RNS Number:2143L
Fenner PLC
19 April 2005

19 April 2005
                                   Fenner PLC

                              2005 Interim Results

Fenner PLC, the global engineer specialising in reinforced polymer technology,
today announces its interim results for the six months ended 28 February 2005.

Fenner is the world leader in the global conveyor belting market and its
products include light and heavyweight conveyor belting for the mining and power
generation markets, and precision motion control products for the computer,
copier and mechanical equipment markets.

Group Highlights:

   * Improved operating performance and financial results in rising markets

   * Operating profit before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items up
     21% to #6.6m (2004: #5.5m) on turnover up 17% to #141.3m (2004: #120.8m)

   * Profit before tax more than doubled to #3.6m (2004: #1.6m)

   * Heavyweight conveyor belting operations performed strongly, led by a
     recovery in demand from the coal sector in North America

   * Specialist polymer operations traded well across all businesses

   * Recent investment programmes in South Africa, Australia, China and India
     have all produced excellent results and justified confidence in these

   * Demand and order books remain strong

Colin Cooke, Chairman, commented:

"Heavyweight conveyor belt operations have benefited from an increasing
realisation in the energy sector of the value of coal as a strategic resource
for the generation of primary power supplies.

"Our substantial investments in recent years in growing capacity to serve the
emerging, fast growing markets of the Far East are now showing high returns. Our
investments in the Specialist Hose operations are likewise developing and
demonstrating excellent prospects for the future.

"Second half volumes are expected to remain high with strong order books and we
remain confident of a satisfactory year end outturn."


For Further Information:
Fenner PLC
Mark Abrahams, Chief Executive                     19 April 2005: 020 7067 0700
Richard Perry, Finance Director                        Thereafter: 01482 626501
Weber Shandwick Square Mile
Nick Oborne / Stephanie Badjonat                                  020 7067 0700

Chairman's Statement

Operating profit increased 69% during the period as a result of increased sales
and reduced exceptional costs. Heavyweight conveyor belt operations have
benefited from an increasing realisation in the energy sector of the value of
coal as a strategic resource for the generation of primary power supplies.

Our substantial investments in recent years in growing capacity to serve the
emerging, fast growing markets of the Far East are now showing high returns. Our
investments in the Specialist Hose operations are likewise developing and
demonstrating excellent prospects for the future.

Our seasonal cash outflow is in line with our plans and we have secured a new,
five year, #60m Revolving Credit Facility with three leading UK banks.

Second half volumes are expected to remain high with strong order books and we
remain confident of a satisfactory year end outturn.

Turnover and Profits

Turnover for the first six months of the year increased 17% to #141.3m (2004
#120.8m) driven by strong demand for our heavyweight belting products from a
burgeoning energy sector. Operating profit before goodwill amortisation and
exceptional items increased 21% to #6.6m (2004 #5.5m).

Exceptional items reduced during the period to #0.6m (2004 #1.8m) and
principally related to investment write-downs and legal costs. Profit before tax
more than doubled to #3.6m (2004 #1.6m). Earnings per share before goodwill
amortisation and exceptional items rose 22% to 2.77p per share (2004 2.27p per

Cash Resources and Investment

The seasonal first half increase in net debt associated with dividend payments
and increased sales volumes amounted to #12.7m after benefiting from #3.7m of
translation credit in respect of US$ weakness on our US Private Placement debt.
Our organic investment programme is continuing and the extension to our
Shanghai, China facility is due for completion by the end of the current year.

In anticipation of a heavy capital expenditure programme, potential bolt on
acquisitions and the repayment of our US$50m Private Placement Note in March
2006, we have secured a new, five
year, #60m Revolving Credit Facility with three leading UK banks. This also
gives us flexibility for the company's future debt financing options.


The Board recommends a maintained interim dividend at 1.975p per share.


The Group's heavyweight conveyor belting operations have performed strongly in
the opening six months of the year, led by a recovery in demand from the coal
sector in North America. Order intake levels have remained high throughout the
period as demand returned to levels not experienced in recent years. A growing
global awareness of the strategic value of coal as a primary source of power
generation to many countries has accelerated demand for our products.

Price increases driven by underlying feed stock price pressures and global
capacity constraints have necessitated constant price reviews in our North
American operations in order to maintain profitability.

In Europe our UK belting operation has strengthened its export base in response
to reducing demand in the home market, however, the weakness of the US$ has
reduced the profitability of its North American sales. Developments in Eastern
Europe and the former Soviet Union are encouraging. Sales in continental Europe
are satisfactory albeit that margins are such that improvements in productivity
and capacity are needed to achieve acceptable levels of return.

The recent investment programmes in South Africa, Australia, China and India
have all produced outstanding results during the period and fully justify our
confidence in these operations. Improvements in turnover arising from the
commissioning of further capacity have resulted in higher levels of activity,
significantly increased profits and strong returns on the investment capital.

The Precision Polymers operations in North America have seen a steady increase
in activity in line with the improvement in the US industrial sector. The
European operations are growing strongly. Despite the weakness of the US$
reducing gross margins, our specialist hose business is performing well.
Environmental regulations have raised demand levels for these products within
our growing customer base in this area of specialist expertise.


Our outlook remains positive, with volumes strong in most of our major markets.
The margin pressure in Conveyor Belting arising from rapidly increasing raw
material costs has hitherto been met with selling price increases in order to
maintain profitability.

The Precision Polymers business continues both to improve profitability and
market position.

As we enter the second half of the year, we remain optimistic that the benefits
of increased volumes, together with recovering margins, will maintain the
forward momentum of the Group.

Colin Cooke
19 April 2005

Fenner PLC
Group Profit and Loss Account
for the half year ended 28 February 2005 (unaudited)

    Year                                                            Half year    Half year
   ended                                                                ended        ended
31.08.04                                                             28.02.05     29.02.04
    #000                                                      Note       #000         #000

 260,595     Turnover                                          2      141,339      120,836

             Operating profit before goodwill amortisation
  16,101      and exceptional items                            2        6,571        5,453
  (1,149)    Goodwill amortisation                                       (691)        (550)
  (6,214)    Exceptional items                                 3         (556)      (1,756)
---------                                                            ---------    ---------

   8,738     Operating profit                                           5,324        3,147
     489     Share of operating loss in associated undertaking             (5)         269
     695     Profit on sale of associated undertaking                       -            -
---------                                                            ---------    ---------

   9,922     Profit on ordinary activities before interest              5,319        3,416
  (3,458)    Net interest payable                                      (1,695)      (1,778)
             Share of net interest payable in associated
     (69)     undertaking                                                 (22)         (34)
---------                                                            ---------    ---------

   6,395     Profit on ordinary activities before taxation              3,602        1,604
  (3,052)    Tax on profit on ordinary activities              4       (1,332)        (819)
---------                                                            ---------    ---------

   3,343     Profit on ordinary activities after taxation               2,270          785
    (976)    Minority equity interests                                   (384)        (378)
---------                                                            ---------    ---------

   2,367     Profit for the period                                      1,886          407
  (6,324)    Interim dividend                                  5       (2,151)      (2,148)
---------                                                            ---------    ---------

  (3,957)    Transfer from reserves                                      (265)      (1,741)
---------                                                            ---------    ---------

             Earnings per share
             Adjusted - before goodwill amortisation and  
    7.83p     exceptional items                                6         2.77p        2.27p
             Basic - after goodwill amortisation and 
    2.23p     exceptional items                                6         1.74p        0.39p
             Diluted - after goodwill amortisation and  
    2.21p     exceptional items                                6         1.72p        0.39p

All of the Group's activities are continuing operations.

Fenner PLC
Group Balance Sheet
at 28 February 2005 (unaudited)

31.08.04                                                            28.02.05      29.02.04
    #000                                                     Note       #000          #000

             Fixed assets
  20,676     Intangible assets - Goodwill                             19,885        19,149
       5                       - Other                                     3             6
  57,513     Tangible assets                                          56,042        55,125
     344     Investments - Associated undertaking                        299         3,648
     262                 - Other                                         262           262
--------                                                            --------      --------
  78,800                                                              76,491        78,190

             Current assets
  43,391     Stocks                                                   49,173        42,041
  55,456     Debtors                                                  62,607        54,150
  32,229     Cash at bank and in hand                                 19,846        24,425
--------                                                            --------      --------

 131,076                                                             131,626       120,616
 (82,718)    Creditors - Amounts falling due within one year         (80,415)      (66,255)
--------                                                            --------      --------
  48,358     Net current assets                                       51,211        54,361
--------                                                            --------      --------

 127,158     Total assets less current liabilities                   127,702       132,551
             Creditors - Amounts falling due after more
 (55,037)     than one year                                          (53,766)      (57,076)
  (7,670)    Provisions for liabilities and charges                   (7,969)       (7,823)
--------                                                            --------      --------
  64,451     Net assets                                               65,967        67,652
--------                                                            --------      --------

             Capital and reserves
  27,150     Called up share capital                                  27,190        27,150
   4,238     Share premium account                                     4,401         4,248
   3,991     Revaluation reserve                                       4,056         4,108
  16,758     Other reserve                                            17,073        16,909
   8,602     Profit and loss account                                   9,254        12,005
--------                                                            --------      --------

  60,739     Shareholders' funds - Equity interest              7     61,974        64,420
   3,712     Minority equity interests                                 3,993         3,232
--------                                                            --------
  64,451     Total funds employed                                     65,967        67,652

Fenner PLC
Group Cash Flow Statement
for the half year ended 28 February 2005 (unaudited)

          Year                                                       Half year               Half year
            ended                                                        ended                   ended
         31.08.04                                                     28.02.05                29.02.04
   #000      #000                                                #000     #000       #000         #000

                    Net cash outflow from operating
 21,899              activities before exceptional items       (2,000)              1,543
 (7,708)            Net cash outflow on exceptional items        (779)             (2,766)
 -------                                                       -------             -------
                    Net cash outflow from operating 
           14,191    activities                                         (2,779)                 (1,223)

                    Dividends received from associated
               77    undertaking                                             -                       -

                    Returns on investments and servicing
                     of finance
  1,142             Interest received                             450                 535
 (4,874)            Interest paid                              (2,173)             (2,508)
                    Interest element of finance lease
     (2)             rental payments                               (1)                 (1)
                    Dividends paid to minority
   (511)             shareholders                                (308)               (297)
 -------                                                       -------             -------
                    Net cash outflow from returns on
           (4,245)   investments and servicing of finance               (2,032)                 (2,271)

           (2,591)  Taxation                                            (1,948)                   (816)

                    Capital expenditure and financial
 (7,999)            Purchase of tangible fixed assets          (3,045)             (3,313)
   (744)            Purchase of investments and secured loans       -                (744)
     43             Sale of tangible fixed assets                  25                  26
 -------                                                       -------             -------
                    Net cash outflow on capital expenditure
           (8,700)   and financial investment                           (3,020)                 (4,031)

                    Acquisitions and disposals
 (2,796)            Purchase of subsidiary undertakings          (254)             (2,628)
     11             Sale of subsidiary undertaking                  -                  16
                    Net proceeds on disposal of associated
                     undertaking and purchase of related 
  1,279              subsidiary                                     -                   -
 -------                                                       -------             -------
                    Net cash outflow on acquisitions and
           (1,506)   disposals                                            (254)                 (2,612)

           (6,015)  Equity dividends paid                               (6,324)                 (6,015)
           -------                                                      -------                 -------
           (8,789)  Net cash outflow before financing                  (16,357)                (16,968)

  4,684             Issue of ordinary share capital                 -               4,694
     68             Loan repayment from associated undertaking     34                  35
    (11)            Capital element of finance lease repayments    (6)                 (6)
 (3,968)            Repayment of bank and other borrowings       (197)               (141)
    916             New bank and other borrowings               2,187                 487
 -------                                                      -------              -------
            1,689   Net cash inflow from financing                       2,018                   5,069
           -------                                                      -------                 -------
           (7,100)  Decrease in cash                                   (14,339)                (11,899)

Fenner PLC
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
for the half year ended 28 February 2005 (unaudited)

    Year                                                             Half year    Half year
   ended                                                                 ended        ended
31.08.04                                                              28.02.05     29.02.04
    #000                                                                               #000

   2,367        Profit for the period                                    1,886          407
                Currency translation differences on foreign 
   1,378         currency net investments                                1,125        2,789
 -------                                                               -------      -------
                Total recognised gains and losses relating to the 
   3,745         period                                                  3,011        3,196

Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Outflow from Operating Activities
for the half year ended 28 February 2005 (unaudited)

   8,738        Operating profit                                         5,324        3,147
                Non cash items
   7,097        Depreciation and amortisation                            4,328        3,807
                Others including the effect of foreign exchange 
   1,040         rate changes                                              444          396
                Working capital movements
    (119)       Stocks                                                  (6,314)         525
  (1,898)       Debtors                                                 (8,134)      (2,198)
    (667)       Creditors                                                1,573       (6,900)
 -------                                                               -------      -------
  14,191        Net cash outflow from operating activities              (2,779)      (1,223)

Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net Debt
for the half year ended 28 February 2005 (unaudited)

  (7,100)       Decrease in cash                                       (14,339)     (11,899)
                Cash inflow from increase in loans and finance
   3,063         leases                                                 (1,984)        (340)
 -------                                                               -------      -------
  (4,037)       Increase in net debt resulting from cash flows         (16,323)     (12,239)
       -        Loans and finance leases acquired with subsidiaries        (31)           -
   9,117        Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                  3,678       11,964
 -------                                                               -------      -------
   5,080        Increase in net debt                                   (12,676)        (275)
 (44,496)       Opening net debt                                       (39,416)     (44,496)
 -------                                                               -------      -------
 (39,416)       Closing net debt                                       (52,092)     (44,771)
 -------                                                               -------      -------
    64.9%       Gearing (closing net debt / Shareholders' funds)          84.1%        69.5%

Fenner PLC

1 Basis of preparation

The interim financial information, which was approved by the Board on 19 April
2005, is unaudited and has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies
set out in the 2004 Annual Report.
The Group profit and loss account for the year ended 31 August 2004 and the
Group balance sheet as at that date are an abridged version of the statutory
accounts for that period which, together with an unqualified audit report, have
been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

2 Segmental information by geographical origin

                                                                              Operating profit
                                                                  before goodwill amortisation
                                             Turnover                    and exceptional items
                    Half year   Half year        Year     Half year     Half year         Year
                        ended       ended       ended         ended         ended        ended
                     28.02.05    29.02.04    31.08.04      28.02.05      29.02.04     31.08.04
                         #000        #000        #000          #000          #000         #000

Europe                 42,032      39,440      80,298          (443)          827        2,145
North America          64,209      53,789     119,413         2,876         1,246        5,471
Africa                 14,357      12,298      26,594         1,949         1,883        4,402
Rest of world          23,139      18,069      39,237         2,189         1,497        4,083
Inter-segment sales    (2,398)     (2,760)     (4,947)            -             -            -
                      -------     -------     -------       -------       -------      -------
                      141,339     120,836     260,595         6,571         5,453       16,101

3 Exceptional items

The exceptional charge for the current period amounting to #556,000 (31 August
2004 #6,214,000; 29 February 2004 #1,756,000) principally comprises an asset
impairment relating to the Group's investment in United Polymers Limited and
professional costs relating to proceedings against the Welsh Development Agency
(WDA) for damages in relation to the provision by the WDA of defective
manufacturing facilities. The related tax credit amounted to #125,000 (31 August
2004 #735,000; 29 February 2004 #358,000).

4 Taxation on profit on ordinary activities

    Year                                                      Half year      Half year
   ended                                                          ended          ended
31.08.04                                                       28.02.05       29.02.04
    #000                                                           #000           #000

              The tax charge, based on the profit for the
               period comprises
     256      UK taxation                                            10            116
   2,796      Overseas taxation                                   1,322            703
 -------                                                        -------        -------
   3,052                                                          1,332            819

5 Interim dividend

The interim dividend of 1.975p per share (2004 1.975p) will be paid on 5
September 2005 to shareholders on the register on 5 August 2005, except to the
holders of shares issued after 28 February 2005 and before 5 August 2005 which
require shareholder approval.

6 Earnings per share

In view of the significance of the goodwill amortisation and the exceptional
costs in the current and prior periods, the directors consider it appropriate to
disclose earnings per share calculated both before and after these items.

       Year                                                         Half year        Half year
      ended                                                             ended            ended
   31.08.04                                                          28.02.05         29.02.04
       #000                                                              #000             #000

      2,367     Profit for the period                                   1,886              407
      6,668     Goodwill amortisation and exceptional items             1,247            2,306
       (735)    Tax attributable to the exceptional items                (125)            (358)
-----------                                                        -----------     ----------- 
                Earnings for the period before goodwill
      8,300      amortisation and exceptional items                     3,008            2,355

     Number                                                            Number           Number

                Weighted average number of ordinary shares
                in issue during the period
106,197,546     Weighted average number of shares in issue        108,667,227      103,741,359
                Weighted average number of shares held by
   (132,010)     the Employee Share Ownership Plan Trust             (131,859)        (132,165)
-----------                                                       -----------      -----------

                Weighted average number of shares in issue - 
106,065,536      basic                                            108,535,368      103,609,194
                Weighted average effect of share options and
    930,783      contingent long term incentive plan shares           963,151          919,687
-----------                                                       -----------      -----------
                Weighted average number of shares in issue - 
106,996,319      diluted                                          109,498,519      104,528,881

      Pence                                                             Pence            Pence

                Earnings per share
                Basic - after goodwill amortisation and 
       2.23      exceptional items                                       1.74             0.39
       6.29     Goodwill amortisation and exceptional items              1.15             2.23
      (0.69)    Tax attributable to exceptional items                   (0.12)           (0.35)
-----------                                                       -----------      -----------
                Adjusted - before goodwill amortisation and 
       7.83      exceptional items                                       2.77             2.27

Diluted earnings per share after goodwill amortisation and exceptional items in
the half year ended 28 February 2005 and 29 February 2004 were 1.72p and 0.39p

7 Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds

    Year                                                           Half year     Half year
   ended                                                               ended         ended
31.08.04                                                            28.02.05      29.02.04
    #000                                                                #000          #000

  58,428       Opening shareholders' funds                            60,739        58,428

   2,367       Profit for the period                                   1,886           407
  (6,324)      Dividends                                              (2,151)       (2,148)
   4,684       Share capital issued                                        -         4,694
     206       UITF17 share award accrual                                375           250
               Currency translation differences on foreign 
   1,378        currency net investments                               1,125         2,789
 -------                                                             -------       -------
   2,311        Net increase in shareholders' funds                    1,235         5,992
 -------                                                             -------       -------
  60,739       Closing shareholders' funds                            61,974        64,420

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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