Invitation Extraordinary General Meeting of 11 September 2019
2019年8月9日 - 3:00PM
Invitation Extraordinary General Meeting of 11 September 2019
VennootschapNijverheidsstraat 2, 2340 Beerse
VAT BE0403.807.337 –
RPR Turnhout
The shareholders are invited to the
Extraordinary General Meeting, which will be held on
Wednesday 11 September 2019 at 15:00 in the Lindner Hotel,
Lange Kievitstraat 125, 2018 Antwerp, in the presence of
Notary Marie-Ghislaine Brosens with the following agenda and
proposal resolutions:
Amendments to the articles of association
- Amendment of article 1 of the articles of association as the
phrase ‘appeal to the public savings’, as known in the former
Company Code, is not included in the new Companies and
Associations Code. Proposal of resolution: The
Extraordinary General Meeting decides to delete the phrase “, which
appeals or has appealed to the public savings” from article 1.
- Amendment of article 2 of the articles of association by adding
the website address and email address of the company.
Proposal of resolution: The Extraordinary General
Meeting decides to add the sentences “The company's website is The company’s email address is”
at the end of article 2.
- Amendment of article 4 of the articles of association as this
reference to the article in the old Company Code is no longer
applicable. Proposal of resolution: The
Extraordinary General Meeting decides to delete the phrase “even
for other reasons than those provided by the Articles 633 of the
Company Code,” from article 4.
- Amendment of article 8 of the articles of association to
implement a fixed interest rate. Proposal of
resolution: The Extraordinary General Meeting decides to
replace the words “libor plus four percent (4%) by “five percent”
in the third and in the last sentence of article 8.
- Amendment of article 9 of the articles of association as the
transitory period has expired. Proposal of
resolution: The Extraordinary General Meeting decides to
delete the transitory provision from article 9.
- Amendment of article 12 of the articles of association as the
limit of 20% of own shares that can be acquired is abolished in the
new Companies and Associations Code and renewal of the
authorisation to the board of directors to buy-back shares.
Proposal of resolution: The Extraordinary General
Meeting decides to delete the phrase “, the maximum number of
shares whereby the aggregate fractional value of such shares may
not exceed 20 percent of the subscribed share capital” from article
12. Furthermore the Extraordinary General Meeting decides to
replace the words “14 December 2017” by “11 September 2019” in the
second paragraph and in the last sentence of article 12.
- Amendment of article 13 of the articles of association to
delete the limitation on the duration of a director’s mandate and
to delete the phrase regarding the possibility to dismiss directors
at all times to apply the default rules as provided by the
Companies and Associations Code. Proposal of
resolution: The Extraordinary General Meeting decides to
delete the phrase ”, each appointed for a period of maximum four
years” from the first sentence and to delete the phrase “for a
maximum period of four years” from the second sentence of article
13. Furthermore the Extraordinary General Meeting decides to delete
the sentence “The general shareholder’s meeting can dismiss a
director at any time.” from article 13.
- Amendment of article 17 of the articles of association to
update the communication possibilities. Further amendments to no
longer reserve the written decision-making for exceptional cases
with urgent necessity, as the urgency requirement is abolished in
the new Companies and Associations Code and to optimise the
decision making procedure of the board of directors.
Proposal of resolution: The Extraordinary General
Meeting decides to replace the words “telex, fax” by “email” in the
2nd and the 5th sentence of article 17. Furthermore the
Extraordinary General Meeting decides and to delete the phrases “In
exceptional cases, when urgency and the interest of the company so
requires,” and the last sentence of the fifth paragraph “However,
this procedure cannot be applied for the approval of the annual
accounts or for the use of the authorized capital.” from article
- Amendment of article 21 of the articles of association as the
“Management’s Committee”, as known under the former Company
Code, is abolished in the new Companies and Associations Code.
Proposal of resolution: The Extraordinary General
Meeting decides to change the title of article 21 to “Advisory
committees” and to delete the 3rd, 4th and 5th sentence from
article 21.
- Amendment of article 22 of the articles of association for the
same reason as for the amendment of article 21. Proposal of
resolution: The Extraordinary General Meeting decides to
delete point 3° “the members of a management’s committee, acting
[…] committee; 4°” from article 22, so that the current point 4°
becomes point 3°.
- Amendment of article 23 of the articles of association to
modify the directors’ compensation. Proposal of
resolution: The Extraordinary General Meeting decides to
modify the directors’ compensation and replace the first two
sentences of the second paragraph by the following: “The individual
directors receive per entire financial year during which they
perform their mandate a compensation which amounts for the
financial year 2019 to twenty thousand euros (€20,000) gross
irrespective of any profits made or losses sustained by the
company. The chairman of the board of directors receives per entire
financial year during which he performs its mandate a compensation
which amounts for the financial year 2019 to forty thousand euros
(€40,000) gross irrespective of any profits made or losses
sustained by the company. Furthermore it is decided to to
replace the words 'from two thousand and eighteen' with 'from
2020’.Furthermore the Extraordinary General Meeting decides and to
add the phrase “or if the meeting is held by telephone” at the end
of the 4th paragraph. Furthermore the Extraordinary General Meeting
decides to add a fifth and sixth paragraph to article 23, as
follows: “Directors who are invited to a meeting of a committee of
which they are not members receive a compensation of one thousand
two hundred and fifty euros (€ 1,250) per meeting in which they
participate, unless the meeting of the committee takes place
immediately after or before a meeting of the board of directors or
if the meeting is held by telephone.The aforementioned amounts of
€1,250 will automatically be increased by €25 on the first day of
each financial year as from 2020.”.
- Amendment of article 26 of the articles of association to
modify the date of the annual general meeting from Tuesday to
Wednesday. Proposal of resolution: The
Extraordinary General Meeting decides to replace the word “Tuesday”
by the word “Wednesday” in the first sentence of article
- Amendment of article 27 of the articles of association to
update the mandatory convocation of the general meeting by the
board of directors at the request of shareholders representing a
certain minimum part of the capital to the new Companies and
Associations Code. Proposal of resolution: The
Extraordinary General Meeting decides to replace the words “fifth
of the corporate capital” by “tenth of the capital” in the last
sentence of article 27.
- Amendment of article 32 of the articles of association to
update the composition of the office. Proposal of
resolution: The Extraordinary General Meeting decides to
change the 3rd sentence of article 32 to: The chairman of the
meeting appoints a secretary and, if useful, a teller who will join
the office.
- Amendment of article 39 of the articles of association to
modify the tantième. Proposal of resolution: The
Extraordinary General Meeting decides to change the 1st sentence of
the 4th paragraph of article 39 into: “If the net profit is equal
to or exceeds one and a half million euro (€1,500,000), then, from
the net profit after tax and after allocation to the legal
reserves, a tantième (profit share) of fifteen thousand euro
(€15,000) will be allocated to each director, with the exception of
the managing director, whereas he is already compensated in his
capacity of managing director.” Furthermore the Extraordinary
General Meeting decides to delete the penultimate paragraph “The
tantième granted … financial year.” from article 39.
- Amendments of several articles of association to, in the
context of the application of the new Companies and Associations
Code (‘opt-in’), –make them in accordance with the new Companies
and Associations Code, in particular regarding the use of certain
terms, such as for example: the change of the term ‘purpose’ to
‘object’, the term ‘corporate capital’ to ‘capital’, the term
‘warrants’ to ‘subscription rights’, etc., and regarding the
references to certain articles of the former Company Code
(and references to that Code in general) without substantive
changes, to replace these by references to the corresponding
articles of the new Companies and Associations Code (or by a
reference to that Code in general). Proposal of
resolution: The Extraordinary General Meeting decides to
modify the terminology used in the articles of association to the
terminology used in the new Companies and Associations Code, and to
replace the references in several articles of association to
(provisions of) the former Company Code to references to
(provisions of) the new Companies and Associations Code.
Powers – formalities
17.Powers of attorney regarding the coordination of the articles
of association and the formalities Proposal of resolution: The
extraordinary meeting of shareholders decides to grant a special
proxy to Mtr Marie-Ghislaine Brosens, public notary, with offices
in Beerse, to draw up the coordinated text of the articles of
association, to sign the coordinated version of the articles of
association and to file a copy thereof with the clerk's office of
the competent commercial court and, where appropriate, to the
value added tax administration, and to fulfil all publication and
other administrative formalities in execution of the resolutions
adopted. The extraordinary meeting of shareholders further decides
to grant all powers to each director to execute the resolutions
In order to exercise your rights at this
Extraordinary General Meeting you are required to comply with the
following conditions and requirements:
Only the persons who are shareholder on the
Registration date (Wednesday 28 August 2019 at twenty four
(24:00) hour) have the right to participate in and vote to
this Extraordinary General Meeting.
In order to participate in and to vote to this
Extraordinary General Meeting:
- The holders of registered shares have to be
registered in the Company’s register of shares on the Registration
date as owner of the number of shares with which they want to
participate in this Extraordinary General Meeting. Furthermore,
they need to confirm their participation to the
Company ultimately on Thursday 5 September2019
(16:00h), mentioning the number of shares they want to
participate with in this Extraordinary General Meeting. They can do
this by letter or email (see contact registered office).
- Holders of dematerialised shares, with which
the shareholders want to participate in this Extraordinary General
Meeting, have to be registered on the accounts of the recognised
account holders or clearing institution on the Registration date.
The possession of the number of dematerialised shares will be
determined on the basis of the confirmation of the deposition,
provided by the recognised account holder or clearing institution
to the Company. Furthermore holders of dematerialised
shares need to instruct their financial institution to
inform Euroclear Belgium ultimately on Thursday 5
September2019 (16:00h), about their wish to participate to
these Extraordinary General Meeting and the number of shares they
wish to represent in the voting. The recognised account holder, or
the clearing institution issues a certificate to the shareholder
indicating the total number of dematerialised shares, respectively
delivered or registered in his name in his account on the
Registration date, with which the shareholder wants to participate
in this Extraordinary General Meeting. This certificate must be
submitted to Euroclear Belgium:
- by mail: to the attn. of Issuer Relations, Koning Albert
II-laan 1, 1210 Brussel (België)
- by email:
- by fax: +32 2 337 54 46
more shareholders holding together at least 3% of the share capital
may add items to the agenda of this Extraordinary General Meeting
and submit resolution proposals relating to topics already included
or to be included on the agenda. The shareholders who exercise this
right must comply with the following two conditions:
- prove that on the date of their request, they possess the
required percentage of the share capital (by a certificate of
registration of the registered shares in the Company's register of
shares or by a certificate issued by a recognised account holder or
clearing institute indicating that the respective number of
dematerialised shares are registered in their name in an account.)
- prove that on the Registration date they are still shareholder
holding together at least 3% of the share capital.
Items to be added to the agenda and/or
resolution proposals must be addressed to the Company (see contact
registered office) ultimately on Tuesday 20 August
The Company will confirm the receipt of the
requests within forty-eight hours from receipt, by email or
ordinary mail to the (email) address specified by the shareholder.
Ultimately on 27 August 2019, the revised agenda
will be published in the Belgian Moniteur, a newspaper, and on the
website of the Company. The adjusted form to vote by proxy is
published on the website of the Company: information/Extraordinary
General Meetings ultimately on 27 August 2019.
Nevertheless, the proxies received by the
Company prior to the publication of the revised agenda, remain
valid for the items mentioned on the agenda. Exceptionally
contradictory to the above mentioned, the proxy holder can - in
compliance with the relevant provisions of the Company Code -
during this Extraordinary General Meeting, deviate from possible
instructions of the proxy principal, for items mentioned on the
agenda, for which new resolutions were submitted, if the execution
of these instructions could damage the interest of the proxy
principal. The proxy holder has to inform the proxy principal in
this case. The proxy should mention whether the proxy holder is
entitled to vote on new items put on the agenda or whether he has
to abstain from them.
to the Company Code and under certain conditions, the shareholders
can submit questions in writing, prior this Extraordinary General
Meeting, to the Board or the Auditor regarding their report or
items mentioned on the agenda. These questions will be handled
during this Extraordinary General Meeting if (i) the shareholder
complies with the participation formalities and (ii) as far as the
communication of information or facts does not prejudice Campine
nv's business interests nor the confidentiality to which Campine
nv, its directors or Auditor have committed themselves.These
questions can be submitted beforehand per email or letter to the
Company (see contact registered office). The Company has to be in
the possession of the questions in writing ultimately on
Thursday 5 September2019 (16:00h).
VOTING BY PROXYEach shareholder
who wants to be represented has to comply with the above mentioned
registration and confirmation of participation procedures.
Each shareholder qualified to vote who complies
with the formalities for admission to this Extraordinary General
Meeting provided for by the law and the Company's Articles of
Association may designate one proxy holder to represent him at this
Extraordinary General Meeting in accordance with the Company Code.
The appointment of a proxy holder by a shareholder qualified to
vote must take place in writing or by means of an electronic form
which must be signed by the shareholder.
The notification of the appointment of a
proxy holder must be made in writing or by electronic
means to Euroclear Belgium, to the attn. of Issuer Relations,
Koning Albert II-laan 1, 1210 Brussel (email: / fax: +32 2 337 54 46) and must be
received ultimately on Thursday 5
September2019 (16:00h).
The form to vote by proxy can be found on the
website information/general
meetings and is available on request; please contact Karin Leysen
at the registered office. Every appointment of a proxy holder has
to be made in compliance with Belgian legislation, especially
regarding conflict of interest and the register keeping.
FORMALITIESEvery ultimate date
mentioned in this invitation, means the ultimate date on which the
respective notification has to be in possession of the Company.
The full, unabridged texts of the documents to
be presented to this are available as of Friday 9
August on the website information/general meetings
and financial publications. From that date, the documents can be
consulted at the registered office and are also available – free of
charge – on request via letter, telephone or email to the
registered office attn. Karin Leysen.
Contact registered
officeCampine nv
tel: 014/60 15 49 Karin
e-mail: Nijverheidsstraat 2, 2340
- invitation 190911
- proxy 190911
Campine NV (EU:CAMB)
過去 株価チャート
から 1 2025 まで 2 2025
Campine NV (EU:CAMB)
過去 株価チャート
から 2 2024 まで 2 2025