28 January 2005


Russell Stevens              07860 562621                            
Chief Executive              Russell@meriden-group.co.uk             
Ewan Leggat                  020 7107 8000                           
Seymour Pierce Limited       Ewanleggat@seymourpierce.com            

               Meriden Group Plc (the "Company" or "the Group")                
              Preliminary results for the year ended 31 July 2004              


  * 31% growth in turnover
  * Three new divisions launched during the year
  * Cost of opening these new divisions absorbed this year
  * Full revenue and earnings potential from new divisions to flow in 05/06 and
  * Greater focus on large corporate clients
  * Acquisitions being evaluated to supplement divisions
  * Exceptional cost of closure of publishing joint venture has impacted on
    this years earnings
  * Significant growth prospects anticipated from major key accounts currently
    being negotiated
Financial Highlights

  * Turnover of �7.5m (2003 : �5.8m)
  * EBITDA before exceptional items of �0.67m (2003 : �0.69m)
  * Pre tax profits before exceptional items of �0.68m (2003 : �0.71m)
  * Pre tax profits after exceptional items of �0.57m (2003 : �0.71m)
  * Earnings per share in the trading period of 0.13p (2003 : 0.18p)
  * Minimal gearing
  * Total dividend of 0.023p (2003 : 0.023p)
  * Dividend cover 6.0x (2003 : 7.6x)
Commenting, Russell Stevens, Chief Executive said:

"This year we have laid the foundations of an exciting future with three new
trading divisions now integrated, and a greater focus on larger corporate
clients. We look forward to the future with confidence."

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to present this my third Chairman's report for Meriden Group Plc.

The Group has been profitable since its flotation on AIM in 2001. It has
maintained this record and for the year ending 31 July 2004 has delivered a
pre-tax profit before exceptional items of �0.68m (2003: �0.71m) on a turnover
of �7.5m (2003: �5.8m) Our decision to withdraw from our publishing joint
venture incurred an exceptional charge during the year of �0.11m which resulted
in earnings per share being depressed to 0.13p (2003: 0.18p). We are
particularly pleased that the Board is again recommending a final dividend,
which takes the total dividend for the year to 0.023p (2003: 0.023p) per share.

We continue to build our business through organic growth and during the year we
have launched three new trading divisions. The first is our Employee Benefits
Division, whose major product is delivering a consultancy lead service to large
corporates aimed at setting up a tax efficient payroll based deferred computer
purchase agreement under the Government's Home Computer Initiative (HCI), and
then dealing with the implementation and supply. We have invested a significant
amount of money in this division during the year and its related support
infrastructure, and whilst revenue has started to flow the full impact will not
be felt until the second half of the 2004/05 year and more significantly in the
2005/06 year and beyond. The cost of this investment has therefore impacted on
our results in the 2003/04 year, but we anticipate announcing some very
significant key account wins in the next few months which will have a very
positive impact on our future turnover and earnings. The second division we
have launched is Logistics which specialises in the delivery and storage of
high value items in short lead times. There is no doubt that our combined
divisional skills in the area of Employee Benefits, Management Consultancy, IT
Solutions and Logistics are key factors in large corporates deciding to choose
Meriden as their HCI provider. The third division is business publishing which
we started as a result of our decision to withdraw from our joint venture as
mentioned above, which was due to our loss of confidence in the management
skills of our partner.

In our 2003 year our Training and Recruitment divisions were closed, but our
core divisions have shown steady growth during the year and we are confident
that they will all continue to prosper, and the synergies between our divisions
will continue to enhance their growth prospects.

In the Interim Report I stated that as the economy emerged from its recent
downturn, the Board intended to increase its emphasis on acquisitions of
businesses where this could be achieved at favourable prices. The key criterion
for consummating a deal is that the Group's earnings stream and dividend flow
will be significantly improved over the short term and that synergies could be
realised with other Divisions. The Group has aggressively followed this
strategy and has held a number of discussions with potential targets and
consequently we hope to make further announcements shortly.

The success in building the Group's business through organic growth validates
the Board's view that the Group should concentrate on expanding its range of
services rather than create fully scoped partnerships in more of the UK's
commercial centres. We continue to operate successfully out of Birmingham,
London and Edinburgh and will open additional offices only if there are
specific reasons for being at other commercial centres. It is important that
the Group can maintain organisational flexibility in the face of continual
change, our business model is scalable - the Group's use of technology enables
it to run a `virtual company' with lean overheads whilst maximising synergies
between the Divisions.

The Group now delivers its services through seven divisions which are:

  * IT Solutions
  * Employee Benefits
  * Marketing and Communications
  * Management Consultancy
  * Logistics
  * Business Publishing
  * Outsourcing
As mentioned above the Group has had a successful and profitable performance
since its AIM debut in 2001 and, given this record, the performance of the
Group's share price has been disappointing. The Board intends to address this
issue by ensuring that the market in general and the institutions in particular
have a full and comprehensive understanding of the Group and its business

Key to the Group's success has been its abilities to respond to market
opportunities and to create challenging and rewarding careers for its employees
via performance-driven remuneration packages. We have established sound
reputations within the markets we serve and are building strong relationships
with our clients. We have minimal debt, a strong balance sheet and a well
motivated management team. The Board believes that the coming year will see a
significant and profitable leveraging of the services we now have in place as
well as selective acquisitions that satisfy our exacting criteria.

The Board is delighted to welcome the newcomers to the Meriden family and, as
always, we thank all our team for their hard work and tremendous commitment to
developing this exciting business and to delivering the highest standards of
customer service.

Mr Derek Hall
Non-executive Chairman
28 January 2005

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 July 2004

                                            Note       Year ended    Year ended
                                                     31 July 2004  31 July 2003
                                                                �             �
Turnover - continuing                                   4,551,704     5,790,628
Turnover - acquisitions                                 2,961,809             -
                                                      -----------   -----------
Total turnover                                          7,513,513     5,790,628
Cost of sales - continuing                            (3,355,974)   (4,312,261)
Cost of sales - acquisitions                          (2,299,593)             -
                                                      -----------   -----------
Total cost of sales                                   (5,655,567)   (4,312,261)
Gross profit - continuing                               1,195,730     1,478,367
Gross profit - acquisitions                               662,216             -
                                                      -----------   -----------
Total gross profit                                      1,857,946     1,478,367
Administrative expenses - continuing                    (561,000)     (785,564)
Administrative expenses - exceptional                   (110,535)             -
Administrative expenses - acquisitions                  (629,713)             -
                                                      -----------   -----------
Total administrative expenses                         (1,301,248)     (785,564)
Operating profit - continuing                             524,195       692,803
Operating profit - acquisitions                            32,503             -
                                                      -----------   -----------
Total operating profit                                    556,698       692,803
Interest receivable                                        14,815        12,352
Interest payable                                          (1,816)             -
                                                      -----------   -----------
Profit on ordinary activities before                      569,697       705,155
Taxation                                                (189,754)     (197,592)
                                                      -----------   -----------
Profit on ordinary activities after                       379,943       507,563
Dividends                                                (66,700)      (66,628)
                                                      -----------   -----------
Retained profit for the year                              313,243       440,935
                                                      -----------   -----------
Basic and diluted earnings per share          2              0.13          0.18
                                                      -----------   -----------

Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 July 2004

                                            Note           As at          As at
                                                    31 July 2004   31 July 2003
                                                               �              �
Fixed Assets                                                                   
Tangible assets                                          214,447        251,298
Fixed asset investments                                  177,853        177,902
                                                     -----------    -----------
                                                         392,300        429,200
Current assets                                                                 
Work in progress                                         263,032         36,420
Debtors                                                4,533,946      3,407,637
Cash at bank and in hand                                 285,152        805,589
                                                     -----------    -----------
                                                       5,082,130      4,249,646
Creditors: amounts falling due                       (3,524,209)    (2,988,824)
within one year                                                                
                                                     -----------    -----------
Net current assets                                     1,557,921      1,260,822
                                                     -----------    -----------
Total assets less current liabilities                  1,950,221      1,690,022
Provisions for liabilities and charges                   (5,977)       (59,021)
                                                     -----------    -----------
Net assets                                             1,944,244      1,631,001
                                                     -----------    -----------
Capital and reserves                                                           
Called up share capital                                  290,000        290,000
Share premium                                            523,355        523,355
Profit and loss account                                1,130,889        817,646
                                                     -----------    -----------
Equity shareholders' funds                    3        1,944,244      1,631,001
                                                     -----------    -----------

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 July 2004

                                             Notes      Year ended    Year ended
                                                      31 July 2004  31 July 2003
                                                                 �             �
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating       4         (931,841)       422,683
Return on investments and servicing of                                          
Interest received                                           14,815        12,352
Interest payable                                           (1,816)             -
                                                      ------------  ------------
Net cash inflow from returns on investments                 12,999        12,352
and servicing of finance                                                        
Tax paid                                                 (200,000)      (97,309)
Capital expenditure and financial investment                                    
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                 (70,940)      (24,274)
Payments to acquire fixed asset investments                      -          (49)
Receipt from disposal of intangible fixed                       49             -
Receipts from the sale of tangible fixed                     9,214        40,297
                                                      ------------  ------------
Net cash outflow/inflow from capital                      (61,677)        15,974
expenditure and financial investment                                            
Dividends paid                                            (66,597)      (86,928)
                                                      ------------  ------------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing             (1,247,116)       266,772
                                                      ------------  ------------
Debt due within one year                                   713,804             -
                                                      ------------  ------------
(Decrease)/increase in cash                    5         (533,312)       266,772
                                                      ------------  ------------

Notes to the Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 July 2004

1     Accounting policies                                                 
      Basis of accounting                                                 
      The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with      
      applicable accounting standards and under the historical cost       
      convention. The principal accounting policies of the Group have     
      remained unchanged from those set out in the Group's 2003 annual    
      report and financial statements.                                    
      Basis of consolidation                                              
      The Consolidated Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet and Cash    
      Flow Statement consolidates those of the Company and its subsidiary 
      undertakings. Intra-group transactions have been eliminated in full.

2   Earnings per share                                                               
    The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the profit on        
    ordinary activities after taxation and on the weighted average number of shares  
    in issue during the period. The profit and weighted average number of shares     
    used in the calculations are set out below:                                      
                         Profit        Weighted         Average       Basic               
                              �         average       number of    Earnings              
                                         number          shares   per share          
                                      of shares      in trading     (pence)          
    Basic and                                                                        
    earnings per                                                                     
    Year ended 31       379,943     290,000,000     290,000,000        0.13          
    July 2004                                                                        
    Year ended 31       507,563     290,000,000     290,000,000        0.18          
    July 2003                                                                        
                    ----------- --------------- --------------- -----------          

3    Reconciliation of movements in                                     
     shareholders' funds                                                
                                                       2004         2003
                                                          �            �
     Profit on ordinary activities after            379,943      507,563
     Dividend                                      (66,700)     (66,628)
                                               ------------ ------------
     Profit on ordinary activities after            313,243      440,935
     taxation and dividends                                             
     Opening shareholders' funds                  1,631,001    1,190,066
                                               ------------ ------------
     Closing shareholders' funds                  1,944,244    1,631,001
                                               ------------ ------------

4    Reconciliation of operating profit with net cash inflow from operating
                                                    Year ended   Year ended
                                                  31 July 2004 31 July 2003
                                                             �            �
     Operating profit                                  556,698      692,803
     Depreciation                                       98,577       97,410
     Decrease/(increase) in work in progress         (226,612)       30,808
     Increase in debtors                           (1,126,309)  (2,120,517)
     (Decrease)/increase in creditors                (234,195)    1,722,179
                                                  ------------ ------------
     Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating        (931,841)      422,683
                                                  ------------ ------------

5    Analysis of changes in net                                            
                                         1 August    Cash Flow 31 July 2004
                                             2003      in Year            �
                                                �            �             
     Cash at bank and in hand             805,589    (520,437)      285,152
     Bank overdraft                             -     (12,875)     (12,875)
     Debt due within one year                   -    (713,804)    (713,804)
                                     ------------ ------------ ------------
                                          805,589  (1,247,116)    (441,527)
                                     ------------ ------------ ------------

6     Publication of non-statutory                                         
      The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement   
      does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of  
      the Companies Act 1985. The summarised balance sheet at 31 July 2004 
      and the summarised profit and loss account, summarised cashflow      
      statement and associated notes for the year then ended have been     
      extracted from the Company's 2004 statutory financial statements upon
      which the auditors opinion is unqualified and does not contain any   
      statement under section 237 of the Companies Act 1985. Statutory     
      accounts for the year ended 31 July 2004 will be delivered to the    
      Registrar in due course. The comparative financial information is    
      based on the statutory accounts for the financial year ended 31 July 
      2003. Those accounts on which the auditors issued an unqualified     
      opinion have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.           

7     Availability of Annual Report                                        
      The Annual Report will be posted to shareholders at the start of     
      February 2005 and copies will be available from the registered office
      of the Company or as a download from the Company's website at        
      www.meriden-group.co.uk by 4.00pm on 31 January 2005.                

8     Dividend                                                             
      The Company intends to pay the final dividend of 0.013p per ordinary 
      share on 8 April 2005 to shareholders on the register at the close of
      business on 11 February 2005.                                        


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