Have you? Has anyone found a store with American Heritage? Can you post at least one photo that isn't from a paid advertisement?
THere are hundreds of ecig forums for smokers, nobody has ever heard of this product.
Has anyone received the product from their online store? I tried to order. . . but only got an email that they're out of stock. And I doubt it means they're sold out.
I've done my DD, and this is one of the companies that doesn't seem to have any proof of having an actual product?
It should be trading around a quarter if not a penny, and most likely will soon. Sorry, I wanted to invest here but there's nothing solid to go on but paid PR.
I'm invested in a few other ecig companies, because they have sent me a product that I could test and see. Those with inferior product I won't invest in, those with NO product are a sham. Get out now, unless you're puffing on an AHII cig, lol.
If any of you are in this stock and have not even tried to order the product, I pity the fool.
Figured as much. I doubt anyone has ever personally seen or held an american heritage ecig.
The company just had a stop trade order issued in Canada.
I can see the SEC following real soon. Get out of this overinflated company that does not even have a real product, and move to a company with a lower market cap and actual product selling on the market and online.
I'm not shorting this company, and luckily sold my shares off over a dollar, but as an ecig sector enthusiast, I want to let all know that this is one of those companies that is not going to go anywhere, just inflated on hype. I put in an order two months ago and never received a product. . . sold out or just not real. . .
$AHII Corporate Update!
American Heritage(TM) Sells Out Inventory and Provides Corporate Update
LAS VEGAS, NV--(Marketwired - Mar 21, 2014) - American Heritage International Inc. 'America's Original E-Cig™', ("American Heritage") (OTCQB: AHII), is pleased to announce that it has: sold out its initial inventory of 20,800 'Sticks'; will receive its next shipment of 50,000 'Sticks' by the end of March and, due to increasing demand, has placed a much larger order for 100,000 'Sticks' to be received in April.
American Heritage also announces it has received $500,000 pursuant to a non-brokered private placement.
Anthony Sarvucci, CEO of American Heritage, said, "Our distributors are very excited about the demand for our American Heritage™ brand of premium disposable cigarettes. Consumer feedback has been excellent as our brand of electronic cigarette closely mirrors the look, feel and taste of a traditional tobacco cigarette like no other product on the market today. With our recent financing of $500,000 we can continue to meet the growing demand."
AHII ~ Discussion of the E-Cig™ Products (from 10K)
Our premium disposable electronic cigarettes are sold under the brand “American Heritage™” “America’s Original E-Cig™” in four varieties:
Platinum (24mg), Full Flavour Red (18mg), Cobalt Blue (9mg), and Emerald Menthol (9mg). They are sold in single packs or variety packs
containing three sticks. With a soft filter we feel we are at the forefront in terms of realistic look and feel. American Heritage™ utilizes the most
current technology in the industry and uses food grade quality E-Juice produced in the United States . We believe that our premium disposable
electronic cigarettes will be the most effective, best tasting, highest quality, and easiest to use e-cigarettes in the marketplace. Marketed solely as
an alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes, we intend that our products will be supported and used by entertainers and athletes, and be an in
demand product.
Our premium electronic cigarette and its components work in conjunction as follows: user draws on the Electronic Cigarette, a sensor detects
inhalation, a microprocessor activates, igniting the lithium ion battery, the battery charges the heater, the heater vaporizes the liquid nicotine held
in vegetable glycerin, simultaneously the LED lights up and the user get the smoking experience.
Each disposable electronic cigarette will be good for about 350 draws or puffs, and the battery will last approximately 300 charges.
Our products contain only 4 ingredients versus the more than 4,000 ingredients and chemicals in cigarettes. Our products are free of tar and
other chemical substances which are produced in traditional cigarettes. Our products are non-flammable (products do contain a lithium battery
which carries certain risks if ignited) and our products lack the second-hand smoke that accompanies traditional cigarettes. There is no danger of
second hand smoke and it is reusable (rechargeable by an electric outlet or car charger) so there is no problem with disposing of cigarette buds or
ashes. The United States Food and Drug Administration (“ FDA ”) has not fully studied the possible health effects of e-cigarette products.
Although certain cities, businesses and providers of transportation have banned the use of e-cigarettes, we believe we provide consumers an
opportunity to smoke in additional places without the social stigmas increasingly associated with traditional cigarettes.
We plan to further develop our brand and increase sales by adding additional products on a regular basis. As a general rule with mass retail
distribution, the more available SKU’s (SKU refers to a Stock Keeping Unit, a unique identifier for each distinct product that can be purchased)
that the retailer or distributor can carry from a particular company, the more appealing it is to increase business with the company.
Most smokers enjoy the substantial and emotional feeling of smoking. Research reveals that the hand-to-mouth behavior associated with
smoking is habitual and very difficult to break, one reason why smoking cessation gums or patches have only limited effectiveness. We provide
smokers an experience similar to smoking a traditional cigarette without the fire, flame, tobacco, tar, carbon monoxide, ash, stub or smell found
in real cigarettes.
Huge Corporate Update. AHII American Heritage(TM) Sells Out Inventory and Provides Corporate Update
LAS VEGAS, NV--(Marketwired - Mar 21, 2014) - American Heritage International Inc. 'America's Original E-Cig™', ("American Heritage") (OTCQB: AHII), is pleased to announce that it has: sold out its initial inventory of 20,800 'Sticks'; will receive its next shipment of 50,000 'Sticks' by the end of March and, due to increasing demand, has placed a much larger order for 100,000 'Sticks' to be received in April.
American Heritage also announces it has received $500,000 pursuant to a non-brokered private placement.
Anthony Sarvucci, CEO of American Heritage, said, "Our distributors are very excited about the demand for our American Heritage™ brand of premium disposable cigarettes. Consumer feedback has been excellent as our brand of electronic cigarette closely mirrors the look, feel and taste of a traditional tobacco cigarette like no other product on the market today. With our recent financing of $500,000 we can continue to meet the growing demand."
Read Full: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/american-heritage-tm-sells-inventory-113000371.html