RNS Number:8131V
Chemetall PLC
25 February 2004

Chemetall PLC
Preliminary Results for the fifteen months ended 31 December 2003

Chairman's statement

The past fifteen months have proved to be challenging for the group due to the
continued weak trading environment within the UK manufacturing sector. However,
this has not deflected us from our strategic plan and we have been able to
offset some of the fall in demand and customer closures in our Automotive and
General Industry business by significant gains in the Aerospace and Performance
Products divisions. Furthermore, our Middle East business has shown continued

Results and dividends

Despite the continuing difficult trading conditions, the Group generated a
profit on ordinary activities before taxation of #3.2 million (twelve months
ended 30 September 2002: #2.5 million) with a turnover for the fifteen months of
#16.8 million (twelve months ended 30 September 2002: #13.8 million).

The Group continues tohold substantial loan assets of #80.9 million (30
September 2002: #74.7 million) with other Chemetall GmbH group companies which
generate interest income and exchange profits or losses, further details of
which are provided in the Operating and financial review.

Preference dividends continue to be paid on the normal due dates.

Change of ultimate parent undertaking

In October 2003 we announced that our ultimate holding company, mg technologies
ag ('mg') intends to sell its chemical business, Dynamit Nobel ('DN'), of which
Chemetall PLC is a part. 'mg' has taken the decision to concentrate on its
engineering businesses. The change is seen as positive as both 'DN' and
Chemetall groups are strong performers in their own right. The outcome of the
bidding process is likely to take several months and in the meantime Chemetall
PLC continues with "business as usual".

Litigation costs - Weir

In October 1998, before Chemetall GmbH acquired Brent International PLC (now
Chemetall PLC), the former Brent International disposed of its Imaging
Management business to Weir Technology Ltd ('Weir'). Subsequently, the Group
received claims from Weir for damages for alleged misrepresentation and claims
under a tax indemnity in the sale agreement. The Group defended elements of
these claims and #0.9 million was paid during the period to meet the claim and
discharge the liability.


The outlook for the business in 2004 and beyond is positive. The project list is
strong which, together with an expected easing of market conditions as the year
progresses, strengthens our optimism for the future. We are in the process of
restructuring our sales divisions in order to help us to target our markets and
improve our responsiveness to changes in them. We will continue to tightly
control and monitor our personnel and other operating overheads.


The Group remains committed to the full development and training of its
employees. Flexibility and multi-skilling are seenas an important element in
order to develop and grow the business.

Alec Daly CBE

Operating and financial review

Divisional analysis

The Aerospace Division's activities continue to thrive. Aerospace and defence
sales inthe fifteen months to 31 December 2003 were 25% above the comparable
previous fifteen-month period. Demand continues to grow for our range of
aluminium cleaning and deoxidising materials and we continue to act as a
preferred supplier of speciality chemicals for Rolls Royce Aerospace Engines.

Automotive Division sales suffered during 2003 mainly as a consequence of the
closures in 2002 of the Ford plant at Dagenham and the Vauxhall plant at Luton.
We have recruited a new business development manager to enable us to redirect
our approach to this important market sector. We have set a modest growth target
for 2004 and early indications are positive.

Our Advanced Technologies Division took the brunt of the downturn in demand and
customer closures. However, we were able to offset some of this effect through
some key new business gains particularly in the automotive components, heavy
equipment, plastic fascia and general industrial market areas.

The Performance Products Division (PPD), which targets service-orientated
industries, has performed well in the latter half of 2003. Over 150 smaller
customers were added to our portfolio in 2003 and significant success was
achieved in the bottled water cleaning, industrial coolant and road transport
cleaning sectors.

Chemetall PLC has recently been accredited with the ISO9000:2000 quality
standard. This is a difficult accreditation to win and one that should provide
us with a competitive edge. Furthermore, we are anticipating approval by March
2004 for the new automotive industry standard ISO TS16949/9000:2000.

Profit performance and analysis

Turnover for the fifteen month period to 31 December 2003 was #16.8 million
(twelve months ended 30 September 2002: #13.8 million) with profit on ordinary
activities before taxation being #3.2 million (twelve months ended 30 September
2002: #2.5 million). The increased profit before taxation over the previous
twelve-month period is attributable mainly to the effect of favourable exchange
movements on the substantial loans held by members of the Group with Chemetall
GmbH or its subsidiaries.

At 31 December 2003 the Group held loans, including interest accrued thereon,
totalling #80.9 million (30 September 2002: #74.7 million). Interest earned on
these loans in the fifteen-month period totalled #3.3 million (Twelve months
ended 30 September 2002: #2.7 million). Favourable exchange movements in the
euro, partially offset by a weaker dollar, resulted in a #1.2 million gain for
the period (compared to an exchange loss of #0.8 million in the twelve months to
30 September 2002).

The Group paid #0.9 million to discharge a claim from Weir Technology Limited
('Weir') following arbitration concerning the disposal bythe Group to Weir of
its Imaging Management business in October 1998. This cost is disclosed as an
exceptional operating item due to its size.

During the period, the Group disposed of it's one remaining freehold-interest,
that of land at Stanton for #46,000.

Cash flow and financing

The net cash inflow from operating activities before exceptional operating items
was #0.9 million (twelve months ended 30 September 2002: #0.3 million).
Exceptional operating items of #850,000 related to the Weir Litigation costs
mentioned above. Cash inflow of #2.0 million was received from Chemetall GmbH
for payment of part of the interest accrued on the loans.

The funds received on payment of loan interest have been used to eliminate bank
overdrafts; any surpluses are remitted to our holding company Chemetall GmbH. At
the period end, the Group had net cash balances of #0.2 million.


The Group showed a net tax charge of #0.6 million (Twelve months ended 30
September2002: #1.1 million) benefiting from the adjustments and deductions
relating to prior years and increase in deferred tax asset mainly arising from
losses brought forward from prior periods.

Treasury Policies

The Group's treasury policies, which are approved by the board, seek to
eliminate risk from currency movements affecting sales and purchases denominated
in foreign currencies. We use instruments such as forward currency sale or
purchase contracts where practical and cost effective.

Where appropriate,the Group's financial systems are able to transact business
denominated in foreign currencies.

Consolidated profit and loss account
for the 15 month period ended 31 December 2003

                                               15 months ended      Year ended
                                      Note         31 December    30 September
                                                        2003              2002
                                                        #000              #000

        Group turnover                   2            16,820            13,794
        Cost of sales                                 (8,492)           (6,516)
                                                  -----------       -----------
   Gross profit                                   8,328             7,278

        Selling and distribution                      (6,325)           (5,232)
        Administrative expenses                       (3,530)           (1,811)
        Other operating income                           125                82
                                                  -----------       -----------
        Operating (loss)/profit
        before exceptional operating
        items included in
        administration expenses                         (552)              317

        Exceptional operating item -                    (850)                -
        litigation costs                          -----------       -----------
        Operating (loss)/profit                       (1,402)              317

        Profit on sale of properties                       6               357
        held for resale
                                                   ----------       -----------
        (Loss)/profit on ordinary                     (1,396)              674
        activities before interest

        Net interest receivable and      4          4,568             1,871
        similar income
                                                   ----------       -----------
        Profit on ordinary               3             3,172             2,545
        activities before taxation

  Taxation on profit on                           (628)           (1,053)
        ordinary activities
                                              ----------------  ----------------
        Profit for the financial                       2,544   1,492

        Dividends on equity and non      5            (1,350)           (1,699)
        equity shares
                                              ----------------  ----------------
        Retained profit/(loss) for                     1,194              (207)
        the period
                                              ================  ================

The results for the current and preceding financial period are derived from
continuing operations.

Consolidated balance sheet
at 31 December 2003

              Note      31 December     31 December    30 September 30 September
                             2003            2003            2002           2002
                           #000            #000            #000           #000

Fixed assets
Intangible                                  2,906                          3,267
Tangible                                    1,443                          1,630
                  ---------------                --------------
                                            4,349                          4,897
Current assets

Investments                     -                              40
Stocks               1,082                           1,177
Debtors                    85,500                          80,241
Cash at bank                  203                               3
and in hand
                     --------------                 ---------------
                           86,785                          81,461

Creditors:                 (3,838)                         (4,788)
amounts falling due
within one year
                     --------------                 ---------------

Net current assets                         82,947                         76,673
                                     ---------------                 --------------
Total assets less                          87,296                         81,750
current liabilties

Provisions for                              (667)                           (758)
liabilities and charges
                                    ---------------                 --------------
Net assets                               86,629                         80,812
                                    ===============                 ==============

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital              18,889                         18,889
Share premium account                      29,757                         29,757
Profit and loss account                    37,983                         32,166
                                    ---------------                 --------------
Shareholders'    6                         86,629                         80,812
funds                               ===============                 ==============

Equity                                     74,629                         68,812
Non-equity                                 12,000                         12,000
                                    ---------------                 --------------
                                           86,629 80,812
                                    ===============                 ==============

Consolidated cash flow statement
for the 15 month period ended 31 December 2003

                  Note   15 months ended 31 December   Year ended 30 September
                                               2003                       2002
                                #000          #000          #000          #000

    Net cash         7                         (22)       257
    inflow from

    Returns on
    and servicing
    of finance

    Interest received          2,056                           -
    Interest paid            (73)                        (28)
    Dividends paid on         (1,080)                     (1,080)
    non-equity shares
                         -------------               -------------
    Net cash
    from returns on
investments and
    servicing of finance                       903                      (1,108)

    Taxation                                  (434)                       (993)

    Capital expenditure
    and financial investment

    Purchase of tangible        (118)                        (99)
    fixed assets

    Purchase of intangible        (6)                        (30)
    fixed assets

    Sale of properties            46                       1,636
    for resale
      -------------               -------------
    Net cash (outflow)/                        (78)                      1,507
    inflow from
                                       -------------            -------------
    Increase/        9                         369                        (337)
    (decrease) in
    cash in the
                                       =============               =============

Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
for the 15 months ended 31 December 2003

                                                15 months ended      Year ended
                                                    31 December    30 September
      2003             2002
                                                         #000             #000

 Profit for the financial period                         2,544            1,492

 Exchange difference on the                              4,623              461
 retranslation of net investments and
 related borrowings
                                               ---------------- ----------------
 Total recognised gains and losses          7,167            1,953
 relating to the period
 Prior period adjustment                                     -              963
                                               ---------------- ----------------
 Total gains andlosses recognised                       7,167            2,916
 since last annual report
                                               ================ ================

Notes to the prliminary announcement

 1. Accounting policies

    Basis of preparation

    The unaudited preliminary results for the fifteen months ended 31 December
    2003 have been prepared in accordance with UK generally accepted accounting
    principles. The accounting policies applied are those set out inthe Group's
    Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 30 September 2002.

    The Group has followed the transitional arrangements of FRS17 "Retirement

    Basis of consolidation

    The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of
    the Company and its subsidiary and associated undertakings made up to 31
    December 2003. The acquisition method of accounting has been adopted. Under
    this method the results of subsidiary undertakings acquired or sold during
    the period are included in the consolidated profit and loss account from or
    to their respective dates of acquisition or disposal. Where appropriate, the
    financial statements of overseas subsidiary and associated undertakings are
    adjusted to conform to the Group's accounting policies.
2. Turnover

    All activities are derived from the development, manufacture and marketing
    of specialised industrial chemicals.

3. Profit on ordinary activities before taxation

    Profit on ordinary activities before taxation is stated after
    charging #850,000 to discharge a claim from Weir Technology Limited
    ('Weir') following arbitration concerning the disposal by the Group
    to Weir of its Imaging Management business in October 1998.

4. Net interest receivable and similar income

                                                15 months ended       Year ended
                                                    31 December     30 September
                                                         2003             2002
                                                         #000             #000

     Interest receivable and similar income
     Wholly receivable within fiveyears:
     Loans to group undertakings                         3,335            2,739
     On cash balances                                       74                2
     Exchange gain/(loss) on loans to                    1,232             (842)
group undertakings
                                               ---------------- ----------------
                                                         4,641            1,899
     Interest payable and similar charges
     Wholly repayable within five years:
     Bank overdrafts                                       (73)             (28)
                                               ---------------- ----------------
     Net interest receivable                             4,568       1,871
                                               ================ ================

 5. Dividends and other appropriations

                                                15 months ended      Year ended
                                  31 December      30 September
                                                         2003              2002
                                                         #000              #000
            10p ordinary shares
         Interim dividend                                -              619
            9% redeemable preference shares
            Dividend payable                            1,350            1,080
                                               ---------------- ----------------
                                                        1,350            1,699
                                               ================ ================

 6. Reconciliation of movements in shareholders funds

       31 December     30 September
                                                         2003             2002
                                                         #000             #000

            At beginning of the period                 80,812           80,558
            Profit/(loss) for the period                1,194             (207)
            Other recognised gains and losses           4,623              461
            in the period (net)
                                               ---------------- ----------------
            At end of the period                       86,629           80,812
                                               ================ ================

7. Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flows

                                                15 months ended     Year ended
                                                    31 December    30 September
                          2003             2002
                                                         #000             #000

            Operating (loss)/profit before               (552)             317
            exceptional operating items
            Exceptional operating item -                 (850)               -
            litigation costs paid
                                               ---------------- ----------------
            Operating (loss)/profit                 (1,402)             317

            Depreciation, amortisation and                672              479
            impairment charges
            Exchange (loss)/gain on loans to                -             (843)
            subsidiary undertakings
            Decrease/(increase) in stocks                  95              (74)
            Decrease in debtors                         1,243              773
            Decrease in creditors and other              (630)            (395)
                                               ---------------- ----------------
            Net cash (outflow)/inflow from                (22)             257
            operating activities
                                     ================ ================

 8. Analysis of net funds

                  At the beginning            Exchange At the end
                     of the period Cash flow  movement  Other  of the period
                              #000      #000      #000   #000           #000

    Cash at bank                 3       200        -       -           203
    Bank loans and overdrafts (169)      169        -       -              -
    Loans to group          74,725    (1,982)   4,083   4,040         80,866
                        -----------  --------  -------  ------      ---------
    Net funds               74,559    (1,613)   4,083   4,040         81,069
                        ===========  ========  =======  =======     =========

 9. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds

                                              15 months ended        Year ended
                                                  31 December      30 September
                    2003              2002          
                                                        #000              #000

            Increase/(decrease) in cash in               369              (337)
            the period
            Cash flow from movement in funds          (1,982)                -
            in the period
                                              ----------------  ----------------
            Change in net funds resulting             (1,613)             (337)
            from cash flows
            Non-cash movements on loans (see           4,040             9,810
            Translation differences                    4,083              (415)
                      ----------------  ----------------
            Movement in net funds in the period        6,510             9,058
            Net funds at beginning of the period      74,559            65,501
                                 ----------------  ----------------
            Net funds at the end of the period        81,069            74,559
                                              ================  ================

    Non-cash movements on loans consist of accrued and current interest being
    rolled up into the principal amounts on existing loan to group undertakings.

10. Declaration

    The results for the fifteen months ended 31 December 2003 are unaudited.
    The results for the year ended 30 September 2002 are an extract from the
    full accounts for that period and have been delivered to the Registrar
    of Companies; the report of the auditors on those accounts was
    unqualified. The accounts for the fifteen months ended 31 December 2003
    will be posted to all shareholders shortly. The report of the auditors
    on those accounts is expected to be unqualified. The financial
    information in this statement does not constitute full statutory
    accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.


For further information, please contact:

Rob Rydings, Chemetall PLC        Tel: 01908 361817

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company newsservice from the London Stock Exchange


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