I have been buying since $197.00
I was thinking it was too high, but I bought
Then at $215.00, I was thinking this was too high, but I added more
Then at $242,00, I was thinking this was too high, but I added more.
Glad I did........
Sea Limited Stock Rose More than 500% in 2020. Here's Why.
Lawrence Nga, The Motley Fool
Updated Tue, February 2, 2021, 8:38 AM
Forced to stay at home, people bought more goods online and spent more time playing games, leading to strong revenue growth for industry e-commerce bellwethers like Amazon.com and Tencent Holdings. The quickened pace of digital transformation made these stocks big winners, with the stock prices for Square, Tencent, and Amazon rising 250%, 47%, and 74%, respectively, in 2020. Riding the bullish waves for all three industries -- gaming, e-commerce, and fintech -- Sea Limited's stock price is up 508% from its 2020 lows.
Morgan Stanley's Mary Meeker heavily promoted dotcom co.'s
Meeker was vilified in the press as one of a number of star analysts who were questioned in fraud investigations after the bursting of the dotcom bubble in 2000 to 2002, she never issued a sell rating or hold rating on the companies she covered, even as the companies were imploding. why, because, Morgan Stanley wanted the dot com companies investment banking business, which is lucrative.
On the high Sea
Sea Limited shares rose almost 8%. The Asian e-commerce company doesn't have quite the brand-name awareness in the U.S. that its American peers have, but Sea has been growing at a strong pace for quite a while.
Today's move higher for Sea came courtesy of stock analysts at Morgan Stanley, who boosted their price target on the stock by $62 per share to $250. Morgan Stanley believes that Sea's combination of e-commerce, mobile gaming, and fintech-related revenue combine to make the company a rising force in the region, and with moves to push into the banking industry, Sea has even bigger growth prospects ahead.
Sea's location in Singapore also gives it political shelter from tensions between the U.S. and China. Unlike with Sea's Chinese rivals, U.S. investors don't have to worry about potential delisting or other trade war-inspired issues affecting their portfolios directly. That makes it an even more attractive play on the fast-growing Asian region right now.