DumbAzz / McKvee / Mcvee:
PUT uP or ShutuPPP ... wanna SUCK IT? Cause, I can prove I own over 2 MILLION shares ... I'm gunna load those UGLY AZZ Jaws of yours with warm, white, juicy cummm ... YOU READY clown? We both know your sexual preference! Sooo, put uP or SHADDDuuuP ...
RuNNN your fuck'n mouth DIPSHIT! Bring it on infidel. Remember "OPEN WIDE" ... it's long & thick .8)=======D - - ___ Admit it ... you're craving it ... get ready to puke DumbAzz!!
TIRED of your rhetoric Mr. DollarLandAnyDay author! LastOneStanding or ScratchGolfer0 *never ever* stated that ... YOU DID, you poser! ... "own it bytch" FU.
i think we are probably going to zero.
i don't think we've been 'scammed'; just abandoned.
chan probably had good intentions.
if you want to make real money, learn about crypto asap and jump in. trump's tarriffs have disrupted the markets enough to pause the crazy crypto-market- ascension we've been expecting. it's been an awesome opportunity to buy dips, avg. down and dca. for crissakes, crypto couldn't be more bullish! the prez of the usa is an outspoken holder.
many consider this timeline - right now - a once in a lifetime opportunity to get in on the ground floor of an industry that will eclipse all others - banking, finance, internet, etc.
dsm6 - Like all of us, I really held high hopes for this company, which is why I invested what I did. Similarly, I invested heavily in ABWN, another sham. The only question left with ALRT is when the company goes under, not if.
Since I began investing in pennies, including this upcoming loss on ALRT, I've about broken even. I made good money day-trading penny weed stocks in the early days, but eventually got out when the run ended.
Think I'm all done investing in these "get rich quick" OTC stocks. For every one that hits, 99 fail.
hi john glen!
dear group, i know most of us are in the same seemingly sinking ship. my position is down 85% ffs. well, i've had plenty of opportunities to get out but have wanted to hodl to the end. so be it, no problem. chan couldn't execute and has failed to be transparent. he and his team are negligent and remiss to his shareholders. if something happens, great. if not, well, caveat emptor.
glta. john glen, glty.
McKvee / Mcvee / Dumbazz:
I'm sure you've replied to all 3 of these names over the years! :)
By the visual ... you "claim" to own 201,000 shares ... SO ... Dumbazz!
I own over 2 MILLION shares ... Dumbazz!
10 TIMES your amount ... Dumbazz!
So, when this stock does tick uP ... Dumbazz,
YOU'LL be LONG GONE! Why? Because you need this $ to move out from your TENT that you currently reside in ... IF, your beacon score will support the move ... Dumbazz!
OHHH ... don't forget your Funk & Wagnel's ... good job looking up a few select words to portray your "supposed" intelligence!
As I've correctly stated ... you ARE a puke, "a fly in the ointment" and ... a poser, Dumbazz!
Admit it Dumbazz, you are jealous! YOU SO WANT to be like me ... but, you'll NEVER be! NEVER ... EVER, Dumbazz!
It must be sooooooooo frustrating to LQQK into the mirror and see those BIG, FAT jaws ... to not run with the big dogs ... to have pictures made with lovely ladies, YET ... at the end of the night ... you sleep ALONE in your tent! DREAM BIGGG Prick! Maybe you'll come back in your next life as "BIG" Wilbur Fudpucker ... according to the lovely ladies ... your FUD is VERY little and rarely EVER puckers! Just saying ...
ScratchYerAss - you are the stupidest Mudderfukka ever! My daily bowel movements have more brains than you.
Yes, dummy. I had a little over 300K shares and off-loaded 100K shares in an AON sale well below the bid price to get rid of it. That left me with 201K shares I'm still holding. Below is a snapshot of my remaining shares - you ferkin' lying dumbass fool!
Yes, I tried to offload my balance of 201K shares at $0.018 but couldn't do it because (A) if I tried to dump most or all it in a single sell order to avoid the internationally registered company fees associated with the transaction, there was no volume being traded. Therefore, got no bites on the order. And (B) while I could peel off 10K shares at a time, each transaction was subject to a $6.95 brokerage fee PLUS foreign transaction fees since the company was registered in Singapore - something close to $30 per transaction. Do the math, moron. 200,000 shares at 10K per trade X roughly $37 per transaction = $740 just to dump the shit at some price well below $0.018 You're so ferkin' stupid.
So go fock yourself,you petulant dummy. You're an idiot and a fraud. Show us your holdings in this company or go fook yourself. Perpetually. What a Dumbass you are !!!!!!. You don't know jackshit about stock trading or anything else for that matter.
Not sure who has said "it's over", but yeah... we sure do appear to be bag holders and I've said that. If Vegas was laying odds that we'll get a PR of any significance we will move the needle on this company and stock price by April, my guess is that the odds would be VERY poor based on historical. The last PR was when, September of 2023? Did that move the needle?
I don't claim to be a Nostradamus, but based on ALRT's company performance, lack of production and revenues, and lack of communications with investors the odds of this company "making" it don't look good to me. Not holding my breath for anything significant that will be positive by March/April time frame. But, I'm definitely hoping you're right and I'm wrong 😀