Ohio State and Georgetown Students Make World Record Basketball Shot From 500-Feet Away . . . Flying in the Goodyear Blimp
2007年3月31日 - 6:49AM
PRニュース・ワイアー (英語)
AKRON, OHIO, March 30/PRNewswire/ -- Since the start of the
basketball season, Stacey Freyer, a sophomore at Ohio State
University and Jennifer Hanson, a senior out of Georgetown
University, have been rooting for their teams to reach the national
championship. They never dreamed, days before, they would be the
ones to actually make the big shot. Today, Freyer and Hanson made
history when each successfully hit the world's longest basketball
shot. (Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070330/CLF139-a
) (Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070330/CLF139-b )
(Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070330/CLF139-c )
(Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20050204/GTLOGO) Freyer
and Hanson each hit a 100-foot hoop-target with a regulation
basketball ... from the gondola of the Goodyear blimp, 500 feet
above the goal, winning the Goodyear "Get There" Blimp Shot
Contest. A total of four contestants - representing each school in
the Men's Division I college basketball semifinals - participated
in the contest. "I thought it looked makeable," said Freyer. "When
I shot it, we were way past the target, but it looked like it
started out dead on. When it was good, we all started cheering.
Everyone was excited even the pilots." Hanson said, "I thought I
missed it by a mile. And then, while the ball was falling, it
looked like it changed direction. I saw it hit that target and
bounce up and then I knew I made it. I was surprised, but it was a
good surprise." At first, when The Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Company informed Freyer and Hanson that they had been selected to
participate in the Goodyear "Get There" Blimp Shot Contest, it
seemed easy. Shoot a regulation-size basketball through a giant
hoop target measuring 100-feet across. Then nearly impossible -
make the shot from 500-feet away while flying in the Goodyear
Blimp. For their amazing feats, both earned the Goodyear "Get
There" prize package which includes travel, accommodations and
tickets for two to attend one of the sporting events where the
Goodyear blimp will provide aerial coverage over the next 12
months. In addition, video of Freyer's and Hanson's winning shots
and the balls they used will be sent to the Naismith Memorial
Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Mass. for display and
historical purposes. Freyer and Hanson were part of a group of
students representing each of the final four teams in the Men's
Division I college basketball tournament, and they were the only
ones to successfully make the once-in-a-lifetime shot. Also
participating were Chris Smith, a senior from South Lake Tahoe,
California, for UCLA and Alex Perez, a senior from Miami, Florida
for the University of Florida. Freyer, a sophomore from Woodville,
Ohio, has served for the past two years in the Athletic
Communications department as the student assistant covering the
men's basketball team. The communications major, who dreamed of
attending Ohio State since she was a young girl, has attended every
home game this season in addition to witnessing the team's exciting
victory in the Big 10 Championship. Hanson, a senior out of Turtle
Lake, North Dakota, is a four-year cheerleader with Georgetown and
she has been to every home men's basketball game this year. In
addition to cheering for the men's basketball team, she also cheers
for the football and women's basketball teams. The contest was
conducted in support of Goodyear's new advertising campaign, which
is built upon the theme of "Get There." Aided by the Goodyear
blimp, one of the world's most familiar and popular corporate
icons, the campaign features the "blimp pilots" who represent
Goodyear's "eyes" from above, looking ahead to help drivers find a
better way to "get there" to their destinations. Additionally, as
the exclusive aerial coverage provider for CBS' broadcast of the
2007 NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament, Goodyear is providing views
from above for more than 30 tournament games in eight cities across
the country, including the Final Four and Championship. Not since
the Olympic Games has Goodyear dedicated as many aerial assets over
so many days to cover one event. Goodyear's "Get There" campaign
will be seen throughout the year in key magazines, online and
during high-profile sporting events and prime-time programming.
Goodyear is one of the world's largest tire companies. The company
manufactures tires, engineered rubber products and chemicals in
more than 90 facilities in 28 countries around the world. Goodyear
employs more than 75,000 people worldwide. For more information on
Goodyear's tires, go to http://www.goodyeartires.com/.
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20050204/GTLOGODATASOURCE: The
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company CONTACT: Rich Lukis, Geoffrey
Phelps, Brian Murphy of Coyne PR, +1-973-316-1665; or Ed Markey of
Goodyear, +1-330-796-8801 Web site: http://www.goodyeartires.com/