11 November 2024
Guardian Metal Resources
('Guardian Metal' or the
Porphyry Results - Pilot
Mountain, NV
Geochemical Results Confirm
Porphyry Cu Fertility
Guardian Metal Resources plc
(LON:GMET, OTCQX:GMTLF), a strategic
development and mineral exploration company focused in Nevada, USA,
is very pleased to announce results of whole rock geochemical
fingerprinting from the Company's ongoing drilling campaign at its
100% owned Pilot Mountain Project ("Pilot Mountain" or
the "Project) located within the prolific Walker Lane Mineral
Belt in Nevada, USA.
The drilling at Desert Scheelite is
advancing very well with 34 drillholes now completed and the next
batch of assay results expected within the coming weeks. To date,
results from 13 drillholes have been reported.
§ Geochemical fingerprinting of
the Pilot Mountain porphyry confirms the system is 'fertile' for
porphyry copper-molybdenum mineralisation.
§ Reconnaissance rock chip
sampling successfully identified elevated copper (Cu) and
molybdenum (Mo) concentrations across the hydrothermal alteration
aureole that spans circa 500m south of the porphyry south magnetic
anomaly, demonstrating the size of the porphyry
§ Review of Duval Corporation
drilling reports from the 1970s confirm historic intercept of
chalcopyrite-molybdenite-quartz veins in phyllic altered quartz
monzonite (i.e. porphyry style Cu-Mo mineralisation) at depth
between Good Hope and Desert Scheelite, on the margins of the
induced polarisation ("IP") geophysical anomalies discovered by the
Company's recent geophysical surveys.
§ Drilling at Desert Scheelite
is progressing very well with the objective of adding to the
current resource base of tungsten-copper-silver-zinc and confirming
the deposit model for the upcoming pre-feasibility
Oliver Friesen, CEO of Guardian Metal,
"Our flagship asset has taken another important step forward
with the results of the geochemical fingerprinting now completed.
While our focus remains on the Project's four at-surface
tungsten-copper-silver-zinc skarn zones, principally Desert
Scheelite which hosts what we believe to be the largest undeveloped
tungsten deposit in the U.S., we recognise the tremendous
exploration potential that exists elsewhere across Pilot Mountain,
principally within the various porphyry targets.
"With this important work now completed not only have we
confirmed that the footprint of Porphyry South is much bigger than
originally understood, spanning several hundred metres south of the
magnetic anomaly, but also importantly, the geochemical signatures
point to molybdenum and copper fertility at Porphyry South.
This leads us to believe that a copper rich shell is still to be
found within Porphyry South.
"Drilling continues at pace within Desert Scheelite, the results of
which will support the Company's resource expansion goals as well
as the upcoming pre-feasibility study (PFS), meanwhile the Company
will work with its technical advisors to determine next optimal
steps to further assess the Project's exciting porphyry
In June 2024 the Company enlisted
Dr. Lawrence Carter, a porphyry system expert, to review the Pilot
Mountain Project and to assess the potential for a undiscovered
large-scale porphyry style Cu-Mo system(s). Dr Carter's
recommendations included to geochemically fingerprint the
outcropping quartz monzonite in order to assess its porphyry
'fertility' (i.e. potential of producing a porphyry type deposit),
whilst also assessing the spatial extent of copper mineralisation
across the Project. Closely spaced rock-chip sampling was completed
across the Porphyry West and Porphyry South targets, as well from
the expansive area of hydrothermally altered wall rocks to the
south of the porphyry south magnetic anomaly.
From global compilation studies
granitic rocks associated with porphyry Cu-Mo deposits, when
compared to barren intrusive suites, have distinctive 'fertile'
geochemical signatures which can be measured through advanced
analytical techniques.1,2,3 The signatures are all
indicative of water and volatile rich magmatic systems and are
routinely used globally in porphyry exploration. The findings of
the geochemical study are presented here, along with consideration
of historic geological reports by Duval Corporation and Union
Carbide from the 1970s.
Porphyry System Geochemical Fertility
Whole rock geochemical analysis (ALS
'Complete characterisation package') of 12 different exposures of
quartz monzonite across the Pilot Mountain included trace and rare
earth element determination by lithium borate fusion and ICP-MS.
Unlike common acid digestion techniques, it allows the complete
digestion/dissolution of highly refractory minerals and
From the geochemical study, the
different exposures of quartz monzonite at Pilot Mountain are all
related to one another. Further, they have strong adakitic
signatures (Sr/Y > 80; La/Yb> 20; Yb <1.5) and have
either slightly negative or positive Eu anomalies
(Eun/Eun* typically > 0.9). Based upon
these and other geochemical signatures, the Pilot Mountain quartz
monzonite appears very prospective on widely accepted global Cu-Mo
porphyry fertility plots (Figure 1).2,3
Expanding Porphyry South's Copper Footprint
Previous work has focused on
defining the known areas of W-Cu-Zn-Ag-Au skarn-type mineralisation
across the Project. No previous work has explored the extent of
anomalous copper concentrations in the large area of hydrothermally
phyllic/quartz-sericite-pyrite ("QSP") altered rocks which
continues circa 500 m south of Desert Scheelite and the Porphyry
South target (Figure 2).
Of the nine representative whole
rock chip samples of quartz monzonite and sericitically altered
sediments collected south of Desert Scheelite, eight had Cu
concentrations > 150 ppm, and three had Cu concentrations
>550 ppm. Significantly, the highest Cu concentrations (691
& 799 ppm) were in samples of QSP hydrothermally altered
metasedimentary rocks located approximately 500 m SE and 700 m
southwest, respectively, of the outermost extents of the Porphyry
South anomaly, and are located 1,100m southeast and 950m southwest
respectively of the PM24-02 drill collar (which targeted the core
of the Porphyry South magnetic anomaly, and drilled Mo mineralised
quartz veins in quartz monzonite from surface to total depth (TD)
at 407.1 m).
The QSP altered metasediment sample
which returned 691 ppm Cu also contained 201 ppm Mo. Copper surface
showings across the area include chrysocolla, malachite and
chalcocite associated with oxidised sulphide bearing quartz veins.
These findings suggest that a large footprint of anomalous Cu
concentration exists across the south of the Pilot Mountain
Project, and is suggestive of the presence of a Cu mineralised
shell within the Mo mineralised porphyry system discovered by
For reference, the highest downhole
intervals (circa 3m of core samples) of Cu and Mo concentration
intercepted in PM24-02 was 540 ppm Cu and 507 ppm Mo. These results
have triggered planning of a larger scale, systematic rock chip
sampling campaign to better delineate copper enriched zones and to
help vector towards possible centres of sub cropping economic grade
Cu mineralisation.
Historic Reports of Porphyry Style Cu-Mo
Dr. Carter has reviewed the
historical reports of exploration activity by Duval Corporation and
United Carbide Corporation. Previous work has focused on the known
at-surface W-Cu-Zn-Ag-Au skarns with the porphyry potential being
largely overlooked. However, at least one historic drillhole by the
Duval Corporation in the 1970s between Good Hope and Desert
Scheelite, on the margin of the >18 ms chargeable and >175
ohm.m resistive ridge discovered by the company's IP survey in
spring 2024 reported quartz-chalcopyrite-molybdenite veins in
quartz-sericite-pyrite (QSP)/phyllic altered quartz monzonite -
i.e. porphyry style Cu-Mo mineralisation. This 1000 foot (304.8m)
drillhole is >1 km north of PM24-002, further highlighting the
size of the mineralising system. These previous observations
supports the Company's belief that a large but almost entirely
untested sub cropping Cu-Mo porphyry system exists within the
Figure 1:
Pilot Mountain
porphyry geochemical data compared to global porphyry reference
suites.2,3Top: Strontium (Sr) over Yttrium (Y) ratio
plotted against SiO2 weight percentages. Top left
highlights the location where major global porphyry deposits plot
and on the right the location of the sampled intrusives from Pilot
Mountain. Bottom shows Sr over MnO (manganese) showing the location
where major global porphyry deposits plot and on the right the
location of sampled intrusives from Pilot
2: Map of Pilot Mountain
showing copper concentration of whole rock samples and key features

Figure 3:
Field photograph
of stockwork quartz veins in hydrothermally altered metasediments
south of the Porphyry South magnetic anomaly. Intense quartz
veining, QSP alteration and sporadic copper shows occur for circa
500 m south of the Porphyry South magnetic
[1] Richards, J., 2011. High Sr/Y
arc magmas and porphyry Cu-Mo-Au deposits: Just add water. Economic
Geology, 106, 1075-1081. 0361-0128/11/3981/1075-7
[2] Loucks, R., 2014. Distinctive
composition of copper-ore-forming arc magmas. Australian Journal of
Earth Sciences, 61, 5-16. https://doi.org/10.1080/08120099.2013.865676
[3] Ahmed, A. et al., 2019.
Assessing copper fertility of intrusive rocks using field portable
X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) data. GEEA. https://doi.org/10.1144/geochem2018-077
This announcement contains inside information for the purposes
of Article 7 of EU Regulation 596/2014 (which forms part of
domestic UK law pursuant to the European Union
(Withdrawal) Act 2018).
The technical information contained
in this disclosure has been read and approved by Mr Nick O'Reilly
(MSc, DIC, MIMMM QMR, MAusIMM, FGS), who is a qualified geologist
and acts as the Competent Person under the AIM Rules - Note for
Mining and Oil & Gas Companies. Mr O'Reilly is a Principal
consultant working for Mining Analyst Consulting Ltd which has been
retained by Guardian Metal Resources plc to provide technical
Forward Looking Statements
This announcement contains
forward-looking statements relating to expected or anticipated
future events and anticipated results that are forward-looking in
nature and, as a result, are subject to certain risks and
uncertainties, such as general economic, market and business
conditions, competition for qualified staff, the regulatory process
and actions, technical issues, new legislation, uncertainties
resulting from potential delays or changes in plans, uncertainties
resulting from working in a new political jurisdiction,
uncertainties regarding the results of exploration, uncertainties
regarding the timing and granting of prospecting rights,
uncertainties regarding the timing and granting of regulatory and
other third party consents and approvals, uncertainties regarding
the Company's or any third party's ability to execute and implement
future plans, and the occurrence of unexpected
Actual results achieved may vary
from the information provided herein as a result of numerous known
and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors.
For further information visit
or contact the following:
Guardian Metal Resources plc
Oliver Friesen (CEO)
Tel: +44 (0)
20 7583 8304
Cairn Financial Advisers LLP
Nominated Adviser
Sandy Jamieson/Jo Turner/Louise
Tel: +44 20 7213 0880
Shard Capital Partners LLP
Lead Broker
Damon Heath/Erik Woolgar
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7186 9000
First Equity Limited
Jason Robertson
Tel: +44 20 7374 2212