("ECR Minerals", "ECR" or the
Operational Update - Tambo
Gold Project, Victoria
ECR Minerals plc (LON: ECR), the
exploration and development company focused on gold in
Australia, is pleased to provide an update
on its recently concluded diamond drilling campaign at the Duke of
Cornwall Prospect within the Tambo Gold Project in Victoria,
Australia (the "Tambo Gold Project"), including the results from
Drill Holes DOCD001 and DOCD005.
Summary Of Drilling Results
Drill Hole DOCD005 returned 1 metre @ 0.72 g/t Au from 108
Drill Hole DOCD001 returned no significant
Best results from the overall programme include
0.4 metres @ 8.51 g/t Au from Drill Hole DOCD002 and 0.15 metres at
10.6 g/t Au from Drill Hole DOC004
Tambo Gold Project
The diamond drilling campaign
consisted of five diamond drill holes (DOCD001 - DOCD005) over a
total depth of 428 metres. The campaign's objective was to
investigate the structural controls on gold mineralisation and
associated geochemical haloes, particularly beneath and adjacent to
the historical Duke of Cornwall mine workings.
Drilling Program Overview (see
figure 1 below)
DOCD005 - Northern Extension
DOCD005 was drilled to a total depth
of 117.8 metres and intersected two quartz veins at the northern
extremities of the Duke of Cornwall Lode system, approximately 70
metres below the historical mine workings. Mineralisation was
encountered at one interval (1 metre @ 0.72 g/t Au from 108
metres), with no significant gold intercepts reported from the
other intervals tested. Geochemical analysis suggests that the
DOCD005 mineralisation area lies outside the primary gold-bearing
system which indicates a secondary control plunging the
mineralisation along strike. The results are considered to indicate
the potential for mineralisation in untested areas which are now
better understood from this drilling campaign.
DOCD002 - High-Grade Opportunity
As announced on 20 November 2024,
Drill hole DOCD002 was drilled to a total depth of 84.35 metres at
the southern end of the Lode and returned a significant best
intercept of 0.4 metres @ 8.51 g/t Au, indicating the potential for
high-grade zones at depth. This area remains a high-priority target
for follow-up drilling to test for continuity and extensions at
No significant gold intercepts have
been reported from the intervals tested from drill hole DOCD001
which was drilled to a total depth of 69.7 metres.
Structural Insights
The campaign provided valuable
structural data, confirming the association of gold mineralisation
with quartz veining adjacent to the main shear zone. A secondary
control, possibly plunging concentrations of mineralisation along
strike, is starting to be evidenced by the drilling and will be
studied in more detail. The Duke of Cornwall Lode system remains
largely untested, with approximately 80% of its strike length
Programme Summary
The drilling campaign successfully
demonstrated that mineralisation continues at depth below the old
mine workings in key areas and considerably enhanced the Company's
geological understanding of the prospect. The structural insights
gained will inform the design of future campaigns aimed at
targeting high-grade zones and testing the unexamined central
portions of the Lode. Even holes that encountered no gold
mineralisation, DOCD001 and DOCD003, are considered to have added
valuable insights, including in the case of DOCD003, delineating
the location of the shear zone and controls on mineralisation. It
is noted that at surface the rock chip channel sample from the
Eastern Cut (0.25 metres @ c. 25 g/t Au as illustrated in Figure 1
in the announcement on 20 November 2024) plots only 10 metres east
of the trace of DOCD003, showing the likely secondary controls that
have been partially discovered by this first pass drilling
Next Steps
ECR intends to design a follow-up
drilling campaign focusing on deeper exploration beneath the
high-grade zones identified in DOCD002 and DOCD004 as well as
incorporating the structural and geochemical insights gained to
explore central portions of the Lode, which remain prospective for
gold mineralisation. The Company remains committed to advancing its
exploration assets at the Tambo Gold Project while continuing to
evaluate potential corporate opportunities. Further updates will be
provided in due course.
Lolworth Project update
A number of additional rock chip
samples from Lolworth have been sent for laboratory analysis, with
the results expected in January 2025. The results from geochemical
analysis on samples taken from the Oaky Creek prospect in the
central-north area of the Lolworth Project will be announced in due
course once received.
The Directors are optimistic
regarding the potential of the Lolworth Project and, as announced
on 25 November 2024, part of the net proceeds of the Company's
recent fundraise are intended to be used to re-start the field
campaign in Lolworth in the second quarter of 2025, drawing on the
Company's partnership with the Geological Survey of Queensland to
further investigate the critical minerals potential at the project.
On 29 November 2024, the Company announced a collaboration with
James Cook University in relation to analysing and interpreting the
mineral data from the Lolworth Project area to enhance the
understanding of its rare earth elements potential.
Update on potential sale of non-core assets
Further to the Company's
announcement on 26 November 2024 and previously, discussions with
the potential buyer of ECR's subsidiary, Mercator Gold Australia
Pty Ltd ("MGA"), in order to effect a sale of the Company's A$75
million of tax losses continue to progress and the Company expects
to reach an agreement in principle on the proposed transaction
structure in the coming weeks. Thereafter, it is anticipated that
the parties' respective legal advisers will prepare the formal sale
documentation with completion expected within the exclusivity
timeframe to 31 January 2025, as previously announced.
As previously announced, the
proposed transaction is likely to necessitate a restructuring of
MGA as such that it comprises only non-core assets. There can be no
certainty that final binding terms will be agreed, nor as to the
timings or final terms, structure or quantum of the potential
disposal. Depending on the final terms that are agreed for any
transaction to realise the tax losses, as well as the structure of
the transaction, it is possible, but not guaranteed, that the
potential disposal of MGA may be a fundamental change of business
pursuant to Rule 15 of the AIM Rules for Companies. If applicable,
this would require, amongst other items, the transaction to be
conditional on the consent of shareholders being given in a general
meeting; a shareholders circular detailing the terms of the
transaction and certain other disclosures as set out in the AIM
Rules. Further updates on the way forward will be provided in due
course as matters are progressed.
Adam Jones, ECR's Chief Geologist, said:
"The initial drilling at Duke of Cornwall has
provided valuable structural insights, confirming that
mineralisation extends 70 metres below the old workings, though
outside the main Lode. The standout result from DOCD002, with 0.4
metres @ 8.51 g/t Au, highlights the potential for high-grade zones
at depth, making it a key target for follow-up drilling. Coupled
with the promising earlier rock chip results, the Tambo Gold
Project demonstrates the significant potential within ECR's
portfolio. The structural and geochemical data from this campaign
will play a vital role in advancing our exploration strategy, and
we look forward to updating shareholders as we
Technical Disclosure
All sampling and drilling were
conducted in accordance with industry best practice, and all assays
were performed by an independent, accredited laboratory.
Review of Announcement by Qualified Person
This announcement has been reviewed
by Adam Jones, Chief Geologist at ECR Minerals
Plc. Adam Jones is a professional geologist and is a
Member of the Australian Institute of
Geoscientists (MAIG). He is a qualified person as that term is
defined by the AIM Note for Mining, Oil and Gas
Figure 1: Plan View of
Drilling Locations At Duke Of Cornwall

ECR Minerals
Tel: +44 (0) 1738 317 693
Nick Tulloch, Chairman
Andrew Scott, Director
Capital Limited
Tel: +44 (0) 3328 5656
Nominated Adviser
Nick Naylor / Alex Brearley / Vivek
Axis Capital
Markets Limited
Tel: +44 (0) 203 026
Ben Tadd / Lewis Jones
SI Capital
Tel: +44 (0) 1483 413500
Nick Emerson
Tel: +44 (0) 7976 431608
Public & Investor Relations
Alan Green
Grammes per Tonne
Kilometres (Metric)
Kilometre squared
A deposit of metalliferous ore that
fills a fissure
ECR Minerals is a mineral exploration and
development company. ECR's wholly owned Australian subsidiary
Mercator Gold Australia Pty Ltd ("MGA") has 100% ownership of the
Bailieston and Creswick gold projects in central Victoria,
Australia, has six licence applications outstanding which includes
one licence application lodged in eastern Victoria (Tambo gold
ECR also owns 100% of an Australian subsidiary
LUX Exploration Pty Ltd ("LUX") which has three approved
exploration permits covering 946 km2 over a relatively
unexplored area in Lolworth Range, Queensland, Australia. The
Company has also submitted a license application at Kondaparinga
which is approximately 120km2 in area and located
within the Hodgkinson Gold Province, 80km NW of Mareeba, North
Following the sale of the Avoca, Moormbool and
Timor gold projects in Victoria, Australia to Fosterville South
Exploration Ltd (TSX-V: FSX) and the subsequent spin-out of the
Avoca and Timor projects to Leviathan Gold Ltd (TSX-V: LVX), MGA
has the right to receive up to A$2 million in payments subject to
future resource estimation or production from projects sold to
Fosterville South Exploration Limited.
MGA also has approximately A$75 million of
unutilised tax losses incurred during previous