FedEx Freight and BP Solar Complete Second Solar Power Installation
2008年9月5日 - 12:17AM
PRニュース・ワイアー (英語)
Fontana, Calif., FedEx Freight Distribution Center Now Powered by
the Sun FREDERICK, Md., Sept. 4 /PRNewswire/ -- FedEx Corp.
(NYSE:FDX) and BP Solar announced today the completion and
activation of a second project together -- a solar system for a
FedEx Freight distribution center in Fontana, Calif. The 269 kW
(kilowatt) rooftop solar array utilizes BP Solar modules. The first
joint system was inaugurated on Earth Day 2008 at FedEx Freight's
facility in Whittier, Calif. (Logo: ) The 1,377
solar modules cover 20,834 sq. ft. on the Fontana facility's roof
and can generate 370,551 kilowatt hours (kWh), or approximately 54
percent of facility needs. The 282kW system in Whittier is capable
of producing more than 414,000 kWh of electricity each year,
providing almost 40 percent of the facility's annual energy needs
and significantly reducing the service center's dependence on the
electric grid. The two projects are expected to eliminate the
release of more than 610 metric tons of greenhouse gas causing
emissions. "The FedEx Freight Fontana solar installation builds on
our commitment to integrate energy-efficient and diverse
technologies into our facilities and operations," said Douglas G.
Duncan, president and CEO of FedEx Freight. "The use of renewable
energy sources, such as solar power and hybrids, is a valuable
asset to help us reduce our environmental impact and diversify our
energy sources." BP Solar's commercial projects team is focused on
assisting corporations, such as FedEx Freight, to lower their
energy costs while lessening the impact of their operations on the
environment. The company offers a variety of financing options for
its business customers including power purchase agreements, leasing
and traditional purchase plans. "BP Solar is proud to help FedEx
Freight improve energy efficiency and increase the use of renewable
energy at its facilities," said Mary Shields, vice president of
global sales and marketing for BP Solar. "More and more companies
are finding that solar helps to reduce their emissions and saves
them money over the long run, providing carbon-free electricity to
meet their growing needs." FedEx and BP work together strategically
to identify, develop and implement a range of solutions to increase
FedEx's security of energy supply, while improving its
environmental performance. "This is a great example of two leading
corporations collaborating to deliver tangible economic and
environmental benefits," said Richard Bartlett, BP vice president
of strategic cooperation. "The Fontana solar installation, similar
to the solar-powered FedEx facility in Whittier, Calif., launched
in April, helps FedEx diversify its energy supply and enhance its
environmental performance." FedEx is committed to integrating the
use of renewable technologies into its operations. FedEx Express
built and operates a solar-powered hub in Oakland, Calif., that
produces power equivalent to that used by more than 900 homes
during the daytime. FedEx will be adding solar to its Cologne,
Germany hub when it opens in 2010. FedEx also operates the largest
fleet of commercial hybrid trucks in North America, which improve
fuel economy by 42 percent, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by
approximately 30 percent and cut particulate pollution by 96
percent. About BP Solar BP Solar is a global company with over 2300
employees. BP Solar designs, manufactures and markets products
which use the sun's energy to generate electricity for a wide range
of applications in the residential, commercial and industrial
sectors. With over 30 years of experience and installations in more
than 160 countries, BP Solar is one of the world's leading solar
companies having 228MW annual manufacturing capacity in 2007, plus
another 700MW capacity under construction. BP Solar has solar cell
and module manufacturing plants in Sydney, Australia; Bangalore,
India; Madrid, Spain; and Frederick, Md., USA; and module
manufacturing in Xi'an, China. In Frederick it also has casting and
wafering facilities. BP Solar invests more than $10m annually in
photovoltaic research and development. For more information, please
visit or
About FedEx Freight Within FedEx Corp., the FedEx Freight Segment
had annual revenues of $4.6 billion in fiscal year 2007. With
corporate offices in Memphis, Tenn., the Segment includes FedEx
Freight, a leading U.S. provider of regional LTL freight services;
FedEx National LTL, a leading U.S. provider of long-haul LTL
services; FedEx Freight Canada, an LTL operating company serving
most points in Canada; FedEx Custom Critical, North America's
largest time-specific, critical shipment carrier; and Caribbean
Transportation Services, the leading provider of airfreight
forwarding services between the United States and Puerto Rico. For
more information, visit the FedEx Web site, About FedEx
Corp. FedEx Corp. (NYSE:FDX) provides customers and businesses
worldwide with a broad portfolio of transportation, e-commerce and
business services. With annual revenues of $37 billion, the company
offers integrated business applications through operating companies
competing collectively and managed collaboratively, under the
respected FedEx brand. Consistently ranked among the world's most
admired and trusted employers, FedEx inspires its more than 290,000
employees and contractors to remain absolutely, positively focused
on safety, the highest ethical and professional standards and the
needs of their customers and communities. For more information,
visit Notes to Editors Combined environmental
benefits from the Whittier and Fontana solar-energy systems, based
on a projected annual reduction of 610 metric tons of CO2
emissions, are equivalent to one of the following*: -- 112
passenger cars not driven for one year -- 69,240 gallons of
gasoline not burned -- 1,419 barrels of oil not consumed -- 80.8
households' electricity use for one year -- 15,641 tree seedlings
grown for 10 years -- 4.3 acres of forest preserved from
deforestation * Data is derived from the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator. DATASOURCE: BP Solar CONTACT: Debra
Phillips, FedEx Freight, +1-901-434-3122, ; Tom Mueller, BP Press
Office, +1-281-366-1236, Web site: