RNS Number : 6852J

Agriterra Ltd

14 December 2022

The information communicated within this announcement is deemed to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014. Upon the publication of this announcement, this inside information is now considered to be in the public domain.

Agriterra Limited / Ticker: AGTA / Index: AIM / Sector: Agriculture

Agriterra Limited ('Agriterra' or the 'Company')

Interim Results

Agriterra Limited, the AIM listed African agricultural company, announces its unaudited results for the six months ended 30 September 2022.

Chair's Statement

I am pleased to provide an update on our performance in the first half of the 2023 financial year ('HY-2023'). These results will be made available on the Company's website.

Operational update

Grain division

The Grain division commenced the period with more than 7,000 tons of maize in silos valued at MZN 87.5 million (US$ 1.4 million) which was not milled in the prior year due to low sales volumes caused by cheap raw maize imports flooding the informal market.

Grain strategy was revised with the main objective being to reduce the level of debt, thus allowing grain division to break even by:

   --      Reducing finance costs, 
   --      Further cost reductions amounting to MZN 3m (US$ 47,000) per month. 
   --      Building on prior year operating initiatives such as: 

o Buying cheap maize during the harvest period.

o Ensuring maize meal extraction rates remain above 78%.

o Milling from Compagri which has access to cheaper maize.

In August 2022, Grain division bank debt was refinanced with a shareholder loan amounting US$ 6.1 million which reduced finance costs by MZN 6 million (US$ 90 000) per month. In addition, the Grain division managed to cut MZN 2 million (US$ 31,000) operational costs of the targeted MZN 3 million (US$ 47,000) by September 2022.

Grain division sales volumes were in line with the prior year at 7,947 tons (HY-2022: 7,981 tonnes) generating revenue of US$ 3.6 million (HY-2022: US$ 3.6 million). Meal sales volume were ahead of the budget of 7,563 tons (HY-2022: 12,530 tons). Budgeted volumes have been reduced, as compared to prior period, to avoid unnecessary interest and stock holding expenses.

An additional US$ 1.5m shareholder loan was secured, to fund maize working capital for the season. The business, as at 30 September 2022, has in silo a total stock of 7,444 tons of maize (HY-2022: 18,942 tons), which will be rolled over continuously to fund maize requirements through to April 2023. This will necessitate the purchase of a further 5,000 tons to meet the milling requirements until the next harvest.

Operating costs decreased by US$ 0.2m to US$ 0.5m following a further aggressive cost cutting exercise. EBITDA decreased to US$ 0.1m (HY-2022: EBITDA of US$ 0.2m) due to a higher cost of maize as compared to the prior year. Average cost of maize is 19% higher than prior year at US$ 227 per ton (HY-2022: US$ 191 per ton). Finance costs increased to US$ 0.8m (HY-2022: US$ 0.7m) and depreciation cost remained constant at US$ 0.25m. Grain incurred a loss of US$ 0.87m for the 6 months period ending 30 September 2022 (HY-2022: Loss US$ 0.75m).

In response to the shrinking margins, Grain division is evaluating alternative ways of sourcing maize and increasing other milling revenues. The following mitigating actions have been implemented:

-- Reduce finance costs and stock holding costs by borrowing less and rolling over maize inventories equivalent to US$ 1.5 million;

-- Sourcing milling services from non-governmental organisations. As at 30 September, Grain division won a contract to mill 600 tons of maize for World Food Programme (WFP); and

   --      Further extend the service milling to commercial customers. 

Beef division

Improvement in the performance of the Beef division has been limited by a shortage of animals in the feedlot due to a lack of working capital. At the beginning of the period, the feedlot had 1,334 animals operating at 44% of the feedlot capacity.

The number of animals dropped to 961 by July 2022 in response to stronger customer demand. In August 2022, Beef division received an advance amounting to US$ 300,000 as working capital funding for the purchase of animals. The advance enabled Beef division to purchase 1,000 animals and sales volumes are expected to increase within 90 days, and this will enable Beef division to be profitable thereafter.

As at 30 September 2022, Beef division had 1,513 animals and cash resources which can buy an additional 400 animals. With the additional funding, Beef division will be able to operate at 64% of the feedlot capacity.

Beef division generated US$ 1.7m revenue resulting in an increase of US$ 0.2m as compared to same period last year. 455 tons of beef were sold during the period (HY-2022: 452 tons) compared to a budget of 653 tons. Cumulative gross profit of 23.49% was achieved (Budget: gross profit of 25.24%). This is the second year Beef division has achieved gross profit above 20% due to the following measures which were implemented:

   --      Effective monitoring of animal travel mass losses; 

-- Careful selection and purchase of healthy animals with high growth potential by the farm manager;

   --      Aggressive pricing to meet customer demand; 

-- Consistent monitoring animal meat dress out ratio to achieve a minimum of 52% of the animal weight;

   --      Streamlining processes and reducing costs. 

Operational loss for the period decreased from US$ 0.276 million to US$ 0.264 million as compared to prior year. Finance costs decreased to US$ 27,000 (HY-2022: US$ 29,000) and the loss after tax decreased to US$ 0.272m (HY-2022: loss US$ 0.284m).

Beef division is creating several revenue streams by diversifying and/or creating new markets. The following initiatives are increasing revenue for the Beef division:

-- Diversifying into the supply of goat meat. The challenge being faced is to secure sustainable supply of goats to meet customer demand. Management is searching for new areas to buy goats to meet the demand.

-- Pushing more carcass sales to supermarkets in northern Mozambique, where the imported South African meat cannot be supplied at competitive rates.

-- Offering of a new economy cut stewing meat package for retailers to purchase and sell in smaller portions in the informal markets. This is proving to be very popular, and the sales are increasing rapidly each month, driving up the value attributed to each carcass.

-- Commenced the production of free-range pigs at the farms to improve farm productivity and reduce cost per kg. As at 30 September 2022, Mozbife has 162 pigs. Beef division is targeting to slaughter 40 pigs per month which will produce 5 tons of pork per month from April 23 onwards.

Snax Division

The Snax division has seen strong market penetration reflecting a superior quality product and has been operating above 75% of the installed plant capacity. In August 2022, Snax division purchased a new extruder to increase the production capacity from 110 000 bales to 150 000 bales per month. The new extruder has been funded by internally generated funds and Snax division has plans to expand into new geographical markets in Mozambique.

Snax division generated US$ 1.3m revenue (HY-2022: US$ 0.7m). Mozambique has not been immune to global price pressures which have affected the cost of cooking oil, fuel and packaging materials. Consequently, gross margin decreased from 32% to 19.60% as compared to prior year. However, due to significant increase in sales volumes, gross profit increased from US$ 206,629 to US$ 250,165. Operating expenses increased by US$ 63,925 due to a 5% management fee payable to Grain division. DECA Snax is a joint venture and based on International Financial Reporting Standards, revenue is not consolidated but the profit portion attributable to the group is included as share of profit in equity accounted investee in the Consolidated Income Statement.

Deca Snax reported a profit of US$ 70,000 (HY-22: US$ 94,000) and the group's share of profit in equity accounted investee is US$ 35,000 (HY-22: US$ 47,000).

Group Results

Group revenue for the half-year ended 30 September 2022 increased by 2% to US$ 5.0m (HY-2022: US$ 4.9m). As a result of increase in the cost of fuel and packaging in all divisions, gross profit decreased to US$ 1.1m (HY-2022: US$ 1.3m) achieving a group gross margin of 22% (HY-2022: Gross margin of 27%). Aggressive cost cutting in Grain and Beef division decreased operating expenses from US$ 1.9m to US$ 1.6m as compared to prior period. Decrease in the operating expenses mitigated the decrease in gross profit and operating loss decreased to US$ 466,000 from US$ 510,000.

Finance costs increased by 28% to US$ 0.918m (HY-2022: US$ 0.715m). Significant decrease in finance cost is expected from October 2022 to March 2023 resulting from the refinancing of external bank debt with the shareholder loans amounting in total to US$ 7.9m. At least a US$ 0.5 million saving is expected by year end.

During the period, inventories have decreased by US$ 0.051m to US$ 2.125m as compared to 31 March 2022. Grain division is keeping low inventory levels as a result of the revised strategy to reduce stock holding cost and finance cost in Grain division. Net debt at 30 September 2022 was US$ 10.9m (31 March 2022: US$ 10.7m).

Outlook for H2-2023

The Grain business is entering H2-2023 with over 7,000 tons of grain in silo which is not sufficient to take us to the next harvest and the strategy is to rollover the working capital until we link to the next grain buying season. This will reduce finance cost for the group as well as stock holding expenses. On the other hand, Beef division has already set the platform for ramping up operations and will increase feedlot capacity utilisation to 64%. All divisions have been striving to be self-sustaining at low-capacity utilisation and now are expanding into profitable operations as volumes increase after rightsizing. Management will continuously monitor operations for profitability and seize new market opportunities creating a group basket of products to effectively lower overheads per product in the medium to long term.

Grain remains the core group business and management will seek to add value by creating additional product lines building on the success of Deca Snax. Additionally, for the FY-23 period, we are working on a financing programme to rebuild the beef stocks and to improve our overall distribution of products for Deca Snax and Mozbife.

 CSO Havers 
  14 December 2022 

For further information please VISIT www.agriterra-ltd.com or contact:

 Agriterra Limited                                Strand Hanson Limited 
 Caroline Havers     caroline@agriterra-ltd.com   Ritchie Balmer / James             Tel: +44 (0) 
                                                   Spinney / David Asquith            207 409 3494 
                    ---------------------------  ---------------------------------  --------------- 
                                                  Peterhouse Capital Limited 
                                                 ---------------------------------  --------------- 
                                                  Eran Zucker/Lucy Williams/Duncan   Tel: +44 (0) 
                                                   Vasey                              207 7469 0934 
                                                 ---------------------------------  --------------- 

Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income

Consolidated income statement

                                                      6 months        6 months        Year 
                                                         ended           ended       ended 
                                                  30 September    30 September    31 March 
                                                          2022            2021        2022 
                                                     Unaudited       Unaudited     Audited 
                                          Note            $000            $000        $000 
 Revenue                                   2             4,964           4,869      10,277 
 Cost of sales                                         (3,883)         (3,512)     (7,715) 
 (Decrease)/Increase in fair value of 
  biological assets                                          -            (32)           1 
 Gross profit                                            1,081           1,325       2,563 
 Operating expenses                                    (1,603)         (1,900)    (3,490) 
 Other income                                               56              57          86 
 Profit on disposal of property, plant 
  and equipment                                              -               8          20 
 Operating loss                                          (466)           (510)       (821) 
 Net finance costs                         3             (918)           (715)     (1,627) 
 Share of profit in equity-accounted 
  investees, net of tax                                     35              47          55 
 Loss before taxation                                  (1,349)         (1,178)     (2,393) 
 Taxation                                                    -               -         123 
                                                --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Loss for the period                       2           (1,349)         (1,178)     (2,270) 
 Loss for the period attributable to 
  owners of the Company                                (1,349)         (1,178)     (2,270) 
                                                ==============  ==============  ========== 
 Basic and diluted loss per share - US 
  Cents                                    4            (6.35)          (5.54)     (10.70) 
                                                ==============  ==============  ========== 

Consolidated Statement of comprehensive income

                                                       6 months        6 months        Year 
                                                          ended           ended       ended 
                                                   30 September    30 September    31 March 
                                                           2022            2021        2022 
                                                      Unaudited       Unaudited     Audited 
                                                           $000            $000        $000 
 Loss for the period                                    (1,349)         (1,178)     (2,270) 
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently 
  to profit or loss: 
   Foreign exchange translation differences               (490)             711         932 
 Items that will not be reclassified 
  to profit or loss 
   Revaluation of Property, plant and 
    equipment                                                 -               -           - 
 Other comprehensive (loss)/income for 
  the period                                              (490)             711         932 
                                                 --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive (loss)/income 
  for the period attributable to owners 
  of the Company                                        (1,839)           (467)     (1,338) 
                                                 ==============  ==============  ========== 

Consolidated statement of financial position

                                                                30 September   30 September    31 March 
                                                                        2022           2021        2022 
                                                                   Unaudited      Unaudited     Audited 
                                                         Note           $000           $000        $000 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment                                        24,682         25,464      25,051 
 Intangible assets                                                        10             40          18 
 Equity-accounted investees                                               91             47          56 
                                                                      24,783         25,551      25,125 
                                                               -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Current assets 
 Biological assets                                                       421            436         463 
 Inventories                                                           2,125          4,380       2,176 
 Trade and other receivables                                           1,190          1,595         824 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                               350            283         107 
                                                                       4,086          6,694       3,570 
                                                               -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Total assets                                                         28,869         32,245      28,695 
                                                               -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                               5            4,287          8,575       8,809 
 Trade and other payables                                              1,530          2,330         960 
                                                                       5,817         10,905       9,769 
                                                               -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Net current liabilities                                             (1,731)        (4,211)     (6,199) 
                                                               -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                               5            6,968          2,418       1,003 
 Deferred tax liability                                                6,243          6,371       6,243 
                                                               -------------  -------------  ---------- 
                                                                      13,211          8,789       7,246 
                                                               -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Total liabilities                                                    19,028         19,694      17,015 
                                                               -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Net assets                                                            9,841         12,551      11,680 
                                                               =============  =============  ========== 
 Share capital                                            6            3,373          3,373       3,373 
 Share premium                                                       151,442        151,442     151,442 
 Share based payments reserve                                             67             87          67 
 Revaluation reserve                                                  12,186         12,563      12,312 
 Translation reserve                                                (16,498)       (16,229)    (16,008) 
 Accumulated losses                                                (140,729)      (138,685)   (139,506) 
                                                               -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent                   9,841         12,551      11,680 
                                                               =============  =============  ========== 

The unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements of Agriterra Limited for the six months ended 30 September 2022 were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised for issue on 14 December 2022.

Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors:

 CSO Havers 

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

                             Share     Share   payment   Translation   Revaluation   Accumulated     Total 
                           capital   premium   reserve       reserve       reserve        losses    Equity 
                  Note      US$000    US$000    US$000        US$000        US$000        US$000    US$000 
                          --------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 
 Balance at 1 
  April 2021                 3,373   151,442        87      (16,940)        12,563     (137,507)    13,018 
 Loss for the period             -         -         -             -             -       (1,178)   (1,178) 
 Exchange translation 
  gain on foreign 
  restated                       -         -         -           711             -             -       711 
                          --------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  loss for the period            -         -         -           711             -       (1,178)     (467) 
  with owners 
 Share based                     -         -         -             -             -             -         - 
 Total transactions              -         -         -             -             -             -         - 
  with owners for the 
 Balance at 
  30 September 
  2021                       3,373   151,442        87      (16,229)        12,563     (138,685)    12,551 
 Loss for the 
  period                         -         -         -             -             -       (1,092)   (1,092) 
 Exchange translation 
  gain on foreign 
  operations                     -         -         -           221             -             -       221 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the 
  period                         -         -         -           221             -       (1,092)     (871) 
  with owners 
 Share based 
  payments                       -         -      (20)             -             -            20         - 
  surplus realised               -         -         -             -         (251)           251         - 
                          --------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------- 
 Total transactions 
  with owners for the 
  period                         -         -      (20)             -         (251)           271         - 
 Balance at 31 March 
  2022                       3,373   151,442        67      (16,008)        12,312     (139,506)    11,680 
 Loss for the period             -         -         -             -             -       (1,349)   (1,349) 
 Other comprehensive 
 Exchange translation 
  (loss) on foreign 
  operations                     -         -         -         (490)             -             -     (490) 
 Total comprehensive 
  loss for the period            -         -         -         (490)             -       (1,349)   (1,839) 
 Transactions with 
 Share based payments            -         -         -             -             -             -         - 
 Revaluation surplus 
  realised                       -         -         -             -         (126)           126         - 
 Total transactions 
  with owners for the 
  period                         -         -         -             -         (126)           126         - 
 Balance at 
  30 September 
  2022                       3,373   151,442        67      (16,498)        12,186     (140,729)     9,841 
                          ========  ========  ========  ============  ============  ============  ======== 

Consolidated cash flow statement

                                                                     6 months ended   6 months ended       ended 
                                                                       30 September     30 September    31 March 
                                                                               2022             2021        2022 
                                                              Note        Unaudited        Unaudited     Audited 
                                                                               $000             $000        $000 
 Loss before tax for the period                                             (1,349)          (1,178)     (2,393) 
 Adjustments for: 
    Amortisation and depreciation                              2                435              425         874 
    Profit on disposal of property, plant and equipment                           -              (8)        (20) 
    Foreign exchange (loss)/gain                                              (493)              226         162 
    Decrease / (increase) in value of biological assets                           -               32         (1) 
    Net decrease / (increase) in biological assets                               42               15        (12) 
    Share of profit in associate                                               (35)             (47)        (55) 
    Net Finance costs                                                           918              715       1,627 
 Operating cash flows before movements in working capital                     (482)              180         182 
 Decrease / (increase) in inventories                                            51          (3,447)     (1,243) 
 (Increase) / decrease in trade and other receivables                         (366)              157         928 
 Increase / (decrease) in trade and other payables                              570              284     (1,086) 
 Cash used in operating activities                                            (227)          (2,826)     (1,219) 
 Corporation tax paid                                                             -                -           - 
 Interest received                                                                -                -           - 
 Net cash used in operating activities                                        (227)          (2,826)     (1,219) 
                                                                    ---------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment, 
  net of expenses incurred                                                        -               48          20 
 Acquisition of property, plant and equipment                                  (58)            (368)        (79) 
 Acquisition of intangible assets                                                 -              (3)           - 
 Net cash used in investing activities                                         (58)            (323)        (59) 
                                                                    ---------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Cash flow from financing activities 
 Finance costs                                                 3              (918)            (715)     (1,627) 
 Net (repayment) / drawdown of overdrafts                      5            (6,255)            4,087       2,236 
 Net drawdown / (repayment) of loans and finance leases        5              7,701            (171)         545 
 Net cash generated from/(used in) financing activities                         528            3,201       1,154 
                                                                    ---------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                           243               52       (124) 
 Effect of exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents                            -                -           - 
                                                                    ---------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                               107              231         231 
                                                                    ---------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                     350              283         107 
                                                                    ===============  ===============  ========== 

General information

Agriterra Limited ('Agriterra' or the 'Company') and its subsidiaries (together the 'Group') is focussed on the agricultural sector in Africa. Agriterra is a non-cellular company limited by shares incorporated and domiciled in Guernsey, Channel Islands. The address of its registered office is Connaught House, St Julian's Avenue, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1GZ.

The Company's Ordinary Shares are quoted on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange ('AIM').

The unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared in US Dollars ('US$' or '$') as this is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Group operates.

   1.            Basis of preparation 

The condensed consolidated financial statements of the Group for the 6 months ended 30 September 2022 (the 'H1-2023 financial statements'), which are unaudited and have not been reviewed by the Company's Auditor, have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS'). The accounting policies adopted by the Group are set out in the annual report for the year ended 31 March 2022 (available at www.agriterra-ltd.com). The Group does not anticipate any significant change in these accounting policies for the year ended 31 March 2023.

This interim report has been prepared to comply with the requirements of the AIM Rules of the London Stock Exchange (the 'AIM Rules'). In preparing this report, the Group has adopted the guidance in the AIM Rules for interim accounts which do not require that the interim condensed consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with IAS 34, 'Interim financial reporting' . Whilst the financial figures included in this report have been computed in accordance with IFRSs applicable to interim periods, this report does not contain sufficient information to constitute an interim financial report as that term is defined in IFRSs.

The financial information contained in this report also does not constitute statutory accounts under the Companies (Guernsey) Law 2008, as amended. The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2022 is based on the statutory accounts for the year then ended. The Auditors reported on those accounts. Their report was unqualified and referred to going concern as a key audit matter. The Auditors drew attention to note 3 to the financial statements concerning the Group's ability to continue as a going concern which shows that the Group will need to renew its overdraft facilities, maintain its current borrowings and raise further finance in order to continue as a going concern.

The H1-2023 financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the IFRS principles applicable to a going concern, which contemplate the realisation of assets and liquidation of liabilities during the normal course of operations. Having carried out a going concern review in preparing the H1-2023 financial statements, the Directors have concluded that there is a reasonable basis to adopt the going concern principle.

   2.            Segment information 

The Board considers that the Group's operating activities during the period comprised the segments of Grain, Beef and Snax, undertaken in Mozambique. In addition, the Group has certain other unallocated expenditure, assets and liabilities.

The following is an analysis of the Group's revenue and results by operating segment:

 6 months ended 30 September 2022 -            Grain    Beef   Snax   Unallo-cated   Elimina-tions     Total 
                                                $000    $000   $000           $000            $000      $000 
                                              ------  ------  -----  -------------  --------------  -------- 
  External sales(2)                            3,309   1,655      -              -               -     4,964 
  Inter-segment sales(1)                         245       -      -              -           (245)         - 
                                              ------  ------  -----  -------------  --------------  -------- 
                                               3,554   1,655      -              -           (245)     4,964 
                                              ------  ------  -----  -------------  --------------  -------- 
 Segment results 
 - Operating loss                              (141)   (264)      -          (127)               -     (532) 
 - Interest expense                            (776)    (27)      -          (115)               -     (918) 
 - Share of profit in equity accounted 
  investees                                        -       -     35              -               -        35 
 - Other gains and losses                         47      19      -              -               -        66 
 (Loss)/Profit before tax                      (870)   (272)     35          (242)               -   (1,349) 
 Income tax                                        -       -      -              -               -         - 
                                              ------  ------  -----  -------------  --------------  -------- 
 (Loss)/Profit for the period                  (870)   (272)     35          (242)               -   (1,349) 
                                              ======  ======  =====  =============  ==============  ======== 
 6 months ended 30 September 2021 -            Grain    Beef   Snax   Unallo-cated   Elimina-tions     Total 
                                                $000    $000   $000           $000            $000      $000 
                                              ------  ------  -----  -------------  --------------  -------- 
  External sales(2)                            3,361   1,508      -              -               -     4,869 
  Inter-segment sales(1)                         247       -      -              -           (247)         - 
                                              ------  ------  -----  -------------  --------------  -------- 
                                               3,608   1,508      -              -           (247)     4,869 
                                              ------  ------  -----  -------------  --------------  -------- 
 Segment results 
 - Operating loss                              (121)   (276)      -          (188)               -     (585) 
 - Interest expense                            (686)    (29)      -              -               -     (715) 
 - Share of profit in equity accounted 
  investees                                        -       -     47              -               -        47 
 - Other gains and losses                         54      21      -              -                        75 
 (Loss)/Profit before tax                      (753)   (284)     47          (188)               -   (1,178) 
 Income tax                                        -       -      -              -               -         - 
                                              ------  ------  -----  -------------  --------------  -------- 
 (Loss)/Profit for the period                  (753)   (284)     47          (188)               -   (1,178) 
                                              ======  ======  =====  =============  ==============  ======== 
 Year ended 31 March 2022 - Audited        Grain     Beef   Snax(1)   Unallo-cated   Elimina-tions     Total 
                                          US$000   US$000    US$000         US$000          US$000    US$000 
                                        --------  -------  --------  -------------  --------------  -------- 
  External sales(2)                        7,118    3,159         -              -               -    10,277 
  Inter-segment sales(1)                     226        -         -              -           (226)         - 
                                        --------  -------  --------  -------------  --------------  -------- 
                                           7,344    3,159         -              -           (226)    10,277 
                                        --------  -------  --------  -------------  --------------  -------- 
 Segment results 
 - Operating loss                           (55)    (444)         -          (429)               -     (928) 
 - Interest expense                      (1,548)     (79)         -              -               -   (1,627) 
 - Other gains and losses                     88       19         -              -               -       107 
 -Share of profit in equity-accounted 
  investees                                    -        -        55              -               -        55 
                                        --------  -------  --------  -------------  --------------  -------- 
 (Loss)/Profit before tax                (1,515)    (504)        55          (429)               -   (2,393) 
                                        --------  -------  --------  -------------  --------------  -------- 
 Income tax                                  111       12         -              -               -       123 
                                        --------  -------  --------  -------------  --------------  -------- 
 (Loss)/Profit after tax                 (1,404)    (492)        55          (429)               -   (2,270) 
                                        ========  =======  ========  =============  ==============  ======== 
   (1)        Inter-segment sales are charged at prevailing market prices 

(2) Revenue represents sales to external customer and is recorded in the country of domicile of the Company making the sales. Sales from the Grain and the Beef divisions are principally for supply to the Mozambique market.

The segment items included within continuing operations in the consolidated income statement for the periods are as follows:

                                                 Grain   Beef   Unallo-cated   Elimina-tions   Total 
                                                  $000   $000           $000            $000    $000 
                                                ------  -----  -------------  --------------  ------ 
 6 months ended 30 September 2022 - Unaudited 
 Depreciation and amortisation                     257    178              -               -     435 
                                                ======  =====  =============  ==============  ====== 
 6 months ended 30 September 2021 - Unaudited 
 Depreciation and amortisation                   247   178   -   -   425 
                                                ====  ====          ==== 
 Year ended 31 March 2022 - Audited 
 Depreciation and amortisation         502   359   13   -   874 
                                      ====  ====  ===      ==== 
                                                6 months ended   6 months ended        Year 
                                                  30 September     30 September       ended 
                                                          2022             2021    31 March 
                                                     Unaudited        Unaudited        2022 
                                                          $000             $000        $000 
                                               ---------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Interest expense: 
  Bank loans, overdrafts and finance leases                918              715       1,627 
 Interest income: 
  Bank deposits                                              -                -           - 
                                               ---------------  ---------------  ---------- 
                                                           918              715       1,627 
                                               ===============  ===============  ========== 
   4.      LOSS per share 
 The calculation of the basic and diluted loss per share is based on the following data: 
                                                                            6 months       6 months         Year 
                                                                               ended          ended        ended 
                                                                        30 September   30 September     31 March 
                                                                                2022           2021         2022 
                                                                           Unaudited      Unaudited      Audited 
                                                                              US$000         US$000       US$000 
                                                                       -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Loss for the period/year for the purposes of basic and diluted 
  earnings per share attributable 
  to equity holders of the Company                                           (1,349)        (1,178)      (2,270) 
                                                                       =============  =============  =========== 
 Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares for the purposes of basic 
  and diluted loss per 
  share                                                                   21,240,618     21,240,618   21,240,618 
                                                                       =============  =============  =========== 
 Basic and diluted loss per share - US cents                                  (6.35)         (5.54)      (10.70) 
                                                                       =============  =============  =========== 

The Company has issued options over ordinary shares which could potentially dilute basic loss per share in the future. There is no difference between basic loss per share and diluted loss per share as the potential ordinary shares are anti-dilutive.

   5.      Borrowings 
                     30 September 2022   30 September 2021   31 March 
                             Unaudited           Unaudited    Audited 
                                  $000                $000       $000 
                    ------------------  ------------------  --------- 
 Shareholder loan                6,215                   -          - 
 Bank loans                        595               2,148        783 
 Leases                            158                 270        220 
                    ------------------  ------------------  --------- 
                                 6,968               2,418      1,003 
 Shareholder loan                1,800                   -          - 
 Bank loans                      2,377                 288      2,438 
 Leases                            110                 105        115 
 Bank overdrafts                     -               8,182      6,256 
                                 4,287               8,575      8,809 
                    ------------------  ------------------  --------- 
                                11,255              10,993      9,812 
                    ==================  ==================  ========= 


During the period, Agriterra Limited secured shareholder loans amounting to US$ 7.9 million from Magister Investments Limited at an interest rate of SOFR+3% to reduce the finance cost which has been increasing over the years and has been used to pay commercial borrowing in Mozambique which were charged interest above 18% per annum. The Group will save more than US$ 792,000 per annum. The shareholder loans are made up of:

   --      US$ 6.1m convertible loan facility with a 3-year tenure maturing August 2025. 
   --      US$ 1.8m convertible loan facility with a 12-month tenure maturing in August 2023. 

Grain division

Grain division has two outstanding commercial bank loans amounting to US$ 2.9 million. Bank loan with an outstanding balance of US$ 2.2 million was issued in May 2019. The loan facility which was originally issued as an overdraft facility has been restructured several times and now is a term loan incurring an interest rate of Bank's prime lending rate less 1.75% and matures in July 2023. The second debt facility with an outstanding balance of US$ 0.7 million is a 5-year term loan maturing on 31 December 2026. The facility was restructured into a term loan on 1 December 2021 with an interest of prime lending rate plus 1.5%. The above-mentioned facilities are secured by land and buildings.

In addition, Grain division has a finance lease for 6 vehicles maturing on 05 December 2023 with an outstanding balance amounting to MZN 4.7m (US$ 73,587). Grain division incurs interest of 18.6% on this facility. During the period MZN 4.2m (US$ 65,876) of the outstanding balance was repaid.

Beef division

The outstanding balance on agricultural equipment finance lease is MZN 12.3m (US$ 0.194m). During the period, MZN 6.8 million (US$ 106,431) of the principal balance was repaid. The finance lease is repayable over 5 years maturing in July 2024 and is secured against certain agricultural equipment.

Reconciliation to cash flow statement

                                  At 31   Cash flow     Foreign        At 30 
                                  March                Exchange    September 
                                   2022                                 2022 
                                 US$000      US$000      US$000       US$000 
 Non-current shareholder loan         -       6,215           -        6,215 
 Non-current bank loans             783       (188)         (1)          594 
 Non-current finance leases         220        (61)           -          159 
 Current shareholder loan             -       1,800           -        1,800 
 Current bank loans               2,438        (60)         (1)        2,377 
 Current finance leases             115         (5)           -          110 
 Overdrafts                       6,256     (6,255)         (1)            - 
                                  9,812       1,446         (3)       11,255 
                                =======  ==========  ==========  =========== 
   6.      Share capital 
                                                     Authorised   Allotted and fully paid 
                                                         Number                    Number   US$000 
                                                   ------------  ------------------------  ------- 
   At 31 March 2022, 30 September 2022 and 2021      23,450,000                21,240,618    3,135 
 At 31 March 2022, 30 September 2022 and 2021 
 Deferred shares of 0.1p each                       155,000,000               155,000,000      238 
 Total share capital                                178,450,000               176,240,618    3,373 
                                                   ============  ========================  ======= 

The Company has one class of ordinary share which carries no right to fixed income.

The deferred shares carry no right to any dividend; no right to receive notice, attend, speak or vote at any general meeting of the Company; and on a return of capital on liquidation or otherwise, the holders of the deferred shares are entitled to receive the nominal amount paid up after the repayment of GBP1,000,000 per ordinary share. The deferred shares may be converted into ordinary shares by resolution of the Board.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

December 14, 2022 05:00 ET (10:00 GMT)

Agriterra (AQSE:AGTA.GB)
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から 12 2024 まで 1 2025 Agriterraのチャートをもっと見るにはこちらをクリック
Agriterra (AQSE:AGTA.GB)
過去 株価チャート
から 1 2024 まで 1 2025 Agriterraのチャートをもっと見るにはこちらをクリック