JUST IN: $SSL Sasol to Host an Investor Update on 2 December 2020
Sasol to Host an Investor Update on 2 December 2020 PR Newswire JOHANNESBURG, Nov. 9, 2020 JOHANNESBURG , Nov. 9, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Sasol will be hosting a virtual investor update, followed by Q&A on Wednesday, 2 December 2020 . The key focus...
Read the whole news SSL - Sasol to Host an Investor Update on 2 December 2020
'Mikey', I AM Long here! I know this will indeed Dounce Back! ..What I do is Buy the initial chunk to lock-in, then I play around with monkey money to pick up some small change here and there, which does adds up!
As we all know, this company isn't like a PINK-SHEET, it's just getting a market spanking like all the other tons of good stocks throughout the market.
In fact, this stock shows a history that averaged in the mid $25 range for years! That's where it's at home! ..And it "WILL" be returning back "Home" in due time!
Right now, it's getting its "ASK" kicked!
but I expect it will be kicking "ASK" soon enough!
Now, as for the Stock you've mentioned, which averaged under $5 for over half a decade to then suddenly run to up over $20 in just last Thursday's market, I'm already holding a recent short position in that stock! Albeit Cautiously!
But today I've been looking at it for the best Covering price!
Hello 'Mikey', I short stocks all the time! I used to always play on the BULLS side of the fence! But also notice that I'm always ending up on the losing side the fence!
yeah I know, now I can be chastised on poor choices, failed strategies, Inexperience (Or just Stupidity)
but whatever the case, if I'm always losing money playing in the BULLS's Pen!, then the opposite effects SHOULD BE with the BEARS!
Meaning that the BULLS win only of the BEARS Lose and Visa Versa!
Therefore if my market thinking pattern, my market sense of reasoning, my market fears and gut instincts are all that causes me to ultimately lose with the BULLS, then perhaps the opposite must be relatively more applicable with the BEARS!
And so, I've tried it and been successful ever since!
Albeit quite confusing and even quite mind boggling with trying to understand WHY does this work for me, it nonetheless works!
However with further studies, I've learned that the market have gravity! ..in other words, it's always more "Weighted" for a fall than it is to rise!
There's always more losers than winners!
There's always more TAKERS than GIVERS!
This is the nature of the capitalist system that we live in!
The Stock Market is just a byproduct of it!
This is WHY there's more BEARS than BULLS! Because the Bears are the Takers and the Bulls are the Giver!
In other words, People are always more inclined Cash-OUT than to Cash-IN!
This is WHY I kept Losing on BULL plays! Whereas in order for the BULLS to succeed, it would requite a steady "INPUT" of capital into one's position!
truth is, there are more people Exiting/Closing/Holding their market positions than Expanding and/or Creating new ones!
Even when looking over the Market, if one were to average out the numbers of Tickers that have since gone to hell, (Literally), it would be about, say 75%
This means that the odds of the market averaging within the Bears territory is much higher than that of the Bulls!
So even on a BAD 'BEAR' DAY, one's average would be 'BULL' of Fun!
So even though my Short position here is currently upside down, the BEARS always have their day in the midst of all the BULL!
(All Pun's were intended)
News: $SSL Update on Sasol Board Review, Delay of the Financial Results Announcement and Update on the Lake Charles Chemicals Project
JOHANNESBURG , Aug. 16, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- In the Company's Trading Statement of 25 July 2019 , updated guidance was provided on the independent review commissioned by the Board to ascertain the factors that impacted the cost and schedule changes for the Lake Charles Chemicals Project ...
In case you are interested Update on Sasol Board Review, Delay of the Financial Results Announcement and Update on the Lake Charles Chemicals Project
Timothy Smith
Even as it cuts costs and slashes jobs like its global energy peers, Sasol (SSL -0.2%) is forging ahead with its largest ever project: an $8.9B investment in a U.S. gas processing facility that can produce 1.55M metric tons of ethylene.
It is a major bet on the U.S. shale gas revolution, and "a defining moment because it’s diversifying the company, both in terms of chemicals... and geographically,” CEO David Constable tells Financial Times.
Although SSL has an international presence, it relies on the South African market for more than 80% of its profits, but Constable estimates that 30% of the company's profits will come from Louisiana by the end of the decade if the cracker starts operating in 2018 as planned.