Kvika banki hf.: Tap issuance of subordinated bonds in the series KVIKA 34 1211 T2i

Kvika banki hf. has today concluded the sale of additional Tier-2 subordinated bonds in the amount of ISK 500 million in the series KVIKA 34 1211 T2i. The series were originally issued in December 2023 for ISK 2,000 million. The size of the series will amount to ISK 2,500 million after the tap issuance. 

The subordinated bonds are index linked and have an annual coupon of 6.25%. The maturity of the bonds is 11 December 2034 and are callable by the issuer at the interest payment date of 11 December 2029 and on every subsequent interest payment date. 

The subordinated bonds will be issued under Kvika’s EMTN programme and listed on Nasdaq Iceland. 

For further information please contact Kvika‘s investor relations at ir@kvika.is