Looking forward to it, brother Lamont! On a side note, crazy how the enemy conceals ‘handlers’ in the sneakiest of places. Even Bob, as smart as he was, had no idea that his own ‘caretaker’ was the one, and (most likely) hired to do him in. Humans can be despicable. Shows… not to fully trust anyone (except God)…especially in these last days.
Wow!!! Crazy it’s been that long, huh. And yet we’re still here a decade later…the small handful of us, lol. Ahh, the good ole days of listening to the many excellent podcasts of Bob Chapman. I think Melody Cedarstrom was one of his favorites. Then “Al” came into the scene with Melody, asking Bob (good) serious questions. Idk if she is still around, in business? But she was a legit, honest PM dealer. Miss them days of Bob speaking! I eagerly awaited ALL of his talks. Can you imagine what Bob would be saying (revealing!) about the cabal PRESENT DAY??!! Priceless. His information was GOLD (pun intended).
PS…who remembers Bob used to sleep with a .45 on his side. And he had an IQ of like 175 or something. Can’t believe I still remember all this, lol. RIP Mr. Chapman. :(
mining hound
Thanks, Lamont, for your sharing. I am still being patient, so everything is well. The Alberta government looks good, but I am holding off on contacting any officials to ask to look into the attack by naked shorting. It is good that the parent company still has no debt and has positive cash flow. I listened to a Bob Chapman interview from around 2009 last week for memories. A lot of archived radio broadcast sites are no longer working, but there are some around.
Best wishes,
Mining Hound
mining hound
Hi guys, question: Background: in 2013, after Hellix Ventures provided its periodic reports for the period ending July 31, 2012 (reported on Feb. 22, 2013) and for the period ending July 31, 2013 (reported on Nov. 27, 2013), auditor Meyers Norris Penny LLP, and auditor Watson Dauphinee & Masuch each immediately, without delay, posted “unqualified opinion expressing doubt that the company can continue as a going concern.
Question: is it normal for auditors to have ready-made negative reports for a developing mining company that has zero debt and has positive cash flow? Or did that happen due to foul play, maybe W. Rudolph Brenner?____
Or is it normal for accounting agencies to have their negative pronouncements before investors have the opportunity to see the figures?____
Archived Meyers auditor news link Feb. 2013: https://archive.ph/87zcN
Archived Watson uditor news link Nov. 2013: https://archive.ph/ox3H8
Subsequently, Hellix was still able to raise money. https://archive.ph/Vd7Yt
I appreciate any input. I am not familiar with auditors processes.
Mining Hound
Hi Lamont, i hope all is well pal. You know, I was pondering, the way Gold is heating up, it’s set for MASSIVE gains in the next years. I think we just might see that MIRACLE of Hellix resurrecting back from the dead in our lifetime! Well, that’s what I’m hoping for, at least. Lol. We shall see…