By Geoffrey T. Smith

All euro-zone members want Cyprus to stay in the currency union, but nothing can be ruled out at the present, Austrian Finance Minister Maria Fekter said Sunday.

Arriving for an emergency meeting of euro-zone finance ministers, Ms. Fekter told reporters that the ministers' priority would be to avert a sovereign bankruptcy, and prevent the collapse of the countries two largest banks.

"We hope that the two laws on bank restructuring and the capital account limits...are both passed," she said, referring to new legislation rushed through the Cypriot parliament at the end of this week. "We will look at whether that will be enough and then we will have to avert a sovereign bankruptcy on the one hand and bring stability to the situation of the bad banks."

Ms. Fekter acknowledged that the situation was "extremely serious" and refused to rule out any possibilities. Observers have argued that it will be nearly impossible for Cyprus to stay in the euro zone if it rejects aid and the European Central Bank consequently withdraws emergency funding from Cyprus Popular Bank (CPB.CP) and Bank of Cyprus PLC (BOCY.CP).

"At the moment, one can't rule out anything. At the moment, one can't even see a clear direction," Ms. Fekter said. The ECB's assistance was provided "only with a lot of reluctance and with clear instructions to Cyprus to come to an agreement quickly," she stressed. "The ECB won't be able to provide long-term aid to help these banks die (sic)."

She said she was skeptical that the Cypriot government would now agree to a revised version of a levy on depositors, after it emphatically rejected a draft plan last week that relied heavily on it to reduce the funding gap at the two banks.

"We want to stop (the banks) from going bankrupt and thus creating even more damage than a levy would have done," Ms. Fekter said.

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