RNS Number : 7219M 
Bank of America Merrill Lynch 
28 May 2010 

|                                                            | FORM 8.5 (EPT/RI)  | 
|         |                                                              | 
|         |                          CAPACITY                            | 
|         |          Rule 8.5 of the Takeover Code (the "Code")          | 
|   | 1. KEY INFORMATION                                                          | 
|   | (a) Name of exempt principal trader:         |  Bank of America Merrill   | 
|   |                                              |           Lynch            | 
|   | (b) Name of offeror/offeree in relation to   |   Babcock International    | 
|   | whose                                        |           Group            | 
|   | relevant securities this form relates:                                      | 
|   | (c) Name of the party to the offer with      |  Advisor to VT Group Plc   | 
|   | which exempt                                 |                            | 
|   | principal trader is connected:                                              | 
|   | (d) Date dealing undertaken:                 |        27/05/2010          | 
|   | (e) Has the EPT previously disclosed, or is  |          YES - .           | 
|   | it today                                     |                            | 
|   | disclosing, under the Code in respect of any other                          | 
|   | party to this offer?                                                        | 
|   | 2.         DEALINGS BY THE EXEMPT PRINCIPAL TRADER                          | 
|   | (a) Purchases and sales                                                     | 
|   |     Class of      |  Purchase/   |Total number  |  Highest   |   Lowest    | 
|   |                   |              |              |   price    |    price    | 
|   |     relevant      |    Sales     |      of      |  per unit  |  per unit   | 
|   |                   |              |  securities  |            |             | 
|   |     security      |                            |paid/received  |paid/received  | 
|   |     Common -      |  Purchase    |    22,061    |  GBP 5.67   |  GBP 5.56   | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |              |              |             |             | 
|   |     Common -      |    Sale      |    8,768     |  GBP 5.63   |  GBP 5.55   | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |              |              |             |             | 
|   | (b) Derivatives transactions (other than options)                           | 
|   |     Class of      |   Product     |  Nature of   |  Number of    |Price per  | 
|   |                   |               |   dealing    |               |   unit    | 
|   |     relevant      | description   |              |  reference    | 
|   |                   |               |              |  securities   | 
|   |     security      |    eg. CFD    | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |     1415      | GBP 5.56  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |      55       | GBP 5.56  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |      62       | GBP 5.56  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |      259      | GBP 5.56  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |      427      | GBP 5.62  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |      500      | GBP 5.62  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |      548      | GBP 5.62  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |      850      | GBP 5.56  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |      935      | GBP 5.64  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |      52       | GBP 5.62  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |     1203      | GBP 5.56  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |     1634      | GBP 5.56  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |     2348      | GBP 5.62  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |     2691      | GBP 5.56  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |     1099      | GBP 5.62  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Class of      |   Product     |  Nature of   |  Number of    |Price per  | 
|   |                   |               |   dealing    |               |   unit    | 
|   |     relevant      | description   |              |  reference    | 
|   |                   |               |              |  securities   | 
|   |     security      |    eg. CFD    | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |      49       | GBP 5.56  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |     1948      | GBP 5.58  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |     1928      | GBP 5.55  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |     1680      | GBP 5.55  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |     1000      | GBP 5.55  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |      514      | GBP 5.55  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |      69       | GBP 5.59  | 
|   |   GB0009697037    |               |              |               |           | 
|   | (c) Options transactions in respect of existing securities                  | 
|   | (i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying                                 | 
|   | Class  |  |  Product  |Writing,  |  Number  |Exercise  |  Type    |Expiry  | Option  | 
|   |  of    | |           |          |    of    |          |          |        |         | 
|   |relevant  | |description  |purchasing,  |securities  |  price  |          |  date  |  money  | 
|   |security  |           |selling,  |to which  |  per    |                 |  paid/  | 
|   |          |           |          |          |  unit   |                 |         | 
|                       | varying  |  option  |                          |received  | 
|                       |  etc.    |          |                          |          | 
|                                 | relates  |                          |  per    | 
|                                 |          |                          |  unit   | 
|   | (ii) Exercising                                                             | 
|   |    Class of     | Product description  |    Number of     | Exercise price  | 
|   |    relevant     |                      |    securities    |    per unit     | 
|   |    security     | 
|   | (d) Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities)               | 
|   |    Class of     | Nature of dealing  |  |      Details       | Price per unit  | 
|   |    relevant     |                    | |                    |      (if        | 
|   |    security     |                                        |  applicable)    | 
|   | 3. OTHER INFORMATION                                                        | 
|   | (a) Indemnity and other dealing arrangements                                | 
|   | Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement or         | 
|   | understanding,                                                              | 
|   | formal or informal, relating to relevant securities which may be an         | 
|   | inducement to deal                                                          | 
|   | or refrain from dealing entered into by the exempt principal trader making  | 
|   | the                                                                         | 
|   | disclosure and any party to the offer or any person acting in concert with  | 
|   | a party to the                                                              | 
|   | offer:                                                                      | 
|   | NONE                                                                        | 
|   | (b) Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or       | 
|   | derivatives                                                                 | 
|   | Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or informal, | 
|   | between                                                                     | 
|   | the exempt principal trader making the disclosure and any other person      | 
|   | relating to:                                                                | 
|   | (i) the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option; or       | 
|   | (ii) the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant    | 
|   | securities to which                                                         | 
|   | any derivative is referenced:                                               | 
|   | NONE                                                                        | 
|   | Date of disclosure:                |              28/05/2010              | 
|   | Contact name:                      |            Bhavika Mistry            | 
|   | Telephone number:                  |          +44 207 995 4747            | 
|                                                            | FORM 8.5 (EPT/RI)  | 
|         |                                                              | 
|         |                          CAPACITY                            | 
|         |          Rule 8.5 of the Takeover Code (the "Code")          | 
|   | 1. KEY INFORMATION                                                          | 
|   | (a) Name of exempt principal trader:         |  Bank of America Merrill   | 
|   |                                              |           Lynch            | 
|   | (b) Name of offeror/offeree in relation to   |        VT Group Plc        | 
|   | whose                                        |                            | 
|   | relevant securities this form relates:                                      | 
|   | (c) Name of the party to the offer with      |  Advisor to VT Group Plc   | 
|   | which exempt                                 |                            | 
|   | principal trader is connected:                                              | 
|   | (d) Date dealing undertaken:                 |        27/05/2010          | 
|   | (e) Has the EPT previously disclosed, or is  |          YES - .           | 
|   | it today                                     |                            | 
|   | disclosing, under the Code in respect of any other                          | 
|   | party to this offer?                                                        | 
|   | 2.         DEALINGS BY THE EXEMPT PRINCIPAL TRADER                          | 
|   | (a) Purchases and sales                                                     | 
|   |     Class of      |  Purchase/   |Total number  |  Highest   |   Lowest    | 
|   |                   |              |              |   price    |    price    | 
|   |     relevant      |    Sales     |      of      |  per unit  |  per unit   | 
|   |                   |              |  securities  |            |             | 
|   |     security      |                            |paid/received  |paid/received  | 
|   |     Common -      |  Purchase    |    87,861    |  GBP 7.40   |  GBP 7.30   | 
|   |   GB0031729733    |              |              |             |             | 
|   |     Common -      |    Sale      |    17,686    |  GBP 7.40   |  GBP 7.32   | 
|   |   GB0031729733    |              |              |             |             | 
|   | (b) Derivatives transactions (other than options)                           | 
|   |     Class of      |   Product     |  Nature of   |  Number of    |Price per  | 
|   |                   |               |   dealing    |               |   unit    | 
|   |     relevant      | description   |              |  reference    | 
|   |                   |               |              |  securities   | 
|   |     security      |    eg. CFD    | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |    26236      | GBP 7.33  | 
|   |   GB0031729733    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |    23179      | GBP 7.33  | 
|   |   GB0031729733    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |     7362      | GBP 7.37  | 
|   |   GB0031729733    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |     6504      | GBP 7.37  | 
|   |   GB0031729733    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |     3576      | GBP 7.39  | 
|   |   GB0031729733    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |      781      | GBP 7.30  | 
|   |   GB0031729733    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |      356      | GBP 7.39  | 
|   |   GB0031729733    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Class of      |   Product     |  Nature of   |  Number of    |Price per  | 
|   |                   |               |   dealing    |               |   unit    | 
|   |     relevant      | description   |              |  reference    | 
|   |                   |               |              |  securities   | 
|   |     security      |    eg. CFD    | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |      372      | GBP 7.39  | 
|   |   GB0031729733    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |      500      | GBP 7.39  | 
|   |   GB0031729733    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |      781      | GBP 7.35  | 
|   |   GB0031729733    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |     1138      | GBP 7.39  | 
|   |   GB0031729733    |               |              |               |           | 
|   | (c) Options transactions in respect of existing securities                  | 
|   | (i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying                                 | 
|   | Class  |  |  Product  |Writing,  |  Number  |Exercise  |  Type    |Expiry  | Option  | 
|   |  of    | |           |          |    of    |          |          |        |         | 
|   |relevant  | |description  |purchasing,  |securities  |  price  |          |  date  |  money  | 
|   |security  |           |selling,  |to which  |  per    |                 |  paid/  | 
|   |          |           |          |          |  unit   |                 |         | 
|                       | varying  |  option  |                          |received  | 
|                       |  etc.    |          |                          |          | 
|                                 | relates  |                          |  per    | 
|                                 |          |                          |  unit   | 
|   | (ii) Exercising                                                             | 
|   |    Class of     | Product description  |    Number of     | Exercise price  | 
|   |    relevant     |                      |    securities    |    per unit     | 
|   |    security     | 
|   | (d) Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities)               | 
|   |    Class of     | Nature of dealing  |  |      Details       | Price per unit  | 
|   |    relevant     |                    | |                    |      (if        | 
|   |    security     |                                        |  applicable)    | 
|   | 3. OTHER INFORMATION                                                        | 
|   | (a) Indemnity and other dealing arrangements                                | 
|   | Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement or         | 
|   | understanding,                                                              | 
|   | formal or informal, relating to relevant securities which may be an         | 
|   | inducement to deal                                                          | 
|   | or refrain from dealing entered into by the exempt principal trader making  | 
|   | the                                                                         | 
|   | disclosure and any party to the offer or any person acting in concert with  | 
|   | a party to the                                                              | 
|   | offer:                                                                      | 
|   | NONE                                                                        | 
|   | (b) Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or       | 
|   | derivatives                                                                 | 
|   | Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or informal, | 
|   | between                                                                     | 
|   | the exempt principal trader making the disclosure and any other person      | 
|   | relating to:                                                                | 
|   | (i) the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option; or       | 
|   | (ii) the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant    | 
|   | securities to which                                                         | 
|   | any derivative is referenced:                                               | 
|   | NONE                                                                        | 
|   | Date of disclosure:                |              28/05/2010              | 
|   | Contact name:                      |            Bhavika Mistry            | 
|   | Telephone number:                  |          +44 207 995 4747            | 
|                                                            | FORM 8.5 (EPT/RI)  | 
|         |                                                              | 
|         |                          CAPACITY                            | 
|         |          Rule 8.5 of the Takeover Code (the "Code")          | 
|   | 1. KEY INFORMATION                                                          | 
|   | (a) Name of exempt principal trader:         |  Bank of America Merrill   | 
|   |                                              |           Lynch            | 
|   | (b) Name of offeror/offeree in relation to   |        Investec Plc        | 
|   | whose                                        |                            | 
|   | relevant securities this form relates:                                      | 
|   | (c) Name of the party to the offer with      |  Advisor to INVESTEC PLC   | 
|   | which exempt                                 |                            | 
|   | principal trader is connected:                                              | 
|   | (d) Date dealing undertaken:                 |        27/05/2010          | 
|   | (e) Has the EPT previously disclosed, or is  |          YES - .           | 
|   | it today                                     |                            | 
|   | disclosing, under the Code in respect of any other                          | 
|   | party to this offer?                                                        | 
|   | 2.         DEALINGS BY THE EXEMPT PRINCIPAL TRADER                          | 
|   | (a) Purchases and sales                                                     | 
|   |     Class of      |  Purchase/   |Total number  |  Highest   |   Lowest    | 
|   |                   |              |              |   price    |    price    | 
|   |     relevant      |    Sales     |      of      |  per unit  |  per unit   | 
|   |                   |              |  securities  |            |             | 
|   |     security      |                            |paid/received  |paid/received  | 
|   |     Common -      |  Purchase    |    21,077    |  GBP 4.89   |  GBP 4.80   | 
|   |   GB00B17BBQ50    |              |              |             |             | 
|   |     Common -      |    Sale      |    42,221    |  GBP 4.94   |  GBP 4.83   | 
|   |   GB00B17BBQ50    |              |              |             |             | 
|   | (b) Derivatives transactions (other than options)                           | 
|   |     Class of      |   Product     |  Nature of   |  Number of    |Price per  | 
|   |                   |               |   dealing    |               |   unit    | 
|   |     relevant      | description   |              |  reference    | 
|   |                   |               |              |  securities   | 
|   |     security      |    eg. CFD    | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |     1647      | GBP 4.89  | 
|   |   GB00B17BBQ50    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |     2450      | GBP 4.89  | 
|   |   GB00B17BBQ50    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |     2999      | GBP 4.89  | 
|   |   GB00B17BBQ50    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |    12867      | GBP 4.89  | 
|   |   GB00B17BBQ50    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    LONG      |     1114      | GBP 4.80  | 
|   |   GB00B17BBQ50    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Class of      |   Product     |  Nature of   |  Number of    |Price per  | 
|   |                   |               |   dealing    |               |   unit    | 
|   |     relevant      | description   |              |  reference    | 
|   |                   |               |              |  securities   | 
|   |     security      |    eg. CFD    | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |     3860      | GBP 4.88  | 
|   |   GB00B17BBQ50    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |     5794      | GBP 4.88  | 
|   |   GB00B17BBQ50    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |     5213      | GBP 4.88  | 
|   |   GB00B17BBQ50    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |     4114      | GBP 4.83  | 
|   |   GB00B17BBQ50    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |      364      | GBP 4.86  | 
|   |   GB00B17BBQ50    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |     2450      | GBP 4.93  | 
|   |   GB00B17BBQ50    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |     2348      | GBP 4.86  | 
|   |   GB00B17BBQ50    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |     2196      | GBP 4.93  | 
|   |   GB00B17BBQ50    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |     1087      | GBP 4.88  | 
|   |   GB00B17BBQ50    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |      720      | GBP 4.87  | 
|   |   GB00B17BBQ50    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |      651      | GBP 4.87  | 
|   |   GB00B17BBQ50    |               |              |               |           | 
|   |     Common -      |     Swap      |    SHORT     |     4646      | GBP 4.93  | 
|   |   GB00B17BBQ50    |               |              |               |           | 
|   | (c) Options transactions in respect of existing securities                  | 
|   | (i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying                                 | 
|   | Class  |  |  Product  |Writing,  |  Number  |Exercise  |  Type    |Expiry  | Option  | 
|   |  of    | |           |          |    of    |          |          |        |         | 
|   |relevant  | |description  |purchasing,  |securities  |  price  |          |  date  |  money  | 
|   |security  |           |selling,  |to which  |  per    |                 |  paid/  | 
|   |          |           |          |          |  unit   |                 |         | 
|                       | varying  |  option  |                          |received  | 
|                       |  etc.    |          |                          |          | 
|                                 | relates  |                          |  per    | 
|                                 |          |                          |  unit   | 
|   | (ii) Exercising                                                             | 
|   |    Class of     | Product description  |    Number of     | Exercise price  | 
|   |    relevant     |                      |    securities    |    per unit     | 
|   |    security     | 
|   | (d) Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities)               | 
|   |    Class of     | Nature of dealing  |  |      Details       | Price per unit  | 
|   |    relevant     |                    | |                    |      (if        | 
|   |    security     |                                        |  applicable)    | 
|   | 3. OTHER INFORMATION                                                        | 
|   | (a) Indemnity and other dealing arrangements                                | 
|   | Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement or         | 
|   | understanding,                                                              | 
|   | formal or informal, relating to relevant securities which may be an         | 
|   | inducement to deal                                                          | 
|   | or refrain from dealing entered into by the exempt principal trader making  | 
|   | the                                                                         | 
|   | disclosure and any party to the offer or any person acting in concert with  | 
|   | a party to the                                                              | 
|   | offer:                                                                      | 
|   | NONE                                                                        | 
|   | (b) Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or       | 
|   | derivatives                                                                 | 
|   | Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or informal, | 
|   | between                                                                     | 
|   | the exempt principal trader making the disclosure and any other person      | 
|   | relating to:                                                                | 
|   | (i) the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option; or       | 
|   | (ii) the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant    | 
|   | securities to which                                                         | 
|   | any derivative is referenced:                                               | 
|   | NONE                                                                        | 
|   | Date of disclosure:                |              28/05/2010              | 
|   | Contact name:                      |            Bhavika Mistry            | 
|   | Telephone number:                  |          +44 207 995 4747            | 
|                                                            | FORM 8.5 (EPT/RI)  | 
|         |                                                              | 
|         |                          CAPACITY                            | 
|         |          Rule 8.5 of the Takeover Code (the "Code")          | 
|   | 1. KEY INFORMATION                                                          | 
|   | (a) Name of exempt principal trader:         |  Bank of America Merrill   | 
|   |                                              |           Lynch            | 
|   | (b) Name of offeror/offeree in relation to   |      Investec Limited      | 
|   | whose                                        |                            | 
|   | relevant securities this form relates:                                      | 
|   | (c) Name of the party to the offer with      |  Advisor to Investec Plc   | 
|   | which exempt                                 |                            | 
|   | principal trader is connected:                                              | 
|   | (d) Date dealing undertaken:                 |        27/05/2010          | 
|   | (e) Has the EPT previously disclosed, or is  |          YES - .           | 
|   | it today                                     |                            | 
|   | disclosing, under the Code in respect of any other                          | 
|   | party to this offer?                                                        | 
|   | 2.         DEALINGS BY THE EXEMPT PRINCIPAL TRADER                          | 
|   | (a) Purchases and sales                                                     | 
|   |     Class of      |  Purchase/   |Total number  |  Highest   |   Lowest    | 
|   |                   |              |              |   price    |    price    | 
|   |     relevant      |    Sales     |      of      |  per unit  |  per unit   | 
|   |                   |              |  securities  |            |             | 
|   |     security      |                            |paid/received  |paid/received  | 
|   |     Common -      |  Purchase    |    6,731     |  ZAR 57.50  |  ZAR 57.50  | 
|   |   ZAE000081949    |              |              |             |             | 
|   |     Common -      |    Sale      |    6,731     |  ZAR 57.50  |  ZAR 57.50  | 
|   |   ZAE000081949    |              |              |             |             | 
|   | (b) Derivatives transactions (other than options)                           | 
|   |  Class of    |    Product    |    Nature of    |  Number of    |  | Price per  | 
|   |              |  description  |    dealing      |               | |    unit    | 
|   |  relevant    |                                |  reference    | 
|   |              |                                |  securities   | 
|   |  security    | 
|   | (c) Options transactions in respect of existing securities                  | 
|   | (i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying                                 | 
|   | Class  |  |  Product  |Writing,  |  Number  |Exercise  |  Type    |Expiry  | Option  | 
|   |  of    | |           |          |    of    |          |          |        |         | 
|   |relevant  | |description  |purchasing,  |securities  |  price  |          |  date  |  money  | 
|   |security  |           |selling,  |to which  |  per    |                 |  paid/  | 
|   |          |           |          |          |  unit   |                 |         | 
|                       | varying  |  option  |                          |received  | 
|                       |  etc.    |          |                          |          | 
|                                 | relates  |                          |  per    | 
|                                 |          |                          |  unit   | 
|   | (ii) Exercising                                                             | 
|   |    Class of     | Product description  |    Number of     | Exercise price  | 
|   |    relevant     |                      |    securities    |    per unit     | 
|   |    security     | 
|   | (d) Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities)               | 
|  |  Class of    |   Nature of    |  |    Details     |  Price per  | 
|  |  relevant    |    dealing     | |                |  unit (if   | 
|   |    security     |                                        |  applicable)    | 
|   | 3. OTHER INFORMATION                                                        | 
|   | (a) Indemnity and other dealing arrangements                                | 
|   | Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement or         | 
|   | understanding,                                                              | 
|   | formal or informal, relating to relevant securities which may be an         | 
|   | inducement to deal                                                          | 
|   | or refrain from dealing entered into by the exempt principal trader making  | 
|   | the                                                                         | 
|   | disclosure and any party to the offer or any person acting in concert with  | 
|   | a party to the                                                              | 
|   | offer:                                                                      | 
|   | NONE                                                                        | 
|   | (b) Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or       | 
|   | derivatives                                                                 | 
|   | Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or informal, | 
|   | between                                                                     | 
|   | the exempt principal trader making the disclosure and any other person      | 
|   | relating to:                                                                | 
|   | (i) the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option; or       | 
|   | (ii) the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant    | 
|   | securities to which                                                         | 
|   | any derivative is referenced:                                               | 
|   | NONE                                                                        | 
|   | Date of disclosure:                |              28/05/2010              | 
|   | Contact name:                      |            Bhavika Mistry            | 
|   | Telephone number:                  |          +44 207 995 4747            | 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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