RNS Number : 4782N

Inter-American Development Bank

31 May 2022


Inter-American Development Bank

Global Debt Program

Series No: 832

INR 662,200,000 5.70 percent Notes due May 27, 2025 (the "Notes")

Payable in Japanese Yen

Issue Price: 99.980 percent

No application has been made to list the Notes on any stock exchange.

Nomura International plc

The date of this Pricing Supplement is May 20, 2022

Terms used herein shall be deemed to be defined as such for the purposes of the Terms and Conditions (the "Conditions") set forth in the Prospectus dated July 28, 2020 (the "Prospectus") (which for the avoidance of doubt does not constitute a prospectus for the purposes of Part VI of the United Kingdom ("UK") Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 or a base prospectus for the purposes of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (as amended, the "Prospectus Regulation") or the Prospectus Regulation as it forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 ("EUWA")). This Pricing Supplement must be read in conjunction with the Prospectus. This document is issued to give details of an issue by the Inter-American Development Bank (the "Bank") under its Global Debt Program and to provide information supplemental to the Prospectus. Complete information in respect of the Bank and this offer of the Notes is only available on the basis of the combination of this Pricing Supplement and the Prospectus.

UK MiFIR product governance / Retail investors, professional investors and ECPs target market - See "General Information-Additional Information Regarding the Notes-Matters relating to UK MiFIR" below.

Terms and Conditions

The following items under this heading "Terms and Conditions" are the particular terms which relate to the issue the subject of this Pricing Supplement. Together with the applicable Conditions (as defined above), which are expressly incorporated hereto, these are the only terms that form part of the form of Notes for such issue .

 1.    Series No.:                           832 
 2.    Aggregate Principal Amount:           INR 662,200,000 
 3.    Issue Price:                          INR 662,067,560, which is 99.980 
                                              percent of the Aggregate Principal 
                                              The Issue Price will be payable 
                                              in JPY in the amount of JPY 1,089,895,617 
                                              at the agreed rate of JPY 1.6462 
                                              per one INR . 
 4.    Issue Date:                           May 31, 2022 
 5.    Form of Notes                          Bearer only. 
        (Condition 1(a)):                      The Notes will initially be represented 
                                               by a temporary global note in 
                                               bearer form (the "Temporary Bearer 
                                               Global Note"). Interests in the 
                                               Temporary Bearer Global Note will, 
                                               not earlier than the Exchange 
                                               Date, be exchangeable for interests 
                                               in a permanent global note in 
                                               bearer form (the "Permanent Bearer 
                                               Global Note"). Interests in the 
                                               Permanent Bearer Global Note will 
                                               be exchangeable for definitive 
                                               Notes in bearer form ("Definitive 
                                               Bearer Notes"), in the following 
                                               circumstances: (i) if the Permanent 
                                               Bearer Global Note is held on 
                                               behalf of a clearing system and 
                                               such clearing system is closed 
                                               for business for a continuous 
                                               period of fourteen (14) days (other 
                                               than by reason of holidays, statutory 
                                               or otherwise) or announces its 
                                               intention to permanently cease 
                                               business or does in fact do so, 
                                               by any such holder giving written 
                                               notice to the Global Agent; and 
                                               (ii) at the option of any such 
                                               holder upon not less than sixty 
                                               (60) days' written notice to the 
                                               Bank and the Global Agent from 
                                               Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg 
                                               on behalf of such holder; provided, 
                                               that no such exchanges will be 
                                               made by the Global Agent, and 
                                               no Noteholder may require such 
                                               an exchange, during a period of 
                                               fifteen (15) days ending on the 
                                               due date for any payment of principal 
                                               on the Notes. 
 6.    New Global Note:                      No 
 7.    Authorized Denomination(s) 
         (Condition 1(b)):                    INR 100,000 
 8.    Specified Currency 
        (Condition 1(d)):                      Indian Rupee ("INR") provided 
                                               that all payments in respect of 
                                               the Notes will be made in Japanese 
                                               Yen ("JPY") 
 9.    Specified Principal Payment 
        (Conditions 1(d) and 7(h)):            JPY 
 10.   Specified Interest Payment 
        Currency                               JPY 
        (Conditions 1(d) and 7(h)): 
 11.   Maturity Date 
        (Condition 6(a); Fixed 
        Interest Rate and Zero Coupon):        May 27, 2025 
                                               The Maturity Date is subject to 
                                               adjustment in accordance with 
                                               the Business Day Convention with 
                                               no adjustment to the amount of 
                                               interest otherwise calculated. 
 12.   Interest Basis 
        (Condition 5):                         Fixed Interest Rate (Condition 
 13.   Interest Commencement Date 
        (Condition 5(III)):                    Issue Date (May 31, 2022) 
 14.   Fixed Interest Rate (Condition 
              (a) Interest Rate:             5.70 percent per annum 
              (b) Fixed Rate Interest               Semi-annually on May 27 and November 
               Payment Date(s):                      27 in each year, commencing on 
                                                     November 27, 2022 and ending on 
                                                     the Maturity Date. 
                                                     There will be a short first Interest 
                                                     Period from and including the 
                                                     Issue Date to but excluding November 
                                                     27, 2022. 
                                                     Each Fixed Rate Interest Payment 
                                                     Date is subject to adjustment 
                                                     in accordance with the Business 
                                                     Day Convention with no adjustment 
                                                     to the amount of interest otherwise 
                                                     Calculation of Interest Amount 
                                                     As soon as practicable and in 
                                                     accordance with the procedures 
                                                     specified herein, the Calculation 
                                                     Agent (as defined below) will 
                                                     determine the Reference Rate (as 
                                                     defined below) and calculate the 
                                                     amount of interest payable (the 
                                                     "Interest Amount") with respect 
                                                     to each Authorized Denomination 
                                                     for the relevant Interest Period. 
                                                     The Interest Amount with respect 
                                                     to the Interest Period from and 
                                                     including the Interest Commencement 
                                                     Date to but excluding November 
                                                     27, 2022, shall be a JPY amount 
                                                     calculated on the relevant Rate 
                                                     Fixing Date (as defined below) 
                                                     as follows: 
                                                     INR 2,802.50 multiplied by the 
                                                     Reference Rate 
                                                     (rounding down, if necessary, 
                                                     the entire resulting figure to 
                                                     the nearest lower whole JPY). 
                                                     The Interest Amount with respect 
                                                     to each subsequent Interest Period 
                                                     shall be a JPY amount calculated 
                                                     on the relevant Rate Fixing Date 
                                                     (as defined below) as follows: 
                                                     INR 2,850.00 multiplied by the 
                                                     Reference Rate 
                                                     (rounding down, if necessary, 
                                                     the entire resulting figure to 
                                                     the nearest lower whole JPY). 
                                                     If Price Source Disruption Event 
                                                     occurs, then the Reference Rate 
                                                     shall be determined in the following 
                                                     (B) Valuation Postponement 
                                                     For purposes of obtaining a Reference 
                                                     Rate, the Reference Rate will 
                                                     be determined on the Business 
                                                     Day first succeeding the day on 
                                                     which the Price Source Disruption 
                                                     Event ceases to exist, unless 
                                                     the Price Source Disruption Event 
                                                     continues to exist (measured from 
                                                     the date that, but for the occurrence 
                                                     of the Price Source Disruption 
                                                     Event, would have been the Rate 
                                                     Fixing Date) for a consecutive 
                                                     number of days equal to the Maximum 
                                                     Days of Postponement. In such 
                                                     event, the Reference Rate will 
                                                     be determined on the next day 
                                                     that, but for the occurrence of 
                                                     the Price Source Disruption Event, 
                                                     would have been the Business Day 
                                                     after the Maximum Days of Postponement 
                                                     ("Determination Date") in accordance 
                                                     with Fallback Provision - (B) 
                                                     Fallback Reference Rate. 
                                                     "Maximum Days of Postponement" 
                                                     means five (5) days that, but 
                                                     for the occurrence of the Price 
                                                     Source Disruption Event, would 
                                                     have been the Business Days 
                                                     (B) Fallback Reference Rate 
                                                     (a) The Reference Rate shall be 
                                                     calculated by dividing the USD/JPY_fx 
                                                     by the USD/INR_fx, provided that 
                                                     such number (expressed as the 
                                                     number of JPY per one INR) shall 
                                                     be rounded to four decimal places 
                                                     with 0.00005 being rounded upwards. 
                                                     (b) If the USD/JPY_fx is not available 
                                                     on the Determination Date, the 
                                                     Calculation Agent will request 
                                                     five leading reference banks (selected 
                                                     by the Calculation Agent in its 
                                                     sole discretion) in the Tokyo 
                                                     interbank market for their mid 
                                                     market quotations of the USD/JPY 
                                                     spot exchange rate at approximately 
                                                     3:30 p.m. Tokyo time on such date. 
                                                     The highest and the lowest of 
                                                     such quotations will be disregarded 
                                                     and the arithmetic mean of the 
                                                     remaining three quotations will 
                                                     be the USD/JPY_fx, provided that, 
                                                     if two or more such quotations 
                                                     are the highest quotations, then 
                                                     only one of such highest quotations 
                                                     shall be disregarded, and if two 
                                                     or more such quotations are the 
                                                     lowest quotations then only one 
                                                     of such lowest quotations shall 
                                                     be disregarded, provided that: 
                                                     i. if only four quotations are 
                                                     so provided, then the USD/JPY_fx 
                                                     shall be the arithmetic mean of 
                                                     such quotations without regard 
                                                     to the highest and lowest values 
                                                     quoted, provided that, if two 
                                                     or more such quotations are the 
                                                     highest quotations, then only 
                                                     one of such highest quotations 
                                                     shall be disregarded, and if two 
                                                     or more such quotations are the 
                                                     lowest quotations then only one 
                                                     of such lowest quotations shall 
                                                     be disregarded; 
                                                     ii. if fewer than four quotations 
                                                     but at least two quotations can 
                                                     be obtained, then the USD/JPY_fx 
                                                     shall be the arithmetic mean of 
                                                     the quotations actually obtained 
                                                     by the Calculation Agent; 
                                                     iii. if only one quotation is 
                                                     available, in that event, the 
                                                     Calculation Agent may determine 
                                                     that such quotation shall be the 
                                                     USD/JPY_fx; and 
                                                     iv. if no such quotation is available 
                                                     or if the Calculation Agent determines 
                                                     in its sole discretion that no 
                                                     suitable reference bank who is 
                                                     prepared to quote is available, 
                                                     the USD/JPY_fx shall be determined 
                                                     by the Calculation Agent acting 
                                                     in good faith and in a commercially 
                                                     reasonable manner, having taken 
                                                     into account relevant market practice. 
                                                     (c) If the USD/INR_fx is not available 
                                                     on the Determination Date, the 
                                                     Calculation Agent will request 
                                                     five leading reference banks (selected 
                                                     by the Calculation Agent in its 
                                                     sole discretion) which regularly 
                                                     deal in the USD/INR exchange market 
                                                     for their market quotations of 
                                                     the USD/INR spot exchange rate 
                                                     on such date. The highest and 
                                                     the lowest of such quotations 
                                                     will be disregarded and the arithmetic 
                                                     mean of the remaining three quotations 
                                                     will be the USD/INR_fx, provided 
                                                     that, if two or more such quotations 
                                                     are the highest quotations, then 
                                                     only one of such highest quotations 
                                                     shall be disregarded, and if two 
                                                     or more such quotations are the 
                                                     lowest quotations then only one 
                                                     of such lowest quotations shall 
                                                     be disregarded, provided that: 
                                                     i. if only four quotations are 
                                                     so provided, then the USD/INR_fx 
                                                     shall be the arithmetic mean of 
                                                     such quotations without regard 
                                                     to the highest and lowest values 
                                                     quoted, provided that, if two 
                                                     or more such quotations are the 
                                                     highest quotations, then only 
                                                     one of such highest quotations 
                                                     shall be disregarded, and if two 
                                                     or more such quotations are the 
                                                     lowest quotations then only one 
                                                     of such lowest quotations shall 
                                                     be disregarded; 
                                                     ii. if fewer than four quotations 
                                                     but at least two quotations can 
                                                     be obtained, then the USD/INR_fx 
                                                     shall be the arithmetic mean of 
                                                     the quotations actually obtained 
                                                     by the Calculation Agent; 
                                                     iii. if only one quotation is 
                                                     available, in that event, the 
                                                     Calculation Agent may determine 
                                                     that such quotation shall be the 
                                                     USD/INR_fx; and 
                                                     iv. if no such quotation is available 
                                                     or if the Calculation Agent determines 
                                                     in its sole discretion that no 
                                                     suitable reference bank who is 
                                                     prepared to quote is available, 
                                                     the USD/INR_fx shall be determined 
                                                     by the Calculation Agent acting 
                                                     in good faith and in a commercially 
                                                     reasonable manner, having taken 
                                                     into account relevant market practice. 
                                                     (d) Provided further that, if 
                                                     the Determination Date falls on 
                                                     an Unscheduled Holiday, the USD/INR_fx 
                                                     will be determined by the Calculation 
                                                     Agent on such Determination Date 
                                                     in its sole discretion, acting 
                                                     in good faith and in a commercially 
                                                     reasonable manner, having taken 
                                                     into account relevant market practice. 
                                                     "Business Day" means a day (other 
                                                     than a Saturday or a Sunday) on 
                                                     which commercial banks and foreign 
                                                     exchange markets settle payments 
                                                     in London, Mumbai, New York and 
                                                     "Calculation Agent" means J.P. 
                                                     Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. All determinations 
                                                     of the Calculation Agent shall 
                                                     (in the absence of manifest error) 
                                                     be final and binding on all parties 
                                                     (including, but not limited to, 
                                                     the Bank and the Noteholders) 
                                                     and shall be made in its sole 
                                                     discretion in good faith and in 
                                                     a commercially reasonable manner 
                                                     in accordance with a calculation 
                                                     agent agreement between the Bank 
                                                     and the Calculation Agent. 
                                                     "Mumbai Business Day" means a 
                                                     day (other than a Saturday or 
                                                     Sunday) on which commercial banks 
                                                     and foreign exchange markets settle 
                                                     payments and are open for general 
                                                     business (including dealing in 
                                                     foreign exchange and foreign currency 
                                                     deposits) in Mumbai. 
                                                     "Price Source Disruption Event" 
                                                     means the event that the FBIL 
                                                     Rate is not available on the relevant 
                                                     Rate Fixing Date. 
                                                     "Rate Fixing Date" means the date 
                                                     that is ten (10) Business Days 
                                                     prior to the relevant Fixed Rate 
                                                     Interest Payment Date (including 
                                                     the Maturity Date), which shall 
                                                     not be subject to adjustment by 
                                                     any Business Day Convention. Provided 
                                                     that, even if there is an Unscheduled 
                                                     Holiday between the relevant Rate 
                                                     Fixing Date and relevant date 
                                                     of payment, such Rate Fixing Date 
                                                     shall not be subject to adjustment. 
                                                     "FBIL Rate" means the spot JPY/INR 
                                                     foreign exchange rate (expressed 
                                                     as the number of INR per 100 JPY) 
                                                     which appears on Refinitiv Screen 
                                                     <INRREF=FBIL> Page (or such other 
                                                     page or services as may replace 
                                                     that page to be used for the purpose 
                                                     of obtaining the reference rate). 
                                                     If it becomes impossible to obtain 
                                                     the reference rate on the relevant 
                                                     Rate Fixing Date as mentioned 
                                                     aforesaid, the Calculation Agent 
                                                     shall be entitled to obtain such 
                                                     reference rate reported by Financial 
                                                     Benchmarks India Private Ltd ("FBIL") 
                                                     or its successor from any other 
                                                     screen or services that it deems 
                                                     appropriate in good faith and 
                                                     in a commercially reasonable manner. 
                                                     "Reference Rate" means the product 
                                                     of 100 and the reciprocal number 
                                                     of the FBIL Rate on each Rate 
                                                     Fixing Date. The resulting figure 
                                                     (expressed as the number of JPY 
                                                     per one INR) shall be rounded 
                                                     to four decimal places with 0.00005 
                                                     being rounded upwards. 
                                                     "Unscheduled Holiday" means a 
                                                     day that is not a Mumbai Business 
                                                     Day and the market was not aware 
                                                     of such fact (by means of a public 
                                                     announcement or by reference to 
                                                     other publicly available information) 
                                                     until a time later than 9:00 a.m. 
                                                     local time in Mumbai, two (2) 
                                                     Mumbai Business Days prior to 
                                                     the relevant Rate Fixing Date. 
                                                     "USD/INR_fx" means the spot USD/INR 
                                                     foreign exchange rate (expressed 
                                                     as the number of INR per one USD) 
                                                     which appears on Refinitiv Screen 
                                                     <INRREF=FBIL> Page (or such other 
                                                     page or services as may replace 
                                                     that page to be used for the purpose 
                                                     of obtaining the reference rate) 
                                                     on the Determination Date. If 
                                                     it becomes impossible to obtain 
                                                     the reference rate on the Determination 
                                                     Date as mentioned aforesaid, the 
                                                     Calculation Agent shall be entitled 
                                                     to obtain such reference rate 
                                                     reported by FBIL or its successor 
                                                     from any other screen or services 
                                                     that it deems appropriate in good 
                                                     faith and in a commercially reasonable 
                                                     "USD/JPY_fx" means the USD/JPY 
                                                     exchange rate (expressed as the 
                                                     number of JPY per one USD) which 
                                                     appears on Bloomberg Screen <BFIX 
                                                     (USD/JPY Fixings)> Page (or such 
                                                     other page or services as may 
                                                     replace that page to be used for 
                                                     the purpose of obtaining the reference 
                                                     rate) under the "MID" column as 
                                                     of 3:30 p.m. Tokyo time on the 
                                                     Determination Date. 
              (c) Business Day Convention:   Following Business Day Convention 
              (d) Fixed Rate Day Count 
               Fraction(s):                   30/360 
 15.   Relevant Financial Center:            London, Mumbai, New York and Tokyo 
 16.   Relevant Business Days:               London, Mumbai, New York and Tokyo 
 17.   Redemption Amount (Condition 
        6(a)):                                 The Redemption Amount with respect 
                                               to each Authorized Denomination 
                                               will be a JPY amount calculated 
                                               by the Calculation Agent on the 
                                               Rate Fixing Date with respect 
                                               to the Maturity Date as follows: 
                                               INR 100,000 multiplied by the 
                                               Reference Rate 
                                               (rounding down , if necessary, 
                                               the entire resulting figure to 
                                               the nearest lower whole JPY). 
 18.   Issuer's Optional Redemption 
        (Condition 6(e)):                      No 
 19.   Redemption at the Option 
        of the Noteholders (Condition          No 
 20.   Early Redemption Amount 
        (including accrued interest, 
        if applicable) (Condition              In the event the Notes become 
        9):                                    due and payable as provided in 
                                               Condition 9 (Default), the Early 
                                               Redemption Amount with respect 
                                               to each Authorized Denomination 
                                               will be a JPY amount equal to 
                                               the Redemption Amount that is 
                                               determined in accordance with 
                                               "17. Redemption Amount (Condition 
                                               6(a))" plus accrued and unpaid 
                                               interest, if any, as determined 
                                               in accordance with "14. Fixed 
                                               Interest Rate (Condition 5(I))"; 
                                               provided, that for purposes of 
                                               such determination, the "Rate 
                                               Fixing Date" shall be the date 
                                               fixed by the Calculation Agent. 
 21.   Governing Law:                        New York 
 Other Relevant Terms 
 1.    Listing:                              None 
 2.    Details of Clearance System 
        Approved by the Bank and 
        Global Agent and Clearance             Euroclear Bank SA/NV and/or Clearstream 
        and                                    Banking S.A. 
        Settlement Procedures: 
 3.    Syndicated:                           No 
 4.    Commissions and Concessions:          1.80 percent of the Aggregate 
                                              Principal Amount 
 5.    Estimated Total Expenses:             The Dealer has agreed to pay for 
                                              all material expenses related 
                                              to the issuance of the Notes. 
 6.    Codes: 
              (a) Common Code:               247154876 
              (b) ISIN:                      XS2471548763 
 7.    Identity of Dealer:                   Nomura International plc 
 8.    Provisions for Bearer Notes: 
              (a) Exchange Date:             Not earlier than July 11, 2022, 
                                              which is the date that is 41 (forty-one) 
                                              days after the Issue Date. 
              (b) Permanent Global Note:     Yes 
              (c) Definitive Bearer Notes:   No, except in the limited circumstances 
                                              described under "Form of Notes" 
                                              herein and in the Prospectus 
 9.    Intended to be held in a 
        manner which would allow               Not Applicable 
        Eurosystem eligibility: 
 10.   Selling Restrictions:                 (a) United States: 
                                              Under the provisions of Section 
                                              11(a) of the Inter-American Development 
                                              Bank Act, the Notes are exempted 
                                              securities within the meaning 
                                              of Section 3(a)(2) of the U.S. 
                                              Securities Act of 1933, as amended, 
                                              and Section 3(a)(12) of the U.S. 
                                              Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 
                                              as amended. 
                                              Notes in bearer form are subject 
                                              to U.S. tax law requirements and 
                                              may not be offered, sold or delivered 
                                              within the United States or its 
                                              possessions or to U.S. persons, 
                                              except in certain circumstances 
                                              permitted by U.S. tax regulations. 
                                             (b) United Kingdom: 
                                              The Dealer represents and agrees 
                                              that (a) it has only communicated 
                                              or caused to be communicated and 
                                              will only communicate or cause 
                                              to be communicated an invitation 
                                              or inducement to engage in investment 
                                              activity (within the meaning of 
                                              Section 21 of the Financial Services 
                                              and Markets Act 2000 (the "FSMA")) 
                                              received by it in connection with 
                                              the issue or sale of the Notes 
                                              in circumstances in which Section 
                                              21(1) of the FSMA does not apply 
                                              to the Bank, and (b) it has complied 
                                              and will comply with all applicable 
                                              provisions of the FSMA with respect 
                                              to anything done by it in relation 
                                              to such Notes in, from or otherwise 
                                              involving the UK. 
                                             (c) India: 
                                              The Dealer has acknowledged that, 
                                              it will not offer or sell any 
                                              Notes in India at any time. The 
                                              Notes have not been approved by 
                                              the Securities and Exchange Board 
                                              of India, Reserve Bank of India 
                                              or any other regulatory authority 
                                              of India, nor have the foregoing 
                                              authorities approved this Pricing 
                                              Supplement or confirmed the accuracy 
                                              or determined the adequacy of 
                                              the information contained in this 
                                              Pricing Supplement. This Pricing 
                                              Supplement has not been and will 
                                              not be registered as a prospectus 
                                              or a statement in lieu of prospectus 
                                              with the Registrar of Companies 
                                              in India. 
                                             (d) Japan: 
                                              The Dealer represents that it 
                                              is purchasing the Notes as principal 
                                              and has agreed that in connection 
                                              with the initial offering of Notes, 
                                              it has not offered or sold and 
                                              will not directly or indirectly 
                                              offer or sell any Notes in Japan 
                                              or to, or for the benefit of, 
                                              any resident of Japan (including 
                                              any Japanese corporation or any 
                                              other entity organized under the 
                                              laws of Japan), or to others for 
                                              re-offering or resale, directly 
                                              or indirectly, in Japan or to, 
                                              or for the benefit of, any resident 
                                              of Japan (except in compliance 
                                              with the Financial Instruments 
                                              and Exchange Law of Japan (Law 
                                              no. 25 of 1948, as amended) and 
                                              all other applicable laws and 
                                              regulations of Japan), and furthermore 
                                              undertakes that any securities 
                                              dealer to whom it sells any Notes 
                                              will agree that it is purchasing 
                                              the Notes as principal and that 
                                              it will not offer or sell any 
                                              N otes, directly or indirectly, 
                                              in Japan or to or for the benefit 
                                              of any resident of Japan (except 
                                              as aforesaid ). 
                                              (e) Singapore: 
                                              In the case of the Notes being 
                                              offered into Singapore in a primary 
                                              or subsequent distribution, and 
                                              solely for the purposes of its 
                                              obligations pursuant to Section 
                                              309B of the Securities and Futures 
                                              Act (Chapter 289) of Singapore 
                                              (the "SFA"), the Issuer has determined, 
                                              and hereby notifies all relevant 
                                              persons (as defined in Section 
                                              309A of the SFA) that the Notes 
                                              are "prescribed capital markets 
                                              products" (as defined in the Securities 
                                              and Futures (Capital Markets Products) 
                                              Regulations 2018 of Singapore) 
                                              and Excluded Investment Products 
                                              (as defined in MAS Notice SFA 
                                              04-N12: Notice on the Sale of 
                                              Investment Products and MAS Notice 
                                              FAA-N16: Notice on Recommendations 
                                              on Investment Products). 
                                             (f) General: 
                                              No action has been or will be 
                                              taken by the Bank that would permit 
                                              a public offering of the Notes, 
                                              or possession or distribution 
                                              of any offering material relating 
                                              to the Notes in any jurisdiction 
                                              where action for that purpose 
                                              is required. Accordingly, the 
                                              Dealer agrees that it will observe 
                                              all applicable provisions of law 
                                              in each jurisdiction in or from 
                                              which it may offer or sell Notes 
                                              or distribute any offering material. 

General Information

Additional Information Regarding the Notes

   1.         Matters relating to UK MiFIR 

The Bank does not fall under the scope of application of the UK MiFIR regime. Consequently, the Bank does not qualify as an "investment firm", "manufacturer" or "distributor" for the purposes of UK MiFIR.

UK MiFIR product governance / Retail investors, professional investors and ECPs target market - Solely for the purposes of the UK manufacturer's product approval process, the target market assessment in respect of the Notes has led to the conclusion that: (i) the target market for the Notes is retail clients, as defined in point (8) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 2017/565 as it forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the EUWA, eligible counterparties, as defined in COBS, and professional clients, as defined in UK MiFIR; and (ii) all channels for distribution of the Notes are appropriate. Any person subsequently offering, selling or recommending the Notes (a "distributor") should take into consideration the UK manufacturer's target market assessment; however, a distributor subject to the UK MiFIR Product Governance Rules is responsible for undertaking its own target market assessment in respect of the Notes (by either adopting or refining the UK manufacturer's target market assessment) and determining appropriate distribution channels.

For the purposes of this provision, (i) the expression "UK manufacturer" means the Dealer, (ii) the expression "COBS" means the FCA Handbook Conduct of Business Sourcebook, (iii) the expression "UK MiFIR" means Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 as it forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the EUWA, and (iv) the expression "UK MiFIR Product Governance Rules" means the FCA Handbook Product Intervention and Product Governance Sourcebook.

   2.         Additional Investment Considerations: 

There are significant risks associated with the Notes, including but not limited to exchange rate risk, price risk and liquidity risk. Investors should consult their own financial, legal, accounting and tax advisors about the risks associated with an investment in these Notes, the appropriate tools to analyze that investment, and the suitability of the investment in each investor's particular circumstances.

The methodologies for determining the Japanese Yen-Indian Rupee foreign exchange rate may result in a Redemption Amount or the Early Redemption Amount (if applicable) of the Notes, or an interest payment on the Notes, being significantly less than anticipated.

The Bank may hedge its obligations under the Notes by entering into a swap transaction with the Dealer, one of its affiliates or other parties as swap counterparty. Assuming no change in market conditions or any other relevant factors, the price, if any, at which the Dealer or another purchaser might be willing to purchase Notes in a secondary market transaction is expected to be lower, and could be substantially lower, than the original issue price of the Notes. This is due to a number of factors, including that (i) the potential profit to the secondary market purchaser of the Notes may be incorporated into any offered price and (ii) the cost of funding used to value the Notes in the secondary market is expected to be higher than our actual cost of funding incurred in connection with the issuance of the Notes. In addition, the original issue price of the Notes included, and secondary market prices are likely to exclude, the projected profit that our swap counterparty or its affiliates may realize in connection with this swap. Further, as a result of dealer discounts, mark-ups or other transaction costs, any of which may be significant, the original issue price may differ from values determined by pricing models used by our swap counterparty or other potential purchasers of the Notes in secondary market transactions.

   3.         United States Federal Income Tax Matters 

The Notes will not be treated as issued in registered form for United States federal income tax purposes; therefore, the "Tax Matters" section in the Prospectus does not apply to the Notes. A United States holder that acquires Notes could be subject to adverse tax consequences with respect to its ownership of the Notes and should accordingly consult its tax advisor prior to acquiring Notes.

The Notes offered by this Pricing Supplement are complex financial instruments and may not be suitable for certain investors. Investors intending to purchase the Notes should consult with their tax and financial advisors to ensure that the intended purchase meets the investment objective before making such purchase.


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 01, 2022 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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