After setting the previous women’s pairs record on Atlantic in 2022 and shattering the overall pairs crossing time on the mid–Pacific on July 15, Best friends Charlotte Harris and Jessica Oliver are now the number one team on the ultimate leaderboard of ocean rowing

Best Friends Charlotte Harris and Jessica Oliver have once again made waves in the world of ocean rowing by claiming the title of the fastest pairs crossing at the World's Toughest Row. This victory marks their second oceanic record, following their Atlantic feat in 2022.

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Jessica and Charlotte of Team Wild Waves enjoy Ryde: Wellbeing Shots Prior to Launching in the World's Toughest Row. (Photo: Business Wire)

On June 8, 2024, the duo departed the start line in Monterey, CA on a 2800 mile adventure to Hanalei, Kaua’i alongside eight competing teams. Throughout the 37-day journey, the team navigated extreme weather, strong currents, and physical strain, rowing day and night in specialized ocean boats. Only 31 teams have successfully completed the challenge and the average crossing time for all crew sizes is 62 days.

After a nail biting 37 days, 11 hours, 43 minutes, and estimated 1.5 million oar strokes, Harris (33 of England) and Oliver (32 of Ireland) beat the current world record for female pairs at 46 days, 17 hours, 47 minutes. The women continue to prove that teamwork, grit, communications and the power of female friendship is their winning formula.

“The women were the ones to watch,” said World’s Toughest Row CEO and Race Director, Carsten Heron Olsen. “Wild Waves were up against Liz and Lena. Liz is one of the most experienced sailors in the world. She has over half a million miles under her belt. She can read the waves and the current. When she signed up, it added a layer of pressure to Wild Waves,'' he said. Liz and Lena were leading the competition for over half the race. In the final four days on the Pacific, team Harris and Oliver rowed two on – meaning both women were “on” with no rest. It paid off.

“It’s really cool because you see these two girls who love to party and laugh, but when they sit down in that boat, they turn it on,” said Olsen. “You don't have to look or act like a super athlete. If you have the right mindset, you can do something that seems completely impossible. They show everyone who has doubts about them.”

“This is absolutely the hardest thing we’ve ever done,” said team Wild Waves. “Our teamwork is what got us through. The reason we win is our friendship.” Along the journey, the duo faced steering malfunctions and unforgiving weather patterns. They humbly admit to having a few breakdowns, and always found ways to build each other up. Shouting “stay focused, stay awake, keep rowing” to the endless sea and sky around them, the women held their own against mother nature.

Rowing non-stop with no chaser boat and no food drops, the athletes rely only on their training and each other. New wellbeing shot brand, Ryde: has been an involved supporter of Harris and Oliver, offering three wellbeing shots of Energize, Focus, and Relax to help them manage every moment throughout their journey. In addition to achieving their record-breaking row, the pair was the first to deliver Ryde: shots to the island by hand.

The women are not only good at what they do – but they’re on a mission to do good. In addition to their stellar performance on the water, they’re raising vital funds for Shelter charity which helps defend the right to a safe home and the devastating impact the housing emergency has on people and communities.

With their latest victory, Team Wild Waves holds records in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, solidifying their legacy as the fun-loving pair who dominate in the world of ocean rowing.

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