Itronics trades on the Expert Market. Shares have been trading since Itro was put on the Expert Market . My question is who is buying them and why. There looks to be a buy order open out there. Not a lot of $ but the shares have been trading all along This information came from the O.T.C. Trade Data
Date Timestamp Price $ Change Volume
11/08/2024 10:37:49
0.00 1,905
10/22/2024 12:30:40
0.00 626,159
09/20/2024 11:19:06
-0.00 250
09/17/2024 12:42:10
0.00 2,525
09/17/2024 09:57:33
0.00 4,000
09/16/2024 15:28:22
-0.00 8,905
07/26/2024 14:23:31
0.00 300
07/26/2024 13:24:27
0.00 710
07/15/2024 11:41:15
0.00 1,000
07/08/2024 14:40:43
0.00 200
Irregular/odd lot trades, which are not considered for the Open, High, Low or Closing prices, are not shown in trade data table.
Type Itronics + lawsuit into your favorite search engine. Look closely at what you find. Then think about why Rockkleen was never patented. Can the winner of a lawsuit put a lien on a closely held non-patented formula? Can those who know that formula just start a new business and screw those with claims and existing shareholders? How can you license a formula that can be tweaked ever so slightly, and passed around like generic Coke. Something doesn't smell right and a company that can't / won't comply with filing laws or communicate honestly seems suspect. What is the total number of shares outstanding? What is the fully diluted count? What about options, notes, derivatives, convertibles, IOU's, employee promises, etc? Who would loan the company a penny without that information? Why isn't it disclosed to shareholders? How has the share count changed since they were delisted? For the record, I hold more shares than most of you. But, I'm prepared to write them off if I can't get honest answers. You? Is it too late? You're not helping if you're not demanding answers to these and other questions. Helping the company hide doesn't help the little bit of value remaining in your shares.
I understand your position and like you, I only want them (us) to succeed. That said, what makes a Publicly Traded company is the ability for shareholders to TRADE their shares. It's been 3 YEARS this month that trading was needlessly halted and we have NOT been able to trade. At the least, they could have, should have and still can have our shares available to trade on the Pink sheets. No one has been able to sell and take the loss on their taxes or sold for a gain, if that's the case, for three years now. I and everyone else here has had to look at their shares in the red (deep red) in their accounts without any recourse to opt out. That my friend is NOT a publicly traded company. Of course I wish you and everyone else here the best. But really, three years, three years? It's a bit much to ask of any shareholder don't you think?
Since they can't seem to execute on any of their dreams, ITRO has become one of those stocks that is continuing for the sole purpose of paying salaries. It can't possibly be legal for a public company to keep shareholders in the dark, while failing to disclose share sales, bonuses, raises, issues, and going concern statements from auditors. What they are doing is illegal. Everyone should be furious.
Thank you harpe; I appreciate the information & will look that up. I sold out $ITRO shortly after the rs & got $1.18 @ share. Couple days later it went to 2.10 per share but then delisted fast. Must have invested with them for a decade or more; & even went to North of Reno in the early 90's 🤔 but could not get a tour or interview. Just talked to an employee thru the fence. Sure sounded promising, but ended disappointing with court cases & legal difficulties. Hoping for movement in $BLEG, $FRZT, $BFYW, & $CAFI but had other disappointing results with : $NTRR, $KGKG, $RMRK & punted on 4th down. Wish you well harpe5368. I enjoy your messages. doorcounty
You are NOT alone! I agree with every last word of your frustrations and then some. I've been here for many, many years hoping that Dr. Whitney will finally follow through on his promises, only to be endlessly disappointed. I'm tired of looking at my losses with this company (if you want to call it a company?) every time I log into my multiple accounts. I've voiced my frustrations many times here that Dr. Whitney, for as smart as he is, completely lacks the ability to follow through on his promises and evidently just can't bring himself to giving up control, even if his life depended on it. He could have and should have, many times over, hired others to market his ideas and manage his affairs.
I believe it will be three years this September that we were De-listed from the OTC and at the time we were promised it would be corrected in short order. It wasn't. That PR, along with MANY others have been deleted since. Anyone else here remember the one about being a 200 Million Dollar company within five years?
I called to speak with Kyle several weeks ago and got someone that answered and just said hello. No Itronics. No this is so and so, how can I help you. I thought I got the wrong number. Kyle was out and they were going to have him call me back as he was in a meeting. Never got a call back. Called again yesterday and the same thing. Only this time Kyle was out and would be back on Monday. I asked who I was speaking with and was told Doug. Whoever that is? I also asked if their secret Rockkleen Tech was patented and was told NO!
Two PR's ago they gave an an update to investors (another one, UGH!). What investors? You have to be able to actually buy and sell shares to be an investor. Our funds are captive and we have no recourse to liquidate. We are really just a shell of a Privately owned company now with Dr. Whitney collecting and pocketing the check. He really, really needs to retire. There is nothing in place to transfer ownership and management to another when he passes.
My number one question at this point is why on earth didn't they just drop down to trade on the pink exchange when they were De-listed from the OTC? All of us here could have at least been given the choice of moving on or sticking it out. What is keeping them from trading on the Pinks NOW???
To reiterate, I am NOT a basher, but one of many like yourselves that saw the potential here. By all rights we should be a multi, multi million dollar enterprise by now, instead of having our intellect insulted with repeated PR Releases that promise what we all know will never ever happen. It's all borderline fraud at this point in my opinion and should be pursued as such.
Long time shareholder here. Not here to bash the company, but do want to express my frustration. I can't be the only one. Not looking for a response from the typical bashers either. Does anyone else get tired of hearing excuses for no growth or any project completion? How many times can they rehash the same crap? We lost the facility with the rail access? What the heck happened? Nobody seems to want to loan them money or partner with them. They seem to think their proprietary Rockkleen formula trade secret is a benefit. Trade secrets are only beneficial if you can afford to protect and enforce them. Itronics can't. Catch a key employee at the right time, offer him $50k, and the formula is yours. That's not a good position to be in. Whitney is on his last leg. What's stopping the sales growth? Is John Key still there? The other companies in this space are eating their lunch, fertilizer excluded. Anyone have any insight or see this any differently? Completely disgusted. I feel betrayed and misled. Luckily I can afford to lose the investment, but I loved the story and wanted to see them succeed. Ugh.