2 November 2023 Cleansing Notice
This notice is given by Morella Corporation Limited(ABN 39 093 391774) (ASX:1MC “Morella” or “the Company”)
pursuant tosection 708A(5)(e) of the Corporations Act 2001(Cth)(Corporations Act).
The Company issued 24,937,000 fully paidordinary shares (Shares) at adeemedissue price of approximately
A$0.005per Share to various employees on 2 November 2023, pursuant to the Company’s Executive Incentive
Scheme approved by shareholders at the 2022 AGM.
The Company advises that:
(a) the Shares were issued without disclosure to investors under Part 6D.2 of the Act;
(b) this notice is being given under section 708A(5)(e) of the Act;
(c) as a disclosing entity, the Company is subject to regular reporting and disclosure obligations;
(d) as at the date of this notice, the Company has complied with:
(i) the provisions of Chapter 2M of the Act, as they apply to the Company; and
(ii) section 674 and section 674A of the Act; and
(e) as at the date of this notice, there is no information that is “excluded information” within the meanings of
sections 708A(7) and 708A(8) of the Act
19 October 2023 Executive Incentive Share Package
Morella Corporation Limited (ASX: 1MC “Morella” or “the Company”) wishes to announce the Board has
approved an incentive package to reward the Company’s Directors and Executive for their efforts during the
2022/2023 Financial Year.
The objective of the Company's executive reward framework is to ensure reward for performance is
competitive and appropriate for the results delivered. The framework aligns executive reward with the
achievement of strategic objectives and the creation of value for shareholders, and it is considered to conform
to the market best practice for the delivery of reward. The Company’s remuneration philosophy is to attract,
motivate and retain high performance and high quality personnel and is designed to align executive reward to
shareholders' interests.
As a part of the process to finalise the 30 June 2023 Annual Report for Morella, the Board undertook a thorough
review of the Companies performance.
The Remuneration & Nomination Committee, which comprises the full Board of Morella, have determined, the
results of the Company during the period warranted an award of Performance Shares to reflect the
performance of the Directors and Executive.
The Board has determined that a total of 40,143,723 Performance Shares should be issued to Directors and
Executives pursuant to the Company’s Executive Incentive Plan (EIP). The Performance Shares are unrestricted
fully paid ordinary shares in the Company.
Shareholders approved the EIP at the 2022 AGM held on 25 November 2022. Under the EIP a grant of
Performance Shares, can be made on terms and conditions approved by the Board. Shareholder approval of
the EIP enabled the Company to grant entitlements to fully paid ordinary shares for a 3-year period following
shareholder approval, without utilising its placement capacity under ASX Listing Rule 7.1.
James Brown, the Managing Director of Morella stated that
“During the 2022/2023 Financial Year the team at Morella have invested significant time, to progress the
Company on behalf of the shareholders. It has been a difficult year and not everything has gone our way but
the Board could not be more pleased with the efforts of the staff and management.”
“The Board believes that the issue of Equity Securities to Executives is a valuable tool to assist the Company in
the retention of the Directors and Management of the Company. Remuneration packages are reviewed and
determined with due regard to relevant market conditions and each individual’s experience and qualification
and are benchmarked against comparable industry salaries.”
“The Board believes that the Company continues to move forward with its portfolio and is extremely optimistic
in regard to the potential of the Company’s projects at Mallina in Western Australia and Fish Lake Valley and
North Big Smoky in Nevada USA. We have a rigorous evaluation strategy in place for Mallina and Fish Lake
Valley with the foundation of this work to be delivered before the year end and setting the platform for further
progression in 2024."
The Program
The drilling program will consist of 66 RC holes amounting to approximately 3,800m of drilling. The
development drilling program is over Pegmatite 2, one of the most prospective pegmatite zones of the
Mallina project.
On the 7 July 2023, the Company was formally notified by the Department of Mines, Industry
Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) that its program of works for utilising ground disturbing equipment had
been approved.
The drill rig (See Figure 2) and residential camp facilities were mobilised to site on 4 September, with
drilling commencing the following day.
Figure 2 – Topdrill RC rig setup
It is expected the full drill program will take 3 to 4 weeks to complete with assay results expected
during Q4 2023.
Morella Corporation Limited
• 6h •
Morella Corporation Limited is pleased to announce the commencement of drilling at the Company's Fish Lake Valley Lithium Project in Nevada, USA.
Morella has awarded the drilling contract to Layne Minerals LLC for the provision of reverse circulation and core drilling services.
Morella Managing Director, James Brown said: “The commencement of this strategic drilling program marks a pivotal milestone for the Project and its key partner in Lithium Corporation. It signifies the initial step towards tapping into the brine reservoir, with the data we gather being instrumental in shaping the future of our exploration efforts at FLV and importantly, it has the potential to drive the project towards a mineral resource."
Read the full announcement:
Could would get lucky, IBATF doing the DLE a year or two from now???
James Brown
Director of Lithium Corporation
James is a professional mining engineer with extensive operational and development experience in the mining and exploration industries in Australia, North America, and Indonesia. During this time, he held positions of increasing responsibility from front line mine planning and supervision, land acquisition, government approvals and mine and business development. He was instrumental in bringing the Pilgangoora lithium mine in Western Australia into production.
James is a seasoned mining industry leader. He has raised more than $200 million in investment in the sector and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (MAICD). James is currently the Managing Director of Morella Corp., (ASX:1MC), an Australian mining company focused on lithium and battery minerals in Australia and the United States, and sits on the Board of Sayona Mining Limited, (ASX:SYA), currently developing the North American Lithium project in Quebec, Canada.