RNS Number:5277Z
Benfield Group Limited
09 March 2006

                             BENFIELD GROUP LIMITED

           Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2005

Benfield Group Limited ("Benfield" or "the Group"), the reinsurance and risk
intermediary, today announces its preliminary results for the year ended 31
December 2005.

Financial Highlights

  * Group revenue increased 6.8% to #324.1m (2004: #303.5m(1) ) - at constant
    rates of exchange(2) revenue increased by 8.7%.
  * Group trading result(3) decreased by 26.7% to #63.3m (2004: #86.3m(1) ) -
    at constant rates of exchange(2)  the trading result decreased by 19.5%.
  * Group trading margin(4) decreased to 19.5% (2004: 28.4%(1) ).
  * Profit before tax decreased to #53.8m (2004: #57.9m(1) ).
  * Profit for the financial year increased to #34.9m (2004: #31.1m(1) ).
  * Basic earnings per share increased to 15.53p (2004: 13.44p(1) ).
  * Diluted earnings per share increased to 14.12p (2004: 12.49p(1) ).
  * 12m shares (#31.7m) have been bought back by Benfield since September
  * Final dividend 7p per share (2004: 7p).

(1) 2004 comparatives have been restated to reflect the adoption of
International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS").

(2) Constant rates of exchange assume conversion of 2005 results at the exchange
rates achieved in 2004.

(3) Trading result comprises operating profit from continuing operations before
goodwill impairment, depreciation of tangible fixed assets and exceptional items
(see note 5).

(4) Trading margin represents trading result as a percentage of revenue.

Operational Highlights

  * Reinsurance intermediary business benefiting from increased demand for
    catastrophe expertise.
  * Successful investment of #23.6m to capture Group growth opportunities.
  * New hires in reinsurance significantly enhance capabilities.
  * Strong start for Benfield Corporate Risk: on target for growth and margin

Grahame Chilton, Chief Executive of Benfield, commented:  "2005 presented some
tremendous opportunities for Benfield.  As expected, our 2005 result was
affected by planned investment in our new insurance broking business, Benfield
Corporate Risk, and in further strengthening our core reinsurance business. I am
delighted with the initial performance of Benfield Corporate Risk which already
has an impressive customer roster and is on target to meet its revenue and
margin goals, while the core reinsurance business has been successful in
attracting new talent.  Last year's devastating hurricane losses offered an
opportunity for us to demonstrate Benfield's ability to perform in challenging
market conditions on distribution and claims servicing as well as accessing the
capital markets to create capacity. We continue to see increased demand for our
expertise in these areas.  Benfield is extremely well positioned in current
market conditions and we remain confident that our recent investments have
significantly enhanced the Group's prospects for longer term growth."

Trading Results

                                                                      2005             2004           Growth
                                                                        #m               #m                %
       International                                                 163.9            157.8             3.9%
       US                                                            134.4            121.4            10.7%
       Benfield Corporate Risk                                        11.4             10.6             7.5%
       Corporate Investment Group                                     13.4             13.5           (0.7%)
       Group Services                                                  1.0              0.2              n/a
Total revenue                                                        324.1            303.5             6.8%

Trading result
       International                                                  32.6             50.6          (35.6%)
       US                                                             50.0             49.7             0.6%
       Benfield Corporate Risk                                       (9.6)            (0.1)              n/a
       Corporate Investment Group                                    (0.9)            (3.6)              n/a
       Group Services                                                (8.8)           (10.3)              n/a
Total trading result                                                  63.3             86.3          (26.7%)

Trading margin
       International                                                 19.9%            32.1%
       US                                                            37.2%            40.9%
       Benfield Corporate Risk                                         n/a              n/a
       Group                                                         19.5%            28.4%


Grahame Chilton, Chief Executive        Benfield            +44 (0) 20 7578 7000
John Whiter, Chief Financial Officer    Benfield            +44 (0) 20 7578 7000

Analysts & Investors

Julianne Jessup                         Benfield            +44 (0) 20 7578 7425
Rob Bailhache                           Financial Dynamics  +44 (0) 20 7269 7200


David Bogg                              Benfield            +44 (0) 20 7522 4016
Peter Rigby/David Haggie                Haggie Financial    +44 (0) 20 7417 8989

Benfield is the world's leading specialist reinsurance intermediary and risk
advisory business.  Its customers include most of the world's major insurance
and reinsurance companies as well as Government entities and global
corporations.  Benfield employs over 1,800 people based in more than 30
locations worldwide.  The company is listed on the London Stock Exchange under
the ticker symbol BFD. For further information please go to


Two influences dominated the trading environment for insurance and reinsurance
brokers during 2005. These were the continued impact of the investigations into
the industry by the New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, first announced in
October 2004, and Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma which, in addition to their
tragic human toll, generated insured losses expected currently estimated at

The impact of the New York Attorney General's investigations into the industry
in 2005 was wide-ranging. Loss of the additional fees earned by some brokers
under contingent fee agreements led to sustained pressure on margins in the
industry. Following these investigations, as Benfield did not have such fees,
there was no such impact on the Group, but Benfield benefited from a temporary
easing of upward pressure on people costs and increased opportunities to acquire
high quality people. To capture these opportunities, in June 2005 Benfield
announced a strategic investment in further strengthening its reinsurance
business, mainly through selective recruitment in areas targeted for growth.

Trading conditions in the first half of 2005 were difficult in the US as the
market absorbed the implications of the regulator's actions. In the second half,
as expected, the US Division benefited from a greater number of new business
opportunities.  In other territories, such as the UK, many reinsurance buyers
re-appraised their broker relationships in the light of the greater regulatory
scrutiny and this too created new opportunities for Benfield.

A second successive year of record catastrophe losses materially affected the
January 2006 renewals.  The previously downward trend in reinsurance rates
generally stabilised and there were substantial rate increases for loss affected
areas, although competition was still evident for certain non loss affected
business, particularly in Europe. Underlying demand for reinsurance was strong,
partly due to higher levels of modelled exposure driving increased regulatory
and rating agency capital requirements. However, buyers sought to manage costs
as well as to secure the most appropriate reinsurance protection. Benfield
expects that the full impact of the unprecedented losses of 2004 and 2005, like
that of previous major losses, will emerge over the next 12 to 18 months.

More than US$20bn of new capital entered the reinsurance market towards the end
of 2005, although mostly too late to have a significant impact on year end
renewals. Once again Benfield played a significant role in bringing new capacity
to the market. Benfield Advisory acted as advisor to a new Bermudian reinsurer,
Lancashire Holdings Limited, and also facilitated substantial direct capital
market involvement in underwriting through special purpose vehicles.

With more than 60% of reinsurance broking revenues derived from property
catastrophe business, market leading expertise in the analysis and modelling of
catastrophe risk and transactional capability in both traditional insurance and
reinsurance and capital market vehicles, Benfield is extremely well positioned
to meet reinsurance customer needs in current market conditions.  The investment
in Benfield Corporate Risk has proved timely given the severe impact of
Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma on the energy market, and the increasing
demand from insurance buyers in the energy and related sectors for the
specialist modelling and risk analysis which Benfield can offer.



Revenue for the year ended 31 December 2005 was #324.1m (2004: #303.5m), an
increase of 6.8%.  After adjusting for the effect of movements in currency
exchange rates, revenue increased by 8.7%.

International Division

The International Division revenue increased by 3.9% to #163.9m for the year
ended 31 December 2005 from #157.8m for the year ended 31 December 2004. At
constant rates of exchange, revenue increased by 6.9%

The Facultative Solutions team was a significant contributor to the growth in
the Division with revenue more than double that achieved in 2004. Now with over
100 staff operating as a single team across offices in the UK, US, Australia,
Singapore, South Africa, Europe and Bermuda, this revenue growth fully supports
the investment that was made in this area in 2004 and 2005.

As anticipated, the declining trend in Global Specialty revenue reversed in
2005, assisted by more favourable market conditions following the hurricanes in
the second half of the year.  This area, which now includes the new Casualty
team recruited in 2005, showed revenue growth of 0.7% at constant rates of

Changes in buying patterns in relation to structured reinsurance and other
alternative risk transfer products have had a negative impact on revenue earned
from such transactions.

US Division

The US Division revenue increased by 10.7% to #134.4m for the year ended 31
December 2005 from #121.4m for the year ended 31 December 2004. At constant
rates of exchange, revenue increased by 11.3%.

The US Division comprises the core US broking operations together with Benfield
Advisory, the specialist insurance corporate finance and investment advisory
business.  Commission and fees earned by the broking business declined by 4.0%
from #110.5m for the year ended 31 December 2004 to #106.1m for the year ended
31 December 2005.  Commission and fees earned by Benfield Advisory increased
significantly from #8.7m for 2004 to #24.7m for 2005.

Trading conditions for US brokers were difficult in the first half of 2005 and
Benfield's US revenue was adversely impacted by the market disruption resulting
from the various regulatory investigations of the insurance industry.  However,
new business development recovered strongly in the second half and the broking
operation experienced a high demand for its property solutions expertise
following Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma.  These loss events also had a
significant impact on reinsurance pricing in the US market, particularly for
loss-affected customers who saw rates increase substantially at year end

Benfield Advisory had a very successful year advising on the raising of nearly
US$2bn of capital in the insurance sector during 2005. The most significant
transaction, which closed in December, raised approximately US$1.1bn for
Lancashire Holdings Limited, a new Bermudian insurer which listed on the
Alternative Investment Market in the UK.  This transaction made a substantial
contribution to Benfield Advisory's revenue for 2005, including #8.0m which
represents the fair value of warrants received as part of the consideration. The
Group has recognised a further #5.2m of unrealised gains on the value of these
warrants up to the end of the year.

Benfield Corporate Risk

Revenue in the Benfield Corporate Risk Division increased by 7.5% from #10.6m
for the year ended 31 December 2004 to #11.4m for the year ended 31 December
2005. This increase mainly reflects the successful start of the new marine,
energy and power operation in the latter part of 2005 which contributed #2.5m of
revenue, ahead of the business plan. Revenue from the corporate insurance
business previously included in the International and US divisions reduced in
2005 mainly due to fewer satellite launches during the year.

Corporate Investment Group

The Corporate Investment Group manages the Group's portfolio of investments in
non-core businesses.  These include Orbit (an employee benefits business) and
Paragon (a run-off services company), which are consolidated into the results of
the Group.  Revenue overall decreased from #13.5m in 2004 to #13.4m for 2005.
However, 2004 included small amounts of revenue from former subsidiaries which
were disposed of during 2004.

Trading result and margin

As anticipated, the Group trading result decreased from #86.3m in 2004 to #63.3m
in 2005, and the overall trading margin reduced from 28.4% to 19.5%. The 6.8%
increase in operating revenue described above was offset by a 20.1% increase in
general and administrative expenses.  These cost increases, summarised below,
impacted each of the three operating divisions, reducing trading margins.

                                                                      2005             2004         Growth
                                                                        #m               #m              %
General and administrative expenses (i)
Staff costs                                                          185.7            150.7          23.2%
Premises                                                              18.1             16.0          13.1%
Travel and entertaining                                               18.0             14.8          21.6%
Other                                                                 39.0             35.6           9.6%
Total                                                                260.8            217.1          20.1%

(i)  Excluding exceptional items

In June 2005 we announced an investment in recruiting for both the existing
reinsurance business and the new marine, energy and power team.  A major part of
the staff cost increase (#23.6m) reflects this investment.  The remainder of the
staff cost increase was principally the result of the full year cost of hires
made in the previous year together with appropriate incentive arrangements.

Increases in travel and entertaining costs were a direct consequence of the
hiring programme in 2004 and 2005. Additional premises cost supported, in
particular, the Benfield Corporate Risk initiative and the development of
Facultative Solutions.

As a result of revenue and cost factors referred to above, the International
Division trading result for the year ended 31 December 2005 decreased to #32.6m
from #50.6m for the year ended 31 December 2004, a decrease of 35.6%.  The
trading margin declined from 32.0% to 19.9%.

The US Division trading result increased by 0.6% to #50.0m for the year ended 31
December 2005 from #49.7m for the year ended 31 December 2004, whilst the
trading margin decreased from 40.9% to 37.2%.

The trading result for the Benfield Corporate Risk Division was a loss of #9.6m
for the year ended 31 December 2005, compared with a loss of #0.1m for the year
ended 31 December 2004. This principally represents the #8.6m cost of investment
made in the development of the marine, energy and power corporate insurance

The trading result for the Corporate Investment Group shows an improvement for
the year ended 31 December 2005 with a loss of #0.9m compared with a loss of
#3.6m for the year ended 31 December 2004. This is mainly due to the disposals
of non-core businesses in 2004.  Profits and losses arising from investment
disposals are included in exceptional items.

Exceptional items

In the year ended 31 December 2005, the Group's operating profit benefited from
a net exceptional gain of #0.3m (2004: loss #14.7m).  This comprised gains of
#7.2m from the sale of the Group's available-for-sale financial assets offset by
exceptional operating expenses of #6.9m. The expenses include a provision for
the costs of the anticipated early termination of the lease on a vacant property
of #3.2m, the remaining charge for pre-IPO share awards granted to employees of
#3.0m and a charge of #0.7m relating to a loss on disposal of a non-core
subsidiary operation.

Full details of the exceptional items for the year ended 31 December 2005 and 31
December 2004 are set out in note 5.

Finance income

Finance income increased from #0.4m to #7.2m in the year ended 31 December 2005,
due to the unrealised gain on the holding of Lancashire warrants of #5.2m and
the receipt of a special dividend from Montpelier Re totalling #1.9m.

Profit for the year

Profit before taxation decreased to #53.8m in the year ended 31 December 2005
from #57.9m in the year ended 31 December 2004.

The Group taxation charge decreased to #18.9m in the year ended 31 December 2005
from #26.8m in 2004, representing an effective tax rate of 35.1% (2004: 46.3%).
The rate is higher than the UK statutory tax rate of 30%, primarily due to
non-deductible expenditure and the effect of higher tax rates in overseas
territories, in particular, in the US.  The 2004 tax rate was further impacted
by tax adjustments arising in respect of exceptional items.  Full details of the
tax charge are set out in note 6.

The profit for the financial year, after taxation, increased by 12.2% from
#31.1m in 2004 to #34.9m in 2005.

Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share increased to 15.5p for the year ended 31 December 2005
from 13.4p per share in the year ended 31 December 2004.  This reflects the
increase in profit after taxation and a reduction in the number of outstanding
shares following the share buy-back programme. Diluted earnings per share
increased to 14.1p for the year ended 31 December 2005 from 12.5p for the year
ended 31 December 2004.  In the year ended 31 December 2005, the Group had
223.6m common shares in issue on average for the purpose of the calculation of
fully diluted earnings per share (2004: 230.1m).


The Board has proposed a final dividend of 7.0p per common share (2004: 7.0p)
which together with the interim dividend of 3.5p per common share (2004: 3.5p
plus special dividend of 10.0p) makes a total dividend for the year of 10.5p per
common share (2004: 20.5p).

Foreign exchange

The Group's principal foreign currency exposure is to US dollars, arising from
the results of the US Division, and from revenues earned by the International
Division.  Approximately 42% of the International Division's revenues were US
dollar denominated in 2005 (2004: 43%). These are principally earned in the UK.
The Group results are sensitive to the impact of movements in the US dollar/
pounds sterling exchange rate, with a 1 cent movement approximately equating to
a #0.6m movement in trading result, prior to the impact of any foreign exchange
hedging activity.

In the UK, the Group enters into foreign currency contracts (including
derivative options) to manage the impact of currency risk on trading results.
The Group's policy is to hedge a minimum of 50% of the forecast exposure prior
to each financial year for each of its principal UK trading currencies and at
least 25% of forecast exposure for the following financial year, dependent upon
prevailing market conditions.

The Group does not actively hedge the results of the overseas subsidiaries.
Group borrowings provide an economic hedge against the principal overseas assets
of the Group, which are denominated in US dollars.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Net cash rose to #11.0m as at 31 December 2005, compared to #6.6m at the end of
the prior year.  Net cash comprises available corporate funds of #65.0m less
borrowings of #54.0m.  Additionally, the Group has access for general corporate
purposes to an undrawn committed revolving facility of #50.0m, available until
June 2006.

During the year the Group repaid #27.5m of borrowings, representing term loan
repayments. The Group continued the share buy-back programme announced in 2004,
with #9.3m of shares repurchased in the year. Combined with common share
dividends of #23.4m, less proceeds from share issuance of #1.6m, the Group
returned #31.1m of cash to common shareholders during the year, compared to
#67.4m in the prior year.

The Group expects to finance operations, capital expenditure and acquisitions
from operating cashflow and the revolving facility where required. The Group's
cashflow statement is set out on page 14.

Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS")

The Group has adopted IFRS in these financial statements.  A reconciliation of
the results and net assets under UK GAAP, as previously reported, to IFRS is
included on pages 15 to 18.  The adoption of IFRS resulted in a number of
adjustments to the previously reported results and net assets.  The main changes
were in relation to share based payments, financial instruments and dividends.



While it is still too early to assess the full impact of Hurricane Katrina, the
reinsurance market trends seen at January 2006 renewals have continued. Despite
the new capital which entered the market in late 2005, there has been a
continued tightening in property catastrophe capacity, particularly for US
exposures.  As expected, a number of factors are imposing constraints on
capacity. These include the recalibration of catastrophe models, a shrinking
risk appetite for peak exposures, the restructuring of coverage on a more
restrictive basis and the increased cost of underwriting capital.  We expect
these influences to maintain upward pressure on reinsurance pricing during 2006
and 2007.

Demand for the specialist risk analysis, modelling and transactional skills
which Benfield offers is strong in both the reinsurance and corporate insurance
sectors. Our investment in further strengthening our reinsurance capabilities
and in acquiring specialist expertise in the marine, energy and power sectors
will stand Benfield in good stead to meet this demand.

The market disruption started by the regulatory upheavals of late 2004 is not
yet over. We believe it will continue to offer Benfield opportunities for
profitable expansion, but as other brokers also follow this path, competition in
the market for high quality people could place costs under pressure in the
medium term.


As we have previously reported, revenue growth in the reinsurance intermediary
business is expected to be above 10% for 2006. Benfield Corporate Risk remains
on target to meet revenue expectations and we anticipate overall revenue growth
to exceed 20% in 2006.  Revenue in 2005 benefited from the exceptionally strong
contribution from Benfield Advisory. This revenue stream is largely transaction
related and therefore unpredictable, which may affect the overall revenue growth
rate achieved by the Group.

Investment, costs and margins

As previously stated, we are prepared to accept short-term impact on margin to
enhance growth prospects while maintaining target margins over the longer term.
The investment programme for our existing reinsurance intermediary business
announced in June 2005 is now substantially complete but in the current market
conditions there remain further opportunities to enhance the capabilities of our
core businesses. While maintaining our focus on controlling underlying costs, we
expect to invest in further selected opportunities in 2006, although not on the
same scale as in 2005. Consequently we anticipate expense growth of more than
10% in 2006, reflecting the remaining investment in Benfield Corporate Risk and
the full year impact of the hires made in 2005.

Business Strategy and Outlook

The benefits of our strategy of investing for profitable growth can be seen in
the strong performance of the Facultative Solutions team during 2005 following
two years of targeted investment in building a strong global capability. In a
market environment which continues to offer exceptional opportunities for
further development, we expect that the Group's more recent investments will
also deliver earnings enhancing results over time. As previously disclosed,
Benfield's 2006 trading result is expected to amount to at least the level
achieved in 2004. A key aspect of our strategy remains creating and maintaining
a business with industry leading margins. We anticipate that trading margins
will improve progressively until 2008, when we expect the benefits of the
current investment programme to have been realised in full.

With our expertise in property catastrophe reinsurance and specialist modelling
and analytical capabilities, Benfield is well placed to benefit from current
market trends, and the Group remains confident that carefully targeted expansion
will significantly enhance the medium term outlook for the Group.

For the year ended 31 December 2005 (audited)

                                                                             Notes               2005             2004
                                                                                                #'000            #'000

Commission and fees                                                            3              314,614          295,524
Interest income                                                                                 9,455            7,944
Total revenue                                                                                 324,069          303,468

Other operating income                                                                          7,186            2,196
Operating expenses                                                             4            (267,636)        (234,016)
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment charges                                            (10,294)          (7,643)
Operating profit                                                                               53,325           64,005

Analysed as:
Trading result                                                                                 63,289           86,339
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment charges                                            (10,294)          (7,643)
Exceptional items                                                              5                  330         (14,691)
Operating profit                                                                               53,325           64,005

Finance income                                                                                  7,192              412
Finance costs                                                                                 (5,447)          (4,648)
Share of losses of associated undertakings after taxation                                     (1,225)          (1,840)
Profit before taxation                                                                         53,845           57,929

Taxation                                                                       6             (18,975)         (26,869)

Profit for the financial year                                                                  34,870           31,060

Attributable to:
Equity holders of the Company                                                                  34,714           30,930
Minority interest                                                                                 156              130
                                                                                               34,870           31,060

Earnings per 1p common share
Basic                                                                          7               15.53p           13.44p
Diluted                                                                        7               14.12p           12.49p

Dividends per 1p common share
Interim paid                                                                   8                 3.5p             3.5p
Special paid                                                                   8                    -            10.0p
Final proposed                                                                 8                 7.0p             7.0p
                                                                                                10.5p            20.5p

As at 31 December 2005 (audited)

ASSETS                                                                        Notes              2005            2004
                                                                                                #'000           #'000
Non-current assets
Goodwill                                                                                      161,851         151,943
Intangible assets                                                                              11,938           6,318
Property, plant and equipment                                                                  10,670           9,368
Investment in associated undertakings                                                              32              32
Financial assets                                                                               41,515          19,663
Deferred tax assets                                                                            14,991           6,062
                                                                                              240,997         193,386
Current assets
Trade and other receivables                                                     9              65,064          37,283
Financial assets                                                                                  745          18,839
Current tax recoverable                                                                           189           3,146
Cash and cash equivalents                                                                      64,995          84,668
                                                                                              130,993         143,936
Fiduciary financial assets                                                                     17,339          15,615
Fiduciary cash and cash equivalents                                                           184,496         141,590
                                                                                              332,828         301,141
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                                                        10             72,428          47,556
Insurance broking creditors                                                                   201,835         157,205
Financial liabilities                                                                          16,098          25,565
Current tax liabilities                                                                        35,548          31,735
Provisions                                                                      11              4,513           1,462
                                                                                              330,422         263,523
Net current assets                                                                              2,406          37,618
Non-current liabilities
Trade and other payables                                                        10                921           2,877
Financial liabilities                                                                          39,622          53,121
Provisions                                                                      11              2,590           1,646
                                                                                               43,133          57,644
Net assets                                                                                    200,270         173,360
Share capital                                                                                   2,345           2,355
Share premium                                                                                 138,181         136,585
Treasury shares                                                                              (10,252)            
Fair value and other reserves                                                                 103,787          94,730
Retained earnings                                                                            (34,332)         (50,375)
Total shareholders' equity                                                      12            199,729         173,011
Minority interest in equity                                                                       541             349
Total equity                                                                                  200,270         173,360

For the year ended 31 December 2005 (audited)

                                                                                                 2005             2004
                                                                                                #'000            #'000

Currency translation adjustments                                                               12,874          (4,883)
Actuarial loss in defined benefit scheme                                                        (199)             (55)
Deferred tax on actuarial loss                                                                     78               21
Fair value losses on revaluation of available-for-sale financial assets                       (4,362)            (493)
Deferred tax on available-for-sale financial assets                                             1,309               95
Fair value losses on cash flow hedges                                                           (915)                -
Deferred tax on cash flow hedges                                                                  274                -
Net income/(expenses) recognised directly in equity                                             9,059          (5,315)
Profit for the financial year                                                                  34,870           31,060
Total recognised income for the financial year                                                 43,929           25,745

Attributable to:
Equity holders of the Company                                                                  43,737           25,618
Minority interest                                                                                 192              127
                                                                                               43,929           25,745

For the year ended 31 December 2005 (audited)

                                                       2005                                 2004
                                          Corporate  Fiduciary      Total      Corporate  Fiduciary      Total

                                              #'000      #'000      #'000          #'000      #'000      #'000
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash generated from operations (note 13)     57,150     33,088     90,238         63,527   (35,065)     28,462
Interest received                             9,455          -      9,455          7,944          -      7,944
Taxation paid                              (19,623)          -   (19,623)       (21,717)          -   (21,717)
Net cash generated/(used) by operating       46,982     33,088     80,070         49,754   (35,065)     14,689

Cash flows from investing activities
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash    (3,184)          -    (3,184)          (194)          -      (194)
Proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries,           -          -          -          (911)          -      (911)
net of cash
Purchases of intangible assets              (9,529)          -    (9,529)        (6,049)          -    (6,049)
Proceeds from sale of intangibles                 -          -          -              -          -          -
Purchases of property, plant and            (3,393)          -    (3,393)        (3,778)          -    (3,778)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant           113          -        113            384          -        384
and equipment
Increase in investments in associates       (1,575)          -    (1,575)        (1,375)          -    (1,375)
Proceeds from disposal of associates            350          -        350            500          -        500
Purchases of available-for-sale             (8,099)    (1,724)    (9,823)       (16,379)          -   (16,379)
financial assets
Proceeds from sale of available-for-sale     18,049          -     18,049         25,547     21,731     47,278
financial assets
Dividends received                            2,018          -      2,018            412          -        412
Net cash (used in)/generated from           (5,250)    (1,724)    (6,974)        (1,843)     21,731     19,888
investing activities

Cash flows from financing activities
Net proceeds from issue of common shares      1,611          -      1,611            464          -        464
Proceeds from sale of own shares                  -          -          -          1,784          -      1,784
Repurchase of common shares                 (9,284)          -    (9,284)       (22,453)          -   (22,453)
Repayments of borrowings                   (27,500)          -   (27,500)       (10,701)          -   (10,701)
Finance costs                               (5,619)          -    (5,619)        (4,166)          -    (4,166)
Dividends paid to Company's shareholders   (23,407)          -   (23,407)       (44,978)          -   (44,978)
Net cash used in financing activities      (64,199)          -   (64,199)       (80,050)          -   (80,050)

Net (decrease)/ increase in cash and       (22,467)     31,364      8,897       (32,139)   (13,334)   (45,473)
cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January       84,668    141,590    226,258        117,038    163,546    280,584
Exchange gains/(losses) on cash and bank      2,794     11,542     14,336          (231)    (8,622)    (8,853)
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December     64,995    184,496    249,491         84,668    141,590    226,258

As at 31 December 2005


The Company is obliged to prepare its financial statements in accordance with
the Bermuda Companies Act 1981, which permits a company to prepare its financial
statements under International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS").
Accordingly, the consolidated financial information has been prepared in
accordance with Bermuda law, under the historic cost convention as modified by
the revaluation of available-for-sale investments and derivative financial
instruments, and in accordance with IFRS and IFRIC interpretations endorsed by
the European Union.

The Company's consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with
UK Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("UK GAAP") until 31 December 2004.
Consequently certain accounting, valuation and presentational methods
previously applied under UK GAAP have been amended to comply with IFRS.  The
comparative figures in respect of 2004 are restated to reflect these

Reconciliations and descriptions of the effect of the transition from UK GAAP to
IFRS on the Group's results are provided below.

Full details of the Group's principal accounting policies, as revised to comply
with IFRS, were included in the Interim Report issued in September 2005.


Basis of transition to IFRS

The Group adopted IFRS on 1 January 2005.  Accordingly, the Group's financial
statements for the year ended 31 December 2005 will be the first annual
financial statements to comply with IFRS.  The Group has prepared its opening
IFRS balance sheet as at 1 January 2004, being the effective date of transition
to IFRS.

Transitional provisions for the first time adoption of IFRS are set out in IFRS
1, "First-time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards".  IFRS 1
allows companies adopting IFRS for the first time to apply certain exemptions
from the full retrospective application of IFRS.  The relevant exemptions
available to the Group and its options selected are as follows:

a)       Business combinations exemption

Business combinations that took place prior to the 1 January 2004 transition
date have not been restated and are included in the results at their book value
as at that date.

b)       Cumulative translation differences

IAS 21, "The effects of changes in foreign exchange rates", requires translation
differences to be recorded in a separate exchange reserve rather than as part of
retained earnings as required by UK GAAP. IFRS 1 allows an exemption from
calculating the cumulative translation differences on the historical
retranslation of net assets of foreign subsidiaries. The Group has elected to
take advantage of this exemption and has set the foreign currency translation
reserve to zero as at the date of transition to IFRS.

c)       Financial instruments

A first time adopter of IFRS is permitted to apply IAS 32, "Financial
Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation", and IAS 39, "Financial Instruments:
Recognition and Measurement", prospectively from 1 January 2005. However, the
Group has elected not to take this exemption, but has instead applied the
standards retrospectively to all periods presented so as to present the result
of each period on a consistent basis.

d)       Employee benefits exemption

The Group has elected to recognise all cumulative actuarial gains and losses as
at 1 January 2004. The Group has also chosen the option available for subsequent
actuarial gains and losses to be recognised immediately in the Statement of
Recognised Income and Expenses.

e)       Share-based payment transaction exemption

The Group has adopted IFRS 2, "Share-based payments", for all employee share
awards granted since 7 November 2002. As permitted under IFRS 2, no adjustment
is made for awards granted prior to that date.

Restatement summary

                                                                     1 January 2004            31 December 2004
Group                                                                        Equity         Net Income           Equity

                                                                              #'000              #'000            #'000

As previously presented under UK GAAP                                       197,561             54,744          183,280
Reversal of proposed ordinary dividends payable                              13,819                  -           15,691
Revision of charge for share-based payments                                       -            (9,268)                -
Recognition of provision for post-employment benefits on a                    (279)                 59            (246)
projected unit credit method basis
Reversal of goodwill amortisation                                                 -              8,670            8,418
Reclassification of non-equity financial instruments                       (39,370)            (2,526)         (39,496)
Recognition of derivative financial instruments at fair value                22,111           (20,549)            1,562
Restatement of financial assets to fair value                                 4,206                  -            3,829
Deferred tax adjustments                                                       (70)               (70)              322
As reported under IFRS                                                      197,978             31,060          173,360

Recognition of dividends (IAS 10)

Under UK GAAP, proposed dividends in respect of an accounting period are
recognised as a liability at the balance sheet date. Under IAS 10, "Events after
the balance sheet date", dividends proposed are only recognised as a liability
when the shareholders have approved their distribution, or for the interim
dividend, when paid.

The final dividend proposed at 31 December 2003 has been reversed in the opening
balance sheet and recognised in the year ended 31 December 2004. Similarly, the
final dividend proposed at 31 December 2004 has been reversed and recognised in
the subsequent period.

Share-based payments (IFRS 2)

Under UK GAAP, the cost of awards to employees in the form of shares or rights
to shares was charged over the period to which the employee's performance
related. The charge was based on the intrinsic value, being the fair value of
the shares at the date of grant, reduced by any consideration payable by the
employee. IFRS 2, "Share based payments", requires the cost to be measured by
the fair value of the equity instrument awarded at the date of grant, and is
recognised over the vesting period of the award.

Application of IFRS 2 results in an additional pre-tax charge in the income
statement of #9,731,000 and a deferred tax credit of #463,000 for the year ended
31 December 2004. There is no impact on Group equity.

These charges include an adjustment for awards made under the 2002 Incentive
Plan to certain key employees in respect of services provided prior to the
Company's Initial Public Offering. In accordance with UK GAAP the charge for
these awards was recognised in full at the date of grant, as they relate to
prior services and have no performance criteria, resulting in an exceptional
item operating expense of #22,432,000. Under IFRS, the fair value of these
awards is being spread over the 12 to 36 month vesting period from the date of
grant resulting in a pre-tax charge of #8,542,000 for the year ended 31 December
2004. These charges are classified as exceptional as they are considered
material and in relation to a non-recurring event.

Employee benefits (IAS 19)

The Group has operated only one defined benefit arrangement since the transition
date and this scheme was closed to further accrual of benefits in December 2001.

Under UK GAAP the Group followed the transitional rules of FRS 17, "Retirement
benefits", whereby only disclosure of the net defined benefit scheme pension
deficit was required, along with disclosure of the changes in the net deficit
that would be taken through the income statement. IAS 19, "Employee Benefits",
requires any surplus or deficit to be recognised on the balance sheet with
changes in the net surplus/deficit being charged to the income statement.

On transition the deficit disclosed under FRS17 has been recognised in the
balance sheet resulting in a reduction in net assets of #279,000.

Goodwill amortisation (IFRS 3)

Under UK GAAP, goodwill was capitalised and amortised over its estimated useful
economic life. Under IFRS 3, "Business combinations", goodwill is no longer
amortised but instead tested for impairment on an annual basis. In accordance
with the transition exemption noted above, goodwill has been frozen at its
carrying value as at 1 January 2004 and the amortisation previously charged
under UK GAAP since that date has been reversed.

The amortisation of goodwill arising under UK GAAP totalling #8,418,000 for the
year ended 31 December 2004 has therefore been reversed on transition to IFRS.

Financial instruments (IAS 32 & IAS 39)

The Group has elected to adopt IAS 32, "Financial Instruments: Disclosure and
Presentation", and IAS 39, "Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement"
retrospectively from the date of transition.

Non-equity financial instruments

Under IAS 32, preference shares that are not redeemable or that are redeemable
solely at the option of the issuer, are classified as equity. Where the terms of
issuance require the issuer to redeem preference shares for a fixed or
determinable amount at a fixed or determinable future date, or where the holder
has the option of redemption, these shares are classified as liabilities and the
dividends paid on these shares classified as a finance cost.

On transition #39,370,000 has been reclassified as a financial liability and
deducted from shareholders' funds in relation to the Company's Cumulative
Redeemable Convertible Preference Shares ("CRCPs"). Within the income statement,
CRCP dividends totalling #2,526,000 for the year to 31 December 2004 have been
reclassified from dividends to finance costs.

Derivative and hedge accounting

IAS 39 requires all derivative financial instruments to be recorded at fair
market value with changes taken to the income statement. There was no such
requirement under UK GAAP and consequently derivative financial instruments were
accounted for as cash flows arising from these instruments occured.

If certain criteria are met, financial instruments may be designated as part of
a cash flow hedge relationship. As a result of this treatment, changes in the
fair value of the financial instrument can be deferred to equity until the
hedged transaction occurs. There were no designated hedge relationships during
the periods presented in this note.

The fair value of derivative instruments on the date of transition including the
associated deferred tax was #22,111,000 representing an increase in equity at
that date. Included within that balance was #19,678,000 in respect of Montpelier
Re Holdings Limited warrants which were sold in February 2004. Under UK GAAP,
the increase in fair value of the warrants was recognised in full at the time of
disposal resulting in an exceptional gain of #29,105,000. The application of IAS
39 results in the recognition of part of the increase in fair value in prior
periods. Consequently, for the year ended 31 December 2004 this gain was reduced
by #28,111,000.

Valuation of financial assets

Under UK GAAP, fixed asset investments are stated at cost less provisions for
impairment. Current asset investments are stated at lower of cost and Directors
estimated valuation or market value, if listed. IAS 39 requires all financial
instruments to be accounted for at either fair value or amortised cost depending
on their classification.

All investments of the Group during the periods presented have been classified
as 'Available-for-sale' and as such are measured at fair value, when this can be
determined, with changes in that value being recognised in equity. This has
resulted in an increase in equity of #4,206,000 and #3,829,000 at 1 January 2004
and 31 December 2004 respectively. Available for sale financial assets continue
to be stated at cost less any provision for impairment when fair value can not
be determined.

Reclassification of software costs (IAS 36)

Under UK GAAP, software was classified as tangible fixed assets. Under IAS 36, "
Fixed assets other than acquired goodwill and investments", where software is
not an integral part of related hardware, computer software costs should be
capitalised as intangible assets.

Accordingly, computer software and capitalised software development costs have
been reclassified from property, plant and equipment to intangible assets. The
net book value of these assets was #6,176,000 and #6,318,000 at 1 January 2004
and 31 December 2004 respectively. Within the income statement, depreciation on
these assets during the year ended 31 December 2004 totalling #3,711,000 has
been reclassified as amortisation. There is no impact on net income or net
assets as a result of this reclassification.

De-recognition of insurance broking debtors (IAS 32 & IAS 39)

Reinsurance brokers normally act as agents in placing the risks of insurance
companies with reinsurers and as such, generally are not liable as principals
for amounts arising from such transactions. Notwithstanding such legal
relationships, receivables, payables and fiduciary cash arising from insurance
broking transactions were previously included within the assets and liabilities
of the Group.

Under IFRS, a financial asset should not be recognised when an obligation to
transfer the cash flows arising from the asset is assumed and substantially all
risks and rewards are transferred. There is an obligation on the group to
transfer cash flows arising from insurance broking debtors in respect of
premiums and claims. Furthermore, the risk and rewards in respect of these
assets does not lie with the Group, which has no obligation to pay these amounts
until the cash is received. Consequently, other than amounts due as commissions
and fees, insurance broking debtors are no longer recognised in the balance

Reinsurance intermediaries are entitled to retain the investment income on
fiduciary cash and investments arising from insurance broking transactions.
Consequently, these amounts are included under a separate heading within assets
on the balance sheet with the corresponding payable included as a liability.

On transition, #3,742,087,000 of insurance debtors has been de-recognised along
with the corresponding balance represented by insurance creditors. There is no
impact on net income or net assets as a result of this de-recognition.

Changes to cash flow statement (IAS 7)

The adoption of IFRS does not affect the Group's underlying cash flows. However
the presentation of the cash flow statement differs from that required under UK
GAAP. IFRS requires the cash flows of the Group to be analysed between operating
activities, investing activities and financing activities.

Following the de-recognition of insurance broking debtors, the Group has decided
to disclose separately  fiduciary cash and financial assets from its own ("
Corporate") assets on the balance sheet. In addition, a columnar presentation
has been adopted for the cash flow statement in order that the impact of
movements in insurance broking balances on cash flows can be fully appreciated.


Primary reporting format - Business segments

Based on the risks and returns, the Directors consider that the Group had only
one business segment during the year ended 31 December 2005, which provides
reinsurance and insurance intermediary, risk advisory and related services.
Therefore the disclosures for the primary segment are given in the full
financial statements.

Operating division analysis

The Group manages its core intermediary business on the basis of three operating
divisions, International, US and Benfield Corporate Risk. The International
Division incorporates business emanating from customers located outside of the
US together with revenues from certain specialty lines which operate on a global
basis. The US Division encompasses the Group's business emanating from customers
located in mainland US, excluding revenues from those global specialty lines,
and also includes the Group's corporate finance and investment advisory
businesses.  Benfield Corporate Risk is a new division for 2005 and incorporates
business emanating from corporate insurance customers globally.  This division
also includes business formerly part of the International and US divisions that
also provide intermediary services to corporate insurance customers.  The
non-operating areas of the business include the Corporate Investments Group ("
CIG") which manages the Group's portfolio of investments, and the Group Services
Division which controls expenses incurred in connection with the provision of
head office and group related activities. The analysis of revenue and trading
result by operating division is presented below by way of additional

                                                 2005                               2004
                                          Revenue          Trading           Revenue          Trading
                                                            result                             result
                                            #'000                              #'000
                                                             #'000                              #'000

International                             163,913           32,592           157,823           50,582
US                                        134,445           50,030           121,381           49,714
Benfield Corporate Risk                    11,377          (9,598)            10,559             (55)
Corporate Investment Group                 13,426            (885)            13,468          (3,630)
Group Services                                908          (8,850)               237         (10,272)
                                          324,069           63,289           303,468           86,339


                                                                                                  2005             2004
                                                                                                 #'000            #'000

Staff costs                                                                                    188,616          162,419
Premises                                                                                        21,287           15,970
Travel and entertaining                                                                         17,974           14,832
Other                                                                                           39,759           40,795
                                                                                               267,636          234,016

Included within operating expenses are certain exceptional items as described in
note 5.


                                                                                                  2005             2004
                                                                                                 #'000            #'000
Other operating income
Gain on sale of available-for-sale financial assets                                              7,186            2,170
Operating expenses
Vacant property provision                                                                      (3,200)                -
Awards granted to employees                                                                    (2,964)          (8,630)
Loss on disposal of subsidiary operations                                                        (692)          (3,252)
Bonus paid to employees                                                                              -          (3,017)
Professional fees                                                                                    -          (1,962)
                                                                                               (6,856)         (16,861)
Exceptional items (net)                                                                            330         (14,691)

Income or expenditure in relation to a non-recurring event is credited or
charged to operating profit and is classified under the appropriate heading in
the income statement. Such items are disclosed separately as "exceptional" when
they are considered material, in order that the effects of these items on
operating profit can be fully appreciated.

Gain on sale of available-for-sale financial assets

The gain in 2005 relates predominantly to the disposal of investments in
Montpelier Re Holdings Limited ("Montpelier Re") and Wildcard Systems Inc. ("
Wildcard"). In June 2005, the Group disposed of its entire shareholding in
Wildcard resulting in a gain of #2,322,000.  In July 2005, the Group disposed of
its entire holding of Montpelier Re shares which resulted in a gain of

In January 2004 the Group sold its entire holding of shares in BRiT Insurance
Holdings PLC resulting in a gain of #387,000. In February 2004 the Group sold
its entire holding of Montpelier Re warrants which resulted in a gain of
#29,105,000 of which, under IFRS, #28,111,000 has been recognised in prior
periods by way of movements in fair value taken through the income statement. In
March 2004 the Group sold 200,000 ordinary shares in Equity Partnership Limited
and 10,618,850 shares in Uni Alliance Insurance Holdings Limited resulting in a
gain of #1,062,000.

Vacant property provision

The charge relates to an anticipated one-off cost to the Group of the early
termination of a lease on a vacant property.

Awards granted to employees

In March 2003 share based awards were made under the 2002 Incentive Plan to
certain key employees of the Group in respect of services provided prior to the
Company's Initial Public Offering. No previous awards had been made under the
2002 Incentive Plan and the plan ceased to be available for the issue of new
awards with effect from June 2003. In accordance with IFRS, the cost of these
awards is being spread over the 12 to 36 month vesting period from the date of

On the acquisition of EW Blanch Holdings, Inc. the Group provided share based
awards to certain key employees for which the cost was spread over a 17 to 29
month vesting period from the date of the award, resulting in a charge of
#212,000 for the year ended 31 December 2004.

Loss on disposal of subsidiary operations

In 2005 Catixl SAS, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Group, ceased to trade.
Consequently, the carrying value of the Group's interest in Catixl SAS has been
written down to the expected recoverable amount, resulting in a loss of

In April 2004 the Group disposed of its interest in Wildnet Group Limited, a
wholly owned subsidiary, resulting in a loss of #1,141,000.  In November 2004,
the Group disposed of its investment in Benfield Premium Finance Limited
resulting in a loss of #2,113,000.

Bonus paid to employees

In connection with the gain on disposal of the Group's holding of warrants in
Montpelier Re Holdings Limited in 2004, a one-off bonus was paid to all

Professional fees

During 2004 the Group incurred one-off professional fees in respect of certain
corporate transactions.


Major components of tax expense
                                                                                                 2005             2004
                                                                                                #'000            #'000
Current tax:
UK corporate tax on income for the period                                                    (16,338)         (17,379)
Foreign tax on income for the period                                                          (9,465)         (16,730)
Adjustments in respect of previous periods                                                      1,380            (840)
                                                                                             (24,423)         (34,949)
Deferred tax:
Relating to the origination and reversal of temporary differences                               5,448            8,080
Total tax expense                                                                            (18,975)         (26,869)

Tax on items charged to equity
                                                                                                 2005             2004
                                                                                                #'000            #'000

Deferred tax credit on actuarial loss                                                              78               21
Deferred tax credit on exchange movements to hedging reserve                                      274                -
Deferred tax credit on available-for-sale investments                                           1,309               95
Deferred tax credit on share awards                                                             1,700                -
                                                                                                3,361              116

Taxation for the period 2005 and 2004 is higher than the standard rate of
corporation tax in the UK of 30%. The differences are explained below:

                                                                                                 2005             2004
                                                                                                #'000            #'000

Profit on ordinary activities before tax                                                       53,845           57,929
Profit on ordinary activities multiplied by the standard rate of corporation tax in          (16,154)         (17,379)
the UK of 30%
Effect of:
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes (includes goodwill impairment and                    (4,198)          (2,913)
preference dividend)
Adjustments in respect of foreign tax rates                                                   (1,311)          (3,081)
Adjustments in respect of share awards                                                            719          (2,157)
Adjustments to tax in respect of prior periods                                                  1,425            (840)
Utilisation of unrecognised losses                                                                927            1,011
Loss on disposal of subsidiary operations not deductible for tax purposes                           -          (1,110)
Other                                                                                           (383)            (400)
                                                                                             (18,975)         (26,869)


Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the earnings attributable to
common shareholders by the weighted average number of common shares in issue
during the year, excluding those held in the employee share trusts which are
treated as cancelled.

For diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of common shares in
issue, excluding those held in the employee share trusts, is adjusted to assume
conversion of all dilutive potential common shares. The Company has the
following three classes of shares which were potentially dilutive:

(i)                   cumulative redeemable convertible preference shares;

(ii)                 those share awards granted to employees where the exercise
price is less than the estimated fair value of the Company's common shares
during the relevant year; and

(iii)                deferred share units.

Supplementary basic and diluted earnings per share have been calculated to
exclude the effect of goodwill impairment and exceptional items.  The adjusted
numbers have been provided in order that the effects of these charges on
reported earnings can be fully appreciated.

                                                         2005                                     2004
                                             Earnings       Weighted Pence per        Earnings       Weighted Pence per
                                                      average number     share                 average number     share
                                                #'000      of shares                     #'000      of shares
Unadjusted earnings per share

Basic earnings per share
Earnings attributable to common                34,714    223,571,360     15.53          30,930    230,110,574     13.44
Effect of dilutive securities:
Share options                                             18,643,954    (1.20)                     13,997,050    (0.77)
Deferred share units                                       3,588,877    (0.21)                      3,580,671    (0.18)
Diluted earnings per share                     34,714    245,804,191     14.12          30,930    247,688,295     12.49

Adjusted earnings per share

Basic earnings per share                       34,714    223,571,360     15.53          30,930    230,110,574     13.44
Goodwill impairment                             3,061                     1.37               -                        -
Exceptional items                               (330)                   (0.15)          14,691                     6.38
Tax on exceptional items and impairment         (466)                   (0.21)           (815)                   (0.35)
Basic earnings per share excluding             36,979    223,571,360     16.54          44,806    230,110,574     19.47
goodwill impairment and exceptional
Diluted earnings per share                     34,714    245,804,191     14.12          30,930    247,688,295     12.49
Goodwill impairment                             3,061                     1.25               -                        -
Exceptional items                               (330)                   (0.14)          14,691                     5.93
Tax on exceptional items and impairment         (466)                   (0.19)           (815)                   (0.33)
Effect of dilutive securities:
Cumulative redeemable convertible                   -              -         -           2,526     16,000,000    (0.14)
preference shares
Diluted earnings per share excluding           36,979    245,804,191     15.04          47,332    263,688,295     17.95
goodwill impairment and exceptional

Potentially dilutive securities totalling 16,000,000 common shares of 1p each in
respect of cumulative redeemable convertible preference shares have not been
included in the determination of unadjusted and adjusted earnings per share in
2005, and in the determination of unadjusted earnings per share in 2004, as
their inclusion would be anti-dilutive.

                                                                                                 2005             2004
                                                                                                #'000            #'000

Final paid in respect of 2004 - 7.0p (2003: 6.0p) per common share of 1p                       15,691           13,819
Interim paid in respect of 2005 - 3.5p (2004: 3.5p) per common share of 1p                      7,716            8,107
Special dividend paid in respect of 2004 - 10.0p per common share of 1p                             -           23,163
                                                                                               23,407           45,089

Dividends amounting to #262,000 (2004: #496,000) in respect of the Company's
common shares held by employee share trusts have been deducted in arriving at
the aggregate of dividends paid.

A final dividend in respect of 2005 of 7.0p per share (2004: 7.0p) is proposed
by the Directors. If approved the final dividend will be paid on 3 May 2006 to
shareholders who were registered at the close of business on 31 March 2006.


                                                                                               2005             2004
                                                                                              #'000            #'000

Trade debtors                                                                                52,681           29,530
Less provision for bad debts                                                                (8,789)         (10,811)
Trade debtors - net                                                                          43,892           18,719
Amounts due from subsidiary undertakings                                                          -                -
Amounts due from associated undertakings                                                        331                -
Other debtors                                                                                 7,182            4,083
Prepayments and accrued income                                                               13,659           14,481
                                                                                             65,064           37,283


                                                                                              2005             2004
                                                                                             #'000            #'000
Current liabilities
Trade creditors                                                                              9,539            5,914
Amounts due to subsidiary undertakings                                                           -                -
Amounts due to associated undertakings                                                           -              168
Social security payable                                                                      4,661            3,515
Retirement benefit obligations                                                                 523              365
Other creditors and accruals                                                                57,705           37,594
                                                                                            72,428           47,556
Non-current liabilities
Other creditors and accruals                                                                   921            2,877
                                                                                            73,349           50,433


                                                         Litigation         Property            Other            Total
                                                       and disputes          related
                                                                                                #'000            #'000
                                                              #'000            #'000

At 1 January 2005                                             1,088            1,020            1,000            3,108
Exchange adjustments                                             49               65                -              114
Charged to income statement                                     623            3,407                -            4,030
Transfer from fixed assets                                        -            1,200                -            1,200
Utilised in year                                              (747)            (602)                -          (1,349)
At 31 December 2005                                           1,013            5,090            1,000            7,103

Provisions have been analysed between current and non-current as follows:

                                                                                                 2005             2004

                                                                                                #'000            #'000
Current                                                                                         4,513            1,462
Non-current                                                                                     2,590            1,646
                                                                                                7,103            3,108


Group                                         Share Share premium     Treasury    Fair value      Retained        Total
                                            capital                     shares     and other      earnings
                                                            #'000                   reserves                      #'000
                                              #'000                      #'000                       #'000

At 1 January 2004                             2,422       132,638     (10,904)        99,922      (26,322)      197,756
Total recognised (expense)/income for             -             -            -       (5,278)        30,896       25,618
the period
Dividend                                          -             -            -             -      (45,089)     (45,089)
Provision for share awards                        -             -            -             -        14,788       14,788
Shares issued to employees                       19         3,947           42             -       (3,401)          607
Repurchase and cancellation of own             (86)             -            -            86      (22,453)     (22,453)
Proceeds on disposal of own shares                -             -          578             -         1,206        1,784
At 31 December 2004                           2,355       136,585     (10,284)        94,730      (50,375)      173,011
Total recognised income for the period            -             -            -         9,023        34,714       43,737
Dividend                                          -             -            -             -      (23,407)     (23,407)
Provision for share awards                        -             -            -             -        13,975       13,975
Shares issued to employees                       24         1,596           32             -            45        1,697
Repurchase and cancellation of own             (34)             -            -            34       (9,284)      (9,284)
At 31 December 2005                           2,345       138,181     (10,252)       103,787      (34,332)      199,729

Cumulative goodwill relating to acquisitions made prior to 1 January 1998, which
has been eliminated against reserves, amounted to #110,725,000 as at 31 December
2005 and 2004.


Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities:

                                                                                               2005             2004

                                                                                              #'000            #'000
Continuing operations
Profit for the financial year                                                                34,870           31,060
Adjusted for:
Taxation                                                                                     18,975           26,869
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment charges                                            10,294            7,643
Fair value (gain)/loss through income statement                                             (5,222)            1,154
Loss on disposal of subsidiary operations                                                       692            3,252
(Gain)/loss on sale of available-for-sale financial assets                                  (7,186)              847
Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment                                                 -             (26)
Cost of shares gifted during the year                                                            86              143
Cost of share options issued                                                                 13,975           15,273
Interest income                                                                             (9,455)          (7,944)
Investment income                                                                           (7,192)            (412)
Finance costs                                                                                 5,447            4,648
Share of losses of associated undertakings                                                    1,225            1,840
(Increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables                                         (27,932)          (7,239)
Increase/(decrease) in payables                                                              22,916          (6,117)
Increase/(decrease) in provisions                                                             2,681          (7,123)
Exchange translation differences                                                              2,976            (341)
Corporate cash generated from operations                                                     57,150           63,527
Increase/(decrease) in insurance broking creditors                                           44,630         (43,687)
Exchange translation differences                                                           (11,542)            8,622
Cash generated from operations                                                               90,238           28,462


The financial information contained in this preliminary announcement does not
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of s240 of the UK Companies Act
1985.  Statutory accounts will be posted to shareholders no later than 24 March

The auditors have reported on the statutory accounts.  Their report was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under s237(2) or s237(3) of the UK
Companies Act 1985.

The shareholders entered in the Register of Members on 31 March 2006 will be
entitled to the proposed final dividend of 7.0p per common share which will,
subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 25 April 2006,
be payable on 3 May 2006.

Copies of the preliminary press release (and statutory accounts when available)
may be obtained from the Company Secretariat, Benfield Group Limited, 55
Bishopsgate, London, EC2N 3BD

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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Benfield (LSE:BFD)
過去 株価チャート
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