International Consolidated Uranium Inc. ("
CUR" or
the "
CUR) is pleased to announce that
it has entered into a definitive share purchase agreement (the
Agreement”) whereby CUR will acquire a 100%,
undivided interest, in the high-grade Matoush Uranium Project
Matoush” or the “
located in the Province of Quebec, Canada.
Key Points:
- High-Grade and Substantial
Historic Resources – Based on a press release issued by
Strateco Resources Inc. (“Strateco”) on December
7, 2012, Matoush was considered to have the following historical
Mineral Resources:
- Indicated Mineral Resources of 586,000 t at an average grade of
0.954% containing 12.329 m lbs of U3O8
- Inferred Mineral Resources of 1,686,000 t at an average grade
of 0.442% containing 16.44 m lbs of U3O8
- This historical estimate is considered to be a “historical
estimate” under National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of
Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”) and
is not considered by the Company to be current. See below under the
heading “Global Historical Mineral Resource Table”.
- Advanced Stage
Project – An Updated Preliminary Economic Assessment
on the Property was published in April of 2010 which contemplated
access via a ramp decline, mining using longhole methods followed
by cemented rock fill (CRF).
- Good Exploration
Potential – The Matoush Fault Zone, the structure
that controls the mineralization, has been identified over a strike
length extending 11km southward and 5km northward beyond the
historic resource area. In addition, many of the zones of
mineralization within the historic Mineral Resources are open along
strike and down plunge.
- Proven Mining Jurisdiction
with Uranium Endowment – Quebec
ranks highly as a mining jurisdiction and has seen significant past
expenditures on uranium exploration by both major and junior mining
- Compelling Acquisition
Structure – Deferred cash and
share based consideration offers potential to reduce the ultimate
total purchase price equity dilution.
Philip Williams, CEO commented, “We are very
pleased to add another high-grade, advanced stage project, in a top
ranked mining jurisdiction, to our global project portfolio. As
with our other projects, Matoush was the subject of significant
past exploration and economic evaluation work. It stands out for
its high-grade and sizeable historical resource, ranking as one of
the highest-grade undeveloped uranium projects outside of the
Athabasca Basin in Saskatchewan as well as its promising
exploration potential. We look forward to bringing a fresh
perspective to development of the project with a focus on
engagement with the local indigenous stakeholders before
undertaking any project level activity. We recognize that uranium
mining can be a lightning rod issue and, as such, it is incumbent
on us to garner social acceptance before attempting to advance a
project. Fortunately, uranium mining in Canada, under the strict
regulation of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, has an
excellent track record with studies showing no significant impacts
to the health of the public living near uranium mines or mills.
Canada's long-standing experience in uranium mining has resulted in
the development of stringent regulations and leading practices for
the protection of health and safety of persons and the environment
which, of course, we intend to adhere to fully.”
Terms of the Share Purchase
Pursuant to the Agreement, CUR will acquire 100%
of the shares of a special purpose vehicle (the
“SPV”) that holds a 100%, undivided interest, in
the Property. The SPV, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of
certain funds managed or advised by Third Eye Capital Corporation
or its affiliates, acquired the Property free and clear of any
encumbrances pursuant to an approval and vesting order granted by
the Quebec Superior Court dated April 30, 2021 (the
“Vesting Order”). The consideration payable by CUR
pursuant to the Agreement on closing includes the issuance of such
number of common shares in the capital of the Company
(“Shares”) with a value of $3,000,000 at a price
per Share based on the 20-day VWAP of the Shares on the TSX Venture
Exchange (the “TSXV”) up to the date immediately
prior to closing of the transaction, subject to a minimum of
2,000,000 Shares, and a cash payment of $3,500,000. A further
deferred payment is due on or before the six-month anniversary of
closing of the transaction comprised of such number of Shares with
a value of $2,000,000 based on a price per Share based on the
20-day VWAP of the Shares on the TSXV up to the date prior to the
deferred payment and $1,500,000 in cash.
Closing of the transaction is subject to
satisfaction of certain closing conditions including, among other
things, the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. All securities
issued in connection with the Agreement are subject to a hold
period expiring four months and one day from the date of
The Matoush Uranium Project
The Property is an advanced stage exploration
project centrally located in the Province of Quebec, 210 km north
of the Cree community of Mistissini and approximately 275 km north
of the town of Chibougamau. The Property currently comprises 413
mining claims covering a total area of 21,670 hectares (217 km2).
The overall project area extends ~24 kilometers from north to south
and up to 12 kilometers in width.
Uranium was first discovered on the Property by
Uranerz Energy Corp. in 1980 with subsequent work by Ditem
Exploration Inc. who optioned the property to Strateco in 2005 who
has held the property since then. Mineralization at Matoush is
similar to Athabasca unconformity type uranium deposits with regard
to its occurrence in Proterozoic sedimentary rocks exhibiting
similar alteration styles and structural controls. A notable
divergence in the nature deposit at Matoush from the typical
Athabasca style deposit is the lack of uranium mineralization at
the actual unconformity. Uranium mineralization at Matoush occurs
primarily in relatively flat lying accumulations between 150m and
600m above the basement unconformity within Indicator Formation
Sandstones where they are breeched by structures. The penetrating
structures have acted as conduits for the flow of mineralizing
fluids and are often themselves associated with more steeply
dipping zones of mineralization. It should be noted that
mineralization is consistent with and roughly the same age as the
Westmoreland Uranium project located in Queensland Australia.
Higher-grade uranium mineralization typically
sits in unit 3 of the host formation, which is a series of active
channel facies, consisting of coarse-grained sandstones and poorly
sorted pebble conglomerates. Unit 3 ranges in thickness from as
little as 11m up to 457m at the western end of the basin with an
increase in lithological heterogeneity as it thickens. The best
grade mineralization is hosted in a pebble conglomerate with
pebbles to 2 cms adjacent to the Matoush fault. High-grade
mineralization has a strong structural control in addition to a
specific host lithology, namely coarse-grained active channel
facies sandstones and conglomerates. To view the table that
includes select high-grade drill results please
Prominent structural controls on mineralization
include the basement penetrating Matoush Fault Zone which has been
shown to host mineralization intermittently along three kilometers
of its strike length. Uranium mineralization is typically
associated with intersections between the Matoush Fault Zone and
apparent paleo aquifers.
The Matoush uranium mineralization occurs within
a much broader alteration envelope and is characterized by
replacement style disseminations and clots of fine-grained
uraninite plus, in the higher-grade areas, semi-massive veins of
uraninite. Yellowish orange, secondary uranophane is also present.
The mineralization is distributed on both sides of the steeply
dipping MFZ but is generally thicker on the south or hanging wall
side. True widths of mineralized zones range from 1 m to 20 m.
Geochemically, the mineralization is characterized by Cr, V, Co,
Ni, Pb, Zn, Cu, Bi, Au, Se and Te. From its original and shallower
drilling, Uranerz recognized a zoned alteration halo up to 50 m
wide developed symmetrically around the Matoush Fault Zone and
consisting of an inner tourmaline zone surrounded by a
magnesium-chlorite and Cr-V muscovite zone. Hematite and limonite
form the outermost halo.
Exploration potential within the project area is
considered positive as mineralization is open to both the north and
south along strike from the existing resource.
Matoush Project example stratigraphic
section showing mineralised lenses. Open along strike and down
plunge. (Roscoe Postle Associates Inc,
In addition, favourable geological units, to
host mineralization, occur abutting the Matoush Fault zone for 5
kilometers north and up to 11 kilometers south of the main zone of
To view the related infographic appearing here
in the release, please
In the Property area, 538 drill holes totaling
approximately 234,707 metres have been completed. These include 415
holes (188,123 m) in the main Matoush historic resource area and
Historic Mineral Resources
Roscoe Postle Associates Inc.
(“RPA”), an independent consulting company,
prepared a technical report on the Property in accordance with the
disclosure standards of NI 43-101 entitled “Technical Report on the
Mineral Resource Update for the Matoush Project, Central Québec,
Canada” dated February 12, 2012. The Mineral Resource estimate was
further updated by RPA in December 2012, as disclosed in a press
release of Strateco dated December 7, 2012 (the “Historic
Estimate”) and is considered to be a “historical estimate” under NI
43-101 and is not considered by the Company to be current. See
below under the heading “Global Historical Mineral Resource
The Historic Estimate used drill hole data
available as of November 22, 2012. A set of cross-sections and plan
views were used to construct three-dimensional wireframe models at
a cut-off grade of 0.1% U3O8. High-grade values were cut to 9% U3O8
prior to compositing. Variogram parameters were interpreted from
two-metre composited values. Block U3O8 grades within the wireframe
models were estimated by ordinary kriging.
The Historic Estimate was reported to be
contained within six zones: AM-15, MT-22, MT-34, MT-02, MT-06, and
MT-36 as shown in the following
Notes:1. CIM definitions were followed for the
Historic Estimate.2. The Historic Estimate was estimated at a
cut-off grade of 0.1% U3O8.3. The Historic Estimate was estimated
using an average long-term uranium price of US$75 per pound.4. A
minimum mining width of 1.5 m was used.5. The MT34A lens is within
both the MT-34 and AM-15 zones.6. Numbers may not add due to
Global Historic Mineral Resource
The table below sets out the historical Mineral
Resource estimates for each project CUR currently owns outright or
on which it has announced an option agreement, including Matoush.
The Mineral Resource estimate for each project is considered to be
a “historical estimate” under NI 43-101 and is not considered by
the Company to be current.
To view the table mentioned in the paragraph
above, please
Disclosure and Qualified Person
The scientific and technical information
contained in this news release was prepared by Peter Mullens
(FAusIMM), CUR’s VP Business Development, who is a “Qualified
Person” (as defined in NI 43-101).
Each of the above estimates are considered to be
“historical estimates” as defined under NI 43-101, and have been
sourced as follows:
- Ben Lomond: dated as of 1982, and
reported by Mega Uranium Ltd. in a company report entitled
“Technical Report on the Mining Leases Covering the Ben Lomond
Uranium-Molybdenum Deposit Queensland, Australia” dated July 16,
- Georgetown/Maureen: dated as of
June 25, 2008, and reported by Mega Uranium Ltd. in a company
report entitled “A Review and Resource Estimate of the Maureen
Uranium-Molybdenum Deposit, North Queensland, Australia Held by
Mega Uranium Ltd.” dated June 25, 2008;
- Mountain Lake: dated as of February
15, 2005 and reported by Triex Mineral Corporation in a company
report entitled “Mountain Lake Property Nunavut” dated February 15,
- Moran Lake: dated as of January 20,
2011 as revised March 10, 2011 and reported by Crosshair
Exploration & Mining Corp. in a company report entitled
“Technical Report on the Central Mineral Belt (CMB) Uranium –
Vanadium Project, Labrador, Canada” dated January 20, 2011 as
revised March 10, 2011;
- Laguna Salada: dated as of May 20,
2011 and reported by U3O8 Corporation in a company report entitled
“NI 43-101 Technical Report Laguna Salada Initial Resource
Estimate” dated May 20, 2011; and
- Dieter Lake: dated 2006 and
reported by Fission Energy Corp. in a company report entitled
“Technical Report on the Dieter Lake Property, Quebec, Canada”
dated October 7, 2011.
- Matoush: dated December 7, 2012 and
reported by Strateco Resources Inc. in a press release dated
December 7, 2012.
In each instance, the historical estimate is
reported using the categories of Mineral Resources and Mineral
Reserves as defined by NI 43-101, but is not considered by the
Company to be current. In each instance, the reliability of the
historical estimate is considered reasonable, but a Qualified
Person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical
estimate as a current Mineral Resource and the Company is not
treating the historical estimate as a current Mineral Resource. The
historical information provides an indication of the exploration
potential of the properties but may not be representative of
expected results.
For Ben Lomond, as disclosed in the above noted
technical report, the historical estimate was prepared by The
Australian Atomic Energy Commission (AAEC) using a sectional
method. The parameters used in the selection of the ore intervals
were a minimum true thickness of 0.5 metres and maximum included
waste (true thickness) of 5 metres. Resource zones were outlined on
25 metre sections using groups of intersections, isolated
intersections were not included. The grades from the composites
were area weighted to give the average grade above a threshold of
500 ppm uranium. The area was measured on each 25 metre section to
give the tonnage at a bulk density of 2.603. The Company would need
to conduct an exploration program, including twinning of historical
drill holes in order to verify the Ben Lomond historical estimate
as a current Mineral Resource.
For Georgetown/Maureen, as disclosed in the
above noted technical report, the historical estimate was prepared
by Mining Associates using a block model estimation methodology.
Resource modelling was carried out on a database comprising 94,810
metres of combined drilling. Using a variety of estimation
techniques, a 5x5x5 metre block model was constructed. This defined
the shallow westward-dipping mineralization mantos which contain
the higher grade zones. The Company would need to conduct an
exploration program, including twinning of historical drill holes
in order to verify the Georgetown/Maureen historical estimate as a
current Mineral Resource.
For Mountain Lake, as disclosed in the above
noted technical report, the historical estimate was prepared by
F.R. Hassard, B.A.Sc., P. Eng. (Qualified Person) using the polygon
method. The resource estimate was based on a minimum grade of 0.1%
U3O8, a minimum vertical thickness of 1.0 metre and specific
gravity of 2.5. The Company would need to conduct an exploration
program, including twinning of historical drill holes in order to
verify the Mountain Lake historical estimate as a current Mineral
For Moran Lake, as disclosed in the above noted
technical report, the historical estimate was prepared by C.
Stewart Wallis P. Geo, Barry A. Sparkes, P. Geo., Gary H. Giroux,
P. Eng. (Qualified Person) using three-dimensional block models
utilizing ordinary kriging to interpolate grades into each 10m x
10m x 4m high block. For the purpose of the vanadium resource
estimate, a vanadium specific model was created in the Upper C rock
package above the C Zone thrust fault. The vanadium model is based
on a wireframe solid defining the vanadium mineralized envelope
using an external cut-off of approximately 0.1% V2O5. For the
purposes of the estimates, a specific gravity of 2.83 was used. The
Company would need to conduct an exploration program, including
twinning of historical drill holes in order to verify the Moran
Lake historical estimate as a current Mineral Resource.
For Laguna Salada, as disclosed in the above
noted technical report, the historical estimate was prepared by
Coffey Mining Pty. Ltd. using block models utilizing ordinary
kriging to interpolate grades into each 1000m x 1000m x 10m parent
cell. For the purposes of the estimate, bulk density of 1.7t/m³ was
used for Lago Seco and 1.95t/m³ for Guanaco. The Company would need
to conduct an exploration program, including trenching in order to
verify the Laguna Salada historical estimate as a current Mineral
For Dieter Lake, as disclosed in the above noted
technical report, the historical estimate was prepared by Davis
& Guo using the Thiessen (Voronoi) polygon method. Data
constraints used were 200 ppm, 500 ppm, and 1000ppm U3O8 over a
minimum of 1 metre thickness. Polygons created had radii of 200
metres. A rock density of 2.67g/cm3 was used. The Company would
need to conduct an exploration program, including twinning of
historical drill holes in order to verify the Dieter Lake
historical estimate as a current Mineral Resource.
For Matoush, as disclosed in the above noted
press release, the historical estimate was prepared by RPA using
block U3O8 grades within a wireframe model that were estimated by
ordinary kriging. The historical estimate was estimated at a
cut-off grade of 0.1% U3O8 and using an average long-term uranium
price of US$75 per pound. Six zones make up the historical estimate
at Matoush: AM-15, MT-34, MT-22, MT-02, MT-06, and MT-36. Each zone
is made up of one or more lenses, most of which strike north (009°)
and dip steeply (87°) to the east. Outlines of the mineralized
lenses were interpreted on ten-metre spaced vertical sections.
Minimum criteria of 0.10% U3O8 over 1.5 m true thickness was used
as a guide. The Company would need to conduct an exploration
program, including twinning of historical drill holes in order to
verify the Matoush historical estimate as a current Mineral
About International Consolidated
International Consolidated Uranium Inc.
(formerly, NxGold Ltd.) is a Vancouver-based exploration and
development company. The Company has entered option agreements to
acquire five uranium projects in Australia, Canada and Argentina
each with significant past expenditures and attractive
characteristics for development; with Mega Uranium Ltd. (TSX:
MGA) the right to acquire a 100% interest in the
Ben Lomond and Georgetown uranium projects in Australia; with
IsoEnergy Ltd. (TSXV: ISO) the right to acquire a
100% interest in the Mountain Lake uranium project in Nunavut,
Canada; with a private individual the right to acquire a 100%
interest in the Moran Lake uranium and vanadium project in
Labrador, Canada; and with U3O8 Corp. (TSXV:
UWE.H), the right to acquire a 100% interest in
the Laguna Salada uranium and vanadium project in Argentina. The
Company entered into the Mountain Lake option agreement with
IsoEnergy on July 16, 2020, and the transaction remains subject to
regulatory approval, as does the transaction with U3O8 Corp. on the
Laguna Salada Project. In addition, the Company owns 80% of the Mt.
Roe gold project located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia
and has entered into an earn-in agreement with Meliadine Gold Ltd.
to earn up to a 70% interest in the Kuulu Project (formerly known
as the Peter Lake Gold Project) in Nunavut.
Philip Williams
President and CEOInternational Consolidated
Uranium Inc.+1 778 383
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Cautionary Statement Regarding
Forward-Looking Information.
This news release contains "forward-looking
information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities
legislation. “Forward-looking information” includes, but is not
limited to, statements with respect to activities, events or
developments that the Company expects or anticipates will or may
occur in the future including whether the proposed acquisition will
be completed and the work required to verify the historical
estimates as a current Mineral Resources. Generally, but not
always, forward-looking information and statements can be
identified by the use of words such as “plans”, “expects”, “is
expected”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”,
“intends”, “anticipates”, or “believes” or the negative connotation
thereof or variations of such words and phrases or state that
certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might”
or “will be taken”, “occur” or “be achieved” or the negative
connotation thereof.
Such forward-looking information and statements
are based on numerous assumptions, including that general business
and economic conditions will not change in a material adverse
manner, that financing will be available if and when needed and on
reasonable terms, and that third party contractors, equipment and
supplies and governmental and other approvals required to conduct
the Company’s planned exploration activities will be available on
reasonable terms and in a timely manner. Although the assumptions
made by the Company in providing forward-looking information or
making forward-looking statements are considered reasonable by
management at the time, there can be no assurance that such
assumptions will prove to be accurate.
Forward-looking information and statements also
involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other
factors, which may cause actual events or results in future periods
to differ materially from any projections of future events or
results expressed or implied by such forward-looking information or
statements, including, among others: whether the conditions to
completion of the acquisition will be satisfied, negative operating
cash flow and dependence on third party financing, uncertainty of
additional financing, no known mineral reserves or resources,
reliance on key management and other personnel, potential downturns
in economic conditions, actual results of exploration activities
being different than anticipated, changes in exploration programs
based upon results, and risks generally associated with the mineral
exploration industry, environmental risks, changes in laws and
regulations, community relations and delays in obtaining
governmental or other approvals.
Although the Company has attempted to identify
important factors that could cause actual results to differ
materially from those contained in the forward-looking information
or implied by forward-looking information, there may be other
factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or
intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking
information and statements will prove to be accurate, as actual
results and future events could differ materially from those
anticipated, estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not
place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information.
The Company undertakes no obligation to update or reissue
forward-looking information as a result of new information or
events except as required by applicable securities laws.
Mega Uranium (TSX:MGA)
過去 株価チャート
から 2 2025 まで 3 2025
Mega Uranium (TSX:MGA)
過去 株価チャート
から 3 2024 まで 3 2025