RNS Number : 9294S 
East Balkan Properties PLC 
20 September 2010 
East Balkan Properties plc ("EBP" / "Company" / "Group"), formerly Equest Balkan 
Properties plc, an Isle of Man registered company for commercial property 
investments in the Balkan region, announces today its results for the period 
ended 30 June 2010. 
Highlights for the Interim period 
·      Net Asset Value per share of Euro 0.41 under IFRS, a decrease of 2% from 
Euro 0.42 per share at 31 December 2009 (30 June 2009: Euro 0.39) 
·      Pre-tax loss of Euro 2.9 million (31 December 2009: Euro 64.7 million 
loss; 30 June 2009: 71.2 million loss) 
·      Total assets, adjusted for minority and associate interests, of Euro 
155.8 million (31 December 2009: Euro 187.1 million) 
·      Total net rental income of Euro 2.3 million (31 December 2009: Euro 6.2 
million; 30 June 2009: Euro 4.4 million) 
·      Group cash balance of Euro 4.7 million (31 December 2009: Euro 6.5 
million; June 2009: Euro 3.0 million) 
·      Total borrowings (secured) of Euro 90.7 million and other (unsecured) 
loans of Euro 2.4 million, resulting in an overall gearing ratio of 61% (31 
December 2009: Euro 114.9 million 65% gearing on value) 
·      Debt restructurings agreed or completed with all major creditors 
involving Euro 90.8 million in mortgage debt 
·      Euro 1.4 million net cash received in June from sale of Elgin BV, owner 
of land assemblage in Old Belgrade (Apollo Project) and transfer of Euro 20.8 
million in related bank debt to new owner 
Post Period Highlights 
·      Glorient BG restructuring finalised in August and the minority position 
held by EBP has defined rights regarding future operations and major financing 
and development decisions 
·      Cost reduction exercise across the Group platform, including a 
consolidation of intermediate holding companies and a rationalisation of service 
provider contracts 
·      Major indemnity claim related to dispute with former property manager of 
City Center Sofia (sold in November 2009) settled for cash payment of Euro 0.1 
million in September 
Commenting on the interim results, James Ede-Golightly, Non-executive Chairman 
of EBP, said: 
"The debt restructuring measures taken by the Company have provided a period of 
funding visibility for the relevant assets and for the Group as a whole. As a 
result of continued weakness in the region during the period, the carrying value 
of certain assets has continued to fall, however this is partially offset by a 
revaluation of the associated debt. 
A cost reduction exercise will be completed before the end of the financial year 
and will help to maximise the financial flexibility. In the absence of an active 
investor market for commercial property in the region, the Board continues to 
evaluate the best strategy for each asset in order to realise shareholder 
For further information please contact: 
IOMA Fund and Investment Management Ltd 
Graham Smith 
Tel: +44 1624 681 250 
Michael Uhler 
Tel: +49 172 183 3194 
Arbuthnot Securities 
Nomad and Broker 
Tel: +44 20 7012 2000 
Hugh Field 
Chairman's Statement 
The Board continues its strategy of stabilising the Group and improving 
profitability, with the ultimate objective of realising value and returning 
capital to shareholders. 
So far this year costs have been rationalised, debt restructurings agreed, and 
the Apollo development site in Belgrade sold. 
These measures have helped to stabilise the Group. However regional market 
conditions have continued to be challenging. Occupancy levels have not recovered 
while the rents and cash collection remain under pressure. We have seen no 
improvement in the availability of financing or investor appetite for commercial 
property in the region. 
In the absence of an active investor market for commercial property that would 
facilitate the sale of assets at acceptable values, the Board continues to 
evaluate alternative strategies to realise value from each asset over the medium 
IFRS NAV is Euro 0.41 per share, a decrease of 2% from Euro 0.42 per share 
reported for 31 December 2009. 
In the six months to 30 June 2010, the Company made a pre tax loss of Euro 2.9 
million (31 December 2009: pre-tax loss of Euro 64.7 million), including a 
revaluation loss of Euro 4.7 million (31 December 2009: revaluation loss Euro 
47.8 million) equating to a basic loss of Euro 0.02 per share (31 December 2009: 
loss Euro 0.45 per share). 
The fall in revenue from 6.9m to 4.9m reflects continued pressure on occupancy, 
rental levels and cash collection although the disposal of income generating 
assets in the previous 12 months has also contributed to this fall. 
In terms of Net Asset Value, as at 30 June 2010, the EBP portfolio totals Euro 
57.5 million of which Euro 34.1 million and Euro 0.9 million is attributable to 
associate minority stakes held in Glorient BG  and IBN SRO respectively, and 
Euro 9.1 million to property holdings in Serbia. The Romanian portfolio 
represents Euro 11.4 million of the portfolio NAV. 
We see no evidence that the commercial property markets in the Balkans are in 
recovery. On the letting side, demand in Bucharest for office and logistics 
premises appears to be stable though at low net absorption levels.  We are 
generally able to replace office and logistic tenants but have not been able to 
bring up occupancy levels consistently, despite some rental concessions. 
The retail market in Bucharest is very weak with demand for retail premises and 
achievable rents at historic lows. We are struggling to maintain occupancy 
levels in our shop spaces at Vitantis and Moldova Mall though our anchor tenants 
continue to report solid sales. Overall, the visitor count to our retail centres 
is off at least 20% from last year and turnover is down by more than 25%. We 
have a strategy to invest capital in very select projects to defend the assets 
and to show our retailers that we are committed to making improvements which 
will attract more shoppers.  Even so, it is hard to justify capital projects 
given current rental levels.  Competition among centres for the few viable 
retailers is fierce. 
We are considering strategic options for Vitantis and Moldova Mall as the annual 
cost of ownership is higher than the cash which can be up streamed from the 
assets. At this time, however, a sale would be unlikely to result in surplus 
cash proceeds above the existing debt levels. 
We are in discussions with our majority partner in Glorient BG regarding options 
for this investment but those talks are still in early stages and may not result 
in agreement. The corporate restructuring of Glorient has been finalised and the 
company has continued to show sound performance. 
Since year end 2009 we have completed one previously announced sale, the 
disposal of the mixed use development site in Old Belgrade (Apollo Project). We 
also have now consolidated the Archway joint venture to regain 100% control over 
three land parcels and one shop space in Serbia. 
EBP is interested in further asset disposals and has begun marketing the 
Romanian and Serbian land plots for sale via third party agents. However, there 
does not appear to be an active investor market for land. 
As agreed in the June 2009 Annual General Meeting, for the interim results the 
properties are valued by the Directors using the same general appraisal 
techniques employed by external valuers and taking into consideration the actual 
and forecast financial performance of the assets as well as market activity in 
the jurisdictions where the assets are owned.  This saves approximately Euro 
75,000 per annum in appraisal fees. 
Overall, the Directors impaired directly held property values by approximately 
10% as compared to the 31 December 2009 values reported by CBRE. 
Given the current valuation and the repayment options available under the 
restructured debt arrangements, Vitantis and Moldova Mall, when combined, show a 
neutral NAV contribution. This will continue until such time as asset 
performance improves. 
Financing / Funding 
All of the Group's Euro 90.7 million of bank debt is non-recourse to the fund 
and secured only by collateral typical for commercial mortgage loans. We have no 
loans in event of default status and are making all interest and amortization 
payments current primarily from asset level cash flow. 
Pursuant to the debt restructurings, the lenders have generally agreed to a 
moratorium on financial covenant testing. As long as interest and amortization 
payments are paid current from asset level cash flow, the debt facilities are 
unlikely to be put into default by the lenders. The loan facility will begin to 
mature at the end of 2012. 
The financial covenants for our facility with Deutsche Pfandbriefbank are in 
technical breach though terms for a restructuring have been signed so there will 
be no event of default status. The Euro 14.9 million loan from Deutsche 
Pfandbriefbank (formerly Hypo Real Estate AG) is still hedged for interest rate 
risk to maturity. At the request of our lenders, we borrowed Euro 4.1 million to 
cancel the swap contracts related to Vitantis and Moldova Mall.  The RZB 
facility secured by Equest Logistic Center has never been hedged. 
At current levels of the 3-month Euribor reference rate, the annual interest 
burden for our floating rate debt is Euro 2.15 million per annum. This would 
increase by Euro 0.84 million per annum for each 100 basis point increase in the 
reference rate. 
Administrative Costs 
Administrative expenses were Euro 1.63 million in the first half of 2010 (30 
June 2009: Euro 3.07 million). This reflects a substantial reduction in fees 
paid for asset management services, consultants, and legal advice. 
Administrative costs are expected to fall further in 2011 as the full benefit of 
the current cost reduction initiatives are reflected in the accounts. We have 
examined all service contracts and renegotiated several to more favourable 
terms.  Many accounting and administrative support contracts were reduced or 
cancelled.  We are incrementally simplifying the corporate structure to further 
reduce costs and complexity. 
Cash Management 
The investment assets do not generate surplus cash to cover fund level expenses. 
This is due in part to declines in operational performance (lower rents, higher 
vacancy) and to restrictions put in place by our lenders to limit cash 
The annual cash requirement for general fund level administrative expenses, 
including asset management fees and consulting fees to the executive staff, can 
be met from existing cash reserves and will be supplemented from asset sales. 
Cash balances were boosted by 1.4 million following the sale of Apollo and as at 
31 August 2010 stand at Euro 4.6 million. Of this amount, Euro 3.4 million is 
available to the Group for general purposes with the balance held at operating 
company levels for scheduled debt service or secured for our lenders in blocked 
The Group continues to adopt a going concern basis for the preparation of these 
interim financial statements. 
The Directors believe the Group will be able to successfully manage its business 
risks for the foreseeable future despite continued challenging economic 
conditions.  After making enquiries and examining major areas which could give 
rise to significant financial exposures, the Board has a reasonable expectation 
that the Company and the Group have adequate resources to continue their 
operations. The Group has primarily mortgage debt facilities secured at the 
local company level and without any performance or payment guarantees from the 
Group.  In the event of a financing default, each lender only has recourse to 
the local company borrower and cannot seek recourse from the Company.  In a 
distress situation, to limit the financial damage to the Group, underperforming 
assets could be released back to the appropriate lender. 
With respect to the Company's cash position, the Board has a reasonable 
expectation that sufficient liquidity will be available to meet ongoing expenses 
from a combination of existing cash reserves, net sales proceeds arising from 
the disposal program and cash flow from normal operations. 
Financial Statements 
Copies of the interim statement are available on the Company's website: 
www.ebp-plc.com and by writing to East Balkan Properties, IOMA House, Hope 
Street, Douglas, Isle of Man IM1 1AP. 
James Ede-Golightly 
Non-executive Chairman 
17 September 2010 
Independent review report to East Balkan Properties PLC 
We have been engaged by the Company to review the financial information in the 
half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2010 which 
comprises the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income, the Consolidated 
Statement of Financial Position, the Consolidated Statement of Changes in 
Equity, the Consolidated Statement of Cashflows and notes 1 to 7. We have read 
the other information contained in the half yearly financial report which 
comprises only the Chairman's Statement and considered whether it contains any 
apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the 
condensed set of financial statements. 
This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with guidance contained 
in ISRE (UK and Ireland) 2410, 'Review of Interim Financial Information 
performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity'. Our review work has been 
undertaken so that we might state to the Company those matters we are required 
to state to them in a review report and for no other purpose. To the fullest 
extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone 
other than the Company, for our review work, for this report, or for the 
conclusion we have formed. 
Directors' responsibilities 
The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved 
by, the Directors. The AIM rules of the London Stock Exchange require that the 
accounting policies and presentation applied to the financial information in the 
half-yearly financial report are consistent with those which will be adopted in 
the annual accounts having regard to the accounting standards applicable for 
such accounts. 
As disclosed in Note 2, the annual financial statements of the Group are 
prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. The 
financial information in the half-yearly financial report has been prepared in 
accordance with the basis of preparation in Note 2. 
Our responsibility 
Our responsibility is to express to the company a conclusion on the financial 
information in the half-yearly financial report based on our review. 
Scope of review 
We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review 
Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, 'Review of Interim Financial Information 
Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity' issued by the Auditing 
Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial 
information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for 
financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review 
procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in 
accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and 
consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware 
of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we 
do not express an audit opinion. 
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe 
that the financial information in the half-yearly financial report for the six 
months ended 30 June 2010 is not prepared, in all material respects, in 
accordance with the basis of accounting described in Note 2. 
Isle of Man 
 16 September 2010 
|                  |               (Unaudited) |                (Unaudited) |                      (Audited) | 
|                  |                           |                            |                                | 
+                  +---------------------------+----------------------------+--------------------------------+ 
|                  |                         1 |                          1 |                              1 | 
|                  |                   January |                    January |                        January | 
|                  |                   2010 to |                    2009 to |                        2009 to | 
|                  |                   30 June |                    30 June |                             31 | 
|                  |                      2010 |                       2009 |                       December | 
|                  |                           |                            |                           2009 | 
|                  |                         EUR |                          EUR |                              EUR | 
|                  |                      '000 |                       '000 |                           '000 | 
|                  |                           |                            |                                | 
| Revenue          |                    4,927  |                     6,935  |                        12,953  | 
|                  |                           |                            |                                | 
| Property         |                   (2,614) |                    (2,492) |                        (6,769) | 
| operating        |                           |                            |                                | 
| expenses         |                           |                            |                                | 
| Net              |                    2,313  |                     4,443  |                         6,184  | 
| rental           |                           |                            |                                | 
| and              |                           |                            |                                | 
| related          |                           |                            |                                | 
| income           |                           |                            |                                | 
|                  |                           |                            |                                | 
| Net              |                   (4,699) |                   (44,760) |                       (47,818) | 
| gain/(loss)      |                           |                            |                                | 
| from fair        |                           |                            |                                | 
| value            |                           |                            |                                | 
| adjustment       |                           |                            |                                | 
| on property      |                           |                            |                                | 
| assets           |                           |                            |                                | 
| Share            |                    2,968  |                   (15,165) |                        (8,158) | 
| of               |                           |                            |                                | 
| profit/(loss)    |                           |                            |                                | 
| from             |                           |                            |                                | 
| associate        |                           |                            |                                | 
| Profit           |                    2,177  |                            |                         7,371  | 
| on               |                           |                          - |                                | 
| sale             |                           |                            |                                | 
| of a             |                           |                            |                                | 
| subsidiary       |                           |                            |                                | 
| Impairment       |                           |                    (1,159) |                        (1,148) | 
| of               |                         - |                            |                                | 
| goodwill         |                           |                            |                                | 
| and              |                           |                            |                                | 
| acquired         |                           |                            |                                | 
| building         |                           |                            |                                | 
| rights           |                           |                            |                                | 
| Administrative   |                   (1,629) |                    (3,073) |                        (9,129) | 
| expenses         |                           |                            |                                | 
| Operating        |                    1,130  |                   (59,714) |                       (52,698) | 
| profit/(loss)    |                           |                            |                                | 
|                  |                           |                            |                                | 
| Finance          |                   20,726  |                       157  |                           589  | 
| income           |                           |                            |                                | 
| Finance          |                  (24,758) |                   (11,683) |                       (12,590) | 
| costs            |                           |                            |                                | 
|                  |                   (4,032) |                   (11,526) |                       (12,001) | 
|                  |                           |                            |                                | 
| Loss             |                   (2,902) |                   (71,240) |                       (64,699) | 
| for              |                           |                            |                                | 
| the              |                           |                            |                                | 
| period           |                           |                            |                                | 
| before           |                           |                            |                                | 
| tax              |                           |                            |                                | 
|                  |                           |                            |                                | 
| Income           |                     (436) |                     1,527  |                         1,884  | 
| tax              |                           |                            |                                | 
| credit/(expense) |                           |                            |                                | 
| Loss             |                   (3,338) |                   (69,713) |                       (62,815) | 
| for              |                           |                            |                                | 
| the              |                           |                            |                                | 
| period           |                           |                            |                                | 
|                  |                           |                            |                                | 
| Other            |                           |                            |                                | 
| comprehensive    |                           |                            |                                | 
| income/(expense) |                           |                            |                                | 
|                  |                           |                            |                                | 
| Fair             |                       88  |                    (1,010) |                        (1,007) | 
| value            |                           |                            |                                | 
| movement         |                           |                            |                                | 
| on               |                           |                            |                                | 
| development      |                           |                            |                                | 
| property         |                           |                            |                                | 
| Realisation      |                           |                            |                         3,936  | 
| of reserves      |                         - |                          - |                                | 
| on sale of       |                           |                            |                                | 
| subsidiary       |                           |                            |                                | 
| Exchange         |                    2,359  |                    (3,843) |                        (8,694) | 
| differences      |                           |                            |                                | 
| on               |                           |                            |                                | 
| translating      |                           |                            |                                | 
| foreign          |                           |                            |                                | 
| operations       |                           |                            |                                | 
| Share            |                      121  |                    (1,327) |                        (1,327) | 
| of               |                           |                            |                                | 
| other            |                           |                            |                                | 
| comprehensive    |                           |                            |                                | 
| income of        |                           |                            |                                | 
| associates       |                           |                            |                                | 
| Reclassification |                           |                    (2,536) |                        (3,383) | 
| of investment    |                         - |                            |                                | 
|                  |                           |                            |                                | 
| Other            |                    2,568  |                    (8,716) |                       (10,475) | 
| comprehensive    |                           |                            |                                | 
| income/(expense) |                           |                            |                                | 
| for the period   |                           |                            |                                | 
|                  |                           |                            |                                | 
| Total            |                     (770) |                   (78,429) |                       (73,290) | 
| comprehensive    |                           |                            |                                | 
| income/(expense) |                           |                            |                                | 
| for the period   |                           |                            |                                | 
|                  |                           |                            |                                | 
| Loss             |                           |                            |                                | 
| attributable     |                           |                            |                                | 
| to               |                           |                            |                                | 
| Owners           |                   (3,338) |                   (68,496) |                       (62,872) | 
| of the           |                           |                            |                                | 
| parent           |                           |                            |                                | 
| Minority         |                           |                    (1,217) |                            57  | 
| interest         |                         - |                            |                                | 
|                  |                   (3,338) |                   (69,713) |                       (62,815) | 
|                  |                           |                            |                                | 
| Total            |                           |                            |                                | 
| comprehensive    |                           |                            |                                | 
| income/(expense) |                           |                            |                                | 
| attributable to  |                           |                            |                                | 
| Owners           |                     (770) |                   (74,001) |                       (70,457) | 
| of the           |                           |                            |                                | 
| parent           |                           |                            |                                | 
| Non-controlling  |                           |                    (4,428) |                        (2,833) | 
| interests        |                         - |                            |                                | 
|                  |                     (770) |                   (78,429) |                       (73,290) | 
|                  |                           |                            |                                | 
| Loss             |                    (0.02) |                     (0.49) |                         (0.45) | 
| per              |                           |                            |                                | 
| share            |                           |                            |                                | 
| -                |                           |                            |                                | 
| basic            |                           |                            |                                | 
| and              |                           |                            |                                | 
| diluted          |                           |                            |                                | 
The notes below are an integral part of these interim financial statements 
|              |               (Unaudited) |               (Unaudited) |                    (Audited) | 
|              |                           |                           |                              | 
|              |                        30 |                        30 |                           31 | 
|              |                      June |                      June |                     December | 
|              |                      2010 |                      2009 |                         2009 | 
|              |                         EUR |                         EUR |                            EUR | 
|              |                      '000 |                      '000 |                         '000 | 
| ASSETS       |                           |                           |                              | 
| Non-current  |                           |                           |                              | 
| assets       |                           |                           |                              | 
| Investment   |                   101,630 |                   114,456 |                      112,390 | 
| property     |                           |                           |                              | 
| Acquired     |                        -  |                       500 |                           -  | 
| building     |                           |                           |                              | 
| rights       |                           |                           |                              | 
| Development  |                     2,740 |                    28,000 |                       24,502 | 
| property     |                           |                           |                              | 
| Other        |                       259 |                       314 |                          302 | 
| property,    |                           |                           |                              | 
| plant and    |                           |                           |                              | 
| equipment    |                           |                           |                              | 
| Investment   |                    23,925 |                    31,356 |                       20,836 | 
| in           |                           |                           |                              | 
| associates   |                           |                           |                              | 
| Loans        |                    11,639 |                     1,000 |                       11,519 | 
| and          |                           |                           |                              | 
| receivables  |                           |                           |                              | 
| Deferred     |                       359 |                       609 |                          810 | 
| income       |                           |                           |                              | 
| tax          |                           |                           |                              | 
| assets       |                           |                           |                              | 
|              |                   140,552 |                   176,235 |                      170,359 | 
| Current      |                           |                           |                              | 
| assets       |                           |                           |                              | 
| Loan         |                       830 |                        61 |                          600 | 
| receivables  |                           |                           |                              | 
| Trade        |                     5,478 |                    10,293 |                        5,444 | 
| and          |                           |                           |                              | 
| other        |                           |                           |                              | 
| receivables  |                           |                           |                              | 
| Inventory    |                     4,200 |                        -  |                        4,194 | 
| - Land       |                           |                           |                              | 
| held for     |                           |                           |                              | 
| sale         |                           |                           |                              | 
| Cash         |                     4,718 |                     3,029 |                        6,543 | 
| and          |                           |                           |                              | 
| cash         |                           |                           |                              | 
| equivalents  |                           |                           |                              | 
|              |                    15,226 |                    13,383 |                       16,781 | 
|              |                           |                           |                              | 
| Total        |                  155,778  |                  189,618  |                     187,140  | 
| assets       |                           |                           |                              | 
|              |                           |                           |                              | 
| EQUITY       |                           |                           |                              | 
| Share        |                    1,400  |                    1,400  |                       1,400  | 
| capital      |                           |                           |                              | 
| Retained     |                   71,313  |                   69,027  |                      74,651  | 
| earnings     |                           |                           |                              | 
| Translation  |                  (15,230) |                  (15,902) |                     (17,589) | 
| reserve      |                           |                           |                              | 
| Revaluation  |                      (29) |                      155  |                        (238) | 
| reserve      |                           |                           |                              | 
| Total        |                   57,454  |                   54,680  |                      58,224  | 
| equity       |                           |                           |                              | 
| attributable |                           |                           |                              | 
| to equity    |                           |                           |                              | 
| holders of   |                           |                           |                              | 
| the parent   |                           |                           |                              | 
| company      |                           |                           |                              | 
+              +---------------------------+---------------------------+------------------------------+ 
|              |                           |                           |                              | 
| Minority     |                           |                   (1,595) |                              | 
| interest     |                         - |                           |                            - | 
| Total        |                   57,454  |                   53,085  |                      58,224  | 
| equity       |                           |                           |                              | 
|              |                           |                           |                              | 
| LIABILITIES  |                           |                           |                              | 
| Non-current  |                           |                           |                              | 
| liabilities  |                           |                           |                              | 
| Bank         |                   86,506  |                   55,612  |                      34,129  | 
| borrowings   |                           |                           |                              | 
| Deferred     |                           |                      176  |                              | 
| income       |                         - |                           |                            - | 
| tax          |                           |                           |                              | 
| liabilities  |                           |                           |                              | 
| Deposits     |                      313  |                      270  |                         250  | 
| Other        |                    2,411  |                    2,667  |                       1,677  | 
| long         |                           |                           |                              | 
| term         |                           |                           |                              | 
| loans        |                           |                           |                              | 
| Other        |                           |                      221  |                       2,315  | 
| non-current  |                         - |                           |                              | 
| liabilities  |                           |                           |                              | 
|              |                   89,230  |                   58,946  |                      38,371  | 
|              |                           |                           |                              | 
| Current      |                           |                           |                              | 
| liabilities  |                           |                           |                              | 
| Trade        |                    3,758  |                    9,017  |                       8,491  | 
| and          |                           |                           |                              | 
| other        |                           |                           |                              | 
| payables     |                           |                           |                              | 
| Interest     |                    1,118  |                           |                       5,074  | 
| rates        |                           |                         - |                              | 
| swaps        |                           |                           |                              | 
| Bank         |                    4,218  |                   58,765  |                      76,779  | 
| borrowings   |                           |                           |                              | 
| Other        |                           |                    9,805  |                         201  | 
| short        |                         - |                           |                              | 
| term         |                           |                           |                              | 
| loans        |                           |                           |                              | 
|              |                    9,094  |                   77,587  |                      90,545  | 
|              |                           |                           |                              | 
| Total        |                   98,324  |                  136,533  |                     128,916  | 
| liabilities  |                           |                           |                              | 
|              |                           |                           |                              | 
| Net          |                  155,778  |                  189,618  |                     187,140  | 
| equity       |                           |                           |                              | 
| and          |                           |                           |                              | 
| liabilities  |                           |                           |                              | 
The financial statements below were approved and authorised for issue by the 
Board of Directors on 17 
 September 2010 and were signed on their behalf by: 
Graham Smith 
The notes below are an integral part of these interim financial statements 
|                   |            Share |            Retained |            Translation |        Revaluation |                   Total |          Minority |                   Total | 
|                   |          Capital |            Earnings |                Reserve |            Reserve |                         |          Interest |                  Equity | 
|                   |           EUR '000 |              EUR '000 |                 EUR '000 |             EUR '000 |                  EUR '000 |            EUR '000 |                  EUR '000 | 
|                   |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Balance           |           1,400  |            137,523  |               (12,395) |             2,153  |                128,681  |            2,833  |                131,514  | 
| at 1              |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| January           |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| 2009              |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Loss              |                  |            (68,496) |                        |                    |                (68,496) |           (1,217) |                (69,713) | 
| for               |                - |                     |                      - |                  - |                         |                   |                         | 
| the               |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| period            |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Other             |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| comprehensive     |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| income:           |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Fair              |                  |                     |                        |              (699) |                   (699) |             (311) |                 (1,010) | 
| value             |                - |                   - |                      - |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| movement          |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| on                |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| development       |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| property          |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Exchange          |                  |                     |                (3,507) |                28  |                 (3,479) |             (364) |                 (3,843) | 
| differences       |                - |                   - |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| on                |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| translating       |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| foreign           |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| operations        |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Deferred          |                  |                     |                        |            (1,327) |                 (1,327) |                   |                 (1,327) | 
| tax               |                - |                   - |                      - |                    |                         |                 - |                         | 
| Reclassification  |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |           (2,536) |                 (2,536) | 
| of investment     |                - |                   - |                      - |                  - |                       - |                   |                         | 
| Total             |                  |            (68,496) |                (3,507) |            (1,998) |                (74,001) |           (4,428) |                (78,429) | 
| comprehensive     |                - |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| income/(expenses) |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
|                   |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Balance           |           1,400  |             69,027  |               (15,902) |               155  |                 54,680  |           (1,595) |                 53,085  | 
| at 30             |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| June              |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| 2009              |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
|                   |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Balance           |           1,400  |            137,523  |               (12,395) |             2,153  |                128,681  |            2,833  |                131,514  | 
| at 1              |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| January           |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| 2009              |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Loss              |                  |            (62,872) |                        |                    |                (62,872) |               57  |                (62,815) | 
| for               |                - |                     |                      - |                  - |                         |                   |                         | 
| the               |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| year              |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Other             |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| comprehensive     |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| income:           |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Fair              |                  |                     |                        |            (1,007) |                 (1,007) |                   |                 (1,007) | 
| value             |                - |                   - |                      - |                    |                         |                 - |                         | 
| movement          |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| on                |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| development       |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| property          |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Realisation       |                  |                     |                 3,936  |                    |                  3,936  |                   |                  3,936  | 
| of reserves       |                - |                   - |                        |                  - |                         |                 - |                         | 
| on sale of        |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| subsidiary        |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Exchange          |                  |                     |                (9,130) |               (57) |                 (9,187) |              493  |                 (8,694) | 
| differences       |                - |                   - |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| on                |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| translating       |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| foreign           |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| operations        |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Share             |                  |                     |                        |            (1,327) |                 (1,327) |                   |                 (1,327) | 
| of                |                - |                   - |                      - |                    |                         |                 - |                         | 
| other             |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| comprehensive     |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| income of         |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| associates        |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Reclassification  |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |           (3,383) |                 (3,383) | 
| of investment     |                - |                   - |                      - |                  - |                       - |                   |                         | 
| Total             |                  |            (62,872) |                (5,194) |            (2,391) |                (70,457) |           (2,833) |                (73,290) | 
| comprehensive     |                - |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| income/(expenses) |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
|                   |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Balance           |           1,400  |             74,651  |               (17,589) |              (238) |                 58,224  |                   |                 58,224  | 
| at 31             |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                 - |                         | 
| December          |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| 2009              |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Loss              |                  |             (3,338) |                        |                    |                 (3,338) |                   |                 (3,338) | 
| for               |                - |                     |                      - |                  - |                         |                 - |                         | 
| the               |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| period            |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Other             |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| comprehensive     |                  |                     |                        |                    |                       - |                 - |                         | 
| income:           |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Fair              |                  |                     |                        |                88  |                     88  |                   |                     88  | 
| value             |                - |                   - |                      - |                    |                         |                 - |                         | 
| movement          |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| on                |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| development       |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| property          |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Exchange          |                  |                     |                 2,359  |                    |                  2,359  |                   |                  2,359  | 
| differences       |                - |                   - |                        |                  - |                         |                 - |                         | 
| on                |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| translating       |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| foreign           |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| operations        |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Share             |                  |                     |                        |               121  |                    121  |                   |                    121  | 
| of                |                - |                   - |                      - |                    |                         |                 - |                         | 
| other             |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| comprehensive     |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| income of         |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| associates        |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Total             |                  |             (3,338) |                 2,359  |               209  |                   (770) |                   |                   (770) | 
| comprehensive     |                - |                     |                        |                    |                         |                 - |                         | 
| income/(expenses) |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
|                   |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| Balance           |           1,400  |             71,313  |               (15,230) |               (29) |                 57,454  |                   |                 57,454  | 
| at 30             |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                 - |                         | 
| June              |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
| 2010              |                  |                     |                        |                    |                         |                   |                         | 
The notes below are an integral part of these interim financial statements 
|                     |        (Unaudited) |     (Unaudited) |          (Audited) | 
|                     |                    |                 |                    | 
|                     |                  1 |               1 |                  1 | 
|                     |            January |         January |            January | 
|                     |            2010 to |         2009 to |            2009 to | 
|                     |            30 June |         30 June |                 31 | 
|                     |               2010 |            2009 |           December | 
|                     |                    |                 |               2009 | 
|                     |  EUR'000             |  EUR'000          |  EUR'000             | 
|                     |                    |                 |                    | 
| Loss                |            (2,902) |        (71,240) |           (64,699) | 
| before              |                    |                 |                    | 
| tax                 |                    |                 |                    | 
| for                 |                    |                 |                    | 
| the                 |                    |                 |                    | 
| period              |                    |                 |                    | 
| Adjustments         |                    |                 |                    | 
| for:                |                    |                 |                    | 
| -                   |            (2,968) |         15,165  |             8,158  | 
| share               |                    |                 |                    | 
| of                  |                    |                 |                    | 
| (profit)/loss       |                    |                 |                    | 
| in associate        |                    |                 |                    | 
| - net               |             4,699  |         44,760  |            47,571  | 
| loss                |                    |                 |                    | 
| from                |                    |                 |                    | 
| fair                |                    |                 |                    | 
| value               |                    |                 |                    | 
| adjustment          |                    |                 |                    | 
| on                  |                    |                 |                    | 
| property            |                    |                 |                    | 
| assets              |                    |                 |                    | 
| -                   |           (20,726) |            (40) |              (588) | 
| finance             |                    |                 |                    | 
| income              |                    |                 |                    | 
| -                   |            16,397  |          3,869  |             7,695  | 
| finance             |                    |                 |                    | 
| costs               |                    |                 |                    | 
| -                   |             8,713  |          6,532  |             2,019  | 
| foreign             |                    |                 |                    | 
| exchange            |                    |                 |                    | 
| loss                |                    |                 |                    | 
| -                   |            (2,177) |                 |            (7,371) | 
| (profit)/loss       |                    |               - |                    | 
| on sale of          |                    |                 |                    | 
| subsidiaries        |                    |                 |                    | 
| -                   |                37  |             30  |                64  | 
| depreciation        |                    |                 |                    | 
| of property,        |                    |                 |                    | 
| plant and           |                    |                 |                    | 
| equipment           |                    |                 |                    | 
| -                   |                    |                 |             1,151  | 
| goodwill            |                  - |               - |                    | 
| impairment          |                    |                 |                    | 
| -                   |                    |          1,159  |                 -  | 
| impairment          |                  - |                 |                    | 
| of                  |                    |                 |                    | 
| acquired            |                    |                 |                    | 
| building            |                    |                 |                    | 
| rights              |                    |                 |                    | 
| -                   |                    |                 |             2,313  | 
| impairment          |                  - |               - |                    | 
| of loans            |                    |                 |                    | 
| -                   |              (353) |          1,056  |             3,075  | 
| fair                |                    |                 |                    | 
| value               |                    |                 |                    | 
| movement            |                    |                 |                    | 
| on                  |                    |                 |                    | 
| interest            |                    |                 |                    | 
| rate                |                    |                 |                    | 
| swaps               |                    |                 |                    | 
| -                   |                    |             38  |                    | 
| other               |                  - |                 |                  - | 
| provisions          |                    |                 |                    | 
|                     |                    |                 |                    | 
| Changes             |                    |                 |                    | 
| in                  |                    |                 |                    | 
| working             |                    |                 |                    | 
| capital:            |                    |                 |                    | 
| -                   |              (499) |           (358) |               576  | 
| decrease            |                    |                 |                    | 
| in                  |                    |                 |                    | 
| receivables         |                    |                 |                    | 
| -                   |              (443) |         (1,873) |              (697) | 
| increase            |                    |                 |                    | 
| in                  |                    |                 |                    | 
| payables            |                    |                 |                    | 
|                     |                    |                 |                    | 
|                     |              (222) |           (902) |              (733) | 
|                     |                    |                 |                    | 
| Finance             |            (3,506) |         (3,481) |            (6,218) | 
| costs               |                    |                 |                    | 
| paid                |                    |                 |                    | 
| Tax                 |              (128) |                 |                 9  | 
| paid                |                    |               - |                    | 
|                     |                    |                 |                    | 
| Net                 |            (3,856) |         (4,383) |            (6,942) | 
| cash                |                    |                 |                    | 
| outflow             |                    |                 |                    | 
| from                |                    |                 |                    | 
| operating           |                    |                 |                    | 
| activities          |                    |                 |                    | 
| Cash                |                    |                 |                    | 
| flow                |                    |                 |                    | 
| from                |                    |                 |                    | 
| investing           |                    |                 |                    | 
| activities          |                    |                 |                    | 
| Proceeds            |             1,400  |                 |             5,972  | 
| on sale             |                    |               - |                    | 
| of                  |                    |                 |                    | 
| subsidiaries        |                    |                 |                    | 
| Capital             |                    |                 |             6,555  | 
| contribution        |                  - |               - |                    | 
| from                |                    |                 |                    | 
| associate           |                    |                 |                    | 
| Additions           |              (100) |         (1,935) |            (2,414) | 
| to                  |                    |                 |                    | 
| investment          |                    |                 |                    | 
| property            |                    |                 |                    | 
| Proceeds            |                 -  |                 |                 -  | 
| on sale             |                    |               - |                    | 
| of                  |                    |                 |                    | 
| investment          |                    |                 |                    | 
| property            |                    |                 |                    | 
| Additions           |                    |         (3,029) |            (1,600) | 
| to                  |                  - |                 |                    | 
| development         |                    |                 |                    | 
| property            |                    |                 |                    | 
| Purchase            |                    |           (156) |              (178) | 
| of other            |                  - |                 |                    | 
| property,           |                    |                 |                    | 
| plant and           |                    |                 |                    | 
| equipment           |                    |                 |                    | 
| Acquisition         |               (12) |                 |                    | 
| of                  |                    |               - |                  - | 
| subsidiaries,       |                    |                 |                    | 
| net of cash         |                    |                 |                    | 
| acquired            |                    |                 |                    | 
| Interest            |                28  |            115  |               547  | 
| received            |                    |                 |                    | 
| Net                 |             1,316  |         (5,005) |             8,882  | 
| cash                |                    |                 |                    | 
| inflow              |                    |                 |                    | 
| /(outflow)          |                    |                 |                    | 
| from                |                    |                 |                    | 
| investing           |                    |                 |                    | 
| activities          |                    |                 |                    | 
| Cash                |                    |                 |                    | 
| flows               |                    |                 |                    | 
| from                |                    |                 |                    | 
| financing           |                    |                 |                    | 
| activities          |                    |                 |                    | 
| Repayment           |              (822) |          1,214  |           (14,404) | 
| of                  |                    |                 |                    | 
| borrowings          |                    |                 |                    | 
| Loans               |                    |           (177) |                 -  | 
| advanced            |                  - |                 |                    | 
| Swap                |            (3,628) |                 |                    | 
| settlements         |                    |               - |                  - | 
| Proceeds            |             5,118  |         (3,631) |             3,500  | 
| from                |                    |                 |                    | 
| borrowing           |                    |                 |                    | 
| and other           |                    |                 |                    | 
| loans               |                    |                 |                    | 
| Net                 |               668  |         (2,594) |           (10,904) | 
| cash                |                    |                 |                    | 
| inflow/(outflow)    |                    |                 |                    | 
| from financing      |                    |                 |                    | 
| activities          |                    |                 |                    | 
| Net                 |            (1,872) |        (11,982) |            (8,964) | 
| (decrease)/increase |                    |                 |                    | 
| in cash & cash      |                    |                 |                    | 
| equivalents         |                    |                 |                    | 
|                     |             6,543  |         15,530  |            15,530  | 
+---------------------+                    +                 +                    + 
| Cash &              |                    |                 |                    | 
| cash                |                    |                 |                    | 
| equivalents         |                    |                 |                    | 
| at                  |                    |                 |                    | 
| beginning           |                    |                 |                    | 
| of year             |                    |                 |                    | 
| Foreign             |                47  |           (519) |               (23) | 
| exchange            |                    |                 |                    | 
| gains/(losses)      |                    |                 |                    | 
| on cash and         |                    |                 |                    | 
| cash                |                    |                 |                    | 
| equivalents         |                    |                 |                    | 
| Cash &              |             4,718  |          3,029  |             6,543  | 
| cash                |                    |                 |                    | 
| equivalents         |                    |                 |                    | 
| at end of           |                    |                 |                    | 
| year                |                    |                 |                    | 
The notes below are an integral part of these interim financial statements 
1.   General information 
East Balkan Properties plc ("the Company") and its subsidiaries (together "the 
Group"), formerly Equest Balkan Properties plc, are a property group with a 
portfolio of development property and investment property assets in South East 
2.   Basis of preparation 
This financial information has been prepared in accordance with the recognition 
and measurement criteria of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 
as adopted by the European Union and IFRIC Interpretations. The financial 
information has been prepared under the historical cost convention. The annual 
financial statements are prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the 
European Union. 
Except as described below, the accounting policies applied by the Group in these 
interim consolidated financial statements are the same as those applied by the 
Group in its consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 
December 2009. 
Change in accounting policy 
IFRS 3 Business Combinations (Revised) and IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate 
Financial Statements (Amended) 
The Group adopted the revised standards from 1 January 2010. IFRS 3 (Revised) 
introduces significant changes in the accounting for business combinations 
occurring after this date. Changes affect the valuation of non-controlling 
interest, the accounting for transaction costs, the initial recognition and 
subsequent measurement of a contingent consideration and business combinations 
achieved in stages. These changes impact the amount of goodwill recognised the 
reported results in the period that an acquisition occurs and future reported 
results. IAS 27 (Amended) requires that a change in the ownership interest of a 
subsidiary (without loss of control) is accounted for as a transaction with 
owners in their capacity as owners. Therefore, such transactions no longer give 
rise to goodwill, nor give rise to a gain or loss. 
Furthermore, the amended standard changes the accounting for losses incurred by 
the subsidiary as well as the loss of control of a subsidiary. The changes 
required by IFRS 3 (Revised) and IAS 27 (Amended) will affect future 
acquisitions or loss of control of subsidiaries and transactions with 
non-controlling interests. The change in accounting policy was applied 
prospectively and had no material impact on earnings per share or the results 
for the period ended 30 June 2010. 
Critical accounting estimates and assumptions 
The preparation of condensed consolidated interim financial statements in 
conformity with IFRSs requires management to make judgements, estimates and 
assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and reported 
amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses. The estimates and 
associated assumptions are based on historical experience and various other 
factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results 
for which form the basis of making the judgements about carrying values of 
assets and liabilities that are not readily available from other sources. Actual 
results may differ from these estimates. 
The principal risks and uncertainties are consistent with those disclosed in 
preparation of the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 
December 2009. 
3. Loss per share 
The basic loss per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the net loss 
attributable to the ordinary shareholders of the Company by the weighted average 
number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. 
|              |        |                     1 |                  1 |                   1 | 
|              |        |               January |            January |             January | 
|              |        |               2010 to |            2009 to |             2009 to | 
|              |        |               30 June |            30 June |                  31 | 
|              |        |                  2010 |               2009 |            December | 
|              |        |                       |                    |                2009 | 
|              |        |                 EUR'000 |              EUR'000 |               EUR'000 | 
| Loss         |        |               (3,338) |           (68,496) |            (62,872) | 
| attributable |        |                       |                    |                     | 
| to owners of |        |                       |                    |                     | 
| parent       |        |                       |                    |                     | 
| Weighted     |        |               140,000 |            140,000 |             140,000 | 
| average      |        |                       |                    |                     | 
| number       |        |                       |                    |                     | 
| of           |        |                       |                    |                     | 
| ordinary     |        |                       |                    |                     | 
| shares       |        |                       |                    |                     | 
| in issue     |        |                       |                    |                     | 
|              |        |                       |                    |                     | 
| Basic        |        |                (0.02) |             (0.49) |              (0.45) | 
| loss         |        |                       |                    |                     | 
| per          |        |                       |                    |                     | 
| share        |        |                       |                    |                     | 
The Company has no dilutive potential ordinary shares; the diluted loss per 
share is the same as the basic loss per share. 
4. Profit or loss on sale of investments 
As announced on 16 June 2010, the Company completed the agreement for the sale 
of its wholly owned subsidiary, Elgin BV, the owner of Apollo, the Company's 
mixed use development site in Belgrade, to Sunville Corporation NV. 
Under the terms of the agreement, the buyer assumed approximately Euro 20.8 
million in existing financing held by Hypo Alpe-Adria Bank and paid cash of Euro 
1.4 million. 
| 1 January 2010 to 30 June 2010                                                  |           Apollo Group | Aurora BV / Archway BV |                 Other |                 Total | 
|                                                                                 |                  EUR'000 |                  EUR'000 |                 EUR'000 |                 EUR'000 | 
| Proceeds                                                                        |                 1,400  |                      - |                   15  |                1,415  | 
| Net assets                                                                      |                (1,635) |                      - |                  (56) |               (1,691) | 
| Realisation of translation reserve                                              |                   582  |                      - |                     - |                  582  | 
| Costs of sale                                                                   |                  (299) |                      - |                     - |                 (299) | 
| Adjustment to profit in respect of prior period disposal                        |                      - |                 2,170  |                     - |                2,170  | 
|                                                                                 |                        |                        |                       |                       | 
| Profit/(loss) on sale of subsidiaries                                           |                    48  |                 2,170  |                  (41) |                2,177  | 
|                                                                                 |                        |                        |                       |                       | 
| 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2009                                              |         Elan BCS Dooel | Aurora BV / Archway BV |                 Other |                 Total | 
|                                                                                 |                  EUR'000 |                  EUR'000 |                 EUR'000 |                 EUR'000 | 
| Proceeds                                                                        |                 5,649  |                      - |                  323  |                5,972  | 
| Net assets                                                                      |                (5,824) |                      - |                 (375) |               (6,199) | 
| Realisation of translation reserve                                              |                    51  |                      - |               (3,051) |               (3,000) | 
| Costs of sale                                                                   |                      - |                      - |                 (328) |                 (328) | 
| Net credit in the period in respect of completion of Archway/Aurora transaction |                      - |                10,926  |                     - |               10,926  | 
|                                                                                 |                        |                        |                       |                       | 
| Profit/(loss) on sale of subsidiaries                                           |                  (124) |                10,926  |               (3,431) |                7,371  | 
5. Administration expenses 
|                |        |                    1 |       1 |        1 | 
|                |        |              January | January |  January | 
|                |        |              2010 to | 2009 to |  2009 to | 
|                |        |              30 June | 30 June |       31 | 
|                |        |                 2010 |    2009 | December | 
|                |        |                      |         |     2009 | 
|                |        |                EUR'000 |   EUR'000 |    EUR'000 | 
|                |        |                      |         |          | 
| Audit          |        |                 102  |     102 |      205 | 
| fees           |        |                      |         |          | 
| and            |        |                      |         |          | 
| other          |        |                      |         |          | 
| Management     |        |                 378  |   1,641 |    3,283 | 
| fees           |        |                      |         |          | 
| Other          |        |                 572  |     699 |    1,423 | 
| professional   |        |                      |         |          | 
| expenses       |        |                      |         |          | 
| Directors'     |        |                 118  |      89 |      179 | 
| fees           |        |                      |         |          | 
| Bad            |        |                 369  |      46 |    3,075 | 
| debts          |        |                      |         |          | 
| Other          |        |                  90  |     495 |      964 | 
| administration |        |                      |         |          | 
| expenses       |        |                      |         |          | 
|                |        |                      |         |          | 
| Total          |        |                1,629 |   3,073 |    9,129 | 
6. Property assets 
Fair values of the Group's property assets are determined by the Directors. At 
30 June 2010 and 30 June 2009 Directors' valuations were based on their best 
estimate of market value. At 31 December 2009 Directors' valuations were based 
on valuations prepared for each individual property asset by independent 
professionally qualified valuers CB Richard Ellis. 
The carrying value and fair value of the Group's property assets in the balance 
sheet are summarised as follows: 
|             |        |    30    |    30    |       31 | 
|             |        |  June    |  June    | December | 
|             |        |  2010    |  2009    |     2009 | 
|             |        |    EUR'000 |    EUR'000 |    EUR'000 | 
|             |        |          |          |          | 
| Investment  |        | 101,630  | 114,456  | 112,390  | 
| property    |        |          |          |          | 
| Acquired    |        |        - |     500  |        - | 
| building    |        |          |          |          | 
| rights      |        |          |          |          | 
| Development |        |   2,740  |        - |  24,502  | 
| property    |        |          |          |          | 
| Inventory   |        |   4,200  |  28,000  |   4,194  | 
| - Land      |        |          |          |          | 
| held for    |        |          |          |          | 
| sale        |        |          |          |          | 
|             |        |          |          |          | 
|             |        |  108,570 |  142,956 |  141,086 | 
At 30 June 2010 the Group holds two investments that are accounted for as 
associates: Glorient BG and IBN SRO. The investment in IBN SRO was provided 
against in full. The Group's share of net assets of Glorient at 30 June 2010 is 
Euro 23.4 million (31 December 2009: Euro 20.3 million) which represents 40% of 
Glorient. In addition, the investments in associates include a Euro 0.5 million 
interest in the residual balances of Forum Serdika Coop, the holding company of 
Forum Serdika which was sold in 2009. 
At 30 June 2010, the Group also held Euro 11.6 million as loan receivables from 
associates. These loans are unsecured. 
7. Net assets value per share 
|                      |          |       30 |       30 |       31 | 
|                      |          |     June |     June | December | 
|                      |          |     2010 |     2009 |     2009 | 
|                      |          |    EUR'000 |    EUR'000 |    EUR'000 | 
|                      |          |          |          |          | 
| Net assets           |          |  57,454  |   54,680 |   58,224 | 
| attributable to      |          |          |          |          | 
| owners of the parent |          |          |          |          | 
| Number of ordinary   |          | 140,000  | 140,000  | 140,000  | 
| shares outstanding   |          |          |          |          | 
| at 30 June 2010      |          |          |          |          | 
|                      |          |          |          |          | 
| Net Asset Value      |          |    EUR0.41 |    EUR0.39 |    EUR0.42 | 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

Equest Balkan Properties (LSE:EBP)
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Equest Balkan Properties (LSE:EBP)
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