RNS Number:4296P
Highway Insurance Holdings PLC
05 September 2003

                         Highway Insurance Holdings Plc

           Highway House, 171 Kings Road, Brentwood, Essex, CM14 4EJ
                  Telephone: 01277 263636    Fax: 01277 264089

                                Interim Results
                           Six Months to 30 June 2003

                                                                 2003                2002

Gross written premiums                                 #121.3 million       #41.4 million

Technical result                                         #9.4 million        #8.9 million

Operating profit*                                        #6.5 million        #5.9 million

Profit before tax                                        #4.7 million        #5.1 million

Earnings per share                                               1.6p                2.3p

Interim dividend                                                 0.8p                0.8p


*  First period trading exclusively as FSA insurance company following
   exit from Lloyd's

*  New product range, Highway Choice, fully rolled-out for private car,
   commercial vehicle and motor cycle

*  Operating profit* up from #5.9 million to #6.5 million

*  Investment funds exceed #300 million

*  Investment income received #7.1 million increased from #6.9 million
   despite falling yields

*  Review of investment strategy finalised, new mandates to be awarded

*  Interim dividend 0.8p per share

*Based on long term investment rate of return, before exceptional items and tax

Executive Chairman Ross Dunlop said the company's performance was 'creditable'
when set against extremely competitive market conditions, the rising cost of
personal injury claims and falling investment returns generally. He said that
the results demonstrated the importance of the cost control and streamlining
initiatives the company undertook during 2002.

Mr Dunlop added that he expected the 'shape and quality' of the company's
business to improve once Highway's new product range, Highway Choice, was 'fully
embedded' by mid-2004. Highway Choice is a rationalisation of the company's
personal motor products and uses electronic data interchange (EDI) technology to
provide brokers with instant access to Highway's products and quotations.

An analysts' meeting will be held at 10.00 a.m. today at 11-12 Bury Street,
London, EC3.

For more information call:


Ross Dunlop, Executive Chairman                           01277 266573
Andrew Gibson, Chief Executive                            01277 266576


Adrian Beeby                                              020 7623 2368
                                                          07879 403564

Chairman's Statement

Following the considerable efforts devoted to the reorganisation of the business
last year operating profits are marginally ahead of the corresponding period.
Here three factors have combined to restrict the progress we have achieved in
profit terms.

Firstly, market conditions are now certainly more competitive than for some
years.  As a consequence we have chosen not to attempt to retrieve the full
extent of the business we were forced to forego when capital constrained in

Secondly, our industry faces personal injury claims which continue to inflate at
circa 7 per cent per annum.  These are our largest claims expense by some
margin.  At the same time the cost of re-insurance, our biggest single purchase,
has risen significantly in line with the market.

Lastly, the return on our investment fund, which is the largest contributor to
profit, has declined again, because of the directional alignment with UK base

Flat pricing, rising costs and a reduction in contribution add up to a set of
figures where much of the gloss has been knocked off.  Nevertheless this is a
creditable performance in the circumstances and underlines the importance of our
efforts and initiatives last year.  Moreover, the period also covered the
evolvement of our new product range, Highway Choice, which employs more
assiduous risk selection.  When Choice becomes fully embedded in our book by the
middle of next year both the shape and the quality of our business will have

Of the three factors I have highlighted, we are limited in terms of what we are
able to do with regard to the first two.  We are targeting a further reduction
in expense levels and improving our processes to agree and fix valid claims
early.  Our judgement is to resist chasing business despite the temptation of
securing additional cash flow via an increased count in policyholders.  In the
very short term the result is to amortise our costs over a reduced level of
premium income.

It is in the area concerning investment return that we have the greatest scope
to respond to changing market conditions.  Our investment policy over the last
three years saw us invested exclusively in very short duration UK fixed interest
paper.  This stance protected our capital and meant that we avoided equity
markets.  However, we were at the same time forced to accept a return which
followed the same declining path as UK base rates.
This same investment policy may not serve us as adequately in the coming years.
Further declines in base rates would be most unhelpful to our profitability
while extending the maturity profile within fixed interest and diversification
into equities carry extended risks.  Our major issue as a smaller insurer is
that we have no investment department to make such 'calls' for us.  We therefore
need a partnering arrangement with investment professionals who will allocate
our assets and then manage each class.

We have therefore redrawn the requirements of our insurance funds.  Our emphasis
has been on protecting the downside of the business by preserving capital.  We
have abandoned benchmarks and are targeting an annual overall return of 550
basis points, consistent with our long run expectations.  We have insisted that
our portfolio is run on the basis that the risk and volatility is not really any
greater than before.  We expect to award appropriate mandates very shortly.

In the final analysis, Highway's business is a mutually inclusive relationship
between an insurer and an investment operation.  The dynamic between the two has
shifted in the last three years to a different level and as yet shows no sign of
stabilising.  It would therefore not be responsible for us to take undue risk
with either side of this equation.  We need to maintain an appropriate balance
to satisfy the needs of both our policyholders and our shareholders.

Such a change of course in investment policy is part of a rebalancing exercise
adjusting to difference circumstances.  We aim to safeguard the interests of our
policyholders by protecting our capital.  At the same time we are seeking to
achieve a marginal increase in our absolute investment return to a level which
warrants our existence as a business and justifies the 6.6 per cent charge on
shareholders funds, which is appropriated as dividend.

These steps are designed to ensure that the business endures in this period of
flat pricing and reduced investment returns.  We believe that such a course is
pragmatic and will be welcomed by shareholders.

Ross Dunlop
Executive Chairman

5 September 2003

Group Profit and Loss Account
For the 6 months ended 30 June 2003

Based on unaudited figures

Technical Account - General Business

                                                                   6 months     6 months
                                                                      ended        ended        Year ended
                                                                    30 June      30 June       31 December
                                                                       2003         2002              2002
                                                                      Total        Total             Total
                                                          Note         #000         #000              #000

Gross premiums written                                              121,303       41,403           133,965
Outward reinsurance premiums                                       (20,042)      (2,747)          (11,862)

Net premiums written                                                101,261       38,656           122,103

Change in gross unearned premiums                                  (35,318)        3,505            37,827
Change in unearned outward reinsurance premiums                      10,563      (5,899)           (5,169)

Change in net unearned premiums                                    (24,755)       37,606            32,658

Net earned premiums                                                  76,506       76,262           154,761

Allocated investment return transferred from the             2        8,439        7,086            15,784
non-technical account

Other technical income                                                  598          417             1,218

Total technical income                                               85,543       83,765           171,763

Gross claims paid                                                  (77,517)     (82,440)         (167,889)
Reinsurers' share                                                    10,706       10,314            26,858

Net paid claims                                                    (66,811)     (72,126)         (141,031)

Change in claims provision                                           16,392     (43,147)          (18,661)
Reinsurers' share                                                   (8,725)       56,969            45,090

Change in the provision for claims                                    7,667       13,822            26,429

Net claims incurred                                                (59,144)     (58,304)         (114,602)
Net operating expenses                                             (17,042)     (16,515)          (36,045)

Total technical charges                                            (76,186)     (74,819)         (150,647)

Balance on the technical account                                      9,357        8,946            21,116

Group Profit and Loss Account
For the 6 months ended 30 June 2003

Based on unaudited figures

Non - Technical Account
                                                                    6 months          6 months
                                                                       ended             ended              Year ended
                                                                     30 June           30 June             31 December
                                                                        2003              2002                    2002
                                                                       Total             Total                   Total
                                                      Note              #000              #000                    #000

Balance on the technical account                                       9,357             8,946                  21,116

Net investment return on a longer term rate of
return basis
Investment income                                    2                 5,754             6,138                  12,450
Short term fluctuations in investment return         2                 1,819               784                   2,423
Net longer term investment return transferred to the
technical account                                    2               (8,439)           (7,086)                (15,784)
Other income                                                           1,126             2,250                   4,200

Total income                                                           9,617            11,032                  24,405
Other charges including value adjustments                              3,090             4,560                   8,470

Operating profit based on longer term investment
return before exceptional items
                                                                       6,527             6,472                  15,935
Loss arising from investment in NMT                                        -                                  (12,071)
Restructuring costs                                                        -             (542)                 (1,178)

Operating profit based on longer term investment                       6,527             5,930                   2,686
Short term fluctuations in investment return         2               (1,819)             (784)                 (2,423)

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                          4,708             5,146                     263
Taxation on profit on ordinary activities                            (1,412)           (1,544)                 (2,706)

Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after taxation                    3,296             3,602                 (2,443)
Minority interest                                                      (117)              (69)                   (138)

Profit/(loss) for the financial year                                   3,179             3,533                 (2,581)
Dividends                                            3                 1,586             1,576                   4,911

Retained profit/(loss) for the financial period                        1,593             1,957                 (7,492)

Earnings per share

Basic                                                                   1.6p              2.3p                  (1.4p)

Diluted                                                                 1.6p              2.3p                  (1.4p)

Group Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

There were no recognised gains and losses in the period other than those
recognised in the profit and loss account.

Group Balance Sheet
At 30 June 2003

Based on unaudited figures
                                                                               6 months      6 months
                                                                                  ended         ended        Year ended
                                                                                30 June       30 June       31 December
                                                                                   2003          2002              2002

Assets                                                                             #000          #000              #000
Intangible assets                                                                 3,423         3,224             3,498


Other financial investments                                                     291,880       213,442           278,117
Deposits with ceding undertakings                                                     1            60                 1

Reinsurers' share of technical provisions
Provision for unearned reinsurance premiums                                      15,475         4,183             4,912

Claims outstanding                                                               96,605       153,274           105,331
                                                                                112,080       157,457           110,243

Debtors arising out of direct insurance operations - intermediaries              58,971        44,150            43,506

Debtors arising out of reinsurance operations                                     7,763        19,417            11,645

Other debtors - amounts falling due within one year                              21,027        19,776            20,242
Other debtors - amounts falling due after more than one year                      4,747        15,004             6,161

                                                                                 92,508        98,347            81,554
Other assets

Tangible assets                                                                   6,062         1,360             6,420
Cash at bank and in hand                                                         27,812       140,887            30,275
Investment in own shares                                                          2,389         2,557             2,492
                                                                                 36,263       144,804            39,187

Prepayments and accrued income                                                   16,375        19,794             6,606

Deferred acquisition costs                                                       20,209        15,573            13,582

Total assets                                                                    572,739       652,701           532,788

Group Balance Sheet
At 30 June 2003 (continued)

Based on unaudited figures
                                                                         6 months           6 months
                                                                            ended              ended         Year ended
                                                                          30 June            30 June        31 December
                                                                             2003               2002               2002
Liabilities                                         Note                     #000               #000               #000

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                             8                      40,323             40,071             40,323
Share premium account                               8                      16,277             16,079             16,277

Merger reserve                                      8                      39,221             39,221             39,221
Other reserves                                      8                       1,640              1,640              1,640
Profit and loss account                             8                    (20,603)           (12,747)           (22,196)

Total shareholders' funds - equity                                         76,858             84,264             75,265

Minority interest - equity                          8                         371                305                254

Total capital and reserves                                                 77,229             84,569             75,519

Technical provisions

Provision for unearned premiums                                           113,828             72,905             78,510

Claims outstanding                                                        291,541            417,194            307,934

                                                                          405,369            490,099            386,444

Deposits from reinsurers                                                        -                  2                  -

Creditors arising out of direct insurance                                   5,281              7,738             15,509
Creditors arising out of reinsurance operations                             4,636              6,436              5,879
Due to credit institutions                                                      -              1,567                  -
Other creditors - amounts falling due within one                           20,988             20,437              9,929
Other creditors - amounts falling due after one                            50,671             35,950             35,845
                                                                           81,576             72,130             67,162

Accruals and deferred income                                                8,565              5,903              3,663

Total liabilities                                                         572,739            652,701            532,788

Group Cash Flow Statement
for the 6 months ended 30 June 2003

Based on unaudited figures
                                                                          6 months         6 months
                                                                             ended            ended          Year ended
                                                                           30 June          30 June         31 December
                                                                              2003             2002                2002
                                                             Note             #000             #000                #000

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities           4              1,119        (14,843)                  273

Servicing of finance
Dividends paid to minorities                                                     -               -                (120)
Interest paid                                                              (1,310)           (977)              (2,200)
Interest element of finance lease payments                                    (18)            (20)                 (38)
                                                                           (1,328)           (997)              (2,358)

Corporation tax paid                                                             -           (666)                (948)

Capital expenditure and financial investment

Purchase of intangible fixed assets                                          (194)               -                    -
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                                            (191)            (38)              (5,938)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                                                  (8)              97                  126

Purchase of syndicate capacity                                                   -               -                (642)
                                                                             (393)              59              (6,454)

Equity dividends paid                                                      (3,330)               -              (3,124)

Issue of ordinary share capital                                                  -          25,000               25,000
Expenses of issue                                                                -         (1,638)              (1,638)

Capital element of finance leases and hire purchase                          (156)           (166)                (322)
Drawdown of bank loan                                                       15,000           2,000                2,000

                                                                            14,844          25,196               25,040

Net cash flow                                                               10,912           8,749               12,429

Cash flows were invested as follows

(Decrease)/increase in cash holdings                          6            (2,463)         116,587                5,975

Net portfolio investments

Financial investments                                         7             13,375       (107,838)                6,454

Net investment of cash flows                                                10,912           8,749               12,429

Notes to the financial statements
for the 6 months ended 30 June 2003

1.  Principal accounting policies

The Interim Financial Statements for the half years ended 30 June are unaudited.
The Interim Group Results include the performance of Highway Insurance
Holdings Plc and its subsidiary undertakings.  The results for the half year
ended 30 June 2003 have, except in respect of non-managed syndicates, been
prepared using accounting policies consistent with those adopted in the audited
financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2002 and have been reviewed
by the auditors whose independent review report is set out in this document.

The comparative figures for 31 December 2002 have been abridged from the
financial statements for the year to that date upon which the auditors' report
was unqualified and did not include a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of
the Companies Act 1985.

Basis of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements comprise the accounts of Highway Insurance
Holdings Plc ("the Company") and its subsidiary undertakings for the six months
ended 30 June 2003.

Ockham Corporate Limited, Highway Corporate Capital Limited and Highway
Insurance Company Limited participate in the Highway Insurance business managed
by the Group. The accounts have been prepared on an annual accounting basis for
these participations.

The New London Capital corporate members of Lloyd's underwrite on syndicates
managed by other agents, the accounting information in respect of those
syndicates is provided by the respective managing agents, through an information
exchange facility operated by Lloyd's at 31 December. As no information is
available the technical account presented in respect of the six months ended 30
June 2003 and 2002 does not include the results of the non-managed syndicates.
As the economic benefit of these syndicates has been fully re-insured the
Directors believe that this treatment will have no material effect on the result
for the period.

The Group balance sheet includes the assets and liabilities of Group companies
including the subsidiaries' share of the assets and liabilities of syndicates on
which they participate.  For non-managed syndicates these amounts are based on
assets and liabilities at 31 December 2002 (six months ended 30 June 2002 based
on information provided at 31 December 2001).


Gross written premiums represent premiums on business incepting during the
period together with adjustments to premiums written in previous periods.  The
provision for unearned premiums represents that part of gross premiums written
which is estimated to be earned after the balance sheet date.  Outward
reinsurance premiums are accounted for in the same accounting period as the
premiums to which they relate.

Notes to the financial statements
for the 6 months ended 30 June 2003 (continued)

1.  Principal accounting policies (continued)


Claims incurred include all losses occurring during the year, whether reported
or not, related handling costs and any adjustments to claims outstanding from
previous years. Outstanding claims provisions are based on the estimated
ultimate cost of all claims incurred but not settled at balance sheet date,
whether reported or not, together with related claims handling expenses.

Unexpired risk provisions

A provision for unexpired risks is made when it is anticipated that unearned
premiums will be insufficient to meet future claims and claims settlement
expenses of business in force at the end of the period.

Acquisition costs

Acquisition costs, comprising commission and other costs related to the
acquisition of new insurance contracts, are deferred to the extent that they are
attributable to premiums unearned at the balance sheet date.

Investment income

Net investment return comprises investment income - including related gains and
losses, unrealised gains and losses on investments, investment expenses and
interest payable.  The longer term return on investments owned by the underlying
syndicates, together with the longer term return generated by the Funds at
Lloyd's which support the underwriting activities, initially allocated to the
non-technical account, is transferred from that account to the technical
account.  The actual net investment return from other activities is included
within the non-technical account as part of operating profit.  The difference
between the longer term return allocated to the technical account and the actual
return achieved on the underlying assets is recorded in the non-technical
account as 'Short term fluctuations in investment return'.

Notes to the financial statements
for the 6 months ended 30 June 2003 (continued)

2.         Net Investment Income
                                                                        6 months          6 months
                                                                           ended             ended           Year ended
                                                                    30 June 2003           30 June          31 December
                                                                                              2002                 2002
                                                                            #000              #000                 #000

Investment income                                                          7,917               7,425              9,673
Realised gains on investments                                                  -                   -              4,776

Unrealised (losses)/gains on investments                                   (325)               (281)                923
                                                                           7,592               7,144             15,372

Losses on realisation of investments                                       (447)               (181)            (1,052)
Interest paid                                                            (1,391)               (825)            (1,870)
Net investment income                                                      5,754               6,138             12,450

Analysed as:
                                                                         6 months           6 months
                                                                            ended              ended         Year ended
                                                                     30 June 2003            30 June        31 December
                                                                                                2002               2002
                                                                             #000               #000               #000

Underwriting investment income on a long term rate of return
basis transferred to technical account                                      8,439              7,086             15,784
Non-underwriting investment income                                            525                661                959

Loan interest payable                                                     (1,391)              (825)            (1,870)
Net investment return                                                       7,573              6,922             14,873
Short term fluctuations in investment return                              (1,819)              (784)            (2,423)
Total investment income                                                     5,754              6,138             12,450

The transfer to the technical account represents the estimated long-term rate of
return of 5.5% (30 June 2002: 5.5%, 31 December 2002: 5.5%) applied to the
investment assets and solvency capital held by the Group's insurance businesses.

The longer-term rate of return is based on a combination of historical
experience and current expectations for each category of investment.

The longer-term rates of return used were:
                                                                         6 months           6 months
                                                                            ended              ended         Year ended
                                                                     30 June 2003            30 June        31 December
                                                                                                2002               2002
                                                                                %                  %                  %

Debt securities and other fixed income securities                             5.5                5.5                5.5
Deposits with credit institutions                                             5.5                5.5                5.5

Notes to the financial statements
for the 6 months ended 30 June 2003 (continued)

3.  Dividends

The directors have declared an interim dividend of 0.8p per share (2002 - 0.8p
per share), which will be paid on 14 November 2003 to shareholders on the
register at the close of business on 19 September 2003.

4.  Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow/
(outflow) from operating activities

                                                                     6 months           6 months
                                                                        ended              ended             Year ended
                                                                      30 June            30 June            31 December
                                                                         2003               2002                   2002
                                                                         #000               #000                   #000

Operating profit                                                        4,708              5,146                    263
Depreciation                                                              549                402                  1,465
Amortisation                                                              269                238                    475
Interest on borrowings                                                  1,358                845                  1,886
Changes in market value - increase                                      (388)              (440)                  (924)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                                               8                 83                     53
Amortisation of investment in own shares                                  103                  -                     65
Write-off of debtor in New Millennium Technologies                          -                  -                  6,663
Debtors - decrease/(increase)                                        (30,617)           (20,102)                 16,355
Creditors - increase/(decrease)                                        25,129            (1,015)               (26,028)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                     1,119           (14,843)                    273

5.  Movement in opening and closing portfolio investments net of
                                                                     6 months           6 months
                                                                        ended              ended             Year ended
                                                                      30 June            30 June            31 December
                                                                         2003               2002                   2002
                                                                         #000               #000                   #000

Net cash (decrease)/increase in the period                            (2,463)            116,587                  5,975
Cash flow - bank loan                                                (15,000)            (2,000)                (2,000)
Cash flow - portfolio investments                                      13,375          (107,838)                  6,454
Cash flow - finance lease                                               (174)              (186)                  (360)
Net movement arising from cashflows                                   (4,262)              6,563                 10,069
Changes in market value                                                   388                440                    924
Non cash changes                                                            -                  -                    223
Total movement in portfolio investments net of financing              (3,874)              7,003                 11,216
Portfolio net of financing at 1 January                               273,586            262,370                262,370
Portfolio net of financing at 30 June/31 December                     269,712            269,373                273,586

Notes to the financial statements
for the 6 months ended 30 June 2003 (continued)

6.  Movement in cash and portfolio investments

                                                      1 January                         Changes to              30 June
                                                           2003       Cash flow       market value                 2003
                                                           #000            #000               #000                 #000

Net cash:
Cash                                                     30,196         (2,463)                  -               27,733
Cash held in Premium Trust Funds                             79               -                  -                   79
                                                         30,275         (2,463)                  -               27,812

Other financial investments                             278,117          13,375                388              291,880
Deposits with ceding undertakings                             1               -                  -                    1
Bank loan                                              (35,000)        (15,000)                  -             (50,000)
Other loan                                                (500)               -                  -                (500)
Finance leases and hire purchase contracts                  693           (174)                  -                  519
Total                                                   273,586         (4,262)                388              269,712

7.  Net cash inflow on portfolio investments
                                                                          6 months         6 months
                                                                             ended            ended          Year ended
                                                                           30 June          30 June         31 December
                                                                              2003             2002                2002
                                                                              #000             #000                #000

Interest bearing deposits held as security by the Corporation of                22                -               1,471
Shares and other variable-yield securities and units in unit trusts              -                -               (949)
Debt securities and other fixed income securities                          116,499        (136,023)           (126,550)
Deposits with credit institutions                                        (103,146)           28,185             136,412
Deposits with ceding undertakings                                                -                -                (59)
Other                                                                            -                -             (3,871)
Total                                                                       13,375        (107,838)               6,454

8.  Shareholders' funds

                                                  Share                              Profit and
                                      Share     premium      Merger        Other   loss account     Minority
                                    Capital     account     reserve     reserves                    Interest     Total
                                       #000        #000        #000         #000           #000         #000      #000
At 1 January 2003                    40,323      16,277      39,221        1,640       (22,196)          254    75,519
Retained profit for the period            -           -           -            -          1,593          117     1,710
At 30 June 2003                      40,323      16,277      39,221        1,640       (20,603)          371    77,229

Independent review report by KPMG Audit Plc to Highway Insurance Holdings Plc

We have been engaged by the Company to review the financial information set out
in the consolidated profit and loss account, consolidated balance sheet,
consolidated cash flow statement and the supplementary notes.  We have read the
other information contained in the interim report and considered whether it
contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the
financial information.

This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with the terms of our
engagement to assist the Company in meeting the requirements of the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority.  Our review has been undertaken so
that we might state to the Company those matters we are required to state to it
in this report and for no other purpose.  To the fullest extent permitted by
law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company
for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusion we have reached.

Directors' Responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors.  The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent
with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where they
are to be changed in the next annual accounts in which case any changes, and the
reasons for them, are to be disclosed.

Review Work Performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/
4: Review of interim financial information, issued by the Auditing Practices
Board for use in the United Kingdom.  A review consists principally of making
enquiries of group management and applying analytical procedures to the
financial information and underlying financial data and, based thereon,
assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been
consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed.  A review is substantially less
in scope than an audit performed in accordance with Auditing Standards and
therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit.  Accordingly we do
not express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review Conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30 June 2003.

KPMG Audit Plc
Chartered Accountants

5 September 2003

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange