RNS Number:2909E
Avocet Mining PLC
27 November 2002




*        Pre-tax profit increased by 33% to #1,147,000

*        Record first half gold production of 54,380 ozs from Penjom, Malaysia

*        North Lanut gold project in Indonesia advanced to full feasibility

*        Acquisitions increase potential gold resources to over 5,000,000 ozs

*        Agreement reached to sell tungsten assets

                                        6 months to            Year to            6 months to
                                        30 Sep. 2001         31 Mar. 2002         30 Sep. 2002
                                           #'000                #'000                #'000
Turnover                                   12,819               25,465               12,089
Gross profit                               1,865                2,798                2,163
Operating profit/(loss)                    1,247               (10,264)              1,489
Pre-tax profit/(loss)                       862                (10,933)              1,147
Earnings/(loss) per share                  0.94p               (16.63)p              1.24p

Average spot gold price                  US$272/oz            US$291/oz            US$313/oz
Gold production (ozs)                      52,580              107,340               54,380
Average total cash cost                  US$231/oz            US$225/oz            US$212/oz


For further information please contact:

Avocet Mining PLC                                         4C Communications Ltd
John Catchpole (Chief Executive and Finance Director)     Carina Corbett
Jonathan Henry (Executive Vice President)                 020 8949 7171
020 7907 9000                                             020 7907 4761


Since its last financial year ended 31 March 2002, the group has made
considerable progress towards its corporate objective and focus of expanding its
gold mining business in Asia while at the same time realising improved financial
results. Key achievements included the following:

*         Continuing improvement in the performance of the Penjom gold mine in

*         The rapid completion of positive pre-feasibility studies on the North
Lanut gold project in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, acquired earlier in the year
from Newmont;

*         The acquisition on 11 November 2002 of a controlling interest in
Zeravshan Gold Company, a gold producer in the Republic of Tajikistan;

*         A new bank financing commitment comprising a US$5 million line of

Also, subject to regulatory approvals, an agreement was reached on 18 September
2002 to sell the group's residual tungsten assets that primarily include the
Beralt mine in Portugal. Beralt, therefore, which was fully written down last
year, is noted in the group's accounts as a discontinued operation.

Financial Results

For the six months ended 30 September 2002, the group made an after-tax profit
of #0.8 million compared to #0.6 million earned for the six months ended 30
September 2001. As a result, earnings per share improved by 32% to 1.24p.

Turnover was #12.1 million (2001: #12.8 million) and was predominantly from gold
sales of 50,600 ozs (2001: 53,600 ozs) all sold at spot prices, which averaged
US$313/oz. For the prior period, the group realised an average gold price of
US$281/oz that included #0.3 million from liquidating a hedged position. The
group still maintains a hedging position of 80,000 ozs representing only 7% of
the group's gold resources at its operations in Malaysia and Tajikistan. This
position would realise a current gold price of US$298/oz. Nevertheless,
deliveries at that price are deferrable for at least the next two years.

Gross profit increased to #2.2 million (2001: #1.9 million) and included #0.3
million of Malaysian exploration costs that were expensed. The profitability
improvement was largely as a result of lower production expenses at Penjom which
were accounted for as equivalent to US$208/oz (2001: US$235/oz) inclusive of a
reduction in depreciation to US$30/oz (2001: US$43/oz) because of an increase in
ore reserves.

Pre-tax profit increased 33% to #1.2 million (2001: #0.9 million) even though
Beralt contributed an operating loss of #0.1 million (2001: #0.2 million
profit). Administrative costs rose by 9% to #0.7 million due to transactional
activities, and net interest costs fell by 10% to #0.3 million due to lower
interest rates and favourable exchange differences.

Operating cash flow reduced to #1.8 million (2001: #2.1 million). Net cash
inflow increased to #0.5 million (2001: #0.2 million) resulting from reduced
capital expenditures of #0.8 million (2001: #0.9 million) of which half were
spent on the North Lanut project, and lower financing repayments of #0.3 million
(2001: #0.4 million).

Penjom, Malaysia

                                      6 months to            Year to            6 months to
                                      30 Sep. 2001         31 Mar. 2002         30 Sep. 2002
Production Statistics:
Tonnes Mined                           10,795,000           20,630,000           7,986,000
Waste:Ore Ratio                            37                   29                   26
Tonnes Processed                        272,000              539,000              257,000
Grade Processed (g/t)                     6.9                  7.1                  7.5
Recovery Rate                             88%                  87%                  88%
              Gold Produced (ozs)        52,580              107,340               54,380
Cash Costs (US$/oz):
Mining                                    144                  142                  131
Processing                                 56                   51                   51
Admin. & Royalties                         31                   32                   30
                 Total Cash Costs         231                  225                  212

The Penjom mine had a record first half gold production of 54,380 ozs, an
increase of 3% over the six months ended 30 September 2001. This was achieved
from higher than expected ore grades which more than offset a 6% decline in ore
tonnes processed. The lower throughput was due to a trend towards harder ores
being mined and the desire to maintain ore crushing sufficient to sustain
recovery rates. A return to higher throughput rates is expected once the
installation of a secondary ball mill is completed in December 2002. Also, there
were continuing refinements to and expansions of the unique resin-in-leach
systems developed by Penjom for the processing of its predominantly carbonaceous

Total cash costs of production declined by 8% to US$212/oz owing principally to
a reduction in unit mining costs. This reduction results from a lowering of
Penjom's waste:ore stripping ratio that commenced last year and is expected to
continue for the mine's current ore reserves. This is reflected as a US$34/oz
(2001: US$39/oz) deferred cost in the group's accounts representing an estimate
of waste mining costs in excess of the average expected over the mine's current

North Lanut, Indonesia

Pre-feasibility studies were completed in October 2002 and were sufficiently
encouraging for the company to proceed to full feasibility. Studies focused on
bringing the 800,000 oz mineral resource base estimated by Newmont to a status
acceptable under international standards, and on confirming that portion of the
resource that would be amenable to low cost heap leaching of uncrushed ore,
known as dump leaching.

Independently verified results to date indicate that one deposit, Riska,
contains a mineral resource of 468,000 ozs of gold at a grade of 1.4 g/t.
Approximately 85% of this resource could be dump leached with an average gold
recovery rate of more than 70% and would be mineable at a low waste:ore ratio of
1:1. These results do not include the latest data from additional drill holes
and metallurgical test work.

Zeravshan Gold Company, Tajikistan

The company's interest in ZGC was acquired after 30 September 2002, and,
therefore, is not part of the group's accounts for the period. This interest
amounts to a 44% shareholding in ZGC with a further 5% to be acquired from the
International Finance Corporation. Under agreements with the government of
Tajikistan, which owns the remaining interest, the company has management
control and an interest in 90% of ZGC's cash flows.

Since commencing production in 1996, ZGC has produced over 500,000 ozs of gold
from an open pit at the Jilau deposit. This production is now transitioning to
an underground operation at Jilau and to nearby surface deposits. As a result,
cash operating costs are averaging approximately US$275/oz, which is above
historic levels. ZGC also has exploration rights over 3,000 sq kms in the region
surrounding Jilau where past Soviet exploration has identified numerous gold
deposits containing over 8 million ounces of gold including two partially
developed underground mines, Taror and Chore.

Gold Resources & Exploration

Tabulated below are the company's own estimates of the group's drill indicated
gold resources at its operations and projects, and of the gold reserves which
are currently projected to be mined from such resources.

                                   Mineral Resources                 Mineable Reserves
                              Gold (ozs)      Grade (g/t)       Gold (ozs)      Grade (g/t)
Penjom                            700,000              4.7          530,000              6.7
Buffalo Reef                      100,000              2.5
Jilau                             500,000              1.2          360,000              1.4
Taror*                          2,000,000              6.6
Chore                             900,000              4.4
N. Lanut                          800,000              1.2          350,000              1.4

                   Total        5,000,000              4.5        1,240,000              3.7

* includes copper on a gold equivalent basis

After some years of limited activity, a new exploration programme was initiated
under the management of an experienced chief geologist hired earlier in the
year. This programme was largely focused on evaluating the group's existing
resources for their reserve potential and identifying exploration targets in and
around existing operations and projects. The Buffalo Reef prospect near Penjom,
which had been largely written off, is one target that will be the subject of
renewed focus. The results of the programme's first phase, for which
expenditures have been US$0.4 million to date, are expected early next year.


Nine months ago we announced a new corporate objective of becoming a pure gold
company in Asia with the goal of attaining over 300,000 ozs/year of gold
production before 2006. In a remarkably short period of time, the foundations
for this goal have been established.

Penjom should again exceed 100,000 ozs of gold production for the year. With the
now proven performance of its process plant and declining mining costs, Penjom
is an assured source of increasing cash flow for the group. Extending this
asset's life beyond its current 4 to 5 years is our highest priority and, we
believe, achievable.

We expect that North Lanut's mineable reserves will be expanded with the latest
exploration and metallurgical data. Our objective is to place the project in
production in early 2004. Although preliminary, our feasibility results indicate
the potential for the project to be developed at a capital cost below US$10
million, and to produce over 50,000 ozs/year of gold at a total cash cost below

Our largest and most immediate challenge with respect to ZGC is the reduction of
Jilau's operating costs and the expansion of its reserves with the objective of
increasing gold production to over 100,000 ozs/year and decreasing costs to
below US$250/oz. Once this is assured, we will focus on using ZGC's cash flows
to realise the excellent potential of its other extensive ore resources. We do
not expect ZGC to be a cash drain on the group.

Perhaps the most important asset that the enlarged Avocet group now has is the
experience and expertise of its personnel which heightens our confidence in
developing a highly profitable and professional gold mining company.

Nigel McNair Scott

27 November 2002

Avocet Mining PLC

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
                                                          6 months to         6 months to         Year ended
                                                         30 September        30 September           31 March
                                                                 2002                2001               2002
                                                            Unaudited           Unaudited            Audited
                                                                 #000                #000               #000

Continuing operations                                          10,395              10,820             21,820
Discontinued operations - (see note 4)                          1,694               1,999              3,645

                                                               12,089              12,819             25,465

Cost of sales                                                 (9,926)            (10,954)           (22,667)

Gross profit                                                    2,163               1,865              2,798

Provision for impairment of tangible fixed                          -                   -           (11,874)
Other administrative expenses                                   (674)               (618)            (1,188)

Total administrative expenses                                   (674)               (618)           (13,062)

Operating profit/(loss)    
Continuing operations                                           1,595               1,035           (10,209)
Discontinued operations - (see note 4)                          (106)                 212               (55)

Operating profit/(loss)                                         1,489               1,247           (10,264)

Net interest and similar charges                                (342)               (385)              (669)

Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before                     1,147                 862           (10,933)

Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary activities                     (360)               (254)                (9)

Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after                        787                 608           (10,942)

Equity minority interest                                           27                   7                 15

Profit/(loss) for the financial period retained                   814                 615           (10,927)

Earnings/(loss) per share                                       1.24p               0.94p           (16.63p)

Earnings per share before non-recurring items                   1.24p               0.94p              1.44p

Avocet Mining PLC

Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                         30 September         30 September            31 March
                                                                 2002                 2001                2002
                                                            Unaudited            Unaudited             Audited
                                                                 #000                 #000                #000

Fixed assets
Intangible - deferred exploration costs                           924                  568                 811
Tangible assets                                                11,376               25,181              12,337

                                                               12,300               25,749              13,148

Current assets
Stocks                                                          5,500                4,540               5,496
Debtors due within one year                                       749                  963               1,002
Debtors due after more than one year                            3,728                3,896               2,833
Cash at bank and in hand                                        2,526                1,754               2,267

                                                               12,503               11,153              11,598

Creditors: amounts falling due in less than one               (8,325)              (6,267)             (6,239)

Net current assets                                              4,178                4,886               5,359

Total assets less current liabilities                          16,478               30,635              18,507

Creditors: amounts falling due after more than                (6,818)             (10,253)             (9,982)
one year
Provision for liabilities and charges                         (2,305)              (3,116)             (2,591)

                                                                7,355               17,266               5,934

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                        16,424               16,424              16,424
Share premium account                                          23,600               23,600              23,600
Other reserves                                                 12,590               12,590              12,590
Profit and loss account                                      (45,078)             (35,192)            (46,526)

Equity shareholders' funds                                      7,536               17,422               6,088
Equity minority interests                                       (181)                (156)               (154)

                                                                7,355               17,266               5,934

Avocet Mining PLC

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                         30 September         30 September            31 March
                                                                 2002                 2001                2002
                                                            Unaudited            Unaudited             Audited
                                                                 #000                 #000                #000

Net cash inflow from operating activities                       1,811                2,093               3,989

Returns on investment and servicing of finance

Interest received                                                  15                   46                  81
Interest paid                                                   (270)                (413)               (728)

Net cash outflow from returns on investment and
servicing of finance                                            (255)                (367)               (647)

Taxation                                                          (9)                    -                (73)

Capital expenditure and financial investment

Purchase of fixed assets                                         (807)                (873)             (1,770)  
Acquisition of a subsidiary                                         -                    -               (164)

Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and
financial investment                                            (807)                (873)             (1,934)

Repayment of borrowings                                         (170)                (531)               (408)
Capital repayments on finance leases                            (120)                (119)               (256)

Net cash outflow from financing                                 (290)                (650)               (664)

Increase in cash                                                  450                  203                 671

Avocet Mining PLC

Other Primary Statements

                                                         30 September         30 September            31 March
                                                                 2002                 2001                2002
                                                            Unaudited            Unaudited             Audited
                                                                 #000                 #000                #000

Statement of total recognised gains and losses

Profit/(loss) attributable to shareholders                        814                  615            (10,927)
Exchange translation adjustments                                  634                (347)               (139)

Total recognised gains and losses                               1,448                  268            (11,066)

Prior year adjustment                                               -                    -               (991)

Total recognised gains and losses
since the last financial statements                             1,448                    -            (12,057)

Reconciliation of movements in group
Shareholders' funds

Total recognised gains and losses                               1,448                  268            (11,066)

Net change in shareholders' funds                               1,448                  268            (11,066)

Opening shareholders' funds                                     6,088               17,154              17,154

Closing shareholders' funds                                     7,536               17,422               6,088


1.    The calculation of earnings per share is based on after-tax profits of
#814,000 (2001: profit #615,000) and on the weighted average of 65,696,530
shares in issue (2001: 65,696,530). The calculation of earnings per share before
non-recurring exceptional items is based on after-tax profits of #814,000 (2001:
profit #615,000) and on the weighted average of 65,696,530 shares in issue
(2001: 65,696,530).

2.    The interim financial information complies with the relevant financial
reporting standards and the accounting policies are applied on a basis
consistent with those applied in the annual financial statements, except as
stated below:

3.    The financial information contained in this interim statement does not
constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act
1985.The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2002 is an abridged
version of the full accounts, which received an unqualified auditors' report and
have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

4.    The profit and loss account shows Beralt, the group's tungsten operation,
as a discontinued operation. On 18 September 2002 the group signed an agreement
to sell all its tungsten assets, including Beralt to Salish Ventures Inc. This
agreement is subject to completion of the Canadian TSX Venture Exchange's
qualifying transaction criteria.

5.    This statement is being sent to Shareholders and will be available from
the company's Registered Office.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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