Evolving Gold Defines High Priority Targets on Its Pistol Property
GlobeNewswireMay 8, 2018
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 08, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Evolving Gold Corp. (CSE:EVG) (FSE:EV7) (EVOGF) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that following a detailed structural analysis of the high-resolution magnetic and time-domain electromagnetic (“TDEM”) survey on part of its Toro Property, as announced in news release dated April 30th 2018, it has identified numerous primary and secondary targets on the Pistol claim block. The objective of the detailed analysis was to further define the potential source of a large sulphide-rich boulder found on the Pistol claims (see news release dated September 14th, 2017).
The structural analysis was performed by Joel Dubé of Dynamic Discovery Geoscience based in Ottawa. Ten (10) priority targets and 76 secondary targets, associated with possible fault structures were defined, as seen on Figure 1 ( The main area of interest is the zone to the northeast of the metric-scale sulphide-rich boulder found in the 2017 field campaign. Local glacial flow is known to be in the SW direction. Thus, the area up-ice of said boulder is very promising since eight (8) primary targets have been identified with TDEM, of which seven (7) are adjacent to interpreted fault structures. The primary targets also include the two largest magnetic anomalies on the Pistol claim block, for a total of 10 primary targets. The secondary targets include magnetic anomalies located close to interpreted faults.
With this new understanding of the local and regional structural geology of the Property, the 2018 exploration work for the Pistol claims is being planned. Geological mapping and prospecting will cover potential bedrock sources of the mineralized glacial float. Field exploration will focus on ground truthing the magnetic targets, as well as searching for evidence of faults which could host structurally controlled mineralization. A total of 6 additional mineral claims were registered to better cover the magnetic targets.
Qualified Person
Steven Lauzier, P.Geo OGQ, A Qualified Person (“QP”) as defined by National Instrument 43-101 guidelines, has reviewed and approved the technical content provided in this news release.
About Evolving Gold
Evolving Gold is exploring the 72.5 square kilometre (total area) Lithium Lakes property in Quebec, located about 10 km north of the Route du Nord and between eight and 30 km from Nemaska Lithium's Whabouchi Project. The Company’s exploration goal is to discover economic quantities of lithium mineralization, hosted in pegmatite.
Evolving Gold is also exploring the 172.82 square kilometre (total area) Toro Project, in the vicinity of the Lithium Lakes property. The Company's immediate exploration goal is to assess numerous geochemical anomalies in till samples collected down-ice from large magnetic anomalies.
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
“R. Bruce Duncan”
President, CEO & Director
Investor Relations:
Tel: 604.685.6375
TF: 866.604.3864
Evolving Gold Makes New Discoveries During Field Exploration Work on its Toro Project
11:56 am ET September 14, 2017
Evolving Gold Corp. (CSE:EVG) (FSE:EV7) (OTCB:EVOGF) (the "Company") is pleased to report that, on September 6 2017, the Company began a helicopter-borne survey on its Toro Property in northern Quebec. The survey will include field prospecting on 14 Toro magnetic targets associated with significant elemental anomalies in till assays generated from the previously reported till sampling program (see news release dated June 28 2017). The planned survey also includes additional till sampling glacially down-ice from those selected magnetic anomalies. The Company is also pleased to report that two new areas of interest were discovered while doing a general inspection of the Property by helicopter.
Pistol Claim Block
One of the two new areas of interest was identified following the sighting of a mineralized boulder from the air. The block was 2 metres by 2 metres by at least 1.5 metres in size, was angular to semi-angular, and showed the typical flatiron shape which indicates glacial transport. At surface, the block showed intense weathering due to the presence of sulphates and iron oxides. On semi-fresh section, the block was determined to be sediment containing between 2 and 20% of fine grained and disseminated pyrite along with trace amounts of chalcopyrite and bornite. Stringers of pyrite were found throughout the block. The boulder showed layers of sediments and mineralization styles that vary between the layers, indicating the potential for zoning inside the source rock. A smaller, 8 centimetre rounded block was found a few centimetres away from it and showed coarse automorphous pyrite in a quartz vein in the same sediment. This reinforces the theory that the bedrock source would show alteration zoning, and over a width greater than the size of the larger block. A total of 12 samples were taken from the various mineralization styles on the blocks and were sent to Actlabs (Ancaster, ON) for rush assay of gold and base metal content. Photographs of the blocks can be found on Evolving Gold's website at:
Dr. Remi Charbonneau, Ph.D., P.Geo #290, an expert on Quebec glacial geology, commented, "It is not uncommon to discover sulphide-rich boulders in the James Bay area of Quebec. However, the discovery of such a large oxidized boulder is very rare and may only be observed a few times over the entire career of a field geologist. Sulphide-rich oxidized boulders similar to the one discovered by EVG would be expected to break apart very quickly during transportation by the glacier. I therefore conclude that the bedrock source of the boulder is very close to its discovery location. The visible mineralization in this boulder indicates that there is much more happening in this section of the La Grande sub-province than was previously known, and warrants further investigation."
A post-discovery review of historical surveys completed by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources ("MERN") in 1971 revealed strong iron, molybdenium, zinc and arsenic anomalies in some lake sediments in the vicinity of these glacially transported blocks. Secondary anomalies in sulfur, zinc, copper, molybdenum, arsenic and lead were also identified in some lake sediments on the claim block. These elements are all pathfinders for gold mineralization when they are associated with sulphide mineralization. Company staff performed a statistical analysis on the MERN lake sediment data (278 assay results overall) collected from within the same geological formation as the boulder discovery. Values at or above the 95th percentile were defined as strong anomalies whereas those between the 85th and 95th percentiles were defined as weak anomalies. The sediment anomalies strongly suggest that the Company should focus its search for a sulphide rich formation located close to the discovery boulders. Known schistosities in the area run NW-SE to NNW-SSE and correlate well with the lake sediment anomalies as shown in Figure 1 available at:
A magnetic survey performed in 2011 by MERN indicates that the discovery boulders lie on a regional semi-circular magnetic feature that would most likely correlate with a fold or a geological contact. Such folds and contacts can act as permissive structures for the transport of hydrothermal fluids. The Company has acquired 80 new contiguous claims (4,250 hectares) over this large magnetic feature that has been named the Pistol claim block.
The discovery boulders are erratic blocks transported during past glaciation. The size and form of boulders and known direction of glacial drift are factors that can be used to determine the potential source of a transported boulder. (i.e. A larger boulder that is angular will usually have a nearby source up-ice whereas a small and rounded boulder would likely have its source further away.) The presence of the discovery boulders indicates that the regional geology is much more prospective for mineral exploration than previously thought, as regional mapping shows the only lithology in the area to be a granodiorite unit. The Company's technical team theorizes that granodiorite would be more commonly seen and identified in outcrop, whereas softer sediments and volcanic rocks would tend to be found in topographic lows or under cover due to differential erosion and till deposition during and following regional glaciation. Thus, mapping programs may have overlooked potential mineralization-hosting rock units, and over-reported the granodiorite units.
Basalt Contact Zone
During the helicopter survey, the technical team also observed a group of rust-coloured boulders in the northern portion of the Toro Property, on the Toro 24 target. The Toro 24 target was being revisited as a follow-up based on prior till survey results including 3 strong gold anomalies (1,110 ppb, 6,900 ppb and 14,500 ppb) along with anomalous copper and tantalum (see news release dated July 5, 2017). On the ground, the investigation of the rusty boulders quickly led the team to discover a basalt unit in contact with a granodiorite body located to the south. The Company believes that the contact is a major structural feature due to the presence of veining, pegmatite intrusions and shearing associated with the contact, along with visible sulphide mineralization. Four samples were collected from the contact zone, and were sent to Actlabs (Ancaster, ON) for rush assay of their gold and base metal content.
Regional magnetic maps indicate that targets Toro 18 through 24 all lie on a semi-circular structure. The identification of a basalt unit at Toro 24 would suggest that these targets may be associated with a folded basalt contact zone. These Toro targets themselves were small magnetic highs, but they also all lie on the weaker semi-circular magnetic feature. Collectively, these Toro anomalies were selected for further exploration because there were numerous highly anomalous gold levels in their till samples, which may now be explained as being part of a larger basalt unit which could host gold mineralization. Additional till and bedrock sampling was performed on a number of these targets.
On July 5, the Company announced that an all terrain vehicle based field program would be initiated later in July. The field team was unsuccessful in their attempts to reach the exploration targets due to difficult terrain and access restrictions. The Company is in negotiations with Hydro-Quebec to obtain permission to access the Toro Project by using Hydro-Quebec's maintenance trails which lie within or near different sections of the Project.
Evolving Gold's Chief Executive Officer, Mr. R. Bruce Duncan stated, "We are very pleased to continue to uncover new mineral exploration targets in this unexplored area of Quebec. These early exploration results were obtained even before the team had a chance to do additional follow-up work on the Toro 7 target, which yielded anomalous gold results over 800 metres of till sampling reported in July. We expect to have additional results from the field, after the team completes its field work later this week."
Qualified Person
Steven Lauzier, P.Geo OGQ, A Qualified Person ("QP") as defined by Nation Instrument 43-101 guidelines, has reviewed and approved the technical content provided in this news release.
About Evolving Gold
Evolving Gold is exploring the 72.5 square kilometre (total area) Lithium Lakes property in Quebec, located about 10 km north of the Route du Nord and between eight and 30 km from Nemaska Lithium's Whabouchi Project. The Company's exploration goal is to discover economic quantities of lithium mineralization, hosted in pegmatite.
Evolving Gold is also exploring the 172.82 square kilometre (total area) Toro Project, in the vicinity of the Lithium Lakes property. The Company's immediate exploration goal is to assess numerous geochemical anomalies in till samples collected down-ice from large magnetic anomalies.
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
"R. Bruce Duncan"
President, CEO & Director
Investor Relations:
Tel: 604.685.6375
TF: 866.604.3864
Evolving Gold Acquires Nicobi Claims, Adjacent To A Property Owned by Osisko Exploration in the Chapais-Chibougamau Mining Camp
VANCOUVER, June 13, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Evolving Gold Corp. (CSE:EVG) (FSE:EV7) (OTC:EVOGF) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce it has acquired, by map staking, a package of 57 claims located next to Osisko Mining’s Quevillon Property, which the Company has named the Nicobi Property (the “Property”). The acquired claims have similar geology to Osisko’s Quevillon Property. Multiple geochemical anomalies located glacially down-ice from the Property indicate a possible source located within these mineral claims. Figure 1 shows the claims owned by the Company and can be found at ( ).
The 57 Nicobi claims cover 3193.05 ha (31.93 km2), and include the volcanic mafic to felsic units and synvolcanic equivalents of the Obatogamau Formation, which host a number of historic gold, copper and silver deposits and showings. Nicobi is surrounded on either side by the intrusive rocks of the Lichon pluton. Copper mineralization was found 2 km away from the Property in quartz veins and sulfide mineralization within the Lichon pluton (“Le Tac”). Historic gold and copper discoveries in the Obatogamau Formation just west of the Property are of either of two types: Intrusion Related Gold deposits: Kerromac, Glencona and Certac; or Volcanogenic Massive Sulphides: Lac Céré, Le Tac Sud. Less than 15km northwest of the Property is the active Lac Bachelor gold mine, hosted in the same intermediate to mafic volcanic rocks of the Obatogamau Formation found on the Nicobi Property.
Two faults cross the Nicobi property in a WNW to ESE trend. They are located in the Doda shearing corridor, a major structural feature that is a component of the Casa Berardi Fault Zone. It has the potential for serving as a structural control for orogenic gold deposits as demonstrated by the Casa Berardi mine and the Vezza and Douay deposits, currently in the development stage. Hundreds of metallic showings are also associated with this Fault Zone.
MERN lake-bottom surveys conducted in 2013 defined geochemical anomalies in gold, copper, zinc and titatinum down-ice from the Nicobi Property. The glacial drift direction (south) indicates that the source of those anomalous samples could be located on the Property, in association with the geological features listed above. Table 1 includes the different metallic anomalies reported down ice from the Property. The location of the metallic anomalies along with the regional claims and simplified geological features can be seen in Figure 2 at ( ).
Table 1: Metallic Anomalies from Government Sampling Programs
Reference (MERN) Sediment Type Anomalous Elements
2013128558 Lake Cu, Ti
2013128559 Lake Cu, Ti, Zn
2013128560 Lake Au, Cu, Ti, Zn
A geochemical till-sampling survey conducted on behalf of Evolving Gold in the fall of 2016, up ice and proximal to the 2013 lake-bottom anomalies, revealed various Au, Cu, Ti and Zn anomalies in till samples. Two samples which returned as much as 142 and 674 ppb of gold are contiguous and are open to the north. Multiple arsenic, copper and zinc anomalies have also been encountered in proximal samples. Evolving Gold intends to conduct further prospecting and more extensive till sampling programs on the Nicobi Property during the coming field season.
Qualified Person
Steven Lauzier, P. Geo OGQ, a Qualified Person (“QP”) as defined by National Instrument 43-101 guidelines, has reviewed and approved the technical content provided in this news release.
About Evolving Gold
Evolving Gold is focused on exploring the 72.5 square kilometre (total area) Lithium Lakes property in Quebec, located about 10 km north of the Route du Nord and between eight and 30 km from Nemaska Lithium's Whabouchi Project.
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
“R. Bruce Duncan”
President, CEO & Director
Investor Relations:
Tel: 604.685.6375
TF: 866.604.3864
Neither Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Market Regulator (as that term is defined in the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Evolving Gold Acquires Oxen Claims, Adjacent To The Kan Property Owned by Osisko Mining and Barrick Gold in the Labrador Trough
May 3th, 2017, Vancouver, British Columbia: Evolving Gold Corp. (CSE:EVG) (FSE:EV7) (OTC:EVOGF) (the "Company") is pleased to announce it has acquired, by map staking, a package of 17 claims located next to Osisko`s Kan Property in the Labrador Trough, named the Oxen Property. The acquired claims show similar geology to the Kan Property, as well as multiple geochemical anomalies located glacially down-ice from the property, indicating a possible source located on the Oxen claims. Subsequently, additional claims were staked by Osisko; the Oxen Property is now entirely surrounded by Osisko Mining claims.
Osisko Mining optioned its Kan Property to Barrick Gold, under which agreement Barrick Gold will have to spend $15 million CAD on the Kan Property over 4 years to earn a 70% interest. Following the disclosure of this agreement, EVG was able to acquire 17 claims located approximately 12km east of the main Kan showing. EVG is confident that the amount of money to be spent by Barrick exploring the Kan area will generate significant interest in this region of the Labrador Trough, which may increase the value of the Oxen land package. The Oxen claim group can be seen on this map:
The 17 Oxen claims cover 788.59 ha (7.88 km2), and include the Lower, Middle and Upper units of the Baby Formation along with the Montagnais Sills and the Hellancourt basalt formation. Targets of interest on the Oxen Property include Zn-Cu-Pb massive sulphide mineralization hosted in carbonatized basalt and black shales of the Baby Formation, as found at Osisko`s Kan showing. Gold mineralization was also found in sediment-hosted polymetallic vein mineralization in the Baby Formation nearby. The Oxen claims also cover the Montagnais Sills unit which has demonstrated gold showings in proximity to the Baby Formation. Two thrust faults cross the Oxen property in a NNW to SSE direction, which have the potential for serving as control structures for mineral deposition. Field exploration work will target banded iron formations which may be proximal to the thrust faults. Significant gold discoveries have been made at e.g. Meadowbank and Meliadine where these geological features are present.
Quebec government lake and river sediment surveys conducted in 2009 and 2010 defined multiple geochemical anomalies in cobalt, copper, zinc and nickel glacially down-ice from the Oxen Property. The glacial drift direction indicates that the source of those anomalous samples could be located on the Oxen Property. Table 1 includes the different metallic anomalies reported down ice from the Property. The location of the metallic anomalies along with the regional claims and simplified geological features can be seen on this map:
Table 1: Metallic Anomalies from Government Sampling Programs
Anomaly Reference (MERN) Sediment Type Anomalous Elements
242810 Lake Cu
250742 River Co
250806 River Cu, Co
247625 Lake Zn
246244 Lake Cu, Ni
247748 Lake Zn
247904 Lake Zn
245125 Lake Zn
251045 River Zn
250457 Lake Zn
248085 Lake Zn
The multiple zinc anomalies and associated copper are good indicators for Volcanic Massive Sulphides ("VMS"). Evolving Gold intends to explore the property by prospecting and till sampling up ice from the numerous anomalies.
Evolving Gold`s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. R. Bruce Duncan stated, "We are fortunate to have a land position surrounded by Osisko Mining`s property optioned to Barrick Gold. The map staking was performed immediately after the Osisko/Barrick announcement on favourable geological structures located near anomalous metal findings. The Company will mobilize to the Oxen Property during the coming field season to explore its potential."
Qualified Person
Steven Lauzier, P. Geo OGQ, a Qualified Person ("QP") as defined by National Instrument 43-101 guidelines, has reviewed and approved the technical content provided in this news release.
About Evolving Gold
Evolving Gold is focused on exploring the 72.5 square kilometre (total area) Lithium Lakes property in Quebec, located about 10 km north of the Route du Nord and between eight and 30 km from Nemaska Lithium`s Whabouchi Project.
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
"R. Bruce Duncan"
President, CEO & Director
Investor Relations:
Tel: 604.685.6375
TF: 866.604.3864
Evolving Gold Conducting Fieldwork on the Toro and Lithium Lakes Properties
October 13th, 2016, Vancouver, British Columbia: Evolving Gold Corp. (CSE: EVG) (FSE: EV7) (OTCB: EVOGF) (the "Company") is pleased to announce it has completed the planning for an exploration program on its 100%-owned Toro Project that will assess the potential of the 24 kimberlite targets previously announced by the Company (see news release dated September 15th, 2016). The Toro field campaign, being conducted by two geologists and two technicians, began on October 12th, 2016. The Company is simultaneously completing Phase 2 of its field exploration activities on the Lithium Lakes Property, initially announced September 8th, 2016, which are being conducted by an additional two geologists and two technicians.
Toro Property Field Program
In this first phase of field exploration of the kimberlite targets, approximately half of the circular magnetic anomalies identified on the Toro Property have been selected for geological mapping, field prospecting, and till sampling for kimberlite indicator minerals (“KIM”) glacially down-ice from the targets.
Two two-man geological assessment teams are being transported in the field by helicopters supplied by Canadian Helicopters. One team is conducting geological mapping directly on the selected phase one anomalies and is also inspecting down-ice for glacial erratics that could have derived from near-by kimberlite intrusions, work which may provide quick verification of the presence of kimberlite. This same team will then conduct a helicopter borne inspection of the other kimberlite targets that are not part of the detailed mapping and till sampling in phase one of the program.
The second team is performing a till sampling survey down-ice from the circular magnetic anomalies selected for phase one assessment work. Till sampling will occur along 3 survey lines, covering the area between the anomaly and 1.5 kilometres down-ice, across the width of the anomaly. The crew is expected to collect between 20 and 25 till samples per anomaly. The coarse till samples will be screened with a 20 mesh sieve, and 10 kilograms of the finer material will be tagged, bagged and sealed on site. The samples will be transported back to the camp by helicopter and shipped to southern Quebec by truck. The samples will then be shipped to C. F. Mineral Research Ltd. (Kelowna, BC), to determine the presence of KIM by means of heavy mineral concentration, optical picking, mounting of grains for microscopic analysis, and the determination of their micro-chemistry using electron microprobe analysis (“EMPA”). The assessment process is estimated to take a minimum of 2 months.
Glacial till sampling for KIM is an effective technique for identifying potentially diamondiferous kimberlites for three reasons: 1) KIM form under the same high-temperature and high-pressure conditions in the upper mantle which favour the formation and stabilization of diamonds; 2) KIM are resistant to weathering and other erosive events at the Earth’s surface; and, 3) KIM are much more commonly found in kimberlite intrusives than are the target diamonds themselves. The KIM suite of minerals include: Hurzburgitic Cr-pyrope garnets, Eclogitic pyrope-almondine garnets, Cr-diopside, Cr-spinel, chromite, magnesian ilmenite, and magnesian olivine (McCLenaghan, 2007; Nowicki, 2007). All of the KIM have densities above 3 grams per cubic centimetre, and can be concentrated from till samples by means of dense media separation. The dispersal pattern, concentration (number count per sample), and micro-chemistry (by EMPA) of the KIM in till samples can greatly assist in determining the probability that a specific target might be a diamondiferous kimberlite.
Evolving Gold’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. R. Bruce Duncan stated, “Management is very excited to so quickly be able to start work on the field assessment of the anomalies defined by an airborne survey. The Company intends to first determine whether the magnetic anomalies are of interest for diamond exploration, but the potential for other types of mineralization in these same targets has not yet been ruled out at this stage of exploration.”
Lithium Lakes Property Field Program
A team of two geologists and two technicians has begun Phase 2 fieldwork at Lithium Lakes, performing geological mapping and prospecting in the area that was previously defined by the Company as having the most potential for lithium mineralization (see news release dated September 8th, 2016). This area surrounds Targets T5, T1 and T8, where minerals found during the first reconnaissance survey indicate the possible presence of fertile granites that may be associated with lithium mineralized pegmatite. Special attention will be given to the mineralogy in order to determine the presence of mineral indicators for fertile granite or lithium pegmatite. Boulder-field prospecting will also be done down-ice from the individual targets. This phase of exploration will also include field prospecting on Targets T3, T4, T9 and T12, which were not part of the earlier field work program. The Company has not yet received assay reports from samples collected during previous field work at Lithium Lakes.
About C.F. Mineral Research Ltd.
C. F. Mineral Research was founded by Charles “Chuck” Fipke, in 1977, to provide heavy mineral assessment services to companies exploring for diamonds, gold, platinum, and base metals. Shortly after its founding, Mr. Fipke and C. F. Mineral Research began searching for diamondiferous kimberlite pipes, using the newly developed understanding of KIM developed by John Gurney. In 1991, Fipke and his partners discovered what would later be developed as the Ekati Mine, and initiated what would become one of the largest staking rushes in Canadian history.
The company employs a proprietary KIM assessment method, based on a massive archival database of sample data. Using custom software, the company compares the KIM grains’ shapes and chemical compositions, analyzes them against one thousand minerals that are intergrown with diamond, and compares them against ten fields of mineral groupings. If seven to ten of these analyses overlap, there is a high probability that the kimberlite is diamondiferous.
McClenaghan, M. B., & Kjarsgaard, B. A. (2007). Indicator mineral and surficial geochemical exploration methods for kimberlite in glaciated terrain, examples from Canada. In: Mineral Resources of Canada: A Synthesis of Major Deposit-types, District Metallogeny, the Evolution of Geological Provinces and Exploration Methods. Geological Association of Canada, Special Publication, (5), pp 983-1006.
Nowicki, T.E., Moore, R.O., Gurney, J.J., and Baumgartner, M.C., 2007. Chapter 46: Diamonds and Associated Heavy Minerals in Kimberlite: A Review of Key Concepts and Applications. In: Developments in Sedimentology, Volume 58, pp 1235–1267.
Qualified Person
Jean-Philippe Paiement, P. Geo, M.Sc., is an independent Qualified Person (“QP”) as defined by National Instrument 43-101 guidelines, and has reviewed and approved the geological information provided in this news release.
About Evolving Gold
Evolving Gold is exploring the 72.5 square kilometre (total area) Lithium Lakes property in Quebec, located about 10 km north of the Route du Nord and between eight and 30 km from Nemaska Lithium's Whabouchi Project. The Company’s exploration goal is to discover economic quantities of lithium mineralization, hosted in pegmatite.
Evolving Gold is also exploring the 88.3 square kilometre (total area) Toro Project, in the vicinity of the Lithium Lakes property. The Company’s exploration goal is to assess numerous circular magnetic targets for their diamond potential, as well as for other minerals of economic interest.
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
"R. Bruce Duncan"
President, CEO & Director
Investor Relations:
Tel: 604.685.6375
TF: 866.604.3864
Neither Canada Stock Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Canada Stock Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Evolving Gold Provides Update on First Reconnaissance Survey Highlighting an 8 Km by 2 Km Potential Lithium Mineralization Zone
September 8th, 2016, Vancouver, British Columbia: Evolving Gold Corp. (CSE: EVG) (FSE: EV7) (OTCB: EVOGF) (the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has completed its initial field mapping and survey program on targets the Company had previously identified as potential pegmatite hosts for lithium mineralization (see news release dated June 16th and July 5th 2016). A number of pegmatite bodies were identified, along with minerals associated with fertile granites, such as green muscovite and garnets that may be associated with lithium mineralized pegmatite. The geological work also identified a new type of target which is discussed below.
Geological mapping, conducted from July 9th to July 23rd, 2016, indicates that the area surrounding targets T5 and T8 is of particular interest for lithium prospectivity (for map, refer to Figure 1, below). During this initial exploration program, the field crew was able to find a series of minerals associated with fertile granite and possible mineralized pegmatite of lithium-cesium-tantalum (“LCT”) type, the potential host rocks for lithium mineralization. At T5, the team identified abundant green muscovite and accessory garnet, which are also observed in the Nemaska Lithium deposit, approximately 20 kilometres (“km”) to the southwest. Green muscovite and red garnet are typically found associated with fertile granite intrusions and within mineralized lithium host pegmatites (Bradley and McCauley, 2013).
Figure 1: Target and Field Sampling Locations
The geological team also identified a large circular structure (approximately 1,000 metres (“m”) in diameter) associated with a topographic low and a geophysical magnetic high. (See Figure 2). This type of signature is sometimes associated with kimberlite or lamprophyre pipes, either of which are potential hosts for diamonds. This circular structure could also be associated with a carbonatite intrusion, which is sometimes associated with rare earth element mineralization. Other geological structures could also create a similar type of signature and further field exploration will be necessary in order to identify the source of this anomaly. The field work will include a till sampling program which, coupled with mapping of the outcrops and further geophysical interpretation, is expected to properly identify the feature.
Figure 2: Large Circular Magnetic Anomaly
Assay results of grab samples from pegmatite, paragneiss, granite and basalt units are currently pending. The field exploration team is compiling data in preparation for the second phase of ground work which will focus on the heart of the claims, located between targets T5 and T8, including further assessment of T1, which hosts the circular structure described above. This represents an area of 8 km by 2 km which current observations highlight as the most prospective for the presence of lithium mineralization. The remaining unvisited targets will also be part of the next field program, which is due to start on September 10, 2016. The historical geophysical data on the Property is also being compiled and will be reassessed along with our recent observations from the field by GDD Geosciences, to enhance the efficiency of field prospecting activities in the future.
Evolving Gold’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. R. Bruce Duncan stated, “The reconnaissance field survey was successful in rapidly identifying a large area with a high potential for lithium bearing pegmatite discoveries. Our team has already identified pegmatite with mineral combinations similar to those observed at the Nemaska Lithium Project, to the southwest of our claim blocks.”
Target Information from Field Exploration
Cooling and fractionation processes during pegmatite intrusion events, may result in mineralogical and chemical zonation associated with lithium enrichment, creating potentially economic grades of spodumene mineralization in white LCT-type pegmatite (white potassic feldspar and quartz). T5 target (See Figure 1) consists of three large outcrops covering an area of 100 m by 200 m. The outcrops are composed of white pegmatite with 10% to 20% of green muscovite and 1% of red garnets, minerals that can be associated with lithium bearing pegmatite (Bradley and McCauley 2013).
Target T8 is granitic gneiss, with visible epidotization, sulphide minerals, and chloritized basalts observed along with pegmatite dykes ranging from 10 cm to 1m in thickness. A single allanite crystal (rare earth mineral) was included in one of the pegmatite grab samples. Green micas (fuschite or muscovite) were also observed in the pegmatite.
Targets T2, T7, T10 and T11 were surveyed and were found to be granitic gneiss with quartz, plagioclases and large amphibole crystals. Partial chloritization was observed in the gneiss, which was intruded by pegmatitic dykes with a NE-SW orientation. Target T10 exhibits a significant amount of epidote veining.
Targets T3, T4, T9 and T12 have not yet been field surveyed. No outcrop was discovered on Targets T6 or T1, hence further work will be required to characterize these areas properly. A large boulder field found on T1 will be reviewed, as well.
Field Sampling Program
A total of 87 field grab samples (including field duplicates of pegmatite) were collected for assaying. The samples include granitic gneiss, pegmatite, diorite, quartz veins and altered gneiss. The technical team will use the assay results to determine the presence of any chemical zonation and/or fertile granite compositions associated with potentially lithium-bearing pegmatite bodies (Selway etal, 2005). The grab sample duplicates will serve as field duplicates in a QA/QC program established by the company.
Grab samples from bedrock outcrop were shipped to Actlabs (Val D’Or, Quebec), where they will be pulped and assayed using the "Ultratrace 3" package. This procedure combines INAA with near-total acid digestion and ICP-OES and ICP-MS analyses to provide the concentrations of 65 elements. For complete details of this methodology, please refer to the Actlabs website:
Bradley, Dwigt and McCauley, Andrew (2013). A Preliminary Deposit Model for Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum (LCT) Pegmatites. United States Geological Survey. Online at:
Selway B. Julie, W. Breaks Frederick and Tindle, Andrew G. (2005). A Review of Rare-Element (Li-Cs-Ta) Pegmatite Exploration Techniques for the Superior Province, Canada, and Large Worldwide Tantalum Deposits. Online at:
Qualified Person
Jean-Philippe Paiement, P. Geo, M.Sc., is an independent Qualified Person (“QP”) as defined by National Instrument 43-101 guidelines, and has reviewed and approved the geological information provided in this news release.
About Evolving Gold
Evolving Gold is focused on exploring the 72.5 square kilometre (total area) Lithium Lakes property in Quebec, located about 10 km north of the Route du Nord and between eight and 30 km from Nemaska Lithium's Whabouchi Project.
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
"R. Bruce Duncan"
President, CEO and Director
For more information, please contact:
Investor Relations:
Tel: 604.685.6375
TF: 866.604.3864
Evolving Gold Identifies 24 Circular Kimberlite Exploration Targets, Adds 166 Claims Totaling 88.26 km2 to its Land Position
September 15th, 2016, Vancouver, British Columbia: Evolving Gold Corp. (CSE: EVG) (FSE: EV7) (OTCB: EVOGF) (the "Company") is pleased to report that it has increased its land position by staking 166 new claims for a total of 88.26 square kilometres (“km2”) in the vicinity of the Lithium Lakes property. The newly acquired claims have been named the Toro property by the Company. The recent discovery of a circular high magnetic anomaly coincident with a topographic low on the Lithium Lakes property has expanded the Company’s focus to include diamond exploration (see news release dated September 8th 2016). The new claims cover other magnetic anomalies of circular shape and of significant size that may be related to kimberlite pipes. (It is important to note that other geological structures could also generate similar magnetic anomalies and field validation has yet to be conducted.)
The new targets are located in the La Grande and Opinaca geological sub-provinces identified as the eastern extension of the North Caribou Terrain (Japart et al, 2014), which hosts the Victor diamond mine operated by De Beers Canada. (Victor is hosted in a kimberlite pipe belonging to an 18 pipe swarm, of which 16 are diamondiferous.) Janse (1994) has demonstrated that the worldwide distribution of diamondiferous kimberlite is located in the oldest part of Archean cratons, where the thick continental crust extends below the graphite-diamond stability boundary. The mantle-derived diamonds may then be transported by kimberlite magma during extremely high velocity eruptions to the surface. Using the high S-wave velocity (laterally and vertically), a 3D tomographic model of the craton’s thickness can be built. Faure et al (2011) have used the average velocity perturbations beneath the Archean North American cratons to define an envelope that is believed to represent the depth of the highly depleted subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Figure 1 shows the claim blocks location in relation to that envelope, as well as other diamond properties and projects. Geostructural analysis by Stephane Faure, et al (2003) has indicated that deep rooted linear features cross the Property in a NW-SE trend and could be related to ancient faults that were permissive for the transport of kimberlite magma to the surface.
Figure 1: Location of the Toro Kimberlite Targets within the Archean Superior Craton
The magnetic signature of most kimberlite pipes of the Canadian Shield is, at high magnetic latitudes, a circular positive anomaly (Keating and Sailhac, 2004). The newly staked targets all cover large amplitude magnetic anomalies of circular to sub-circular shapes. In glacial terrain, kimberlites are expected to generate locally negative topographic reliefs because of their relative softness compared to the surrounding host rocks.
Furthermore, some of the acquired targets, based on their Keating anomalies, were already defined by Isabelle D’Amours (2011) as kimberlite exploration targets (black dots in Figure 2) as part of a research program conducted by Geology Quebec, a division of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources. Keating anomalies are defined by comparing observed aerial magnetic geophysical signals with models of the magnetic response generated by infinite vertical pipes of known radius. The comparison yields a ratio, expressed as a percentage, between the observed magnetic anomaly and an anomaly that would be produced by a vertical pipe such as a kimberlite. Values greater than 90% were defined as kimberlite exploration targets by D’Amours.
Six key factors for kimberlite exploration (age of craton, magnetic high, topographic low, target shape, relationship with deep linear features and Keating score) were used to select the Toro anomalies, making them significant targets for diamond exploration. The company intends to perform a full desktop geophysical review of the different targets before proceeding with field exploration, which includes indicator tracing from till samples collected with the assistance of a helicopter. Table 1 provides descriptions of the newly staked targets. Figure 2 shows their locations. Detailed maps showing the magnetic signature and topographic setting for each of the Toro targets can be found on the Company’s website at:
Table 1: Characteristics of the Toro Kimberlite Exploration Targets
Click on the link below to view the table
Figure 2: Lithium Lakes/Toro Property Mineral Claims, Highlighting the Toro Magnetic Anomalies
Evolving Gold’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. R. Bruce Duncan stated, “The identification of a possible kimberlite target on the Lithium Lakes Property led us to review regional geophysical and geostructural data, seeking similar anomalies in the vicinity of the Lithium Lakes Property. This analysis allowed us to identify and stake a number of additional anomalies with the same circular magnetic signature, in a region of Quebec previously unexplored for diamonds. We will immediately begin the planning of a field work program which will allow us to prioritize our future exploration activities on the Toro targets.”
Qualified Person
Jean-Philippe Paiement, P.Geo, M.Sc., of SGS Canada Inc. is an independent Qualified Person (“QP”) as defined by National Instrument 43-101 guidelines, and has reviewed and approved the geological information provided in this news release.
About Evolving Gold
Evolving Gold is exploring the 72.5 square kilometre (total area) Lithium Lakes property in Quebec, located about 10 km north of the Route du Nord and between eight and 30 km from Nemaska Lithium's Whabouchi Project. The Company’s exploration goal is to discover economic quantities of lithium mineralization, hosted in pegmatite.
Evolving Gold is also exploring the 88.3 square kilometre (total area) Toro property, in the vicinity of the Lithium Lakes property. The Company’s exploration goal is to assess numerous circular magnetic targets for their diamond potential.
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
"R. Bruce Duncan"
President, CEO & Director
For more information, please contact:
Investor Relations:
Tel: 604.685.6375
TF: 866.604.3864
Evolving Gold Begins Field Exploration and Expands Its Lithium Lakes Project Land Package
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Jul 5, 2016) - Evolving Gold Corp. (CSE:EVG) (FRANKFURT:EV7) (OTC PINK:EVOGF) (the "Company") announces that it has increased its land position by staking 31 claims directly NE of the 100% owned Lithium Lakes Property recently acquired by the Company.The new claims add an area of 16.49 km2 to the Lithium Lakes Property, which now has a total area of 72.5 km2.
The new claims cover the potential bedrock sources for three lake sediment anomalies that indicate the possible presence of lithium bearing pegmatites glacially up ice from the anomalies. One lake sediment sample is anomalous in uranium, another is anomalous in tungsten, and the most interesting anomaly is anomalous in lithium, rubidium, titanium and zirconium. The potential sources for the metallic anomalies correlate well with magnetic anomalies derived from historical surveys and topographic features.
The new claims add an additional 3 high priority targets to the total of 8 high priority targets already identified on the original Lithium Lakes Property. The original 8 targets were up to 3.5km long and were selected based on a geological interpretation of historical magnetic, spectrometric and geochemical surveys and their association with topographic features. Additional information on the 8 targets can be found in the June 16th 2016 news release ( ).
The Company plans to send a work crew to the Property later this week to prepare for the arrival of a team of geologists during the second week of July. Existing Hydro Quebec infrastructure will allow Company personnel to access the Property, and to then easily reach the different targets by means of newly constructed ATV trails. The geological teams will conduct basic field prospecting and mapping of the targets. Any lithium mineralization encountered will be channel sampled and assayed. Bulk sampling, if warranted, will be initiated immediately, to provide metallurgical data as soon as possible. After the initial mapping phase, geophysical surveys will be used to determine specific diamond drill targets.
The Company will work closely with local First Nations organizations to protect their fishing and hunting rights on their traditional lands. The Company will also provide employment and economic opportunities to nearby First Nations communities.
Evolving Gold's Chief Executive Officer, Mr. R. Bruce Duncan stated, "This new acquisition quickly increases the number of prospective targets at the Lithium Lakes Property. All of the high priority anomalies are going to be visited by our field crew in the next couple of weeks, and any discoveries will be sampled extensively, and interpreted quickly."
About the Lithium Lakes Property
The Lithium Lakes Property is located about 10 km north of the "Route du Nord" and between 8 and 30 km from Nemaska Lithium's Whabouchi Project. To view the Property location map, please click here The road originates from the town of Chibougamau, approximately 250 km to the SSE, and connects the village of Nemiscau and the Route de la Baie-James. The Lithium Lakes main claim block extends 15 km in a NE-SW direction and 6 km in a NW-SE direction.
The Property geology is similar to that found at the Whabouchi Deposit, owned by Nemaska Lithium, which is located a few kilometres to the south-west. The main basement rocks are Archean gneiss, overlain by a volcano-sedimentary belt, metamorphosed into biotite-silimanite schists to the south and adjacent to granodioritic porphyry to the north. Fragmented horizons of amphibolitized ultramafic and Archean granitic intrusions are also part of the Property. Pegmatite sills and dykes are thought to originate from the granitic intrusions.
The combination of topographic, magnetic, spectrometric and lake sediment analysis allowed the definition of 11 anomalous areas which are highly prospective for lithium mineralization hosted in pegmatite bodies. Readers should be cautioned that the mineralization hosted on Nemaska Lithium's Whabouchi Project is not necessarily indicative of the mineralization hosted on the Company's Lithium Lakes Property.
Remi Charbonneau, Ph.D., P. Geo #290 (an Associate of Inlandsis Consultants s.e.n.c.) is an Independent Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, and has reviewed and approved the technical information provided in this news release.
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
"R. Bruce Duncan"
President, CEO and Director
For more information, please contact:
Investor Relations:
Tel: 604.685.6375
TF: 866.604.3864
NV Gold Initiating Drill Program at Rattlesnake Hills, Natrona County, Wyoming, USA
NV Gold Corporation (TSX VENTURE:NVX) (the "Company" or "NVX") is pleased to
announce it has received the necessary permits to begin its first drill program
at the Rattlesnake Hills Project ("Rattlesnake"), which is held under an option
to purchase a 100% interest from Evolving Gold Corp. ("EVG"). Drilling is
expected to begin by August 6, 2014. The purpose of the drilling program is to
explore two identified targets of mineralization, outside the previously
explored core area.
The drilling program is expected to consist of 12 to 16 reverse-circulation
rotary (RC) drill holes for a total of between 1,600 and 2,000 meters. Two
targets are planned to be tested, Blackjack and Baldy (Bald Mountain). Both
targets are distal to the previous discoveries at North Stock and Antelope
Basin, with the Baldy target lying about 4 kilometers to the northwest of North
Stock and Blackjack approximately 8 kilometers to the west. Previous work at
Rattlesnake has almost entirely been centered on the two discoveries, with
little drilling outside this core area. The Rattlesnake land position is
substantial, totaling almost 54 square kilometers, most of which remains
The drilling will be primarily shallow holes (100-200 meters) to test
well-defined rock chip and soil gold anomalies.
With the commencement of drilling, the Company is terminating the offering of
Units it announced on July 10, 2014, having raised Cdn$402,700 to fund this
exploration program, property maintenance costs and general corporate
Baldy Target
The Baldy target was initially recognized by Newmont Mining, operating under a
joint venture with Canyon Resources in the mid-1990s. No follow-up work or
drilling was performed at that time. EVG did additional sampling in 2010 and
2011, but again, no drilling was undertaken. NVX completed more detailed
sampling this year, which was quite encouraging.
Although there is little actual outcrop at Baldy, soil cover is shallow and
float samples reveal very exciting mineralization on the surface. The
mineralized float has been sampled over an area of approximately 100 meters by
100 meters, but is obscured by recent sediments to the north and east. The
observed mineralization differs from that present at North Stock and Antelope
Basin as mineralization is hosted in a coarse, Cambrian-age sandstone in
proximity to a phonolite intrusive body. Gold, silver and copper values sampled
to date have ranged up to +30g Au, +2,000g Ag and +6% Cu. The Company wishes to
caution readers that, since the samples are all float samples, it is not
possible to correlate volume, true widths or grades from the information
collected. Six to eight holes are planned in this area, totaling approximately
500-600 meters.
Blackjack Target
The Blackjack Target is a large gold anomaly that straddles a regional-scale
east-west normal fault. A volcanic breccia thought to be a vent breccia borders
the fault to the south, with Precambrian granites and gneisses to the north.
Although soil and rock chip results are strongest in the brecciated volcanic
rocks on the south, the Precambrian units also show evidence of potassic
alteration and gold mineralization.
The initial drilling at Blackjack will be mostly confined to the volcanics south
of the North Granite Mountain fault. In this area, 6-9 holes are planned
totaling 1,200-1,400 meters.
The anomaly identified at Blackjack is large, measuring approximately 300 m x
450 m, making it larger than the anomaly measured at North Stock prior to its
first drill holes. A soil grid covering and area of 2,000 m x 1,500 m was
completed by Agnico Eagle Mines Limited in 2011 that confirmed the presence of
this anomaly, but no drilling was performed. NVX drilling in 2014 will be the
first drill test of the target.
NVX President and CEO, John Watson, commented, "Although there has been over
70,000 meters of DDH drilling on Rattlesnake to date, very few holes have been
attempted outside the two known gold zones. Baldy and Blackjack are distal to
these main zones and could provide support for the presence of a district-scale
gold system in the mold of other alkalic volcanic centers in the western US and
Scientific and Technical Data
All scientific and technical information in this news release for the
Rattlesnake Hills Project has been reviewed and approved by Michael B. Ward,
P.Geo, who is a Qualified Person under the definitions established by Canadian
National Instrument 43-101.
About the Rattlesnake Hills Project
Rattlesnake is located in Natrona County, Wyoming, USA. Recent drilling, since
2008, is comprised of 182 drill holes totaling 71,083m. Two deposits have thus
far been identified: North Stock and Antelope Basin. North Stock is about 400m
by 200m wide, trends north-northeast, and is open in selected areas at depth and
along strike. Mineralization has been drilled to as far as 500m below the
surface. Mineralization at Antelope Basin has been identified in an area of 200m
by 350m to a depth of at least 200m, trends northeast, and is open along strike.
Rattlesnake has been the subject of previous work by several operators,
including, most recently, EVG and Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited. The Rattlesnake
land package is comprised of 644 lode mining claims covering approximately 5,235
hectares and Wyoming State leases covering an additional 515 hectares.
Previous work by all operators on Rattlesnake is extensive, including 228 drill
holes (mostly core), totaling nearly 77,000 meters. Core from drilling in the
past six years has been retained by NVX in Casper, Wyoming. Additionally,
various surface and airborne surveys have been completed, along with extensive
surface work programs (e.g. mapping, soil sampling, chip sampling). To date, no
NI 43-101 compliant resource calculation has been completed on Rattlesnake.
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
John E. Watson, President and CEO
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Service Provider (as that
term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts
responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
John E. Watson
President and CEO
Evolving Gold Options Rattlesnake Hills Project
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Mar 17, 2014) - Evolving Gold Corp. (EVG.TO) (EVOGF) (EV7.F) (the "Company") announces that it has entered into a definitive agreement (the "Agreement") with NV Gold Corporation ("NV Gold") to option its 100% interest in the Rattlesnake Hills Project ("Rattlesnake Hills") . The Company and NV Gold act at arm's length. The Rattlesnake Hills project consists of claims covering almost 14,000 acres and is located in Natrona County, Wyoming, USA.
Terms of the Agreement:
Under the Agreement, NV may acquire Rattlesnake Hills by completing the following:
1) a cheque for US$100,000 (the "Deposit") in immediately available funds as a deposit that is non-refundable (Paid) and;
2) a bank draft or similar instrument for US$300,000 (the "Down Payment") made payable to EVG US;
3) within 3 business days following receipt of TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV") acceptance of this option agreement, NVX US, or its agent, delivering to EVG a cheque for US$100,000 and NVX issuing EVG US 1,000,000 common share purchase warrants, each such warrant exercisable to acquire one common share of NVX at CDN$0.10 per share for 36 months from the date of issue;
4) on or before August 1st, 2014 NVX US paying to EVG US US$200,000;
5) on or before September 15th, 2014, NVX issuing 1,000,000 common share purchase warrants to EVG US, each such warrant exercisable to acquire one common share of NVX at CDN$0.10 per share until September 15th, 2016;
6) on or before November 1st, 2014, NVX US paying to EVG US US$800,000;
7) on or before the first anniversary of TSXV acceptance of this option agreement, NVX US paying to EVG US US$1,000,000 and NVX issuing to EVG US 1,000,000 common share purchase warrants, each such warrant exercisable to acquire one common share of NVX at CDN$0.10 per share for a period of 18 months from the date of issue; and
8) On or before the second anniversary of the date of this option agreement, NVX US paying to EVG US $1,000,000 and NVX issuing to EVG US 1,000,000 common shares of NVX;
The Company further advises that the previously announced March 5th, 2014 financing of up to 10,000,000 Units at $0.03 has been cancelled.
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
R. Bruce Duncan, CEO and Director
Evolving Gold Announces Spin-Out Transaction to Create New Company
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb 7, 2013) - Evolving Gold Corp. (EVG.TO) (EVOGF) (EV7.F) (the "EVG") announces today that it intends to undertake a spinout transaction ("Plan of Arrangement") to reorganize its share capital to create a new public company, Rattlesnake Mining Corp. ("RMC"), a new company incorporated for the purpose of facilitating the Plan of Arrangement, which will hold EVG''s interest in the Rattlesnake Hills Property in Wyoming.
Under the terms of the proposed transaction, EVG will transfer 100% of its interest in the Rattlesnake Property (including the reclamation bond and the asset retirement obligation associated with the Rattlesnake Property) to a wholly owned subsidiary of RMC. EVG will retain 100% of its interest in all of its other properties, including its Carlin and Humboldt holdings in the south end of the Carlin Trend in Nevada, and in the Jake Creek project, also in Nevada. EVG will not have any change in its capitalization. Application will also be made to list the common shares of RMC on the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV").
EVG shareholders will be entitled to receive one common share of RMC for every 10 shares of EVG held as of the record date to be set upon the effective date of the Plan of Arrangement. Holders of EVG options and warrants will be entitled, upon exercise of their respective options and warrants, to that number common shares of EVG and RMC which the holder would have been entitled to receive as a result of the Plan of Arrangement if, immediately prior to the effective date of the Plan of Arrangement, the holder had been a shareholder of EVG. There will be no change in shareholders'' holdings in EVG as a result of the Plan of Arrangement.
Under the proposed Plan of Arrangement, the current shareholders of EVG will continue to participate in the exploration and continued discovery potential of EVG''s other properties outside of Wyoming, and in addition they will continue to participate in the exploration and additional discovery potential of the Rattlesnake Property.
"Recent field work at the Rattlesnake Hills project has identified a number of new targets in the Rattlesnake Hills gold district, which together have the potential to significantly expand the size of the known gold mineralization on that project," says R. Bruce Duncan, CEO of Evolving Gold. "With the formation of Rattlesnake Mining Corp. we will have the capability to properly focus an aggressive exploration and discovery program on this large district. We believe that the development of the new company will unlock value for our shareholders, provide increased investment flexibility for our shareholders, and ensure that the full potential of the Rattlesnake Hills project is properly tested over the next few years. It will also allow Evolving Gold to focus on its gold discoveries in Nevada at the south end of the Carlin Trend and at Jake Creek."
RMC intends to close a Private Placement concurrently with the Arrangement. The Private Placement will consist of the issuance of a minimum of 15,000,000 units and a maximum of 25,000,000 units at a subscription price of $0.20 per unit. Each unit is anticipated to consist of one RMC Share and one half RMC Warrant, with each RMC Warrant entitling the holder thereof to acquire one RMC Share for a period of three years at a price of $0.30 per RMC Share.
Subsequent to the completion of the Plan of Arrangement and proposed financing, EVG will continue to retain control over RMC, and expects to hold in excess of fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares of RMC.
The Board of Directors of EVG believes that two separate public companies dedicated to the pursuit of their respective exploration programs in Wyoming and Nevada will better focus the efforts of each company and provide EVG shareholders with additional investment choices and enhanced flexibility.
In arriving at their decision, the Board of Directors considered, among other matters:
1. the conclusions of management of EVG with respect to the prospects of an increase in shareholder value;
2. the conclusions of management related to the current valuation of the Rattlesnake Property, and the potential to increase that valuation with focused and aggressive exploration of both known gold mineralization, and of new, recently discovered gold targets on the property; and
3. the terms of the Plan of Arrangement, which
1. will allow RMC to focus on financing and focused exploration of the Rattlesnake Property separately from EVG''s other properties, while reducing stock dilution for shareholders interested in EVG's other interests; and
2. will result in each EVG shareholder continuing to own their existing EVG shareholdings but will also own shares of RMC.
The proposed Plan of Arrangement is subject to Toronto Stock Exchange, TSXV, regulatory, court and shareholder approval. Additional details of the proposed arrangement will follow upon completion of definitive documentation and will be described in detail in the information circular to be mailed to shareholders of EVG in connection with the EVG''s Special Meeting at which approval by EVG''s shareholders of the proposed Plan of Arrangement will be sought.
About Evolving Gold Corp:
Evolving Gold is focused on exploring its gold properties in and adjacent to the productive Carlin Trend gold district of northern Nevada, and its gold discovery at Rattlesnake Hills, Wyoming.
For more information about Evolving Gold please visit:
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
R. Bruce Duncan, President, CEO and Director
Evolving Gold Corp.
Investor Relations
604.685.6375 or Toll-Free: 866.604.3864
Evolving Gold Expands High Grade Gold at Carlin, Nevada
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb 4, 2013) - Evolving Gold Corp. (EVG.TO) (EVOGF) (EV7.F) (the "Company") is pleased to announce gold assay results for drill hole CAR-021.2, a wedge hole from CAR-021, drilled to the southeast. This drill hole has continued to expand the length of the high grade Arch Zone to the southeast. Drill hole CAR-021.2 intersected multiple intervals of high grade gold: 7.0 meters at 7.87 grams per tonne (gpt) gold that includes 0.9 meters at 17.66 gpt gold, 0.4 meters at 18.92 gpt gold, and 1.5 meters at 11.32 gpt gold, followed by 1.5 meters at 20.59 gpt gold, and followed by 2.7 meters at 14.62 gpt gold.
• Drill hole CAR-021.2 is a wedge hole drilled from drill hole CAR-021. High grade gold in hole CAR-021.2 is approximately 28 meters (92 feet) southeast of similar high grade intersections in hole CAR-021 (see release dated November 14, 2012).
• The first significant gold intersection in hole CAR-021.2 occurs at approximately 48 meters lower than the first intersection in CAR-021 suggesting a southeasterly dip to the high grade gold zone.
• Drill hole CAR-021.2 intersected multiple high grade intervals: 7.0 meters at 7.87 grams per tonne (gpt) gold that includes 0.9 meters at 17.66 gpt gold, 0.4 meters at 18.92 gpt gold, and 1.5 meters at 11.32 gpt gold, followed by 1.5 meters at 20.59 gpt gold, and followed by 2.7 meters at 14.62 gpt gold.
• High grade gold intervals are distributed over a down hole length of approximately 139 meters, significantly longer than the 60-90 meters in other nearby drill holes.
• Drill hole CAR-021.2 expands one of two high grade zones in the Arch Zone to approximately 100 meters north-south and east-west. The strike direction of this high grade zone is interpreted as northwest-southeast, and it is open in all directions.
"This drilling continues to expand the area of high grade gold mineralization at the Arch Zone on our Carlin project in Nevada," comments R. Bruce Duncan, CEO of Evolving Gold. "The high grade gold intersections occur over a greater down hole thickness in drill hole CAR-021.2 than in any of the other nearby drill holes to the northwest. Our geologists interpret this to suggest the potential for proximity to an ore-controlling structure or feeder zone for the high grade gold mineralization as we continue to explore to the southeast. We are extremely pleased that our recent drilling intersected more high grade gold and that it continues to extend and expand the high grade gold mineralization we previously intersected in our drilling on the Arch Zone on our Carlin project."
At this stage of exploration, true thickness of intersections is not precisely known. SGS Canada Inc. and Inspectorate America are utilized by the Company for assaying. All gold assays are completed utilizing standard fire assay techniques, using a 30 gram charge. Over limits are completed using a gravimetric finish. All reported intervals are assayed using the same techniques with blank and standard inserts at the secondary lab upon completion to meet internal and 43-101 QA/QC standards. All reported gold assay averages are weighted averages, weighting each assay by the length of the core interval for that assay. All assay intervals are included in the average, with no bottom cut-off.
Summary of Assay results - Drill Hole CAR-021.2:
From To Length (grams per Length Gold (oz
Hole (meters) (meters) (meters) tonne) (feet) per ton)
----------------------------------------------------- --------------------
CAR-021.2 927.4 930.9 3.5 4.54 11.5 0.133
----------------------------------------------------- --------------------
947.6 954.6 7.0 7.87 23.0 0.230
----------------------------------------------------- --------------------
including 947.6 948.5 0.9 17.66 3.0 0.516
----------------------------------------------------- --------------------
including 950.5 951.0 0.5 18.92 1.5 0.552
----------------------------------------------------- --------------------
including 953.1 954.6 1.5 11.32 5.0 0.331
----------------------------------------------------- --------------------
957.8 958.3 0.5 5.81 1.5 0.170
----------------------------------------------------- --------------------
966.8 968.3 1.5 20.59 5.0 0.601
----------------------------------------------------- --------------------
979.3 982.0 2.7 14.62 9.0 0.427
----------------------------------------------------- --------------------
991.2 992.7 1.5 11.60 5.0 0.339
----------------------------------------------------- --------------------
1065.6 1066.2 0.6 13.21 2.0 0.386
----------------------------------------------------- --------------------
----------------------------------------------------- --------------------
In compliance with National Instrument 43-101, Dr. Quinton Hennigh, Ph.D., P.Geo., is the Qualified Person responsible for the accuracy of this news release.
About Evolving Gold Corp.
Evolving Gold is focused on exploration and development of its gold properties in and adjacent to the productive Carlin Trend of northern Nevada, and its gold discovery at Rattlesnake Hills, Wyoming. For more information about Evolving Gold please visit:
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
R. Bruce Duncan, President, CEO and Director
Evolving Gold Corp.
Corporate Offices
604.685.6375 or Toll Free: 866.604.3864
Evolving Gold Continues Drilling Carlin Gold Property Carlin Gold Trend, Nevada
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 17, 2013) - Evolving Gold Corp. (EVG.TO) (EV7.F) (EVOGF) (the "Company") continues drilling the extension of high grade gold mineralization at the Arch Zone discovery in the southern portion of the prolific Carlin Trend gold district in Nevada. The Company is currently drilling a wedge hole, CAR-021.2, which started at a depth of 1915 feet in the parent hole CAR-021.1. This "wedge" hole is designed to penetrate the favorable gold horizons along the crest of the Arch Zone along strike to the east-southeast. The mineralized zone encountered between CAR-010 (WNW) and CAR-021.1(ESE) has identified one of two zones of high grade gold mineralization in the Arch target area, and this zone currently being drilled is interpreted to extend along a similar east-southeast strike direction.
Modeling of the trend of mineralization indicates that the base of mineralization is dipping steeply to the east-southeast, and that the upper contact of mineralization has a more shallow dip in the same direction. This model strongly suggests a thickening of the high grade gold mineralization to the east-southeast. CAR-021.2 will provide an approximate 30 meter separation to the east-southeast to further test the high grade gold mineralization along this trend. CAR-021.2 has reached a depth of 3000 ft (914 meters). It is currently drilling through the Mississippian carbonate section. The drill hole has intersected a number of features, including increases in Calcite veining, decalcification, presence of sooty carbon, fine grained arsenian sulfides, as shown by field XRF analyses and visual identification of realgar, and increased local folding and faulting. In the Company's earlier drilling these features have been shown to indicate close proximity to gold mineralization and favorable host rocks.
R. Bruce Duncan, CEO of Evolving Gold states: "We continue to drill at Carlin and continue to define and expand the high grade gold zones. Our ongoing drilling at Carlin has identified a large zone of gold mineralization that extends along the entire crest of the Arch Zone with a known strike length currently of over 700 meters. This large zone of gold mineralization is still entirely open along strike. We consider all of the Arch Zone, particularly along the crest, to be highly prospective for the continued discovery and definition of additional high grade gold mineralization, as well as the extension of the known high grade gold zones. The Arch Zone high grade gold occurs at depths similar to depths where underground mining is already underway elsewhere in the Carlin Trend, and the gold grades within the high grade gold mineralization in the Arch Zone are similar or better than some of those operating, underground mines."
The Company's holdings at Carlin and Humboldt are adjacent to the Rain Mine and Saddle Project holdings by Premier Gold Mines Ltd. (PG-TSX) and various operating mines of Newmont Mining Corp. (NMC-TSX). Gold intercepts in the Arch Zone, as previously reported, include 87 meters averaging 6.06 grams per tonne, which included six high grade intervals with grades as high as of 57.9 grams per tonne gold. The six high grade intervals within the overall 87 meter intersection have an aggregate thickness of 31.6 meters and average 15.85 grams per tonne gold.
At this stage of exploration, true thickness of intersections is not precisely known. All assays discussed in this news release were covered previously in earlier releases, and details of analytical procedures and laboratories (SGS Canada Inc. and Inspectorate America) utilized by the Company are identified in those releases. All gold assay averages are weighted averages, weighting each assay by the length of the core interval for that assay. All assay intervals are included in the average, with no bottom cut-off. All gold assays are completed utilizing standard fire assay techniques, using a 30 gram charge. Over limits are completed using a gravimetric finish. All reported intervals are assayed using the same techniques with blank and standard inserts at the secondary lab upon completion to meet internal and 43-101 QA/QC standards.
In compliance with National Instrument 43-101, Dr. Quinton Hennigh, Ph.D., P.Geo., is the Qualified Person responsible for the accuracy of this news release.
About Evolving Gold Corp.
Evolving Gold is focused on exploration and development of its gold properties in and adjacent to the productive Carlin Trend of northern Nevada, and its gold discovery at Rattlesnake Hills, Wyoming. For more information about Evolving Gold please visit:
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
R. Bruce Duncan,
President, CEO and Director
Evolving Gold Corp.
Corporate Offices
604.685.6375 or Toll Free: 866.604.3864
Evolving Gold Expands Gold Zones at Rattlesnake Hills
Rock Chips of 3.97, 5.17, and 7.45 Gpt Au at Bald Mtn Target
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Dec 19, 2012) - Evolving Gold Corp. (EVG.TO) (EV7.F) (EVOGF) (the "Company") provides an update on its 100% owned Rattlesnake Hills gold project in central Wyoming. Drilling completed by joint venture partner, Agnico Eagle, identified additional gold mineralization and intersected new high grade gold at the South Stock target. Also, surface work has identified eight new, untested gold targets. Follow up prospecting and surface sampling by Evolving Gold have identified high gold values in two new target areas, including rock chip samples of 1.97, 3.97, 5.17 and 7.45 grams per tonne gold. An updated NI 43-101 technical report has been completed and has been filed on SEDAR.
Drilling by former joint venture partner Agnico Eagle:
• Expanded gold mineralization at the North Stock target.
• Identified additional gold mineralization in the Middle Zone between North Stock and Antelope Basin.
• Intersected highly altered porphyry in the Middle Zone and south of Northeast Stock.
• Intersected high grade gold mineralization at the South Stock target.
Agnico Eagle also collected 371 surface rock chip samples and 4,175 surface soil samples, covering approximately half of the large Rattlesnake Hills property, and completed an airborne magnetic and radiometric survey across much of the Rattlesnake Hills and northern Granite Mountains.
• Surface sampling has identified eight new, untested gold and arsenic anomalies.
• The airborne geophysical program has identified numerous new target areas awaiting geological mapping and surface sampling follow up.
Prospecting and rock chip sampling by Evolving Gold at the Black Jack target, west of the main drilling area, and at the Bald Mountain target northwest of North Stock, identified strong surface gold mineralization in rock chip samples. High values include 1.97 grams per tonne gold at Black Jack, and 3.97, 5.17 and 7.45 grams per tonne gold at Bald Mountain. These gold values from rock chip samples at Bald Mountain are the highest gold values recorded from any surface sampling at Rattlesnake Hills. At Black Jack the gold is associated with strong potassic alteration and occurs as both disseminated and stockwork vein mineralization. At Bald Mountain, the gold is tied to Tertiary breccias and associated faulting with the target partially covered by late, post mineral alluvium. The Company plans to drill test both targets. At this early stage of exploration the true width and full extent of the sampled gold mineralization are not well understood.
R. Bruce Duncan, CEO of Evolving Gold states: "Evolving Gold recently regained 100% ownership of the Rattlesnake Hills project. This newly completed work has greatly expanded the number of gold exploration targets on the property, and recent prospecting and rock chip sampling have identified high gold grades on the surface in new and untested targets. These new targets have the earmarks to greatly expand the gold potential of this very large, alkalic gold system, well beyond what we have already identified by our drill programs." R. Bruce Duncan continues, "We are planning to drill these new gold targets, and also complete additional drilling with the objective of expanding the known gold zones at North Stock and Antelope Basin. We will move toward an initial resource calculation, when appropriate, on the North Stock and Antelope Basin zones. The Company is continuing to evaluate potential strategic partnerships and joint venture opportunities for the Rattlesnake Hills project."
The Rattlesnake Hills project is an alkalic gold system with multiple mineralized centers and potential to host a multi-million ounce gold resource. To date the Company and its former joint venture partner have completed over 76,000 meters of drilling in 228 drill holes as a partial test of this large, district scale hydrothermal gold system.
Rattlesnake Project Page:
In other news, drilling on the Company's Carlin gold project in Nevada is continuing. The Company''s holdings at Carlin and Humboldt are adjacent to the Rain Mine and Saddle Project holdings by Premier Gold Mines Ltd. and various operating mines of Newmont Mining Corp. The current drill hole, CAR-021.2, is part of a program to focus on defining high grade gold mineralization along the crest of the "Arch Zone", which has a strike length of at least 700 meters. The Arch Zone of high grade gold mineralization is completely open along strike. Gold intercepts, as previously reported, include 87 meters averaging 6.06 grams per tonne, which included six high grade intervals with grades as high as of 57.9 grams per tonne gold. The six high grade intervals have an aggregate thickness of 31.6 meters and average 15.85 grams per tonne gold.
Assays for rock chip samples were completed by SGS Inc, Vancouver, Canada using a 30 gram charge for a fire assay, with an ICP finish. In compliance with National Instrument 43-101, Dr. Quinton Hennigh, Ph.D., P.Geo., is the Qualified Person responsible for the accuracy of this news release.
About Evolving Gold Corp.
Evolving Gold is focused on exploration and development of its gold properties in and adjacent to the productive Carlin Trend of northern Nevada, and its gold discovery at Rattlesnake Hills, Wyoming. For more information about Evolving Gold please visit:
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
R. Bruce Duncan, President, CEO and Director
Evolving Gold Corp.
R. Bruce Duncan
President, CEO and Director
604.685.6375 or Toll Free: 866.604.3864
Evolving Gold Continues Drilling at Carlin, Nevada
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov 26, 2012) - Evolving Gold Corp. (EVG.TO) (EV7.F) (EVOGF) (the "Company") announces it continues to drill on its Carlin gold project in Nevada and has started drilling hole CAR-021.2. The Company''s holdings at Carlin and Humboldt are adjacent to the Rain Mine and Saddle Project holdings by Premier Gold Mines Ltd. (PG-TSX) and various operating mines of Newmont Mining Corp. (NMC-TSX). Drill Hole CAR-021.2 is part of a program to focus on defining high grade gold mineralization along the crest of the "Arch Zone", which has a strike length of at least 700 meters. The Arch Zone and high grade gold mineralization is completely open along strike. Gold results, as previously reported, include 87 meters averaging 6.06 grams per tonne, which included six high grade intervals with grades as high as of 57.9 grams per tonne gold.
The Company uses wedge holes at its Carlin property to maximize drill coverage at the lowest possible costs. Drill hole CAR-021.2 is a wedge hole starting at 1,900 feet in the parent hole targeting the trend of recently reported high grade gold mineralization. Drilling intercepts encountered in holes CAR-016.1, CAR-016.1.1, CAR-016.2 and CAR-021 indicate a trend of mineralization that extends from high grade intercepts in CAR-010 and CAR-007 to the East/Southeast. The lower contact of the gold mineralization also dips steeply to the East/Southeast into more calcareous and more favourable host rocks. Because the upper contact of gold mineralization also continues with the same East/Southeast trend and is relatively flat lying, there is potential for a significant thickening of the zone of high grade gold intersections.
R. Bruce Duncan, CEO of Evolving Gold states, "Our drilling at Carlin is designed to define and expand the high grade gold zone. The high grade gold discoveries in each of our previous six drill programs have identified a large zone of high grade gold mineralization that extends along the entire crest of the Arch Zone that we have defined between CAR-007 and CAR-002. The known strike length of the Arch Zone is currently over 700 meters, and it is entirely open along strike. We consider all of the Arch Zone, particularly along the crest of the Arch Zone, to be highly prospective for the discovery and definition of additional high grade gold mineralization. The high grade gold we have discovered lies at depths similar to underground mining already underway elsewhere in the Carlin Trend and has gold grades similar or even better than some of those operating, underground mines."
At this stage of exploration, true thickness of intersections is not precisely known. All assays discussed in this news release were covered previously in earlier releases, and details of analytical procedures and laboratories (SGS Canada Inc. and Inspectorate America) utilized by the Company are identified in those releases. All gold assay averages are weighted averages, weighting each assay by the length of the core interval for that assay. All assay intervals are included in the average, with no bottom cut-off. All gold assays are completed utilizing standard fire assay techniques, using a 30 gram charge. Over limits are completed using a gravimetric finish. All reported intervals are assayed using the same techniques with blank and standard inserts at the secondary lab upon completion to meet internal and 43-101 QA/QC standards.
In compliance with National Instrument 43-101, Dr. Quinton Hennigh, Ph.D., P.Geo., is the Qualified Person responsible for the accuracy of this news release.
About Evolving Gold Corp.
Evolving Gold is focused on exploring its gold properties in and adjacent to the productive Carlin district of northern Nevada, and its gold discovery at Rattlesnake Hills, Wyoming.
For more information about Evolving Gold please visit:
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
R. Bruce Duncan,
President, CEO and Director
Evolving Gold Corp.
Corporate Offices
604.685.6375 or Toll Free: 866.604.3864
Evolving Gold Intersects Additional High Grade at Carlin
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 14, 2012) - Evolving Gold Corp. (EVG.TO) (EV7.F) (EVOGF) (the "Company") announces high grade gold intersections in drill holes CAR-016.2 and CAR-021 at its Arch target on the Carlin trend in Nevada. Drill hole CAR-016.2 intersected 9.4 meters at 12.51 grams per tonne gold (30.8 ft at 0.365 opt Au), which includes 3.4 meters at 28.22 grams per tonne gold (11.2 ft at 0.824 opt Au). Drill hole CAR-021 intersected an upper interval of 27.7 meters at 4.97 grams per tonne gold (90.9 ft at 0.145 opt Au) including 7.6 meters at 11.34 grams per tonne gold (24.9 ft at 0.331 opt Au), and a lower interval of 10.2 meters at 17.92 grams per tonne gold (33.5 ft at 0.523 opt Au).
"These results continue to demonstrate that we have identified a significant zone of high grade gold mineralization on our Carlin land holdings in Nevada," comments R. Bruce Duncan, CEO of Evolving Gold. "Our geologists have interpreted a zone of high grade gold mineralization following along the crest of the Arch Zone. We consider the entire crest of the Arch Zone between CAR-007 and CAR-002, a distance of approximately 700 meters, to be highly prospective for additional high grade discoveries and extension of the known high grade, and we believe that the high grade potential is completely open along strike."
• Diamond drill hole CAR-016.2, is a wedge hole off of drill hole CAR-016.1. It contains multiple gold intersections including 9.4 meters at 12.51 grams per tonne gold, including an interval of 3.4 meters at 28.22 grams per tonne. Drill hole CAR-016.2 is approximately 10 meters west of CAR-016.1. It was designed to test the area between CAR-016.1 and CAR-007. CAR-007 was the first hole that intersected high grade gold in the Arch target. Results demonstrate continuity of high grade gold mineralization.
• Diamond drill hole CAR-021, located 45 meters east of CAR-016.2, intersected two high grade gold intervals. The upper interval of 27.7 meters at 4.97 grams per tonne gold includes 7.6 meters at 11.34 grams per tonne gold and 3.8 meters of 15.32 grams per tonne gold. The second, lower intersection is 10.2 meters at 17.92 grams per tonne gold. Due to down hole deviation, these intersections are approximately 15 meters east-southeast of CAR-016.1. Hole CAR-021 demonstrates that high grade mineralization remains open to the east and southeast.
• Gold mineralization in both holes is accompanied by decalcification of limestone host rocks, remobilized carbon, fine pyrite and realgar. The high grade zone projects to the east southeast and is open in that direction. The nearby Saddle (Premier Gold) and Rain (Newmont Mining Corp) deposits, about five kilometers to the south have similar orientation. Evolving Gold geologists believe the Arch Zone high grade follows a structural corridor along the crest of a pronounced anticline in the underlying rocks and that high grades in hole CAR-002 and its accompanying wedge holes (approximately 700 meters southeast of CAR-007) are related to a similar structure.
Summary of results from holes CAR-016.2 and CAR-021
Hole From To Length Gold Length Gold
(meters) (meters) (meters) (grams/tonne) (feet) (oz/ton)
CAR-016.2 868.7 870.2 1.5 4.38 4.9 0.128
881.8 883.0 1.2 2.54 3.9 0.074
886.4 887.0 0.6 5.89 2.0 0.172
897.0 898.9 1.9 4.10 6.2 0.120
910.4 912.0 1.6 3.06 5.2 0.089
915.0 916.8 1.8 1.69 5.9 0.049
936.4 945.8 9.4 12.51 30.8 0.365
including 941.5 944.9 3.4 28.22 11.2 0.824
CAR-021 880.0 881.5 1.5 4.28 4.9 0.125
895.2 922.9 27.7 4.97 90.9 0.145
including 895.2 896.7 1.5 8.19 4.9 0.239
including 898.0 898.6 0.6 26.44 2.0 0.772
including 909.5 911.1 1.6 10.24 5.2 0.299
including 915.3 922.9 7.6 11.34 24.9 0.331
including 915.3 915.9 0.6 29.78 2.0 0.870
including 917.8 921.6 3.8 15.32 12.5 0.447
952.1 962.3 10.2 17.92 33.5 0.523
All drill hole averages are weighted averages, weighting each assay interval according to the core length for that interval. All assay intervals are included in the average with no bottom cut off. At this stage of exploration, true widths are not precisely known. Gold assays were completed by Inspectorate America Corporation's lab in Sparks, Nevada, using a 30 gram charge fire assay with ICP finish. Overlimits are completed using a gravimetric finish.
Arch Cross Section
In compliance with National Instrument 43-101, Dr. Quinton Hennigh, Ph.D., P.Geo., is the Qualified Person responsible for the accuracy of this news release.
About Evolving Gold Corp.
Evolving Gold is focused on exploring its gold properties in and adjacent to the productive Carlin district of northern Nevada, and its gold discovery at Rattlesnake Hills, Wyoming. For more information about Evolving Gold please visit:
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
R. Bruce Duncan, President, CEO and Director
Evolving Gold Corp.
Corporate Offices
604.685.6375 or Toll Free: 866.604.3864
Evolving Gold Corp. Letter to Shareholders
Dear Evolving Gold Shareholders,
This last year has been filled with successful corporate initiatives, carefully planned and executed exploration programs and the stream-lining of all of our North American operations. Despite difficult market conditions, Evolving Gold Corp., as it stands today is operating more efficiently than ever, with all of its projects at their most advanced stages to date following several recent high grade gold discoveries in both Nevada and Wyoming. The Company has divested all of its non-primary or inactive assets, and has received a substantial premium and strategic cash infusion from the sale of the Kiyuk assets in Nunavut, Canada.
Under new leadership, the Company has consolidated its corporate offices, streamlined its financial reporting and communications and reduced many of its prior operating redundancies. This process has reduced Evolving Gold’s burn rate to the lowest levels in recent years. At this time, the Company is more active than ever, advancing all of our highly prospective gold exploration projects. Drills are currently turning on the Carlin project, following a recent announcement of high grade gold intersections in July 2012. The Company has recently regained 100% ownership of the Rattlesnake Hills project following a successful 2012 drill program funded by our previous joint venture partner, Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited. The Company, gained over $3million in exploration work under that joint venture, resulting in several new discoveries and a much improved understanding of the project area. 2011 drilling on the Jake Creek project in Nevada identified multiple new drill targets as well as outlining a gold system over 550 meters in diameter that remains open to the north, south and east. All these projects are located in some of the best and lowest-risk gold mining jurisdictions in the world.
The Company has successfully put together one of the largest land positions in the prolific Carlin Trend in Nevada. The Carlin Trend is one of the most renowned gold districts in the world, with production of more than 75 million ounces of gold. Recent drilling on our Carlin-Humboldt “Arch Gold Zone” intersected six high grade gold zones, a cumulative total of 31.6 meters averaging 15.85 grams per tonne gold, within a down hole interval of 87 meters. One specific interval of 19.5 meters averages 11.76 grams per tonne gold and includes 9.1 meters at 22.0 grams per tonne. This gold mineralization is part of a large gold system, as evidenced by thick intersections of anomalous gold, strong alteration and the presence of highly anomalous trace elements.
Over the next year, management will be focused on maximizing shareholder value through executing carefully planned exploration programs on our Nevada and Wyoming projects with an aim to making new gold discoveries while aggressively advancing exploration on our large land holdings, all within proven gold districts.
As CEO of Evolving Gold Corp., I personally want to thank you for your continued support of the Company and its gold discovery program. As a Company, we are dedicated to building value through discovery in proven gold districts within low risk geo-political environments.
R. Bruce Duncan
President, CEO and Director
Suite 605 – 1166 Alberni Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6E 3Z3
Tel: 604.685-6375 Fax. 604 909-1163
Evolving Gold Continues to Hit High Grade at Carlin: 17.2 Meters at 9.85 Grams Per Tonne Gold Includes 4.7 Meters at 23.46 Grams Per Tonne Gold
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Sept. 4, 2012) - Evolving Gold Corp. (EVG.TO) (EV7.F) (EVOGF) (the "Company") is pleased to announce further high grade gold intercepts from drilling at its Carlin-Humboldt project, Nevada, including 17.2 meters at 9.85 grams per ton (gpt) gold (56.4 feet at 0.288 oz per tonne (opt) gold) in diamond wedge hole CAR-016.1.1. This interval includes 4.7 meters at 23.46 gpt gold (15.4 feet at 0.685 opt gold), which includes 1.2 meters at 37.00 gpt gold (3.9 feet at 1.081 opt gold). Additional significant intervals in this hole include 9.1 meters at 4.06 gpt gold (29.8 feet at 0.119 opt gold), 6.1 meters at 6.26 gpt gold (20.0 feet at 0.183 opt gold) and 1.8 meters at 16.67 gpt gold (5.9 feet at 0.487 opt gold).
"We are very pleased that our latest drilling confirms the presence of a thick zone of high grade gold mineralization at our Carlin-Humboldt project in Nevada," comments R. Bruce Duncan, CEO of Evolving Gold. "Our drilling continues to demonstrate thick intervals of high grade gold at depths and grades similar to or better than deposits already subject to underground mining elsewhere in the Carlin trend. We plan to continue to define this high grade gold system with additional drilling in 2012."
Hole CAR-016.1.1 is a wedge core hole drilled from CAR-016.1 (please see attached map and sections). The high grade intervals reported in CAR-016.1.1 are located approximately 18 meters north of similar mineralization encountered in CAR-016.1 (announced in a press release dated July 11, 2012). Depth to the top of mineralization (873.2 meters) is almost identical to CAR-016.1 (870.7 meters) and hole CAR-010 (879.8 meters) about 70 meters southwest of CAR016.1.1. This relationship indicates a potential for this high grade gold zone to be shallowly dipping and be nearly flat-lying. The high grade gold zone is open to the north, east and southeast. This hole is still in progress and assays are pending for intervals 2220-2723 and 3235 to 4085.
Core hole CAR-019, approximately 70 meters north/northeast of hole CAR-016.1, targeted extensions of the high grade gold mineralization and intersected a thick zone of highly altered sedimentary and igneous rocks, including lamprophyre and locally high arsenic values (greater than 1000 ppm). CAR-019 appears to pierce a low grade portion or margin of this high grade gold system, returning a long interval anomalous gold mineralization, (108.8 meters at 0.42 gpt gold or 356.9 feet at 0.012 opt gold).
Core hole CAR-020 is currently underway and is designed to test extensions to high grade gold intervals seen in CAR-002, and the subsequent wedges from CAR-002. The hole is collared 40 meters northwest of CAR-002 and the drill trace is trending east/northeast. The geological sequence has been consistent with what we expect from CAR-002 and assays are pending.
These positive results which continue to establish volume to our high grade gold intervals strongly influence drill targeting. With these results in mind we have put in place another pre-collar 50 Meters east/southeast of CAR-016 and are preparing to set wedges from CAR-016 and CAR-019 to continue to test mineralization expanding around the CAR-010 through CAR-016 mineralized area and to the north, east and southeast. The placement of the new pre-collar will also allow maximum coverage for wedges testing the east and south eastern extents of the currently identified zone of mineralization.
In compliance with National Instrument 43-101, Dr. Quinton Hennigh, Ph.D., P.Geo., is the Qualified Person responsible for the accuracy of this news release.
From To Length Gold (grams per Length Gold (oz
Hole (meters) (meters) (meters) tonne) (feet) per ton)
CAR-016.1.1 873.2 882.3 9.1 4.06 29.8 0.119
885.0 891.1 6.1 6.26 20.0 0.183
including 887.8 891.1 3.3 8.69 10.8 0.254
900.8 918.0 17.2 9.85 56.4 0.288
including 907.8 912.5 4.7 23.46 15.4 0.685
including 910.1 912.5 2.4 32.73 7.9 0.956
927.6 929.4 1.8 16.67 5.9 0.487
CAR-019 1129.6 1238.4 108.8 0.42 356.9 0.012
including 1153.1 1178.4 25.3 0.73 83.0 0.021
including 1212.2 1223.3 11.1 0.82 36.4 0.024
Weighted averages were used in calculating all assay intervals reported
above with no bottom cutoff
About Evolving Gold Corp:
Evolving Gold is focused on exploring its gold properties in and adjacent to the productive Carlin district of northern Nevada, and its gold discovery at Rattlesnake Hills, Wyoming. For more information, visit our website
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
R. Bruce Duncan,
President, CEO and Director
Investor Relations
Evolving Gold Corp.
604.685.6375 or TF: 866.604.3864
An Email from Silver Bull's IR manager...
Hi Dan,
My name is Matt Hallaran, Investor Relations manager at Silver Bull Resources. I am writing to introduce myself as my records indicate you are a shareholder in Silver Bull. If you have a moment to update me with your contact details, I would very much appreciate it.
If you are already on our mailing list, you have likely seen the first 2 news releases this month on our current underground drill program on the high grade silver zone at Sierra Mojada.
- August 20th, 2012: Silver Bull Intersects 912g/t Silver Over 17.6 Meters Including 1,927g/t Silver Over 3.66 Meters on the Sierra Mojada Project, Coahuila, Mexico
- August 14th, 2012: Silver Bull Intersects 309g/t Silver Over 23 Meters Including 1,648G/T Silver Over 4 Meters on the Sierra Mojada Project, Coahuila, Mexico
We are extremely excited about the results thus far and expect to continue to put out outstanding intercepts like this to the market as the program moves along the high grade fault system, which will continue to add size and grade to our already significant silver resource of over 80 million ounces. We are likely to continue to program into the zinc zone to prove up the large extent of this zone also.
I'd be happy to provide a project update any time. My contact details are below for your reference.
Matt Hallaran
Investor Relations Manager
D: 604-336-8096
O: 604-687-5800
F: 604-563-6044
1908-925 West Georgia St.
Vancouver, B.C., V6C 3L2
Evolving Gold Completes $3.6 Million Financing; Provides Corporate Update
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire -08/13/12)- Evolving Gold Corp. (EVG.TO)(EVOGF)(EV7.F) (the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has completed a non-brokered private placement (the "Offering") of 12,000,000 Units ("Units") at $0.30 per Unit for gross proceeds of $3,600,000 (the "Offering"). Each Unit consists of one common share of the Company and one common share purchase warrant ("a Warrant"). Each Warrant entitles the subscriber to acquire one additional common share of the Company at a price of $0.40 per common share until August 13th, 2015.
In connection with the offering, the Company paid total cash commission of $14,700 and issued 49,000 common share purchase warrants (the "Finder Warrants") to arm's length finders. Each Finder Warrant entitles the holder to purchase one common share of the Company at $0.30 until August 13th, 2014. All of the securities issued under the Offering are subject to a hold period expiring on December 14th, 2012. The proceeds of the Offering will be used for exploration expenditures in connection with the Carlin and Humboldt group of properties in Northern Nevada and for general working capital.
"We are very pleased to have completed this financing under current market conditions," stated R. Bruce Duncan, CEO of Evolving Gold. "These funds will allow Evolving Gold to continue to follow up on the high grade intersections reported earlier from our ongoing drilling program on our Carlin project. They will also allow us to continue to explore our adjacent 100% owned and controlled Humboldt project, also in the south end of the prolific Carlin Gold Trend."
Corporate Update:
The Company has completed check assays for the high grade, mineralized intervals in CAR-016.1 that were reported on July 11th, 2012. The results can be seen in the following table that compares the Inspectorate America Corporation lab results from their Reno, Nevada laboratory, with the previously reported results from SGS Canada Inc.
To view the table associated with this release, please visit the following link:
All drill hole averages are weighted averages, weighting each assay interval according to the core length for that assay interval. All assay intervals are included in the average, with no bottom cut-off. True widths of mineralization in these drill holes, at this stage of exploration are not precisely known. Gold assays were completed using a 30 gram charge, fire assay, with an ICP finish. Overlimit assays were completed with gravimetric finish.
In compliance with National Instrument 43-101, Company Director, Robert W. Barker, Ph.D., P.Geo. AIPG, is the Qualified Person responsible for the accuracy of this news release.
Evolving Gold currently has 2 diamond drill rigs working on its Carlin project, to follow up on mineralized intervals intersected in CAR-016.1 and CAR-002, and in wedge holes from CAR-002.
CAR-016.1.1 is a wedge hole drilled from the original NQ hole CAR-016.1, results of which were reported on July 11th, 2012. The wedge is set at 676 meters, is aimed to the northeast, and is projected to produce a separation of 30 meters from the mineralized intervals in CAR-016.1. The hole is progressing well. It is currently at a depth of 824 meters with a projected total depth of 1,220 meters.
CAR-020 is set to provide a 40 meter north-west offset of CAR-002, the first diamond drill hole on this section reported on Sept 10th 2009. CAR-020 will test the extent of high grade mineralization encountered in CAR-002, and further reported in wedge drill holes from CAR-002, as reported on April 14th, 2011 and June 20th, 2011. CAR-020 is currently progressing well at 640 meters with a projected final depth of 1,220 meters.
The Company has recently completed CAR-019 to a total depth of 1,246 meters. CAR-019 was collared 50 meters east-north-east of CAR-007, and the direction of this drill hole is approximately parallel to that of CAR-016.1, with a separation of approximately 80 meters. Assays are pending for CAR-019.
About Evolving Gold Corp.
Evolving Gold is focused on exploring its gold properties in and adjacent to the productive Carlin district of northern Nevada, and its gold discovery at Rattlesnake Hills, Wyoming.
For more information about Evolving Gold please visit:
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
R. Bruce Duncan,
President, CEO and Director
Investor Relations:
604.685.6375 or TF: 866.604.3864
Interestingly, Novo Resources (NVO) purchased 2 million shares of this PP and the CEO, President and director of Novo Resources is Quinton Hennigh who used to be the President and Chief Geologist at Evolving Gold.....
Perhaps I'm grasping at straws here, but apparently, Quinton still sees ample reason to own EVG's shares.
Novo buys two million Evolving Gold units in placement
2012-08-13 12:09 ET - News Release
Mr. Quinton Hennigh of Novo reports
Novo Resources Corp. has purchased, through a non-brokered private placement, two million units of Evolving Gold Corp. at a price of 30 cents each, for a total investment of $600,000. Each unit consists of one common share of Evolving Gold and one share purchase warrant. Each warrant entitles the holder to purchase one additional common share of Evolving Gold at a price of 40 cents each for a period of three years from the date of issue.
About Evolving Gold Corp.
Evolving Gold is focused on exploring its gold properties in and adjacent to the productive Carlin district of northern Nevada, and on advancing its gold discovery at Rattlesnake Hills, Wyoming.
About Novo Resources Corp.
Novo’s focus is to evaluate, acquire and explore natural resource properties. The Company holds an option to earn a 70% interest in an exploration property situated in Western Australia, namely the Beatons Creek Tenements. In addition, Novo recently signed four farmin and joint venture agreements with the Creasy Group of Western Australia whereby Nullagine Gold Pty Ltd, an Australian subsidiary of Novo, is entitled to earn a 70% interest (as to gold and minerals associated with and normally mined with gold) in the prospecting, exploration and mining tenements and applications related to the Creasy Group's 100% controlled Pilbara Paleo-Placer project, also located in Western Australia.
For more information, please contact Leo Karabelas at (416) 543-3120 or e-mail
On Behalf of the Board of Directors,
Novo Resources Corp.
“Quinton Hennigh”
Quinton Hennigh
Chief Executive Officer, President and Director
Novo Resources Corp
Buying Stupidity
Bob Moriarty
Jul 12, 2012
The easiest way to make money when buying gold juniors is to buy stupidity. When someone is determined to behave in a stupid manner, allow them. And you capitalize on their stupidity.
I wrote about Evolving Gold (EVG-V) and Gold Standard Ventures (GSV-V) in December. Evolving Gold was $0.275 and Gold Standard was $0.72. I made the comment that “They may have already hit it and won't know it until assays come back.”
Gold Standard Ventures had hit it and none of us knew it at the time. The stock went from $.72 in late December to $1.20 in late February and upon the announcement of a major find ( ), rocketed higher to $3.03 in early May.
On July 11, Evolving Gold announced drill results that are among the highest grade and length intercepts in the Carlin Trend ( ), ever. From the press release it’s a little difficult to determine exactly what they have but I found out the broader intercept is 87 meters at about 6 gpt gold. If you take the 6 high grade intercepts and do a weighted average you come out to an aggregate 31.6 meters at 15.85 gpt gold.
The stock went down on the news. 25% down. From $.27 on the open to $.20. Someone wanted out and was willing to sell at any price.
I love stupidity; I get to deal with so much of it. I went and bought a bunch of shares at $.21. I know a deal when I see it.
In the Carlin Trend, Evolving Gold and Gold Standard Ventures are right next to each other. GSV has good management and a great Carlin GEO in the name of Dave Mathewson. EVG has great technical people; Quinton Hennigh and I were talking about the Carlin when I first met him almost 4 years ago. The Carlin can be a money pit; the holes are deep and expensive. You may have to drill for years before making a major find but the deposits are giant.
GSV has great drill intercepts and a major find; EVG has a better set of intercepts and a major find. GSV has a $160 million dollar market cap and at $.20 EVG has a market cap of $28 million. Go figure.
EVG also has the Rattlesnake project in Wyoming with an implied value of $100 million based on their deal with Agnico Eagle. The deal got dropped recently but it wasn’t a project issue, it was a cash issue on the part of Agnico Eagle. EVG wisely refused to change the terms of the deal ( ) and have regained control of the project.
The cancellation of the deal between Agnico Eagle and EVG did create problems for Evolving Gold. EVG was counting on having some money put into the Rattlesnake Project by Agnico Eagle this year. But if GSV’s Carlin project is worth $160 million and EVG’s Rattlesnake project is worth $100 million, the value of a Carlin major discovery and Rattlesnake combined has to be a hell of a lot higher than a market cap of $28 million.
Investing at a profit is a lot simpler than most of the “Gurus” want to admit. Buy low, sell high.
Evolving Gold is low.
EVG is an advertiser, I own shares and I’m biased. You make your money, you appreciate your money, you don’t share with me so take some responsibility for your own due diligence.
Evolving Gold
EVG-T $.23 (Jul 11, 2012)
EVOGF-PK 138.9 million shares
Evolving Gold website:
Gold Standard Ventures
GSV-V $1.99 (Jul 11, 2012)
GDVXF-PK 81.9 million shares
Gold Standard Ventures website:
Evolving Gold Reports Multiple High Grade Intervals at Its Carlin Project, Nevada Including: 9.1 Meters at 22.0 gpt Gold 2.7 Meters at 33.11 gpt Gold, 3.8 Meters at 29.53 gpt Gold
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 07/11/12 -- Evolving Gold Corp. (TSX:EVG) (OTCQX:EVOGF) (FRANKFURT:EV7) (the "Company") is pleased to report that diamond drill hole CAR-016.1 intersected several high grade gold zones at its Carlin Project in Nevada, including 9.1 meters at 22.0 gpt (grams per tonne) gold (30.0 feet at 0.64 ounces per ton, opt gold) starting at 908.3 meters down hole. This intersection includes 1.2 meters at 44.0 gpt gold (4.0 feet at 1.28 opt gold). In addition CAR-016.1 intersected 1.2 meters at 15.5 gpt gold (4.0 feet at 0.45 opt gold) starting at 897.9 meters down hole. The entire interval from 897.9 to 917.4 (19.5 meters or 64.0 feet) averages 11.76 gpt gold (0.34 opt gold), including a lower grade interval at 899.2-908.3 meters.
Carlin Drill Map:
Other significant intersections are detailed in the table below and include 2.7 meters at 33.11 gpt gold (9.0 feet at 0.97 opt gold), 3.5 meters at 9.73 gpt gold (11.5 feet at 0.28 opt gold), 3.8 meters at 29.53 gpt gold (12.5 feet at 0.86 opt gold), and 0.61 meters at 38.0 gpt gold (2.0 feet at 1.11 opt gold). Drill hole CAR-016.1 was completed to a depth of 1,004.9 meters (3,297 feet).
"We are obviously excited by the high grade results from our drill hole CAR-016.1," stated R. Bruce Duncan, CEO of Evolving Gold. "The multiple high grade gold zones in this drill hole and the thickness of the main high grade intersection are extremely encouraging. These results simply demonstrate what we have believed for a long time. The system we have identified in the south end of the prolific Carlin Gold Trend is a large and powerful Carlin style gold system, capable of producing thick intervals of high grade gold mineralization. In this drill hole we have encountered repeated zones of high grade gold mineralization over a down hole interval of 89 meters, or 292 feet. The full potential of this system is being constantly enhanced with each successive drill hole that is completed."
Drill hole CAR-016.1 is a wedge hole drilled from CAR-016 after that hole was terminated due to ground conditions short of its target depth. CAR-016.1 is a vertical hole, approximately 70 meters southeast of the pad from which two previous holes were drilled, CAR-007 (18.3 meters at 11.70 grams per tonne gold announced February 25, 2010) and CAR-010 (10.1 meters at 11.09 grams per tonne gold announced April 14, 2011), as shown on the attached map. Due to down hole deviation, the high grade intercept in CAR-016.1 is approximately 30 meters east of the intercept reported in CAR-010.
Assays from two additional vertical diamond core holes, CAR-017 and CAR-018, drilled 50 meters southwest and 50 meters northwest from hole CAR-007, respectively, are also reported in this release. Notwithstanding the high grade intersected in CAR-016.1, the Company is pleased with the short intervals of significant gold mineralization encountered in CAR-017 and CAR-018.
Results from holes CAR-007, CAR-010, CAR-016.1, CAR-017 and CAR-018 indicate that the high grade gold system is open to the northeast, east and southeast. The envelope of mineralization appears to be gently dipping, expanding in size, and developing multiple high grade gold horizons to the east, onto a portion of Evolving Gold's large land holding which is as yet undrilled.
CAR-019, approximately 60 meters north of CAR-016.1, is in progress and should be completed within the next 2 weeks. Due to the down hole deviation, this hole is expected to test the target zone approximately 130 meters northeast of the high grade gold intercept in CAR-016.1. Due to the success of CAR-016.1, the Company will consider drilling wedge holes from CAR-016 and CAR-019 to further test this area of high grade gold mineralization.
From To Length (grams per Length Gold (oz
Hole (meters) (meters) (meters) tonne) (feet) per ton)
CAR-016.1 870.5 872.0 1.5 8.74 5.0 0.25
876.6 879.3 2.7 33.11 9.0 0.97
897.9 917.4 19.5 11.76 64.0 0.34
including 898.0 899.2 1.2 15.50 4.0 0.45
including 908.3 917.4 9.1 22.00 30.0 0.64
including 909.2 910.4 1.2 44.00 4.0 1.28
935.7 939.2 3.5 9.73 11.5 0.28
948.1 951.9 3.8 29.53 12.5 0.86
957.1 957.7 0.6 38.00 2.0 1.11
CAR-017 630.9 634.0 3.1 0.51 10.2 0.015
CAR-018 698.0 699.5 1.5 1.28 4.9 0.037
715.8 723.9 8.1 1.08 26.6 0.032
including 717.4 719.3 1.9 2.55 6.2 0.074
All drill hole averages are weighted averages, weighting each assay interval according to the core length for that assay interval. All assay intervals are included in the average, with no bottom cut-off. True widths of mineralization in these drill holes, at this stage of exploration, are not precisely known. Gold assays were completed by SGS Canada Inc. in Toronto, using a 30 gram charge, fire assay, with an ICP finish. Overlimit assays were completed with gravimetric finish.
In compliance with National Instrument 43-101, Dr. Quinton Hennigh, Ph.D., P.Geo., is the Qualified Person responsible for the accuracy of this news release.
The Company presently has one core rig drilling on its Carlin property and one mud rotary rig testing a target on its adjacent 100% owned Humboldt project. The Carlin Project is subject to an agreement with various subsidiaries of Newmont Mining Corporation.
About Evolving Gold Corp.
Evolving Gold is focused on exploring its gold properties in and adjacent to the productive Carlin district of northern Nevada, and its gold discovery at Rattlesnake Hills, Wyoming. For more information about Evolving Gold please visit:
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
R. Bruce Duncan
President, CEO and Director
Evolving Gold Corp.
Investor Relations
604.685.6375 or Toll Free: 866.604.3864
Evolving Gold (TSX:EVG) (OTCQX:EVOGF) Reports Multiple High Grade Intervals at Its Carlin Project, Nevada Including: 9.1 Meters at 22.0 gpt Gold 2.7 Meters at 33.11 gpt Gold, 3.8 Meters at 29.53 gpt Gold
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - July 11, 2012) -Evolving Gold Corp. (TSX:EVG) (OTCQX:EVOGF) (FRANKFURT:EV7) (the "Company") is pleased to report that diamond drill hole CAR-016.1 intersected several high grade gold zones at its Carlin Project in Nevada, including 9.1 meters at 22.0 gpt (grams per tonne) gold (30.0 feet at 0.64 ounces per ton, opt gold) starting at 908.3 meters down hole. This intersection includes 1.2 meters at 44.0 gpt gold (4.0 feet at 1.28 opt gold). In addition CAR-016.1 intersected 1.2 meters at 15.5 gpt gold (4.0 feet at 0.45 opt gold) starting at 897.9 meters down hole. The entire interval from 897.9 to 917.4 (19.5 meters or 64.0 feet) averages 11.76 gpt gold (0.34 opt gold), including a lower grade interval at 899.2-908.3 meters.
Carlin Drill Map:
Other significant intersections are detailed in the table below and include 2.7 meters at 33.11 gpt gold (9.0 feet at 0.97 opt gold), 3.5 meters at 9.73 gpt gold (11.5 feet at 0.28 opt gold), 3.8 meters at 29.53 gpt gold (12.5 feet at 0.86 opt gold), and 0.61 meters at 38.0 gpt gold (2.0 feet at 1.11 opt gold). Drill hole CAR-016.1 was completed to a depth of 1,004.9 meters (3,297 feet).
"We are obviously excited by the high grade results from our drill hole CAR-016.1," stated R. Bruce Duncan, CEO of Evolving Gold. "The multiple high grade gold zones in this drill hole and the thickness of the main high grade intersection are extremely encouraging. These results simply demonstrate what we have believed for a long time. The system we have identified in the south end of the prolific Carlin Gold Trend is a large and powerful Carlin style gold system, capable of producing thick intervals of high grade gold mineralization. In this drill hole we have encountered repeated zones of high grade gold mineralization over a down hole interval of 89 meters, or 292 feet. The full potential of this system is being constantly enhanced with each successive drill hole that is completed."
Drill hole CAR-016.1 is a wedge hole drilled from CAR-016 after that hole was terminated due to ground conditions short of its target depth. CAR-016.1 is a vertical hole, approximately 70 meters southeast of the pad from which two previous holes were drilled, CAR-007 (18.3 meters at 11.70 grams per tonne gold announced February 25, 2010) and CAR-010 (10.1 meters at 11.09 grams per tonne gold announced April 14, 2011), as shown on the attached map. Due to down hole deviation, the high grade intercept in CAR-016.1 is approximately 30 meters east of the intercept reported in CAR-010.
Assays from two additional vertical diamond core holes, CAR-017 and CAR-018, drilled 50 meters southwest and 50 meters northwest from hole CAR-007, respectively, are also reported in this release. Notwithstanding the high grade intersected in CAR-016.1, the Company is pleased with the short intervals of significant gold mineralization encountered in CAR-017 and CAR-018.
Results from holes CAR-007, CAR-010, CAR-016.1, CAR-017 and CAR-018 indicate that the high grade gold system is open to the northeast, east and southeast. The envelope of mineralization appears to be gently dipping, expanding in size, and developing multiple high grade gold horizons to the east, onto a portion of Evolving Gold's large land holding which is as yet undrilled.
CAR-019, approximately 60 meters north of CAR-016.1, is in progress and should be completed within the next 2 weeks. Due to the down hole deviation, this hole is expected to test the target zone approximately 130 meters northeast of the high grade gold intercept in CAR-016.1. Due to the success of CAR-016.1, the Company will consider drilling wedge holes from CAR-016 and CAR-019 to further test this area of high grade gold mineralization.
From (meters
To (meters
Length (meters
Gold (grams per tonne
Length (feet
Gold (oz per ton
All drill hole averages are weighted averages, weighting each assay interval according to the core length for that assay interval. All assay intervals are included in the average, with no bottom cut-off. True widths of mineralization in these drill holes, at this stage of exploration, are not precisely known. Gold assays were completed by SGS Canada Inc. in Toronto, using a 30 gram charge, fire assay, with an ICP finish. Overlimit assays were completed with gravimetric finish.
In compliance with National Instrument 43-101, Dr. Quinton Hennigh, Ph.D., P.Geo., is the Qualified Person responsible for the accuracy of this news release.
The Company presently has one core rig drilling on its Carlin property and one mud rotary rig testing a target on its adjacent 100% owned Humboldt project. The Carlin Project is subject to an agreement with various subsidiaries of Newmont Mining Corporation.
About Evolving Gold Corp.
Evolving Gold is focused on exploring its gold properties in and adjacent to the productive Carlin district of northern Nevada, and its gold discovery at Rattlesnake Hills, Wyoming.
For more information about Evolving Gold please visit:
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
R. Bruce Duncan, President, CEO and Director