That may or may not be true at this time, but from reading your board, and your comments here, it sure seems your intent is to attempt to create some buzz by pointing out the share outstanding.
If you have other reason for mentioning it, by all means state your position. I love to learn new things.
BTW, I do note that on 2/20 and 3/08 a total of some 21000 shares were bought on this stock that has been dead for ages. Perhaps you know something about this as well?
Well Earl, in reading your history, I'm quite unimpressed.
I've made over $40,000 on a $4000 investment on a reverse merger and sold one (way too eary)that I made $20,000 on and could have made over $100,000 on.
Now, tell us about the hundreds you lost money in....and who is this "we" you reference?
Rick....Good to see you. I know at one time you and I had our disagreements, but we all seemed to come to the same conclusion in the end.
Your telling of the story is quite interesting to me. I never got the impression that Dana was the problem. Funny, but from the first time I met Ben, I had a bad feeling about him. However, his strategy seemed to be the same as mine...sell the company as soon as possible and take the profit! Somewhere along the way, either he was lying to me from the start or maybe he thought he had more product than he did, or maybe he just ticked off all his suitors. I just became convinced that the product would supercede anything that Ben could do to screw it up, and it almost did....I think....maybe.
I guess the bottom line was that the company did give two opportunities to sell out and make a nice profit, and anything not done was the fault of the investor and not the company itself. I was fortunate that I took the opportunity and made some money on the stock, but too many imagined a bigger picture of what could be. The bottom line Rick, is don't give up on the market, just take the giant lesson that you were offered, and use it to further yourself. Buy stocks with earnings! Buy stocks with value! Buy stocks with history(aren't you a history buff?)! Probably now, buy stocks with dividends!
What transpired in the end with the demise of this company is left for another post and some time into the future.
Rick....So, has what First Advantus said interested you at all?
'Twas a sad story for Heartsoft....CEO relied on the CTO, who was so full of himself that he couldn't see that he couldn't get it done. CEO using the info that the CTO gave him, hired many people to sell what ultimately couldn't be sold.
30 mouths to feed, no money coming in. Even high-powered talent like Nita Seng couldn't right this sinking ship. Shareholders left holding the bag.
CEO didn't pay attention to what was really going on, his bad. CTO didn't pay attention to reality, his bad. I didn't pay attention to my instincts, my bad.
A bad, sad tale all around.
Why did I hold? I talked so many people into buying the stock, that I felt responsible, and couldn't bail.
Due to HTSF, I am completely out of the market for a while. Need to get my head back together.
Muell....T'was not the SEC that ruined the company. It was the CEO! He did some things that were not ethical to his shareholders, and then dumped the company into bankruptcy and had a fire sale to boot to sell to his creditors cheaply. I went to the auction, and there was no auction. Unfortunately, the product was good, the product was timely, the CEO is an idiot!!
With that said, I did buy many thousands of shares at a quarter and sold at $4.875. Unfortunately again, I couldn't leave well enough alone! It also was the reason I started buying penny stocks. Started listening to a poster named Apemansoul (poor fellow), and believed that they were all easy money. Let it be said, you don't have to hit me upside the head with a rock too many times before I get some sense knocked into me. I consider it all a very valuable lesson.