or many axes to the table.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (d)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (d)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482686/350-30-45-1
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-3
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 985 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481283/985-20-50-2
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 926 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483154/926-20-50-5
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after amortization of assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 926 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483154/926-20-50-5
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance and having a projected indefinite period of benefit.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480265/350-10-S45-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsExcludingGoodwill |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis=us-gaap_CustomerRelationshipsMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_RangeAxis=srt_MinimumMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_RangeAxis=srt_MaximumMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis=ghm_TechnologyAndTechnicalKnowHowMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis=ghm_BacklogMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IndefiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsByMajorClassAxis=us-gaap_TradeNamesMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Intangible Assets - Schedule of Estimated Annual Future Amortization Expense (Details) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Finite-Lived Intangible Assets, Amortization Expense, Maturity Schedule [Abstract] |
Remainder of 2025 |
$ 1,109
2026 |
2027 |
2028 |
2029 |
2030 and therafter |
Total intangible amortization |
$ 24,736
$ 25,845
X |
- DefinitionAmount of amortization for asset, excluding financial asset and goodwill, lacking physical substance with finite life expected to be recognized after fifth fiscal year following current fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported from current statement of financial position date (rolling approach).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 985 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481283/985-20-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseAfterYearFive |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of amortization for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with finite life expected to be recognized in next fiscal year following current fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported from current statement of financial position date (rolling approach).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 985 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481283/985-20-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseNextTwelveMonths |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of amortization for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with finite life expected to be recognized in fifth fiscal year following current fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported from current statement of financial position date (rolling approach).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 985 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481283/985-20-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseYearFive |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of amortization for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with finite life expected to be recognized in fourth fiscal year following current fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported from current statement of financial position date (rolling approach).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 985 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481283/985-20-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseYearFour |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of amortization for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with finite life expected to be recognized in third fiscal year following current fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported from current statement of financial position date (rolling approach).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 985 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481283/985-20-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseYearThree |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of amortization for assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with finite life expected to be recognized in second fiscal year following current fiscal year. Excludes interim and annual periods when interim periods are reported from current statement of financial position date (rolling approach).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 985 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481283/985-20-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsAmortizationExpenseYearTwo |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsFutureAmortizationExpenseCurrentAndFiveSucceedingFiscalYearsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after amortization of assets, excluding financial assets and goodwill, lacking physical substance with a finite life.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 926 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483154/926-20-50-5
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_FiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AmortizationOfDeferredChargesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe aggregate expense charged against earnings to allocate the cost of intangible assets (nonphysical assets not used in production) in a systematic and rational manner to the periods expected to benefit from such assets. As a noncash expense, this element is added back to net income when calculating cash provided by or used in operations using the indirect method.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (b) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 230 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 40 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482640/350-30-55-40
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482665/350-30-50-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 350 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482686/350-30-45-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AmortizationOfIntangibleAssets |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe number of shares originally approved that may be purchased by employees under the company employee stock purchase plan.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardCommonStockAuthorizedForPurchase |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionMaximum discount rate from fair value of market price on the last, first or lower of the last or first day of the offering period that participants pay for shares.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardMaximumDiscountFromMarketPrice |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe difference between the maximum number of shares (or other type of equity) authorized for issuance under the 2000 Plan (including the effects of amendments and adjustments), and the sum of: 1) the number of shares (or other type of equity) already issued upon exercise of options or other equity-based awards under the plan; and 2) shares (or other type of equity) reserved for issuance on granting of outstanding awards, net of cancellations and forfeitures, if applicable.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardNumberOfSharesRemainingAvailableForGrant2000Plan |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe number of grants made during the period on other than stock (or unit) option plans (for example, phantom stock or unit plan, stock or unit appreciation rights plan, performance target plan).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(iii)(01) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardEquityInstrumentsOtherThanOptionsGrantsInPeriod |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionLine items represent financial concepts included in a table. These concepts are used to disclose reportable information associated with domain members defined in one or many axes to the table.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 35 -Paragraph 1D -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480483/718-10-35-1D
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 35 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480483/718-10-35-3
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(01) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(02) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(03) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(ii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(iii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(iii)(01) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(iii)(02) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(iii)(03) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (d)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (d)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (e)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (e)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2)(ii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2)(iii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 27: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2)(iv) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 28: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2)(v) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionNumber of shares authorized for issuance under share-based payment arrangement.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardNumberOfSharesAuthorized |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionGross number of share options (or share units) granted during the period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(01) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsGrantsInPeriodGross |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PlanNameAxis=ghm_TwoThousandIncentivePlanMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AwardTypeAxis=ghm_StockCompensationPriorPlanMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AwardTypeAxis=us-gaap_EmployeeStockOptionMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AwardTypeAxis=us-gaap_RestrictedStockMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_RangeAxis=srt_MaximumMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AwardTypeAxis=us-gaap_StockCompensationPlanMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_PlanNameAxis=ghm_EmployeeStockPurchasePlanMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- DefinitionThe number of grants made during the period on other than stock (or unit) option plans (for example, phantom stock or unit plan, stock or unit appreciation rights plan, performance target plan).
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(iii)(01) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardEquityInstrumentsOtherThanOptionsGrantsInPeriod |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionLine items represent financial concepts included in a table. These concepts are used to disclose reportable information associated with domain members defined in one or many axes to the table.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 35 -Paragraph 1D -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480483/718-10-35-1D
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 35 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480483/718-10-35-3
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(01) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(02) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(03) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(ii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(iii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(iii)(01) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(iii)(02) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(iii)(03) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (d)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (d)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (e)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (e)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2)(ii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2)(iii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 27: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2)(iv) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 28: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2)(v) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_VestingAxis=ghm_TimeVestedRestrictedStockUnitsRsusMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_TitleOfIndividualAxis=srt_DirectorMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_TitleOfIndividualAxis=ghm_OfficersAndKeyEmployeesMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_VestingAxis=ghm_TimeVestOneThirdPerYearPercentageMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- DefinitionPeriod over which grantee's right to exercise award under share-based payment arrangement is no longer contingent on satisfaction of service or performance condition, in 'PnYnMnDTnHnMnS' format, for example, 'P1Y5M13D' represents reported fact of one year, five months, and thirteen days. Includes, but is not limited to, combination of market, performance or service condition.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardAwardVestingPeriod1 |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:durationItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionLine items represent financial concepts included in a table. These concepts are used to disclose reportable information associated with domain members defined in one or many axes to the table.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 35 -Paragraph 1D -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480483/718-10-35-1D
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 35 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480483/718-10-35-3
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(01) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(02) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(03) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(ii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(iii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(iii)(01) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(iii)(02) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(iii)(03) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (d)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (d)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (e)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (e)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2)(ii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2)(iii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 27: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2)(iv) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 28: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2)(v) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionPercentage of vesting of award under share-based payment arrangement.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_SharebasedCompensationArrangementBySharebasedPaymentAwardAwardVestingRightsPercentage |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_TitleOfIndividualAxis=srt_DirectorMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_TitleOfIndividualAxis=ghm_OfficersAndKeyEmployeesMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_VestingAxis=ghm_TimeVestOneThirdPerYearPercentageMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Equity-Based Compensation - Schedule of recognized equity-based compensation (Details) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
3 Months Ended |
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Share-Based Compensation Arrangement by Share-Based Payment Award [Line Items] |
Share-Based Payment Arrangement, Expense, after Tax |
$ 434
$ 332
$ 778
$ 625
Share-Based Payment Arrangement, Expense, Tax Benefit |
Restricted Stock [Member] |
Share-Based Compensation Arrangement by Share-Based Payment Award [Line Items] |
Share-Based Payment Arrangement, Expense, after Tax |
Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) [Member] |
Share-Based Compensation Arrangement by Share-Based Payment Award [Line Items] |
Share-Based Payment Arrangement, Expense, after Tax |
Employee Stock Purchase Plan [Member] |
Share-Based Compensation Arrangement by Share-Based Payment Award [Line Items] |
Share-Based Payment Arrangement, Expense, after Tax |
$ 34
$ 6
$ 63
$ 16
X |
- DefinitionAmount, after tax, of expense for award under share-based payment arrangement.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AllocatedShareBasedCompensationExpenseNetOfTax |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of tax benefit for recognition of expense of award under share-based payment arrangement.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (h)(1)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_EmployeeServiceShareBasedCompensationTaxBenefitFromCompensationExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionLine items represent financial concepts included in a table. These concepts are used to disclose reportable information associated with domain members defined in one or many axes to the table.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 35 -Paragraph 1D -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480483/718-10-35-1D
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 35 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480483/718-10-35-3
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (a)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(01) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(02) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(03) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(1)(iv)(04) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(ii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(iii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(iii)(01) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(iii)(02) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (c)(2)(iii)(03) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (d)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (d)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (e)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (e)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2)(i) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2)(ii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2)(iii) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 27: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2)(iv) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
Reference 28: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (f)(2)(v) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480429/718-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AwardTypeAxis=us-gaap_RestrictedStockMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AwardTypeAxis=us-gaap_RestrictedStockUnitsRSUMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AwardTypeAxis=ghm_EmployeeStockPurchasePlanMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Income Per Share - Reconciliation of Numerators and Denominators of Basic and Diluted Income (Loss) Per Share (Detail) - USD ($) $ / shares in Units, shares in Thousands, $ in Thousands |
3 Months Ended |
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Numerator: |
Net Income (Loss) |
$ 3,281
$ 411
$ 6,247
$ 3,051
Denominator: |
Weighted average common shares outstanding |
Basic income per share |
$ 0.3
$ 0.04
$ 0.57
$ 0.29
Numerator: |
Net income (loss) |
$ 3,281
$ 411
$ 6,247
$ 3,051
Denominator: |
Weighted average common shares outstanding |
Restricted stock units outstanding |
Weighted average common and potential common shares outstanding |
Diluted income per share |
$ 0.3
$ 0.04
$ 0.57
$ 0.28
X |
- DefinitionDenominator diluted income.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_DenominatorDilutedIncomeAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionNumerator diluted income.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_NumeratorDilutedIncomeAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of net income (loss) for the period per each share of common stock or unit outstanding during the reporting period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 52 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482635/260-10-55-52
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-3
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 15 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482635/260-10-55-15
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (e)(4) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-7
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-2
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 60B -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-60B
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-4
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482662/260-10-50-1
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-10
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(25)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(27)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(23)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-7
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_EarningsPerShareBasic |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of net income (loss) for the period available to each share of common stock or common unit outstanding during the reporting period and to each share or unit that would have been outstanding assuming the issuance of common shares or units for all dilutive potential common shares or units outstanding during the reporting period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 52 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482635/260-10-55-52
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-3
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 15 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482635/260-10-55-15
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (e)(4) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-7
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-2
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 60B -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-60B
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-4
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482662/260-10-50-1
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(25)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(27)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(23)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-7
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_EarningsPerShareDiluted |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:perShareItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAdditional shares included in the calculation of diluted EPS as a result of the potentially dilutive effect of share based payment arrangements using the treasury stock method.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 718 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480454/718-10-45-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482662/260-10-50-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 22 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-22
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 23 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-23
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28A -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-28A
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_IncrementalCommonSharesAttributableToShareBasedPaymentArrangements |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe portion of profit or loss for the period, net of income taxes, which is attributable to the parent.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 9 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-9
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482765/220-10-50-6
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-3
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-1
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-8
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-4
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-10
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479105/946-220-45-7
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(18)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-07(9)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-1
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(1)(d)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 27: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 28: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 29: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 30: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 31: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 32: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 60B -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-60B
Reference 33: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-7
Reference 34: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 35: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1A
Reference 36: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1B
Reference 37: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(22)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetIncomeLoss |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe average number of shares or units issued and outstanding that are used in calculating diluted EPS or earnings per unit (EPU), determined based on the timing of issuance of shares or units in the period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482662/260-10-50-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 16 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-16
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_WeightedAverageNumberOfDilutedSharesOutstanding |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionNumber of [basic] shares or units, after adjustment for contingently issuable shares or units and other shares or units not deemed outstanding, determined by relating the portion of time within a reporting period that common shares or units have been outstanding to the total time in that period.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482662/260-10-50-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-10
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_WeightedAverageNumberOfSharesOutstandingBasic |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:sharesItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe (income) expense (included) charged (in) against earnings for the period pertaining to standard and extended warranties on the entity's goods and services granted to customers.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_ProductWarrantyIncomeExpense |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_GuaranteesAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionCarrying value as of the balance sheet date of obligations incurred through that date and payable for estimated claims under standard and extended warranty protection rights granted to customers.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(15)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 460 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482425/460-10-50-4
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 460 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Subparagraph (c)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482425/460-10-50-8
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 460 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Subparagraph (c)(5) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482425/460-10-50-8
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ProductWarrantyAccrual |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of decrease in the standard product warranty accrual from payments made in cash or in kind to satisfy claims under the terms of the standard product warranty. Excludes extended product warranties.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 460 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Subparagraph (c)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482425/460-10-50-8
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StandardProductWarrantyAccrualPayments |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionFuture cash outflow to pay for purchases of fixed assets that have occurred.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482913/230-10-50-4
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482913/230-10-50-3
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482913/230-10-50-5
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CapitalExpendituresIncurredButNotYetPaid |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash paid for interest, excluding capitalized interest, classified as operating activity. Includes, but is not limited to, payment to settle zero-coupon bond for accreted interest of debt discount and debt instrument with insignificant coupon interest rate in relation to effective interest rate of borrowing attributable to accreted interest of debt discount.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 17 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-17
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 25 -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-25
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482913/230-10-50-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_InterestPaidNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_SupplementalCashFlowElementsAbstract |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionFuture fixed minimum lease payments.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_FutureFixedMinimumLeasePayments |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionRemainder Operating Lease Payment.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_RemainderOperatingLeasePayment |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionLine items represent financial concepts included in a table. These concepts are used to disclose reportable information associated with domain members defined in one or many axes to the table.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 450 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483076/450-20-50-4
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 450 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 9 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483076/450-20-50-9
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 720 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483359/720-20-50-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 460 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 27 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482395/460-10-55-27
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 450 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 9 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483076/450-20-50-9
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 450 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483076/450-20-50-4
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 460 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482425/460-10-50-3
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 450 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483076/450-20-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LossContingenciesLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe amount of loss pertaining to the specified contingency that was charged against earnings in the period, including the effects of revisions in previously reported estimates.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 450 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483076/450-20-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LossContingencyLossInPeriod |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of cash outflow from operating lease, excluding payments to bring another asset to condition and location necessary for its intended use.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 5 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479041/842-20-45-5
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 842 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Subparagraph (g)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478964/842-20-50-4
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OperatingLeasePayments |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LossContingenciesByNatureOfContingencyAxis=ghm_MisconductEmployeesMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Income Taxes - Additional Information (Detail) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
3 Months Ended |
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Mar. 31, 2024 |
Income Taxes [Line Items] |
Liability unrecognized tax benefits |
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
Effective income tax rate |
Income before taxes |
$ 4,297
$ 654
$ 7,591
$ 4,060
Federal Tax Jurisdictions [Member] |
Income Taxes [Line Items] |
Open tax year |
2020 2021 2022 2023
State Tax Jurisdictions [Member] |
Income Taxes [Line Items] |
Open tax year |
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
International Tax Jurisdictions [Member] | State Administration of Taxation, China [Member] |
Income Taxes [Line Items] |
Open tax year |
2020 2021 2022 2023
International Tax Jurisdictions [Member] | Ministry of Finance, India [Member] |
Income Taxes [Line Items] |
Open tax year |
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
X |
- DefinitionTax year that remains open to examination under enacted tax laws, in YYYY format.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 15 -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482685/740-10-50-15
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OpenTaxYear |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:gYearListItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of unrecognized tax benefits.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 217 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482663/740-10-55-217
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 15A -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482685/740-10-50-15A
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 10B -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482525/740-10-45-10B
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_UnrecognizedTaxBenefits |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
Changes in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss - Changes in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss by Component (Detail) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
3 Months Ended |
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Jun. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Jun. 30, 2023 |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Line Items] |
Beginning balance |
$ 108,188
$ 105,566
$ 99,721
$ 96,933
$ 105,566
$ 96,933
Other comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications |
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss |
Total other comprehensive income (loss) |
Ending Balance |
Pension and Other Postretirement Benefits Items [Member] |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Line Items] |
Beginning balance |
Other comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications |
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss |
Total other comprehensive income (loss) |
Ending Balance |
Foreign Currency Items [Member] |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Line Items] |
Beginning balance |
Other comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications |
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss |
Total other comprehensive income (loss) |
Ending Balance |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss [Member] |
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Line Items] |
Beginning balance |
Ending Balance |
$ (6,610)
$ (6,891)
$ (7,445)
$ (7,551)
$ (6,610)
$ (7,445)
X |
- DefinitionLine items represent financial concepts included in a table. These concepts are used to disclose reportable information associated with domain members defined in one or many axes to the table.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482765/220-10-50-4
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 5 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482765/220-10-50-5
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 830 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481674/830-30-50-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 830 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 17 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481694/830-30-45-17
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 830 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 20 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481694/830-30-45-20
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 830 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 20 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481694/830-30-45-20
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 830 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 20 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481694/830-30-45-20
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 830 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 20 -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481694/830-30-45-20
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after tax, before reclassification adjustments, of other comprehensive income (loss), attributable to parent.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 14A -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-14A
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 15 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 220 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482739/220-10-55-15
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OciBeforeReclassificationsNetOfTaxAttributableToParent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after tax of other comprehensive income (loss) attributable to parent entity.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 810 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 19 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-19
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 20 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 810 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481231/810-10-45-20
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (c)(3) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 810 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481203/810-10-50-1A
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1B
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1A
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTaxPortionAttributableToParent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount after tax of reclassification adjustments of other comprehensive income (loss) attributable to parent.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Section 45 -Paragraph 14A -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-14A
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 15 -SubTopic 10 -Topic 220 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482739/220-10-55-15
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ReclassificationFromAociCurrentPeriodNetOfTaxAttributableToParent |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
debit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of equity (deficit) attributable to parent. Excludes temporary equity and equity attributable to noncontrolling interest.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(29)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(30)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(31)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 852 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481372/852-10-55-10
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 12 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-12
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-04(19)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-05(4)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479170/946-210-S99-2
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(4)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(6)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(7)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 14: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 310 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SAB Topic 4.E) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480418/310-10-S99-2
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StockholdersEquity |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis=us-gaap_AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis=us-gaap_AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis=us-gaap_AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Changes in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss - Reclassifications Out of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss by Component (Detail) - USD ($) $ in Thousands |
3 Months Ended |
6 Months Ended |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Sep. 30, 2024 |
Sep. 30, 2023 |
Reclassification Adjustment out of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income [Line Items] |
Income before benefit for income taxes |
$ 4,297
$ 654
$ 7,591
$ 4,060
Provision for income taxes |
Net Income (Loss) |
Reclassifications Out of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss [Member] | Amortization of Actuarial income (loss) [Member] |
Reclassification Adjustment out of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income [Line Items] |
Income before benefit for income taxes |
[1] |
Reclassifications Out of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss [Member] | Pension and Other Postretirement Benefits Items [Member] |
Reclassification Adjustment out of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income [Line Items] |
Provision for income taxes |
Net Income (Loss) |
$ 150
$ 164
$ 300
$ 328
X |
- DefinitionThe portion of profit or loss for the period, net of income taxes, which is attributable to the parent.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-6
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 9 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-9
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 805 -SubTopic 60 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (g) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147476176/805-60-65-1
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 740 -SubTopic 323 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (g)(3) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478666/740-323-65-2
Reference 5: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 2 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-03(20)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483621/220-10-S99-2
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(g)(1)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 323 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481687/323-10-50-3
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 825 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 28 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482907/825-10-50-28
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482765/220-10-50-6
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 3 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-3
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (b)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-1
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 815 -SubTopic 40 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 65 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480175/815-40-65-1
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 8 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-8
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 11 -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-11
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 250 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 4 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483443/250-10-50-4
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 830 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 10 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479168/946-830-55-10
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479105/946-220-45-7
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-04(18)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147477250/944-220-S99-1
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-07(9)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-1
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 946 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.6-09(1)(d)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147479134/946-220-S99-3
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(ii)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-01(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1A
Reference 27: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(i)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 28: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(A)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 29: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iii)(B)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 30: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(4)(iv)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 31: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (SX 210.13-02(a)(5)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480097/470-10-S99-1B
Reference 32: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 260 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 60B -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482689/260-10-45-60B
Reference 33: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 205 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 7 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147483499/205-20-50-7
Reference 34: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 230 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 28 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482740/230-10-45-28
Reference 35: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1A -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1A
Reference 36: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482790/220-10-45-1B
Reference 37: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 220 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-04(22)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478524/942-220-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_NetIncomeLoss |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionLine items represent financial concepts included in a table. These concepts are used to disclose reportable information associated with domain members defined in one or many axes to the table.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 220 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 6 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482765/220-10-50-6
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ReclassificationAdjustmentOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeAxis=us-gaap_ReclassificationOutOfAccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis=ghm_AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentNetActuarialGainLossesMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_StatementEquityComponentsAxis=us-gaap_AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
Debt - Additional Information (Detail) ¥ in Thousands, $ in Thousands |
6 Months Ended |
Jul. 15, 2024
USD ($)
Oct. 13, 2023
USD ($)
Sep. 30, 2024
USD ($)
Sep. 30, 2024
CNY (¥)
Mar. 31, 2024
USD ($)
Letter of Credit [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Fee for outstanding letters of credit |
Letters of credit outstanding amount |
$ 13,656
$ 8,442
Minimum [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Consolidated total leverage ratio |
Consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio |
Maximum [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Consolidated total leverage ratio |
Consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio |
HSBC Bank USA [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Letters of credit outstanding amount |
Bank Of America [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Letters of credit outstanding amount |
China Construction Bank [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Letters of credit outstanding amount |
China Citic Bank Co. LTD [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Letters of credit outstanding amount |
Line of credit | ¥ |
¥ 20,000
Revolving Credit Facility [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Term loan payment period |
5 years
Line of credit facility, Current |
$ 35,000
Letters of credit outstanding amount |
$ 6,848
Revolving Credit Facility [Member] | Letter of Credit [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Maximum limit of credit facility |
Revolving Credit Facility [Member] | Minimum [Member] | Letter of Credit [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Fee for outstanding letters of credit |
Revolving Credit Facility [Member] | Maximum [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Maximum limit of credit facility |
$ 50,000
Revolving Credit Facility [Member] | Maximum [Member] | Letter of Credit [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Fee for outstanding letters of credit |
Revolving Credit Facility [Member] | Bank Of America [Member] | Letter of Credit [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Fee for outstanding letters of credit |
New Revolving Credit Facility [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Debt instrument, basis spread on variable rate |
Line of credit facility, Current |
$ 43,152
Federal funds rate |
Fee for outstanding letters of credit |
New Revolving Credit Facility [Member] | Minimum [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Fee for outstanding letters of credit |
Line of credit facility, net |
$ 2,000
New Revolving Credit Facility [Member] | Maximum [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Fee for outstanding letters of credit |
Line of credit facility, net |
$ 3,500
New Revolving Credit Facility [Member] | SOFR [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Debt instrument, basis spread on variable rate |
New Revolving Credit Facility [Member] | SOFR [Member] | Minimum [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Debt instrument, basis spread on variable rate |
New Revolving Credit Facility [Member] | SOFR [Member] | Maximum [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Debt instrument, basis spread on variable rate |
New Revolving Credit Facility [Member] | Base Rate [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Line of credit facility, interest rate description |
option, either (i) a forward-looking term rate based on the secured overnight financing rate ("SOFR") for the applicable interest period, subject to a floor of 0.0% per annum or (ii) a base rate determined by reference to the highest of (a) the rate of interest per annum publicly announced by the Lender as its prime rate, (b) the federal funds rate plus 0.50% per annum and (c) one-month term SOFR plus 1.00% per annum, subject to a floor of 1.00% per annum, plus, in each case, an applicable margin. The applicable margins range between (i) 1.25% per annum and 2.50% per annum in the case of any term SOFR loan and (ii) 0.25% per annum and 1.50% per annum in the case of any base rate loan, in each case based upon the Company’s then-current consolidated total leverage ratio; provided, however, for a period of one year following the closing date, the applicable margin shall be set at 1.25% per annum in the case of any term SOFR loan and 0.25%
New Revolving Credit Facility [Member] | Base Rate [Member] | Minimum [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Debt instrument, basis spread on variable rate |
New Revolving Credit Facility [Member] | Base Rate [Member] | Maximum [Member] |
Debt Instrument [Line Items] |
Debt instrument, basis spread on variable rate |
X |
- DefinitionConsolidated fixed charge coverage ratio.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_ConsolidatedFixedChargeCoverageRatio |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:pureItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionConsolidated total leverage ratio.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_ConsolidatedTotalLeverageRatio |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:pureItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe fee, expressed as a percentage of the standby letter of credit amount, incurred for the issuance of a standby letter of credit.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
ghm_LetterOfCreditCommitmentFeePercentage |
Namespace Prefix: |
ghm_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionAverage rate paid on federal funds purchased.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name Regulation S-K (SK) -Number 229 -Section 1402 -Paragraph a -Publisher SEC
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Name Regulation S-K (SK) -Number 229 -Section 1402 -Paragraph b -Subparagraph (3) -Publisher SEC
+ Details
Name: |
srt_FederalFundsPurchasedAverageRatePaid |
Namespace Prefix: |
srt_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionPercentage points added to the reference rate to compute the variable rate on the debt instrument.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DebtInstrumentBasisSpreadOnVariableRate1 |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
dtr-types:percentItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionLine items represent financial concepts included in a table. These concepts are used to disclose reportable information associated with domain members defined in one or many axes to the table.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 835 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 8 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482949/835-30-55-8
Reference 2: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(f)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 3 -Subparagraph (SX 210.12-04(a)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-3
Reference 4: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1B
Reference 5: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 69B -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481568/470-20-55-69B
Reference 6: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 69C -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481568/470-20-55-69C
Reference 7: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 69E -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481568/470-20-55-69E
Reference 8: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 55 -Paragraph 69F -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481568/470-20-55-69F
Reference 9: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1B
Reference 10: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1B
Reference 11: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/exampleRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1B
Reference 12: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (e) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1B
Reference 13: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (f) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1B
Reference 14: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1B -Subparagraph (h) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1B
Reference 15: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1D -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1D
Reference 16: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1D -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1D
Reference 17: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1D -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1D
Reference 18: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1E -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1E
Reference 19: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1E -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1E
Reference 20: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1E -Subparagraph (d) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1E
Reference 21: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1F -Subparagraph (a) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1F
Reference 22: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1F -Subparagraph (b) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1F
Reference 23: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1F -Subparagraph (b)(1) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1F
Reference 24: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1F -Subparagraph (b)(2) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1F
Reference 25: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef -Topic 470 -SubTopic 20 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1I -Subparagraph (c) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147481139/470-20-50-1I
Reference 26: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 835 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 45 -Paragraph 2 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482925/835-30-45-2
Reference 27: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 835 -SubTopic 30 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section 50 -Paragraph 1 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147482900/835-30-50-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DebtInstrumentLineItems |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionPeriod of time between issuance and maturity of debt instrument, in PnYnMnDTnHnMnS' format, for example, 'P1Y5M13D' represents the reported fact of one year, five months, and thirteen days.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_DebtInstrumentTerm |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:durationItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionThe total amount of the contingent obligation under letters of credit outstanding as of the reporting date.
+ References
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LettersOfCreditOutstandingAmount |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionThe carrying value as of the balance sheet date of the current and noncurrent portions of long-term obligations drawn from a line of credit, which is a bank's commitment to make loans up to a specific amount. Examples of items that might be included in the application of this element may consist of letters of credit, standby letters of credit, and revolving credit arrangements, under which borrowings can be made up to a maximum amount as of any point in time conditional on satisfaction of specified terms before, as of and after the date of drawdowns on the line. Includes short-term obligations that would normally be classified as current liabilities but for which (a) postbalance sheet date issuance of a long term obligation to refinance the short term obligation on a long term basis, or (b) the enterprise has entered into a financing agreement that clearly permits the enterprise to refinance the short-term obligation on a long term basis and the following conditions are met (1) the agreement does not expire within 1 year and is not cancelable by the lender except for violation of an objectively determinable provision, (2) no violation exists at the BS date, and (3) the lender has entered into the financing agreement is expected to be financially capable of honoring the agreement.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(22)) -SubTopic 10 -Topic 210 -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 942 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.9-03(16)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478546/942-210-S99-1
Reference 3: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 944 -SubTopic 210 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.7-03(a)(16)(a)(2)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147478777/944-210-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LineOfCredit |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of current borrowing capacity under the credit facility considering any current restrictions on the amount that could be borrowed (for example, borrowings may be limited by the amount of current assets), but without considering any amounts currently outstanding under the facility.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(22)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(19)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LineOfCreditFacilityCurrentBorrowingCapacity |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- DefinitionAmount of increase (decrease) of the credit facility.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2009/role/commonPracticeRef -Topic 235 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.4-08(f)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480678/235-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LineOfCreditFacilityIncreaseDecreaseForPeriodNet |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionDescription of interest rate for borrowing under credit facility. Includes, but is not limited to, terms and method for determining interest rate.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(22)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(19)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LineOfCreditFacilityInterestRateDescription |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:stringItemType |
Balance Type: |
na |
Period Type: |
duration |
X |
- DefinitionMaximum borrowing capacity under the credit facility without consideration of any current restrictions on the amount that could be borrowed or the amounts currently outstanding under the facility.
+ ReferencesReference 1: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(22)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
Reference 2: http://fasb.org/us-gaap/role/ref/legacyRef -Topic 210 -SubTopic 10 -Name Accounting Standards Codification -Section S99 -Paragraph 1 -Subparagraph (SX 210.5-02(19)(b)) -Publisher FASB -URI https://asc.fasb.org/1943274/2147480566/210-10-S99-1
+ Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LineOfCreditFacilityMaximumBorrowingCapacity |
Namespace Prefix: |
us-gaap_ |
Data Type: |
xbrli:monetaryItemType |
Balance Type: |
credit |
Period Type: |
instant |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_ShortTermDebtTypeAxis=us-gaap_LetterOfCreditMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_RangeAxis=srt_MinimumMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
srt_RangeAxis=srt_MaximumMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LineOfCreditFacilityAxis=ghm_HSBCBankUSAMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LineOfCreditFacilityAxis=ghm_BankOfAmericaMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LineOfCreditFacilityAxis=ghm_ChinaConstructionBankMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_LineOfCreditFacilityAxis=ghm_ChinaCiticBankCoLtdMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CreditFacilityAxis=us-gaap_RevolvingCreditFacilityMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_CreditFacilityAxis=ghm_NewRevolvingCreditFacilityMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_VariableRateAxis=us-gaap_SecuredOvernightFinancingRateSofrOvernightIndexSwapRateMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
X |
- Details
Name: |
us-gaap_VariableRateAxis=us-gaap_BaseRateMember |
Namespace Prefix: |
Data Type: |
na |
Balance Type: |
Period Type: |
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