Scumbag Fraudsters
The chart indicates low revenue due to lack of sales.
Do you think consumers care whether something is patented? A patent's great for entrepreneurs on Shark Tank, but do you think their customers care?
I don't know if my cereal, peanut butter, antacid or mouthwash are patented, why would I care about something I smoke?
Thousands of people buy knockoff goods every day in America. You ever browsed
Patent or not, there's no nicotine. So as Mick would say - you can't get no satisfaction.
This is the first time I've read any part of the patent process and I must say - it seems shoddy.
They failed to explain several critical terms (sensory perception, taste and order).
On pages 3-4 it says:
9. maintaining a first non-tobacco and non-nicotine plant-based material within a liquid medium (the plant fiber are contacted with a solvent in order to remove the water soluble components. In one embodiment, the solvent comprises only water [0070]) in a to reduce natural terpenes in the first non-tobacco and non-nicotine plant-based material to limit a sensory perception of the plant-based material to a first predetermined level;
in a to reduce? That's an incomplete sentence. In an effort to reduce natural terpenes?
Do you think anyone would knowingly smoke coconut fibers?
12. adding at least a second reconstituted non-tobacco and non-nicotine plant-based
material as a filler (extracted cocoa husk fibers [0082])
The reply which you think is a "good counter" failed to define the critical terms that are crucial to the patent. They can't say the process will "limit a sensory perception of the plant-based material" without defining which senses will be affected and how that will occur.
Will my hearing perception be limited? How about my sight? That would not be good.
That omission alone makes the reply DOA imo. It also makes DeFrank seem DeIncompetent.
The company should be required to disclose all ingredients on the packaging.
I don't understand why smoking products get a pass when it comes to disclosure while other products taken internally don't. All-natural supplements and organic foods must disclose their ingredients, why not smoking materials?
Consumers have a right to know what they're putting into their bodies. This one contains various plant-based materials and taste ingredients.
Even Prevegen's packaging says HEY DUMBASS, YOU'RE EATING JELLYFISH! (not in so may words).
More from a friend...
TAAT Global Alternatives Inc in profit 2024 maybe sooner
TAAT Global Alternatives Inc will have $0.0 liabilities.
All TAAT International LLC operations now moved to ADCO for operations/delivery etc.
Next to $0.0 operations costs Nevada!! (one warehouse)
Jayvees first c-stores chain rollout in May,so news days away.
Second c-stores chain coming up (negotiations) & more in the works.
Rev's per store est $1,400 could be higher on location
Goal 2,000 c-stores end of 2023.
2,000 X $1,400 = $2,800,000/mth revs
Laugh if you wish but it's already happening!
Scumbag Fraudsters
Not their target market.
Looks to me like TAAAAAAAAAAAT's gettin' desperate as their value continues to plummet, despite announcement saying they're gaining in popularity and market share.
I've said many times - PEOPLE WHO SMOKE WANT NICOTINE!
The relaxing effect from nicotine is the only real perk to smoking.
It's not the yellow teeth, tobacco breath, stinky clothes, cars & homes, and increased risk of cancer for themselves and household members that keeps them coming back for more.
This is better-off peddled to health-conscious consumers and EV drivers in San Francisco than Wrangler-wearing, F-150-driving, BBQ-loving rodeo participants and fans.
Scumbag Fraudsters
Heard from WHO?! Or are you making that up?
That dumb sign hanging down can barely be considered advertising. Does it even say what the product is?
Will there be a commercial too?
Most people seeing that vague sign are either gonna ignore it because it's something they're not familiar with, or say what's TAAT?
Very few, if any, will be curious enough to walk over to read it, and those watching at home won't bother to Google it if they even notice (a commercial might explain it).
There's NO WAY that 50-60 percent of attendees or the audience smoke, and only a few of them might give tobacco-free cigs a try.
A minuscule percentage of those that try it will continue smoking them once they discover how much they miss the calming effects of nicotine.
Scumbag Fraudsters
Africa is also not one of them, at least not Akanda.
CEO Tej Virk is under investigation and on paid leave.
I'm not surprised to find what may be another scumbag fraudster hiding under Halo's umbrella. Seems EVERYONE there is a crook.
I think cannabis is a dead-end road no matter where you go. There are too many growers with too much acreage harvesting too many plants and flooding markets. Prices have plummeted, growers are cannibalizing each other, and in the end only the biggest and strongest will survive.
The pot bubble burst several years ago and is NOT experiencing a resurgence.
Shrooms have been gaining in popularity and are the new cure-all for PTSD, anxiety, depression etc. etc. and psilocybin treatments are now legal in Oregon.
Oct. 24, 2022
An oversupply of the cannabis flower has caused major retail competition between dispensaries in Michigan. Jerry Mullen, owner of Greenhouse Walled Lake, says cannabis prices have dropped about 50%, causing businesses to close.
“Prices are cheap,” says Mullen. “There’s an oversupply and the demand is still there, but there’s so many growers and processors in the market and they’re all cannibalizing each other.
Jan. 9, 2023
Tilray May Move Into Fruit, Beer as Cannabis Legalization Stalls
Excess growing capacity may be used for fruit, vegetables
Tilray Brands Inc., a marijuana company with a strong presence in Canada and Europe, may make more acquisitions in the alcohol space or even get into growing produce since US cannabis legalization hasn’t progressed as expected, Chief Executive Officer Irwin Simon said.
The company, which sells products with marijuana’s psychoactive ingredient THC in Canada, has a plan to set up an infrastructure for potential distribution in the US, should THC become federally legal. But following a lack of US political action, it no longer sees that happening in the near future, the company said on its second-quarter earnings call.
TAAAAAAAAAAAAT also appears to be on a dead-end road. I said that long ago and was ridiculed, but who's laughing now?
Scumbag Fraudsters
I think you're overly optimistic about the bill's passage.
This ain't Canada.
The bill, called the Cannabis Administration And Opportunity Act, is unlikely to become law in this Congress because 60 senators don't support making cannabis more widely available — including not just most Republicans but many Democrats — and the White House has voiced unspecified support for more limited reforms.
But the votes aren’t yet there to pass Schumer’s bill on Capitol Hill.
That’s in part because many lawmakers from states with legal markets don’t yet support substantial changes to federal law. Democratic Sen. Jon Tester, for example, represents a state where weed is legal — Montana — and says he does not support federal decriminalization. A handful of other Democrats told POLITICO that they are against legalization or are undecided, including Sens. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Bob Casey (D-Pa.). Schumer would need all Democrats, plus ten Republicans, to get the bill over the finish line.