$CLKXF: Part of ClubLink Golf Courses
Large owner operator of Golf Courses in Ontario, Canada
Company Overview
TWC is engaged in golf club operations under the trademark, "ClubLink One Membership More Golf." TWC is Canada's largest owner, operator and manager of golf clubs with 49.5 18-hole equivalent championship and 3.5 18-hole equivalent academy courses (including one managed property) at 37 locations in Ontario, Quebec and Florida.
Golf Club Operations Segment
ClubLink’s golf clubs are strategically organized in clusters that are located in densely populated metropolitan areas and resort destinations frequented by those who live and work in these areas. By operating in Regions, ClubLink is able to offer golfers in their region a wide variety of unique membership, daily fee, corporate event and resort opportunities. ClubLink is also able to obtain the benefit of operating synergies to maximize revenue and achieve economies of scale to reduce costs.
Revenue at all golf club properties is enhanced by cross-marketing, as the demographics of target markets for each are substantially similar. Revenue is further improved by corporate golf events, business meetings and social events that utilize golf capacity and related facilities at times that are not in high demand by ClubLink’s members.
Member and Hybrid Golf Club revenue is maximized by the sale of flexible personal and corporate memberships that offer reciprocal playing privileges at ClubLink golf clubs. In recent years, ClubLink has been focusing on providing enhanced value for its memberships as well as cultivating a family type atmosphere at its golf clubs.
Corporate Operations Segment
TWC's objective at the corporate level is to identify opportunities to generate incremental returns and cash flow. Historically, the nature of these investments included debt and equity instruments in both public and private organizations. Currently, management is focused on improving the returns of operating business segments.