I think you did a great job of trying to warn people about Larry. There are some pretty clever guys out there that send out all kinds of great news. You know the type. They say things like "Could this company leave Amazon in the Dust?" or something similar, and they always make it sound like an emergency to buy it before it's too late.
Well, I guess it COULD leave Amazon in the dust, but it's more likely that this 'company' they're pumping and dumping will only make money for the few that are running the thing. Then, when investors finally catch on, the masterminds (con men in my opinion) just change the name or buy into a new company and start the ball rolling again.
I think the only reason these guys are giving you the negative comments is because they probably have some of the near worthless stock, and they hope it will go up a little so they don't feel so stupid.
Thanks for your report, and keep up the good work. best always.
don't know how you could infer that from my posts.
fwiw, i followed EQBM back in 2006 era, when Skolnik claimed to have mining rights in Canada.
he made all manner of claims and talked a good game.
in the end, it turned out to be all lies.
and when the house of cards fell, he literally left the country, heading back to Switzerland.
most pink CEOs are simply con artists.
Skolnik, imo, is among the worst of them.
Hey Couch,
I was in Austria for a few years, back in HI now.
re: 5 years with iHub, I hadn't been counting. Was on Yahoo, RB, SI before. Too much spam on all of them, but I've found several people and boards on iHub that I like.
How are you holding up since the EQBM-debacle?
Hey guys. Indeed Larry was an utter scam as the German fellow asserted.
Couch, I know you were especially burned by this one, as was a friend of mine who gambled way more than he should have on a pink. I tried to talk him out of it, but he got "gold fever," as it were.
Larry has truly caused a great deal of pain, and likely laughed all the way to the bank.
fwiw, A few of us tracked Larry down digitally. He's not very clever about hiding his tracks. I may pay him a visit some day. Karma has a way of coming full-circle.
Remember a poster " patiencepays " or something like that, posted he was going to China and check it out.
He posted one time, as I recall, after he returned, and simply said- -- I hope Larry looks good in an Orange jumpsuit, or some such statement, as to indicate a prison uniform, as I understood it anyway.
So was there a pond ???? Who knows, or was there a pond, but no chemicals, equipment, etc., that would have been needed for production??
My take on it anyway - -
What a shame these effhead CEO's just continue to get by with fleecing the innocent, unsuspecting, and inexperienced investors, such as I was four or five years ago when this all came down - - ONLY IN AMERICA !!!
I had absolutly NO idea that nothing but lies, phony Conference calls, PR's and the such, would ever be allowed to go unpunished !!
Still, thriving SCAMS abound today !!