Penny Roger$
CLARCOR Inc. (CLARCOR) is a provider of filtration products, filtration systems and services, and consumer and industrial packaging products. During the fiscal year ended December 3, 2011 (fiscal 2011), the Company conducted business in three principal industry segments: Engine/Mobile Filtration, Industrial/Environmental Filtration and Packaging. The Engine/Mobile Filtration segment manufactures and markets a line of filters used in the filtration of oils, air, fuel, coolant, hydraulic and transmission fluids in both domestic and international markets. The Industrial/Environmental Filtration segment manufactures and markets a line of filters, cartridges, dust collectors, filtration systems, engineered filtration products and technologies used in the filtration of air and industrial fluid processes in both domestic and international markets. The Packaging segment manufactures and markets consumer and industrial packaging products. On December 29, 2010, it acquired TransWeb, LLC.