7 September 2022 
                                 BWA Group PLC 
                    ("BWA", or the "Company") (AQSE: BWAP) 
 Results of Granulometric Testwork at the Nkoteng Heavy Mineral Sands Project, 
BWA Group plc [AQSE: BWAP], which has mineral exploration licences in both 
Cameroon and Canada and is quoted on London's AQSE Growth Market, provides an 
update on its recently completed in house granulometric studies, carried out on 
20 samples from the recently completed mechanised auger programmed, from within 
the Nkoteng 1 Licence, Central Cameroon ("Nkoteng 1" or the "Nkoteng Project"). 
BWA currently has four heavy mineral sands ("HMS") licences across two project 
areas in Cameroon, all of which are at an early stage of exploration. The 
Nkoteng 1 Licence covers an area of 497 km2 and the contiguous Nkoteng 2 
Licence covers an area of 500 km2, located 60 km to the northeast of Yaoundé 
with easy transport links to the port of Douala.  The Nkoteng Licences cover 
significant part of the HMS prospective Sanaga river system (See Figure 1). The 
Dehane 1 and Dehane 2 Licences ("Dehane" or the "Dehane Project") cover an area 
of 186 km2 comprising part of the prospective Nyong river system, estuary, and 
coastal zone, located approximately 166 km to the west of the capital, Yaoundé 
and 70 km from the deep seaport and industrial zone of Kribi. 
BWA is pleased to announce the findings of in house granulometric and size 
fractioning studies from 20 samples taken from the recently completed closed 
barrel mechanised auger sampling programme on the Nkoteng 1 Project, reported 
in accordance with JORC (2012). The short shallow auger sampling programme 
completed in June 2022 drilled 107 holes for 193.30 metres and 171 primary 
samples (RNS dated 29th of June 2022). The programme targeted the central 
sector of the licence where pitting and hand auger sampling (BWA, 2021) 
identified an area of anomalous Ilmenite, Rutile, Zircon and Kyanite alluvial 
HMS (See Figure 2). 
A selection of 20 samples from the mechanised auger programme underwent 
granulometric and size fractioning studies, completed by BWA using the 
facilities at Afrigeolabs, Yaoundé (See Figure 2 and 3). These are duplicate 
portions of the samples which have been selected for submission to specialist 
laboratory in Germany for heavy mineral separation and mineral composition 
testwork, currently awaiting shipment, with results expected Q4 2022. 
A version of this announcement containing the maps, figures and appendices can 
be viewed on the Company's website, http://www.bwagroupplc.com/. 
  * Rutile is most abundant mineral, especially concentrated within the sand 
    size fraction -600 to +180 µm (see Figure 3). Major ilmenite was also 
  * Minor HMS also observed in -150 µm size fraction. 
  * Minor kyanite observed in weathered clays. 
  * Plastic clays contain elevated ilmenite in select areas. 
  * Implications of the granulometric studies are as yet not fully recognised, 
    although suggest distinctive mineralised size fractions and preferred host 
The Company are currently processing the new granulometric and size fractioning 
results to understand the implications. This new work will be combined with the 
heavy mineral separation and mineral identification testwork due in late Q3, to 
understand the relationships and add more information to improve the 
understanding of the heavy mineral deposits. 
BWA are very encouraged by the presence of observed intervals of Ilmenite, 
Rutile, Zircon and Kyanite within the programme area, especially within the 
-600 to +180 µm fraction (see Figure 3). 
James Butterfield, interim Non-executive Chairman of BWA, commented: 
"We are encouraged by this latest round of granulometric and size fractioning 
results from the Nkoteng licence area, again showing the occurrence of target 
mineralisation from all horizons within the prospective area and supporting 
earlier observations. 
We look forward to the receipt and interpretation of results on completion of 
planned laboratory sample testwork from Germany and comparison with the 
granulometric results for use in geological modelling and potential mineral 
resource estimates". 
Summary of Exploration Works 
In accordance with JORC (2012) reporting guidelines, a summary of the material 
information used is set out below. For further details, please refer to the 
JORC (2012) Table 1, located in the Appendix to this announcement. 
The exploration programme from which the 20 samples have been selected 
consisted of 107 holes for 193.30 metres and 171 primary samples, collected 
within the current and paleo Sanaga river floodplain (see Figure 2). The holes 
were mechanically drilled using a Van Walt windowless percussion sampling 
system with half core samples split for analysis, with the remaining half core 
stored in bags for reference and duplicate samples as necessary. The duplicate 
portion of the sample was used for the granulometric works. 
The 20 samples were dried in an oven for 24 hours and then six sieves with the 
following mesh size were used to separate the fractions for each sample: +1 mm 
(F1), +600 µm (F2), +180 µm (F3), +150 µm (F4), +75 µm (F5) and -75 µm (F6). 
The separated fractions F1 to F5 were oven dried again for weighing (F6 did not 
require re-drying). 
Each separate size fraction was mixed with water and panned to separate out the 
lighter materials such as muscovite, quartz and organic matter. The remaining 
heavy minerals are observed at the base of the pan for each size fraction, this 
was then dried. 
The pink / reddish colour of the rutile makes it easy to identify in the +600 µ 
m to +180 µm fractions within the pan and they regularly form a peripheral ring 
around the black ilmenite minerals (see Figure 3). In F1 and F2 fractions, the 
bluish kyanite is easily distinguished. Additionally, within the silty-clay 
fraction, minor ilmenite is observed. 
The table below shows the lithology, minerals and the weight of any from the 
various size fractions of the granulometric testwork. The work shows that the 
majority of the target minerals are situated within the +600 to +180 µm 
fraction and is encouraging in terms of potential for heavy liquid separation 
of the minerals of interest, as demonstrated by earlier limited mineral 
separation and XRD mineralogy work completed by BWA as announced in RNS dated 
1st February 2022. 
Additional work is required to understand the implications for continuing 
exploration, as well comparing this granulometric work to the mineral 
separation work, expected to be completed in late Q3. 
         FIELD GEOLOGY            (+) 1mm    (+)600 µm   (+)180 µm   (+)150 µm   (+)75 µm    (-)75 µm 
Pit ID  From   To      Lith      Min   Wgt   Min   Wgt   Min   Wgt   Min   Wgt   Min   Wgt   Min   Wgt 
                                       (g)         (g)         (g)         (g)         (g)         (g) 
NKA_163 0.10  1.60 Plastic Clay                           R    239    R    150    R    257    I     8 
NKA_163 1.60  2.60 Sand                       I    14    I+R   281    I    75     I    94     I    16 
NKA_078 0.00  1.90 Plastic Clay                           R     7     R    15     R    210   I+R   27 
NKA_078 1.90  4.00 Sand           R    106    R    172    R    363    R    186   I+R   200   I+R   22 
NKA_124 0.10  1.90 Plastic Clay                           R    276    R    63     R    130   I+R   26 
NKA_124 1.90  3.55 Sand           R    67     R    90     R    400    R    65    I+R   91    I+R    8 
NKA_148 0.10  2.30 Plastic Clay                           R    25     R    62     R    219   I+R   36 
NKA_148 2.30  3.30 Sand                11           3     R    58     R    294    R    185    R    35 
NKA_119 0.00  0.65 Sand           R    89     R    114    R    253    R    40     R    113   I+R   12 
NKA_119 0.65  1.35 Plastic Clay   R    154    R    90     R    63     I    11     I    20     I    59 
                   + Saprolite 
NKA_166 0.10  1.20 Sand           R    38     R    133    R    368    R    78     R    108    I    99 
NKA_166 1.20  2.00 Weathering     R    78     R    168    R    253    R    31     R    99     I    27 
                   Clay + Sand 
                   + Gravel + 
NKA_146 0.20  1.00 Sand           R    16     R    31     R    355    R    84     R    163    I    16 
NKA_140 0.05  0.90 Weathering     R           R    55     R    294    R    43     R    68    I+R   16 
NKA_140 0.90  1.40 Weathering     G    123    R    42     R    158    R    16     I    46     I     8 
                   Clay + 
NKA_121 0.10  0.70 Weathering     R    16     R    38     R    137    R    29     R    84     I    13 
NKA_121 0.70  1.20 Weathering     R    100    R    28     R    86     R    14    I+R   114   I+R   10 
NKA_085 0.00  0.90 Weathering    R+K   16    R+K   36     R    215    R    28     R    68     I    23 
NKA_085 0.90  1.40 Weathering     G    424    R    19     R    85     R    21     R    42     I    12 
NKA_159 0.10  1.80 Weathering     R    23     R    36     R    146    R    84     R    211    I    69 
R-rutile, I - ilmenite, K - kyanite and G - goethite. 
Geology and Geological Interpretation 
The prospective Sanaga river is the main river which runs through the BWA 
Nkoteng 1 and 2 licence area and accommodates approximately 100 km of the river 
floodplain system and associated tributaries, and an even larger 
paleo-floodplain area, observed in satellite imagery, although this has yet to 
be fully ground-truthed through fieldwork. 
The geological sequence generally consists of a cover of clays, overlying the 
target deposit layer consisting of sands and gravels, generally laying directly 
on the bedrock. 
Surficial geology encountered during the auger programme comprised of 0.2 m of 
surface organic rich soil, alluvial clays and sandy clays ranging from 0 m to 4 
m with an average thickness of approximately 1.3 m thick, and basal sand and 
gravels ranging from 0 m to 3 m thick in places. 
The Nkoteng deposit is likely to be a trap placer (native) deposit. The entire 
stratigraphic column of the Sanaga alluvial deposits is considered potentially 
Nkoteng is located within the Yaoundé Domain of the Pan African Belt, a large 
nappe unit that has been thrusted southward onto the Congo Craton and is 
characterised by low-grade to high-grade garnet bearing metamorphosed schists, 
gneiss and orthogneisses. 
Implications for Exploration 
The positive results for rutile and ilmenite content from the sampled areas are 
extremely encouraging and show positive continuation of mineralisation over 8 
BWA are extremely encouraged by the grade and extent of all the target minerals 
and are planning follow up work, to be conducted shortly. 
Competent Person's Statement 
The information in this report which relates to exploration results for the 
Nkoteng Project is based upon and fairly represents information collected and 
compiled by Mr Emmanuel Simo, MSc., Senior Geologist and Chief Geologist for 
BWA, who is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. 
The results were reviewed by Mr J.N. Hogg, MSc. MAIG, Principal Geologist for 
Addison Mining Services (AMS) and Non-executive Director of BWA. 
Mr Simo and Mr Hogg have sufficient experience relevant to the style of 
mineralisation, the type of deposit under consideration and to the activity 
undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the JORC Code 2012 
edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral 
Resources and Ore Reserves. 
Mr Hogg has reviewed and verified the technical information that forms the 
basis of and has been used in the preparation of this announcement, including 
all sampling and analytical data, and analytical techniques. Mr Hogg consents 
to the inclusion in this announcement of the matters based on the information, 
in the form and context in which it appears. 
Forward Looking Statement 
This announcement contains forward-looking statements which involve a number of 
risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements are expressed in good 
faith and believed to have a reasonable basis. These statements reflect current 
expectations, intentions or strategies regarding the future and assumptions 
based on currently available information. Should one or more of the risks or 
uncertainties materialise, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, 
actual results may vary from the expectations, intentions and strategies 
described in this announcement. No obligation is assumed to update forward 
looking statements if these beliefs, opinions and estimates should change or to 
reflect other future developments. 
For further information on the Company, please visit http://www.bwagroupplc.com 
/index.html or contact: 
BWA Group PLC                         +44 (0) 7770 225 253 
James Butterfield                     enquiries@bwagroupplc.com 
Interim Chairman 
Allenby Capital Limited               +44 (0)20 3328 5656 
Corporate Adviser 
Nick Harriss/Freddie Wooding 
Glossary of Technical Terms: 
"%"              percent; 
Al2O3            Aluminium Oxide; 
"ALS"            Australian Laboratory Services; 
"AMS"            Addison Mining Services; 
"BRGM"           Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minié 
                 (French Geological Survey); 
"BWA"            BWA Group PLC; 
"DTM"            Digital Terrain Model. Computerised topographic model; 
"DUP"            Décret d'Utilité Publique (Public Utility Decree); 
"HMS"            Heavy Mineral Sands; 
"km"             Kilometre; 
"TiO2"           Titanium dioxide, also known as titanium (IV) oxide. Generally 
                 sourced from ilmenite, rutile, and anatase; 
"Zr"             Zircon or Zirconium; 
"JORC (2012)"    the 2012 edition of the JORC code; 
"JORC"           the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, 
                 Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves, as published by the Joint Ore 
                 Reserves Committee of The Australasian Institute of Mining and 
                 Metallurgy, Australian Institute of Geoscientists and Minerals 
                 Council of Australia; 
"m"              metre; 
"ME-XRF11bE"     Analysis by Fusion/XRF; 
"QA/QC"          Quality assurance/quality control. 
"µm"             micrometre or micron, unit of length equalling 1×10-6 metre 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 07, 2022 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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