RNS Number : 6767A

Trans-Siberian Gold PLC

08 June 2016

Trans-Siberian Gold plc

Final results for the year ended 31 December 2015

Notice of Annual General Meeting


   --          Profit before tax $6.6 million (2014: $1.3 million) 
   --          Production 37,984 oz. gold, 49,398 oz. silver, increases of 5.3% and 10.7% respectively 
   --          Asacha plant processed average 13,437 tonnes per month, 3.0% increase 
   --          Cost of sales per oz. gold $742, 13.0% reduction 
   --          Cash cost per oz. gold sold $522, 11.8% reduction 

Trans-Siberian Gold plc ("TSG" or "the Company") reports that Asacha's fourth full year of operation produced 37,984 oz. (2014: 36,089 oz.) of refined gold and 49,398 oz. (2014: 44,610 oz.) of refined silver. In 2015 the mine continued to implement the recommendations of an earlier mine audit and to introduce additional methods intended to lower dilution and increase ore grades, including changes in stoping and blasting and improved control of mining activities. Average dilution excluding rockfalls improved significantly from 56.8% in 2014 to 40.4% in 2015, and reduced further to 36.6% in the first quarter of 2016.

In June 2015 ore extraction was impacted by excessive water inflow into the mine due to exceptionally heavy rains and atypically quick snow melting. Increased water inflow at the levels below 200 metres (m) had been anticipated in the mine's design, however the actual inflow in June was substantially higher and necessitated a temporary halt to extraction at the 182 m level and below. By August the inflow had substantially decreased and underground stoping activities resumed at the 182 m and lower levels, however the mine suffered further flooding during November as a result of the cyclone which hit Kamchatka at the end of October.

These events also affected mine development and reduced the amount of higher grade stoping ore available, requiring the processing of lower grade material mined earlier and some tonnage from poor grade ore stockpiles in order to maintain plant throughput. This was the principal factor affecting the average grade of the ore delivered to the plant (7.65 g/t in 2015 compared with 7.68 g/t in 2014). The Company is cautiously optimistic that the proportion of new, richer grade, stoping ore in ore processed by the plant will increase during 2016 and expects that after the 100 m level is reached at the beginning of 2017, enabling the start of cutting in vertical intervals of 50 m, the mine should be able to cut 150 000 mt of stoping ore each year and deliver it to the plant, with a consequent improvement in average ore grades.

Mining and production at Asacha in 2015:

                                   Total   Q1 2015   Q2 2015   Q3 2015   Q4 2015     Total 
                                    2014                                              2015 
 Mine development    (metres)      3,576     1,152       686     1,231       868     3,937 
   Ore extracted     (tonnes)    198,387    43,598    44,535    43,995    45,467   177,555 
   Ore processed     (tonnes)    156,561    39,699    39,814    41,380    40,349   161,242 
   Average gold 
       grade           (g/t)        7.68      7.43      8.17      7.64      7.39      7.65 
  Average silver 
       grade           (g/t)       13.46     13.43     12.79     10.75     12.19     12.28 
   Gold recovery 
        rate            (%)        95.06     95.19     95.97     95.19     95.20     95.40 
  Silver recovery 
        rate            (%)        67.17     73.25     78.84     75.08     80.74     76.94 
   Gold in dore        (oz.)      36,513     9,044    10,044     9,680     9,030    37,798 
  Silver in dore       (oz.)      45,086    12,747    12,847    10,871    12,767    49,232 
   Gold refined        (oz.)      36,089     9,508     8,238     9,548    10,690    37,984 
  Silver refined       (oz.)      44,610    13,304    10,116    11,931    14,047    49,398 

In September 2013 the Federal Agency on Subsoil Use extended the Asacha licence until 1 September 2018, reflecting the seven year mine life envisaged by the mine's original design documentation. TSG's subsidiary ZAO Trevozhnoye Zarevo (TZ) intends to apply for a further extension to the licence term, taking account of the results of the significant exploration at Asacha in the period since its resources were approved by the Russian State Geological Commission for Reserves (GKZ) in 2002. As a first step, the process to obtain GKZ's legal recognition of the increase in reserves commenced in 2015. Following approval by GKZ the required design changes to the project will be undertaken by an external design institute, after which TZ will seek the necessary approvals and agreements from various government bodies and agencies.

In the first quarter of 2016 mine development comprised approximately 1,115 metres, while ore extraction (including ore from stoping and mine development) amounted to 44,067 metric tonnes. Plant throughput averaged 13,433 tonnes per month (7.5% above planned 12,500 tonnes). There was a temporary slowdown of mining activities as a result of a small fire at the Asacha adit site after an earthquake. This caused minimal damage (estimated at US$25,000) and normal production soon resumed. Ore delivered to the plant included 17,398 mt of new stoping ore with an average grade of 10.3 g/t, however, because of the factors discussed above, the average first quarter gold grade was 7.38 g/t. As discussed above, the Company is cautiously optimistic that the average grade of ore processed by the plant will increase during 2016.

Group Mineral Resources

The Company's Asacha property contains approximately 760,000 oz. of gold and about 1.8 million oz. of silver in total mineral resources calculated to JORC standards. The resource estimate for the Asacha deposit was updated by QG Pty Ltd (QG) to the end of December 2015 to incorporate new data from mining development and to account for mining depletion during 2015. A copy of QG's report is available on TSG's website.

Asacha's Main zone hosts six defined veins. Three veins have been defined in the separate East zone, with mineralisation generally of lower tenor and width. Asacha's Resources estimates were classified according to the guidelines of the JORC Code (2012). Classification took account of data quality, confidence in geological interpretation and confidence in block estimations. Some of these aspects are necessarily subjective. Classifications were applied by digitisation of polygon boundaries between classes in long section view. Resources were only classified and reported within constrained vein volumes.

Based on the presence of the operating mine and mill, existing mine economics, the potential for incremental development access to deeper and more distal parts of the orebody, and the potential for further exploration success, QG opined that all of the vein resources defined at Asacha have a reasonable prospect of eventual economic extraction and that a comparison of reported mill production to the undiluted resource model indicates that the achieved tonnage is in line with expectation, after likely mining dilution is taken into consideration.

 JORC RESOURCE as at 31 December 2015 
 Category          Zone    Tonnes   Au Grade    Ag Grade        Contained 
                            (000)      g/t         g/t       Au oz. (000)        Contained 
                                                                              Ag oz. (000) 
 Measured          Main        98      16          27                  50               84 
 Indicated         Main       638      20          59                 409            1,211 
 Indicated         East         3      56          30                   6                3 
 Total M & 
  I                           739      20          55                 465            1,298 
 Inferred          Main       104      14          33                  48              110 
 Inferred          East       285      27          43                 246              390 
 Total Inferred               390      24          40                 295              500 

Rounding in above table may mean that columns do not sum exactly.

4 g/t cut-off

The information in this report relating to Asacha's mineral resources is based on information compiled by Michael Stewart. Michael Stewart is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. He has no interest in, and is entirely independent of, TSG. Michael Stewart has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a 'Competent Person' as defined in the 2012 edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC Code).

Mr Stewart is a Qualified Person under the AIM Rules and consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

Financial Review

The result for the year is a profit after tax of $4.5 million (2014 loss: $127,000). The directors do not recommend payment of a dividend (2014: nil).

Revenue from the sale of 37,801 oz. of refined gold (2014: 36,131 oz.) and 49,720 oz. of refined silver (2014: 44,395 oz.) was $43.3 million and $737,000 respectively (2014: $45.4 million and $801,000). Average realised prices were $1,146 per oz. gold and $15 per oz. silver (2014: $1,256 per oz. gold and $18 per oz. silver). Cost of sales was $28.8 million (2014: $31.6 million), the 9.1% reduction principally reflecting the full year impact of the significant depreciation of the Russian rouble, partially offset by the 4.6% increase in gold oz. sold. Cost of sales per oz. gold, net of the credit from silver sales revenue, was $742 (2014: $853). Cash cost per oz. gold including depletion, net of the silver credit and excluding royalty, was $522 (2014: $592).

An additional impairment provision of $722,000 (2014: $4.1m) has been recognised against the ore stockpile, reflecting the difference between its expected net realisable value at a gold price of $1,200/oz. and cost, including processing, refining and royalties. At a gold price of $1,200/oz., the processing and refining of the ore stockpile will be cash generative, wherefore it is expected that the entire stockpile will be processed, with some material likely to be blended with higher grade material.

The Group recorded an operating profit for the year of $8.8 million (2014: $4.4 million), after recognising the $722,000 increase in the inventory impairment provision discussed above, $nil impairment charges against assets under construction and exploration and evaluation expenditure at the Rodnikova property (2014: $58,000) and an exchange loss of $316,000 (2014: $485,000), principally reflecting the impact of the significant depreciation of the Russian rouble on the Group's rouble denominated monetary assets. Administrative expenses amounted to $5.6 million (2014: $5.6 million). Russian administrative expenses amounted to $4.3 million (2014: $4.6 million). UK administrative expenses were $1.3 million (2014: $987,000).

Finance income was $301,000 (2014: $99,000). Finance costs were $2.5 million (2014: $3.3 million).

Total non-current assets decreased from $91.0 million to $85.2 million. Mining properties of $27.0 million (2014: $27.0 million) reflected $1.9 million additional mining and mine development, offset by depletion of $1.9 million. Property, plant and equipment decreased by $4.2 million to $50.3 million, primarily due to depreciation charges, offset by additions to plant. Current assets increased from $15.3 million to $20.1 million. Inventories at Asacha at 31 December 2015 comprised $1.9 million gold and silver in production (2014: $2.8 million), $5.4 million ore stocks (2014: $4.6 million), of which $4.9 million (2014: $4.4 million) has been recognised as a non-current asset and $3.4 million fuel and other materials and supplies (2014: $2.9 million), in aggregate $10.7 million (2014: $10.3 million). As discussed above ore stocks are stated net of impairment provisions totalling $10.3 million (2014 $9.6 million), comprising $9.3 million (2014: $9.1 million) allocated against non-current assets and $1.0 million (2014: $478,000) against current assets. Cash and cash equivalents increased from $8.0 million to $12.6 million.

Loans and borrowings totalled $20.2 million (2014: $26.1 million), comprising $19.8 million (2014: $24.9 million) outstanding under two five year facilities, totalling $43.0 million, provided by Sberbank for the development of the Asacha project, $nil short term loan finance (2014: $1.1 million), including accrued interest, provided by TSG's major shareholders UFG Asset Management (UFG) and AngloGold Ashanti Limited (AGA) and $461,000 finance lease obligations (2014: $138,000).

Asacha mine

At a gold price of $1,200/oz., Life of mine ("LOM") cash costs on an all equity basis are forecast at $620/oz., before taking account of a $25/oz. credit from silver production (assuming a silver price of $14/oz. over the remaining mine life). Cash costs including all royalties and taxes (in total $50.5 million, net of VAT recoveries) on an all equity basis are forecast at $703/oz. Total costs on the same basis, after depreciation of all capital expenditure and including all pre-start up mining and other operating expenditure, are forecast at $1,009/oz., giving a $191/oz. margin at a gold price of $1,200/oz.

As previously reported, in light of the fall in the gold price since 2013 and the ore dilution issue which had affected the mine's operating performance the Board carried out an impairment review of the mine's economic model as at 31 December 2014, assuming a gold price of $1,200/oz., an expected economic life of 10 years and a 10.8% discount factor, to determine whether there had been any impairment in the Group's mining properties and/or property, plant and equipment or the Company's investment in TZ which holds the licence for the mine. The Board then concluded that no impairment had arisen in respect of the Group's mining properties or property, plant and equipment but that an impairment provision of $34.4 million was required against the Company's investment in TZ. The Board has undertaken a further impairment review of the mine's economic model as at 31 December 2015, assuming a gold price of $1,100/oz., an expected economic life of nine years and a 17.0% pre-tax discount factor and has concluded that no impairment had arisen in respect of the Group's mining properties or property, plant and equipment and that no adjustment to the provision made in 2014 against the Company's investment in TZ is required.

Events after the reporting date

On 4 April 2016 the interest rates on TZ's two loan facilities for the Asacha project were reduced from 11.5% (including a 1.0% premium in lieu of a gold price hedging programme) to 9.3% (applied to $9.65 million) and 9.7% (applied to $10.35 million).

Annual General Meeting

The 2015 Annual Report and Accounts have been sent to TSG's shareholders, to be submitted for their approval at the Company's AGM, which will be held in London on 30 June 2016 at 11:30 am at the offices of BDO LLP, 55 Baker Street, London W1U 7EU.

Copies of the Annual Report and Accounts are available at the Company's website at http://www.trans-siberiangold.com/.



TSG +44 (0) 1480 811871

Simon Olsen +44 (0) 7770 484965

   Cantor Fitzgerald Europe                                                  +44 (0) 207 894 7000 

Stewart Dickson/David Foreman (Corporate Finance)

Trans-Siberian Gold plc

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

                                                    31 December         31 December 
                                                           2015                2014 
                                       Note                $000                $000 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------------  ------------------ 
Non-current assets 
Mining properties                         2              27,048              26,969 
Property, plant and equipment             3              50,288              54,527 
Deferred exploration and evaluation 
 costs                                    4               1,643               1,643 
Inventories                               6               4,874               4,415 
Deferred tax asset                        5               1,341               3,476 
Total non-current assets                                 85,194              91,030 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------------  ------------------ 
Current assets 
Inventories                               6               5,782               5,899 
Trade and other receivables                               1,661               1,421 
Cash and cash equivalents                                12,643               7,951 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------------  ------------------ 
Total current assets                                     20,086              15,271 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------------  ------------------ 
Total assets                                            105,280             106,301 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------------  ------------------ 
Non-current liabilities 
Borrowings                                7              16,596              22,875 
Deferred tax liabilities                  5                   -                   - 
Provisions                                                  723                 609 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------------  ------------------ 
Total non-current liabilities                            17,319              23,484 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------------  ------------------ 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                  3,405               3,107 
Borrowings                                7               3,637               3,262 
Total current liabilities                                 7,042               6,369 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------------  ------------------ 
Total liabilities                                        24,361              29,853 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------------  ------------------ 
Total net assets                                         80,919              76,448 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------------  ------------------ 
Capital and reserves attributable 
 to owners of the Company 
Share capital                             8              18,988              18,988 
Share premium                             8              89,520              89,520 
Retained deficit                                       (27,589)            (32,060) 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------------  ------------------ 
Total equity                                             80,919              76,448 
------------------------------------  -----  ------------------  ------------------ 

Trans-Siberian Gold plc

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

                                                      Year ended     Year ended 
                                                     31 December    31 December 
                                                            2015           2014 
                                             Note           $000           $000 
------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  ------------- 
Revenue                                         9         44,059         46,184 
------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  ------------- 
Cost of sales                                  10       (28,777)       (31,607) 
Ore stock inventory impairment                  6          (722)        (4,134) 
------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  ------------- 
Gross profit                                              14,560         10,443 
Administrative expenses                                  (5,562)        (5,570) 
Other income                                                  86            109 
Impairment provision                          3,4              -           (58) 
Foreign exchange differences on operating 
 activities                                                (316)          (485) 
------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  ------------- 
Profit from operations                                     8,768          4,439 
Finance expense                                          (2,461)        (3,275) 
Finance income                                               301             99 
Foreign exchange differences on financing 
 activities                                                    6             28 
------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  ------------- 
Profit before tax                                          6,614          1,291 
Income tax charge                                        (2,143)        (1,418) 
------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  ------------- 
Profit (loss) for the year                                 4,471          (127) 
------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  ------------- 
Total comprehensive income (expense) 
 for the year                                              4,471          (127) 
------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  ------------- 
Profit (loss) for the year attributable 
Owners of the parent company                               4,471          (127) 
Profit (loss) for the year                                 4,471          (127) 
------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  ------------- 
Total comprehensive income (expense) 
 for the year attributable to: 
Owners of the parent company                               4,471          (127) 
Profit (loss) for the year                                 4,471          (127) 
------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  ------------- 
Profit (loss) per share attributable 
 to the owners 
 of the parent company (expressed in 
- basic and diluted                                         4.06         (0.12) 

Trans-Siberian Gold plc

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

                                                        Year ended     Year ended 
                                                       31 December    31 December 
                                                              2015           2014 
                                                              $000           $000 
----------------------------------------------  ---  -------------  ------------- 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Profit (loss) for the year                                   4,471          (127) 
Adjustment for: 
Mining properties depletion charged to 
 income statement                                            1,840          3,370 
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 
 charged to income statement                                 5,841          6,714 
Finance expense - net                                        2,154          3,148 
Impairment provision - Rodnikova                                 -             58 
Impairment of ore stocks                                       722          4,134 
Corporation tax charge                                       2,143          1,418 
Loss on sale of property, plant and equipment                   24             48 
---------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Cash flows from operating activities before 
 changes in working capital and provisions                  17,195         18,763 
Increase in inventories                                      (317)        (2,687) 
(Increase) decrease in trade and other 
 receivables                                                 (240)            436 
Increase (decrease) in trade and other 
 payables                                                      390        (2,184) 
Cash generated from operations                              17,028         14,328 
Corporation tax paid                                           (8)              - 
Interest paid on borrowings                                (2,636)        (3,230) 
Net cash flows generated from operating 
 activities                                                 14,384         11,098 
---------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Investing activities 
Mining properties                                          (1,523)        (2,426) 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment 
 (PPE)                                                     (2,324)        (1,036) 
Proceeds from sale of PPE                                        -             23 
Purchase of exploration and evaluation 
 assets                                                      (106)           (85) 
Interest received                                              301             99 
---------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Net cash used in investing activities                      (3,652)        (3,425) 
---------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Financing activities 
Repayment of bank borrowings                               (5,143)        (1,222) 
Repayment of short term borrowings                           (891)          (800) 
Repayment of finance leases                                   (12)           (33) 
---------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Net cash used in financing activities                      (6,046)        (2,055) 
---------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                    4,686          5,618 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
 of the year                                                 7,951          2,305 
Exchange gains on cash and cash equivalents                      6             28 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the 
 year                                                       12,643          7,951 
---------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 


   1.    Going concern 

The Group has reported an operating profit for the year of $8.8 million, which is stated after significant non-cash depreciation and impairment charges. The Directors have reviewed the Group's cash flow forecast for the period to 31 December 2017 and they believe that, taking account of reasonably possible changes in commodity prices, trading performance and expenditure and scheduled repayment of bank loan facilities, the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future, wherefore the directors are confident that the Group will continue as a going concern and have prepared the financial statements on that basis.

   2.    Mining properties 

Mining properties assets relate to the Asachinskoye (Asacha) mining licence held by the Company's subsidiary ZAO Trevozhnoye Zarevo (TZ).

 Group                      $000 
---------------------  --------- 
 At 1 January 2014        54,194 
 Additions                 3,123 
---------------------  --------- 
 At 31 December 2014      57,317 
---------------------  --------- 
 At 1 January 2014      (27,068) 
 Charge for year         (3,280) 
---------------------  --------- 
 At 31 December 2014    (30,348) 
---------------------  --------- 
 Net book value 
 At 1 January 2014        27,126 
---------------------  --------- 
 At 31 December 2014      26,969 
---------------------  --------- 
 At 1 January 2015        57,317 
 Additions                 1,978 
---------------------  --------- 
 At 31 December 2015      59,295 
---------------------  --------- 
 At 1 January 2015      (30,348) 
 Charge for year         (1,899) 
---------------------  --------- 
 At 31 December 2015    (32,247) 
---------------------  --------- 
 Net book value 
 At 1 January 2015        26,969 
---------------------  --------- 
 At 31 December 2015      27,048 
---------------------  --------- 

The licence includes the right to extract gold and silver and, pursuant to the decision of the Federal Agency on Subsoil Use on 12 September 2013, its term has been extended for four years until 1 September 2018, reflecting the seven year mine life envisaged by the mine's original design documentation. TZ intends to apply for a further extension to the licence term, taking account of the results of exploration at Asacha since its resources were approved by the Russian State Geological Commission for Reserves (GKZ) in 2002.

In light of the fall in the gold price since 2013 and the problem with ore dilution which affected the mine's operating performance in 2014 the Board carried out an impairment review of the mine's economic model as at 31 December 2014, assuming a gold price of $1,200/oz., an expected economic life of 10 years and a 10.8% discount factor, to determine whether there had been any impairment in respect of mining properties. The Board undertook a further impairment review of the mine's economic model as at 31 December 2015, assuming a gold price of $1,100/oz., an expected economic life of nine years and a 17.0% pre-tax discount factor and are satisfied that no impairment has arisen in respect of mining properties in either 2014 or 2015.

   3.    Property, plant and equipment 
                                      Plant and       Motor        equipment           under 
                         Buildings    machinery    vehicles    and furniture             (i)      Total 
 Group                        $000         $000        $000             $000            $000       $000 
----------------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------------  --------------  --------- 
 At 1 January 
  2014                      76,228       17,454       2,293              481           2,043     98,499 
 Additions                     635           59           -                2             151        847 
 Re-classifications          1,245          254           -                -         (1,499)          - 
 Disposals                       -        (240)           -              (8)               -      (248) 
 At 31 December 
  2014                      78,108       17,527       2,293              475             695     99,098 
----------------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------------  --------------  --------- 
 At 1 January 
  2014                    (23,728)      (8,568)     (2,042)            (401)           (183)   (34,922) 
 Charge for year 
  (ii)                     (8,340)      (1,304)       (151)             (31)               -    (9,826) 
 Impairment provision            -            -           -                -               -          - 
 Disposals                       -          169           -                8               -        177 
 At 31 December 
  2014                    (32,068)      (9,703)     (2,193)            (424)           (183)   (44,571) 
----------------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------------  --------------  --------- 
 Net book value 
 At 1 January 
  2014                      52,500        8,886         251               80           1,860     63,577 
----------------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------------  --------------  --------- 
 At 31 December 
  2014                      46,040        7,824         100               51             512     54,527 
----------------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------------  --------------  --------- 
 At 1 January 
  2015                      78,108       17,527       2,293              475             695     99,098 
 Additions                     228        2,055           -                2             420      2,705 
 Re-classifications              -            -           -                -               -          - 
 Disposals                       -        (236)        (46)              (3)               -      (285) 
 At 31 December 
  2015                      78,336       19,346       2,247              474           1,115    101,518 
----------------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------------  --------------  --------- 
 At 1 January 
  2015                    (32,068)      (9,703)     (2,193)            (424)           (183)   (44,571) 
 Charge for year 
  (ii)                     (5,764)      (1,045)        (85)             (25)               -    (6,919) 
 Impairment provision            -            -           -                -               -          - 
 Disposals                       -          211          46                3               -        260 
                        ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------------  --------------  --------- 
 At 31 December 
  2015                    (37,832)     (10,537)     (2,232)            (446)           (183)   (51,230) 
----------------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------------  --------------  --------- 
 Net book value 
 At 1 January 
  2015                      46,040        7,824         100               51             512     54,527 
----------------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------------  --------------  --------- 
 At 31 December 
  2015                      40,504        8,809          15               28             932     50,288 
----------------------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------------  --------------  --------- 

i. Assets under construction comprise $932,589 (2014: $512,576) for building construction and infrastructure at Asacha.

ii. $340,383 of the depreciation charge is included in additions to mining properties (2014: 1,004,623). $50,114 (2014: $157,357) of the depreciation charge related to property, plant and equipment used on exploration and evaluation projects or assets under construction and was capitalised in exploration and evaluation costs or property, plant and equipment in accordance with the Group's accounting policy. $688,469 (2014 $1,949,178) of the depreciation charge is included in inventories.

iii. The net carrying amount of property, plant and equipment includes the following amounts in respect of assets held under finance leases

                                    2015    2014 
                                    $000    $000 
 Plant and machinery                 703     335 
 Motor vehicles                        -       - 
 Office equipment and furniture        -       - 
--------------------------------  ------  ------ 
                                     703     335 
--------------------------------  ------  ------ 

As discussed in Note 2 the Board carried out an impairment review of the mine's economic model and are satisfied that no impairment has arisen in respect of property, plant and equipment.

   4.    Deferred exploration and evaluation costs 

Deferred exploration and evaluation expenditure relates to the "Asacha East" zone, a separate orebody within the Asacha mineral rights licence discussed in Note 2, and the Rodnikova mining licence, also held by the Company's subsidiary ZAO Trevozhnoye Zarevo (TZ) which was terminated in September 2014.

                         Asacha   Rodnikova   Total 
                           $000        $000    $000 
----------------------  -------  ----------  ------ 
 At 1 January 2014        1,643           -   1,643 
 Additions (i)                -          58      58 
 Impairment provision         -        (58)    (58) 
 At 31 December 2014      1,643           -   1,643 
----------------------  -------  ----------  ------ 
 At 1 January 2015        1,643           -   1,643 
 Additions (i)                -           -       - 
 Impairment provision         -           -       - 
 At 31 December 2015      1,643           -   1,643 
----------------------  -------  ----------  ------ 

i Additions include capitalised PPE depreciation (see Note 7(ii) ).

In 2012 the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources Management prescribed the implementation of two provisions of the Rodnikova licence by April 2014, first the finalisation of the design documentation, secondly the commencement of work at the deposit, failing which the federal authorities would consider the termination of the licence. Although TZ sought to comply with these requirements, it was unclear in 2012 whether there was adequate time or available funding to do so. Therefore a full impairment provision was recognised in 2012 in respect of Rodnikova's deferred exploration and evaluation costs. A design institute's pre-feasibility study indicated that, at the lower gold prices which have prevailed since the second half of 2013, exploitation of the Rodnikova deposit would not be economically justified. TZ applied to the federal authorities for an extension of the licence term beyond its scheduled expiry on 1 September 2014 in order to evaluate the cost effectiveness of various technical solutions to improve the project's economics identified by the design institute, however on 5 September 2014 the Company was informed that the licence had been terminated.

   5.    Deferred tax 

Deferred income tax at 31 December relates to the following:

                                                   1 January     Charged/(Credited)   31 December 
                                                        2015    to Income Statement          2015 
                                                        $000                   $000          $000 
------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
Tax effect of deductible temporary differences: 
Property, plant and equipment                              -                      -             - 
Inventories                                                -                      -             - 
Accounts receivable & other debtors                      (1)                      1             - 
Accounts payable etc.                                  (279)                    120         (159) 
Recognised taxable losses                            (4,190)                  2,546       (1,644) 
Gross deferred tax asset                             (4,470)                  2,667       (1,803) 
------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
Tax effect of taxable temporary differences: 
Property, plant and equipment                            994                  (532)           462 
Gross deferred tax liabilities                           994                  (532)           462 
------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
Total net deferred tax asset                         (3,476)                  2,135       (1,341) 
------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
                                                   1 January     Charged/(Credited)   31 December 
                                                        2014    to Income Statement          2014 
                                                        $000                   $000          $000 
------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
Tax effect of deductible temporary differences: 
Property, plant and equipment                          (444)                    444             - 
Inventories                                              (3)                      3             - 
Accounts receivable & other debtors                      (1)                      -           (1) 
Accounts payable etc.                                  (512)                    233         (279) 
Recognised taxable losses                            (3,926)                  (264)       (4,190) 
                                                  ----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
Gross deferred tax asset                             (4,886)                    416       (4,470) 
------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
Tax effect of taxable temporary differences: 
Property, plant and equipment                              -                    994           994 
Gross deferred tax liabilities                             -                    994           994 
------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
Total net deferred tax asset                         (4,886)                  1,410       (3,476) 
------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------------------  ------------ 
   6.    Inventories 
                                   2015     2014 
 Group                             $000     $000 
------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 Ore stocks                       4,874    4,415 
------------------------------  -------  ------- 
                                  4,874    4,415 
------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 Gold in progress                 1,848    2,757 
 Silver in progress                  32       31 
 Ore stocks                         542      233 
 Fuel                             1,004    1,143 
 Other materials and supplies     2,356    1,735 
                                  5,782    5,899 
------------------------------  -------  ------- 
                                 10,656   10,314 
------------------------------  -------  ------- 

Gold in progress, silver in progress and ore stocks include mining properties depletion $150,000 (2014: $90,000). Ore stocks, part of which are classified as non-current inventories, are stated net of an impairment provision of $10.3 million (2014: $9.6 million), which reflects the difference between the ore stockpile's expected net realisable value at a gold price of $1,200/oz. and cost, including processing, refining and royalties.

   7.    Borrowings 
                                               Group                          Company 
                                    --------------------------      -------------------------- 
                                     31 December   31 December       31 December   31 December 
                                            2015          2014              2015          2014 
                              Note          $000          $000              $000          $000 
--------------------------  ------  ------------  ------------      ------------  ------------ 
Bank Borrowings                           16,209        22,862                 -             - 
Finance lease obligations                    387            13                 -             - 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------      ------------  ------------ 
                                          16,596        22,875                 -             - 
 ---------------------------------  ------------  ------------      ------------  ------------ 
Bank Borrowings                            3,563         2,071                 -             - 
Related party loans                            -         1,066                 -         1,066 
Other loans                                    -             -                 -             - 
Finance lease obligations                     74           125                 -             - 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------------      ------------  ------------ 
                                           3,637         3,262                 -         1,066 
 ---------------------------------  ------------  ------------      ------------  ------------ 
                                          20,233        26,137                 -         1,066 
 ---------------------------------  ------------  ------------      ------------  ------------ 

Movement in borrowings is analysed as follows:

                                                  Group                 Company 
                                           ------------------      ---------------- 
                                               2015      2014          2015    2014 
                                     Note      $000      $000          $000    $000 
--------------------------------  -------  --------  --------      --------  ------ 
At 1 January                                 26,137    28,471         1,066   1,822 
Increase in borrowings                            -         -             -       - 
 Interest on related party 
  and other loans                                14        83            14      71 
 Repayment of loan and 
  accrued interest                          (6,298)   (2,144)       (1,080)   (827) 
 IAS39 adjustment to net 
  present value of restructured 
  bank borrowings                                57        79             -       - 
 Finance leases                                 323     (352)             -       - 
At 31 December                               20,233    26,137             -   1,066 
-----------------------------------------  --------  --------      --------  ------ 

In 2009 and 2010 ZAO Trevozhnoye Zarevo (TZ) arranged two loan facilities for the Asacha project, in total $43 million, with the Russian bank Sberbank. Repayments under the initial five year $25 million facility and the second $18 million facility, each of which initially bore an annual interest rate of 10.5%, commenced in November 2011 and September 2012 respectively. The loans are secured by pledges over certain moveable assets and the shares of TZ and OOO Trans-Siberian Gold Management, TSG's other subsidiary. In September 2013 the terms of the two loan facilities were extended to December 2018. Repayment of the $26.5 million then outstanding under the two facilities commenced in March 2014. On 20 March 2015, in addition to the $300,000 repayment due on that date, TZ prepaid $2.2 million, which had been scheduled to be repaid in 2018. Also in March 2015 TZ made further prepayments of $800,000 and $900,000, respectively due in June 2015 and December 2015. On 12 August 2015, TZ made a further prepayment of $1.0 million which had been due in 2016.

In accordance with IAS39, the fees and commissions paid to Sberbank in respect of the loan restructuring are amortised over the extended terms of the facilities, resulting in a net present value adjustment of $297,000 (2014: $354,000). It was agreed that a gold price hedge programme would be implemented for the revised term of the facilities. It was subsequently agreed with the bank to defer the start of the price protection programme in consideration of an increase to the interest rate to 11.5% until such commencement. On 4 April 2016, the interest rates on the two loan facilities were reduced to 9.3% (applied to $9.65 million) and 9.7% (applied to $10.35 million).

In 2012 UFG Asset Management (UFG) and AngloGold Ashanti Limited (AGA), each a related party by virtue of their then respective 54.42% and 31.17% holdings in the shares of the Company, agreed to provide short term loan facilities, in aggregate $781,000 (increased to $891,000 in January 2013), on commercial terms including interest at 8%. In September 2012 the terms of the two facilities were extended to 1 March 2013, the revised facility agreements each including an option for the lender, subject to the requisite approval of TSG's shareholders, to convert any part of the outstanding loan into TSG shares at a price equivalent to the volume weighted average price of TSG's shares for the period of 60 business days prior to notice of such conversion, exercisable prior to scheduled repayment. The terms of the two facilities were further extended, ultimately to 31 March 2015. Both facilities were repaid in full on 12 March 2015.

   8.    Share capital and premium 
                                           Number of 
                        Number of    shares allotted      Share 
                           shares          and fully    capital   Share premium     Total 
 Group and Company     authorised               paid       $000            $000      $000 
                                   -----------------  ---------  --------------  -------- 
 At 1 January 2014    150,000,000        110,053,073     18,988          89,520   108,508 
 At 31 December 
  2014                150,000,000        110,053,073     18,988          89,520   108,508 
-------------------  ------------  -----------------  ---------  --------------  -------- 
 At 1 January 2015    150,000,000        110,053,073     18,988          89,520   108,508 
 At 31 December 
  2015                150,000,000        110,053,073     18,988          89,520   108,508 
-------------------  ------------  -----------------  ---------  --------------  -------- 

All shares are ordinary shares with a par value of 10 pence.

   9.    Revenue 
                  Year ended     Year ended 
                 31 December    31 December 
                        2015           2014 
  Group                 $000           $000 
--------  ---  -------------  ------------- 
 Gold                 43,322         45,383 
 Silver                  737            801 
                      44,059         46,184 
 ------------  -------------  ------------- 

10. Cost of sales

                                Year ended     Year ended 
                               31 December    31 December 
                                      2015           2014 
  Group                               $000           $000 
----------------------  ---  -------------  ------------- 
 Wages and salaries                  6,737          8,121 
 Energy and materials               10,536          9,657 
 Depreciation                        5,702          6,709 
 Depletion                           1,840          3,370 
 Other costs                         3,962          3,750 
---------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                    28,777         31,607 
 --------------------------  -------------  ------------- 

11. Directors' remuneration and other interests

The aggregate remuneration of the directors of the Company was as follows:

                                                       Year ended     Year ended 
                                                      31 December    31 December 
                                                             2015           2014 
                                                             $000           $000 
---------------------------------------------  ---  -------------  ------------- 
 Basic salary                                                 503            516 
 Fees                                                          28             55 
 Bonus                                                        276              - 
 Pension contributions                                         40             43 
 Benefits in kind                                               5              6 
--------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Directors' remuneration                                      852            620 
 Employer's National Insurance contributions                   26             28 
 Key management compensation                                  878            648 
--------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Total number of directors during the 
  year                                                          5              6 
--------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 

The following table shows the directors who served during the year or in the previous year together with an analysis of their remuneration:

                                                                                      Year ended     Year ended 
                              Basic                                      Benefits    31 December    31 December 
                             salary    Fees    Bonus     Contributions    in kind           2015           2014 
                               $000    $000     $000              $000       $000           $000           $000 
-------------------------  --------  ------  -------  ----------------  ---------  -------------  ------------- 
 Executive directors 
 D Khilov                       327       -      219                 -          -            546            326 
 SV Olsen                       176       -       57                40          5            278            239 
  Non-executive directors 
 OE Bagirov (to 30 
  June 2014)                      -       -        -                 -          -              -             25 
 PCD Burnell                      -      28        -                 -          -             28             30 
 CE Ryan                          -       -        -                 -          -              -              - 
 R Sasson                         -       -        -                 -          -              -              - 
-------------------------  --------  ------  -------  ----------------  ---------  -------------  ------------- 
                                503      28      276                40          5            852            620 
-------------------------  --------  ------  -------  ----------------  ---------  -------------  ------------- 

Mr Khilov's employment contract includes an entitlement to two cash bonus payments, each in amount equivalent to eight months' salary then payable, for which the performance criteria agreed by the Remuneration Committee in 2014 comprise Asacha plant production, average gold grades in ore delivered to the Asacha plant and full cash cost targets, full cash cost being the total cost of sales excluding depletion, depreciation and royalty less revenue from sales of silver (net of royalty) divided by gold ounces sold. In each case, all the required performance criteria must be satisfied over a twelve month period. The performance criteria for the first cash bonus payment to Mr Khilov were satisfied in the twelve months ended 30 June 2015.

The following table shows the beneficial interests of the directors who held office at the end of the year in the ordinary shares of the Company (except for the beneficial interests of Messrs Sasson and Ryan by virtue of their connection with the Company's major shareholder UFG Asset Management):

                Shares held                            Shares held 
                         at                                     at 
                  1 January                            31 December 
 Shares                2015   Additions   Disposals           2015 
-------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 R Sasson           194,700           -           -        194,700 
-------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 PCD Burnell        240,000           -           -        240,000 
-------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 

No directors have any interests in share options. The options granted to three directors in respect of qualifying services under an employee share option scheme approved by special resolution of the Company on 18 August 2008 expired in 2014.

12. Events after the reporting date

On 4 April 2016, the interest rates on ZAO Trevozhnoye Zarevo's two loan facilities for the Asacha project were reduced from 11.5% to 9.3% (applied to $9.65 million) and 9.7% (applied to $10.35 million).

13. Basis of accounting and presentation of financial information

The Group's financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union. However this announcement does not in itself contain sufficient information to comply with IFRS.

The financial information does not constitute the Group's statutory financial statements as defined in section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 but is derived from those accounts. The financial information for the year ended 31 December 2015 has been extracted from the audited accounts of Trans-Siberian Gold plc which will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies in due course. The auditors reported on those accounts and their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. The financial information for the year ended 31 December 2014 has been extracted from the audited accounts of Trans-Siberian Gold plc which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors reported on those accounts and their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 09, 2016 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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