Own shares, now in it for the run to the approval decision.
One of my remaining questions was, what kind of 'revenue' stream
do they see possible.
And if you get a chance, go to their website and listen to the webcast
of the QTRLY call they just had.
Kind of confirms this could see the share price at least double, which is my
'goal', and likely some more. $10/sh could even be in play although
one has to acknowledge, the 'markey' they are selling into has 'limitations' in terms
of how many 'end users' there is that could benefit from their design. Then there is
the question of, how much of the market will their design capture from the existing
that remains to be answered.
Disclaimer: own shares, in it now for the fda decision
NSPR should crash to $0.258048 to be fair considering its recent Over Triple Super-Heavy Huge OS Dilutions --- from 8M shares (when it hit $0.8064) to over 25M shares now! The recent low was $0.8064 anyway!
Sell this Pos Scam at the bids ASAP before it is too late! Then use all the cash proceeds to buy its Mostly Valuable NASDAQ EV peers (such as KXIN: Super-Ridiculous-Low $4,044,292 Market Value with Huge BV/PPS Ratio 12.121 v.s. NSPR has Super-Ridiculous-High $98,970,584 Market Value with Super Tiny BV/PPS Ratio 0.625) to recover all the Huge Losses here! Note, KXIN ever soared to $0.6 in Premarket session just a few months ago!
The Book Value here has already crashed down 75% while the Cash Value here has already crashed down 80% since NSPR hit its recent low $0.8064!
So, sell NSPR ASAP before it creates A Series Of New Lows until it hits $0.258048 in the coming weeks/months...
GoSymbol lookup
Health Care : Health Care
Equipment & Supplies | Small Cap Value | Based in IsraelCompany profile
InspireMD, Inc. is a medical device company. The Company is focusing on the development and
commercialization of its MicroNet stent platform technology for the treatment of vascular and coronary
disease. Its MicroNet, a micron mesh sleeve, is wrapped over a stent to provide embolic protection in
stenting procedures. Its CGuard carotid embolic prevention system (CGuard EPS) combines its MicroNet
and a self-expandable nitinol stent in a single device for use in carotid artery applications. Its MGuard Prime Embolic Protection System (MGuard Prime EPS) is marketed for use in patients with acute coronary syndromes, notably acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) and saphenous vein graft coronary interventions (bypass surgery). It markets and sells MGuard Prime EPS, a bare-metal cobalt-chromium based stent, for the treatment of coronary disease in the European Union. It is also developing a neurovascular flow diverter (NGuard), which is an endovascular device.
Anything is possible, but my 1st target price range is $3 - 4, maybe $5.
1. established competition, going to have to demo they are 'worth' being the one 'desired'
2. non-US based company. Will the market embrace them, give them a favorable share price
And of course, is WHEN is it 'possible' and that won't be until the end of the Ph 3 monitoring period is complete in my estimation. Which of course is into early 2024
But in the act of disclosure, just starting to accumulate shares figuring a 2-3x return from this price range would be pretty darn good.
What I THINK I know:
-1st qtr 2023, expected to complete enrollment
-1st qtr 2024 timeframe: end of the 12 month follow up monitoring
-2nd qtr 2024 (maybe??): PH 3 trial results
-9 months or so later: up for an FDA decision, so likely at the earliest, end of 2024 for the approval decision (??) 2+ YEARS from now
-still working to expand sales in overseas markets, but realistically, needs the US market approval
That said, then there is the bigger challenge to come and that is, breaking in/capturing market share from some established big market players who
i doubt will easily see their revenue stream 'interrupted' by an upstart. So the question will end up being one of, is this that much better than whats on the market NOW. Will it be that much better that a shift will occur simply because of the advantages/benefits of the design or will the market say, what we have is 'good enough' and the design is a tough sell, slow to gain market share if any.
As a disclaimer: I finally bought a few thousand shares at $1.14. And I plan to add more simply for the PR events to come (ie, completed enrollment, any planned data releases, NDA filing, et al cause they do get the markets attention. So while I expect there to be opportunities to see gains develop from this price level, I am not sold that this WILL get a good toe hold in the US market at this point in time. But given the low share count, I do see a move to $4-5/sh from this price level as achievable. Which is why I wanted 'some shares' before I get surprised by a jump for something I didn't see coming.