Leader Energy Services Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:LEA) ("Leader" or the "Company") has
released its financial and operating results for the three and twelve month
periods ended December 31, 2012. 

Performance Summary

                                      Dec.        Dec.                      
Quarter ended (000's -                 31,         31,                   %  
 unaudited)                           2012        2011    $ Change  Change  
Revenue - continuing operations   $  4,178    $ 11,141    $ (6,963)    (62)%
Operating Expenses - continuing                                             
 operations                          4,550       6,374      (1,824)    (29)%
                                      (372)      4,767      (5,139)    n/a  
General and Administrative -                                                
 continuing operations               1,008       1,382        (374)    (27)%
Amortization - continuing                                                   
 operations                          1,229         653         576      88% 
Finance cost                           430         885        (455)    (51)%
Loss on settlement of loans and                                             
 borrowings                              -           -           -     n/a  
Other losses (gains)                   194        (117)        311     n/a  
(Loss) income - continuing                                                  
 operations                         (3,233)      1,964      (5,197)    n/a  
Income - discontinued                                                       
 operations                              -           -           -     n/a  
Net (loss) income                 $ (3,233)   $  1,964    $ (5,197)    n/a  
(Loss) earnings per share -                                                 
 Basic                            $  (0.11)   $   0.10    $  (0.21)         
(Loss) earnings per share -                                                 
 Diluted                          $  (0.11)   $   0.09    $  (0.20)         
EBITDA(i)                         $ (1,316)   $  3,442    $ (4,758)    n/a  
                                      Dec.        Dec.                      
                                       31,         31,                   %  
Year ended (000's)                    2012        2011    $ Change  Change  
Revenue - continuing operations   $ 25,016    $ 34,219    $ (9,203)    (27)%
Operating Expenses - continuing                                             
 operations                         20,556      20,417         139       1% 
                                     4,460      13,802      (9,342)    (68)%
General and Administrative -                                                
 continuing operations               4,384       4,819        (435)     (9)%
Amortization - continuing                                                   
 operations                          3,572       2,520       1,052      42% 
Finance cost                         2,335       3,390      (1,055)    (31)%
Loss on settlement of loans and                                             
 borrowings                          1,338       1,401         (63)     (4)%
Other losses (gains)                   128        (139)        267     n/a  
(Loss) income - continuing                                                  
 operations                         (7,297)      1,811      (9,108)    n/a  
Income - discontinued                                                       
 operations                              -          31         (31)    n/a  
Net (loss) income                 $ (7,297)   $  1,842    $ (9,139)    n/a  
(Loss) earnings per share -                                                 
 Basic (continuing ops.)          $  (0.27)   $   0.10    $  (0.17)         
(Loss) earnings per share -                                                 
 Diluted (continuing ops.)        $  (0.27)   $   0.08    $  (0.19)         
EBITDA(i)                         $    233    $  9,186    $ (8,953)    (97)%

(i) EBITDA means (loss) income from continuing operations before finance costs,
loss on settlement of loans and borrowings, taxes, amortization, other losses
(gains), and share based payments. Readers are cautioned that EBITDA is
generally regarded as an indirect measure of operating cash flow, and, as such,
the Company believes it is a significant indicator of success of public
companies, and is particularly relevant to readers within the investment
community. EBITDA is not a measure that has a standardized meaning and
accordingly may not be comparable to similar measures used by other companies.

Results of Continuing Operations

Well Stimulation Services (000's)                                           
                                                      Quarter over Quarter  
Three months ended              2012             2011                       
 December 31,             (unaudited)      (unaudited)         $          % 
Revenue                $       4,178    $      11,141    (6,963)       (62)%
Operating Expense              4,550            6,374    (1,824)       (29)%
Gross profit(i)                 (372)           4,767    (5,139)       n/a  
                            Dec. 31,         Dec. 31,                       
Year ended                      2012             2011   $ Change  % Change  
Revenue                $      25,016    $      34,219   $(9,203)       (27)%
Operating Expenses            20,556           20,417        139         1% 
Gross profit(i)        $       4,460    $      13,802   $(9,342)       (68)%

(i) Management believes that gross profit provides investors with an indication
of profit before administrative costs, amortization, finance costs, taxes and
other. Readers are cautioned that gross profit should not be considered as an
alternative to income determined in accordance with IFRS as an indicator of the
Company's performance.

During the fourth quarter of 2012, revenue from continuing operations was 62%
lower than in the fourth quarter of 2011 due to lower activity levels in the
WCSB. After the significant reduction in oil prices experienced in the second
quarter, customers re-evaluated their exploration and development budgets and
reduced spending for the remainder of 2012 with the most significant reduction
experienced in the fourth quarter.

Revenue from well stimulation services for the year ended December 31, 2012 was
$25.0 million as compared to $34.2 million in the year ended December 31, 2011.
Increases in revenue reported in the first quarter of 2012 as compared to the
same period in 2011 were substantially reversed in the second quarter due to a
prolonged spring break-up and wet weather in the WCSB resulting in lower than
expected equipment utilization across the industry which had the effect of
increasing competition for available work. Activity was also affected as
customers evaluated their capital expenditure spending in light of current
commodity price fluctuations. In addition, the Company experienced a reduction
in the number of stand- alone nitrogen jobs mainly due to lower natural gas
prices. During the third quarter, activity levels were slower to recover from
spring break-up as industry activity continued to be hampered by wet weather at
various times during the summer combined with customers reducing their
exploration and development budgets for the remainder of 2012 as a result of the
significant decline in oil prices experienced late in the second quarter.
Activity levels in September did improve dramatically, however that was
short-lived as the Company started the fourth quarter slower than anticipated.
The overall reduction in activity experienced in both the third and fourth
quarters resulted in lower than expected equipment utilization across the
industry which had the effect of increased competition for available work.

For the year ended December 31, 2012, the Company reported operating costs of
$20.6 million as compared to $20.4 million in the prior year. As a percentage of
revenue, 2012 operating costs increased 22% over 2011 reflecting the increased
costs incurred to hire and retain additional qualified field staff to operate
equipment added to the fleet, the repair and maintenance of equipment in
anticipation of increased activity and repairs resulting from drilling in harsh
environments, additional expense for larger diameter coiled tubing charges
resulting from harsh down hole conditions decreasing the life of certain larger
diameter coiled tubing strings, the inefficiencies caused by weight
re-distribution during spring break-up, the reliance on third party
transportation services in the first quarter of 2012 and higher costs
experienced in the fourth quarter as the Company incurred additional personnel
costs due to unanticipated standby days in the field and costs to transfer

Lower activity levels since the first quarter of 2012 resulted in the Company
reporting higher costs as a percentage of revenue due to the fixed cost
structure required to ensure personnel are available to operate the equipment
and additional costs incurred for rotating personnel from outside western
Canada. Over the past few years, the biggest challenge facing the Company has
been the ability to hire enough qualified personnel to operate the equipment in
the field. These cost increases were partially offset by savings realized in
third party transportation as a result of new equipment received in the second
quarter of 2012. Due to increased operating costs as a percentage of revenue and
lower than anticipated activity levels, the Company is continuing to review its
cost structures and has implemented cost reduction initiatives in the fourth
quarter of 2012 with additional cost reductions planned to coincide with spring

The Company exited 2012 with six coiled tubing units plus one reel trailer
capable of 2-3/8" deep coil applications, seven nitrogen pumpers and three fluid
pumpers. The Company took delivery of its new 2- 3/8" deep coil reel trailer at
the end of October 2012. Three of the coiled tubing units and one reel trailer
are classified as "deep" coil units. The Company is capable of running up to six
coiled tubing jobs concurrently.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

At December 31, 2012 the Company had $0.7 million drawn on its operating line
and had negative working capital of $7.8 million as compared to cash of $2.1
million and positive working capital of $6.4 million as at December 31, 2011.
The significant reduction in working capital is partially attributed to the
reclassification of the $8.8 million balance outstanding in loans and borrowings
to current liabilities as a result of the Company not meeting all of its debt
covenants. The Company is required to record the entire balance outstanding as a
current liability, similar to the reclassification in the second quarter as the
lender does not issue waivers for a twelve month period. In addition to this
reclassification, the reduction in cash and working capital reflects the
decrease in accounts receivable as a result of lower operational activity and
the collection of amounts owing from customers.

In March 2013, the Company finalized a credit facility with a private Canadian
asset-based lender. Proceeds from this facility were used to retire its previous
credit facility with a Canadian chartered bank and provide funding for working
capital purposes. The new credit facility includes a demand revolving facility
of up to $4.0 million and a demand non-revolving term loan from which the
Company drew the entire $12.0 million. The initial term of the credit facility
is for a period of 12 months at an interest rate of 18% per annum with an option
to extend for an additional six month period. The facility contains no financial
covenants, is subject to normal and customary terms and conditions for a
facility of this kind, and is secured by a first ranking security interest in
all present and after acquired property of the Company. The Company has
maintained its day-to-day banking at the Canadian chartered bank along with its
outstanding letter of credit and credit cards.


Overall, 2012 was a challenging year for the oil and gas industry and the
Company. The first half of the year featured a very early spring breakup
followed by an extremely wet spring and summer. The second half of 2012 saw
completion expenditures reduced, especially in the fourth quarter as customers
reacted to a significant drop in oil prices which had occurred at the end of the
second quarter. Oil pricing differentials and a lack of pipeline capacity dogged
the entire industry throughout 2012. Although there will not likely be relief
from the effects of a lack of pipeline capacity this year, commodity prices have
recovered significantly to date from the lows seen at the start of the second
half of 2012. Winter projects that were deferred to the first quarter of 2013
have in fact resumed. First quarter revenues will be somewhat lower than for the
comparative period of 2012, but they are significantly higher on a sequential
basis. Early in 2013 the Company established strong relationships with a number
of larger producers, which should lead to more stable operations in 2013. The
Company has very moderate capital expenditures planned and have undertaken a
number of cost saving measures. Given an improved operating environment and an
ongoing focus on cost management, the Company anticipates a stronger year ahead.


Additional information can be found on SEDAR at www.sedar.com or the Company web
site at www.leaderenergy.com. The number of common shares issued and outstanding
at the date hereof is 29,388,021 which does not include 2,763,000 unexercised
stock options and 4,400,000 share purchase warrants.

Forward-looking information

This press release contains certain statements or disclosures relating to the
Company that are based on the expectations of the Company as well as assumptions
made by and information currently available to the Company which may constitute
forward-looking information under applicable securities laws. All such
statements and disclosures, other than those of historical fact, which address
activities, events, outcomes, results or developments that the Company
anticipates or expects may, or will occur in the future (in whole or in part)
should be considered forward-looking information.

Leader Energy Services Ltd.
Rod Hauser
President & CEO
(403) 265-5400

Leader Energy Services Ltd.
Jason Krueger
CFA Executive VP & Director
(403) 265-5400

Leader Energy Services Ltd.
Graham Reid, CA
VP Finance & CFO
(403) 265-5400

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