International Marketing & Sales Group Ltd 
     Unaudited Results for the Three Months ended 30 September 2008 
     Gross Profit up 93% Year on Year, generating operating cash of $2.4m 
    International Marketing & Sales Group Plc ("IMSG" or the "Group"), the emerging markets focused sales and marketing
company, today announces unaudited results for the nine months ended 30 September 2008.
     Financial Highlights for the three months 
* Turnover up 93% to US$43.8million (2007: US$22.7million)* Gross profit up 148% to US$19.8million (2007: US$8.0
million)* Underlying pre-tax profit of US$1.8 million before final US$2.5 million impairment of IMSG's holding in
Turkish agency RPM Radar "RPM"     Financial Highlights for the nine months 
* Turnover up 74% to US$144.5million (2007: US$83.1million)* Gross profit up 93% to US$50.4million (2007: US$26.1
million)* Net cash of US$7.8 million (US$8.3 million as at 31 December 2007)* Net cash generated from operating
activities of $2.4m     Operational Highlights 
* Contract won in Q3 for work connected with the Russian lottery* Encouraging performance by events business
One2Remember International* Commenced work for major new client Alrosa* New JV in trade marketing with 4P in Russia
launched in November     Commenting on the results, Greg Thain, Chairman of the Group said: 
    "The current trading environment is very challenging but while we have inevitably seen some reductions in work from
clients, we have also secured some encouraging wins during the quarter indicating that the emerging markets are still
growing, albeit at a slower rate. Our focus now is on cash generation; we have implemented cost reduction measures
across the group to facilitate this and we are closely monitoring the contribution of each business in the Group. We
believe we are well positioned to provide sales-driven solutions to clients in emerging markets who are now looking to
market goods and services offering the best value for money."
     Certain statements in this press release are forward looking statements.  Forward looking statements involve
evaluating a number of risks, uncertainties or assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially from
those expressed or implied by those statements.  Forward looking statements regarding past trends, results or activities
should not be taken as a representation that such trends, results or activities will continue in the future.  Undue
reliance should not be placed on forward looking statements. 
 Johanna Fagrell-Kohler                                  Tel: +46 734 100 550
 Terry Livingstone                                       Tel: +44 (0)20 7735 6788
 International Marketing & Sales Group Limited
 Emily Bruning/Andrew Best
 Shared Value Limited                                    Tel: +44 (0)20 7321 5010
 Mark Williams / Henry Fitzgerald-O'Conner
 Canaccord Adams Limited                                 Tel:+44 (0)20 7050 6500
     Notes to Editors 
* IMSG was founded in 1996 and the Group was admitted to trading on AIM on 6 December 2005.* The Group's clients include
multinational and first tier local companies operating in FMCG, telecommunications, retail trade, banking and finance,
automotive, consumer electronics and pharmaceutical industries.* IMSG  currently has over 40 offices predominantly in
emerging markets: Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Nizhniy Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Samara,
Krasnodar (Russia), Kiev (Ukraine), Almaty, Astana (Kazakhstan), Dushanbe (Tajikistan), Tashkent (Uzbekistan), Erevan
(Armenia), Belgrade (Serbia) Istanbul (Turkey), New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad (India), Kuala
Lumpur (Malaysia), Dubai (UAE), Doha (Qatar), Budapest (Hungary), Bucharest (Romania), Athens (Greece), Sofia (Bulgaria)
London (UK), Stockholm, Malmo (Sweden) and Barcelona (Spain).* Further information about the Group is available on its
website at:     Chairman's Statement 
    Since the Group reported half-year results at the end of August, the macro economic environment has worsened and
trading conditions in our markets have got tougher, with some clients inevitably reducing their sales and marketing
budgets and some with committed contracts cancelling work. Despite the challenging environment in which we are
operating, we achieved some encouraging client wins during the quarter, most notably Alrosa and the Russian lottery. In
addition, the market conditions have provided us with the opportunity to increase our level of work for a number of
clients who have looked to reduce their own permanent staff to an outsourced field force that provides them with the
leverage to move quickly with market conditions. In November we launched a new trade marketing business in Russia, "The
KAM Co", a joint venture with 4P Group, which will use the know-how and other resources of both companies to carry out
shared merchandising projects.
    However as a result of the consequences of the uncertain economic climate outline above, the outcome for the year is
likely to be below previous expectations. The Group is responding to market conditions by focusing on cash generation. A
headcount reduction programme is in process in which staff numbers in Russia will be reduced from 390 to 300 by early
next year and the salary structure across the Group is being changed so that we can achieve a ratio of 70% fixed to 30%
performance linked salaries, with performance being measured against specific KPIs and achievement of profit targets.
Development projects, especially internet related ones, have also been cancelled as part of our cost reduction
    Turnover for the third quarter was US$43.8m with gross profit of US$19.8m. The majority of currencies in the markets
in which we operate have depreciated against the US dollar, and our results are therefore negatively impacted by the
translation effect.
    In the first half of the year we developed our retail offering by leveraging the expertise of Pragma into existing
markets and we have seen good operational results from this division in the third quarter.
    Our events business, One2Remember International, is growing strongly and the team recently organised a major event
for Alrosa in Singapore. In the first half of the year, One2Remember was established as an international offering and we
have client contracts covering a number of territories. Given the seasonal nature of the events business, we expect
continued strong performance from One2Remember in the fourth quarter.
    Our strategy is to continue to focus on sales driven marketing in emerging markets where we are seeing FMCG
companies in particular respond to the current macro environment by focusing on the goods that offer the best value for
money. IMSG has the platform from which to serve multinational clients in 18 countries and we plan to capitalise on this
opportunity to provide them with sales-focused marketing programmes. Our spread of services means we are able to deliver
immediate sales results for our clients through sales promotion, events and direct and trade marketing. We remain the
only marketing group that has a focus on the emerging markets.
    We believe that we have the resources to survive through the recession and to be well placed when the eventual
upturn materialises. The Board is currently renegotiating the Group's forward commitments, to enable new investment to
be sought once market conditions stabilise.
    The Board is focused on enhancing shareholder value and, as well as focusing operational efforts to this end, is
continually reviewing strategic opportunities to achieve this.
Greg Thain
Executive Chairman, IMSG
     Statements of IMSG Managing Directors 
     Mark Huntley, Chairman of IMSG Russia Management Board 
    During this recent period we have made significant progress against the key tasks we had defined during Q2, namely
ensuring we stabilised our existing clients and forming the basis of new, enhanced service products in focussed areas of
    Whilst economies and markets have been turbulent during the past months, I am confident that these new offerings in
Trade & Consumer Marketing remain highly relevant and meaningful for our valued existing clients and indeed new ones.
    I am also pleased to announce that we have a General Manager for IMSG Kazakhstan. Halim Tansug, started in
September, having worked in the market previously he has hit the ground running with business introductions to many
multi-national clients seeking to invest further in their expansion in the market.
    Organic growth with our existing business has remained healthy with some significant additions to existing
contracted projects this year and forecast for next year too with clients such as P&G, Nokia and Alrosa.
    This third quarter has also witnessed our Events division - One 2 Remember stage its first stand-alone music tour
featuring Dmitry Bilan, Serbia's Eurovision song contest winner. Dmitry's tour of the key Russian cities of Kazan,
Nizhniy Novgorod, Omsk, Perm, Ekaterinburg and Novosibirsk, sponsored by Oriflame, was managed, promoted and marketed by
IMSG companies.
    We are witnessing continued strong demand and significant sales growth in outsourcing services such as payroll and
trade marketing services in Q3, with a new client programme being contracted for Philips.
     Turkey, Romania and Hungary 
     Michael Green, Managing Director, IMSG International 
    Our trade marketing agency, MAPP, and our experiential agency, Elektrik are performing well in a tough environment.
Wins with Samsung, TurkCell and Tesco have contributed to this success. Elektrik has also started working with Beeline,
a Russian group client.
    IMSG Bucharest, our local marketing communications group has performed adequately in the first 9 months. The core
advertising, events & production businesses are performing ahead of target, compensating for the drop off in media
margins. IMSG-Bucharest has successfully started a retail division with group client, Metro.
    BIP, our trade marketing agency is well positioned in a market which is increasingly looking to outsource its sales
& merchandising operations. Our PR group, V+O Romania has been successfully launched. Major clients for the group in
Romania include Canon, European Drinks, Unilever, Metro, Colgate, Kraft, Philip Morris, Cosmote, QLD, Coca Cola.
    HPS has performed well in a flat economy and the performance of HPS Experience, our experiential agency has been a
highlight. The marketing and sales group continues to add new clients to its portfolio, including T-Mobile. Major HPS
clients include BAT, Zwack, Danone, Samsung, Tesco, Pfizer & Pepsi. HPS has recently won a Golden Effie award for its
work with Friesland.
    V+O, IMSG's PR Group with offices in Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia has performed well in the first nine
months, though has been under pressure in the Greek market with budget reductions from Deutsche Telekom, RTL & Emporiki
Bank. V+O's reputation in the region is exceptional and PR will remain a core and valuable offer to clients in the
current market conditions. V+O clients include Coca Cola, Deutsche Telekom, Emporiki Bank, Cosmote, Bayer.
    Our Greek events agency EY ZHN is performing strongly with new business from Oriflame, Comote, Microsoft and
     Specialist Service Areas 
     Adrian Stewart, Managing Director, Specialist Service Area Development, IMSG International 
    The first nine months of 2008 saw further development of the IMS Retail service offering across the IMSG global
network on the back of key strategic relationships with two of the world's biggest retail chains: Metro CC and Tesco.
    IMS Retail Russia continued to exceed budget expectations and we are forecasting this business unit to finish 2008
15% above its PBT target making it the most profitable single business unit within IMSG. This growth is being driven by
the ongoing consolidation of our long term multi-service relationship with Metro CC and the expansion of our
merchandising activity with the X5 Group (chains: Perekristok and Pyaterochka).
    IMS Retail Ukraine was launched in Q3 2008 when we provided the store opening event for the major German DIY chain
    IMS Retail Romania continued to further develop its relationship with Metro CC. We are now working with this chain
across multiple service areas. This relationship has provided the fledging business unit with a foundation from which to
develop new business.
    IMS Retail Turkey continued to expand local operations with Tesco-Kipa. The pilot activity on non food sales
consultancy has been a resounding success, resulting in further roll out of the project in 2009. Again the success of
this initial client for the Retail business unit in Turkey is laying the foundation for the development of further
client relationships.
    IMS Retail Hungary has expanded its cooperation with Tesco on the back of a highly successful pilot project.and we
are very confident that 2009 will reflect the strengthening of our partnership with Tesco's.
    Away from Retail, significant steps forward have been taken with the development of other specialist service areas
within the IMSG network. The Experiential and Events business has won several key contracts across multiple markets.
    This group benefit of leveraging client contacts and service offerings across regional and local group businesses
has started to build real momentum with network coordination across major new business development opportunities in
multiple markets. We are now seen and invited to participate in multi-disciplinary Pan European work which highlights
the market recognition of our abilities to deliver quality services across the region and is one which we are proud of
having achieved.
     General Information 
    These unaudited interim accounts have been approved for issue by the Board of Directors on 27 November 2008.
     Certain statements in this press release are forward looking statements.  Forward looking statements involve
evaluating a number of risks, uncertainties or assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially from
those expressed or implied by those statements.  Forward looking statements regarding past trends, results or activities
should not be taken as a representation that such trends, results or activities will continue in the future.  Undue
reliance should not be placed on forward looking statements. 
     International Marketing & Sales Group Plc 
     Consolidated Income Statement 
                                                Yearto 30        Yearto 30           Year to
                                                     Sept             Sept            30June
 In thousands of US Dollars                          2008             2007              2008
 Continuing operations:
 Revenue                                          144 521           83 112           100 746
 Cost of sales                                     94 075           57 021            70 061
 Gross profit                                      50 446           26 091            30 685
 Other operating income                             (287)            (416)           (1 134)
 General and administrative expenses               51 009           29 110            33 844
 Other operating expenses                           9 243                -             7 251
 Operating profit                                 (9 520)          (2 604)           (9 276)
 Finance income                                       366              730               485
 Finance costs                                      1 888              215             2 116
 Share of result of associates                                                              
 Profit/(loss) before income tax                 (11 042)          (2 089)          (10 907)
 Income tax expense                                 1 170              107               575
 Profit/(loss) for the year                      (12 212)          (2 196)          (11 482)
 Profit/(loss) is attributable to:
 Equity holders of the Company                   (12 769)          (2 393)          (11,604)
 Minority interest                                    584               89               122
 Profit/(loss) for the year                      (12 212)          (2 304)          (11,482)
 Earnings per share:
 Basic                                      (14.66) pence     (3.01) pence     (12.39) pence
 Diluted                                    (14.45) pence     (2.96) pence     (12.20) pence
     International Marketing & Sales Group Plc 
     Consolidated Balance Sheet 
                                                         Nine Months     Nine Months     Six Months
                                                             30 Sept         30 Sept        30 June
                                                                2008            2007           2008
                                                             US$'000         US$'000        US$'000
 Non-Current Assets
 Property, plant and equipment                                 5 300           3 118          6 042
 Investment property                                               -                              -
 Goodwill                                                     89 334          52 462         89 614
 Other intangible assets                                       2 181           4 212          2 829
 Investments                                                     168              21            167
 Deferred income tax asset                                     1 530             830          1 883
 Other non-current assets                                        793               6            428
 Total Non-Current Assets                                     99 306          60 648        100 963
 Current Assets
 Inventories                                                   1 732             890          2 108
 Trade and other receivables                                  59 296          40 507         73 318
 Current income tax prepayment                                 2 216              85          1 813
 Investments                                                     735            1323          1 141
 Cash and cash equivalents                                     7 827          20 170         10 983
 Total Current Assets                                         71 805          62 974         89 363
 Total assets                                                171 111         123 623        190 326
 Share capital                                                   633             542            640
 Retained earnings                                             2 120           2 909          2 867
 Other reserves                                               77 026          63 468         76 999
 Equity attributable to the Company's equity holders          79 780          66 920         80 506
 Minority Interest                                             3 234           1 595          3 896
 Total Equity                                                 83 014          68 515         84 402
 Non-Current Liabilities
 Borrowings                                                      662           3 241            873
 Deferred income tax liability                                 1 402             756          1 353
 Trade and other payables                                     21 158           2 550         27 152
 Provisions                                                       81               -            420
 Total Non-Current Liabilities                                23 304          16 547         29 798
 Current Liabilities
 Borrowings                                                   19 013           4 168         17 242
 Trade and other payables                                     39 949          30 462         51 708
 Current income tax payable                                    1 526           1 118          2 127
 Other taxes payable                                           3 936           2 800          4 844
 Other provisions for liabilities and charges                    368              13            205
 Total Current Liabilities                                    64 793          38 561         76 126
 Total liabilities                                            88 097          55 108        105 924
 Total liabilities and equity                                171 111         123 623        190 326
     International Marketing & Sales Group Plc 
     Notes to the interim accounts for the period ended 30 September 2008 
     Basis of preparation 
    The condensed Group financial statements for the nine months ended 30 JSeptember 2008 included in this report have
been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the European Union. The condensed
Group financial statements should be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements for the year ended 31
December 2007, which were prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union.
    The condensed Group financial statements have been reviewed, not audited, and were approved by the Board on 28
August 2008. The full year figures for 2007 included in this report do not constitute statutory accounts for the purpose
of Section 104 of the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991. A copy of the Company's statutory accounts is available on The independent auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain any statement
under Section 111(2) or (5) of the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991.
    The condensed Group financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the
annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007.

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