RNS Number:4985S
British Land Co PLC
26 November 2003



                 For the six month period ended 30 September 2003

Independent review report to The British Land Company PLC


We have been instructed by the Company to review the financial information for the six months
ended 30 September 2003 which comprises the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account, Consolidated
Balance Sheet, Consolidated Cash Flow Statement, Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised
Gains and Losses, the Note of historical cost profits and losses, the Reconciliation of
movements in shareholders' funds and related notes 1 to 17.  We have read the other information
contained in the interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or
material inconsistencies with the financial information.

This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with Bulletin 1999/4 issued by the
Auditing Practices Board.  Our work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company
those matters we are required to state to them in an independent review report and for no other
purpose.  To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to
anyone other than the Company, for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we
have formed.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is the responsibility
of, and has been approved by, the directors.  The directors are responsible for preparing the
interim report in accordance with the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority which
require that the accounting policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be
consistent with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4 issued by the
Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review consists principally of making
enquiries of group management and applying analytical procedures to the financial information
and underlying financial data and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and
presentation have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed.  A review excludes audit
procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets, liabilities and transactions.
It is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with United Kingdom
Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit.
Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to
the financial information as presented for the six months ended 30 September 2003.

Deloitte & Touche LLP                                                           25 November 2003
Chartered Accountants


Consolidated Profit & Loss Account for the six months ended 30 September 2003

Year ended
  31 March
      2003                                                                          Note         2003         2002
   Audited                                                                                  Unaudited    Unaudited
        #m                                                                                         #m           #m

     551.6    Gross rental income                                                               270.6        266.2
   (102.2)    Less share of joint ventures                                           8         (44.0)       (53.3)

     449.4    Gross rental income - Group                                                       226.6        212.9

     418.2    Net rental income                                                                 209.4        200.1
       0.6    Profit on property trading                                                          6.0
       4.2    Other income                                                                        1.6          2.0
    (42.6)    Administrative expenses                                                          (21.2)       (20.6)

     380.4    Operating profit                                                                  195.8        181.5
      92.3    Share of operating profits of joint ventures                           8           39.1         45.5
      26.1    Disposal of fixed assets - including amounts from joint ventures       2           15.9          3.1
              (note 8)

     498.8    Profit on ordinary activities before interest                                     250.8        230.1
   (326.4)    Net interest payable                                                   3        (163.7)      (164.8)

     172.4    Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                      87.1         65.3
    (33.1)    Taxation                                                               4         (11.5)       (12.8)

     139.3    Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                                       75.6         52.5
    (65.9)    Ordinary dividends                                                     5         (21.6)       (21.3)

      73.4    Retained profit for the period                                                     54.0         31.2

      27.2 p  Earnings per share:                                          Basic     6           15.5 p       10.1 p
      26.9 p                                                               Diluted   6           15.2 p       10.3 p
      27.4 p  Adjusted earnings per share:*                                Basic     6           15.8 p       10.3 p
      27.1 p                                                               Diluted   6           15.5 p       10.5 p

     13.40 p  Dividend per share                                                     5           4.43 p       4.10 p

              The results stated above relate to the continuing activities of the Group.

           *  Adjusted to exclude the capital allowance effects of FRS 19.

Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 30 September 2003

          31 March
              2003                                                       Note            2003               2002
           Audited                                                                  Unaudited    Unaudited
                #m                                                                         #m                 #m

                      Fixed assets
           8,085.2    Investment properties                                 7         8,140.7            7,659.9

                      Investments in joint ventures:
           1,470.3        Share of gross assets                             8         1,428.1            1,617.6
           (770.1)        Share of gross liabilities                        8         (766.1)            (899.3)
             700.2                                                                      662.0              718.3

              26.6    Other investments                                                  21.4               11.8
             (9.2)    Negative goodwill                                                 (9.1)
           8,802.8                                                                    8,815.0            8,390.0

                      Current assets
              46.2    Trading properties                                    7            43.7               46.7
              55.6    Debtors                                               9            80.2               58.6
             139.7    Cash and deposits                                    13           119.8              133.9
             241.5                                                                      243.7              239.2

           (555.9)    Creditors due within one year                        10         (527.1)            (602.1)
           (314.4)    Net current liabilities                                         (283.4)            (362.9)

           8,488.4    Total assets less current liabilities                           8,531.6            8,027.1

         (4,119.6)    Creditors due after one year                         11       (4,096.6)          (3,631.5)
           (146.8)    Convertible Bonds                                    13         (146.9)            (146.8)
            (92.7)    Provisions for liabilities and                       12          (92.9)             (91.2)
           4,129.3    Net assets                                                      4,195.2            4,157.6

                      Capital and reserves
             122.1    Called up share capital                                           121.9              129.5
           1,107.7    Share premium                                        16         1,107.9            1,107.7
               7.9    Capital redemption reserve                           16             8.1                0.4
             (8.0)    Other reserves                                       16           (6.8)              (7.5)
           2,225.9    Revaluation reserve                                  16         2,217.1            2,183.1
             673.7    Profit and loss account                              16           747.0              744.4
           4,129.3    Equity shareholders' funds                                      4,195.2            4,157.6

               884 p  Adjusted NAV per share:               Basic          15             895 p              842 p
               860 p                                        Fully          15             870 p              822 p

(The Adjusted Net Asset Value (NAV) per share includes the external valuation surplus on development and trading
properties but excludes the capital allowance effects of FRS19.)

                      Approved by the Board on 25 November 2003

Other Consolidated Primary Statements for the six months ended 30 September 2003

                     Year ended
                       31 March
                           2003                                                            2003                2002
                        Audited                                                       Unaudited           Unaudited
                             #m                                                              #m                  #m
                                Statement of total recognised gains and losses
                          139.3 Profit on ordinary activities after taxation               75.6                52.5

                                Unrealised surplus (deficit) on revaluation:
                           12.6               -               investment                  (1.9)               (9.7)
                           63.4               -               joint ventures               22.9                29.2
                          (0.1)               -               other investments             0.2               (0.1)
                           75.9                                                            21.2                19.4

                            0.6 Exchange movements on net investments                       0.3                 0.2
                                Taxation on realisation of prior year                     (4.8)

                                Total recognised gains and losses relating to
                          215.8      the financial period                                  92.3                72.1

                     Year ended
                       31 March
                           2003                                                            2003                2002
                        Audited                                                       Unaudited           Unaudited
                             #m                                                              #m                  #m
                                Note of historical cost profits and losses

                          172.4 Profit on ordinary activities before taxation              87.1                65.3
                           17.7 Realisation of prior year revaluations                     30.9                 2.0
                                Taxation on realisation of prior year                     (4.8)
                          190.1 Historical cost profit on ordinary activities             113.2                67.3
                                before taxation

                                Historical cost profit for the period retained
                           91.1        taxation and dividends                              80.1                33.2

Other Consolidated Primary Statements for the six months ended 30 September 2003

 Year ended
   31 March
       2003                                                                           2003                   2002
    Audited                                                                      Unaudited              Unaudited
         #m                                                                             #m                     #m
               Reconciliation of movements in
                 shareholders' funds

      139.3    Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                           75.6                   52.5
     (65.9)    Ordinary dividends                                                   (21.6)                 (21.3)
       73.4    Retained profit for the period                                         54.0                   31.2

               Revaluation of investment properties
       75.9      and investments                                                      21.2                   19.4
        0.6    Exchange movements on net investments                                   0.3                    0.2
               Taxation on realisation of prior year revaluations                    (4.8)
      149.9                                                                           70.7                   50.8
        1.6    Shares issued                                                           0.2                    1.5
    (130.1)    Purchase and cancellation of own shares                               (5.0)                  (2.6)
       21.4    Increase in shareholders' funds                                        65.9                   49.7

    4,107.9    Opening shareholders' funds                                         4,129.3                4,107.9

    4,129.3    Closing shareholders' funds                                         4,195.2                4,157.6

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the six months ended 30 September 2003

 Year ended
   31 March
       2003                                                             Note                   2003               2002
    Audited                                                                               Unaudited          Unaudited
         #m                                                                                      #m                 #m
      373.6    Net cash inflow from operating activities                 14                   206.4              178.4

       22.6    Dividends received from joint ventures                                           1.5                5.6

               Returns on investments and servicing of finance
       20.9    Interest received                                                                6.2                9.3
    (303.6)    Interest paid                                                                (147.3)            (164.0)
        0.3    Dividends received                                                               0.1
    (282.4)                                                                                 (141.0)            (154.7)

     (18.8)    Taxation paid                                                                  (1.0)              (9.0)

               Net cash inflow from operating activities and
       95.0       investments after finance charges and taxation                               65.9               20.3

               Capital expenditure and financial investment
               Purchase of investment properties and
    (371.0)       development expenditure                                                   (122.1)            (118.3)
     (15.4)    Purchase of investments                                                       (10.2)              (0.2)
       76.6    Sale of investment properties                                                   73.2               20.5
               Sale of investments                                                             16.4
    (309.8)                                                                                  (42.7)             (98.0)

               Acquisitions and disposals
     (42.7)    Purchase of interest in subsidiary companies                                                     (12.0)
               Cash at bank acquired with interest in
        5.8       subsidiary companies                                                                             0.3
     (14.9)    Investment in and loans to joint ventures                                                         (8.5)
       91.0    Sale of shares in and loans repaid by joint ventures                            48.1               52.6
       39.2                                                                                    48.1               32.4

     (65.1)    Equity dividends paid                                                         (45.4)             (44.6)

               Net cash inflow (outflow) before management
    (240.7)       of liquid resources and financing                                            25.9             (89.9)

               Management of liquid resources
      254.8    Decrease in term deposits                                                        2.7              242.0

        1.3    Issue of ordinary shares                                                         0.2                1.2
    (130.1)    Purchase and cancellation of own shares                                        (5.0)              (1.5)
    (322.7)    Repurchase of 6.5% Convertible Bonds 2007                                                       (322.7)
               Issue of Meadowhall Shopping Centre
                  securitised debt                                                             50.7
               Redemption of Broadgate Class D
                  Unsecured Notes 2014                                                       (73.5)
      463.2    (Decrease) increase in bank and other borrowings                              (17.6)              186.5
       11.7                                                                                  (45.2)            (136.5)

       25.8    (Decrease) increase in cash                               14                  (16.6)               15.6

Notes to the accounts for the six months ended 30 September 2003 (unaudited)

1.     Basis of preparation

The interim accounts are not statutory accounts, but are prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set
out in the Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2003, consistently applied in all material

The figures for the year ended 31 March 2003 have been extracted from the statutory accounts which have been
filed with the Registrar of Companies.  The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified and did not
contain any statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

2.     Disposal of fixed assets

Year ended
  31 March
      2003                                                                                 2003             2002
        #m                                                                                   #m               #m

       5.7   British Land Group                                                            12.5              0.9
      20.4   Share of joint ventures (note 8)                                               3.4              2.2
      26.1                                                                                 15.9              3.1

3.     Net interest payable

Year ended
  31 March
      2003                                                                                 2003             2002
        #m                                                                                   #m               #m
             British Land Group
      35.2   Payable on:                               bank loans and overdrafts           24.0             12.4
     254.1                                             other loans                        126.6            134.5
     289.3                                                                                150.6            146.9
     (8.1)   Deduct:                                   development cost element           (5.9)            (2.5)
     281.2                                                                                144.7            144.4
    (11.2)   Receivable on:                            deposits and securities            (3.2)            (9.0)
     (8.9)                                             loans to joint ventures            (4.5)            (5.1)
     261.1   Total British Land Group                                                     137.0            130.3

             Share of joint ventures
       8.9   Interest payable on shareholder loans                                          4.5              5.1
      56.4   Other interest payable (net)                                                  22.2             29.4
      65.3   Total share of joint ventures (note 8)                                        26.7             34.5

     326.4   Net interest payable                                                         163.7            164.8

4.     Taxation

       Year ended
         31 March
             2003                                                             2003             2002
               #m                                                               #m               #m

             19.4    British Land Group:           Corporation                 6.5              6.8
              3.1                                  Deferred tax                0.2              1.7

             13.2    Share of joint ventures (note Corporation                 4.5              4.8
                     8):                           tax
            (2.6)                                  Deferred tax                0.3            (0.5)

             33.1                                                             11.5             12.8

Contingent tax
The tax which would arise on the disposal of properties and investments at the amount at which they
are carried in the balance sheet, and including trading and development surpluses, is in the region
of #440m (31 March 2003: #470m; 30 September 2002: #505m).  Tax losses, which have not been
recognised in the Balance Sheet, have reduced the contingent tax.  This unprovided taxation is
stated after taking account of the FRS19 capital allowance deferred tax provision of #87m (31 March
2003: #86m; 30 September 2002: #84m).

5.     Interim dividend

The interim dividend of 4.43 pence will be paid on 20 February 2004 to shareholders on the register
at the close of business on 23 January 2004.

6.     Basic and diluted earnings per share

Basic and diluted earnings per share are calculated on the profit on ordinary activities after taxation and
on the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period as shown below:

        Year ended
      31 March 2003                                            2003                           2002

    Weighted                                            Weighted                     Weighted
     average        Profit                               average         Profit       average          Profit
      number         after                                number          after        number           after
   of shares      taxation                             of shares       taxation     of shares        taxation
           m            #m                                     m             #m             m              #m
                              Earnings per share
       512.5         139.3        Basic                    488.6           75.6         518.7            52.5
       554.0         149.0        Diluted                  518.9           78.7         571.0            59.1

    Weighted                                            Weighted                     Weighted
     average        Profit                               average         Profit       average          Profit
      number         after                                number          after        number           after
   of shares      taxation                             of shares       taxation     of shares        taxation
           m            #m                                     m             #m             m              #m
                              Adjusted earnings
                                  per share
       512.5         140.4        Basic                    488.6           77.1         518.7            53.3
       554.0         150.1        Diluted                  518.9           80.2         571.0            59.9

Adjusted earnings per share are calculated by excluding #1.5m (31 March 2003: #1.1m; 30 September 2002:
#0.8m) which is the capital allowance effect of FRS 19.

The diluted weighted average number of shares has changed as a result of the redemption in June 2002 of the
6.5% Convertible Bonds 2007 and from the impact of shares purchased and cancelled.

  7.     Investment, development and trading properties
                                                                                        Long       Short
                                                                        Freehold   Leasehold   Leasehold     Total
                                                                              #m          #m          #m        #m
  Investment and development properties
  Valuation and cost 1 April 2003                                        7,737.4       347.8               8,085.2
  Additions                                                                120.0       (2.3)                 117.7
  Disposals                                                               (62.1)                            (62.1)
  Exchange fluctuations                                                      1.8                               1.8
  Revaluations                                                               4.0       (5.9)                 (1.9)
  Valuation and cost 30 September 2003                                   7,801.1       339.6               8,140.7

  Trading properties
  At lower of cost and net realisable value
  30 September 2003                                                         34.4         8.4         0.9      43.7

  External valuation surplus on development and trading properties                                            63.7

  Total investment, development and trading properties                                                     8,248.1

  Investment, development and trading properties were valued by external valuers on the basis of open market value
  in accordance with the Appraisal and Valuation Manual published by The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors:

  United Kingdom:                                                       ATIS REAL Weatheralls              8,086.2
                                                                        FPD Savills                          152.9
  Republic of Ireland:                                                  Jones Lang LaSalle                    38.5
  Netherlands:                                                          CB Richard Ellis B.V.                  1.1
  Adjustment for UITF 28 - lease incentive debtors                                                          (30.6)
  Total investment, development and trading properties                                                     8,248.1

  Total external valuation surplus on development and trading properties

  British Land Group                                                                                          63.7
  Share of joint ventures                                                                                      2.0

  Properties valued at #5,772.8m (31 March 2003: #5,788.2m; 30 September 2002: #5,717.7m) were subject to a
  security interest.

7.     Investment, development and trading properties (continued)

Total property valuations including share of joint ventures

         31 March
             2003                                                                 2003           2002
               #m                                                                   #m             #m

                           British Land Group
          8,085.2             Investment and development properties            8,140.7        7,659.9
             46.2             Trading properties                                  43.7           46.7
             87.9             External valuation surplus on development
                                trading properties                                63.7           93.6
             16.3             Adjustment for UITF 28 - lease incentive            30.6           10.8
          8,235.6                                                              8,278.7        7,811.0
                           Share of joint ventures
          1,404.8             Properties                                       1,364.9        1,550.2
                              External valuation surplus on development
              1.4               trading properties                                 2.0           11.2
              3.8             Adjustment for UITF 28 - lease incentive             3.5            3.2
          1,410.0                                                              1,370.4        1,564.6

          9,645.6          Total property portfolio valuation                  9,649.1        9,375.6

8.     Joint ventures

British Land's share of profits of joint ventures

 Year ended
   31 March
       2003                                                                     2003          2002
         #m                                                                       #m            #m

      102.2     Gross rental income                                             44.0          53.3

       95.1     Net rental income                                               41.6          49.1
      (2.8)     Other expenditure                                              (2.5)         (3.6)
       92.3     Operating profit                                                39.1          45.5
       20.4     Disposal of fixed assets                                         3.4           2.2
      112.7     Profit on ordinary activities before                            42.5          47.7
     (56.4)     Net interest payable to third parties                         (22.2)        (29.4)
      (8.9)     Interest payable to British Land                               (4.5)         (5.1)
     (65.3)     Net interest payable (note 3)                                 (26.7)        (34.5)
       47.4     Profit on ordinary activities before                            15.8          13.2
     (10.6)     Taxation                                                       (4.8)         (4.3)
       36.8     Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                    11.0           8.9

The amounts relating to captions shown in bold are recognised at the relevant point
in the consolidated profit and loss account.

The movement for the period:
                                                               Equity          Loans         Total
                                                                   #m             #m            #m

At 1 April 2003                                                 491.2          209.0         700.2
Additions                                                       (1.5)            0.4         (1.1)
Repayment of loans                                                            (53.8)        (53.8)
Share of profit attributable to joint ventures (net of            9.5                          9.5
Disposals                                                      (15.7)                       (15.7)
Revaluations                                                     22.9                         22.9
At 30 September 2003                                            506.4          155.6         662.0

8.     Joint ventures (continued)

Summary of British Land's share in joint ventures

                               Operating        Gross            Gross             Net
                                 profits       assets      liabilities      investment
                                      #m           #m               #m              #m

The Public House Company Ltd         0.7         32.4            (1.7)            30.7
BL Universal PLC                    12.5        383.7          (189.2)           194.5
BL Fraser Ltd                        3.3        127.7           (74.7)            53.0
BLT Properties Ltd                   3.6        131.2           (59.5)            71.7
Tesco BL Holdings Ltd                5.4        199.2          (110.6)            88.6
BL West                              6.1        170.2          (134.8)            35.4
BL Davidson Ltd                      5.2        250.0          (152.9)            97.1
BVP Developments Ltd                 1.1         53.2           (30.9)            22.3
Other joint ventures                 1.2         80.5           (11.8)            68.7
Total                               39.1      1,428.1          (766.1)           662.0

The Group's share of joint venture external net debt is #634.7m (31 March 2003:
(31 March 2003: #632.0m; 30 September 2002: #740.9m).  The amount guaranteed by
British Land is #12.0m (31 March 2003: #12.0m; 30 September 2002: #28.0m).

The Group's share of the market value of joint venture debt and derivatives as at 30
September 2003 was #30.2m more than the Group's share of the book value (31 March
2003: #40.6m; 30 September 2002: #46.5m).
The Group's share of joint venture properties as at 30 September 2003 was #1,364.9m
 (31 March 2003: #1,404.8m; 30 September 2002: #1,550.2m).

9.     Debtors

  31 March
      2003                                                        2003            2002
        #m                                                          #m              #m

      36.1     Trade debtors                                      43.6            35.3
       0.9     Amounts owed by joint ventures                      1.5             6.7
      18.6     Prepayments and accrued income                     35.1            16.6
      55.6                                                        80.2            58.6

10.     Creditors due within one year

    31 March
        2003                                                         2003             2002
          #m                                                           #m               #m

        57.8     Debentures and loans *                              34.9             52.6
         8.4     Overdrafts *                                         7.8
       168.5     Bank loans *                                       178.1            270.1
        58.6     Trade creditors                                     64.9             50.7
        33.7     Corporation tax                                     44.0             28.4
        13.9     Other taxation and social security                   1.1             12.7
       169.6     Accruals and deferred income                       174.7            166.3
        45.4     Proposed dividend                                   21.6             21.3
       555.9                                                        527.1            602.1

* See Maturity Analysis of Net Debt - note 13.

11.     Creditors due after one year

    31 March
        2003                                                         2003             2002
          #m                                                           #m               #m

     3,397.5     Debentures and loans *                           3,374.9          3,425.5
       722.1     Bank loans *                                       721.7            206.0
     4,119.6                                                      4,096.6          3,631.5

* See Maturity Analysis of Net Debt - note 13.

12.     Provisions for liabilities and charges

    31 March
        2003                                                         2003             2002
          #m                                                           #m               #m

        92.7     Deferred tax                                        92.9             91.2

The deferred tax liability relates primarily to capital allowances claimed on plant and
machinery within investment properties. When a property is sold and the agreed disposal
value for this plant and machinery is less than original cost, there is a release of the
surplus part of the provision.  The entire amount of the capital allowance provision would
be expected to be released on sale.

13.     Net debt

     31 March
         2003                                                                                       2003         2002
           #m                                                                      Footnote           #m           #m
                    Secured on the assets of the Group
         97.7       6.5055% Secured Notes 2038                                       1.1            97.7         97.7
         59.2       5.920% Secured Notes 2035                                        1.2            59.2         59.2
         19.7       7.743% Secured Notes 2025                                        1.3            19.7         19.6
          1.9       5.66% 135 Bishopsgate Securitisation 2018                        1.4             1.9          1.9
          7.1       8.49% 135 Bishopsgate Securitisation 2018                        1.4             7.1          7.1
        246.6       8% First Mortgage Debenture Bonds 2035                                         246.7        246.6
        197.2       9% First Mortgage Debenture Stock 2028                                         197.2        197.2
         12.6       10 1/2% First Mortgage Debenture Stock 2019/24                                  12.6         12.6
         20.4       11% First Mortgage Debenture Stock 2019/                                        20.4         20.4
        662.4                                                                                      662.5        662.3
        543.0       Class A1 5.260% Unsecured Notes 2035                            1.2, 2         573.5        542.8
         88.9       Class B 5.793% Unsecured Notes 2035                             1.2, 2          99.1         88.8
         74.0       Class C Fixed Rate Unsecured Notes 2035                         1.2, 2          83.9         74.0
         73.4       Class C2 6.4515% Unsecured Notes 2032                            1.1            73.4         73.3
        220.0       Class B 6.0875% Unsecured Notes 2031                             1.1           220.1        219.9
        146.6       Class A3 5.7125% Unsecured Notes 2031                            1.1           146.7        146.6
        287.8       Class A2 5.67% Unsecured Notes 2029                              1.1           285.6        289.9
        157.0       Class A2 (C) 6.457% Unsecured Notes 2025                         1.3           157.1        156.9
        205.6       Class B2 6.998% Unsecured Notes 2025                             1.3           205.7        205.5
         20.5       Class B3 7.243% Unsecured Notes 2025                             1.3            20.5         20.5
        318.6       Class A1 Fixed Rate Unsecured Notes 2024                         1.1           318.9        318.4
         23.3       5.66% 135 Bishopsgate Securitisation 2018                        1.4            22.8         23.8
         91.6       8.49% 135 Bishopsgate Securitisation 2018                        1.4            90.0         93.1
         60.9       Class A1 6.389% Unsecured Notes 2016                             1.3            59.5         62.1
         91.6       Class B1 7.017% Unsecured Notes 2016                             1.3            88.8         94.3
        161.6       Class C1 6.7446% Unsecured Notes 2014                            1.1           154.5        168.6
         78.7       Class D Fixed / Floating Rate Unsecured Notes                   1.1, 3                       88.4
         49.5       Class A2 5.555% Unsecured Notes 2013                             1.2            47.0         49.4
      2,692.6                                                                                    2,647.1      2,716.3

          1.7       101/4% Bonds 2012                                                                1.7          1.7
         97.8       7.35% Senior US Dollar Notes 2007                                 4             97.8         97.8
          0.8       Guaranteed Floating Rate Unsecured Loan Notes                                    0.7
        899.0       Bank loans and overdrafts                                                      907.6        476.1
      3,691.9                                                                                    3,654.9      3,291.9
                    Convertible Bonds
        146.8       6% Subordinated Irredeemable Convertible Bonds                                 146.9        146.8

      4,501.1       Gross debt                                                                   4,464.3      4,101.0
      (139.7)       Cash and deposits                                                 5          (119.8)      (133.9)
      4,361.4       Net debt                                                                     4,344.5      3,967.1

                    1  These borrowings are obligations of
                    ringfenced, default remote, special purpose
                    companies, with no recourse to other companies or
                    assets in the Group.

    1,384.4         1.1  Broadgate (Funding) PLC                                                 1,296.9      1,402.8
       814.6        1.2  MSC (Funding) PLC                                                         862.7        814.2
       555.3        1.3  BLSSP (Funding) PLC                                                       551.3        558.9
       123.9        1.4  135 Bishopsgate Financing Ltd                                             121.8        125.9
    2,878.2         Total securitised debt                                                       2,832.7      2,901.8

                    2  A total of #50m Notes were issued on 14 April

                    3  These notes were redeemed and cancelled on 7 July

                    4  These borrowings have been hedged into Sterling from the date of

                    5  Cash and deposits not subject to a security
                    interest amount to #29.4m (31 March 2003: #45.9m;
                    30 September 2002: #37.9m)

13.    Net debt (continued)

Maturity analysis of net debt

   31 March
       2003                                                           2003             2002
         #m                                                             #m               #m
      234.7     within one year and on demand                        220.8            322.7
      459.6     between:         one and two years                   480.2            150.1
      543.6                      two and five years                  526.1            359.5
      431.1                      five and ten years                  404.2            392.6
      430.8                      ten and fifteen years               442.9            427.1
      469.9                      fifteen and twenty years            484.7            462.7
      789.0                      twenty and twenty five years        780.7            607.5
      666.8                      twenty five and thirty years        671.1            855.9
      328.8                      thirty and thirty five years        306.7            376.1
      146.8     Irredeemable                                         146.9            146.8
    4,501.1     Gross debt                                         4,464.3          4,101.0
    (139.7)     Cash and deposits                                  (119.8)          (133.9)
    4,361.4     Net debt                                           4,344.5          3,967.1

Maturity of committed undrawn borrowing facilities

   31 March
       2003                                                           2003             2002
         #m                                                             #m               #m
      133.1     within one year                                       56.7            341.8
       30.0     between:         one and two years                    20.0             54.0
      255.0                      two and three years                 170.0            380.0
      170.0                      three and four years                150.0            330.0
                                 four and five years                 355.0            210.0
        8.6                      over five years                                       32.4
      596.7     Total                                                751.7          1,348.2

Interest rate profile - including effect of derivatives

   31 March
       2003                                                           2003             2002
         #m                                                             #m               #m

    3,543.8     Fixed rate                                         3,497.3          3,494.5
      100.0     Capped rate                                          100.0            100.0
      717.6     Variable rate (net of cash)                          747.2            372.6
    4,361.4     Net debt                                           4,344.5          3,967.1

13.    Net debt (continued)

Unamortised debt issue costs

Total unamortised issue costs, less premiums, reducing the principal amount
of debt in arriving at the Balance Sheet values amount to #54.4m (31 March
2003: #57.5m; 30 September 2002: #59.3m), as detailed below.

   31 March
       2003                                                2003          2002
         #m                                                  #m            #m

       48.1   Securitised debt                             45.2          49.9
        6.2   Debentures                                    6.1           6.2
        3.2   Convertible bonds                             3.1           3.2
       57.5                                                54.4          59.3

Comparison of market values and book values at 30 September 2003

                                           Market          Book
                                            Value         Value    Difference
                                               #m            #m            #m
Fixed rate debt:
  Securitised debt                        3,079.4       2,832.7         246.7
  Debentures and unsecured bonds            743.9         576.4         167.5
  Convertible bonds                         176.3         146.9          29.4
Bank and other floating rate                908.3         908.3
Cash and deposits                         (119.8)       (119.8)
                                          4,788.1       4,344.5         443.6

  - unrecognised gains                     (10.9)                      (10.9)
  - unrecognised losses                      34.4                        34.4
                                             23.5                        23.5

Total                                     4,811.6       4,344.5         467.1

The market value and difference are shown before any tax

14.     Notes to the cash flow statement

Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities

    Year ended
      31 March
          2003                                                                      2003           2002
            #m                                                                        #m             #m

         380.4    Operating profit                                                 195.8          181.5
         (0.3)    Dividends received                                               (0.1)
           0.6    Depreciation                                                       0.3            0.7
           1.3    Decrease in trading properties                                     2.5            0.3
        (17.2)    Decrease (increase) in debtors                                     5.4         (15.3)
           8.8    Increase in creditors                                              2.5           11.2
         373.6    Net cash inflow from operating activities                        206.4          178.4

Analysis of Group net debt

                                            1                                         30             30
                                        April         Cash       Non cash      September      September
                                         2003         flow      movements           2003           2002
                                           #m           #m             #m             #m             #m

Cash at bank                           (50.3)         17.2                        (33.1)         (31.7)
Overdraft                                 8.4        (0.6)                           7.8
Net cash per
  cash flow statement                  (41.9)         16.6                        (25.3)         (31.7)
Term debt                             4,345.9       (40.4)            4.1        4,309.6        3,954.2
Convertible Bonds                       146.8                         0.1          146.9          146.8
Term deposits                          (89.4)          2.7                        (86.7)        (102.2)
Group net debt                        4,361.4       (21.1)            4.2        4,344.5        3,967.1

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in Group net debt

    Year ended
      31 March
          2003                                                                      2003           2002
            #m                                                                        #m             #m

       3,840.4    Brought forward                                                4,361.4        3,840.4
                  Movement in net debt in the period:
        (25.8)               Decrease (increase) in cash                            16.6         (15.6)
         463.2               Cash (outflow) inflow from movement in debt          (40.4)          186.5
       (322.7)               Cash outflow to repurchase Convertible Bonds                       (322.7)
         254.8               Cash inflow in term deposits                            2.7          242.0
         369.5    Changes resulting from cash flows                               (21.1)           90.2

         151.5    Other non cash movements                                           4.2           36.5
         521.0                                                                    (16.9)          126.7
       4,361.4    Carried forward                                                4,344.5        3,967.1

15.     Net Asset Value per share

                                                                 Net          Net
                                              Shares          Assets       Assets
                                                   m              #m           #m
Net Asset Value (undiluted)

Shareholders' funds as shown on balance        487.6         4,195.2      4,195.2

FRS19 capital allowance effects
       British Land Group                                       91.3
       Share of joint                                           10.1
Total external valuation surplus on development
       and trading properties (note 7)                          65.7         65.7

Net assets attributable to ordinary shares                   4,362.3      4,260.9

At 30 September 2003                                             895 p        874 p

At 31 March 2003                                                 884 p        863 p
At 30 September 2002                                             842 p        822 p

Fully diluted Net Asset Value

Net assets attributable to ordinary shares     487.6         4,362.3      4,260.9

Adjust to fully diluted on conversion of:
       Share options                             1.5             5.8          5.8
       6% Irredeemable Convertible Bonds        30.0           146.9        146.9

Net assets attributable to fully diluted
       ordinary shares                         519.1         4,515.0      4,413.6

At 30 September 2003                                             870 p        850 p

At 31 March 2003                                                 860 p        840 p
At 30 September 2002                                             822 p        804 p

The adjusted NAV includes the surplus before tax of the external valuation over
the book value of both development and trading properties and after adding back
the FRS19 deferred tax capital allowance provision (as described in note 12)
which is not expected to arise.

16.     Reserves
                                           Capital                                 Profit
                              Share     redemption       Other    Revaluation    and loss
                            premium        reserve    reserves        reserve     account       Total
                                 #m             #m          #m             #m          #m          #m

At 1 April 2003             1,107.7            7.9       (8.0)        2,225.9       673.7     4,007.2

Share issues                    0.2                                                               0.2

Purchase and
    cancellation of
    of own shares                              0.2                                  (5.0)       (4.8)

Retained profit for
    the period                                                                       54.0        54.0

Realisation of prior
    year revaluations                                                  (30.9)        30.9

Taxation on
    realisation of prior
    year revaluations                                                               (4.8)       (4.8)

Current period
    revaluation                                                          21.2                    21.2

    movements on
    net investments                                        1.2            0.9       (1.8)         0.3

At 30 September 2003        1,107.9            8.1       (6.8)        2,217.1       747.0     4,073.3

17.     Contingent liabilities

Contingent liabilities of the Parent for guarantees to third parties amounted to #12.0m (31 March
2003: #12.0m; 30 September 2002: #28.0m).

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange