Sustained organic growth: +13.7%
Solid markets in France: +6.9%
Strong international growth: +29.5%
2022 business targets confirmed
Regulatory News:
The first quarter of 2022 confirmed Séché Environnement's
(Paris:SCHP) good level of activity in all of its business
lines and in all regions where the Group operates.
In France and internationally as well, the Group is fully
benefiting from its positioning on the promising markets of the
circular economy and decarbonization of the economy, while its
services activities respond to the growing problems faced by its
industrial and local authorities customers for management of their
environmental impacts in France and internationally.
This good start to the year confirms the Group's expectations
for 2022.
As of March 31, 2022, contributed revenue1 stood at €209.1
million, representing an increase of +21.3% compared to the same
period last year (€172.4 million).
At constant scope and exchange rates, contributed revenue rose
sharply (+12.3%) reflecting a good level of activity across all
regions, divisions and business lines.
Over the period, France (contributed revenue up +6.9% at
constant scope) confirmed the solidity of its industrial and local
authorities markets, underpinned by the dynamic growth of the
circular economy and the dynamic performance of services
Internationally (revenue up 29.5% at constant scope and exchange
rates), the Group also benefited from a good performance of its
activities across all of its regions, while activity also saw
significant "spot" operations in Q1 (decontamination and
environmental emergency) which increased growth in South Africa and
Séché is confident that it will achieve its growth targets for
Commentary on business in the first quarter of 2022
As of March 31, 2022, Séché Environnement reported consolidated
revenue of €226.6 million, up from €183.7 million a year
Contributed revenue stood at €209.1 million vs. €172.4m as of
March 31, 2021, an increase of +21.3% over the period. This
increase includes a scope effect of €15.1 million related to:
France, the integration of Séché Assainissement on January 1, 2022
and, internationally, the contribution of Spill Tech, which had
been included from March 1, 2021.
At constant scope and exchange rates, contributed revenue stood
at €194.0 million, up +13.7% compared to Q1 2021.
Breakdown by geographic scope
Consolidated data in €m
As of March 31
Gross change
Organic change
France subsidiaries
o/w scope effect
International subsidiaries
o/w scope effect
Contributed revenue
As of March 31, 2021, reported revenue at constant exchange
rates amounted to €170.6 million, showing a currency effect of
€(1.8) million.
The France scope confirmed the good performance of its markets
in line with expectations, while International business posted
growth strengthened by the contribution of "spot" markets,
particularly in Latin America:
- In France, contributed revenue stood at €145.2 million, an
increase of +11.9% compared to March 31, 2021. This increase
includes the contribution of Séché Assainissement, consolidated as
of January 1, 2022, for €6.6 million. Excluding the scope effect,
growth amounted to +6.9%, illustrating the good level of growth
across all activities within each division.
The period benefited from the good performance of industrial
markets, supported by the level of industrial production, while
Local Authorities markets confirmed their solidity, supported by
the implementation of regulations relating to the circular
It also saw strong momentum in Services activities, in
particular environmental emergency activities.
- International revenue was €63.8 million, up +49.8% compared to
Q1 2021. That figure includes €8.5 million in two additional
months' contributions from Spill Tech, which was consolidated from
March 1, 2021.
At constant scope and exchange rates, growth was at a high level
(+29.5%), demonstrating sustained growth momentum among all
subsidiaries in Europe, South Africa and the rest of the world.
These favorable developments were bolstered by the high level of
activity in Environmental Services, in particular the pollution and
environmental emergency businesses in Peru and South Africa ("spot"
Analysis by activity
Consolidated data in €m
As of March 31
Gross change
Organic change
Circular economy
o/w scope effect
Hazard management
o/w scope effect
o/w scope effect
Contributed revenue
All activities contributed to the good performance in Q1
- Activities related to the circular economy (revenue up +9.1%
-organic-) are supported by regulations and the growing needs of
customers for low-carbon solutions for regenerated materials or
recovery energy, in France and internationally, where Valls Quimica
(Spain) saw significant growth in its chemical purification
activities (+24.5%);
- Activities related to the Hazard Management (reve,ue up +14.7%
-organic-) benefited in France from the good level of industrial
production and favorable commercial effects (volume effects and
price effects) in a context of good availability of treatment
capacities. Internationally, mining / oil and gas clients benefited
from the rise in commodities, such as in Chile (revenue up +38.8%
- Services activities posted very strong growth (+36.9%), partly
reflecting the scope effect related to Séché Assainissement and
Spill Tech (€15.2 million). At constant scope, Services activities
recorded solid growth (revenue up +17.4% -organic-) especially in
chemical cleaning activities (Solarca up +38.3%) and the dynamic
decontamination and environmental emergency “spot” markets in
France (SUI up +45.3%), South Africa (Spill Tech up +46.0% compared
to March 2021) and Peru (Kanay up +277%).
Analysis by division
Consolidated data in €m
As of March 31
Gross change
Organic change
Hazardous Waste
o/w scope effect
Non-Hazardous Waste
o/w scope effect
Contributed revenue
Divisions contributed to growth in a balanced manner:
- The Hazarouds Waste division posted revenue of €132.7 million,
up by +20.0% compared to Q1 2021. This increase includes a scope
effect of €8.5 million, corresponding to an additional two months
of Spill Tech's contribution in Q1 2022.
At constant scope and exchange rates, the division's growth was
up +13.4%, reflecting the momentum of Services activities in France
(see SUI performance in Environmental Emergency activities) and
Hazard Management and, internationally, the very strong momentum of
Services activities (Solarca’s markets of chemical cleaning and
“spot” markets of Decontamination, Environmental Emergency).
- The Non-Hazardous Waste division achieved revenue of €76.4
million, an increase of +23.4% over the period.
Restated for the scope effect related to the consolidation of
Séché Assainissement (€6.6 million), and at constant exchange
rates, growth in the division was +14.2%, mainly reflecting in
France the momentum of Services (Decontamination) and
internationally the good performance of Interwaste. In South
Growth outlook confirmed
This good start to the year underpins Séché Environnement's
growth prospects for the current year.
Positioned on the Circular Economy and Decarbonization markets,
and a player in industrial relocation as part of an ecological
transition approach, the Group is responding to the challenges
faced by the regions by supplying low-carbon regenerated resources,
raw materials and energy, while the geopolitical context increases
the cost of fossil resources along with the attractiveness of the
solutions proposed by the Group.
Séché Environnement's business lines, which are essential to
protecting the environment and responding to regulatory
requirements in order to facilitate the ecological transition,
therefore show strong resilience in the event of an unfavorable
downturn in the economic cycle, particularly in France.
Séché Environnement reaffirms its confidence in achieving its
business growth targets in 2022, with organic growth in line with
the trends observed in the second half of 2021.
Conference call
A conference call to comment on the Q1 2022 activity will be
held, in French only, on April 26, 2022 at 6 pm (CET).
To participate in the conference, dial +33 170 710
159 - Code: 83 79 01 56 #
Presentation materials will be available from 5.45 pm on the
Séché Environnement website:
The conference will be available to replay by dialing +33 172
727 402 – Code: 42 50 20 748#
Upcoming events
Combined General Meeting April 29, 2022
Consolidated results as of June 30, 2022: September 12, 2022,
after market close
About Séché Environnement
Séché Environnement is a leading player in waste management,
including the most complex and hazardous waste, and in
environmental services, particularly in the event of an
environmental emergency.
Thanks to its expertise in the creation of circular economy
loops, decarbonization and hazard control, the group has been
contributing to the ecological transition of industries and
territories, as well as to the protection of the living world, for
nearly 40 years. A French family-owned industrial group, Séché
Environnement deploys the cutting-edge technologies developed by
its R&D department at the heart of territories, in more than
120 locations in 15 countries, including some fifty industrial
sites in France. With nearly 5,000 employees, including 2,300 in
France, Séché Environnement generated a turnover of €736 million in
2021, 28% of which was generated internationally.
ISIN : FR 0000039139 – Bloomberg : SCHP.FP – Reuters :
1 See Appendix 1: “Definition of contributed revenue”
Appendix 1
Definition of contributed revenue
In €m
As of March 31
Revenue (reported)
IFRIC 12 revenue
Contributed revenue
IFRIC 12 revenue: investments made for disposed assets, billed
back to the Licenser and booked as revenue in accordance with IFRIC
TGAP: General Tax on Polluting Activities paid by the waste
producer and collected on behalf of the State by the treatment
operators. This tax is paid to the State with no impact on
operating margins.
Its projected change between 2021 and 2025, which is both very
significant and very differentiated depending on the business lines
and types of processing, will lead to the recognition, in reported
revenue, of:
- Non-economic revenue resulting from a significant increase in
the amount of tax collected, particularly within the NHW
- Significant differentiated changes between activities, which
are not representative of their economic changes, particularly in
the treatment business lines (incineration and storage of final
waste (see Appendix 2).
This change has no impact on operating margins, particularly
Its restatement in non-contributed revenue is also neutral in
terms of operating margins.
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Analyst/Investor Relations
Manuel Andersen Head of Investor Relations +33 (0)1 53 21 53 60
Media Relations
Constance Descotes Head of Communications +33 (0)1 53 21 53
Seche Environnement (EU:SCHP)
過去 株価チャート
から 2 2025 まで 3 2025
Seche Environnement (EU:SCHP)
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から 3 2024 まで 3 2025