As at the date of the EGM, the aggregate number of Shares in issue of the Company was 18,874,440,078,
including 13,697,662,301 A Shares and 5,176,777,777 H Shares. CEA Holding, the controlling Shareholder of the Company, together with its associates (including CES Finance and CES Global (both being wholly-owned subsidiaries of CEA Holding)) and
Mr. Li Yangmin (a director of CEA Holding), holding 10,651,414,835 Shares of the Company in aggregate and representing approximately 56.43% of the issued share capital of the Company, were required to abstain and have abstained from voting in
respect of resolutions 2 and 3 at the EGM. As such, (i) the aggregate number of Shares entitling Shareholders to attend the EGM and vote for or against or abstain from voting in respect of resolutions 2 and 3 was 8,223,025,243, representing
approximately 43.57% of the Companys total share capital in issue; the aggregate number of Shares entitling Shareholders to attend the EGM and vote for or against or abstain from voting in respect of resolutions 1, 4 to 7 was 18,874,440,078,
representing 100% of the Companys total share capital in issue.
Saved as disclosed above, there were no Shares entitling Shareholders to attend the
EGM and abstain from voting in favour of the resolutions proposed at the EGM as set out in Rule 13.40 of the Hong Kong Listing Rules, and no Shareholder was required to abstain from voting at the EGM.
Each resolution proposed for approval at the EGM was taken by poll.
Both on-site voting and online voting were adopted. On-site voting referred to
attendance and voting in person or authorisation of proxies to attend and vote by completing and returning the relevant proxy form, and was available to all Shareholders of the Company. Online voting was conducted via the online voting system of the
Shanghai Stock Exchange, which can be accessed through the voting platform of the trading system of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and through the network voting platform on a designated website, and was participated by the A Shareholders of the
Company. Shareholders and their proxies, together holding 14,523,154,752 Shares of the Company, representing approximately 76.9461% of the Companys share capital in issue, attended the EGM or participated in online voting.
After consideration by the said Shareholders and proxies and through voting by way of on-site voting or online voting,
all resolutions as set out in the Notice and the Circulars have been duly passed at the EGM.
Apart from Mr. Li Yangmin who was unable to attend the
EGM due to other important business arrangements, all the remaining Directors attended the EGM.