By Margit Feher

BUDAPEST--A Hungarian supreme court ruling last week on foreign-currency mortgages could hurt the financial position of domestic banks as it raises the possibility that lenders will have to make compensation payments to mortgage borrowers of about 11% of the banking system's total capital, credit rating company Moody's Investor Service said Monday.

Hungary's top court ruled last week that banks' unilateral increases to foreign-currency mortgage interest rates were unfair if the banks hadn't clearly stated in the contracts the possibility of such changes and their effect on the borrowers' payment obligations.

Banks' compensation payments to the borrowers in wake of that ruling could amount to around 1 billion euros ($1.36 billion) in total, Moody's said.

Among the Hungarian banks Moody's rates for their credit quality, OTP Bank Nyrt. (OTP.BU), mortgage bank FHB Nyrt., Erste Bank Hungary Zrt., owned by Austria's Erste Group Bank AG (EBS.VI), and K&H Bank Zrt., a unit of Belgium's KBC Group NV (KBC.BT) risk paying the largest amounts in compensation, it said.

Residential foreign-currency mortgages, predominantly denominated in Swiss francs, comprise 26% of the Hungarian banking system's total loans, Moody's noted.

"Although a comprehensive solution to the problem of foreign-currency mortgages will impose considerable costs on banks, it will also reduce the risks of continued punitive measures by the government, and remove the moral hazard that has prompted many borrowers to fall behind on their repayments in anticipation of improved terms for their mortgages," Moody's senior credit officer Simone Zampa and senior analyst Armen Dallakyan said.

Non-performing loans are on a steady rise, they amounted to 24% of the banks' foreign-currency mortgage portfolio at the end of March, Moody's said.

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