RNS Number : 8992T

Polar Capital Holdings PLC

20 November 2023

Polar Capital Holdings plc ("Polar Capital" or "the Group")

Unaudited interim results for six months ended 30 September 2023

"Strong pipeline of interest in our diversified thematic strategies, improving fund performance and balance sheet strength support a maintained first interim dividend" Gavin Rochussen, CEO


-- Assets under Management ("AuM") at 30 September 2023 GBP19.1bn (31 March 2023: GBP19.2bn) and at 10 November 2023 GBP18.9bn.

-- Net outflows of GBP581m, a material decrease of GBP264m vs the prior comparable period, aided by inflows into a number of funds.

   --    Core operating profit GBP22.5m (30 September 2022: GBP25.8m) 
   --    Profit before tax GBP21.1m (30 September 2022: GBP23.0m) 

-- Basic earnings per share 16.2p (30 September 2022: 17.7p) and adjusted diluted total earnings per share 17.2p (30 September 2022: 19.0p)

-- Interim dividend per ordinary share of 14.0p (January 2023: 14.0p) declared to be paid in January 2024. The dividend payment date is 12 January 2024, with an ex-dividend date of 14 December 2023 and a record date of 15 December 2023.

T he non-GAAP alternative performance measures shown here are described and reconciled to IFRS measures on the Alternative Performance Measures (APM) page

This RNS does not constitute an offer or recommendation to invest in any of the funds referenced within.

Gavin Rochussen, Chief Executive Officer, commented:

"The past six months have been a challenging period for equity markets driven by a volatile macro environment. Like many of our peers, Polar Capital has not been immune from these challenges, but net outflows as a percentage of opening AuM have been relatively modest, and in fact, have materially slowed vs the prior comparable period. This was helped by net inflows into a number of funds, namely our Polar Capital Emerging Market Stars Fund, Polar Capital European ex-UK income Fund, Polar Capital Japan Value Fund and Polar Capital Smart Energy Fund.

"Long-term performance remains positive across the UCITs fund range with all funds bar one in the 1(st) or 2(nd) quartile of their Lipper peer group since inception. More recently, 77% of Polar Capital's total AuM is in the top two quartiles of the Lipper peer group calendar year-to-date.

"As a result, and helped by a strong year for technology stocks, assets under management ended the reporting period at GBP19.1bn, representing a modest decrease from the year end.

"As an investment led, specialist boutique, the quality of our product range remains central to our efforts to grow the business and a number of our funds have seen renewed interest of late. For example, the well documented breakthrough in artificial intelligence has seen an increased interest in the Polar Capital Artificial Intelligence Fund. It had its six-year anniversary in October 2023 and is 3(rd) percentile against Lipper peers over one year, 5(th) percentile over five years and 4(th) percentile since inception.

"Similarly, the Polar Capital Global Insurance Fund has seen renewed interest given its defensive characteristics. It recently passed its 25-year anniversary and since launch it has delivered strong and consistent annualised returns to investors of circa 10% pa (Source: Polar Capital, 30 September 2023. R GBP Acc share class with reinvestment of dividends and capital gain distributions, in Pounds Sterling).

"In the six months, the largest beneficiary of net inflows was our Emerging Market Stars fund range, which garnered a combined total of GBP244m of net inflows, despite the tough backdrop and muted investor demand for the asset class.

The Emerging Markets and Asia Stars team now collectively manage GBP1.5bn and there has been continued progress in the US with US domiciled fund vehicles surpassing GBP125m.

"The Smart funds managed by the Sustainable Thematic team have now reached AuM of GBP280m.

"The Nordic region has continued to grow through additional flows into the Polar Capital Emerging Market Stars Fund and there is emerging interest in the Polar Capital Smart Energy and Smart Mobility funds.

"Pleasingly, Polar Capital won the 2023 European Asset Management Firm of the Year ( EUR20bn-EUR100bn) award at the Funds Europe 2023 awards, which is testament to the quality of our offering.

" We continue to invest in our digital marketing reach and have intensified our client contact interactions to utilise our significant remaining fund capacity. This, given our differentiated range of sector, thematic and regional fund strategies, gives us confidence that we will perform for our clients and shareholders over the long term."

 For further information please contact: 
 Polar Capital +44 (0)20 7227 2700 
  Gavin Rochussen (Chief Executive) 
  Samir Ayub (Finance Director) 
  Numis Securities- Nomad and Joint Broker +44 (0)20 7260 1000 
  Giles Rolls 
  Charles Farquhar 
  Stephen Westgate 
  Peel Hunt - Joint Broker +44 (0)20 3597 8680 
  Andrew Buchanan 
  John Welch 
  Sam Milford 
  Camarco +44 (0)20 3757 4995 
  Ed Gascoigne-Pees 
  Jennifer Renwick 
  Phoebe Pugh 

Assets Under Management

AuM split by type

                          30 September                           31 March 2023 
---------------------  ---------------  --------------------  ---------------- 
                          GBPbn      %                            GBPbn      % 
---------------------  --------  -----  --------------------  ---------  ----- 
 Open ended funds          14.1    74%   Open ended funds          14.3    75% 
 Investment trusts          4.1    21%   Investment trusts          3.9    20% 
 Segregated mandates        0.9     5%   Segregated mandates        1.0     5% 
---------------------  --------  -----  --------------------  ---------  ----- 
 Total                     19.1          Total                     19.2 
---------------------  --------  -----  --------------------  ---------  ----- 

AuM split by strategy

Ordered according to launch date

                             30 September                              31 March 2023 
------------------------  ---------------  -----------------------  ---------------- 
                             GBPbn      %                              GBPbn       % 
------------------------  --------  -----  -----------------------  --------  ------ 
 Technology                    7.5    39%   Technology                   7.2     38% 
 European Long/Short           0.1   0.5%   European Long/Short          0.1    0.5% 
 Healthcare                    3.6    19%   Healthcare                   3.8     20% 
 Global Insurance              2.0    10%   Global Insurance             2.1     11% 
 Financials                    0.6     3%   Financials                   0.5      2% 
 Convertibles                  0.5   2.5%   Convertibles                 0.7      4% 
 North America                 0.6     3%   North America                0.6      3% 
 Japan Value                   0.2     1%   Japan Value                  0.2      1% 
 European Income               0.3     2%   European Income              0.2      1% 
 UK Value                      1.1     6%   UK Value                     1.2      6% 
 Emerging Markets and                       Emerging Markets and 
  Asia                         1.5     8%    Asia                        1.3      7% 
 European Opportunities        0.8     4%   European Opportunities       1.0      5% 
 European Absolute                          European Absolute 
  Return*                        -      -    Return*                     0.1    0.5% 
 Sustainable Thematic                       Sustainable Thematic 
  Equities                     0.3     2%    Equities                    0.2      1% 
------------------------  --------  -----  -----------------------  --------  ------ 
 Total                        19.1   100%   Total                       19.2    100% 
------------------------  --------  -----  -----------------------  --------  ------ 

* The Melchior European Absolute Return Fund was closed down in May 2023.

Chief Executive's Report

Market Overview

The first half of Polar Capital's financial year ended on a weak note in global bond and equity markets, with a sell-off during the month of September 2023. Up to that point, bonds and equities had been moving in opposite directions, with bonds weakening while equity markets, and the US market in particular, made progress.

Bond markets are experiencing another difficult year. Central banks remain in inflation-fighting mode, which has meant that official rates have remained higher. Longer term US bond yields have also moved up, driven by an increase in real interest rates, and by a deterioration in the supply-demand balance as issuance continues while the pace of central bank bond buying declines.

The positive tone in equity markets has surprised many investors this year. Higher interest rates have not yet led to the widely predicted recession, so corporate earnings have in aggregate remained reasonably strong. At the same time, innovation has led to positive outcomes in the technology and healthcare sectors. In technology, the rapid development and commercialisation of machine learning algorithms and large language models has led to strong profit growth and, in turn, high expectations. In healthcare, the positive clinical results and wide-ranging potential of the GLP-1, class of diabetes drugs, have been similarly well received by investors.

In both areas, the gains have accrued to a small number of companies. The side effect of success in these particular areas is that the big have become bigger, and equity market indices have become more top heavy. Over the long term, the market will naturally challenge established oligopolies, and any valuation excesses will be unwound if underlying cash flow growth does not match expectations.

These areas of success also led to outperformance in the first half of 2023 in growth styles versus value, which is atypical in periods of rising interest rates. More recently, this pattern has started to reverse.

Fund Performance

In equity markets, the US market and the tech sector in particular, have been the standout positive performers. At the other end of the spectrum, Emerging Markets currently sit close to a 20-year performance low point relative to the US. Slowing growth in China, and the de-rating of the Chinese equity market, plays a role here.

A further side effect of the success of tech companies which are Artificial Intelligence beneficiaries, and of healthcare stocks which stand to gain from GLP-1 medications, is that larger companies have tended to outperform smaller ones. This has been a headwind for Polar Capital. Many of our investment teams have derived long term success from investing outside the larger, better-known areas of their respective markets, and many clients have supported this approach, as they often own the larger companies directly.

So far this year, the dominance of the largest companies accounts for the underperformance of the Polar Capital Global Technology Fund and the Polar Capital Technology Trust, the Polar Capital Healthcare Opportunities Fund, as well as the underperformance of the Melchior European Opportunities Fund. These strategies have good long term track records, but the recent past has been more challenging.

As the dominance of growth styles has started to wane, we have seen a recovery in the relative performance of the Group's more value-driven strategies such as the Polar Capital European ex-UK Income Fund, which is 277 bps ahead of benchmark in the six months to end September 2023, the Polar Capital Japan Value Fund, which is 171 bps ahead, and the Polar Capital North American Fund, which is 107 bps ahead. The Polar Capital Global Insurance Fund is also ahead of its benchmark over this period.

The Polar Capital Global Insurance Fund has celebrated its 25-year anniversary. Since launch it has delivered strong and consistent annualised returns to investors of circa 10% pa, by investing for the long-term in a concentrated portfolio of best-in-class non-life insurers. Insurance sector performance is typically counter cyclical, offering investors genuine diversification with unique drivers. This Fund is ranked in the 2(nd) quartile in the Lipper peer group over three years, 1(st) quartile over five years and is ranked at the 4(th) percentile since inception.

The last three months have seen falling share prices across the alternative energy sector as political commitments to decarbonization have wavered, and as high interest rates have undermined valuation. Polar Capital's Smart Energy strategies have held their own versus benchmark so far, this financial year. The rotation away from anything connected to the renewable energy or electric vehicle supply chain has, however, been a short-term headwind for Polar Capital's Emerging Market strategies, leading to underperformance in the first six months of the financial year. With the long-term need for alternative sources of energy as pressing as ever, we believe that this will be an important investment theme in the years to come.

Across the Polar Capital UCITS fund range, performance against the Lipper peer group funds remains strong over all time periods, albeit less strong over three years. The Polar Capital Global Technology Fund had a challenging year in 2021 but has improved relative to peers subsequently. Calendar year-to-date, against the Lipper peer group, the Polar Capital Technology Fund is 14(th) percentile and at the 22(nd) percentile since inception.

The Polar Capital Artificial Intelligence Fund which had its six-year anniversary in October 2023 is 3(rd) percentile against Lipper peers over one year, 5(th) percentile over five years and 4(th) percentile since inception.

Calendar year-to-date, 77% of Polar Capital's total AuM is in the top two quartiles of the Lipper peer group, 73% over one year, 48% over three years, 84% over five years and 93% since inception of respective funds.

Relative to respective benchmarks, 41% of AuM is on or ahead of benchmark calendar year-to-date and 64% of AuM is on or ahead of benchmark since inception.

AuM and Fund Flows

The latest Broadridge Fund Data indicate that in the period April to August 2023 across Europe and the UK, equity funds have been in outflow and in August bonds were also in outflow. This has been a challenging environment for the industry.

In the six months to 30 September 2023, AuM declined from GBP19.2bn to GBP19.1bn, a decrease of less than 1.0% over the period. The GBP85m decline in AuM comprised net redemptions of GBP581m, plus outflows from fund closures of GBP50m, which were offset by an increase of GBP546m related to market movement and fund performance.

In the six months, the largest beneficiary of net inflows was our Emerging Market Stars fund range, which garnered a combined total of GBP244m of net inflows, despite the tough backdrop and muted investor demand for the asset class.

On the back of continued strong fund performance, the Polar Capital European ex-UK Income Fund had net inflows of GBP95m.

The Polar Capital Smart Energy and Smart Mobility Funds had combined net inflows of GBP60m. They marked their second anniversary on 30 September 2023 and investor interest in the strategies continues to build.

Within the healthcare suite of funds, the large cap focused, Polar Capital Healthcare Blue Chip Fund benefited from net inflows of GBP50m.

The Polar Capital Japan Value Fund saw a return to net inflows, reflecting strong market returns and improving investor sentiment, as did the Artificial Intelligence Fund, as investor interest in this rapidly evolving space ignited.

More broadly during the period, we saw the return of inflation and rapid interest rate rises around the world result in general investor risk aversion, characterised by a flight to fixed income and cash. Consequently, numerous of our funds experienced net outflows during the period under review.

Marked negative investor sentiment towards UK and European equities led to redemptions from the Melchior European Opportunities Fund of GBP181m and from the Polar Capital UK Value Opportunities Funds of GBP46m.

While the overall rate of outflows from our technology strategies declined quarter on quarter, net outflows from the open-ended Polar Capital Technology Fund were GBP181m and share buy backs by the Polar Capital Technology Investment Trust amounted to GBP65m over the period.

The Polar Capital Global Convertible Bond Fund experienced outflows of GBP149m, as some income investors sought yield from alternative, lower risk asset classes. The Polar Capital Global Insurance Fund suffered net outflows of GBP152m, as two long-standing shareholders decided to take profits following the strong performance of the Fund in calendar year 2022.

Other funds experiencing outflows in the period included the Polar Capital North American Fund, the Polar Capital Healthcare Opportunities Fund, and to a lesser extent Polar Capital Global Absolute Return, Biotechnology and Healthcare Discovery Funds.

Notwithstanding net outflows in October amounting to GBP390m, which can mainly be attributed to redemptions by two clients from Biotechnology and UK Value Opportunities funds, AuM at 10 November was GBP18.9bn.

Financial Results

Average AuM over the six months to 30 September 2023 increased by 2% from GBP19.1bn to GBP19.4bn. However, relative to the comparable six-month period to 30 September 2022 average AuM declined by 3% from GBP20.0bn to GBP 19.4bn. The decrease in average AuM resulted in net management fees decreasing by 4% to GBP76.5m from GBP80.0m in the comparable prior six-month period. Management fee yield margin declined, as anticipated, by 1bp to 79bps over the period compared to the comparable prior half year period.

Total operating costs were 1% lower at GBP55.0m compared to the comparable prior half year.

Core operating profit was down 13% to GBP22.5m compared to the comparable prior half year and up 2% from GBP22.1m in the immediately preceding six-month period to 31 March 2023.

Profit before tax decreased by 8% to GBP21.1m compared to the comparable prior half year. Basic EPS decreased by 8% compared to the half year period to 30 September 2022. Adjusted diluted core EPS of 17.3p is a 14% decrease over the comparable prior half year period to 30 September 2022.

                                        Six months  Six months to                 Six months 
                                                to       31 March                         to 
                                      30 September           2023               30 September 
                                              2023          GBP'm                       2022 
                                             GBP'm                                     GBP'm 
                                     -------------  ------------- 
Average AuM (GBP'bn)                          19.4           19.1                       20.0 
Net management fees                           76.5           74.8                       80.0 
Core operating profit                         22.5           22.1                       25.8 
Performance fee profit                           -            1.7                          - 
Other income*                                (0.5)            3.6                      (1.5) 
Share-based payments on preference 
 shares                                      (0.3)          (0.2)                      (0.1) 
Exceptional items                            (0.6)          (5.0)                      (1.2) 
                                     -------------  -------------  ------------------------- 
Profit before tax                             21.1           22.2                       23.0 
                                     -------------  -------------  ------------------------- 
Basic EPS                                    16.2p          19.1p                      17.7p 
Adjusted diluted total earnings 
 per share                                   17.2p          25.3p                      19.0p 
Adjusted diluted core EPS                    17.3p          19.6p                      20.1p 
-----------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------------------- 

The non-GAAP alternative performance measures shown here are described and reconciled in the APM section below.

   *                     A reconciliation to reported results is given in the APM section below. 

The Board has declared an interim dividend of 14.0p to be paid in January 2024 (January 2023: 14.0p). Maintaining last year's first interim dividend of 14.0p represents a covered dividend that is 81% of first half adjusted diluted core EPS and reflects our confidence in the business and the strength of our balance sheet.

Strategic progress and thanks

We have continued to make steady progress in diversifying the fund range and diversifying distribution both regionally and by channel .

The Smart funds managed by the Sustainable Thematic team have now reached AuM of GBP280m. The Emerging Markets and Asia Stars team now collectively manage GBP1.5bn and there has been continued progress in the US with US domiciled fund vehicles surpassing GBP125m.

Further progress has been made in developing distribution channels in Asia and the Nordic regions and following the opening of offices in Singapore last year, an office was opened in Stockholm during the period. The Nordic region has continued to grow through additional flows into the Polar Capital Emerging Market Stars funds and there is emerging interest in the Polar Capital Smart Energy and Smart Mobility funds.

Polar Capital and its funds continued to be nominated for a number of awards. The Convertible Bond Absolute Return Fund was 'highly commended' in the Absolute Return Category of the Investment Week Awards. Polar Capital Technology Trust won the Best Report & Accounts at the AIC Awards. Polar Capital Technology Trust won the 'Best Technology/Biotech - Active' category in the A J Bell Awards.

Polar Capital won the 2023 European Asset Management Firm of the Year ( EUR20bn-EUR100bn) award at the Funds Europe 2023 awards and is currently shortlisted for the following awards: ESG Investment Leaders Awards 2023, Most Effective Brand Strategy - Small Company at the Financial Services Forum Awards, Emerging Markets Manager of the Year at the FN Fund Management Awards, ESG Investing Awards 2023 in both the Emerging Markets and Energy Transition categories. The Emerging Markets Stars team is shortlisted for EM Manager of the Year at the Wealth & Asset Management Awards. All three Investment Trusts, Polar Capital Technology Trust, Polar Capital Global Healthcare Trust and Polar Capital Financials Trust, have been shortlisted at the Investment Week Investment Company of the Year Awards.

We are immensely grateful for hard work and commitment from our staff and partners over what has been a challenging period for equity asset managers. We are also grateful for and appreciate the ongoing support from our loyal and supportive clients and shareholders.


The last six months has continued to be challenging as the rate of inflation, while peaking in some regions, remains stubbornly high in others. A higher interest rate environment and increased geopolitical tension not only in Ukraine, but also more recently in the Middle East, has meant investors have taken a cautious 'risk off' stance resulting in outflows across all asset classes.

Notwithstanding a challenging investment backdrop, our capacity constrained funds have performed well over the long term. The total capacity across all 13 of our teams is currently GBP63bn which allows significant headroom for net inflows when market sentiment improves.

We continue to invest in our digital marketing reach and have intensified our client contact interactions to utilise our significant remaining fund capacity. This, given our differentiated range of sector, thematic and regional fund strategies, gives us confidence that we will perform for our clients and shareholders over the long term.

Gavin Rochussen

Chief Executive

17 November 2023

Alternate Performance Measures (APMs)

The Group uses the non-GAAP APMs listed below to provide users of the Interim Report with supplemental financial information that helps explain its results for the current accounting period.

 APM                  Definition                Reconciliation       Reason for use 
-------------------  ------------------------  -------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 Core operating       Profit before             APM reconciliation   To present a measure of the 
  profit               performance                                    Group's profitability excluding 
                       fee profits,                                   performance fee profits and 
                       other income                                   other components which may 
                       and tax.                                       be volatile, non-recurring 
                                                                      or non-cash in nature. 
-------------------  ------------------------  -------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 Performance fee      Gross performance         APM reconciliation   To present a clear view of 
  profit               fee revenue                                    the net amount of performance 
                       less performance                               fee earned by the Group after 
                       fee interests                                  accounting for staff remuneration 
                       due to staff.                                  payable that is directly attributable 
                                                                      to performance fee revenues 
-------------------  ------------------------  -------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 Core distributions   Variable compensation     APM reconciliation   To present additional information 
                       payable to investment                          thereby assisting users of 
                       teams from management                          the accounts in understanding 
                       fee revenue.                                   key components of variable 
                                                                      costs paid out of management 
                                                                      fee revenue. 
-------------------  ------------------------  -------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 Performance          Variable compensation     APM reconciliation   To present additional information 
  fee interests        payable to investment                          thereby assisting users of 
                       teams from performance                         the accounts in understanding 
                       fee revenue.                                   key components of variable 
                                                                      costs paid out of performance 
                                                                      fee revenue. 
-------------------  ------------------------  -------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 Adjusted diluted     Profit after              APM reconciliation   The Group believes that (a) 
  total EPS            tax but excluding                              as the preference share awards 
                       (a) cost of                                    have been designed to be earnings 
                       share-based                                    enhancing to shareholders 
                       payments on                                    adjusting for this non-cash 
                       preference shares,                             item provides a useful supplemental 
                       (b) the net                                    understanding of the financial 
                       cost of deferred                               performance of the Group, 
                       staff remuneration                             (b) comparing staff remuneration 
                       and (c) exceptional                            and profits generated in the 
                       items which                                    same time period (rather than 
                       may either be                                  deferring remuneration over 
                       non-recurring                                  a longer vesting period) allows 
                       or non-cash                                    users of the accounts to gain 
                       in nature, and                                 a useful supplemental understanding 
                       in the case                                    of the Group's results and 
                       of adjusted                                    their comparability period 
                       diluted earnings                               on period and (c) removing 
                       per share, divided                             acquisition related transition 
                       by the weighted                                and termination costs as well 
                       average number                                 as the non-cash amortisation 
                       of ordinary                                    and any impairment, of intangible 
                       shares.                                        assets and goodwill provides 
                                                                      a useful supplemental understanding 
                                                                      of the Group's results. 
-------------------  ------------------------  -------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 Adjusted diluted     Core operating            APM reconciliation   To present additional information 
  core EPS             profit after                                   that allows users of the accounts 
                       tax excluding                                  to measure the Group's earnings 
                       the net cost                                   excluding those from performance 
                       of deferred                                    fees and other components 
                       core distributions                             which may be volatile, non-recurring 
                       divided by the                                 or non-cash in nature. 
                       weighted average 
                       number of ordinary 
-------------------  ------------------------  -------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 Core operating       Core operating            Chief Executive's    To present additional information 
  profit margin        profit divided            report               that allows users of the accounts 
                       by                                             to measure the core profitability 
                       net management                                 of the Group before performance 
                       fees revenue.                                  fee profits, and other components, 
                                                                      which can be volatile and 
-------------------  ------------------------  -------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 Net management       Gross management          Chief Executive's    To present a clear view of 
  fee                  fees revenue              report               the net amount of management 
                       less commissions                               fees earned by the Group after 
                       and fees payable.                              accounting for commissions 
                                                                      and fees payable. 
-------------------  ------------------------  -------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 Net Management       Net management            Chief Executive's    To present additional information 
  fee yield            fees revenue              report               that allows users of the accounts 
                       divided by average                             to measure the fee margin 
                       AuM.                                           for the Group in relation 
                                                                      to its assets under management. 
-------------------  ------------------------  -------------------  --------------------------------------- 

Summary of non-GAAP financial performance and reconciliation of APMs to interim reported results

The summary below reconciles key APMs the Group measures to its interim reported results for the current year and also reclassifies the line-by-line impact on consolidation of seed investments to provide a clearer understanding of the Group's core business operation of fund management.

Any seed investments in newly launched or nascent funds, where the Group is determined to have control, are consolidated. As a consequence, the statement of profit or loss of the fund is consolidated into that of the Group on a line-by-line basis. Any seed investments that are not consolidated are fair valued through a single line item (other income) on the Group consolidated statement of profit or loss.

                           2023   Reclassification                            2023        2022 
                        Interim   on consolidation                         Interim     Interim 
                       Reported            of seed    Reclassification    Non-GAAP    Non-GAAP 
                        Results        investments            of costs     results     results          APMs 
                          GBP'm              GBP'm               GBP'm       GBP'm       GBP'm 
 and research fees         86.9                  -                   -        86.9        90.9 
Commissions and 
 fees payable            (10.4)                  -                   -      (10.4)      (10.9) 
-------------------  ----------  -----------------  ------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------------ 
                                                                                                  Net management 
                           76.5                  -                   -        76.5        80.0         fees 
Operating costs          (55.0)                0.2                21.8      (33.0)      (31.3) 
Finance costs             (0.1)                  -                   -       (0.1)           - 
                              -                  -              (20.9)      (20.9)      (22.9)  Core distributions 
 ------------------  ----------  -----------------  ------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------------ 
                                                                                                  Core operating 
                           21.4                0.2                 0.9        22.5        25.8        profits 
Investment                    -                  -                   -           -           - 
                              -                  -                   -           -           -     Performance 
                                                                                                   fee interests 
------------------   ----------  -----------------  ------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------------ 
                              -                  -                   -           -           -     Performance 
                                                                                                    fee profits 
Other income              (0.3)              (0.2)                   -       (0.5)       (1.5) 
 on preference 
 shares                       -                  -               (0.3)       (0.3)       (0.1) 
Exceptional items             -                  -               (0.6)       (0.6)       (1.2) 
-------------------  ----------  -----------------  ------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------------ 
Profit before 
 tax for the period        21.1                  -                   -        21.1        23.0 
-------------------  ----------  -----------------  ------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------------ 

The effect of the adjustments made in arriving at the adjusted diluted total EPS and adjusted diluted core EPS figures of the Group is as follows:

Earnings per share                        (Unaudited)    (Unaudited) 
                                         30 September   30 September 
                                                 2023           2022 
                                                Pence          Pence 
---------------------------------  ---  -------------  ------------- 
Diluted earnings per share                       16.0           17.4 
Impact of share-based payments 
 - preference shares only                         0.3            0.1 
Impact of exceptional items                       0.6            1.2 
Impact of deferment, where IFRS 
 defers cost into future periods                  0.3            0.3 
--------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Adjusted diluted total EPS                       17.2           19.0 
Add back other income (post-tax)                  0.1            1.1 
--------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Adjusted diluted core EPS                        17.3           20.1 
--------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 

Exceptional items

Exceptional items for the period to 30 September 2023 include amortisation of the acquired intangible asset as part of Dalton acquisition (2022: Exceptional items include non-recurring termination and reorganisation costs related to the closure of Phaeacian mutual funds which were closed down in May 2022).

A breakdown of exceptional items is as follows:

Exceptional items                            (Unaudited)    (Unaudited) 
                                             30 September   30 September 
                                                 2023           2022 
                                                 GBP'm          GBP'm 
------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Recorded in operating costs 
Termination and reorganisation costs                    -            0.6 
Amortisation of intangible asset                      0.6            0.6 
Net exceptional items recorded in the 
 consolidated statement of profit or loss             0.6            1.2 
------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 

Interim Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss

For the six months to 30 September 2023

                                                      (Unaudited)       (Unaudited) 
                                                       Six months        Six months 
                                                  to 30 September   to 30 September 
                                                             2023              2022 
                                                          GBP'000           GBP'000 
-----------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Revenue                                                    86,891            90,936 
Other income                                                (271)           (1,221) 
-----------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Gross income                                               86,620            89,715 
Commissions and fees payable                             (10,435)          (10,955) 
-----------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Net income                                                 76,185            78,760 
Operating costs                                          (55,020)          (55,758) 
Finance costs                                               (108)                 - 
Profit for the period before tax                           21,057            23,002 
Taxation                                                  (5,423)           (5,914) 
-----------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Profit for the period attributable to ordinary 
 shareholders                                              15,634            17,088 
-----------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
  Earnings per share 
Basic                                                       16.2p             17.7p 
Diluted                                                     16.0p             17.4p 
Adjusted basic (Non-GAAP measure)                           17.4p             19.3p 
Adjusted diluted (Non-GAAP measure)                         17.2p             19.0p 
-----------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 

Interim Consolidated Statement of Other Comprehensive Income

For the six months to 30 September 2023

                                                          (Unaudited)       (Unaudited) 
                                                           Six months        Six months 
                                                      to 30 September   to 30 September 
                                                                 2023              2022 
                                                              GBP'000           GBP'000 
---------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Profit for the period attributable to ordinary 
 shareholders                                                  15,634            17,088 
Other comprehensive income - items that will 
 be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent 
Exchange differences on translation of foreign 
 operations                                                     (163)             2,267 
---------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Other comprehensive (loss)/income for the 
 period                                                         (163)             2,267 
---------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Total comprehensive income for the period, 
 net of tax, attributable to ordinary shareholders             15,471            19,355 
---------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 

All of the items in the above statements are derived from continuing operations.

Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet

As at 30 September 2023

                                                 (Unaudited)   31 March 
                                                30 September 
                                                        2023       2023 
                                                     GBP'000    GBP'000 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
Non-current assets 
Goodwill and intangible assets                        15,356     15,937 
Property and equipment                                 9,451     10,534 
Deferred tax assets                                    1,009        106 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
                                                      25,816     26,577 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
Current assets 
Assets at fair value through profit or loss           70,471     83,048 
Trade and other receivables                           22,700     19,523 
Other financial assets                                 4,667      5,237 
Cash and cash equivalents                             72,785    106,976 
Current tax assets                                       610        319 
                                                     171,233    215,103 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
Total assets                                         197,049    241,680 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Provisions and other liabilities                       7,921      8,900 
Liabilities at fair value through profit or 
 loss                                                    286        462 
Deferred tax liabilities                                   -        518 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
                                                       8,207      9,880 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
Current liabilities 
Liabilities at fair value through profit or 
 loss                                                  8,163     16,369 
Trade and other payables                              55,266     68,651 
Provisions                                               332      3,203 
Other financial liabilities                                -         10 
Current tax liabilities                                2,004        712 
                                                      65,765     88,945 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
Total liabilities                                     73,972     98,825 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
Net assets                                           123,077    142,855 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
  Capital and reserves 
Issued share capital                                    2,530     2,520 
Share premium                                          19,364    19,364 
Investment in own shares                             (33,286)  (31,623) 
Capital and other reserves                             12,188    12,299 
Retained earnings                                     122,281   140,295 
---------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
Total equity attributable to ordinary shareholders    123,077   142,855 
---------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 

Interim Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the six months to 30 September 2023

                             Issued            Investment 
                              share     Share      in own    Capital      Other   Retained 
                            capital   premium      shares   reserves   reserves   earnings  Total equity 
                            GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000 
------------------------  ---------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------ 
As at 1 April 2023 
 (audited)                    2,520    19,364    (31,623)        695     11,604    140,295       142,855 
Profit for the period             -         -           -          -          -     15,634        15,634 
Other comprehensive 
 income                           -         -           -          -      (163)          -         (163) 
------------------------  ---------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------ 
Total comprehensive 
 income                           -         -           -          -      (163)     15,634        15,471 
Dividends paid to 
 shareholders                     -         -           -          -          -   (30,865)      (30,865) 
Issue of shares                  10         -           -          -          -       (10)             - 
Own shares acquired               -         -     (7,588)          -          -          -       (7,588) 
Release of own shares             -         -       5,925          -          -    (5,190)           735 
Share-based payment               -         -           -          -          -      2,417         2,417 
Current tax in respect 
 of employee share 
 options                          -         -           -          -         18          -            18 
Deferred tax in respect 
 of employee share 
 options                          -         -           -          -         34          -            34 
------------------------  ---------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------ 
As at 30 September 
 2023 (unaudited)             2,530    19,364    (33,286)        695     11,493    122,281       123,077 
------------------------  ---------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------ 
As at 1 April 2022 
 (audited)                2,506  19,364  (24,915)  695  11,722   146,875   156,247 
Profit for the period         -       -         -    -       -    17,088    17,088 
Other comprehensive 
 income                       -       -         -    -   2,267         -     2,267 
------------------------  -----  ------  --------  ---  ------  --------  -------- 
Total comprehensive 
 income                       -       -         -    -   2,267    17,088    19,355 
Dividends paid to 
 shareholders                 -       -         -    -       -  (30,911)  (30,911) 
Issue of shares              14       -         -    -       -      (14)         - 
Own shares acquired           -       -   (6,734)    -       -         -   (6,734) 
Release of own shares         -       -     2,991    -       -   (1,736)     1,255 
Share-based payment           -       -         -    -       -     2,717     2,717 
Current tax in respect 
 of employee share 
 options                      -       -         -    -     (3)         -       (3) 
Deferred tax in respect 
 of employee share 
 options                      -       -         -    -   (606)         -     (606) 
------------------------  -----  ------  --------  ---  ------  --------  -------- 
As at 30 September 
 2022 (unaudited)         2,520  19,364  (28,658)  695  13,380   134,019   141,320 
------------------------  -----  ------  --------  ---  ------  --------  -------- 

Interim Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

For the six months to 30 September 2023

                                                    (Unaudited)       (Unaudited) 
                                                     Six months        Six months 
                                                to 30 September   to 30 September 
                                                           2023              2022 
                                                        GBP'000           GBP'000 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Operating activities 
Cash flow generated from operations                       7,449            10,405 
Tax paid                                                (5,853)           (1,081) 
Interest received                                         1,104               214 
Interest on lease                                             -              (37) 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Net cash inflow from operating activities                 2,700             9,501 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Investing activities 
Investment income                                           350               502 
Sale of assets at fair value through profit 
 or loss                                                 28,971            17,850 
Purchase of assets at fair value through 
 profit or loss                                        (20,341)          (33,733) 
Net cashflow from deconsolidation of seed 
 investment                                                   -           (6,080) 
Purchase of property and equipment                        (149)             (143) 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from investing 
 activities                                               8,831          (21,604) 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Financing activities 
Dividends paid to shareholders                         (30,865)          (30,911) 
Lease payments                                            (697)             (653) 
Interest on lease                                         (108)                 - 
Purchase of own shares                                  (7,588)           (6,734) 
Third-party subscriptions into consolidated 
 funds                                                    3,725            12,055 
Third-party redemptions from consolidated 
 funds                                                 (10,163)           (1,223) 
Net cash outflow from financing activities             (45,696)          (27,466) 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents              (34,165)          (39,569) 
Cash and cash equivalents at start of period            106,976           121,128 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and 
 cash equivalents                                          (26)               905 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period               72,785            82,464 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

For the six months to 30 September 2023

   1.    General Information, Basis of Preparation and Accounting Policies 
   1.1            Corporate information 

Polar Capital Holdings plc (the 'Company') is a public limited company incorporated and domiciled in England and Wales whose shares are traded on the Alternative Investment Market ('AIM') of the London Stock Exchange.

   1.2            Basis of Preparation 

The unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements to 30 September 2023 have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34: Interim Financial Reporting.

The unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements do not include all the information and disclosures required in annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the Group's annual financial statements as at 31 March 2023, which have been prepared in accordance with UK-adopted international accounting standards and in conformity with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.

The accounting policies adopted and the estimates and judgements used in the preparation of the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements are consistent with the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2023.

   1.3            Group information 

The Group is required to consolidate seed capital investments where it is deemed to control them. The operating subsidiaries and seed capital investments consolidated at 30 September 2023 are consistent with the annual report at 31 March 2023 except for the Polar Capital Emerging Market ex-China Stars Fund (a sub fund of Polar Capital Fund plc) and Polar Capital Emerging Market ex-China Stars Fund (a US 40-Act mutual fund), which have both been consolidated effective 30 June 2023.

   1.4          Going concern 

The Directors have made an assessment of going concern taking into account both the Group's current results as well as the impact on the Group's outlook. As part of this assessment the Directors have used a range of information available to the date of issue of these interim financial statements and considered the Group budget, longer term financial projections including stress testing scenarios applied as part of the Group's ICARA, cash flow forecasts and an analysis of the Group's forecasted liquid assets and its regulatory capital position.

The Group continues to maintain a robust financial resources position, access to cashflow from ongoing investment management contracts and the Directors believe that the Group is well placed to manage its business risks. The Directors also have a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue operating for a period of at least 12 months from the date of approval of the interim consolidated financial statements. Therefore, the Directors continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the interim consolidated financial statements.

   2.    Revenue 
                                               (Unaudited)       (Unaudited) 
                                                Six months        Six months 
                                           to 30 September   to 30 September 
                                                      2023              2022 
                                                   GBP'000           GBP'000 
----------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Investment management and research fees             86,891            90,936 
----------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
   3.    Components of other income and other comprehensive income 

(a) Components of other income

                                                       (Unaudited)       (Unaudited) 
                                                        Six months        Six months 
                                                   to 30 September   to 30 September 
                                                              2023              2022 
                                                           GBP'000           GBP'000 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Interest income on cash and cash equivalents                 1,104               214 
Net gain on other financial assets/ liabilities 
 - short positions                                           1,234             7,640 
Net loss on other financial assets/ liabilities 
 - forward currency contracts                                (265)           (5,607) 
Net loss on financial assets and liabilities 
 at FVTPL                                                  (4,603)           (6,460) 
Investment income                                              350               502 
Other loss - attributed to third party holdings              1,909             2,490 
                                                             (271)           (1,221) 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 

(b) Components of other comprehensive income

                                                        (Unaudited)       (Unaudited) 
                                                         Six months        Six months 
                                                    to 30 September   to 30 September 
                                                               2023              2022 
                                                            GBP'000           GBP'000 
-------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Exchange differences on translation of foreign 
-------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
(Losses)/gains arising during the period                      (163)             2,391 
Reclassification adjustments for losses included 
 in the consolidated statement of profit or 
 loss                                                             -             (124) 
                                                              (163)             2,267 
-------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
   4.    Operating costs 

a) Operating costs include the following items:

                                                            (Unaudited)       (Unaudited) 
                                                             Six months        Six months 
                                                        to 30 September   to 30 September 
                                                                   2023              2022 
                                                                GBP'000           GBP'000 
-----------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Staff costs including partnership profit allocations             39,765            42,544 
Depreciation                                                      1,232               751 
Amortisation of intangible assets                                   581               581 
Auditors' remuneration                                              228               193 
-----------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 

b) Auditors' remuneration:

Audit of Group financial statements             56   63 
Local statutory audits of subsidiaries         105   76 
Audit-related assurance services                 4    3 
Other assurance services - internal controls 
 review                                         63   51 
                                               228  193 
---------------------------------------------  ---  --- 
   5.    Dividends 
                     (Unaudited)       (Unaudited) 
                      Six months        Six months 
                 to 30 September   to 30 September 
                            2023              2022 
                         GBP'000           GBP'000 
--------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Dividend paid             30,865            30,911 
--------------  ----------------  ---------------- 

On 28 July 2023, the Group paid a second interim dividend for 2023 of 32p (2022: 32p) per ordinary share.

   6.    Share-based Payments 

A summary of the charge to the consolidated statement of profit or loss for each share-based payment arrangement is as follows:

                                         (Unaudited)       (Unaudited) 
                                          Six months        Six months 
                                     to 30 September   to 30 September 
                                                2023              2022 
                                             GBP'000           GBP'000 
----------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Preference shares                                370               138 
LTIP share awards                                860             1,514 
Equity incentive shares                          304               315 
Deferred remuneration plan shares                883               750 
----------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
                                               2,417             2,717 
----------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 

Certain employees of the Group and partners of Polar Capital LLP hold Manager Preference Shares or Manager Team Member Preference Shares (together 'Preference Shares') in Polar Capital Partners Limited, a group company.

The preference shares are designed to incentivise and retain the Group's fund management teams. These shares provide each manager with an economic interest in the funds that they run and ultimately enable the manager, at their option and at a future date, to convert their interest in the revenues generated from their funds to a value that may (at the discretion of the parent undertaking, Polar Capital Holdings plc) be satisfied by the issue of ordinary shares in Polar Capital Holdings plc. Such conversion takes place according to a pre-defined conversion formula that considers the relative contribution of the manager to the Group as a whole. The equity is awarded in return for the forfeiture of a manager's current core economic interest and is issued over three years from the date of conversion.

No conversion of preference shares into Polar Capital Holdings plc equity has taken place during the period to 30 September 2023 (2022: No conversion).

At 30 September 2023, five sets of preference shares (2022: five sets) have the right to call for conversion.

The following table illustrates the number of, and movements in, the estimated number of ordinary shares to be issued.

Estimated number of ordinary shares to be issued against preference shares with a right to call for conversion:

                                (Unaudited)        (Unaudited) 
                               30 September       30 September 
                                       2023               2022 
                                  Number of 
                                     shares   Number of shares 
---------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
At 1 April                        2,367,680          2,740,604 
Conversion/crystallisation                -                  - 
Movement during the period        (109,970)          (404,308) 
At 30 September                   2,257,710          2,336,296 
---------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 

Number of ordinary shares to be issued against converted preference shares:

                                 (Unaudited)        (Unaudited) 
                                30 September       30 September 
                                        2023               2022 
                                   Number of 
                                      shares   Number of shares 
----------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
Outstanding at 1 April               810,310          1,352,128 
Conversion/crystallisation                 -                  - 
Issued during the period           (405,154)          (541,818) 
Outstanding at 30 September          405,156            810,310 
----------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
   7.    Earnings Per Share 

A reconciliation of the figures used in calculating the basic, diluted and adjusted earnings per share (EPS) figures is as follows:

                                                      (Unaudited)        (Unaudited) 
                                                       Six months         Six months 
                                                               to                 to 
                                                     30 September       30 September 
                                                             2023               2022 
                                                          GBP'000            GBP'000 
Profit after tax for purpose of basic and 
 diluted EPS                                               15,634             17,088 
Adjustments (post tax): 
Add back cost of share-based payments on 
 preference shares                                            370                138 
Add back exceptional items - termination/ 
 acquisition related costs                                      -                615 
Add back exceptional items - amortisation 
 of intangible assets                                         581                581 
Add net amount of deferred staff remuneration                 225                250 
--------------------------------------------------  -------------  ----------------- 
Profit after tax for purpose of adjusted 
 basic and adjusted diluted total EPS                      16,810             18,672 
--------------------------------------------------  -------------  ----------------- 
                                                       Six months        (Unaudited) 
                                                               to         Six months 
                                                     30 September                 to 
                                                             2023       30 September 
                                                        Number of               2022 
                                                           shares   Number of shares 
--------------------------------------------------  -------------  ----------------- 
Weighted average number of shares 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares, 
 excluding own shares for purposes of basic 
 and adjusted basic EPS                                96,569,042         96,661,663 
Effect of dilutive potential shares - LTIPs, 
 share options and preference shares crystallised 
 but not yet issued                                     1,274,957          1,372,703 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares, 
 for purpose of diluted and adjusted diluted 
 total EPS                                             97,843,999         98,034,366 
--------------------------------------------------  -------------  ----------------- 
                       (Unaudited)     (Unaudited) 
                        Six months      Six months 
                                to              to 
                      30 September    30 September 
                              2023            2022 
                             Pence           Pence 
-------------------  -------------  -------------- 
Earnings per share 
Basic                         16.2            17.7 
Diluted                       16.0            17.4 
Adjusted basic                17.4            19.3 
Adjusted diluted              17.2            19.0 
-------------------  -------------  -------------- 
   8.    Goodwill and intangible assets 

Goodwill relates to the acquisition of Dalton Capital (Holdings) Limited, the parent company of Dalton Strategic Partnership LLP, a UK based boutique asset manager acquired on 26 February 2021. The goodwill is attributable to a single CGU.

Intangible assets at 30 September 2023 relate to investment management contracts acquired as part of the business combination with Dalton.

  (Unaudited)                               Goodwill    contracts      Total 
                                             GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
----------------------------------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
As at 1 April 2023                             6,732       18,647     25,379 
Revaluation/ Additions                             -            -          - 
----------------------------------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
As at 30 September 2023                        6,732       18,647     25,379 
----------------------------------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
Accumulated amortisation and impairment 
As at 1 April 2023                                 -        9,442      9,442 
Amortisation for the period                        -          581        581 
Impairment for the period                          -            -          - 
----------------------------------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
As at 30 September 2023                            -       10,023     10,023 
----------------------------------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
Net book value as at 30 September 
 2023                                          6,732        8,624     15,356 
----------------------------------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
                                            Goodwill    contracts      Total 
  (Audited)                                  GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
----------------------------------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
As at 1 April 2022                             6,732       18,647     25,379 
As at 31 March 2023                            6,732       18,647     25,379 
----------------------------------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
Accumulated amortisation and impairment 
As at 1 April 2022                                 -        8,279      8,279 
Amortisation for the year                          -        1,163      1,163 
Impairment for the year                            -            -          - 
----------------------------------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
As at 31 March 2023                                -        9,442      9,442 
----------------------------------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
Net book value as at 31 March 2023             6,732        9,205     15,937 
----------------------------------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 

Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets are treated as exceptional items.

Goodwill is tested for impairment at least on an annual basis or more frequently when there are indications that goodwill may be impaired.

The table below shows the carrying amount assigned to each component of the intangible asset and the remaining amortisation period.

                                                  (Unaudited)                    (Audited) 
                                                 30 September                     31 March 
                                                         2023                         2023 
------------------------------  -----------------------------  --------------------------- 
                                                    Remaining                    Remaining 
                                     Carrying    amortisation     Carrying    amortisation 
                                        value          period        value          period 
                                      GBP'000                      GBP'000 
------------------------------  -------------  --------------  -----------  -------------- 
 Investment management contracts 
  acquired from Dalton Capital 
  (Holdings) Limited                    8,624       7.4 years        9,205       7.9 years 
                                        8,624                        9,205 
------------------------------  -------------  --------------  -----------  -------------- 

The Group has reviewed the investment management contracts related intangible assets as at 30 September 2023 and has concluded that there are no indicators of impairment.

   9.    Property and equipment 
                         Right-of-use       Leasehold     Computer       Office 
                               assets    Improvements    Equipment    Furniture       Total 
   (Unaudited)                GBP'000         GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000 
----------------------  -------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 As at 1 April 2023            18,850           2,456        1,077          505      22,888 
 Additions                          -              68           52           29         149 
 As at 30 September 
  2023                         18,850           2,524        1,129          534      23,037 
----------------------  -------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  ---------- 
   Accumulated Depreciation 
 As at 1 April 2023             9,531           1,476          877          470      12,354 
 Charge for the year            1,009             146           65           12       1,232 
----------------------  -------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 As at 30 September 
  2023                         10,540           1,622          942          482      13,586 
----------------------  -------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Net book value as at 
  30 September 2023             8,310             902          187           52       9,451 
----------------------  -------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  ---------- 
                         Right-of-use       Leasehold     Computer       Office 
                               assets    Improvements    Equipment    Furniture       Total 
   (Audited)                  GBP'000         GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000 
----------------------  -------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 As at 1 April 2022            10,749           2,086          969          497      14,301 
 Additions                      4,126             370          108            8       4,612 
 Modification                   3,975               -            -            -       3,975 
----------------------  -------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 As at 31 March 2023           18,850           2,456        1,077          505      22,888 
----------------------  -------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  ---------- 
   Accumulated Depreciation 
 As at 1 April 2022             7,763           1,256          743          426      10,188 
 Charge for the year            1,768             220          134           44       2,166 
----------------------  -------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 As at 31 March 2023            9,531           1,476          877          470      12,354 
----------------------  -------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Net book value as at 
  31 March 2023                 9,319             980          200           35      10,534 
----------------------  -------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  ---------- 

10. Leases

A maturity analysis of the Group's lease liabilities is as follows:

                                                   (Unaudited)  (Audited) 
                                                  30 September   31 March 
                                                          2023       2023 
 Lease liabilities                                     GBP'000    GBP'000 
----------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
Current                                                  2,026      1,729 
Non-current                                              6,544      7,526 
                                                         8,570      9,255 
------------------------------------  ------------------------  --------- 

The lease liabilities relate to the two leases in respect of the Group's premises at 16 Palace Street in London, both expiring in January 2028, and the Group's premises in Zurich, expiring in November 2026. The movement in lease balances during the period was GBP0.7m, of which GBP0.8m were lease payments and GBP0.1m was the interest expense (31 March 2023: The movement in lease was GBP6.1m, of which GBP1.6m were lease payments, GBP0.2m was the interest expense, GBP3.5m related to initial recognition of new leases and GBP4.0m related to lease modification of the existing lease).

The consolidated statement of profit or loss includes the following amounts relating to leases recorded within operating costs:

                                                 (Unaudited)     31 March 
                                                30 September 
                                                        2023         2023 
                                                     GBP'000      GBP'000 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  ----------- 
Interest expense on lease liabilities                    108        175 
Depreciation on ROU assets                             1,009      1,768 
                                                       1,117      1,943 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 

There are no lease expenses incurred in relation to low-value assets or short-term leases.

11. Issued Share Capital

                                                  (Unaudited)   31 March 
                                                 30 September 
                                                         2023       2023 
Allotted, called up and fully paid:                   GBP'000    GBP'000 
---------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 
101,195,879 ordinary shares of 2.5p each 
 (31 March 2023: 100,790,725 ordinary shares 
 of 2.5p each)                                          2,530      2,520 
---------------------------------------------  --------------  --------- 

During the period, Polar Capital Holdings plc has issued 405,154 shares in connection with previously crystallised manager preference shares.

12. Financial Instruments

The fair value of financial instruments that are traded in active markets at each reporting date is determined by reference to quoted market prices or dealer price quotation (bid price for long positions and ask price for short positions), without any deduction for transaction costs. For financial instruments not traded in an active market, such as forward exchange contracts, the fair value is determined using appropriate valuation techniques that take into account the terms and conditions of the contracts and utilise observable market data, such as spot and forward rates, as inputs.

The Group uses the following hierarchy for determining and disclosing the fair value of financial instruments by valuation technique:

Level 1: quoted (unadjusted) prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2: other techniques for which all inputs which have a significant effect on the recorded fair value are observable, either directly or indirectly.

Level 3: techniques which use inputs which have a significant effect on the recorded fair value that are not based on observable market data.

                                         (Unaudited)                                  (Audited) 
                                       30 September 2023                            31 March 2023 
                         ------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
                             Level      Level      Level      Total      Level      Level      Level      Total 
                                 1          2          3    GBP'000          1          2          3    GBP'000 
                           GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000               GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Financial assets 
 Assets at FVTPL            70,471          -          -     70,471     83,048          -          -     83,048 
 Other financial 
  assets                     4,579         88          -      4,667      5,237          -          -      5,237 
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
                            75,050         88          -     75,138     88,285          -          -     88,285 
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Financial liabilities 
 Liabilities at 
  FVTPL                      8,107          -        342      8,449     16,285          -        546     16,831 
 Other financial 
  liabilities                    -          -          -          -          -         10          -         10 
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
                             8,107          -        342      8,449     16,285         10        546     16,841 
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 

During the period there were no transfers between levels in fair value measurements.

Movement in liabilities at FVTPL categorised as Level 3 during the year were:

                                              (Unaudited)               (Audited) 
                                             30 September                31 March 
                                                     2023                    2023 
                                                  GBP'000                 GBP'000 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ---------------------- 
At 1 April                                            546                     855 
Repayment                                            (38)                   (226) 
Net gains recognised in the statement of 
 profit or loss                                     (166)                    (83) 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ---------------------- 
At 30 September                                       342                     546 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ---------------------- 

13. Contingent liability

In the normal course of the Group's business, it may be subject to legal and regulatory proceedings arising out of current and past operations, which in some cases may result in contingent liabilities.

There are no contingent liabilities to disclose at 30 September 2023 (31 March 2023: nil)

14. Notes to the Cash Flow Statement

Reconciliation of profit before taxation to cash generated from operations

                                                          (Unaudited)             Six months 
                                                           Six months                     to 
                                                      to 30 September           30 September 
                                                                 2023                   2022 
                                                              GBP'000                GBP'000 
---------------------------------------------------  ----------------  --------------------- 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Profit on ordinary activities before tax                       21,057                 23,002 
Adjustments for: 
Interest receivable and similar income                        (1,104)                  (214) 
Investment income                                               (350)                  (502) 
Interest on lease                                                 108                     37 
Amortisation of intangible assets                                 581                    581 
Depreciation of non-current property and equipment              1,232                    751 
Decrease in fair value of assets at fair value 
 through profit or loss                                         4,768                  6,552 
Increase in other financial assets                              (553)                (8,667) 
(Increase)/decrease in receivables                            (3,176)                  4,554 
Decrease in trade and other payables including 
 other provisions                                            (16,551)               (18,861) 
Share-based payments                                            2,416                  2,717 
Decrease in liabilities at fair value through 
 profit or loss(1)                                            (1,945)                (3,009) 
Release of fund units held against deferred 
 remuneration                                                     966                  3,464 
Cash flow generated from operations                             7,449                 10,405 
---------------------------------------------------  ----------------  --------------------- 

1. Movement includes those arising from acquiring and/or losing control of consolidated seed funds.

   2.   Related Party Transactions 

Transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries, which are related parties of the Company, have been eliminated on consolidation and are not included in this note. All related party transactions during the period are consistent with those disclosed in the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2023 and have taken place on an arm's length basis.

   3.   The Publication of Non-Statutory Accounts 

The financial information contained in this unaudited interim report for the period to 30 September 2023 does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in s434 of the Companies Act 2006. The financial information for the six months ended 30 September 2023 and 2022 has not been audited. The information for the year ended 31 March 2023 has been extracted from the latest published audited accounts, which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The audited accounts filed with the Registrar of Companies contain a report of the independent auditor dated 23 June 2023. The report of the independent auditor on those financial statements contained no qualification or statement under s498 of the Companies Act 2006.

Shareholder Information


   David Lamb                                        Non-executive Chairman 
   Gavin Rochussen                             Chief Executive Officer 
   Samir Ayub                                         Finance Director 

Alexa Coates Non-executive Director, Chair of Audit and Risk Committee

Win Robbins Non-executive Director, Chair of Remuneration Committee

   Andrew Ross                                     Non-executive Director 
   Laura Ahto                                          Non-executive Director 
   Anand Aithal                                     Non-executive Director 

Company No.

Registered in England and Wales


Registered Office

16 Palace Street

London, SW1E 5JD

Tel: 020 7227 2700

Group Company Secretary

Neil Taylor


A first interim dividend of 14.0p per share has been declared for the year to 31 March 2024. This will be paid on 12 January 2024 to shareholders on the register on 15 December 2023. The shares will trade ex-dividend from 14 December 2023.

Remuneration Code

Disclosure of the Group's Remuneration Code is made alongside its MIFIDPRU public disclosure document and is available on the Company's website.

Half Year Report

Copies of this announcement and of the Half Year report will be available from the Secretary at the Registered Office, 16 Palace Street, London SW1E 5JD and from the Company's website at www.polarcapital.co.uk

Neither the contents of the Company's website nor the contents of any website accessible from the hyperlinks on the Company's website (or any other website) is incorporated into or forms part of this announcement .


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 20, 2023 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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Polar Capital (AQSE:POLR.GB)
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