RNS No 8732n
9th April 1998

Not for release, publication or distribution in or into the
United States, Canada, Thailand, Australia, Malaysia, Belgium
or Hong Kong

                       AVOCET MINING PLC
                 ("Avocet"  or the "Company")
                        UNDERWRITTEN BY

The following are extracts from a letter by the Chairman  of
Avocet  contained  in a prospectus which will  be  published
later  today,  and  will  be sent, together  with  a  notice
convening  an extraordinary general meeting of  the  Company
and  a  form of proxy, to the shareholders of Avocet  (other
than certain overseas shareholders).


Further  to the announcement on 5 March 1998, the  Board  of
Avocet  announced  today a proposed Rights  Issue  to  raise
approximately #17.0 million, net of expenses, by way of a  5
for  6  Rights Issue of up to 29,787,606 new Ordinary Shares
at  60  pence each.   The Rights Issue has been underwritten
in  full  by  Liverpool, a subsidiary of Elliott Associates,
L.P.  ("Elliott")  and  Westgate, who  act  in  concert  and
together own 18.7 per cent. of the Ordinary Shares.

Avocet is also entering into the APT Repurchase Arrangements
under  which the Company will repurchase 30,000 mtu  of  APT
from  Westgate  and Liverpool for a total cash consideration
of US$2.0 million (#1.2 million).

Reasons for the Rights Issue

As a consequence of lower gold recoveries at the Penjom gold
mine  and  a  continuation of the depressed  world  tungsten
price,  cash  flow has been lower than anticipated  and  the
Company  needs further funds to support its working  capital

Liverpool and Westgate have agreed to underwrite the  Rights
Issue to raise approximately #17.0 million, net of expenses,
at  a  price  of  60 pence per new Ordinary Share.   In  the
announcement, on 5 March 1998, the Issue Price proposed  was
75 pence.  However, Avocet's middle market price of Ordinary
Shares  at  the close of business on 8 April 1998  was  58.5
pence and the Issue Price has been set by reference to  this
price.   In  order  to provide short term  finance  for  the
Company,  Westgate has agreed to provide unsecured  bridging
loans  of  up  to  US$5  million (#3.0  million)  on  normal
commercial  terms.   All  such loans  will  be  repaid  upon
receipt of the Rights Issue proceeds.

City Code

Liverpool  and  Westgate together currently  hold  6,682,466
Ordinary  Shares, representing approximately 18.7 per  cent.
of  the  issued share capital of the Company.   In  addition
they  together  hold  1,060,000  options  to  subscribe  for
Ordinary Shares, at #2.25 exercisable until 2 October  1998,
representing  a  further 2.9 per cent. of the  issued  share
capital of the Company.

Liverpool and Westgate have irrevocably agreed to  apply  in
full for their respective entitlements to Rights Shares  and
to  subscribe for any of the Rights Shares not taken  up  by
Qualifying  Shareholders  or  their  nominees.   The   total
percentage of Rights Shares to be acquired by Liverpool  and
Westgate pursuant to the Underwriting Agreement will  depend
on  the  number  of  valid applications made  by  Qualifying
Shareholders  (other  than Liverpool, Westgate  and  Patrick
Branigan)  under the Rights Issue.  Liverpool's  obligations
under the Underwriting Agreement are guaranteed by Elliott.

Upon  completion  of  the  Rights Issue  but  prior  to  the
exercise  of their share options, Liverpool's and Westgate's
combined  interests in the Company will amount to  not  less
than  12,251,187 Ordinary Shares, representing 18.7 per cent
of   the  Enlarged  Issued  Share  Capital  of  the  Company
(assuming the Rights Issue is taken up pro rata to  existing
holdings  by all Qualifying Shareholders including Liverpool
and  Westgate) and not more than 36,453,406 Ordinary Shares,
representing  55.6  per cent. of the Enlarged  Issued  Share
Capital  of the Company (assuming no Qualifying Shareholders
other  than  Liverpool,  Westgate and  Patrick  Branigan  (a
Director)  take up their rights).  In addition if  Liverpool
or  Westgate  exercised their share options, their  combined
interests  in  the  company could represent  not  less  than
21.6   per  cent.  of  the  Enlarged  Issued  Share  Capital
(assuming the Rights Issue is taken up pro rata to  existing
holdings  by all Qualifying Shareholders including Liverpool
and  Westgate)  and  not more than 58.5  per  cent.  of  the
Enlarged   Issued  Share  Capital  (assuming  no  Qualifying
Shareholders  other  than Liverpool,  Westgate  and  Patrick
Branigan (a Director) take up their rights).

Under  Rule  9  of  the City Code, any person  or  group  of
persons  acting in concert who acquire 30 per cent. or  more
of the voting rights of a public company will be required by
the  Panel to make a general offer to the other shareholders
of that company for the remaining shares unless dispensation
from doing so is granted by the Panel.

The  Panel has agreed, subject to a resolution being  passed
on   a   poll  of  the  Independent  Shareholders   at   the
Extraordinary  General Meeting, to waive any  obligation  of
Liverpool  (or  Elliott as Liverpool's guarantor  under  the
Underwriting  Agreement) and/or Westgate to make  a  general
offer under Rule 9 of the City Code which might result  from
Liverpool  (or  Elliott)  and/or Westgate  acquiring  Rights
Shares  under  the Underwriting Agreement or from  Liverpool
and/or  Westgate  exercising their share  options  following
completion  of  the  Rights Issue.  Due to  Liverpool's  and
Westgate's interest in the passing of this resolution,  they
will be precluded from voting on it.

Rule  9  of the City Code also provides that, where a person
(or  persons  acting in concert with such  persons)  holding
shares carrying not less than 30 per cent. but not exceeding
50  per  cent of a company's voting rights acquires  in  any
period  of 12 months additional shares carrying more than  1
per  cent of the voting rights of that company, such  person
will  be  required  to make a general  offer  to  the  other
shareholders  of  the  company  for  the  remaining  shares.
Accordingly,   if,  on  completion  of  the  Rights   Issue,
Liverpool  (or  Elliott)  and Westgate,  together  with  any
persons  acting  in concert with them, hold shares  carrying
more  than 30 per cent., but not exceeding 50 per cent.,  of
the voting rights of the Company, Liverpool (or Elliott) and
Westgate  would be required to make a general offer  to  the
other  shareholders if either Liverpool (or Elliott)  and/or
Westgate  (or  any  persons acting  in  concert  with  them)
purported  to increase their holding of Ordinary  Shares  in
any  12 month period by more than 1 per cent., save for  the
exercise of their share options.

Shareholders should note, however, that if, upon  completion
of   the  Rights  Issue,  Liverpool's  (or  Elliott's)   and
Westgate's shareholding carried in excess of 49 per cent. of
the voting rights of the Company, Liverpool (or Elliott) and
Westgate  would be permitted under the City Code to increase
their  shareholding in the Company without being obliged  to
make  a  general offer under Rule 9 of the City Code for  so
long as they continue to hold more than 49 per cent. of  the
voting  rights of the Company.  However, the  Panel  may  in
certain  circumstances regard as given rise to an obligation
to  make  an  offer  the  acquisition by  either  Liverpool,
Elliott  or Westgate of shares sufficient to increase  their
individual  holdings to 30 per cent. or more if  the  voting
rights in the Company or, if each already holds 30 per cent.
or more, by more than 1 per cent. in any 12 month period.

Owing  to  the  possibility of Liverpool  (or  Elliott)  and
Westgate becoming "controlling shareholders" in terms of the
Listing  Rules of the London Stock Exchange (if they  become
able  to exercise 30 per cent. or more of the voting  rights
of the Company) Liverpool, Elliott and Westgate have entered
into a Relationship Deed with the Company to ensure that the
Board  and  the  Company are able to  act  independently  of
Liverpool,  Westgate and Elliott and any of their associates
in such circumstances.  The Relationship Deed will terminate
automatically  upon  Liverpool  (or  Elliott)  and  Westgate
ceasing  to  be a controlling shareholder, or  the  Ordinary
Shares  ceasing  to be listed on the London Stock  Exchange.
Liverpool and Westgate intend to appoint a nominee  director
to  the Board in the near future, but there is currently  no
arrangement in place for this.
In  the  event  that  Liverpool (or  Elliott)  and  Westgate
should,  in aggregate, acquire 30 per cent. or more  of  the
voting rights in the Company as a result of underwriting the
Rights   Issue,   Elliott,  Liverpool  and   Westgate   have
undertaken in the Relationship Deed that they will not do or
omit to do anything which would result in the company having
less  than  25  per cent. of its Ordinary Shares  in  public
hands,  in terms of paragraph 3.19 of the Listing Rules,  or
such  lower  percentage as may be permitted  by  the  London
Stock  Exchange provided that nothing shall prevent Elliott,
Liverpool  or  Westgate  from  disposing  of  any  of  their
Ordinary  Shares  or  from making a general  offer  for  the
Ordinary Shares, or prevent any nominee director from voting
in  relation to a board resolution concerning a third  party
offer for the Ordinary Shares.

Liverpool  and  Westgate  have been shareholders  in  Avocet
since  April  1996.   Their current  and  potential  further
investments  under the Rights Issue in Avocet  represent  an
investment  of trading funds by them in the ordinary  course
of  business.  As such, there is no intention on the part of
Liverpool  or  Westgate  to exercise management  control  of
Avocet or to effect any significant change in the nature  of
the   Company's  business.   Liverpool  and  Westgate   have
confirmed  that  the  existing  rights  (including   pension
rights)  of the Company's management and employees would  be
fully safeguarded following completion of the Rights Issue.

Information on Liverpool, Westgate and Elliott

Liverpool,  Westgate  and Elliott are  limited  partnerships
engaged in the business of trading financial instruments and
other investment activities, and have previously invested in
a  number of mining companies.  Liverpool and Westgate  have
also bought and held tungsten stocks in the past including a
forward  purchase of tungsten from Waller Metals for  US$5.6
million (#3.4 million) in December 1996.

Liverpool  and  Westgate have supported  the  Company  in  a
number of recent fund-raising exercises, having first become
shareholders  in  the Company at the time of  the  Company's
placing and introduction to the Official List in April 1996.

Liverpool,  a  wholly  owned subsidiary  of  Elliott,  is  a
Bermuda  based investment fund, Westgate is a Cayman Islands
based  investment fund and Elliott is a United  State  based
investment  fund.   Liverpool,  Westgate  and  Elliott  have
provided evidence to the Directors that their net assets are
significantly in excess of the current market capitalisation
of the Company.

APT Repurchase Arrangements

Pursuant  to a contract between Waller Metals and  Westgate,
Waller  Metals  supplied  Westgate  in  January  1998   with
approximately  15,000  mtu  of APT  produced  at  Bishop  at
US$67.00   per   mtu.   Waller  Metals  has  also   supplied
approximately  15,000  mtu  of  APT  to  Liverpool  under  a
contract  on identical terms which was entered into  at  the
same time as the contract with Westgate.

It  is  now proposed that Waller Metals repurchases the  APT
supplied to Liverpool and Westgate, under the terms  of  the
contracts described above at US$67.00 per mtu, with delivery
to  be  effected upon completion of the Rights  Issue.   The
aggregate  consideration payable by Waller Metals under  the
contract  shall be US$2.0 million (#1.2 million) payable  in
cash.   The current Metal Bulletin price for US free  market
APT  is US$62-66 per stu (US$68.20-72.60 per mtu).  However,
the  Directors believe that the market price for  APT  of  a
similar  kind  being  sold pursuant to  the  APT  Repurchase
Arrangements  may  be  lower than the Metal  Bulletin  price

In view of the fact that Liverpool and Westgate together own
approximately 18.7 per cent. of the Ordinary Shares, the APT
Repurchase   Arrangements   constitute   a   related   party
transaction  under of the Listing Rules of the London  Stock
Exchange  and  hence  requires approval by  the  Independent

Each  of  Liverpool and Westgate has agreed to abstain,  and
has  undertaken to take all reasonable steps to ensure their
associates will abstain, from voting on the resolution to be
proposed at the Extraordinary General Meeting approving  the
APT Repurchase Arrangements.

Use of Proceeds

The  #17.0 million net proceeds of the Rights Issue will  be
used   as  to  US$11.2  million  (#6.7  million)  to  reduce
borrowings  (including the repayment of up to  US$5  million
(#3.0 million) in respect of the Westgate bridging loans and
any  interest  owed under the terms of such  loans),  as  to
US$5.6  million (#3.4 million) to reduce liabilities in  the
tungsten  business  through the  settlement  of  the  supply
agreements  with  Liverpool  and  Westgate;   as  to  US$2.0
million   (#1.2   million)  to  fund  the   APT   Repurchase
Arrangements  and;  as to the balance of  #5.7  million,  to
provide additional working capital for the Company.

Loss Estimate for the year ended 31 March 1998

It  was  announced  on  5  March  1998  that  the  Directors
considered that the trading result for the year to 31  March
1998  would  be likely to show a larger loss than  the  then
current  market expectations suggested.  This statement  was
made taking into account what the Directors considered to be
the  then  market consensus forecast of a #0.5 million  loss
before taxation.  The actual reportable loss before taxation
will include: an increased depreciation charge on the assets
at  the  Penjom  gold mine as a result  of  the  lower  gold
recoveries currently being anticipated;  a write off of some
or all of the Company's assets in Peru, which currently have
a  combined  net  book  value in  the  Group's  accounts  of
approximately  US$6.5  million (#3.9 million);  a  provision
against  the  loss  associated with  the  Malaysian  ringgit
currency hedge, which as at 31 March 1998 is expected by the
Directors to be US$2.3 million (#1.4 million); and the final
determination   of   any  provisions  or  other   accounting
adjustments, required in the gold and tungsten businesses.

It  is  anticipated that a preliminary announcement  of  the
trading  result  for  the year to  31  March  1998  will  be
published by August 1998.
Current Trading and Prospects


Owing  to lower gold recovery at Penjom, gold production  in
the  year  to 31 March 1998 was 66,000 ozs rather  than  the
70,000  -  75,000 ozs envisaged at the time of  the  interim
results announcement made on 15 December 1997.

As  noted in the interim results, lower gold recoveries were
anticipated  as a result of treating the carbonaceous  ores.
The  issues associated with the treatment of these ores have
persisted longer than the Directors had anticipated  at  the
time  of  the  interim announcement and are currently  being

To tackle the problems associated with the treatment of preg-
robbing carbonaceous ores, the treatment plant at Penjom has
been,  and is being, modified.  The gravity circuit is being
expanded with the installation of In-Line Pressure Jigs  and
an Intensive Leach Reactor.  The Directors believe that this
modification, together with other operational  changes  will
be  running in May 1998 and fully operational in July  1998,
and  that  this will increase total recovery  of  gold  from
carbonaceous ores to at least 60 per cent.  Test work,  with
promising  indications, continues on a range of  options  to
increase recovery further.

In  the meantime, mining and treatment of oxide reserves  is
taking  place utilising the current carbon-in leach  circuit
with high recovery.  This has been possible by the discovery
on  the  Penjom  property of further oxide and  old  tailing
reserves  and  resources  giving a  total  of  approximately
270,000 tones.

The  Board considers that of particular significance to  the
future  of the mine is a new rich underground resource  that
has  been delineated by diamond drilling some 30m below  and
to  the  south  of  the main pit bottom.  Over  the  limited
strike length of 100m that has been tested so far, the Board
estimates this resource to contain 335,000 tones at 10.8 g/t
(115,000 ozs).  The latest geological interpretation by  the
Avocet Group is that this could form part of a Feeder  Shear
System for the various Penjom gold occurrences and, as such,
may  extend over a strike length of several kilometres.  The
Board  considers that the Penjom system may host a  resource
similar  in nature to the Raub mine 60km to the South.   The
deep  ore  appears  both  competent  and  relatively  clean,
favorable   to  both  underground  mining  and  high   leach


The  US  and  European tungsten prices weakened  during  the
first  half of the Group's financial year and have  remained
low mainly as a consequence of continuing sales from the ex-
Soviet  stockpiles.   However, the  Directors  believe  that
there is circumstantial evidence to suggest that the outflow
of  tungsten from the ex-Soviet stockpiles will diminish and
possibly cease during the course of 1998.  Given the current
low   level  of  mine  production  world-wide  relative   to
consumption, the Board believes that this reduced outflow of
tungsten  will  lead to a better market which would  benefit
the  Company's tungsten business.  In the meantime,  efforts
are being made to reduce costs.

The  Regina mine in Peru and the Pine Creek mine in the  USA
remain  on  care and maintenance.  Regina has  been  granted
creditor  protection by Indecopi, a government  agency  that
manages  insolvency  and creditor protection  procedures  in

The  Company is currently involved in discussions to dispose
of  its  80 per cent. interest in Minera Malaga in order  to
reduce future cash outflow.  The Directors believe that  the
mine  is  too small and the reserves insufficient to justify
at  this  time  the  continued  expense  and  commitment  of
management time.

Working Capital

There  is no formal market or exchange which determines  the
price   of  tungsten  and  the  price  therefore  fluctuates
according  to  individual trades agreed between  buyers  and
sellers from time to time.  The current European free market
APT  mid-Metal Bulletin price is US$57/mtu and over the last
12  months  it has moved within a range of between US$70/mtu
and  US$56/mtu.  The adequacy of the Group's working capital
is  particularly sensitive to fluctuations in  the  tungsten
price.  A fall in the tungsten price below its current level
could  have an adverse impact on the period over  which  the
Group  will have sufficient working capital.  Conversely,  a
rise  in  the  tungsten price could extend the  period  over
which the Group has sufficient working capital.

Independently  of the tungsten price, the  adequacy  of  the
Group's working capital is also dependent upon the level  of
gold  recoveries that it can achieve from carbonaceous  ores
at  the modified Penjom plant.  As explained under "Gold" in
the  "Current  Trading  and  Prospects"  section  above  the
Directors  believe that modifications to the existing  plant
will  be  running in May 1998 and fully operational in  July
1998,  and that this will increase the recovery rate  to  at
least  60 per cent..  To the extent that this level of  gold
recovery  is  not achieved the Group's adequacy  of  working
capital could be adversely affected,  whilst the achievement
of higher recovery rates could have a beneficial effect.

Subject to the matters disclosed above, the Directors are of
the  opinion  that,  taking into account existing  bank  and
other  facilities and the net proceeds of the Rights  Issue,
the  Group  has  sufficient working capital available  until
September 1999.

The  Company is considering a number of actions which  could
be  taken in order to provide additional working capital  in
the absence of a material rise in the tungsten price.  These
would  extend  the  period over which  the  working  capital
available  to the Group would be sufficient for its  ongoing
requirements.  These include the closure of the Regina mine,
further  reductions in capital expenditure, the deferral  of
gold  exploration  costs, and the possible renegotiation  of
certain  loan repayments.  As stated under "Tungsten"  under
"Current  Trading and Prospects" above, the Board  considers
that  the  Tungsten price may improve during the  course  of
1998.   However,  in  the event that there  is  no  material
improvement in the tungsten price or that gold recovery does
not  exceed  60  per cent. the Directors consider  that  the
actions  proposed in this paragraph would only  be  able  to
extend  the period over which the Group will have sufficient
working capital for its requirements into January 2000.   In
such  circumstances, the Company would  seek  to  raise  the
additional funds required by way of a further equity issue.

Shareholders  should be aware that in  the  event  that  the
Rights  Issue  does not proceed for any reason  the  Company
will  need  to  seek additional sources of  working  capital
urgently in order to continue to meet its ongoing commercial
and  financial  obligations and to  enable  it  to  continue
trading.   Subject to the potentially short time constraints
imposed  in such circumstances, alternative forms of finance
might include the restructuring of existing bank facilities,
the  securing of additional bank facilities, asset disposals
and  arrangements  with  creditors  or  other  fund  raising


A prospectus giving details of, inter alia, the Rights Issue
will  be  sent to shareholders of Avocet later  today.   The
prospectus  will contain a notice convening an extraordinary
general  meeting  for  10.00 am on  30  April  to  give  the
Directors  authority  to  allot  new  Ordinary  Shares;   to
approve the Panel's waiver of any obligation on the part  of
Liverpool  (or  Elliott) and/or Westgate to make  a  general
offer  for  the  ordinary shares of  the  Company;   and  to
approve the APT Repurchase Arrangements.

Copies  of  the  prospectus will be available during  normal
business  hours  (Saturdays,  Sundays  and  public  holidays
excepted) from NatWest Markets Corporate Advisory Limited, 4
Great St. Helens, London EC3A 6HA.

Expected timetable of principal events                    1998
Record Date                                           20 April
Latest time and date for receipt of forms  of   10.00 am on 28
proxy for the Extraordinary General Meeting              April
Extraordinary General Meeting                   10.00 am on 30
Provisional Allotment Letters despatched              30 April
Dealings  commence in the Rights Shares,  nil            1 May
Latest    time   and   date   for   splitting    3.00 pm on 22
Provisional Allotment Letters, nil paid                    May
Latest  time  and  date  for  acceptance  and    3.00 pm on 27
payment  in  full  or  for  registration   of              May
Definitive certificates for the Rights Shares           8 June
to be despatched by

Avocet Mining PLC                                0171 834 1811
Jocelyn Waller (Chief Executive)                              
NatWest Markets Corporate Advisory Limited       0171 665 4500
Luke Withnell                                                 
Andrew Noble                                                  
Walter Judd Public Relations                     0171 236 4541
Charles Wyatt                                   

Neither  the  Rights  Shares nor the  Provisional  Allotment
Letters  have  been or will be registered under  the  United
States  Securities Act of 1933, as amended ("the  Securities
Act"),  or  under the securities laws of any  state  of  the
United  States, nor have they been and they  are  not  being
registered  in  any province or territory of Canada  or  any
state, territory or possession of Australia, and neither may
be  offered  for subscription or purchase, sold,  taken  up,
renounced, transferred or delivered, directly or indirectly,
in or into the United States, Canada, or Australia or to, or
for  the account or benefit of, U.S. persons (as defined  in
Regulation  S) ("U.S. persons") except, in relation  to  the
United  States,  in  certain transactions  exempt  from  the
registration requirements of the Securities Act.

This  press  release, for which the directors of Avocet  are
solely  responsible,  has  been  approved  solely  for   the
purposes of section 57 of the Financial Services Act 1986 by
Nat   West  Markets  Corporate  Advisory  Limited  ("NatWest
Markets"), which is regulated by The Securities and  Futures
Authority Limited and which is acting exclusively for Avocet
in  relation  to the rights issue.  NatWest Markets  is  not
acting  for any other person and will not be responsible  to
any  other  person  for  providing protections  afforded  to
customers of NatWest Markets or advising any such person  on
the contents of this announcement or any matter referred  to



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Avocet Mining (LSE:AVM)
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