RNS Number : 8439T

Green China Holdings Limited

19 December 2012

19 December 2012

Green China Holdings Limited

('Green China' or 'the Company')

First Day of Dealings on AIM

The board of Green China Holdings Limited (AIM: GCH) is pleased to announce the commencement of dealings in its ordinary shares on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange today.

The Company has raised GBP0.93 million before expenses by way of a placing of 1,553,332 new ordinary shares at 60 pence per share giving a market capitalisation of circa GBP31 million on admission to AIM. The funds raised will be used to support the Company's business strategy and for general working capital purposes. Northland Capital Partners Limited acts as Broker to the Company and Cairn Financial Advisers LLPis the Company's Nominated Adviser.

The Company and its subsidiaries (the "Group") are principally engaged in the sale and distribution of fertiliser products and the operation of a network of franchise stores selling fertilisers and agricultural related products in Hunan Province in China.

The Group's products are sold through a number of different channels, including its own franchise stores, direct sales to fertiliser manufacturers and end-users and sales to third party distributors. As at 31 October 2012, the Group had 767 franchise stores in Hunan Province, all of which operate under the Huifengnian brand. Each store purchases products from the Group and other suppliers and in turn sells to customers who are typically end-user farmers. The operators of franchise stores pay annual non-refundable consultancy fees to the Group.

Although historically the bulk of sales were through the direct sales channel, the Group is in the process of rebalancing towards a greater emphasis on expanding the franchise store channel, where the Directors believe faster growth and better margins can be achieved.

Green China's Chairman Ivor Shrago said: "We are delighted to be joining AIM today. We believe that admission to AIM will provide the Group with both access to further equity capital if needed as well as an enhanced status when dealing with its present and prospective franchisees. The combination of a well-placed business with an excellent board and experienced management team operating in an area strongly supported by the Chinese Government in its latest 5 year plan distinguishes Green China as a compelling investment opportunity. We strongly believe that fertiliser demand will continue to grow as China needs to maximise the yield of its available arable land, and that agriculture will remain a focus for Chinese Government support and subsidies for many years to come."

For further information please visit www.greenchinaholdings.com or contact the following:

                                                         + 44 (0) 7970 
 Luke Webster            Green China Holdings Limited     066 390 
 James Caithie / Avi     Cairn Financial Advisers        +44 (0) 20 7148 
  Robinson                LLP                             7900 
 Gavin Burnell / Luke    Northland Capital Partners      +44 (0) 20 7796 
  Cairns                  Limited                         8800 

Further Information

Extracts from the Green China admission document published on 12 December 2012 are included below for information. All defined terms contained within the text below are as defined in the admission document, which can be downloaded from the Company's website at www.greenchinaholdings.com.



The primary nutrients required by plants for growth are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Other nutrients, including sulphur, calcium, magnesium, and other minerals such as copper and zinc, which are usually referred to as secondary nutrients, are also required for plant growth but in smaller quantities than primary nutrients. Fertilisers can be broadly classified into (i) organic fertilisers which are naturally occurring organic materials; and (ii) chemical fertilisers which are industrially manufactured to supply plants with one or more plant nutrients. In this Document, the term "fertiliser" refers to chemical fertilisers.

There are two main varieties of chemical fertilisers, namely straight fertilisers and compound fertilisers. Straight fertilisers contain only one of the three primary plant nutrients while compound fertilisers contain more than one (or all three) primary plant nutrients.

Consumption of fertilisers in China

There are more than 300 million farmers in China, but the per capita area of cultivated land is only 0.09 hectares, which is 56.5 per cent. below the global average. This makes China a country short of cultivated land resources, making the use of fertilisers critical to agricultural productivity and resulting in strong demand throughout China for fertiliser products. Consumption is forecast to grow at an average of 3.3 per cent. annually to 2015.

Production and Consumption of Fertilisers in Hunan Province

Hunan Province has a population of approximately 70 million people, with a rural population of 40 million. It is known as the "Granary of China" and is consistently in the top 10 Chinese agricultural provinces. Its principal crops are rice and grain, with lotus seeds, vegetables and cotton also being grown throughout the province.

Typically, land in Hunan Province is very intensively farmed as demand for food and other agricultural produce throughout China outstrips its production. For certain crops, Hunan farmers typically have two harvests per year and so the land is rarely allowed to lie fallow. Consequently, there is significant reliance on and consistent demand for fertiliser products to replenish the land's nutrients. This demand is expected to be supported in the future by the limited supply of arable land, rising rural incomes and government subsidies for farmers.

Fragmented fertiliser market

In spite of the recent and well-documented rapid growth of its towns and cities, China remains a highly agriculturally-focused economy, with cultivable land being distributed by the local government to its residents. The majority of families who are allocated such land either farm it themselves or trade/lease out their land tenancies. As a result, end users of the Group's products are a highly fragmented potential customer base. The Board believes that the optimum way to sell to this group is through smaller, highly localised branded shops which the end users can access with relative ease.

The Group has a commercial website, www.hnzfn.net, through which it promotes the Group's products. However, a negligible percentage of China's rural population currently use the internet for trading purposes and as a result, there are no internet sales of the Group's products. The Directors therefore intend to concentrate on creating a more localised physical presence in a limited number of provinces in the PRC.

Government support for agriculture

The Government of the PRC offers a great deal of protection and support for the agricultural industry as a whole, given its importance to the nation. It has been deemed to be one of the "key industries" under the recent 5-Year Plan published by the Government of the PRC. This support helps the Group and its franchise stores in a number of ways. Certain agricultural products are exempt from VAT at 17 per cent. and some of the Group's franchise stores that achieve certain sales volumes receive financial subsidies from the local government. Currently, around 140 of the Group's franchise network are receiving or have received these government subsidies.



The products sold and distributed by the Group are classified into three categories:

(i) compound fertilisers which comprise three proprietary brands, Huifengnian, Xiangdan and Xiangkunwang, of which the relevant trademarks are owned by the Group in the PRC, and a further brand, Jinyizhu, in respect of which the Group has been granted distribution rights in the PRC, as summarised below;

 Product name            Date from which trademark    Number of products 
                          owned by Group 
  (or "Huifengnian")     7 May 2011                   2 
  (or "Xiangdan")        13 September 2012            32 
  (or "Xiangkunwang")    13 September 2012            9 
  (or "Jinyizhu")        N/A*                         12 

* The Group has non-exclusive distribution rights for this brand granted by Hunan Xiangzhu Chemical Corporation for distribution in the PRC between 1 December 2009 and 30 November 2015.

(ii) straight fertilisers which are produced by third party manufacturers with their own brand names. These include nitrogen-based fertilisers (containing urea as the main nutrient), phosphate-based fertilisers (containing phosphorous as the main nutrient) and potash-based fertilisers (containing potassium as the main nutrient); and

(iii) ammonium bicarbonate is a nitrogen based fertiliser used mainly in China that is produced by heating ammonium hydroxide with carbon dioxide and evaporating the water formed. This product has become part of the Group's product offering since Huifengnian's Branch Company in Yueyang signed an exclusive distributorship agreement on 18 December 2010 with Huarong Hao Tian Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd for its ammonium bicarbonate products which are sold under its brand Zhutoushan ( ).

Sales and Distribution

The Group has been in transition since September 2011 when it disposed of its manufacturing operations, redirecting its focus from direct sales to sales to its contracted franchise stores. In doing this, the Group has been able to create further revenue streams via franchise and consultancy fees from franchise store owners which carry significantly higher margins than sales of the products alone. In addition, as the franchisees typically enter into three year contracts there is more visibility on future revenues and more predictable returns as further franchise stores are opened.

The Group's transition is evidenced by the expected change in ratio of revenues from direct sales to sales to franchise stores (including franchise and consultancy fees). In 2011 this split was 89%:11%. It is expected that by the year ended 31 December 2014, the ratio will be 54%:46%.

The following table shows a breakdown of the Group's turnover by category for the period from incorporation to 31 December 2010, for the year ended 31 December 2011 and for the six months ended 30 June 2012.

                                   Period from incorporation 
                                                          to           Year ended      6 months to 
                                            31 December 2010     31 December 2011     30 June 2012 
                                         RMB '000          %     RMB '000       %  RMB '000      % 
            Direct sales                  333,184      100.0      384,431    89.1    76,941   80.6 
            Sales to franchise 
             stores                             -          -       39,893     9.2    13,893   14.5 
Franchise and consultancy 
 fees                                           -          -        7,250     1.7     4,679    4.9 
                                 ----------------  ---------  -----------  ------  --------  ----- 
                                          333,184      100.0      431,574   100.0    95,513  100.0 
                                 ----------------  ---------  -----------  ------  --------  ----- 

The Directors estimate that average turnover per franchise store will be approximately RMB90,000 in each of 2013 and 2014.

Direct sales

Direct sales mainly refer to bulk purchases (typically at lower profit margins than those from franchise stores) by fertiliser manufacturers and end-users and sales to third party distributors. Currently, the Group's direct sales team in the PRC consists of 8 personnel who provide direct marketing, sales and services support to the customers in the PRC. The Group operates two offices within Hunan Province located in Zhuzhou and Yueyang, each of which has sales personnel who operate and deal with customers.

The Group also engages third party distributors for all of its products which are independent of the Group. These distributors often demand larger quantities of the Group's products for resale than fertiliser manufacturers and end-customers and, ordinarily, will submit annual sales plans. The execution of these plans is monitored by the Group through regular communication with distributors and analysis of quantity, quality and delivery of their fertiliser products.


The administrative divisions of Hunan consist of prefecture-level divisions subdivided into county-level divisions then subdivided into township-level divisions and finally village-level units. The Group's franchise store network comprises 767 stores spanning approximately half of the 14 prefecture-level divisions that comprise Hunan Province. The Directors believe that the franchise stores extend the Group's retail coverage and enhance public recognition of its brands without utilising a substantial amount of its own resources or capital expenditure. These franchise stores are expected to be the main driver of growth in the Group for the foreseeable future. The location of each franchise store is significant as proximity to end users is the key driver to sale and distribution of the Group's products.

The Group's franchise stores are generally owned, established, financed and operated by independent third parties under the Group's Huifengnian brand. The Group enters into agreements which govern the arrangements with its franchisees, generally with a term of three years. Following the granting of the franchise licence in August 2012, each franchisee pays the Group a non-refundable annual franchise and consultancy fee of at least RMB18,000. Under this model, additional stores can be added to the network for minimal additional cost, and the payment by each store of an annual consultancy and franchise fee means that they are making an immediate contribution to the Group's turnover and profit.

The Group's franchise stores can be classified into three broad categories based on their geographical location - namely, county-level stores, township-level stores and village-level stores. As at 31 October 2012, the Group had 64 "county", 422 "town" and 281 "village" stores respectively. The Directors believe there is sufficient room to continue to grow the business in Hunan Province rapidly and profitably for a further two to three years. Current growth carries with it minimal increases in overhead, as the Group has ten logistics centres from which delivery of the fertiliser products to the franchise stores is managed and sufficient central office staff and management to drive and oversee the growth. Further logistics centres and central office staff can be added as required to promote growth at a low incremental cost.

The Directors intend to expand the Group's operations into neighbouring provinces, such as Anhui Province, where agriculture is also a key industry. Such expansion would require a further franchise licence relating to the new province if the Group wanted to charge further franchise fees. On 24 October 2012 the relevant PRC government authorities approved the incorporation of Huangshan and issued a business licence to operate in Anhui Province in franchise management and sales and distribution of fertiliser and agricultural related products. The Directors believe that this will facilitate future expansion into Anhui Province. Application for a franchise licence in Anhui Province will be made at the appropriate time.

The expansion of the Group's franchise stores is managed by the Group's sales team which typically focuses on specific areas where it can optimise the use of its existing logistics network. In order to maximise the reach of its franchise stores, the Group generally conducts an evaluation to ensure the opening of any new franchise store will not have adverse effects on the operation or profitability of existing franchise stores. Candidates have to satisfy certain criteria, in particular, the operation, size and location of the proposed franchise stores.

Each franchise store adopts uniform brand and decoration style and management principles. Franchise stores are also required to be renovated and decorated in accordance with the Group's requirements and specifications with the objective of creating a distinct and immediately recognisable brand.

The Directors believe that the benefits to franchisees include:

   --          the secure supply of the Group's high-quality, industry leading products; 

-- differentiation from the local competition by virtue of the respected Huifengnian brand;

-- periodic workshops, tutorials and Huifengnian protocols and best practices allow store owners to stay informed on industry trends and provide a value added service to their customers;

-- while the franchise stores can sell competitors' products, many of the products sourced from other companies are complementary products to those supplied by the Group, such as seeds, pesticides and equipment; and

-- each of the store owners is incentivised to purchase the Group's branded products by the offer of preferential sales terms and discounted prices.

Management of the sales and distribution network

Currently, the Group has relationships with around 91 independent distributors that operate in and around Hunan Province, including 30 in the city of Zhuzhou alone. The Directors believe that these independent distributors operate a similar business model to the Group's franchise stores except that they do not belong to the Group's franchise network. Nevertheless, they are key customers for the Group and help to spread brand awareness of the Group's products.

Based on sales volume, the Group has divided its sales and distribution network into ten major sales regions. Each sales region consists of a logistics centre, each of which is operated by a third party. The entire sales and distribution network is supported by the Group's logistics network.

The Group's ten strategically located logistics centres primarily function as an intermediary and warehouse in that region for inventory and information flow between suppliers, nearby customers (such as the franchise stores and independent distributors), the Huifengnian head office in Zhuzhou and Huifengnian Branch in Yueyang. The logistics centres are leased on flexible terms where the Group pays for the amount of space it uses. This is beneficial because fertiliser demand fluctuates depending on the season and so inventory may be higher in some months compared to others. Most of the logistics centres are located near to railway stations, which facilitates transportation. Customers either pick up the goods themselves or have them delivered at a reasonable freight charge.


The Group outsources the production of compound fertilisers for its proprietary brands. The entire production process is conducted by a single independent manufacturer, Xiangzhu Xiangbei, which was a subsidiary of Wanfeng until its disposal in September 2011. Pursuant to this disposal, the Group no longer engages in manufacturing operations, enabling it to utilise a more flexible and cost-effective business model. In order to maintain its flexibility, the Group is not restricted by an exclusive agreement with Xiangzhu Xiangbei. The Directors believe that, as there are a number of fertiliser manufacturers in Hunan Province, alternative manufacturers can be engaged within a short period of time to replace the existing one, if required.

Compound and straight fertilisers which are sold by the Group under third party brands are purchased from corresponding third party suppliers.

Business Strategy

The Group's primary goal is to continue to grow its business and increase its market share in the fertiliser market in the PRC by leveraging on its expertise and competitive strengths. Below are the key strategic initiatives of the Group:

Expand the sales network and coverage

By leveraging the established reputation of the Huifengnian brand, the Group intends to further strengthen its market position in Hunan Province. It will also seek to extend its market presence to other nearby agricultural regions, including Anhui, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Hubei, Guangdong and Yunan. The Group is planning to expand the number of franchise stores to 1,500 by the end of 2013 and to 2,000 by the end of 2014.

Enhance the supply of products

The Group has a broad offering of fertiliser products. Given the Group's extensive sales and distribution network, the Group expects to strengthen its business relationship with major suppliers in the PRC through entering into distributorship agreements ensuring a stable supply of fertiliser products.

Enhance consumer awareness of proprietary brands

Through effective marketing, the Group continues to maintain and promote its proprietary brands. The Group will continue to enhance consumer awareness of its brands by way of increased advertising, product promotion seminars and distribution of complimentary fertiliser samples.

Strengthen the logistics operations

The Directors believe that it is vital to maintain an efficient logistics network in order to support the growing sales volume and expansion of its sales and distribution network. The Group plans to strengthen its logistics operation by establishing new logistics centres which will serve as regional warehouses in order to cover and support its established sales and distribution network.


The board of directors of the Company and senior management of the Group are comprised as follows:


Ivor Colin Shrago - aged 70, Non-Executive Chairman

Mr Shrago was admitted as a solicitor to the Supreme Court of England and Wales in 1966 and to the Supreme Court of Hong Kong in 1997. He has more than 40 years' experience of practising law. In 1996, he was the General Counsel to Peregrine Direct Investments Limited, the investment arm of Peregrine Investment Holdings Limited, a leading banking group based in Hong Kong. He then joined the asset management arm of Vigers Asset Management Limited as managing director, while at the same time acting as general counsel for the group. In 2002, Mr Shrago joined Druces LLP (formerly Druces & Attlee) and has been a partner of Edwin Coe LLP since 2007. He is currently an independent non-executive director of MiLOC Group Limited, a company whose shares are traded on the PLUS-quoted market. He is also Non-Executive Chairman of Rare Earths Global Limited and Kada Technology Holdings Limited, both of which are AIM-quoted.

Zhang Sha Li (Sam) - aged 58, Managing Director

Mr Zhang joined the Company on 1 September 2012 and has over 30 years of experience in the fertiliser industry. His career started at Huarong Nitrogenous Fertiliser Plant in 1979 as an Office Director and he reached the position of Vice-Director in 2002. During that time, he also pursued further tertiary education at Hunan Chemical Engineering School and Hunan Economic Management College where he studied chemical fertilisers and economic management between 1989 and 1992. Mr Zhang then joined Huarong County Haotian Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd in 2002, where he was Deputy General Manager responsible for strategic planning and operations management.

Luke Joseph Webster - aged 34, Executive Director

Luke is an experienced solicitor/corporate finance professional. Luke qualified as a solicitor in 2004 with Nabarro before moving into corporate finance with Oriel Securities. In 2009 Luke joined the London Stock Exchange as a senior regulator in charge of the AIM market where he was responsible for the regulation of 1,600 listed companies and 70 investment banks. Luke will take responsibility for the investor relations, corporate strategy and listing responsibilities of the Company. Luke is also the commercial director of AIM listed Rare Earths Global Limited.

Lu Shangmin (Leo) - aged 49, Non-Executive Director

Mr Lu graduated from Anhui University of Finance and Economic (formerly known as Auhui Institute of Finance and Trade) with Bachelor of Economics in 1981. He has since also attained a certificate in foreign trade business from Cadres Studies Institute. Mr Lu has over 20 years of managerial and accounting experience including appointments as Finance Officer in China Resources Silk Co. Ltd between 1986 and1991 and as Deputy General Manager at Fealty Company Ltd (a subsidiary of China Resources (Holdings) Co. Ltd). Mr Lu then became the Financial Controller of Shenzhen Yue Tai Hua Investments Limited between September 1997 and March 2007. Mr Lu is now an Executive Director of Z-Obee Holdings Limited, a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. He is responsible for the financial management, and client solicitation, assessment and monitoring of this company. He was appointed to the board of Z-Obee Holdings Limited on 3 March 2009 and was last re-elected on 30 July 2009.

Senior Management

Tang Weiming (Tommy) - Director of Operations

Mr Tang is responsible for managing the Group's general operations and leading the development of the Group's franchise network and sales and distribution network. Prior to joining the Group in 2009, Mr Tang spent 17 years in banking, business management and operations in Hunan Province. A graduate of Hunan Economic Management College, Mr Tang has extensive experience in business management and operations and spent 20 years in Hunan's banking industry while with ICBC in their Zhuzhou and Liling branches between 1981and 2002. Mr Tang then joined Zhuzhou Xingye Asset Management Co., Ltd as General Manager before moving on to Zhuzhou Wanshou Real Co. Ltd in 2005 in a similar capacity.

Cheung Yiu Shan (Jessie) - Group Financial Controller

Ms Cheung is responsible for all of the Group's financial operations, including planning, directing and co-ordinating all financial activities. Ms Cheung has over 17 years of accounting and audit experience primarily with Deloitte in Hong Kong. Prior to joining the Group, she worked as Senior Financial Manager at Kada Technology Holdings Limited, an AIM-quoted PRC-based company, and is fluent in English Mandarin and Cantonese.


The Company has applied for the Enlarged Issued Share Capital to be admitted to trading on AIM to:

-- enhance the Group's corporate status and profile with its customers (both existing and prospective) and its other stakeholders, including suppliers and potential partners by being a quoted company;

-- provide it with finance to support the growth strategy described in paragraph 4.6 above and to provide it with access to capital, if required, to support further growth in the future;

-- attribute a value to its Ordinary Shares so as to provide a mechanism of making available Ordinary Shares as a means of retaining and incentivising employees should this be deemed desirable in the future;

   --    broaden the Group's shareholder base; and 
   --    achieve international profile and recognition. 

The net proceeds of the Placing of approximately GBP0.53 million will be used to support the Group's business strategy, as set out in paragraph 4.5 of this Part I, and for general working capital purposes.


This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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