After proving the material performance and reliability LWLG needed to prove the material works just as well in devices. At OFC 24, after announcing a partnership with AMF, a foundry based out of Singapore, where together, both companies revealed a complete PDK of photonic structures (waveguides, splitters, gratters etc...) on 200mm wafers, LWLG demonstrated a 200G/L modulator. And Dr Lebby explained that in order to convince future partner of the long term value of polymers, as a solution for an industry about to hit the technical wall, it was to prove that future generations of devices could be built using organic EO polymers. LWLG chose to work with Polariton to prove next gen devices.
At ECOC24, LWLG and Polariton demonstrated, a peer reviewed solution, at 400G/L.
Furthering this avenue of future proofing, they now modeled the next step with a plasmonic MZM reaching 997GHz at only 3db optical loss.
Obviously, Dr Lebby was too adamant and unflexible with his commercial stance, which prevented commercial deals promised for 2024. The BoD intervened and brought in a deal specialist in Yves LeMaitre. In January 2025, the initial presentation on the new Go-to-Market strategy was made.
The performance and reliability of the material was never questioned. They were reaffirmed as a core competency.
Earlier this week, polymers were part of a "Photonic Integration Week" with UPVfab Micro fabrication pilot line and VLC Photonics in Valencia Spain:
"VLC Photonics (Hitachi Group), a leader in pure-play Photonic Integrated Circuits (PIC) design and testing services, is joining Photonic Integration Week as a Platinum Sponsor! 🌟 With expertise across all material platforms (SOI, SiN, SiO2/PLC), III-V materials (InP, GaAs...), TFLN, BTO, polymers, AlO2, Graphene... they’re driving the future of photonics with cutting-edge engineering solutions."
In the post above, they are again part of the discussion on PIC Integration at LIGENTEC in Switzerland.
At 200G/L, traditional materials were able to find a working solution, using 8 lanes, even though the power consumption is really not sustainable.
As the industry is contemplating next gen at 1.6T and 3.2T transceivers, the power consumption becomes unmanageable with existing materials and ease of integration with a lower lane count becomes more critical for high volume scale up. Polymers offer a path towards that future. Yves dealmaking abilities are being called on to make sure polymers are part of the future.
Yves and Tom 6-month options, expiring in June 2025, offer a good guideline as to when a first step (design-in win?) towards a commercial step (licensing agreement) may be expected by.
The market keeps growing as AI implementation cases are seeping from just a few market leaders (Nvidia...) towards more numerous enterprises driven cases. Good days ahead.
So.... did Yves lay all his cards on the table yesterday with the Polariton news release? I doubt it, if that was all he had I believe he would have saved it for Thursday to release it
Yves LeMaitre, who recently took over as CEO of Lightwave Logic from Michael Lebby, argues that the next two years will be the most critical for success. The technology has been proven, but are the customers ready to take the risk?
Data Center Front-End Networks & AI Back-End Networks plus the many other Verticals including LIDAR, Sensing (Medical), Space (Satellite), etc will be enabled using LWLG's Polymers, investors don't be conned by the Shorts this technology has been sought after by all the biggest companies for the past 40+ years and is worth MANY BILLIONS $$
Lebby just before his departure in a podcast CONFIRMED that LWLG Polymers passed the "Failure Mechanisms" testing's with flying colors, which is a Final Testing Requirement done in QUALIFICATIONS just before the technology gains Customer Acceptance!!!
This is HUGE!!!! read all about it here,
The Industry worked extremely hard in the 80's and 90's for the holy grail of Photonics development which was a stabile Polymer but was largely unsuccessful in ALL their efforts including the largest companies, the government, DOD, DARPA etc
IBM, Lockheed Martin, DuPont, AT&T Bell Labs, Honeywell, Motorola, HP, 3M, and others in addition to numerous universities and U.S. Government Agencies, have attempted to produce high-performance, high-stability electro-optic polymers
I believe the PPS is as undervalued in the $1's as it was overvalued at $20 in 2021, I believe the minimum fair value of the Developments and IP to-date is about $8, the current 5 year VWAP is at about $7
The PkM material systems have accomplished what Industry has sought after for 40+ years, it is the holy grail of Photonics
IBM, Lockheed Martin, DuPont, AT&T Bell Labs, Honeywell, Motorola, HP, 3M, and others in addition to numerous universities and U.S. Government Agencies, have attempted to produce high-performance, high-stability electro-optic polymers
F2, great to see you post here again and hope all good in your world. Not sure I can make useful sense of yesterday's news but my guess is as follows:
Polariton is still the existing partner that is publishing real record breaking results and it was good to reinforce that LWLG and Polariton are joined at the a little more publicly and seemingly even tighter than before. (mention of working together with end users, customers). I don't pretend to fully understand the ramifications of plasmonics vs. non-plasmonics in terms of more immediate potential for volume/scale, etc. The speculation and potential ties of Polariton/LWLG to Nokia is certainly "interesting".
With the above, assuming LWLG is pursuing T1s aggressively outside of the Polariton partnership, it is/was important for LWLG to acknowledge and reinforce the significance of the Polariton partnership and progress being made there first. Any new announcement with additional partners may involve Polariton in some fashion, but assuming it does not, it means that LWLG is capable of having multiple avenues for business. Maybe plasmonics vs. non-plasmonics is an important distinction in terms of these multiple avenues.
SPORTY said, The smart shorts have already cashed in, the remaining are just avaricious and will begin covering in the next 48 to 72 hours.
Ha!! Too funny!! I will personally GUARANTEE if Shorts try to exit in that timeframe the PPS will hit $100 easy!! There is no way that Shorts will find 20 MILLION "REAL" SHARES that they need to Cover in 72 hours!!! ABSOLUTELY NO WAY!!!!!
20 MILLION Shorts Covering Deadline Established June 2025, the gauntlet was put down with the issuance of the new CEO and President Incentive Options being FULLY VESTED in 6 months or June of 2025, this is an UNPRECEDENTED MOVE in the entire history of LWLG!! Normally these types of Incentive Compensation Options are issued to vest incrementally over a 5 year period
a couple more things to keep in mind,
1) the latest round of Annual Incentive Comps were issued at $5 strike, and this was at a time the PPS was in 3's!!
2) Leonberger buying up 100,000 options outright and disposing of exactly ZERO!!
Oh and BTW, the fact is that the long-term investors here are not paid to post, it's the unethical bashers who the cat's been dragging in that are paid, from one basher recent post "LWLG not having promise"? Seriously?!!!
Remember, the Industry worked extremely hard in the 80's and 90's for the holy grail of Photonics development which was a stabile Polymer but was largely unsuccessful in ALL their efforts including the largest companies, the government, DOD, DARPA etc, IBM, Lockheed Martin, DuPont, AT&T Bell Labs, Honeywell, Motorola, HP, 3M, and others in addition to numerous universities and U.S. Government Agencies, have attempted to produce high-performance, high-stability electro-optic polymers <<<< literally in the Billions R&D $$ were spent to try to do what LWLG has succeeded in doing!
The pump is on. It's actually pretty disgusting. Just a bunch of penny stock/microcap dirtbags crawling from one pump to another. Trying to use a pathetic PR about the same research partner lwlg's had for years. Seriously Yves was supposed to have more connections (the manly comparison of whose rolodex is bigger), and he trots out a technical partnership with Polariton? Talk about low hanging fruit. Just a month ago, Yves said they were a chemicals/materials company. Now "we are transitioning from being a material supplier to collaborating on market development through end-user engagement and technical cooperation." That, people, is word salad. Expect more of the same at the special call.
I'm sure this can be temporarily pumped up a little with bs about Polariton specs, imminent buyout, or short interest covering in a couple days etc.... If you fall for it, again, you get what you deserve. I reserve the right to say I told you so a little later.
Thanks for the shout out. I shall elucidate my position on shorts.
Shorts are the smartest people in the world, here's why:
If you buy a stock at $1.00, for the purposes of this exercise, lets say you buy 1,000 shares at $1.00, excluding brokerage fees, then the most you can lose is $1,000. But if you short 1,000 shares at the same price objective, $1.00, your gains are limited to the difference between your short position at $1.00 and zero, no stocks go to zero, so you are risking much for a severely limited amount of possible profit. Conversely, your same short position at $1.00, if the company gets bought out, finds the cure to cancer, solves world hunger, etc..., then good luck trying to close out your short position into that type of frenzy. Remember GME, AMC???. So anyone still short this equity, either knows some not public information, is greedy or suicidal. Shorts are the smartest people in the market, they have everything to lose. The smart shorts have already cashed in, the remaining are just avaricious and will begin covering in the next 48 to 72 hours.
Good evening my friend. I did some research over the weekend and decided to await the technical indicators to align, which compelled me to buy today. I shall commend you as well, for tenacity of belief and seeing this through. Thursday shall be the first step of validation regarding new management, synergies and the pathway forward. Not an easy thing to do watching your portfolio slowly being eradicated due to the company's failed business plan and/or execution of same. I have taken that journey myself over the past 25 years of investing. My best advice to all traders is to KNOW WHAT YOU OWN. With regards to LWLG, you have a fantastic technology and tremendous opportunities for equity appreciation going forward. The prior CEO was removed and we start anew.
Remember on this forum, advice is worth exactly what you paid for it, NOTHING. Do not trust anything on these boards, trust yourself and your instincts. People such as myself should be taken with a grain of salt, I have been around a very long time, on these boards, I never post on a message board that I do not have an equity position in. You all probably know all of this already, I just reiterate the point for those that read these boards and are trying to provide a better life for themselves and their respective families. We all started from somewhere and I have never believed the hype generated by followed members, me included. Experience has taught me that no one is infallible, but as for myself, I choose to live by the golden rule. Treat people respectfully, honorably and never lie. Liars never stand the test of time. Do right by people and hopefully that will be reciprocated at some point.
I fervently believe that anyone averaging down at these levels will make good. I do not know what your cost basis is, but from a technical/business-enterprise value, this area will serve as the bottom. For the record, I only started reading up on this equity over the weekend, and awaited today's trading action to fill in the technical aspects that I look for in stocks. As is always in my postings I am happy to articulate here why I decided to buy in:
Recent change of CEO.
Forward looking catalyst, Thursday's conference call.
Large short position, relative to this price objective.
Belief in the technology, not in past management.
Great risk vs. reward, again, from this price point.
It would seem that the company's past execution issues have taken the equity down to these levels. With the new CEO, and his scheduling of Thursday's conference call, I believe a course correction in the company and thus by proxy, the equity itself is currently underway. Needless to say, Thursday's conference call will determine to a larger extent the short/intermediate direction of the share price. Combine the preceding with a large short position, and we could get a great run.
I commend you sir in your tenacity and willingness to see this correction through. You obviously believe in the product and most likely look forward to the company finally delivering. The next step is Thursday.
This does takes years to develop and as Pumpkin points out they have been working it. This is huge Ive been here since 10g and silicon survived, but it is done.
X why is Pumpkin so worried, I'm not. The stock market looks forward at solutions, not how long they took to get there, I'm cool.
There is a new sheriff and he doesn't play around. Deals will be done in short order.
I asked Fred L years ago, so lightwave can pitch fast balls but the techlogy thus far could not catch and flip the data back, IMO polaritons got it covered, get it?
20 MILLION Shorts Covering Deadline Established June 2025, the gauntlet was put down with the issuance of the new CEO and President Incentive Options being FULLY VESTED in 6 months or June of 2025, this is an UNPRECEDENTED MOVE in the entire history of LWLG!! Normally these types of Incentive Compensation Options are issued to vest incrementally over a 5 year period
a couple more things to keep in mind,
1) the latest round of Annual Incentive Comps were issued at $5 strike, and this was at a time the PPS was in 3's!!
2) Leonberger buying up 100,000 options outright and disposing of exactly ZERO!!
Oh and BTW, the fact is that the long-term investors here are not paid to post, it's the unethical bashers who the cat's been dragging in that are paid, from one basher recent post "LWLG not having promise"? Seriously?!!!
Remember, the Industry worked extremely hard in the 80's and 90's for the holy grail of Photonics development which was a stabile Polymer but was largely unsuccessful in ALL their efforts including the largest companies, the government, DOD, DARPA etc, IBM, Lockheed Martin, DuPont, AT&T Bell Labs, Honeywell, Motorola, HP, 3M, and others in addition to numerous universities and U.S. Government Agencies, have attempted to produce high-performance, high-stability electro-optic polymers
EPIC Mtg on PIC manufacturing: March 12-13
LWLG present thru Polariton 400G/l
March 12-13: PIC manufacturing presentation abstract:
"EPIC Technology Meeting on Photonics Integrated Circuits at Ligentec. Lausanne, Switzerland
Key topics will include the development of high-performance photonic devices, novel materials for enhanced functionality, and scalable manufacturing processes. Discussions will cover silicon photonics as well as other materials platforms such as III-V semiconductors, lithium niobate, polymers, and more, highlighting their potential to revolutionize sectors beyond optical communications, such as sensing, and computing. Participants will also address the challenges of scaling up production, including wafer-level packaging, testing, and assembly."
... 16:30 – 18:30 SESSION 2: Application Track: Communications, Space, and Quantum
KEYNOTE: NVIDIA– Liron Gantz, Senior Staff Engineer (Israel)
iPronics–Software-defined Optical Circuit Switches in AI Networking and Datacenters– Ana González, Vice President of Business Development (Spain)
TESAT–EAGLE-1 and the Path to its Industrialisation– Fabian Reichert, Product Manager QKD and Laser Communication Terminals (Germany)
NcodiN–The World’s Smallest Laser: a Unique Approach to Optical Interposers– Yacine Halioua, Head of Product (France)
Polariton–Plasmonic Modulators for 400G per Lane Enabling 3.2T Transceivers– Benedikt Bäuerle, co-CTO and co-Founder (Switzerland)
Fraunhofer HHI– Dominic Schulz, Head of Strategy Photonics (Germany)
Quside–PIC-based Quantum Random Number Generator– Domenico Tulli, Co-Founder & CTO (Spain)
Good to see Polymers part of the scaling manufacturing conversations: it gives credence to Yves's statement that
Innovative EO Polymer Technology is
• Disruptive technology enabler
for future speed upgrades in
data bandwidth
• Relieves key bottlenecks in AI
All thanks to favorable speed, power and size specs vs competing materials:
Modulator Material Modulator Type Reported BW Voltage
TFLN MZM 110 GHz Sub-1 Vpp
InP MZM IQ 100 GHz 1.1Vppd
BTO MZM 110 GHz 1.9V
SOH MZM - 0.92V
Silicon Microring 67 GHz 0.8
Silicon Slow light modulator 110GHz 4V
Plasmonic/EO Polymer MZM, IQ 500GHz 0.8V