(for polici e s w i th no terrorism e xclusion or sublimit)


You are hereby notified that, under the Terrorism Risk Insu r ance Act (the “Act”), effect i ve December 26, 2007, this policy makes available to you insuran c e for losses arising out of certain acts of terrorism. Terror i sm is defined as any act certified by the Secretary of the Treasury, in concurrence with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General of t he United States, to be an act of terrorism; to be a vi o l ent act or an act that is dangerous t o human life, property or infrastructure; to have resul t ed in da m age within the United States, or outside the United Sta t es in the case of an air carrier or vessel or the premises of a United States Mission; and t o have been committed by an individual or individuals as part of an effort to coerce the civilian population of the United States or to influen c e the policy or affect the conduct of the United States Government by coercion.



You should know that the insurance provided by your policy for losses caused by acts of terrorism is partially reimbursed by the United States under the formula set forth in the Act. Under this formula, the United States pays 85% of covered terrorism losses that exceed the statutorily established deductible to be paid by the insurance company providing the coverage.



Howe v er, if aggregate insured lo s ses attributab l e to terrorist acts certified under the Act exceed $100 billion in a P r ogram Year (January 1 through Dece m ber 31), the Treasury shall not make any payment for any portion of the amount of such losses that exceeds

$100 billion.







10- 0 2-1281 (Ed. 1/2003)



If aggregate insured losses attributable to terrorist acts certified under the Act exceed $100 billion in a Program Year (January 1 through De c ember 31) and we ha v e met our insurer deductible under the Act, we shall not be liable for t he payment of any portion of the amount of such losses that exceeds $100 b illion, and in such case insured losses up to that amount are subject to pro rata allocation in accordance with procedures established by the Secretary of the Treasury.




The portion of your po l icy’s annual premium that is attributable to insurance for such acts of terrorism is: $ - 0 -.



If you have any questions about this notice, please con t act your agent or broker.















10- 0 2-1281 (Ed. 1/2003)






Important Notice:





The SEC Requires Proof of Your Fidelity Insurance Policy


Your company is now required to file an elect r onic copy of your fidelity insurance coverage (Chubb’s ICAP Bond policy) to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), according to rules adopted by the SEC on June 12, 2006.


Chubb is in the process of providing your agent/broker with an electronic copy of your insurance policy as well as instructions on how to submit this proof of fidelity insurance coverage to the SEC. You can expect to receive this inf o rmation from your agent/broker shortly.


The electronic copy of your policy is prov i ded by Chubb solely as a convenience and does not affect the terms and conditions of coverage as set forth in the paper policy you receive by mail. The terms and conditions of the policy mailed to you, which are the same as those set forth in the electronic copy, constitute the entire agreement between your company and Chubb.


If you have any questions, please contact your agent or broker.


















Form 14-02-12160 (ed. 7/2006)












All of the members of the Chubb Group of Insurance companies doing business in the United States (hereinafter “Chubb”) distribute their p r oducts through licensed insurance brokers and agents (“producers”). Detailed information regarding the types of compensation paid by Chubb to producers on US insurance transactions is av a ilable under the Producer Compensation link located at the bottom of the page at www.chubb.com, or by calling 1-866-588-9478. Additional information may be available from your producer.


Thank you for choosing Chubb.

















10-02-1295 (ed. 6/2007)

  Chubb Group of Insurance Companies DECLARATIONS 
  15 Mountain View Road, Warren, New Jersey 07059 COMPANY ASSET PROTECTION BOND
NAME OF ASSURED (including its Subsidiaries ): Bond Number: 70437181
Incorporated under the la w s of Indiana
a stock insurance company herein called the COMPANY
    Capital Center, 251 North Illinois, Suite 1100
Indianapolis, IN 46204-1927



ITEM 1. BOND PERIOD: from 12:01 a.m. on June 30, 2013
    to 12:01 a.m. on June 30, 2014
  If “Not Covered” is inserted below opposite any s pecified INSURING CLAUSE, such INSURING CLAUSE and any other reference shall be deemed to be deleted.   There shall be no deductible applicable to any loss under INSURING CLAUSE 1. sustained by any In v estment Compan y .


  1.   Employee   $ 2,500,000     $ 10,000  
  2.   On Premises   $ 2,500,000     $ 10,000  
  3.   In Transit   $ 2,500,000     $ 10,000  
  4.   Forgery or Alteration   $ 2,500,000     $ 10,000  
  5.   Extended Forgery   $ 2,500,000     $ 10,000  
  6.   Counterfeit Money   $ 2,500,000     $ 10,000  
  7.   Threats to Person   $ 2,500,000     $ 10,000  
  8.   Computer System   $ 2,500,000     $ 10,000  
  9.   Voice Initiated Funds Transfer Instruction   $ 2,500,000     $ 10,000  
10.   Uncollectible Items of Deposit   $ 25,000     $ 5,000  
11.   Audit Expense   $ 25,000     $ 0  


      1 – 9


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE COMPANY has caused this Bond to be signed by its authorized officers, but it shall not be valid unless also signed by an authori z ed representative of the Company.


Secretary   President
Countersigned by June 26, 2013  
      Authorized Representative



ICAP Bond (5-98) Federal
Form 17-02-1421 (Ed. 5-98)
Page 1 of 1





  The C O MPANY, in co n s i d eration of p a yment of the requ i r e d pr e mium, and in relia nc e on the APPLICATION and all other sta t ements made and infor m ation furn i s hed to the COMP A NY by the ASSURED, and sub j ect to the D E CLARAT I ONS made a p a rt of this Bond a n d to all other ter m s a n d condit i ons of this B ond, a g re e s t o pay the A S SUR E D for:
Insuring Clauses        
E m ploye e 1. Loss r e sulti n g d i r e ctly from L a rceny or Emb e zzlement co m mitted by a ny Empl o y ee , alone or in col l usi o n with ot h ers.
On Pr e m ise s 2. Loss of Proper t y result i ng dir e ctly from r o bb e ry, burgl a ry, false prete n s e s, com m on law or statutory larceny, mis p l a c e me n t, mysterio u s unexpla i n a ble dis a pp e ar a nce, dam a ge, d estr u ction o r removal, fr o m the p oss es sion, c u stody or cont r ol of the ASSURED, while s u ch P r operty is lodged o r d e p o sited at prem is es locat e d anywhere.
In Transit 3. Loss of Proper t y result i ng d i r e ctly from co m m o n law or s t atutory larc e ny, mispl a c e me n t, mysterio u s unexp l ain a b l e d i sa p pe a r a nce, da m age or d e structi o n, while the Proper t y is in transit anywhere:
    a. in an ar m or e d motor veh i cle, includ i ng loadi n g and u nload i ng thereof,
    b. in the cust od y of a natural person acti n g as a m e ss e nger of the A SSURED, or
    c. in the c u sto d y of a T r an s port a tion C o mpa n y and being tra n s p orted i n a convey a nce other t h an a n ar m ored m ot o r veh i cle provid e d, h o wever, t h at covered Proper t y transp o rted in s u ch m ann e r is limi t ed to the following:
      (1) written recor d s ,
      (2) s e curiti e s i ssued i n reg i stered form, which are n ot en d orsed or are res t rictively e ndors e d, or
      (3) negoti a ble i n stru m ents n o t payable to bearer, wh i c h are n ot en d orsed or are r e str i ctively endors e d.
      Coverage u n der th i s IN S UR I NG CL A USE beg i ns immediately on the r e ce i pt of s u ch Proper t y by the natural p erson or T r ans p ortation Com p a n y and e n ds immediately on delivery to the prem i s e s of the addr e s see o r to a n y repr e s e ntative of the addr es see l o cat e d a nywh e re.



ICAP Bond ( 5 -9 8 )
Form 1 7 -02 - 14 2 1 (Ed. 5- 9 8)
Page 1 of 19



Insuring Clauses        
(c o ntinu e d)        
Forgery Or Alteration 4. Loss r e sulti n g dir e ctly from:
    a. Forgery on, or fra u dul e nt mater i al alteration of, any bil l s of exc h an g e, ch ec ks, drafts, accepta n ces, c e rtificat e s of dep o sits, promiss o ry notes, due bills, money orders, orders upon publ i c treasur i es, letters of credit, other written prom i s e s , ord e rs or d i r e ctio n s to pay su m s certa i n in money, o r receipts f o r the withdrawal of Proper t y , or
    b. transf e rring, paying o r del iv ering a ny f u nds or other Propert y , or establ i s h i ng any credit o r giving any va l ue in relia n c e on any writt e n instructi o ns, advic e s or appl i c ations directed to the ASSUR E D authoriz i ng or acknowledging the transf e r, pa y ment, delivery or receipt of funds or other Prop er t y , which instr u ctio n s , advic e s or applicati o ns fraudul e ntly purp o rt to bear the handwritten signature of any custo m er of the ASSURED, or shareholder or su bs cri b er to sh a r e s of an In v estment Co m pa n y , or of any financ i al institution or Empl o y ee but which ins t ructio n s , advices o r appl i c a t ions eit h er bear a Fo rg e r y or have been frau d ulently materially altered without the kn o wl e dge a nd c o nsent of such custo m er, s h ar e hol d er, s u bscr i b er , financial institution or Empl o y ee ;
    exclud i ng, h owev e r, un d er th i s INSURING CL A U SE any loss cov e red u n der INSUR I NG CLAUSE 5. of this Bond, wheth e r or not coverage for INSUR I NG CLAUSE 5. is provided f o r in the DECL A RATIONS of this Bond.
    For t h e p u rp o s e of this I NSUR I NG CL A USE, a m e c h anically r e pr o duced f a cs im ile sig n ature i s treated the s a me as a h a n d written signa t ure.
Extended Forgery 5. Loss resulting directly from the ASSURED having, in good fai t h, and in the ordi n ary co ur se of b u sin e ss, for i t s o w n acco u nt or the a c count o f others in a ny ca p acit y :
    a. ac q uir e d, accepted or r e c e ived, accep te d or r e ceive d , sold or del iv ered, or given value, extended cr e dit or assu m ed liability, in relia n c e on any origi n al Securities, d ocume n ts or other w r itt e n instrume nt s wh i c h prove to:
      (1) bear a F org e r y or a fraud u lently materi a l alteration,
      (2) have be e n l o st or sto l en, o r
      (3) be Co u nt e rf e it , or
    b. guarante e d i n writing or witn es sed any s i gnat ur es on any tra n sfer, assign m ent, bill of sale, p ow e r of att o rney, guar a ntee, end o rs e ment or oth e r obligation u p on o r in con n ection with a ny Securiti e s, docum e nts or o th e r w r i tten inst r uments .
    Actual ph y sical poss e ssi o n, and conti n ued a ctual p hysical p o ss e ss i on if tak e n as collat e ral, of s u ch Secur i ties, docum e nts or ot h er w r itten in st ruments by an Empl o y ee, Custodi a n , or a Federal o r State chart e red d e p o sit institution of the ASSURED i s a c o ndition p reced e nt to the ASSUR E D havi n g rel i ed on s u ch i t ems. Rel e ase or r e turn of such collateral i s a n ackn o wle dg ment by the ASSURED t h at it no lon g er relies on s u ch collateral.



ICAP Bond ( 5 -9 8 )
Form 1 7 -02 - 14 2 1 (Ed. 5- 9 8)
Page 2 of 19




Insuring Clauses        
Extended Forgery
(c o ntinu e d)
For t h e p u rp o s e of this I NSUR I NG CL A USE, a m e c h anically r e pr o duced f a cs im ile sig n ature i s treated the s a me as a h a n d written signa t ure.
Counterfeit Money 6. Loss r e sulti n g dir e ctly from the rec e i p t by the ASSUR E D in good faith of any Cou n te r feit money.
Threats To Person 7. Loss r e sulti n g d i r e ctly fr o m surre n der of Proper t y away from an office of the ASSURED as a result of a threat c ommunicated to the ASSURED to do bodily harm to an Empl o y ee as defined in Section 1.e. (1), ( 2 ) and (5), a Relati v e or invitee of such Empl o y ee , or a res i dent of the ho u s e hold of s u ch Empl o y ee , who is, or alle g ed l y is, bei n g h e ld c a ptive pr o vided, h o we v er, that p rior to the surr e n d e r of such Proper t y :
    a. the Empl o y e e who receives the thr e at has ma d e a re a s o n able effort to notify an officer of the ASSUR E D w h o is not involved in s u ch thr e at, and
    b. the ASSUR E D h as ma d e a r e ason a ble e ffort to notify the Federal Bureau o f Investigation and l o cal law enforce m ent authoriti e s c o nc e rni n g s u ch threat.
    It is a g r e ed t hat for p u rp o s e s of t his INSURING C L AUSE, any E m pl o y ee of the ASSURED, a s set forth in the p r e c edi n g p a ra g ra p h, s h all be d e emed to be an ASSURED h ere u nd e r, but only with r e spect to the surren d er of m oney, s e curit i es and oth e r t a ngible p ers o nal prop e rty in wh i c h such Empl o y ee has a l e gal o r equitab l e int e rest.
C o m puter System 8. Loss r e sulti n g dir e ctly from fraudu l ent:
    a. entri e s of data into, or
    b. ch a ng e s of d ata elemen t s or progra m s within,
    a Comp u ter S y ste m , provided the fra ud ulent entry or ch a nge ca us es:
      (1) funds o r oth e r pr o perty to be tra n sferr e d, paid or del iv ered,
      (2) an account of the ASSURED or of its customer to be added, de l eted, debited o r cr e dited, or
      (3) an u nauth o r i zed a c count or a fictiti o us acc o unt t o be debit e d o r cr e dited.




ICAP Bond ( 5 -9 8 )
Form 1 7 -02 - 14 2 1 (Ed. 5- 9 8)
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Insuring Clauses        
(c o ntinu e d)        
Voice Initia t ed Funds
Transfer Instruction
9. Loss r e sulti n g directly fr o m Voice Init i ated Fun d s Tran s fer In s tru c tion d i r e cted to the ASSURED authorizing t he t ran s f er of dividends or redemption proceeds of I n v estment Company shar e s from a Cu s to m er ' s acco u nt, provided s u ch V o ice Initiated Funds Transfer I nstruction wa s :
    a. received at the ASSUR E D'S offic e s by those Empl o y ees of the ASSURED specifically author i z ed to r e ceive t h e Voice Init i ated Fun d s Tra n sfer Instruction ,
    b. made by a p e rs o n p u rp o rting to be a C u stomer , a n d
    c. made by sa i d pers o n for t h e p u rp o s e of ca u s i n g the A SSURED or Cu s to m er to s u stain a loss o r m ak i ng a n i m pr o per p e rsonal fina n cial ga i n for such person o r any other p e rso n .
    In ord e r for covera g e to a pply und e r th i s INSURING CLAUSE, all Voice Initiated Funds Tr a n s fer Inst r ucti o ns must be receiv e d and pr o c e s sed in accorda n ce with the D e sig n ated Pr o c e d ures outli n ed in the APPLICATION f urn i s h e d to the COMP A NY.
Uncollecti bl e Ite m s of
10. Loss r e sulti n g directly fr o m the AS S UR E D h avi n g credit e d a n a c count of a c u stom e r, s h are h old e r or su bs cri b er on the faith of any Items of Deposit wh i c h prove to be u ncol l ectible, p rovided that the crediting o f such ac co u nt ca u s e s :
    a. red e mptio n s or with d r a wa l s to be p e rmitted,
    b. sh a r e s to be issued, or
    c. dividen d s to be paid,
    from an a c c o unt of an I n v estme n t C o mpa n y .
    In order for coverage to apply und e r this IN S UR I NG CL A USE, the ASSURED must hold Items o f De p osit f o r the minimum n u mber of da y s stated in t he APPLICATION bef o re p e rmitting any redemp t i o ns or withdraw a ls, issui n g a ny sh a r e s or p aying any divid e nds with r e s p ect to s u ch Items of D e p o sit .
    Items o f Deposit shall not be deemed un c olle c tible until the ASSURED'S stan d ard col l ection p r o c e d ur e s have fai l ed.
Audit Expense 11. Expense incurred by the ASSUR E D for that part of the cost of audits o r examinatio n s re q uir e d by any gov e rn m ental regulat o ry auth o rity or self-regula t o r y org a nization t o be c o nd u c t ed by s u ch a uthority, or ga nizati o n o r t h eir a ppo i ntee by re a s on of the discov e ry of loss s u stai n ed by the A S SUR E D a n d covered by this Bond.



ICAP Bond ( 5 -9 8 )
Form 1 7 -02 - 14 2 1 (Ed. 5- 9 8)
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General Agreements        
Additional C o m panies
Included As Assured
A. If more than one corp o r a tion, or In v e stme n t Co m pa n y , or any c o mbi n ation of them is inc l u d ed as the A S SUR E D here i n:
    (1) The total li a bility of the COMP A NY und e r th i s B ond f o r l o ss or l o ss e s s u stain e d by any one or more o r all o f them shall not exce e d the limit f o r wh i c h the COMPANY w o uld be l i able und e r th i s B o nd if all s u ch loss were s u stain e d by any one of them.
    (2) Only the first named ASSURED shall be dee m ed to be the so l e agent of the others for all pur p oses un d er th i s Bond, incl u ding but not limited to the giving or r e ceiving o f any not i c e o r p roof r eq uired to be given a n d for the pur p ose of effecting o r a c cepting any amen d men t s to or termina t ion of this B o nd. The COMP A NY shall furnish each In v estment Com p a n y with a copy of the Bond a nd with any a m en d ment thereto, togeth e r with a copy of ea c h f o rmal filing of claim by any other named AS S UR E D a n d n otification of the ter m s o f the settleme n t of each s u ch claim p rior t o the execut i on of s u ch s e ttlement.
    (3) The COMP A NY shall not be r e sp o nsible for the proper a p plication of any payment made hereunder t o the fir s t named ASSURED.
    (4) Knowl e dge p oss e s sed or discovery m a de by any pa rtner, direct or , trust e e, officer o r su p ervis o ry emp l oyee of any ASSURED shall c o n s titute k nowledge or discov e ry by all the ASSUR E DS for the pur p oses of this Bond.
    (5) If the first n a med ASSURED c e ases f o r any r e ason to be cov e r e d und e r this Bond, then the ASSUR E D next named on the APPLICATION shall t hereaft e r be cons i dered as the first named ASSURED for the purposes of this Bond.
Representation Made By
B. The ASSURED repres e nts that all i n for m ation it h a s furnis h ed in the APPLICATION for th i s B ond o r ot h erwise is c om plete, true a nd corr e c t. Such APPLICATION and other i nformation c o nstitute part of this Bond.
    The ASSURED must promptly notify the COMP A N Y of any change in any fact or circu m sta n ce wh i c h mat e r i ally affects t h e risk as su m ed by the COMPANY u n der this Bond.
    Any intentional misrepres e ntation, omission, co n c ea l ment or i n correct stateme n t o f a material fact, in the APPLICATION or otherwise, shall be g r ounds for rec i sion of this Bond.



ICAP Bond ( 5 -9 8 )
Form 1 7 -02 - 14 2 1 (Ed. 5- 9 8)
Page 5 of 19




General Agreements
Additional Offices Or
E m ployees - Consolidation,
Merger Or Purchase Or
Acquisition Of Assets Or
Liabili t ies - Notice To
C o m pany
C. If the ASSURED, other than an In v estment Compa n y , while this Bond i s in force, merges or consolidates with, or purchases or acquires assets or l i abilities of anoth e r i n stitution, the A S SUR E D shall not have t h e cov e ra g e afford e d u nd e r t his Bond for l o ss wh i c h h a s:
  (1) occurred or will occur on premises, or
  (2) been ca u s e d or will be ca u s ed by an e m ployee, or
    (3) arisen or will arise out of the assets or liabilities, of such instit u tion, unless the ASSUR E D:
    a. gives t h e C O MPANY written n otice of t he p ro p osed co n s ol i dation, merg e r o r purchase or acquisition of asse t s or liabilities prior t o t he proposed effective date of s u ch action, a n d
    b. obtai n s the written co n s e nt of the C O MPANY to extend so m e or all of the coverage p r ov ided by this Bond to s u ch additio n al exposure, a n d
    c. on obtain i ng s u ch co n s en t , pays to the COMP A NY an additio n al p remium.
Change Of Control
Notice To C o m pany
D. Wh e n the A S SUR E D le a r n s of a ch a n g e in control (other th a n in an In v estment Co m pan y ), as set forth i n Secti o n 2( a) (9) of the Investment Com p any Act o f 1940, t h e A SSURED s h all with i n sixty (60) d ays give written notice to the COMP A N Y setting forth:
    (1) the n a m e s of the tra n sfer o rs a n d tra n sfere e s ( o r t h e nam e s of the be n eficial ow n ers if the voting s e curit i es are r e gist e red in a n oth e r nam e ),
    (2) the total number of voting s e c u rities own e d by the tra n sferors and t h e transf e r e es (or the be n eficial own e rs), both immedi a tely before a nd after the transf e r, and
    (3) the total number of ou t sta n ding voting sec u rities.
    Failure to give the re q uir e d notice shall result in termination of covera g e for a ny loss involving a transf e ree, to be effective on the date of such c h a n ge in c o ntrol.
Court Costs And
Attorneys’ F ees
E. The COMP A NY will in de mnify the A SSURED for c o urt c o sts and r e aso n able attorneys' f e es i n c u rred a nd paid by the ASSUR E D in def e ns e , wheth e r or not s u ccessful, whether or n ot fully litigated on the m e rits and w h eth e r or n ot settl e d, of any claim, suit or le g al pr o c e e ding with re s p e c t to whi c h the A SSURED would be entitled t o r e cov e ry under th i s B o nd. H o wev e r, with r e s pe c t to INSURING CLAUSE 1., this Secti o n shall only app l y in the event that:
    (1) an Empl o y ee admits to be i ng guilty of Larceny or Embezzleme n t ,
    (2) an Empl o y ee is adjud i cat e d to be guilty of Larce n y o r Embezzle m en t , or



ICAP Bond ( 5 -9 8 )
Form 1 7 -02 - 14 2 1 (Ed. 5- 9 8)
Page 6 of 19




General Agreements        
Court Costs And
Attorneys’ F ees
(c o ntinu e d)
  (3) in the a b se nc e of 1 o r 2 a b ove, an arbitration p anel a gre e s , aft e r a revi e w o f an agreed s t atement of facts be t ween the COMP A NY and the ASSURED, that an Emp l o y ee would be fou n d g uilty of Larce n y or Embezzleme n t if s u ch Empl o y ee w e re p r os ecut e d.
      The ASSURED s hall promptly give n oti c e to the COMP A NY of any s u c h suit o r legal p r o c e ed ing a n d at t h e re q u e s t of the C O MPANY shall fur n ish cop i es of all plead i ngs a n d perti n ent p apers to the COMP A NY. The COM P ANY may, at its sole option, elect to c o n d uct the defe n se of all o r p art of s u ch l e gal p r o c e e di n g. The defe n se by the CO M PANY shall be in the n a me of t h e A SSURED throu g h attorneys se l ected by the COMP A NY. The ASSUR E D s h all provi d e all re a s o n a ble informati o n a nd ass i sta n ce as re q uired b y the COMPANY for s u ch d efense.
      If the COMPANY decl i n e s to defe n d the ASSUR E D, no settlement with o ut the prior written consent of the COMPANY nor judgment against the ASSURED shall determ i ne the existence, extent or a m o u nt of covera g e und e r this Bond.
      If the amo u nt dema n d e d in any s u ch suit or l e gal proceed i ng is within the DEDUCTIBLE AMOUNT, if any, the COM P A NY shall have no liability for cou r t c o sts a nd attorney ' s fe e s inc u rred in d e f endi n g all or p a rt of s u ch suit or l e gal pr o c e e ding.
      If the am o unt de m and e d i n any s u ch suit or le g al pr oc e edi n g i s i n excess of t he LIMIT OF LIABILITY stated in ITEM 2. of the DECLARATI O NS for the applicable INSUR I NG CLAUSE, the COMP A NY'S liabili t y for court costs and attorney's f ees inc u rred in d efendi n g all o r p a rt of such suit o r le g al pr o c e e din g s i s limited to t h e pro p orti o n of s u ch co u rt c o sts and attorney ' s f e es inc u rred t h at the LIMIT OF LIABILITY stated in ITEM 2. of the D E CLARATI O NS for the a p plicable I NSURING CLAUSE b e ars to the total of the amount de m and e d in s u ch suit or leg a l pr o c e e ding.
      If the amount dema n ded i s any such suit or legal pr oc e edi n g is i n exc e ss of the DEDUCTIBLE AMOUNT, i f any, but wi t hin the LIMIT OF LIABILI T Y stated i n I T EM 2. of the DECL A RAT I ONS for t h e appl i c able INSURING CLAUSE, the COMP A NY'S liability for c o urt c o sts a nd attorney ' s fe e s incurred in defend i ng all o r part of s u ch suit or le g al pr o c e e din g s shall be limi t ed to the pr o portion of s u ch co u rt c o sts o r attorney ' s fees that the amount d em and e d that would be p ay a ble und e r this B o nd after appl i c ation of the DEDUCTIBLE AMOUNT, bears to the total amount d e m a nded.
      Amounts pa i d by the C O MPANY for court cos t s a n d attorne y s' fees shall be in addition to t h e LIMIT OF LIABILITY sta t ed in ITEM 2. of the DEC L ARATIONS.






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Conditions And
Definitions 1. As us e d in this Bond:
    a. Comp u ter Sy stem means a comput e r and all i np ut, output, proc es sing, storage, off-l i ne media librar i es, and com m un i cat i on facilities wh i c h are co n n e c ted to the co m put e r and which are und e r the control a nd s u pervis i on of the operat i ng syst e m(s) or appl i c ati on (s) software u s ed by the A SSURED.
    b. Cou n te r feit mea n s a n im i tation of a n a c tual val i d o r i ginal wh i c h i s inten d ed to deceive an d be tak e n as the original.
    c . Cu s todian m ea n s the inst i tution des i g n ated by an I n v estment C o mpa n y to maintain p o ss e ss i on a n d control of its a s sets.
    d. Cu s to m er mea n s an i ndividual, c o rp o rate, p a rtnership, tr us t custo m er, sh a re h old e r or su bs cr i ber of an In v estment Com p a n y which h as a written agreement with the A SSURED for Voice Initiat e d F u n d s Tr a nsf e r Instruction .
    e. Empl o y ee mea n s:
      (1) an officer of t he ASSUR E D,
      (2) a nat u ral person while in the regular s e rvice of the A SSURED at any o f the ASSUR E D'S premises and co m pe n sated d i rectly by the ASS U RED throu g h its p ayroll system and s u bj e c t to the Unit e d States Int e rnal Reve n ue S e rvice F orm W-2 or equiva l ent i n co m e reporti n g p l a n s o f other countr i es, and whom the ASSURED has the right to con t rol and dire c t both as to the re s ult to be ac c ompli s hed and details and means by wh i c h s u ch r e sult i s accompl i s h ed in the p e rform a nce of s u ch ser vi c e,
      (3) a gu e st stu d ent pursui n g studi e s or p erform i ng du t ies in any of the ASSURED'S prem i s e s ,
      (4) an attorney retained by the ASSUR E D and an employee of s u c h attorney whi l e either is p erforming l e gal serv i c e s for the ASSUR E D,
      (5) a nat u ral p erson provided by an emp l oyment contractor to p er f orm employee du t ies f o r the A S SUR E D u n d e r the ASSURED'S sup e rvision at any of the ASSURED'S prem i s e s ,
      (6) an e m ploy e e of an i nstitution mer g ed o r co ns olidated with the ASSURED pr ior to the effective date of this Bond,
      (7) a dir e ctor o r trustee of the ASSURED, but only whi l e perf o rming ac t s within t h e scope of the custom a ry an d u s ual duti e s of any officer or other emp l oyee of t h e A S SUR E D o r while a c ting as a m e mb e r of any committee d uly el e c ted or ap p ointed to exam i ne or a u dit o r have c u stody of or acc e ss to P r operty of the ASSURED, o r



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Conditions And
(c o ntinu e d)
    (8) each natural person, p a rtnersh i p or cor p orati o n author i z ed by written agr e em e nt with the A S SUR E D to perf o rm ser v ic e s a s el ec tronic data pr o c e s sor of ch ec ks or ot h er ac co u nting r e c o r d s rela t ed to s u ch checks b ut only while such p ers o n, partn er ship o r c o rp o rati o n is act u ally perf o rming s u ch services and not:
        a. creating, prepar i ng, modifying or maintaining the ASSURED'S com p uter software or p ro g rams, or
        b. acting a s tr a nsfer a gent or in any other a g e n cy ca p acity in issuing c hec ks , drafts or s e c urities for the ASSUR E D,
      (9) any p a rtn e r, officer or e m ployee of a n invest m ent advis o r, a n u nderwrit e r (dis t ribut o r), a tra n sfer a g ent or share h older ac co u nting r e c o r d ke e per, or a n admin i s trat o r, for an I n v e stme n t Co m pa n y while perform i ng a c ts com i ng within the sc o pe of the cus t omary a nd us ual duti e s of an offic e r o r employee of an In v estment Com p a n y or acting as a m emb e r of any co m mittee duly elect e d o r a ppoint e d to examine, au d it or have c u stody of o r a c cess to Property of a n I n v estment Compa n y .
        The t e rm E m pl o y ee shall not inc l ude a ny part n er, o f ficer or emp l oyee of a transf e r a g e n t, shar e hold e r accounti n g rec o r d ke e p e r or adm i nistrator:
        a. wh i c h i s not an "affiliated person" ( a s defined in S ection 2( a ) o f the Investment Company A c t of 194 0 ) of a n I n v estme n t Com p a n y or of the inv e stm e nt advisor or und e r w riter (distri b utor) of s u ch In v estment Co m pan y , or
        b. wh i c h is a " ba n k" ( a s d efined in S e ction 2 (a) of the Investment Com p any Act of 1940).
          This B o nd d oes not afford cover a ge in favor of the emplo y ers o f perso n s a s set forth in e. (4), (5) a nd (8) a b ove, a n d upon pay m ent to the ASSURED by the COMPANY resulting dire c tly from L arc en y or Embezzlem e nt co m mitted by any of the partners, officers or employe e s of s u ch e m plo y ers, wheth e r acting al o ne or i n coll u si o n with others, a n as sign m ent of such of the A S SUR E D'S ri g hts a nd c a uses of action a s it may have a g ainst such e mployers by re a s on of s u ch a c ts so committed shall, to the extent of such paym e nt, be given by the ASSURED t o the COM P ANY, and the ASSUR E D shall execu t e all pap e rs n e c e ssary to s e cure to the C O MPANY the rights p rovid e d for here i n.
        Each emplo y er of p erso n s as set forth in e.( 4 ), ( 5 ) and (8) abo v e and t h e partn er s, officers and ot h er employ e es of such employers shall colle c tively be d ee m ed t o be o ne person for all t h e p u r p oses o f this B o nd; excepti n g, however, the fifth paragra p h of Section 1 3.
        Indep e nd e nt contract o rs not sp e c ified in e.( 4 ), (5) or (8) above, interm e diar ie s , agen t s, brok e rs or ot he r re p r e s e ntatives of the s a me ge n eral ch a r a c ter sh a ll not be co n s i der e d Emplo y ees .



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Conditions And
(c o ntinu e d)
  f. Forgery means the si g ni n g of the na m e of anot h er natural p e rs o n with the intent to dec e ive but does not mean a s i gnature wh ic h co n s i s ts in who l e or in part of o n e ' s own n ame, with o r with o ut auth o rity, in any c a p a c i ty for any pur p ose
    g. I n v estment Company mea n s any investment co m pany reg i st er ed un d er the Investment Company Act of 1940 and listed under the NAME OF ASSURED on the DEC L ARATIONS.
    h. Items of D e posit m e a n s one o r m o re c h ecks or drafts d r aw n up o n a financ i al insti t ution in the United States o f America.
    i. Larceny or Embezzlem e nt m ea n s l arceny or em b ezzlem e nt a s defin e d in Section 37 of the Investm e nt Comp a ny Act of 1940.
    j. Property m e ans m oney, revenue and o ther st a m p s ; s e curiti e s ; i n cluding a n y note, st oc k, treasury st oc k, bo n d, d eb enture, evid e nce of in d e b tedn e ss, certificate of dep o sit, c e rtificate of inter e st or par t icipati o n in any profit- sh a ring agr e ement, col l ateral trust cer t ificate, pre o rgan i zation c e rtificate o r su bs cripti o n, transf e r a ble sh a re, inves t ment contract, voting trust certificate, certificate of dep o sit for a s e curity, fr a ctional u n divi d ed interest in oil, gas, or other m i neral rights, a ny inter e st or i n stru m ents c o mmonly kn o wn a s a s e curity u n d e r the Invest m ent Co m pany Act of 1940, any other c e rtificate of inter e st or p artici p ation i n , tempor a ry or interim c e rtificate for, rece i pt for, guarantee of, or warrant or right to subscr i be to or purc h ase any of t h e forego i ng; bil l s of exch a n g e; accepta n ces; c h ecks; withdr a wal o r d ers; m o ney ord e rs; trave l ers' letters of credit; bil l s o f lading; a bs t rac t s of title; ins u ra nc e polic i es, d ee ds, mort g ag e s on real e s tate and/or u p on c h attels a nd inter e sts therein; assi g nments of s u ch pol i c i e s, d ee d s o r m o r t gag e s; ot h er valuable pap e rs, i nc lu ding b o o k s of acco u nts and other r e cords us ed by the ASSURED in the co n d u c t of its b u sin e ss (but e x cl u ding all e l ec t ron i c d ata pr o c e ss i ng r e cords); a nd, all oth e r i ns t ruments simi l ar to o r in t h e nat u re o f the fore g oing in wh i c h the ASSURED a c qu i red an in t er e st at the time of the ASSURED'S co n s oli d ati o n or m e rg e r with, or p u rc h ase of t h e pri n ci p al assets of, a pred e c e ss o r or wh i c h ar e held by the ASSURED for any pur p ose o r i n any cap a c i ty and w h ether so held gratuito u s ly or n ot and whet h er o r n o t the ASSURED is liable t h eref o r.
    k . Relati v e means t h e spo u se of a n Empl o y ee or p a rtner of the ASSURED and a ny un m arr i ed child supp o rted wh o lly by, or living in the ho m e of, s u ch Empl o y ee or part n er a nd being relat e d to them by b lood, m a rri ag e or l egal guardia n sh i p.
    l. Securities, docume n ts or o ther w r itten instr u ments me a ns or i ginal (inc l udi n g or i ginal c o unt er parts) ne g otiable or n o n- n egotiab l e ins t rum e nts, or assign m ents thereof, wh i c h in a nd of themselv e s re p r e s ent an equitable inter e st, ow n ership, o r d e bt and wh i c h are i n the o r d inary co u rse of bus i n e s s transf e r a ble by delivery of such instr u men t s with any necess a ry end o rsem e nts or as sign m ents.



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Conditions And
(c o ntinu e d)
  m. Subsidia r y mea n s any o rgan i zati o n t h at, at the inception d ate o f this Bond, is named in the APPLICATION or is c r eated during the BOND P ERIOD and of which m o re than fifty perc e nt (50%) o f the outstan d ing s e c u rities or voting rights re p r es enting the pres e nt right to vote for election of direct or s is owned or control l ed by the ASSURED eit h er d irectly or t h r o ugh o n e or more of its s u b s i d i ari e s .
    n. Trans p ortat i on Com p a n y means any or g an i zation wh i c h p rovi d es its o wn or its l e a s ed vehicl e s f o r transportati o n or wh i c h p ro v ides f rei g ht forwarding or air ex p r e s s services.
    o. Voice Initiated Election mea n s any e lection co n c e rning divi d e n d optio n s available to I n v estment Company s har e hol d ers or su b s crib er s wh i c h i s req u est e d by voice over t h e teleph o ne.
    p. Voice Initiated Redempt i on mea n s a n y redemption of shar e s issued by an I n v estment Company which is req u es t ed by voice ov er the telep h one.
    q. Voice Initiated Fun d s T ransfer In s t r uction m ea n s any Voice Initiated Redem p tion or Voice Initiated Election .
    For the p ur p os e s of th es e definitio n s , the sin g ul a r inclu d es t h e plural and t he plural i n cl u d e s the si n gul ar , unless otherwise ind i cat e d.
General Exclusions -
Applicable t o All Insuri n g
2. This bond d oes not dir e ctly or indirectly c o v er:
  a. loss not rep o rted to the COMPANY in writing within sixty (60) d ays aft e r terminati o n of this Bond as an entirety;
    b. loss d u e to r i ot or civil c o mmotion o utside the Unit e d States of Amer i c a a nd Ca n ada, or any loss d u e to military, naval or u s urped p ow e r, war o r ins u rrecti o n. This Secti o n 2.b., howeve r , shall not a p ply to l o ss w h ich occ u rs in tra n sit in t he c i rcu m st a nc e s r e cited in INSURING CL A USE 3., provid e d that when s u ch tr a nsit w a s initiated th e re was n o k n owl e dge o n the p a rt of any person acting for the ASSURED of such riot, c i vil commotion, military, naval or u s ur ped p o w e r, war or i n s u rrection;
    c. loss r e sulting from the effects of nu c l e ar f iss i on or f u si o n or r a dio a ct iv ity;
    d. loss of pot en tial income i n clud i ng, b ut not limited t o , inter e st a nd divide n ds not real i z ed b y the ASSURED or by any cust o mer of the ASSUR E D;
    e. dama g es of any type for wh i c h the ASSURED i s legally li ab le, except com p e n sat o ry dama g es, but not m ultiples t h er e of, aris i ng from a l o ss covered u n d e r this Bond;
    f. c o sts, fe e s a nd ex p e n s e s incurred by the ASSURED in est a bl i s hi n g the existe n c e of or a m ount of loss u n der t h i s Bond, e x c e pt to the extent covered und e r INSURING CL A USE 11.;
    g. loss r e sulting from indirect or c o nseq u e n tial loss of a n y nature;



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Conditions And
General Exclusions -
Applicable t o All Insuri n g
(c o ntinu e d)
  h. l o s s r e s u ltin g f rom d i s h on e s t a c t s by a ny memb e r o f the Board o f Dir e ctors or Bo a rd of Tr u s te e s of the ASSUR E D w h o is no t an Empl o y ee , a c ting alone o r in c o llusi o n with o t hers;
    i. loss, or that part of any loss, res u lting solely fr o m any violat i on by t h e ASSURED o r by any Emp lo y ee :
      (1) of any law r e gulating:
        a. the issua n ce, purch a s e o r sale of secur i ties,
        b. s e curiti e s t r a ns a ctio n s o n s e c u rity or com m odity ex cha n g e s o r the over the counter m ark e t,
        c. investment compan i es,
        d. investment a dvisors, or
      (2) of any rule or regu l ation m a de purs u ant to any s u ch l a w; or
    j. loss of confi d ential infor ma tion, material or data;
    k. loss r e sulti n g from vo ic e req u es t s or i nstructi o ns r e ceiv e d over the teleph o ne, provided h o w e ver, this Sec t i on 2.k. shall not apply to INSURING CLAUSE 7. or 9.
Specific Exclusions -
Applicable T o All Insuri n g
Clauses Except Insuring
Clause 1.
3. This Bond d oes not dir e ctly or indirectly c o v er:
  a. loss c a used by an Emplo y ee , provided, howev e r, this Secti o n 3. a . shall n o t apply to l o ss cov e red u n der I NSURING CLAUSE 2. or 3. wh i c h r e sults dir e ctly from mispl a c e m e nt, m y sterio u s u n explai na ble d i sa p pe a ra n c e, o r dama g e or d estr u ction of Propert y ;
    b. loss thro u gh the s u rr e nd e r of prop e r t y away from pr e mis e s of the ASSURED as a r e sult of a threat:
      (1) to do bodily harm to a ny natural pers o n, except l o ss of Prope rt y in transit in t h e c u stody of any pe r s o n acting as m esse n ger of the ASSURED, p rovided t h at wh e n such transit w a s init i ated there was n o knowledge by the ASSURED of any s u ch threat, and provided further that this Sect i on 3.b. shall not apply to INSURING CLAUSE 7., or
      (2) to do dama g e to the premises or Propert y of the ASSUR E D;
    c. loss r e sulti n g from pa y ments m ade or wit h dr a wa l s from a ny accou n t involving err o neo u s credi t s to such ac c o unt;
    d. loss involving Items of Deposit wh i c h are not fina l ly paid for a ny re a s on provid e d h o wever, that this Secti o n 3.d. shall not apply to INSUR I NG CLAUSE 10.;
    e. loss of pro p erty while in the mail;



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Conditions And
Specific Exclusions -
Applicable T o All Insuri n g
Clauses Except Insuring
Clause 1.
(c o ntinu e d)
  f. loss r e sulti n g from the fa i lure for any re a s on of a financ i al or d ep o sitory institution, its r e ceiv e r o r other liqui d ator to pay or deliver fu nd s o r oth e r Property to the ASSUR E D provided f urther t hat this Section 3.f. shall not apply to l o ss of Proper t y resulti n g directly from rob b ery, burgl a ry, mispl a c e me n t, mysteri o us unexp la inable dis a ppe a ra n c e, dam a ge, destructi o n o r re m oval from the p o s s e ss i on, custody or con t rol of the ASSURED.
    g. loss of Proper t y while i n the c u stody of a Tra ns port a tion Compa n y , provid e d h o wever, that this Secti o n 3.g. shall not apply to INSUR I NG CLAUSE 3.;
    h. loss r e sulti n g from entr i es or ch a n g es ma d e by a natural p erson wi t h author i z e d a c cess to a Comp u ter Sy stem who acts i n g o od faith on instr u ctio n s , unl e s s s u c h i nstr u ctio n s are given to t h at pers o n by a software contract o r or its partn e r, officer, or e m p l oyee auth o rized by the ASSUR E D to des i gn, d eve l op, prep a re, su p ply, s e rvice, write or i mplem e nt progr a ms f o r the ASSUR E D's Comp u t e r S y stem ; or
    i. loss r e sulti n g dir e ctly or i ndir e ctly fr o m the input of data into a Co m p u ter S y stem ter m inal, eith e r o n the p rem is es of the c u stomer of the ASSURED or u n d e r the control of such a custo m er, by a c u sto m er o r oth e r p erson who had aut h or i z e d acc e ss to the c u sto me r ' s auth e nticat i on mechan i sm.
Specific Exclusions -
Applicable T o All Insuri n g
Clauses Except Insuring
Clauses 1., 4., And 5.
4. This bond d oes not dir e ctly or indirectly c o v er:
  a. loss resulting from the c o mplete o r partial no n -pay m ent of o r def a ult on any loan whet h er s u ch loan was pr o c u r e d i n g o od faith or t h ro u gh tr i ck, artific e , fraud or false prete n s e s; p rovided, h o wever, th i s S e ction 4.a. sh a ll not a pply to INSUR I NG CLAUSE 8.;
    b. loss r e sulting from for g ery or any alteration;
    c. loss involvi n g a count e rfeit provid e d, however, th i s S e ction 4 . c. s h all n o t apply to INSUR I NG CLAUSE 5. or 6.
Li m it Of Liability/Non-
Reduction And Non-
Accu m ulation Of Liability
5. At all times p rior to term in ation of th i s Bond, this B o nd shall c o ntinue in force f o r the limit stated in the a p plic a ble s e ct i ons of ITEM 2. of the D ECLARATI O NS, notwit h stand i ng any previous l o ss for wh i c h the COMPANY m a y have paid or be liable to pay und e r this B o nd provided, ho w ever, that the liability of the COMP A NY und e r this B o nd with r e s pe c t to all loss resulti n g from:
    a. any one a c t of burg l ary, robb e ry or ho l d-up, o r att e mpt ther e at, in wh i c h no Empl o y ee is co n c e rn e d or implicat e d, or
    b. any one u n i ntentional o r neglig e nt a c t on the p art of any o ne p e rson resulting in d amage to o r destructi o n or mispl a ce me nt of Propert y , or
    c. all acts, oth e r than those specified in a. above, of any one pers o n, or



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Conditions And
Li m it Of Liability/Non-
Reduction And Non-
Accu m ulation Of Liability
(c o ntinu e d)
  d. any one cas u alty or event other than t h ose sp e c ified in a., b., or c. above,
  shall be de e med to be o ne l o ss a nd shall be limited to t h e ap plic a ble LIM I T OF LIABILITY stated in ITEM 2. of the DEC L ARAT I ONS of this Bond irre s p e c tive of the total am o unt of s u ch l oss or l oss e s and shall n o t be cu m ulat i ve in amoun t s from year to year or from period to period.
    All acts, as specifi e d in c. above, of any one pers o n wh i c h
    i. dir e ctly or i n dir e ctly aid in any way wrongful a c ts of any other person or perso n s , or
    ii. permit the c o ntinuation of wr o ngful a c ts of any other person o r p e rso n s
    whet h er such acts are c o mmitted with or without the kn o wl e d g e of the wr o ngful acts of the p erson so aid e d, and whet h er s u ch a c ts are co m mitted with o r wit h out the intent to aid s u ch o t her p e rson, shall b e de e med to be o ne loss with the wr o ngful a c ts of all pers on s so a i ded.
Discovery 6. This Bond applies only to loss fir s t di s c overed by an offi c er of the ASSURED duri n g the BOND PERI O D. Discovery occ u rs at the earl i er of an officer of the ASSURED b eing a ware of:
    a. facts which may su b s eq ue ntly result in a loss of a type cov e red b y this Bond, or
    b. an a c tual or potential c laim in whi c h it is alleged that the ASSURED is liable to a third par t y ,
    reg a rd l ess of wh e n the ac t or a c ts ca u s ing or con t r i buting to s u ch loss oc curred, even tho u gh the am o unt of loss d o e s not exceed the a p plic a b l e D E DUCTI B LE AMOUNT, or the exact a m ount or deta i l s of loss may not then be known.
Notice To C o m pany -
Proof - Legal Proceedin g s
Against Company
7. a. The ASSURED shall gi v e the C O M P ANY notice thereof at the e a rli e st pr a c tic a ble m oment, not to exce e d sixty (6 0 ) da y s af t er d i scovery of loss, in an a mount that is in e x c e ss of 5 0 % of the a pplicable D E DUCTIBLE AMOUNT, as stated in ITEM 2. of the DECLARATI O NS.
    b. The ASSURED shall f u rn i s h to t h e C O MPANY pro o f of loss, duly sworn to, with full particulars within s i x ( 6 ) mont h s after s u ch d i scovery.
    c. Sec u rities l i sted in a pr o of of loss shall be identified by certifica t e or bo n d number s , if i ss ued with them.
    d. Legal p r o c e e din g s for the recovery of a ny loss un d er this Bond s h all not be bro u ght pri o r to the expiration of sixty (60) days after the proof of loss is filed with the C O MPANY or a f ter the expir a t i on of twenty-four (2 4 ) m o nths from the discovery of such l o ss.
    e. This B o nd affor d s cover ag e only in favor of the A S SUR E D. No claim, suit, action or le g al proceed in gs s h all be bro u ght u nd e r this Bo n d by anyo n e other than the ASSURED.


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Form 1 7 -02 - 14 2 1 (Ed. 5- 9 8)
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Conditions And
Notice To C o m pany - Proof - Legal Proceedin g s Against Company (c o ntinu e d)   f. Proof of loss involving Voice Initiat e d Funds T r ansfer Inst r uction s ha ll incl u de el e c tronic recordi n gs of s u ch i n structio n s .
Deductible A m ount 8. The COMP A NY shall not be liable und e r any INSURING CLAUSES of this Bond on a c count of loss un l ess t he a m ount of s u ch l o ss, a f ter d e d u cting the net a m o u nt of all reimb u rsem e nt a n d/or r e covery o btained or m ade by the A SSURED, other than from a n y Bond or p o licy of insur a nce i s sued b y an insura n c e comp a ny and cover i ng such loss, or by the COMP A NY on a cc ou nt thereof pr i or to payme n t by the COMP A N Y of such l o ss, s h all exce e d the D E DUCTIBLE AMOUNT set forth i n ITEM 3. of t h e DECLAR A TIONS, and t hen for s u ch exc e ss o nly, but in no ev e nt for m o re th a n the a p plicable LIMITS OF LIABILITY stated in ITEM 2. of the DECL A RAT I ONS.
    There shall b e no d e d u cti b le appl i c ab l e to any loss u nder I NSURING CLAUSE 1. s u stain e d by any I n v estment Compa n y .
Valuation 9. BO O KS OF A C C OU NT O R O T HER R ECO R DS
    The val u e of any l o ss of P roperty cons i s ting of b o oks of acc o unt or other records us e d by t h e ASSURED in the co n d u c t of its b us i n e ss shall be t h e amo u nt pa i d b y the ASSURED for blank book s , blan k page s , o r othe r materials whi c h repla c e the l o s t b o o k s o f a c c o u nt o r oth e r r e c o r d s , p l us the c o st of la b or paid by t he ASSURED f o r the act u al transcr i ption o r cop y ing of d ata to repro d uce s u ch b oo k s of account or other recor d s.
    The value of any loss of Property other than bo o ks of account o r other recor d s us e d by the ASSURED in the con d uct of its b u si n ess, for wh i c h a c l aim i s m a de shall be d etermi n ed by the average market val u e of such P roperty on the bus i n e ss d ay immediately pr e c edi n g d i scovery of such l o ss pr ov ided, however, that the value of any Proper t y replac e d by the ASSUR E D with t h e co n s e nt of the COMP A NY a nd pr i or to t h e settlem e nt of any claim f or such Proper t y shall be the actual m a rket value at the time of repl ac ement.
    In the case o f a loss of interim certifica t es, w a rrants, rights o r oth e r s e c u rities, the pro d ucti o n of which i s n e c e ssary to the exercise of su b s cript i on, conv e rs i on, red e mption o r d e p o sit p rivileg e s, the v alue of them s h all b e the market va lu e of s u ch p rivileg e s imm e diately pr e c ed i ng t h eir exp i ration if said l o ss is not discov e r e d until after their expirati o n. If no market price i s quo t ed for s u ch Property o r f or s u ch privil e g e s, the value shall be f i xed by agre e ment betwe e n the parti e s .
    The value of any loss of P ropert y , other than a s stated abo v e, s h all be the a c t ual c a sh value o r the c o st of repa i ri n g or repl a c ing such Property with Prope rt y of like q u ality and value, wh ic hever is l e ss.




ICAP Bond ( 5 -9 8 )
Form 1 7 -02 - 14 2 1 (Ed. 5- 9 8)
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Conditions And
(c o ntinu e d)
Securities S ettle m ent 10. In the event of a loss of sec u rities co v ered un d er t h is Bo n d, the COMP A NY may, at its sole d i scretion, p u rch a se r e pl ac e m ent s e c u r i ties, ten d er t he val u e of t he s e curiti e s in money, or issue its inde mn ity to effect r e placement s e curiti e s .
    The i nde m nity required from the ASSUR E D under the ter m s of this Sect i on agai n s t all l o ss, c o st or e x pe n se a ris i ng f r om the rep l ace m ent of sec u rities by the COMP A NY'S indemnity s h all be:
    a. for s e c u riti e s having a value less than or e qual to the applicable DEDUCTIBLE AMOUNT - one hu n dr e d (100%) p ercent;
    b. for securiti e s having a va l ue in excess of the DEDUCTIBLE A M OUNT b ut within the a pplicable L I MIT OF L I A BILITY - the perc e nta g e that the DEDUCTIBLE AMOUNT b ears to the value of the s e curities;
    c. for s e c u rities having a val u e great e r th a n the applic a ble LIMIT OF LIABILI T Y - the p ercen t age that the DEDUCTIBLE AMOUNT and p ortion i n exc e ss of the appl i c ab l e LIMIT OF LIABILITY bears to the val u e of the securities.
    The va l ue re f erred to in S ection 10.a., b., and c. i s t he val u e in a c cor d a n ce w i th Section 9, V ALUATI O N, regardl e s s of t he value of such securiti e s at t h e time the loss un d er t h e COMP A NY ' S indemnity is s u stai n ed.
    The COMP A NY is not r eq uired to i s s u e its i nde m nity for a ny p o rtion of a l o ss of s e curiti e s wh i c h i s not co v ered by th i s Bond; h o we v er, the CO M PANY may d o so as a court e sy to the ASSURED a n d at its so l e discretion.
    The ASSURED shall pay the proportion of the Co m pany's prem i um charge for the Com p any ' s i ndemnity a s set forth i n S ection 10.a., b., and c. No p o rtion of t he LIMIT OF LIABILITY sha l l be used a s payment of premi u m for any indemn i ty purch a s e d by the ASSURED to obtain r e placement s e curiti e s .
Subrogation - Assign m e nt -
11. In the event of a payment un d er this B ond, the C O MPANY shall be s u broga t ed to all of the ASSUR E D'S r ig hts of r e cov e ry agai n s t a ny pers o n o r e n tity to the extent of such payment. On requ e st, the A SSURED s h all deliver to the COMP A NY an as s ignment of the ASSURED'S rights, title and intere s t and causes of a c t ion agai n s t any p erson o r entity to the exte n t of such pa y ment.
    R e cover i es, whet h er effected by the COMP A NY o r by the ASSUR E D, s ha l l b e appli e d net of the expense of such reco v ery in the followi n g or d er:
    a. fir s t, to the sati s fa c tion of the ASSUR E D'S l o ss wh ic h w o uld ot h erwise have been paid b ut for the f a ct that it is in exc e ss of the a p plicable LIMIT OF LIABILITY,
    b. s e co n d, to the COMP A NY in satisf a c ti o n of amoun t s paid in sett l ement o f the ASSUR E D'S claim,
    c . third, to the ASSURED in sati sf a c tion of the a pplicable D E DUCTIBLE AMOUNT, a n d




ICAP Bond ( 5 -9 8 )
Form 1 7 -02 - 14 2 1 (Ed. 5- 9 8)
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Conditions And
Subrogation - Assign m e nt -
(c o ntinu e d)
  d. fourth, to the ASSUR E D in s ati s f a c t i on of any l oss suffer e d by the ASSURED which w a s not covered u n d e r this Bond.
    R e covery fr o m rei n s u r a nce or i nd e mni t y of the CO M PANY s h all n ot be d eem e d a re c o v ery u nd er this s e ction.
Cooperation Of Assured 12. At the COMPANY'S req u est and at r e as o nab l e times a n d pl a c e s d e sig n ated by the COMP A N Y, the ASS U RED shall:
    a. submit to e x amination by the COMP A NY a n d su bs cri b e to t h e same u nd e r oath,
    b. pro d uce for the C O MPANY'S exa m ination all perti ne nt rec o r d s, a n d
    c. co o perate wi t h the COM P ANY in all matters p e rtaini n g to the loss.
    The ASSURED s h all exe c ute all papers a nd render as s i s tan c e to s ecure to the COMP A NY t he righ t s a nd c a uses of a c tion provid e d for u n d e r t his B ond. T he ASSURED shall do noth in g after loss to prejud i ce s u ch ri g hts o r causes of a c tion.
Ter m ination 13. If the Bond is for a sole A S SUR E D, it shall not be terminated un le ss written n otice shall h ave b een given b y the acting party to the affected p arty and to the Sec u rities an d Exchan g e Comm i ssion, W a s h i n gton, D.C., not less than sixty (60) days pr i or to the effective d ate of such terminati o n.
    If the Bond is for a joint ASSUR E D, it s hall not be terminated un l ess written notice shall h ave b een given b y the acting pa r ty to the affected p arty, and by the COMP A NY to all ASSURED I n v estment Com p a n ies and to the Securiti e s and Exchan g e Commissi o n, W a shi n gton, D.C., not l e ss th a n sixty (60) days pr io r to the effective date of s u ch termi n ation.
    This Bond will terminate as to any one ASSUR E D, other than an In v estment Co m pan y :
    a. immediately on the tak i ng over of s u ch ASSURED by a receiver or other liquidat o r or b y State or Federal offic i als, or
    b. immediately on the filing of a petition und e r any S t ate or F ed e ral statute relative to b a nkruptcy o r reor g an i zation of the ASSURED, or ass i gnment for the benefit of creditors of the ASSURED, or
    c. immediately upon s u ch A SSURED c ea s ing to ex i s t, whet h er thr o ugh m e rger into anoth e r e ntity, disposit i on of all of its assets o r ot h erw i s e.
    The COMP A NY shall ref u nd the u ne a rned p rem i um co m puted at sh o rt rat e s i n accorda n ce with the sta n dard sh o rt r a te ca n c ellati o n tables if terminat e d by the ASSURED o r pro rata if terminated for a ny other r e ason.



ICAP Bond ( 5 -9 8 )
Form 1 7 -02 - 14 2 1 (Ed. 5- 9 8)
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Conditions And
Ter m ination
(c o ntinu e d)
  If any part n er, direct o r, trust e e, or officer or su p ervisory employee of an ASSURED n ot acting in collus i on with an Empl o y e e learns of a ny dish o n e s t act committed b y such Emp l o y ee at any time, whet h er in the e m ployment of the ASSURED or oth e rw i s e, whether o r n ot s u ch act i s of the type co v ered u n d e r t h is Bond, and whether against the ASSURED or any other person or entity, the ASSURED:
    a. shall imm e d i ately remove s u ch Empl o y ee from a p o sition that w o uld enab l e s u ch Emplo y ee to ca u s e the ASSURED to suff e r a l o ss covered by this Bond; and
    b. within f o rty-e i ght (48) h ours of le a rni n g that a n E m pl o y ee has committed any dis h on e st act, shall no tify the COMPANY, of such action and provide full particul a rs of s u ch d i sh o n e s t act.
    The COMP A NY may terminate coverage a s r e s p ects any Empl o y ee s i xt y (6 0) days after written notice i s r e ceiv e d b y each ASSUR E D In v e s tment Compa n y and the Sec u rities and E x ch a nge C om miss i on, W a shington, D.C. of its d e s i re to terminate th i s Bond as to such Empl o y e e .
Other Insurance 14. Coverage u n der th i s Bo n d shall apply o nly as e x c e ss over any val i d and coll e ct i ble ins u ra n c e, i n demnity or s u retyship o bta i ned by or on behalf of:
    a. the ASSUR E D,
    b. a Trans p ort a tion Comp an y , or
    c. anoth e r entity on wh o s e prem i s e s the loss oc curr e d or wh i c h e mployed the person ca u s i ng the loss o r eng a ged t h e messe n g e r conveying t h e Property involved.
Confor m ity 15. If any limitation within th i s Bond i s p ro hibited by a n y law c o ntrol l ing th i s Bo nd 's co n s tr u c tion, s u ch limitati o n shall b e d e emed to be amen d ed so as to eq u al the minimum p e r i od of limitation provid e d by such law.
Change or Modification 16. This Bo n d or any instr u m e nt amendi n g or affecti n g this Bond may not be c h an g ed or modifi e d o rally. No c h ange in or m odificati o n of this Bond shall be eff e ctive except wh e n made by writ t en e n dors em ent to this B o nd s i gn e d by an aut h or i z e d re p r e s entati v e of the CO M PANY.
    If this Bond is for a so l e ASSURED, no change or modificat i on which would adversely af f ect the righ t s of the ASSUR E D shall be effective pri o r to sixty (6 0 ) days after written notice has b e en furnis h ed to the Sec u rities and Exch a n g e Comm i ssion, W a shi n gton, D.C., by the acting p a rty



ICAP Bond ( 5 -9 8 )
Form 1 7 -02 - 14 2 1 (Ed. 5- 9 8)
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Conditions And

Change or Modification

(c o ntinu e d)

  If this Bond is for a joint ASSURED, no charge or modificat i on which would adversely af f ect the righ t s of the ASSUR E D shall be effective pri o r to sixty (6 0 ) days after wr i tten notice ha s be e n furn is hed to all i n sured In v estment Compan i es and to the Sec u rities a n d Exch a nge Comm i ssio n , Washingt o n, D.C., by the COMP A NY.






















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    Endorsemen t No . 1
    Bon d Number :       70437181




I t i s agree d tha t thi s Bon d i s amende d b y deletin g I T E M 2 . i n it s entiret y o n th e DECLARATION S and substitutin g th e following:




I f "No t Covered " i s inserte d belo w opposit e an y s pecifie d INSURIN G CLAUSE , suc h INSURIN G CLAUSE an d an y othe r referenc e t o suc h INSURIN G CLA U S E i n thi s Bon d shal l b e deeme d t o b e deleted . There shal l b e n o deductibl e applicabl e t o an y los s unde r INSURIN G CLAUS E 1 sustaine d b y any In v estmen t Compan y .


  1.   Employee   $ 2,500,000     $ 10,000  
  2.   On Premises   $ 2,500,000     $ 10,000  
  3.   In Transit   $ 2,500,000     $ 10,000  
  4.   Forgery or Alteration   $ 2,500,000     $ 10,000  
  5.   Extended Forgery   $ 2,500,000     $ 10,000  
  6.   Counterfeit Money   $ 2,500,000     $ 10,000  
  7.   Threats to Person   $ 2,500,000     $ 10,000  
  8.   Computer System   $ 2,500,000     $ 10,000  
  9.   Voice Initiated Funds Transfer Instruction   $ 2,500,000     $ 10,000  
10.   Uncollectible Items of Deposit   $ 25,000     $ 5,000  
11.   Audit Expense   $ 25,000     $ 0  
12.   Unauthorized Signature   $ 25,000     $ 5,000  
13.   Telefacsimile   $ 2,500,000     $ 10,000  
14.   Stop Payment   $ 25,000     $ 5,000  


Thi s Endorsemen t applie s t o los s disco vere d afte r 12:0 1 a.m . o n Jun e 30 , 2013.





Date: June 26, 2013 By
    Authorized Representative




ICAP Bond ( 5 -9 8 )
Form 1 7 -02 - 14 2 1 (Ed. 5- 9 8)
Page 1




  Endorsement No.:  2
  Bond Number: 70437181









It is agreed that this Bond is amended as follows:


1. By adding the following INSURING CLAUSE:


12. Unauthorized Signature


Loss resulting directly from the ASSURED having accepted, paid or cashed any check or Withdrawal Order made or drawn on or against the account of the ASSURED’S customer which bears the signature or endorsement of one other than a person whose name and signature is on file with the ASSURED as a signatory on such account.


It shall be a condition precedent to the ASSURED'S right of recovery under this INSURING CLAUSE that the ASSURED shall have on file signatures of all the persons who are signatories on such account.


2. By adding to Section 1., Definitions, the following:


       r. Instruction means a written order to the issuer of an Uncertificated Security requesting that the transfer, pledge or release from pledge of the specified Uncertificated Security be registered.


       s.  Uncertificated Security means a share, participation or other interest in property of or an enterprise of the issuer or an obligation of the issuer, which is:


(1)  not represented by an instrument and the transfer of which is registered on books maintained for that purpose by or on behalf of the issuer, and


(2)  of a type commonly dealt in on securities exchanges or markets, and


(3)  either one of a class or series or by its terms divisible into a class or series of shares, participations, interests or obligations.







Form 17-02-5602 (Ed. 10-03)

Page 1





       t. Withdrawal Order means a non-negotiable instrument, other than an Instruction , signed by a customer of the ASSURED authorizing the ASSURED to debit the customer’s account in the amount of funds stated therein.












This Endorsement applies to loss discovered after 12:01 a.m. on June 30, 2013.








Date:   June 26, 2013   By   
      Authorized Representative  










Form 17-02-5602 (Ed. 10-03)

Page 2





  Endorsement No.:  3
  Bond Number: 70437181









It is agreed that this Bond is amended as follows:


1. By adding the following INSURING CLAUSE:


13. Telefacsimile Instruction


Loss resulting directly from the ASSURED having transferred, paid or delivered any funds or other Property or established any credit, debited any account or given any value on the faith of any fraudulent instructions sent by a Customer , financial institution or another office of the ASSURED by Telefacsimile directly to the ASSURED authorizing or acknowledging the transfer, payment or delivery of funds or Property or the establishment of a credit or the debiting of an account or the giving of value by the ASSURED where such Telefacsimile instructions:


a.   bear a valid test key exchanged between the ASSURED and a Customer or another financial institution with authority to use such test key for Telefacsimile instructions in the ordinary course of business, but which test key has been wrongfully obtained by a person who was not authorized to initiate, make, validate or authenticate a test key arrangement, and


b.   fraudulently purport to have been sent by such Customer or financial institution when such Telefacsimile instructions were transmitted without the knowledge or consent of such Customer or financial institution by a person other than such Customer or financial institution and which bear a Forgery of a signature, provided that the Telefacsimile instruction was verified by a direct call back to an employee of the financial institution, or a person thought by the ASSURED to be the Customer , or an employee of another financial institution.


2. By deleting from Section 1., Definitions, the definition of Customer in its entirety, and substituting the following:


d.   Customer means an individual, corporate, partnership, trust customer, shareholder or subscriber of an Investment Company which has a written agreement with the ASSURED for Voice Initiated Funds Transfer Instruction or Telefacsimile Instruction.





Form 17-02-2367 (Rev. 10-03)

Page 1


3. By adding to Section 1., Definitions, the following:


u.   Telefacsimile means a system of transmitting written documents by electronic signals over telephone lines to equipment maintained by the ASSURED for the purpose of reproducing a copy of said document. Telefacsimile does not mean electronic communication sent by Telex or similar means of communication, or through an electronic communication system or through an automated clearing house.


4. By adding to Section 3., Specific Exclusions Applicable to All Insuring Clauses Except Insuring Clause 1. the following:


j.   loss resulting directly or indirectly from Telefacsimile instructions provided, however, this exclusion shall not apply to this INSURING CLAUSE.













This Endorsement applies to loss discovered after 12:01 a.m. on June 30, 2013.






Date:   June 26, 2013   By   
      Authorized Representative  









Form 17-02-2367 (Rev. 10-03)

Page 2




  Endorsement No.:  4
  Bond Number: 70437181









It is agreed that this Bond is amended as follows:


1. By adding the following INSURING CLAUSE:


“14. Stop Payment Order or Refusal to Pay Check


Loss resulting directly from the ASSURED being legally liable to pay compensatory damages for:


a.   complying or failing to comply with notice from any customer of the ASSURED or any authorized representative of such customer, to stop payment on any check or draft made or drawn upon or against the ASSURED by such customer or by any authorized representative of such customer, or


b.   refusing to pay any check or draft made or drawn upon or against the ASSURED by any customer of the ASSURED or by any authorized representative of such customer.”


2. By adding the following Specific Exclusion:


“Section 4.A. Specific Exclusions – Applicable to INSURING CLAUSE 14


This Bond does not directly or indirectly cover:


a.   liability assumed by the ASSURED by agreement under any contract, unless such liability would have attached to the ASSURED even in the absence of such agreement,


b.   loss arising out of:


(1)  libel, slander, wrongful entry, eviction, defamation, false arrest, false imprisonment, malicious prosecution, assault or battery,


(2)  sickness, disease, physical bodily harm, mental or emotional distress or anguish, or death of any person, or


(3)  discrimination.”


This Endorsement applies to loss discovered after 12:01 a.m. on June 30, 2013.





Date:   June 26, 2013   By   
      Authorized Representative  





Form 17-02-2365 (Ed. 10-00)






Effective date of
this endorsement/rider: June 30, 2013
  Endorsement/Rider No. 5
  To be attached to and
form a part of Bond No. 








In consideration of the premium charged, it is agreed that GENERAL AGREEMENTS, Section C. Additional Offices Or Employees-Consolidation, Merger Or Purchase Or Acquisition Of Assets Or Liabilities-Notice To Company, is amended by adding the following subsection:


Automatic Increase in Limits for Investment Companies


If an increase in bonding limits is required pursuant to rule 17g-1 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“the Act”), due to:


(i) the creation of a new Investment Company , other than by consolidation or merger with, or purchase or acquisition of assets or liabilities of, another institution; or


(ii) an increase in asset size of current Investment Companies covered under this Bond,


then the minimum required increase in limits shall take place automatically without payment of additional premium for the remainder of the BOND PERIOD.





The title and any headings in this endorsement/rider are solely for convenience and form no part of the terms and conditions of coverage.



All other terms, conditions and limitations of this Bond shall remain unchanged.




      Authorized Representative  






14-02-14098 (04/2008) Page 1  





  Endorsement No.:  6
  Bond Number: 70437181








It is agreed that the NAME OF ASSURED in the DECLARATIONS is amended to read as follows:



RBC SMID Cap Growth Fund

RBC Enterprise Fund

RBC Small Cap Core Fund

RBC Microcap Value Fund

Tax-Free Money Market Fund

Prime Money Market Fund

U.S. Government Money Market Fund

Access Capital Community Investment Fund

RBC Mid Cap Value Fund

RBC BlueBay Emerging Market Select Bond Fund

RBC BlueBay Emerging Market Corporate Bond Fund

RBC BlueBay Global High Yield Bond Fund

RBC BlueBay Global Convertible Bond Fund

RBC BlueBay Absolute Return Fund









This Endorsement applies to loss discovered after 12:01 a.m. on June 30, 2013.






Date:   June 26, 2013   By   
      Authorized Representative  






Form 17-02-0949 (Rev. 1-97)

Page 1






Effective date of
this endorsement/rider: June 30, 2013
  Endorsement/Rider No. 7
  To be attached to and
form a part of Bond No. 








It is agreed that this insurance does not apply to the extent that trade or economic sanctions or other similar laws or regulations prohibit the coverage provided by this insurance.










The title and any headings in this endorsement/rider are solely for convenience and form no part of the terms and conditions of coverage.


All other terms, conditions and limitations of this Bond shall remain unchanged.



      Authorized Representative  





17-02-2437 (12/2006) rev. Page 1  






Effective date of
this endorsement/rider: June 30, 2013
  Endorsement/Rider No. 8
  To be attached to and
form a part of Bond No. 







In consideration of the premium charged, it is agreed that this Bond is amended as follows:


1. The paragraph titled Other Property in Section 9, Valuation, is deleted in its entirety.


2. The third paragraph in Section 16, Change or Modification, is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:


If this Bond is for a joint ASSURED, no change or modification which would adversely affect the rights of the ASSURED shall be effective prior to sixty (60) days after written notice has been furnished to all insured Investment Companies and the Securities and Exchange Commission, Washington, D.C., by the COMPANY.





The title and any headings in this endorsement/rider are solely for convenience and form no part of the terms and conditions of coverage.


All other terms, conditions and limitations of this Bond shall remain unchanged.








      Authorized Representative  





17-02-2437 (12/2006) rev. Page 1  




  Endorsement No.:  9
  Bond Number: 70437181









It is agreed that this Bond is amended as follows:


1. By adding to Section 13., Termination, the following: "Termination By The Company


Bonds In Effect For More Than Sixty (60) Days


If this Bond has been in effect for more than sixty (60) days, or, if this Bond is a renewal, the COMPANY may terminate by providing written notice of cancellation at least sixty (60) days before the effective date of termination for at least one of the following reasons:


1.   Nonpayment of premium;


2.   Discovery of fraud or material misrepresentation in obtaining this Bond or in the presentation of a claim thereunder;


3.   Discovery of willful or reckless acts or omissions or violation of any provision of this Bond on the part of the ASSURED which substantially and materially increases any hazard insured against, and which occurred subsequent to the inception of the current BOND PERIOD;


4.   Conviction of the ASSURED of a crime arising out of acts increasing the hazard insured against;


5.   Material change in the risk which increases the risk of loss after insurance coverage has been issued or renewed, except to the extent that the COMPANY should reasonably have foreseen the change, or contemplated the risk when the contract was written;


6.   Determination by the Commissioner that the continuation of the Bond would jeopardize a COMPANY'S solvency or would place the COMPANY in violation of the insurance laws of any state;


7.   Determination by the Commissioner that continuation of the present premium volume of the COMPANY would jeopardize the COMPANY'S policyholders, creditors or the public;


8.   Such other reasons that are approved by the Commissioner;


9.   Determination by the Commissioner that the COMPANY no longer has adequate reinsurance to meet the ASSUREDS needs;


10.  Substantial breaches of contractual duties, conditions or warranties; or


11.  Unfavorable underwriting facts, specific to the ASSURED, existing that were not present at the inception of the Bond.




Form 17-02-1360 (Rev. 10-99)

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Bonds In Effect Sixty (60) Days Or Less


If this Bond has been in effect for sixty (60) days or less, and it is not a renewal Bond, the COMPANY may terminate for any reason by providing written notice of termination at least sixty (60) days before the effective date of termination.


Notice Of Termination


Notice of termination under this Section shall be mailed or delivered, by certified mail, return receipt provided by the United States Postal Service, to the ASSURED and to the authorized agent or broker, if any, at least sixty (60) days prior to the effective date of cancellation at the address shown on the DECLARATIONS of this Bond.


If this Bond is cancelled for nonpayment of premium, the COMPANY will mail or deliver, by certified mail, return receipt provided by the United States Postal Service, a written notice at least thirty (30) days before the effective date of cancellation. The cancellation notice shall contain information regarding the amount of premium due and the due date, and shall state the effect of nonpayment by the due date. Cancellation shall not be effective if payment of the amount due is made prior to the effective date of cancellation.


All notice of cancellation shall state the reason(s) for cancellation.


There is no liability on the part of, and no cause of action of any nature shall arise against, the COMPANY, its authorized representatives, its employees, or any firm, person or corporation furnishing to the COMPANY, information relating to the reasons for cancellation or nonrenewal, for any statement made by them in complying or enabling the COMPANY to comply with this Section, for the provision of information pertaining thereto, or for statements made or evidence submitted at any hearings conducted in connection therewith, if such information was provided in good faith and without malice.


Notice Of Nonrenewal


If the COMPANY elects not to renew this Bond, the COMPANY shall mail or deliver written notice, by certified mail, return receipt, provided by the United States Postal Service, to the ASSURED, at his last known address, at least sixty (60) days before the expiration date or before the anniversary date, if this Bond has been written for a term of more than one (1) year. Such notice shall also be mailed to the ASSURED'S agent or broker, if any.


Such notice shall contain all of the following:


a.   Bond Number:


b.   Date of Notice;


c.   Reason for Cancellation;


d.   Expiration Date of the Bond;


e.   Effective Date and Hour of Cancellation.


Notice of nonrenewal shall not be required if the COMPANY or a COMPANY within the same insurance group has offered to issue a renewal Bond, the ASSURED has obtained replacement coverage or has agreed in writing to obtain replacement coverage, the ASSURED has requested or agreed to nonrenewal, or the Bond is expressly designated as nonrenewable.




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Return Premium Calculations


Any unearned premiums which have been paid by the ASSURED shall be refunded to the ASSURED on a pro rata basis if terminated by the COMPANY or the ASSURED. The unearned premiums shall be refunded to the ASSURED within forty-five (45) days of receipt of the request for cancellation or the effective date of cancellation, whichever is later.


Conditional Renewal


If the COMPANY offers or purports to renew the Bond, but on less favorable terms or at higher rates, the new terms or higher premiums may take effect on the renewal date, if the COMPANY mails or delivers by certified mail, return receipt provided by the United States Postal Service, to the ASSURED, notice of the new terms or premiums at least sixty (60) days prior to the renewal date. If the COMPANY notifies the ASSURED within sixty (60) days prior to the renewal date, the new terms or premiums do not take effect until sixty (60) days after the notice is mailed or delivered, in which case, the ASSURED may elect to cancel the renewal Bond within the sixty (60) day period. If the COMPANY does not notify the ASSURED of the new terms or premiums, the COMPANY shall continue the Bond at the expiring terms and premiums until notice is given or until the effective date of replacement coverage is obtained by the ASSURED, whichever occurs first.”


2. It is further understood and agreed that for the purposes of Section 13., Termination, any occurrence listed in this Section shall be considered to be a request by the ASSURED to immediately terminate this Bond.





This Endorsement applies to loss discovered after 12:01 a.m. on June 30, 2013.










Date:   June 26, 2013   By   
      Authorized Representative  








Form 17-02-1360 (Rev. 10-99)

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The following resolutions were adopted by the Board of Trustees on June 18, 2013



Approval of Fidelity Bond Policy


RESOLVED , by a majority of the Board of Trustees and separately by a majority of the Independent Trustees, that the fidelity bond issued by Federal Insurance Company (Chubb) (the “Bond”), covering each officer and employee of the Trust against larceny and embezzlement, in the amount of $2,500,000 for a one-year term ending June 30, 2014, after consideration of all factors deemed relevant by the Board of Trustees, including, but not limited to, (i) the amount of the Bond, (ii) the expected value of the aggregate assets of the Trust to which any officer or employee of the Trust may have access, (iii) the form and amount of the premium for such Bond, (iv) the type and terms of the arrangements made for the custody and safekeeping of such assets and (v) the nature of the securities in the Trust’s portfolios, be, and it hereby is, approved; and further


RESOLVED , that the Secretary of the Trust or his or her delegate be, and each hereby is, authorized to make all necessary filings and give all notices and information with respect to such Bond required by paragraph (g) of Rule 17g-1 under the 1940 Act; and further

RESOLVED , that the Secretary of the Trust be, and hereby is, authorized to make any and all payments and to do any and all such further acts, in the name of the Trust and on its behalf, as the Secretary may determine to be necessary or desirable and proper, with the advice of counsel, in connection with or in furtherance of the foregoing resolutions.












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