Number: 213800VFRMBRTSZ3SJ06

29th January
("Chesnara", "the Company" or the
Chesnara (CSN.L), the European life
insurance consolidator, today announces the appointment of Gail
Tucker as Non-Executive Director with immediate effect. Gail has
also been appointed as a member of Audit & Risk Committee and
Nomination & Governance Committee and will be proposed for
election at the Company's AGM, expected to be on 13th
May 2025. Gail also joins the Board of Chesnara's UK subsidiary,
Countrywide Assured plc as a Non-Executive Director and it is
intended will chair its Audit & Risk Committee subject to
regulatory approval.
Jane Dale, Non-Executive Director,
will stand down at the AGM having completed her 9-year term. At the
same time, Gail Tucker will be appointed chair of the Audit &
Risk Committee.
Gail is a recently retired 'Big
Four' partner with over 30 years' experience in financial services
audit, predominantly focused on the insurance sector. She has a
high level of technical competence in international accounting and
financial reporting, allied to which she brings a well-developed
perspective on the UK life and pensions industry. A qualified
accountant, Gail holds a BSc from the University of Warwick and a
BA from The Open University. She sits on the boards of Breast
Cancer Now and Institute of Chartered Accountants in England &
Wales (ICAEW) Financial Services Board.
Chair Luke Savage
'I am delighted to welcome Gail to
the Board of Chesnara and she brings with her a wealth of reporting
expertise including from her time as IFRS17 Global Technical Lead
for PwC. She has advised insurance audit teams around the
world and has sat on a number of technical committees. We are
delighted to have attracted such talent into the group and I look
forward to working with Gail as we prosecute our strategy and
deliver further value to our policyholders and
There is no further information
relating to Gail which would require disclosure under UKLR
For further information, please
Investor Enquiries
Sam Perowne
Head of Strategic Development &
Investor Relations
Chesnara plc
E - sam.perowne@chesnara.co.uk
Media Enquiries
Roddy Watt
Director, Capital Markets
T - 020 7280 0651 / 07714 770
E - roddy.watt@fwdconsulting.co.uk
Notes to
Chesnara (CSN.L) is a European life
and pensions consolidator listed on the London Stock
Exchange. It administers over one million policies and
operates as Countrywide Assured in the UK, as The Waard Group and
Scildon in the Netherlands and as Movestic in Sweden.
Following a three-pillar strategy,
Chesnara's primary responsibility is the efficient administration
of its customers' life and savings policies, ensuring good customer
outcomes and providing a secure and compliant environment to
protect policyholder interests. It also adds value by writing
profitable new business in Sweden and the Netherlands and by
undertaking value-adding acquisitions of either companies or
Consistent delivery of the Company
strategy has enabled Chesnara to increase its dividend for 20 years
in succession.
Further details are available on the
Company's website (www.chesnara.co.uk).