Invesco Income Growth Trust plc 
Half-Yearly Financial Report for the Six Months to 30 September 2019 
Key Facts 
Invesco Income Growth Trust plc is an investment trust company listed on the 
London Stock Exchange. 
Investment Objective 
The Company's investment objective is to produce income and capital growth 
superior to that of the UK stock market and dividends paid quarterly that, over 
time, grow above the rate of inflation. 
Principal Investment Aims 
The Company aims to: 
*           have a portfolio yielding more than the FTSE All-Share Index in 
order to generate sufficient income; 
*           provide shareholders with dividend growth in excess of inflation 
over the longer term; 
*           achieve capital growth in excess of the FTSE All-Share Index over 
the longer term; 
*           reduce risk by diversifying investments across a wide range of 
companies and sectors; and 
*           enhance returns by utilising borrowings, when appropriate. 
The Company invests principally in quoted UK equities and equity-related 
securities of UK companies selected from any market sector. 
Full details of the Company's Investment Policy (incorporating the Company's 
investment objective) can be found on page 12 of the Company's 2019 annual 
financial report. 
Performance Statistics 
                                                               Six months to  Six months to 
                                                                30 September   30 September        % 
                                                                        2019           2018   Change 
Total Return (dividends reinvested)(1)(2)(3) 
Net asset value (NAV) per ordinary share                               +6.4%          +8.2% 
FTSE All-Share Index(4)                                                +4.6%          +8.3% 
Share price                                                            +6.0%          +3.3% 
Revenue and Dividends 
Net revenue after tax (GBP'000)                                          4,416          3,960    +11.5 
Revenue return per ordinary share                                      7.54p          6.76p    +11.5 
Dividends       - first                                                2.50p          2.40p     +4.2 
               - second                                                2.50p          2.40p     +4.2 
                                                         At Period End   At Year End 
                                                          30 September      31 March 
                                                                  2019          2019 
NAV per ordinary share                                          326.8p        311.2p    +5.0 
FTSE All-Share Index(1)(4)                                     4,061.7       3,978.3    +2.1 
Share price(1)                                                  271.0p        262.0p    +3.4 
Discount per ordinary share(5)                                 (16.4)%       (15.8)% 
Gross gearing(6) - excluding the 
  effect of cash                                                  1.5%          3.9% 
Net gearing(7) - including the 
  effect of cash                                                  1.5%          3.9% 
(1)      Source: Refinitiv. 
(2)      See Glossary of Terms and Alternative Performance Measures (APM) on 
pages 70 to 72 of the 2019 annual financial report for full details of the 
explanation and reconciliation of APMs. 
(3)      Key Performance Indicator. 
(4)      The benchmark index of the Company. 
(5)      The discount to NAV as at 30 September 2019 above has been calculated 
based on the NAV per share after deducting the proposed first interim dividend 
of 2.5p and not the NAV per share as disclosed on the Company's balance sheet. 
This is due to accounting standards requiring that dividends be reflected in 
the accounts only when they become a legally binding liability, which in 
practise translates into being the date interim dividends are paid to 
shareholders. Accordingly, as the first interim dividend for 2019 was marked 
ex dividend ('ex div') on 19 September 2019 and is reflected in the Company's 
share price as at 30 September 2019, any share rating based on this ex div 
price also needs to be calculated using a 324.3p ex div NAV. 
(6)      Gross gearing: borrowing divided by shareholders' funds. 
(7)      Net gearing: borrowing less cash and cash equivalents divided by 
shareholders' funds. 
Chairman's Statement 
It is pleasing to be able to report not only a further positive total return on 
our net asset value (NAV) over the half year to 30 September 2019 of 6.4%, but 
also an outperformance of our benchmark, the FTSE All-Share Index, which 
returned 4.6%. This was, however, not quite matched by the share price total 
return which was 6.0%, as the discount to NAV at which the shares traded 
remained stubbornly wide at 16.4% at the period end. This is disappointing 
given the strength of the performance delivered by the portfolio and the 
increased marketing effort that Invesco have been undertaking, but UK value 
orientated portfolios like ours have remained out of favour with investors. In 
his Portfolio Manager's Report that follows, Ciaran Mallon provides commentary 
on the background to the portfolio's performance over the period. 
Revenue and Dividends 
It is encouraging that the portfolio's income generation has continued to grow 
strongly in the period, helped by some special dividends, with net revenue of GBP 
4,416,000 for the six months to 30 September 2019, which on a per share basis 
was 7.54p, compared with 6.76p per share for the same period last year. 
We have declared a second interim dividend of 2.5p per share in respect of the 
year ending 31 March 2020. This dividend will be paid on 27 December 2019 to 
shareholders on the register on 6 December 2019. Together with the first 
interim dividend, this makes a total of 5.0p for the first half of the current 
financial year compared with 4.8p last year, an increase of 4.2%. This is 
consistent with our objective of growing the dividend at above the rate of 
inflation, as well as our previously stated move to rebalance the distribution 
of our dividend payments over the course of the year and so the percentage 
increase of 4.2% should not be taken as an indication of the rate of increase 
for the full year. 
As I write this we are in the midst of an election, the outcome of which is 
likely to have a very significant effect on the future of the UK and its 
economy. So the prospect that, whatever the outcome, it is likely to be 
followed by a period of considerable political uncertainty in the UK, will 
continue to weigh on the UK stock market. Although by many measures much of the 
UK stock market is not overvalued, the continued uncertainty, together with 
various geopolitical and economic uncertainties in the rest of the world, means 
that I must continue to run the risk of being accused of being repetitive, as I 
again say that it is going to be challenging for our Manager. However, I take 
some comfort from the fact that history suggests that in such an environment, 
the benefits of value investing and also the attractions of the income growth 
sector and companies like ours should be recognised. I am sure that Ciaran's 
investment approach will win through and that we will continue to meet our 
investment objectives of growing the income and capital in real terms over the 
longer term. 
Hugh Twiss MBE 
3 December 2019 
Portfolio Manager's Report 
Market Review 
The UK equity market provided a positive return in the six-month period to 
30 September 2019. However, this headline return masks periods of underlying 
volatility. Global markets were driven by persistent concerns of a slowdown in 
economic growth and the fluctuation of US-Sino trade tensions. 
Domestic political uncertainty continued. The Conservative leadership election, 
ongoing negotiations for the UK's exit from the EU and parliamentary procedure 
dominated the domestic agenda. The value of sterling against international 
currencies remained weak, continuing to serve as the bellwether for the 
perceived likelihood of a "no-deal" exit. The prorogation of parliament pushed 
the pound to just US$1.20 in August. 
Amid this protracted uncertainty the Bank of England's Monetary Policy 
Committee voted unanimously to hold the UK base interest rate at 0.75%. 
Data released during the period showed weaker business investment and slowing 
economic growth. However, robust employment data belied signs of a slowdown. 
Portfolio Review 
The Company's net asset value, including reinvested dividends, delivered a 
return of 6.4% during the period under review, outperforming the benchmark the 
FTSE All-Share Index which delivered a total return of 4.6%. 
A large number of the portfolio's holdings delivered a positive return over the 
period. Most notable was Experian, which traded strongly over the period. Solid 
full-year results and an encouraging trading update supported positive 
momentum. The holding in Ferguson also performed well. In September, the 
company announced plans to demerge its small UK business and examine 
potentially relisting the remaining company is the US, which was well received 
by the market. 
Elsewhere in the portfolio healthcare stocks, Smith & Nephew and 
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), also supported returns. Smith & Nephew benefited from 
better-than-expected revenue from its sports medicine division. GSK released 
solid results for the second quarter in July, raising its earnings forecasts 
for the full year following better-than-expected sales of vaccines. 
Other notable contributors included RELX. The company traded well in the first 
half of the period, supported by a positive trading update and management 
confidence in the full-year guidance. Meanwhile Informa released strong 
half-year results and CVS re-rated strongly on increased acquisition activity 
in the veterinary services sector. The share price had been weaker in 2018, 
leading some commentators to view CVS as a possible takeover candidate. 
The portfolio remains well invested in the utilities sector. This exposure has 
supported returns in a volatile market, both in absolute and relative terms. 
I continue to favour the sector which variously offers an attractive 
combination of asset backing and, in the majority, index-linked dividend 
growth. Within the sector holdings in Pennon, Severn Trent and SSE 
The portfolio also benefited from the low exposure to the basic materials and 
oil & gas sectors as mining stocks (excluding gold) and oil producers proved 
In contrast, the portfolio's tobacco holdings have continued to be 
disappointing. I had reduced the portfolio's holdings in British American 
Tobacco and Imperial Brands some time ago, but this remains an overweight 
exposure compared to the wider market. Revived fears around the regulation of 
vaping technology impacted broad sentiment towards the sector. However, 
Imperial Brands was the standout detractor following the release of 
underwhelming sales data for next generation technology. Since the period end, 
Imperial Brands has announced that the CEO plans to leave and inevitably this 
will lead to a reappraisal of strategy by her replacement. Given this 
uncertainty I have sold the holding. 
Bunzl released a disappointing trading update in April, reporting a slowdown in 
underlying revenue growth for the first quarter. The share price failed to 
recover momentum as half-year results later confirmed lower-than-expected 
margins in the firm's ex-US business. I am not surprised that the company, 
which supplies products to a huge range of industries, is not immune to the 
general slowdown in global growth. However, I believe that the company remains 
a strong business with potential to continue its good long term track record of 
In terms of portfolio activity over the period, equity holdings remained 
constant. The Barclays 14% preference share was called by the company so is no 
longer in the portfolio. 
Strategy and Outlook 
Market conditions have proven no less challenging than last year, despite the 
overall upward movement in the market and the portfolio's outperformance. 
Having slightly raised gearing towards the end of 2018, I have maintained this 
modest level. This reflects the balance between my enthusiasm for the potential 
of the companies in the portfolio against the somewhat uncertain and difficult 
economic and political backdrop we continue to face. 
We are still a long way off establishing what the United Kingdom's future 
trading relationship with the European Union will look like, and at the time of 
writing a general election campaign is the political focus. It is several 
decades since the Conservatives and Labour had such different views of how the 
UK economy should function, so political uncertainty will probably continue to 
impact the UK stockmarket in the near-term. The US administration remains a 
belligerent participant in global trade talks, which is also unsettling to 
markets. China has been the engine of global growth for many years but seems 
now to be steadily slowing. For these and other reasons global economic growth 
is slowing. Because of these factors I think market conditions will remain 
Given this assessment I continue to believe that it is sensible to remain 
conservative in my investment approach. I continue to seek to achieve both 
capital and income growth from the portfolio, with a balance between the 
current level of income and future income growth. It remains my goal to invest 
in companies whose prospects are not wholly dependent on a particular economic 
outcome, but are supported by self-help or industry specific dynamics. Overall, 
while I am cautiously optimistic in my outlook for the UK market as a whole, I 
remain confident in the long-term return potential of the holdings in the 
portfolio. I continue to believe that the portfolio is well positioned to meet 
its performance objectives, most notably in respect of delivering dividend 
growth, which has grown for the past 22 years consecutively. 
Ciaran Mallon 
Investment Manager 
3 December 2019 
Related Parties Transactions 
Under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (UK Accounting Standards and 
applicable law), the Company has identified the Directors as related parties. 
No other related parties have been identified. No transactions with related 
parties have taken place which have materially affected the financial position 
or the performance of the Company. 
Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
The Board carries out a regular review of the risk environment in which the 
Company operates, including consideration of emerging risks. The principal 
risks and uncertainties relating to the Company can be summarised as: 
*        Investment objective - there can be no guarantee that the Company will 
meet its investment objective; 
*        Market risk - market prices of securities are influenced by many 
factors outside the control of the Board and Manager, such as general economic 
conditions, politics and investor sentiment; 
*        Investment risk - there is a risk of poor performance of individual 
investments. This is mitigated by diversification and monitoring of investment 
*        Shares - the market value of the shares in the Company may not reflect 
their underlying net asset value; 
*        Gearing Arising from Borrowings - borrowing will amplify the effect on 
shareholders' funds of portfolio gains and losses; 
*        Regulatory - whilst compliance with rules and regulations is closely 
monitored, breaches could affect returns to shareholders; and 
*        Reliance on Third Party Service Providers - the Company has no 
employees, so is reliant upon the performance of third party service providers, 
particularly the Manager, for it to function. 
A detailed explanation of these principal risks and uncertainties can be found 
on pages 14 to 16 of the 2019 annual financial report, which is available on 
the Company's section of the Manager's website at: www.invesco.co.uk/ 
In the view of the Board these principal risks and uncertainties are equally 
applicable to the remaining six months of the financial year as they were to 
the six months under review. 
Going Concern 
This half-yearly financial report has been prepared on a going concern basis. 
The Directors consider this is the appropriate basis as the Company has 
adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable 
future, being 12 months after approval of these financial statements. In 
reaching this conclusion, the Directors took into account the diversified 
portfolio of readily realisable securities which can be used to meet funding 
commitments, and the ability of the Company to meet all of its liabilities, 
including bank overdraft and ongoing expenses, from its assets. The Directors 
also considered the revenue forecasts for the forthcoming year and future 
dividend payments in concluding that the going concern basis is appropriate. 
Directors' Responsibility Statement 
In respect of the preparation of the half-yearly financial report 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report 
using accounting policies consistent with applicable law and UK Accounting 
The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge: 
-        the condensed set of financial statements contained within the 
half-yearly financial report have been prepared in accordance with the FRC's 
FRS 104 Interim Financial Reporting; 
-        the interim management report includes a fair review of the 
information required by DTR 4.2.7R and DTR 4.2.8R of the FCA's Disclosure 
Guidance and Transparency Rules; and 
-        the interim management report includes a fair review of the 
information required on related party transactions. 
The half-yearly financial report has not been audited or reviewed by the 
Company's auditor. 
Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors. 
Hugh Twiss MBE 
3 December 2019 
Twenty Five Largest Holdings at 30 September 2019 
UK?Listed ordinary shares unless                                              Market 
otherwise stated 
                                                                               Value      % Of 
Company                                                         Sector         GBP'000 Portfolio 
Experian                                              Support Services         9,280       4.8 
GlaxoSmithKline                                      Pharmaceuticals &         8,622       4.5 
Ferguson                                              Support Services         8,021       4.1 
RELX                                                             Media         7,874       4.1 
Informa                                                          Media         7,245       3.7 
Young & Co's Brewery - Non-VotingAIM                  Travel & Leisure         6,895       3.6 
BP                                                 Oil & Gas Producers         6,884       3.6 
British American Tobacco                                       Tobacco         6,876       3.5 
Royal Dutch Shell - B Shares                       Oil & Gas Producers         6,592       3.4 
Euromoney Institutional Investor                                 Media         6,458       3.3 
Smith & Nephew                                 Health Care Equipment &         6,203       3.2 
Pennon                                     Gas, Water & Multiutilities         6,070       3.1 
Croda International                                          Chemicals         6,019       3.1 
HSBC                                                             Banks         5,974       3.1 
Legal & General                                         Life Insurance         5,821       3.0 
Compass                                               Travel & Leisure         5,781       3.0 
Next                                                 General Retailers         5,069       2.6 
Severn Trent                               Gas, Water & Multiutilities         4,935       2.5 
Bunzl                                                 Support Services         4,928       2.5 
InterContinental Hotels                               Travel & Leisure         4,903       2.5 
Whitbread                                             Travel & Leisure         4,895       2.5 
National Grid                              Gas, Water & Multiutilities         4,691       2.4 
Aviva                                                   Life Insurance         4,438       2.3 
NicholsAIM                                                   Beverages         4,298       2.2 
SSE                                                        Electricity         4,202       2.2 
                                                                             152,974      78.8 
Other Investments (18)                                                        41,119      21.2 
Total Holdings (43)                                                          194,093     100.0 
AIM Investments quoted on AIM. 
Condensed Income Statement 
                                             Six Months To                Six Months To 
                                           30 September 2019            30 September 2018 
                                        Revenue Capital      Total   Revenue Capital      Total 
                                          GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000 
Gains on investments held at fair             -   7,342      7,342         -  10,623     10,623 
Losses on foreign exchange                    -     (6)        (6)         -       -          - 
Income - note 2                           4,854      76      4,930     4,415     429      4,844 
                                          4,854   7,412     12,266     4,415  11,052     15,467 
Investment management fee - note 3        (234)   (234)      (468)     (265)   (265)      (530) 
Other expenses                            (183)       -      (183)     (186)       -      (186) 
Net return before finance costs and       4,437   7,178     11,615     3,964  10,787     14,751 
Finance costs - note 3                     (21)    (21)       (42)       (4)     (4)        (8) 
Return before and after 
  taxation for the financial period       4,416   7,157     11,573     3,960  10,783     14,743 
Return per ordinary share - basic          7.5p   12.3p      19.8p      6.8p   18.4p      25.2p 
Number of ordinary shares in issue                      58,551,530                   58,551,530 
during the period 
The total column of this statement represents the Company's profit and loss 
account, prepared in accordance with UK Accounting Standards. The return after 
taxation is the total comprehensive income and therefore no additional 
statement of other comprehensive income is presented. The supplementary revenue 
and capital columns are presented for information purposes in accordance with 
the Statement of Recommended Practice issued by the Association of Investment 
Companies. All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations 
of the Company. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period. 
Condensed Balance Sheet 
Registered number 3141073 
                                                                            At            At 
                                                                  30 September      31 March 
                                                                          2019          2019 
                                                                         GBP'000         GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
  Investments held at fair value through profit or loss                194,093       188,308 
Current assets 
  Prepayments and accrued income                                           356         1,166 
                                                                           356         1,166 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 
  Bank overdraft                                                       (2,950)       (7,067) 
  Accruals                                                               (158)         (179) 
                                                                       (3,108)       (7,246) 
Net current liabilities                                                (2,752)       (6,080) 
Net assets                                                             191,341       182,228 
Capital and reserves 
  Share capital                                                         14,638        14,638 
  Share premium                                                         40,021        40,021 
  Capital redemption reserve                                             2,310         2,310 
  Capital reserve                                                      124,978       117,821 
  Revenue reserve                                                        9,394         7,438 
Shareholders' funds                                                    191,341       182,228 
Net asset value per ordinary share - Basic                              326.8p        311.2p 
Number of 25p ordinary shares in issue at the period end            58,551,530    58,551,530 
Condensed Statement of Changes in Equity 
                                          Share    Share  Redemption   Capital  Revenue 
                                        Capital  Premium     Reserve   Reserve  Reserve   Total 
                                          GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
For the six months ended 30 September 
At 31 March 2019                         14,638   40,021       2,310   117,821    7,438 182,228 
Net return                                    -        -           -     7,157    4,416  11,573 
Net dividends paid - note 5                   -        -           -         -  (2,460) (2,460) 
At 30 September 2019                     14,638   40,021       2,310   124,978    9,394 191,341 
For the six months ended 30 September 
At 31 March 2018                         14,638   40,021       2,310   114,721    7,016 178,706 
Net return                                    -        -           -    10,783    3,960  14,743 
Net dividends paid - note 5                   -        -           -         -  (2,330) (2,330) 
At 30 September 2018                     14,638   40,021       2,310   125,504    8,646 191,119 
Notes to the Condensed Financial Statements 
1. Accounting Policies 
The condensed financial statements have been prepared in accordance with 
applicable United Kingdom Accounting Standards and applicable law (UK Generally 
Accepted Accounting Practice), including FRS 102 The Financial Reporting 
Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland, FRS 104 Interim 
Financial Reporting and the Statement of Recommended Practice Financial 
Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts, issued by 
the Association of Investment Companies in October 2019. The financial 
statements are issued on a going concern basis. 
The accounting policies applied to these condensed financial statements are 
consistent with those applied in the financial statements for the year ended 31 
March 2019. 
2. Income 
                                                                 Six Months to Six Months to 
                                                                  30 Sept 2019  30 Sept 2018 
                                                                         GBP'000         GBP'000 
Income from investments 
UK dividends - ordinary                                                  4,603         4,331 
UK dividends - special                                                     215             - 
UK unfranked investment income                                              36            84 
                                                                         4,854         4,415 
Special dividends of GBP76,000 were recognised in capital during the period 
(2018: GBP429,000). 
3. Management Fees and Finance Costs 
Investment management fees and finance costs are allocated 50% to capital and 
50% to revenue. The investment management fee is calculated and payable monthly 
in arrears based on market capitalisation. Until 30 September 2018, this was 
0.65% up to GBP150 million and 0.55% thereafter. From 1 October 2018, the fee was 
reduced to 0.60% for the first GBP150 million of market capitalisation and 0.50% 
thereafter with all other terms of the management agreement remaining 
4. Taxation and Investment Trust Status 
It is the intention of the Directors to conduct the affairs of the Company so 
that it satisfies the conditions for approval as an investment trust company. 
As such, no tax liability arises on capital gains. In addition, no taxable 
profits arise as expenses exceed taxable income. 
5. Dividends paid on Ordinary Shares 
The first interim dividend for the year ending 31 March 2020 of 2.50p was paid 
on 11 October 2019 to shareholders on the register on 20 September 2019. The 
shares were marked ex dividend on 19 September 2019. The second interim 
dividend of 2.50p for the year ending 31 March 2020 will be paid on 27 December 
                                                             Six Months to     Six Months to 
                                                              30 Sept 2019     30 Sept 2018 
                                                               Pence    GBP'000    Pence  GBP'000 
Final paid (previous year)                                      4.20    2,460     4.10  2,401 
Return of unclaimed dividends from 
  previous years                                                            -            (71) 
                                                                        2,460           2,330 
First interim payable (current 
  year)                                                         2.50    1,464     2.40  1,405 
In accordance with accounting standards, dividends payable after the period end 
have not been recognised as a liability as at the period end. 
6. Classification Under Fair Value Hierarchy 
The fair value hierarchy analysis for investments held at fair value at the 
period end is as follows: 
                                                                              At          At 
                                                                         30 Sept 31 Mar 2019 
                                                                           GBP'000       GBP'000 
Level 1 - The unadjusted quoted 
  price in an active market for 
  identical assets or liabilities that 
  the entity can access at the 
  measurement date                                                       194,093     186,977 
Level 2 - Inputs other than quoted 
  prices included within Level 1 
  that are observable (i.e. developed 
  using market data) for the asset 
  or liability, either directly or 
  indirectly                                                                   -       1,331 
                                                                         194,093     188,308 
As at 30 September 2019, all of the Company's portfolio was composed of quoted 
(Level 1) investments. There were no Level 2 securities. The Level 2 
investments held at 31 March 2019, comprising one fixed income holding, was 
sold during the period. 
7.         Status of Half-Yearly Financial Report 
The financial information contained in this half-yearly report does not 
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the 
Companies Act 2006. The financial information for the half years ended 
30 September 2019 and 30 September 2018 has not been audited. The figures and 
financial information for the year ended 31 March 2019 are extracted and 
abridged from the latest audited accounts and do not constitute the statutory 
accounts for that year. Those accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of 
Companies and included in the Report of the Independent Auditor, which was 
unqualified and did not include a statement under section 498 of the Companies 
Act 2006. 
By order of the Board 
Invesco Asset Management Limited 
Company Secretary 
3 December 2019 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

December 03, 2019 10:23 ET (15:23 GMT)

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