Washington, D.C. 20549
Report of Foreign Private Issuer Pursuant to Rule 13a-16
15d-16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of June 2023
Commission File Number: 001-39928
Sendas Distribuidora S.A.
(Exact Name as Specified in its Charter)
Sendas Distributor S.A.
(Translation of registrant’s name into
Avenida Ayrton Senna, No. 6,000, Lote 2, Pal 48959,
Anexo A
22775-005 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
(Address of principal executive offices)
by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.)
Form 20-F: ý
Form 40-F: o
CNPJ/MF No. 06.057.223/0001-71
NIRE 33.300.272.909
Management Proposal and Participation Manual
for the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on July 14, 2023
Rio de Janeiro, June 14, 2023.
Sendas Distribuidora S.A. (the “Company”
or “Assai”), as part of its ongoing efforts to enhance its corporate governance practices to align them with the practices
adopted by corporations with dispersed ownership and the expectations of its Shareholders, hereby presents its proposal concerning the
compensation of its managers for the 2022 and 2023 fiscal years.
First and foremost, we would like to express
our gratitude for the trust shown by electing the 6 new independent members of the Board of Directors. We are a dedicated and committed
team, focused on the Company’s performance, transparency, accountability, and the alignment of interests of the management with
those of the Company and its Shareholders.
It is worth mentioning that, in order to coordinate
the Company’s and the Board of Directors’ efforts to enhance their corporate governance practices, the advisory committees
were restructured (the Financial and Investments Committee, the People, Culture, and Compensation Committee, the Audit Committee, and
the Corporate Governance, Sustainability and Referral Committee), all coordinated by independent members, as indicated on the Company's
Investor Relations website (https://ri.assai.com.br/en/corporate-governance/committes/).
Upon their election, the new Board of Directors
was immediately faced with the rejection of the proposals regarding management compensation for the years 2022 (re-ratification) and 2023,
as resolved in the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held on April 27, 2023. Since the beginning of their term
in May, in light of this challenge, the Board has been intensely dedicated to understanding the current configuration of management compensation,
as well as the current practices, format, and level of disclosure, aiming at identifying possible improvements. This effort has been supported
by the People, Culture, and Compensation Committee, exclusively coordinated and constituted by independent members, and with the assistance
of specialized consultants. The urgency to resolve the pending approvals for the respective years lies in the need to provide clarity
and certainty to the Company’s managers regarding their compensation and, most importantly, to the Shareholders that the Company
is committed to following their guidance and respecting the resolutions of the general meetings. The proposal we hereby present is the
result of this careful work.
Although the current proposal includes significant
changes, it is important to note that it still does not fully reflect the compensation policy that this Board intends to establish for
Assaí. Several factors have constrained the Board’s room for maneuver at this time, and the Shareholders’ understanding
of these limitations is crucial. Among them, we highlight (1) the current engagement of the statutory Officers as employees, subject
to the Consolidation of Labor Laws – CLT, which imposes labor cautions for this proposal, (2) the existence of contractual
commitments previously entered into with these statutory Officers, as well as with former members of the Board of Directors, (3)
the fiduciary duty to ensure a satisfactory and adequate level of retention and incentive for the statutory Officers, not only through
compensation but also through appropriate treatment of expectations resulted from past commitments, (4) the impossibility of changing
certain performance parameters for the short term incentive of 2023, as more than half of the year has gone by, and (5) caution
regarding the disclosure of certain strategic and confidential objectives of the Company.
With the intense and collaborative work of the
past few weeks, which sought to address the main objections of the Shareholders and enhance the current compensation structure in general
(within the constraints mentioned above), the following solutions have been identified and are the subject of this proposal: (1)
prioritizing transparency in the disclosure of information, including the reorganization and re-presentation of such information from
new perspectives to ensure understanding of this proposal and its practical implications, (2) negotiating with the former controlling
shareholder of the Company to undertake certain payments that were the result of past group decisions in line with their customary practices,
in order to relieve Assaí of the relevant burden, (3) negotiating with the statutory Officers, who have undertaken the commitment
to invest certain bonuses that exceeded the 2022 compensation cap in the acquisition of Assaí shares, (4) refraining from
granting new Stock Options in 2023 and, alternatively, implementing a single and transitional share-based incentive with financial settlement
(Phantom Shares), with a longer vesting period (of 3 to 5 years), in order to promote a solid retention of the statutory Officers and
further strengthen the sense of partnership through their exposure to market fluctuations of Assaí shares, and (5) committing
to the development of a definitive compensation policy – including a new Share-Based Incentive Plan, to be submitted to the Shareholders
in 2024, among other details that will be explained throughout the proposal.
Regarding the re-ratification of the aggregate
management compensation amount for 2022, this proposal suggests the following:
| · | Board of Directors –
After negotiations, the former controlling shareholder agreed to reimburse the Company in the amount of approximately BRL 862 thousand
related to benefits paid to former Board members in 2022, effectively neutralizing the economic impact for the Company. |
| · | Board of Officers –
Our objective is to create a more significant alignment between the incentives of the statutory Officers and the long-term interests
of the Shareholders. To achieve this, the Officers have agreed to (i) acquire Company shares equivalent to 80% of the net amount
received in 2022 under the Expansion Incentive Program in excess of the compensation cap approved by Shareholders, resulting in a
total investment of approximately BRL 8.1 million in Company shares, and (ii) undertake the obligation to not dispose of these
shares (lock-up) for a period of (a) 5 years for the CEO and (b) 3 years for the other Officers. In addition, the Officers received
amounts that exceeded the 2022 approved compensation
cap for the Company’s Profit-Sharing
Program (PSP), for which a lower result was expected. However, as this is an incentive governed by specific legislation and subject to
negotiation with a joint committee of employees and Company representatives, which also includes Union representation, the overachievement
of previously estimated thresholds resulted in a greater burden for the Company, and therefore, Management proposes the re-ratification
of the additional amount of approximately BRL 8.7 million for this incentive, as provisioned for 2022. The remaining portions of the excess
amount to be re-ratified arise from variations in (i) the fair value of granted Stock Options, in accordance with the accounting rule
set forth in Technical Pronouncement No. 10 of Brazil’s Accounting Pronouncements Committee (CPC 10)[1],
and (ii) the cost of Officers’ healthcare benefits, both being expenses that the Company forecasted at lower amounts at the time
of the 2022 Shareholders’ approval, but unfortunately are accounting obligations that cannot be ignored. Below is a summarized explanation
of the excess amounts derived from the Expansion Incentive Program and the PSP. |
| § | Expansion Incentive Program
– The excess payment under the Expansion Incentive Program occurred because, at the time of the Shareholders meeting that approved
the aggregate management compensation for 2022, the program’s design for that year had not yet been finalized, as the Company did
not know at the time when all hypermarket stores would be available for the start of constructions. Additionally, the Expansion Incentive
Program did not include all members of the Board of Officers at the time, but, as expansion has been the main pathway for the Company’s
growth, in order to keep the statutory Officers engaged and to strengthen Company’s growth, the former Board of Directors decided
to include all statutory Officers in the program. Furthermore, due to the Company’s record-breaking performance in 2022 regarding
expansion, as detailed in the proposal, the payments made under this program significantly contributed to surpassing the initial projections
for 2022. However, with the commitment to invest a substantial portion of said amount in Assaí shares, as summarized above, such
amounts will become subject to market exposure for a period of no less than 3 years for Officers and 5 years for the CEO, resulting in
long-term alignment of interests. |
| § | Profit-Sharing Program (PSP)
– The amount related to the PSP submitted for approval of the Shareholders at the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of
the Company held on April 28, 2022, was determined considering the achievement of 100% of the target value, even though the PSP’s
range of variation could reach up to 200% of the target value. The former Board stated in item 13.3 of the Reference Form attached to
the management’s proposal for said meeting that the PSP for 2022 would range from 0% to 200% of the target value, indicating that
the maximum amount that could be paid was of BRL 19,9 million, in the event that 200% of the target value was achieved. Therefore, although
the maximum PSP amount was disclosed in the Reference Form, the Shareholders’ approval was limited to the target value. |
Which corresponds to International Financial Reporting Standard No. 2 (IFRS 2), issued on February 19, 2004 by the International Accounting
Standards Board, as amended.
Regarding the determination of the aggregate
management compensation for 2023, Management proposes:
| · | Short-Term Incentives –
Simplify the short-term incentive policy by discontinuing all bonus policies for the Board of Directors, including a reduction in the
amount of approximately BRL 3.9 million for the period from January to April, following negotiations with the former controlling shareholder.
For the Board of Officers, only the Profit-Sharing Program (PSP) will be maintained, which will be revised to establish an achievement
range of 80% to 120% of the target value (target defined based on multiple of salary), instead of the previous range of 0% to 200%. The
performance indicators for the PSP will not be changed for 2023. Although the Board would prefer to revise and simplify the PSP indicators,
it believes that making changes to the performance indicators in the middle of the year is not appropriate. Therefore, the revision and
simplification of such indicators will be assessed in the second half of 2023, to be implemented for the following years; and |
| · | Long-Term Incentives –
Regarding long-term incentives, the existing Stock Option plans will not be used in 2023 due to existing critical factors that
cannot be modified by the Board of Directors, such as a limited 3-year vesting period and discounted strike prices. Instead of the Stock
Options that were scheduled to be granted this year, the Board is proposing a one-time grant of Phantom Shares. This award grants the
right to receive a cash payment equal to the market value of the Company’s share on each vesting date, and it will have a 5-year
service vesting condition, with partial releases starting from the 3rd year (3rd year: 20%, 4th year:
20%, and 5th year: 60%). In addition to the service vesting condition, a portion of the Phantom Shares will have a second and
accumulated vesting condition linked to the achievement of performance goals (ESG and Operating Cash Flow metrics), to be evaluated on
each vesting date. |
| Ø | The Board of Directors
proposes the following structure for the grant: (i) 50% aimed at executive retention (time-based service condition) and (i) 50%
contingent upon time-based service condition and performance indicators (double trigger). The performance indicators will consist of ESG metrics (persons with disabilities
inclusion, renewable energy usage, and women in leadership) carrying a 30% weight, while the remaining 70% will be determined by the Operating
Cash Flow indicator as a percentage of net revenue. Target for the performance indicators to which 50% of the grant is tied to will be
set for each vesting date and with the possibility of compensating non-attainment in the 3rd or 4th year through
achievement in the subsequent year or both in the 5th year. The attainment of the targets will be assessed within a 10% range
of absolute variation. The selection of these indicators is grounded in the Company’s commitment to building a responsible and inclusive
society, and in aligning executives with the commitment to sustainable business growth. |
It is important to emphasize that the Board
of Directors, upon understanding the existing elements of managements’ compensation, concluded that it is of utmost importance to
establish a significant retention component for the long term, as most of the incentives granted thus far have focused mainly on the short
term. The proposal of granting Phantom Shares was designed in this context.
It should be mentioned that the current Board
of Directors intends to potentially migrate such Phantom Shares to a new equity-based incentive plan that will be submitted for Shareholder
approval in 2024, thus allowing settlement in shares, which will increase the alignment of interests between management and Shareholders
and converge with the Board of Directors’ intention to adopt a stock ownership guideline in the future under which managers would
be expected to maintain a certain level of stock ownership in the Company during their time of service.
With the aforementioned objective of transparency,
throughout the proposal, Management sought to demonstrate the reasons that supported each component of the managements’ compensation
and the new practices adopted, indicating, where applicable, goals, economic calculations, determination of payment based on the Company’s
performance, among other data.
Finally, we would like to emphasize that this
management proposal for the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on July 14, 2023 represents the conclusion of the first phase of
the project to review the management compensation, focusing on resolving issues that require immediate approval. In order to completely
reformulate management’s current compensation structure, a more extensive and detailed study will be conducted throughout 2023,
to be presented in time for the ordinary general meeting of 2024, which will follow the principles of attraction and retention, value
generation for the business, and transparency.
Oscar Bernardes
Chairman of the Board of Directors
9 |
Dear Shareholders,
The management of Sendas Distribuidora S.A.
(“Management” and “Company”, respectively) hereby presents the following information regarding the
matters to be deliberated, as proposed by Management, at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company (“EGM”) to
be held:
| · | on July 14, 2023 at 11 a.m.
(BRT), |
| · | exclusively online,
in accordance with Article 5, paragraph 2, item I, and Article 28, paragraphs 2 and 3 of CVM Resolution No. 81, dated March 29, 2022,
as amended (“CVM Resolution 81”), through the digital platform Ten Meetings (“Digital Platform”)
at the following link: https://www.tenmeetings.com.br/assembleia/portal/?id=D159E0C8612D. |
Management has prepared this Management Proposal
and Participation Manual (“Proposal”), in compliance with corporate governance and transparency best practices, aiming
to guide and clarify the matters to be deliberated, as well as the procedures related to the Company’s shareholders (“Shareholders”)
participation in the EGM, placing its Investor Relations Department at the entire disposal of the Shareholders to address any additional
The following matters will be deliberated at
the EGM, as included in the agenda:
Re-ratification of the aggregate compensation of
the Company’s managers for the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2022, and
Establishment of the aggregate compensation of the
Company’s managers for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2023.
Management clarifies that the Shareholders
are being called upon to resolve on the new proposals regarding the matters above, which have been reformulated from the proposals originally
presented as item 3 of the extraordinary general meeting and item 4 of the ordinary general meeting included in the agenda of the Ordinary
and Extraordinary General Meeting held on April 27, 2023 (“2023 OEGM”).
Therefore, considering the context outlined
in the “Management Letter” above, Management presents the following Proposal for each of the matters included in the agenda
to be resolved by the Shareholders at the EGM, as detailed in item 3 Proposal.
Rio de Janeiro, June 14, 2023.
Sendas Distribuidora S.A.
According to the guidelines below, the Company
will admit the participation of the Shareholders through:
| · | voting via electronic system
during the EGM, or |
| · | sending a remote voting form,
which is available on the Company’s Investor Relations website (https://ri.assai.com.br) and on the websites of CVM (www.gov.br/cvm)
and B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (“B3”) (www.b3.com.br) and may be forwarded through their respective
custodial agents (if they provide this type of service), Itaú Corretora de Valores S.A., who is the bookkeeping agent of the Company
(“Bookkeeping Agent”) or directly to the Company by email (“Remote Voting Form”), as indicated below. |
The Shareholder who participates in the EGM
through the Digital Platform or by sending a Remote Voting Form will be considered present and as having signed the minutes of the EGM
and the Shareholders’ attendance book.
The Company informs that it will waive the need
to deliver the physical copy of the Remote Voting Form and other necessary documents to enable Shareholders to participate and/or vote
at the EGM.
To expedite the work of the EGM, the Company
requests that the Shareholders who will participate in the EGM through the Digital Platform (and who have not sent the Remote Voting Form)
to also make the prior registration of their vote intentions in the Digital Platform. To this end, in addition to following the guidelines
and sending the documents described below for participation through the Digital Platform, the Shareholder must register his/her vote intention
on the Digital Platform. We emphasize that the registration of the vote intention does not exempt the Shareholder from virtually participating
in the EGM for his/her votes to be duly considered.
Participation through the Digital Platform
The EGM will be held exclusively online.
Shareholders who wish to participate in the
EGM through the Digital Platform must access the electronic address https://www.tenmeetings.com.br/assembleia/portal/?id=D159E0C8612D,
complete their registration and attach all the necessary documents for their eligibility to participate and/or vote in the EGM.
Registration must be made up to 2 (two) days
in advance of the date set for the EGM, that is, until July 12, 2023, as indicated below.
Pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 3, of CVM
Resolution 81, access to the Digital Platform will not be granted to Shareholders who do not submit all the necessary documents within
the deadlines set forth herein.
After the analysis of the documents by the Company,
the Shareholder will receive an email at the registered address confirming the approval or justified rejection of the registration made.
If necessary, instructions on how to rectify the registration on the Digital Platform will also be provided. Once the registration is
approved, the functionality to include voting instructions will be enabled, which can be done up to 2 (two) hours before the EGM.
Instructions on accessing the Digital Platform
will be sent in due course to each Shareholder or proxy along with the individual registration confirmation for accessing the Digital
In the case of a proxy/representative, they
must register with their own details at the same email address indicated above. A proxy representing more than one Shareholder can only
vote in the EGM for Shareholders whose authorization has been confirmed by the Company.
Once registered, the Shareholder or proxy will
have access to the virtual environment called the “Representative Panel”, which is also accessed through the aforementioned
email address using a previously registered login and password. In this environment, they can monitor the approval status of each represented
Shareholder and update their documentation.
The following documents must be submitted
by the Shareholders and/or their proxies/representatives through the Digital Platform at the address indicated above:
| (a) | updated statement containing
the respective shareholding issued by the custodian entity no more than 3 (three) days prior to the EGM, |
| (b) | for individuals, identification
document with a photo of the Shareholder, |
| (c) | for legal entities,
(i) consolidated articles of incorporation or bylaws and any other corporate documents proving the legal representation of the Shareholder,
and (ii) identification document with a photo of the legal representative, |
| (d) | for investment funds,
(i) consolidated regulations of the investment fund, (ii) articles of incorporation or bylaws of its administrator or manager, as applicable,
in accordance with the fund’s voting policy, and corporate documents proving the representation powers, and (iii) identification
document with a photo of the legal representative, and |
| (e) | in the event any Shareholder
is represented by a proxy, in addition to the respective documents mentioned above, the Shareholder should also submit (i) a power of
attorney with specific powers for representation at the EGM, and (ii) identification documents with a photo of the proxy, as well as,
in the case of a legal entity or fund, copies of the identification document and minutes of election of the legal representative(s) who
signed the power of attorney, proving the representation powers. |
For this EGM, the Company will accept powers
of attorney granted by Shareholders through electronic means, preferably signed using ICP-Brasil certification.
The Company will not require certified copies
or notarization, legalization/apostille, or registration with the Registry of Deeds (Registro de Títulos e Documentos) of
documents issued and signed in Brazilian territory or for those signed outside the country.
Furthermore, the Company will not require sworn
translation of documents that were originally drafted in Portuguese, French, English, or Spanish, or those accompanied by their respective
translation in these same languages. Sworn translations will be required in all other cases.
The following identification documents will
be accepted, provided they have a photo and are valid: RG (identity card), RNE (foreigner's identification card), CNH (driver’s
license), passport, or officially recognized professional association cards.
The Company emphasizes that the login and access
password, along with other information and instructions for accessing the Digital Platform, are unique and non-transferable. Shareholders
(or their respective proxies, as applicable) are fully responsible for the possession and confidentiality of the information and instructions
transmitted by the Company in accordance with this Manual.
In anticipation of the access information that
will be sent by email to the duly registered Shareholder, as described above, the Company requests that access to the Digital Platform
be done exclusively via computer, through video conference (a modality in which the Shareholder can attend the EGM and express themselves
by voice and video), in order to ensure the authenticity of communications unless the Shareholder is asked, for any reason, to disable
the video functionality of the Digital Platform. Furthermore, to ensure the smooth running of the EGM, the Company requests that Shareholders
respect any maximum time that may be established by the Company for the Shareholder’s expression after their request for expression
and the opening of audio by the Company.
To access the Digital Platform, the following
is required: (i) a computer with a camera and enabled audio, and (ii) an internet connection of at least 1mb (minimum bandwidth of 700kbps).
The video conference access should preferably be done through the Google Chrome browser, noting that the Safari browser
of the iOS system is not compatible with the Digital Platform. Additionally, it is also recommended that, before accessing the
Digital Platform, the Shareholder disconnect from any virtual private network (VPN) or platforms that may use their camera.
If the Shareholder (or their respective proxy,
as applicable) has not received the aforementioned instructions, they should contact the Company via email at adm.societario@assai.com.br,
copying ri@assai.com.br, up to 2 (two) hours before the start time of the EGM, i.e., until 9 am (BRT) on July 14, 2023, so that the instructions
can be resent.
In the event of the need for additional documentation
or further clarifications regarding the documents submitted for registration purposes, the Company will contact the Shareholder (or their
respective proxy, as applicable) to request such additional documentation or clarifications in a timely manner that allows for the sending
of information and instructions for accessing the Digital Platform within the aforementioned deadline.
Accredited Shareholders undertake to: (i) use
the individual invitations solely for remote monitoring of the AGE; (ii) not transfer or disclose, in whole or in part, the individual
invitations to any third party, whether a Shareholder or not, as the invitation is non-transferable; and (iii) not record or reproduce,
in whole or in part, nor transfer to any third party, whether a Shareholder or not, the content or any information transmitted virtually
during the holding of the EGM.
Access to the electronic system of the AGE
will be restricted to Shareholders who register until July 12, 2023 and join the Digital Platform until the start of the EGM. On the
date of the EGM, the access link to the Digital Platform will be available 30 thirty (30) minutes before the start time of the EGM, and
the Shareholder's presence will only be registered via the electronic system by accessing the link, according to the instructions indicated
The Company recommends that Shareholders perform
tests and familiarize themselves with the Digital Platform in advance and access it at least thirty (30) minutes before the start of the
EGM to avoid any operational issues with its use on the day of the EGM.
The Company will not be responsible for Shareholders’
connection problems or those of their representatives, or any other situation beyond its control. Shareholders who do not receive the
link for participation or have any other questions should contact the Investor Relations Department and/or the Corporate Legal Department
at the following email addresses: ri@assai.com.br and adm.societario@assai.com.br.
For more information regarding the registration
of the proxy and the Shareholders they represent, please refer to the “Platform Manual – Participant” provided by the
Digital Platform at the following link https://www.tenmeetings.com.br/assembleia/portal/?id=D159E0C8612D.
Participation through a Remote Voting Form
Alternatively to participating in the EGM via
the Digital Platform, Shareholders who wish to exercise their voting rights through the Remote Voting Form, in accordance with CVM Resolution
81, must: (a) complete the Remote Voting Form, following the instructions provided therein; and (b) submit it (i) directly to the Company;
(ii) to the Bookkeeping Agent; or (iii) to their respective custody agent (if they provide such service), observing the following instructions:
To submit the Remote Voting Form directly to
the Company, the Shareholder must send the Remote Voting Form (completed, initialed, and signed, without the need for notarization,
following the instructions provided therein) accompanied by copies of the documents listed in item 2.1 above, preferably by email, with
acknowledgement of receipt, to the Corporate Legal Department (adm.societario@assai.com.br), or by mail, to the Company’s office
at Avenida Aricanduva, 5.555 – ncora “E”, Central Administrativa Assaí (Shopping Interlar – Aricanduva),
Vila Aricanduva, São Paulo, SP, ZIP Code 03527-000. The Company will accept the Remote Voting Form signed electronically, preferably
using ICP-Brasil certification, or
To submit the Remote Voting Form to the Custody
Agent or the Bookkeeping Agent of the Company, Shareholders who hold shares issued by the Company deposited with a central depository
may transmit voting instructions for completion of the Remote Voting Form through their respective custody agents, if they provide such
service. Shareholders who do not have their shares deposited with a central depository may transmit voting instructions to the Bookkeeping
Agent of the Company, Itaú Corretora de Valores S.A., through the channels made available by them. The submission of the Remote
Voting Form will be subject to the rules, instructions, and deadlines established by each custody agent or the Bookkeeping Agent, as the
case may be. For this purpose, the Shareholder must contact them and verify the procedures, documents, and information established by
them for issuing voting instructions through the Remote Voting Form.
The Company has made the Remote Voting From
for the EGM available on the Company’s websites (https://ri.assai.com.br), CVM (www.gov.br/cvm), and B3 (www.b3.com.br).
In all cases, for the Remote Voting Form
to be accepted, the Shareholder must submit it by one of the methods indicated above so that it is received by July 7, 2023 (that is,
up to 7 (seven) days before the date of the EGM).
Remote Voting Forms received after July 7,
2023 will not be considered.
The Company clarifies that, pursuant to Article
28, paragraphs 2 and 3, of CVM Resolution 81, if the Shareholder or their duly appointed proxy participates in the EGM through the Digital
Platform, they may: (i) simply participate in the EGM, whether or not they have submitted the Remote Voting Form; or (ii) participate
and vote in the EGM, noting that for the Shareholder who has already submitted the Remote Voting Form and wishes to vote in the EGM, all
voting instructions received through the Remote Voting From will be disregarded.
Remote Voting Forms originally submitted
in April for the 2023 OEGM will not be reused for the EGM, and it is necessary to complete and send a new Remote Voting Form specifically
for the EGM.
The Company’s Management submits the proposals
described below for the EGM.
Management proposes the re-ratification of the
aggregate management compensation limit for the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2022, approved at the Ordinary and Extraordinary General
Meeting of the Company held on April 28, 2022 (“2022 OEGM”), as described below.
In BRL |
Approved for 2022 |
Rejected Proposal |
New Proposal |
Board of Directors |
35,107,852 |
35,839,316 |
35,839,316 |
Board of Officers |
36,714,779 |
59,114,792 |
59,114,792 |
Fiscal Council |
518,400 |
584,180 |
584,180 |
Total |
72,341,031 |
95,538,288 |
95,538,288 |
table 1 |
Further information on the terms and conditions
of the short-term and long-term incentives addressed in this Proposal is provided in Item 8 of the Reference Form, in accordance with
Item 8 of Exhibit C of CVM Resolution No. 80, dated March 29, 2022, as amended (“CVM Resolution 80”), presented in
Exhibit 1 of this Proposal.
Approved amount for 2022
The approved annual aggregate management compensation
limit for the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2022, at the 2022 OEGM, was BRL 72,341,031.00. In the management proposal for the
2022 OEGM, as well as in the minutes of the 2022 OEGM, there was an inversion of the approved management compensation values between the
Board of Directors and the Board of Officers, although the correct allocation was stated in item 13.2 of the Reference Form attached to
the management proposal for the 2022 OEGM in item 8.2 of the Reference Form for the 2023 OEGM held in April of this year. Therefore, the
correct allocation of the amounts approved at the 2022 OEGM is the following:
| (i) | Board of Officers: up
to BRL 36,714,779.00, |
| (ii) | Board of Directors:
up to BRL 35,107,852.00, and |
| (iii) | Fiscal Council: up to
BRL 518,400.00. |
As explained throughout this Item I of the
Proposal, the total amount of compensation effectively incurred by the Company in the 2022 fiscal year was BRL 95,538,288.00 (including
the Fiscal Council). If compared to the global cap approved at the 2022 OEGM of BRL 72,341,031.00 (including the Fiscal Council), there
was a total increase of BRL 23,197,256.00, distributed as follows: (i) Board of Directors: increase of BRL 731,463.00; (ii) Board of
Officers: increase of BRL 22,400,013.00; and (iii) Fiscal Council: increase of BRL 65,780.00.
According to guidance provided by the CVM, we
are disregarding social security contribution taxes to determine the management compensation amount incurred in 2022 of BRL 95,538,288.00.
For informational purposes, social security contribution taxes for 2022 amounted to BRL 3,300,433.00.
Exceeded amount in 2022 – Board of Directors
The total amount incurred by the Company in
2022 with the compensation of the Board of Directors was BRL 35,839.316.00, exceeding the amount of BRL 35,107,852.00 approved
in the 2022 OEGM. The excess amount of BRL 731,463.00 resulted primarily from benefits paid to a former Board member, totaling BRL 862,284.00,
which the former controlling shareholder of the Company, Casino Guichard Perrachon Group, has agreed (by means of a written commitment)
to reimburse the Company for.
Therefore, although this expense will remain
accounted for in the financial statements for the 2022 fiscal year, the economic impact on the Company will be neutralized in the 2023
financial statements.
The table below summarizes the comparison between
the approved amount in the 2022 OEGM and the amount actually realized in 2022:
In BRL (1) |
Approved for 2022
(a) |
To re-ratify
(b) |
(b) – (a) |
Pro labore |
14,393,471 |
13,258,236 |
- 1,135,236 |
Benefits |
1,492,943 |
2,355,227 |
862,284 (2) |
Bonus |
13,817,500 |
14,421,250 |
603,750 |
LTIP (Stock Options) |
5,403,938 |
5,804,604 |
400,666 |
Total |
35,107,852 |
35,839,316 |
731,463 |
Subtotal, without the reimbursed benefit |
35,107,852 |
34,977,032 |
- 130,818 |
table 2 |
(1) Numbers rounded up and disregarding
(2) As explained above, this amount
will be reimbursed by Casino. |
Exceeded amount in 2022 – Board of Officers
The total amount incurred by the Company in
2022 with the compensation of the Board of Officers was BRL 59,114,792.00, which amounts to an excess of BRL 22,400.013.00 in relation
to the amount of BRL 36,714,779.00 approved in the 2022 OEGM.
The excess amount in 2022 to the Board of Officers
occurred due to the following reasons:
| (i) | payment under the Expansion
Incentive Program, in the additional amount of BRL 13,937,591.00, |
| (ii) | payment under the Company’s
Results Sharing Program (PSP), in the additional amount of BRL 8,699,365.00, |
| (iii) | variation in the fair value
of options granted to the Board of Officers in 2022, resulting in an increase in the fair value of the options accounted for of BRL 295,873.00,
since the estimated amount of the fair value of the options for the management proposal of the 2022 OEGM considered a price per share
of approximately BRL 12.00, but at the grant date of said options, the price per share was approximately BRL 16.00, and |
| (iv) | variation in the cost of Officer’s
healthcare benefits resulting in an increase of BRL 22,481.00. |
To promote an overview of such excess amount,
below is a table for each component of the members of the Board of Officers’ compensation:
In BRL (1) |
Approved for 2022
(a) |
To re-ratify
(b) |
(b) – (a) |
Salary |
8,145,333 |
7,590,036 |
- 555,297 |
Benefits |
503,580 |
526,061 |
22,481 |
9,937,911 |
18,637,276 |
8,699,365 |
Other STIs |
9,563,025 |
23,500,616 |
13,937,591 |
LTI Cash |
1,744,140 |
1,744,140 |
- |
LTI (Stock Options) |
6,820,790 |
7,116,663 |
295,873 |
Total |
36,714,779 |
59,114,792 |
22,400,013 |
Table 3 |
(1) Numbers rounded up and disregarding cents. |
Before offering a detailed explanation of the
compensation components that led to the payment in excess of that authorized in the 2022 OEGM, it should be noted that some tables presented
at the 2023 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting (example, page 118 of the management proposal for that meeting) treated the variable compensation
components described below (except for the PSP) as fixed salary, when they should have been classified as short-term variable compensation.
All amounts have been correctly reclassified in this Proposal.
Below is a more detailed description of the two main items mentioned
Expansion Incentive Program
The Expansion Incentive Program (part of the
“Bonus” row in the table above) has been a central compensation element in the Company for over a decade and has benefited
a significant portion of its employees.
The program’s goals were directly linked
to business growth, with the opening of stores as its main metric, which is a determining factor in the Company’s industry and represents
a solid performance indicator.
As expansion has been the main driver of the
Company’s growth in the last 10 years, the statutory Officers were included in the Expansion Incentive Program by a decision of
the former Board of Directors in order to keep them engaged.
However, at the time of the approval of the
aggregate management compensation at the 2022 OEGM, the Expansion Incentive Program for 2022 had not yet been fully structured, as the
Company did not know at the time when all hypermarket stores would be available for the Company to start the constructions, and therefore,
whether there would be the participation of the statutory Officers in such program.
Therefore, the 2022 compensation proposal aims
at recognizing the statutory Officers who led the challenge of opening 60 new stores in 36 different cities, in the largest transformation,
renovation, and store inauguration project in the history of the Brazilian food retail sector. The expansion in 2022 alone resulted in
a 36% increase in Assaí’s sales area, adding 343,000 m².
The reason for this incentive is the extraordinary
effort made to achieve unprecedented results, both compared to previous years and to the Cash & Carry sector in Brazil.
The opening of 60 stores in 2022 represented
a record number of openings in a single year, more than twice the 28 stores opened in 2021, which had been the Company's record until
then, and about three times the average of 21 stores opened between 2017 and 2021.
The Cash & Carry sector, in turn, opened
376 stores in 2022. Excluding the Company, the 5 largest players opened an averaged 23 stores in 2022.
The following indicators were considered in
this Program:
| • | Number of store openings during
the year, |
| • | Budget for construction and
equipment, |
| • | Timeliness and quality of construction, |
| • | Hiring, training, and personnel
development, |
| • | Control of pre-operational
expenses, |
| • | Additional inauguration funds, |
Furthermore, all the effort put into expansion
and growth, surpassing the initially established targets for 2022 – an already ambitious initial guidance of 52 openings –
resulted in an increase in the Company’s revenue of BRL 14 billion. This was achieved alongside an EBITDA margin higher than estimates
and a stable expense level, despite the evolution of the model and the volume of new stores.
With the achievement of the targets established
for the 2022 Expansion Incentive Program, the Company paid an additional amount of BRL 13,937,591.00 to the statutory Officers compared
to the amount originally approved at the 2022 OEGM.
During the 2023 OEGM held in April, the Shareholders
indicated that not only did the amount exceed the approved amount at the 2022 OEGM, but also that the short-term nature of the incentive
was not adequately aligned with the long-term interests of the Shareholders.
In response to the valuable observations and
suggestions made by the Shareholders during and after the 2023 OEGM, this Board of Directors proposed, and the statutory Officers agreed
to, adding a risk element to the excess amount received under the Expansion Incentive Program, by linking it to the Company’s shares.
To this end, the Board proposed, and the Officers agreed to a Stock Investment Commitment of investing 80% of the net (after taxes) portion
of such excess amount, which corresponds to BRL 8,083,803.00. The acquisition of Company shares shall occur within 10 days from the disclosure
of the quarterly financial statements (ITR) of the Company for the quarter ending on June 30, 2023 (or, if there is a restricted
period in effect during this window, within 10 days from the end of said restricted period), if this Management Proposal is approved by
the Shareholders.
The statutory Officers also committed to not
dispose of all of such acquired shares and not trading them (lock-up) for a period of (i) 5 years for the CEO and (ii) 3 years for the
other Officers, or until they cease to hold their respective positions as Officers, whichever comes first. The purpose of this initiative
is not to retain the professionals, which is addressed by other components of the proposed compensation package for 2023, but rather to
initiate a culture of stock ownership (further detailed below).
The proposal for this Share Investment Commitment,
as accepted by the statutory Officers, had the following main premises: (i) honoring the commitments made by the Company to the statutory
Officers under the 2022 Expansion Incentive Program, (ii) maintaining a high level of engagement among the statutory Officers, and (iii)
meeting the Shareholders’ desire to defer the economic effects of a portion of the short-term compensation for the Board of Officers
by means of the acquisition of Company shares, thereby exposing this portion of the short-term compensation to long-term share price fluctuations
and, therefore, reinforcing the alignment of interests between the statutory Officers and the Company’s Shareholders.
As mentioned above, the current Proposal aligns
with this Board of Directors’ intention of establishing a stock ownership guideline for the Company, a common practice in mature
corporations, by which managers are expected to maintain a certain level of stock ownership during their tenure. This promotes a natural
alignment between the interests of the Shareholders and of the managers. Thus, the “Share Investment Commitment” is the first
step towards implementing this stock ownership guideline for the Company.
As mentioned in the beginning of this Proposal,
throughout the remainder of 2023, this Board of Directors will dedicate itself to conducting a thorough study for a complete restructuring
of the management’s compensation, including alternatives for implementing the stock ownership guideline, for subsequent presentation
for the Shareholders resolution in 2024.
In this context, without prejudice to additional
details regarding the composition of the management’s compensation for the years 2022 and 2023 that will be presented in item II.5
of this Proposal, by incorporating this first step of the “share investment commitment”, the total compensation of the Board
of Officers would be as follows, from an accounting viewpoint:
Chart A
| · | Profit-Sharing Program (PSP) |
It is important to emphasize that the PSP is
a short-term incentive program extended to all employees of the Company, including the statutory Officers, as they are also employees
under the terms of the Brazilian labor laws (Consolidation of Labor Laws – CLT).
The PSP is regulated by Law No. 10,101, dated
December 19, 2000, as amended. Its approval is annual and carried out through a Parity Negotiating Committee composed of an equal number
of representatives elected by the employees and representatives appointed by the Company, as well as the participation of a representative
from the employees’ Union. Once the negotiation is concluded, the PSP agreement is signed by the representatives of the employees
and the Company, and filed with the Union, as required by law, becoming binding on the Company and its employees.
The approved PSP for the year 2022 provided
for the definition of performance targets for the statutory Officers using a scorecard methodology, with the establishment of weights,
metrics, and calculation criteria in a clear and objective manner. The targets were set for corporate goals, area-specific goals, and
individual contributions, according to the department and position of the statutory Officers and are based on financial and non-financial
indicators of the Company and/or the relevant department.
Each target aimed for a 100% achievement, but
could range from 0% to 200% achievement, with the final result calculated by summing up the results of each performance indicator, multiplied
by their respective weights in relation to the total.
In the management proposal for the 2022 OEGM,
the Company considered in the BRL 36,714,779.00 aggregate compensation of the Board of Officers an amount of BRL 9,937,911.00 as PSP to
be incurred in 2022, representing 100% achievement of the target value.
However, the Company disclosed in item 13.3
of the Reference Form attached to the management proposal for the 2022 OEGM that the maximum PSP amount that the Company could incur in
2022 was of BRL 19,875,823.00, in case of a 200% achievement of the target value, according to the conditions set forth in the PSP agreement.
The current Board of Directors understands that the Shareholder’s approval should have been sought for the maximum amount of the
PSP. The proposal for the 2023 aggregate management compensation, presented below, will reflect this view.
Upon the calculation of the results for the
year 2022, in accordance with the negotiated PSP agreement, the statutory Officers exceeded the target value. As a result, the Company
was required to account for a total PSP for the Board of Officers in 2022 of BRL 18,637,276.00, representing an excess of BRL 8,699,365.00
compared to the original amount approved in 2022 of BRL 9,937,911.00.
Nevertheless, due to the fact that it is a binding
obligation of the Company, in accordance with the rules set forth in the PSP agreement and arising from the achievement of financial and
non-financial results outlined in the scorecard, it is proposed that the total PSP amount provisioned in 2022, in the amount of BRL
18,637,276.00, be ratified by the Shareholders.
Comparative Table: Approved amount x Actual amount incurred
In order to provide a detailed demonstration
of the amounts exceeded in relation to the approved aggregate management compensation for 2022, a comparative table is presented below
between the approved amounts in the 2022 OEGM and the excess amounts, as set forth in the Reference Form attached hereto, resubmitted
for approval herein:
Approved for 2022 |
Re-ratification for 2022 |
in BRL (1) |
Directors |
Officers |
Fiscal |
Total |
Directors |
Officers |
Fiscal |
Total |
Salary or pro-labore (2) |
14,393,471 |
8,145,333 |
518,400 |
23,057,204 |
13,258,236 |
7,590,036 |
584,180 |
21,432,452 |
Direct and indirect benefits |
1,492,943 |
503,580 |
- |
1,996,523 |
2,355,227 |
526,061 |
- |
2,881,288 |
Fixed Compensation Subtotal |
15,886,414 |
8,648,913 |
518,400 |
25,053,727 |
15,613,463 |
8,116,097 |
584,180 |
24,313,740 |
- |
9,937,911 |
- |
9,937,911 |
- |
18,637,276 |
- |
18,637,276 |
Bonus (2) |
13,817,500 |
9,563,025 |
- |
23,380,525 |
14,421,250 |
23,500,616 |
- |
37,921,866 |
STI Subtotal |
13,817,500 |
19,500,936 |
- |
33,318,436 |
14,421,250 |
42,137,892 |
- |
56,559,142 |
LTI Cash |
- |
1,744,140 |
- |
1,744,140 |
- |
1,744,140 |
- |
1,744,140 |
LTI Shares Accounting recognition - current year (3) |
359,890 |
2,367,626 |
- |
2,727,516 |
760,556 |
2,663,499 |
- |
3,424,055 |
LTI Shares Accounting recognition - previous years (3) |
5,044,047 |
4,453,164 |
- |
9,497,211 |
5,044,047 |
4,453,164 |
- |
9,497,211 |
LTI Subtotal (4) |
5,403,937 |
8,564,930 |
- |
13,968,867 |
5,804,603 |
8,860,803 |
- |
14,665,406 |
Total (no taxes) |
35,107,852 |
36,714,779 |
518,400 |
72,341,031 |
35,839,316 |
59,114,792 |
584,180 |
95,538,288 |
Taxes |
2,878,695 |
1,629,067 |
103,680 |
4,611,442 |
1,936,468 |
1,363,965 |
156,561 |
3,456,994 |
Total (with taxes) |
37,986,546 |
38,343,846 |
622,080 |
76,952,472 |
37,775,784 |
60,478,757 |
740,741 |
98,995,282 |
Absolute Variation |
Percentage Variation |
in BRL (1) |
Directors |
Officers |
Fiscal |
Total |
Directors |
Officers |
Fiscal |
Total |
Salary or pro-labore (2) |
-1,135,235 |
-555,297 |
65,780 |
-1,624,752 |
-7.9% |
-6.8% |
12.7% |
-7.0% |
Direct and indirect benefits |
862,284 |
22,481 |
- |
884,765 |
57.8% |
4.5% |
- |
44.3% |
Fixed Compensation Subtotal |
-272,951 |
-532,816 |
65,780 |
-739,987 |
-1.7% |
-6.2% |
12.7% |
-3.0% |
- |
8,699,365 |
- |
8,699,365 |
- |
87.5% |
- |
87.5% |
Bonus (2) |
603,750 |
13,937,591 |
- |
14,541,341 |
4.4% |
145.7% |
- |
62.2% |
STI Subtotal |
603,750 |
22,636,956 |
- |
23,240,706 |
4.4% |
116.1% |
- |
69.8% |
LTI Cash |
- |
- |
- |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
0.0% |
LTI Shares Accounting recognition - current year (3) |
400,666 |
295,873 |
- |
696,539 |
111.3% |
12.5% |
- |
25.5% |
LTI Shares Accounting recognition - previous years (3) |
- |
- |
- |
0 |
0.0% |
0.0% |
- |
0.0% |
LTI Subtotal (4) |
400,666 |
295,873 |
- |
696,539 |
7.4% |
3.5% |
- |
5.0% |
Total (no taxes) |
731,463 |
22,400,013 |
65,780 |
23,197,258 |
2.1% |
61.0% |
12.7% |
32.1% |
Taxes |
-942,227 |
-265,102 |
52,881 |
-1,154,448 |
-32.7% |
-16.3% |
51.0% |
-25.0% |
Total (with taxes) |
-210,762 |
22,134,911 |
118,661 |
22,042,810 |
-0.6% |
57.7% |
19.1% |
28.6% |
Table 4
Notes for both tables:
(1) Numbers disregarding cents.
(2) Please note that, by mistake,
part of the amount referring to STIs had been included in the salary line in the re-ratification proposal presented at the 2023 OEGM,
and the information in the table above was corrected to properly appear in the Short-Term Incentives (STI) row.
(3) The total amount to be ratified
in 2022 of the accounting recognition of the Officers' share-based compensation refers to BRL 1,522,404.00 of the 2019 grants, BRL 2,395,447.00
of the 2020 grants, BRL 535,311.00 of the 2021 grants and BRL 2,663,498.00 of the 2022 grants.
(4) Corresponds to the maximum accounting
forecast due to the accounting deferral determined by the applicable legislation (CPC 10).
Considering the explanations above, Management
proposes that the Shareholders approve the re-ratification of the aggregate management compensation for the fiscal year ended December
31, 2022, which amounts to BRL 95,538,288.00, without considering social contribution taxes, distributed as follows:
| (i) | Board of Officers: BRL
59,114,792.00, |
| (ii) | Board of Directors:
BRL 35,839,316.00, and |
| (iii) | Fiscal Council: BRL
584,180.00. |
The information provided in accordance with
item 8 of the Reference Form, as per item 8 of Exhibit C of CVM Resolution 80, is included in Exhibit 1 of this Proposal and already considers
the amounts exceeding the annual compensation cap approved in the OEGM of 2022 and subject to this rectification and ratification.
Management proposes to establish the aggregate
management compensation limit for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2023, in the total amount of BRL 70,595,557.00, distributed as
Board of Officers – up to BRL 49,419,202.00
| (ii) | Board of Directors –
up to BRL 20,613,027.00 |
| (iii) | Fiscal Council –
up to BRL 563,328.00 |
It is important to note that the above values
reflect the accounting standards adopted by the Company (IFRS). Therefore, elements such as the amortization of past grants, which are
not under the discretion of the current Board or the Shareholders, are included in the proposed total values, as will be demonstrated
in this section. Furthermore, the above proposal does not include social contribution taxes to be incurred by the Company with the proposed
aggregate compensation, as per CVM guidelines. However, considering that the 2022 aggregate management compensation cap approved in 2022,
as per item I of this Proposal, as well as the previous proposal for management compensation cap for 2023, not approved at the 2023 OEGM,
included social contribution taxes, we will present scenarios with and without social contribution taxes for comparative purposes between
said proposals.
As mentioned throughout this Proposal, since
its investiture on May 08, 2023, the current Board of Directors has dedicated itself to understanding the current management compensation
structure of the Company, taking into consideration the perception of the Shareholders who voted against the approval of the proposal
presented in the general meeting held in April of this year. This Proposal is the result of the first phase of this review process, which
will still require an in-depth study throughout the second half 2023, so that in 2024 the Board of Directors can provide the Shareholders
with a proposal for the new compensation structure aligned with the best market governance standards and the Shareholders’ interests
in 2024.
Notwithstanding the above, the Board of Directors
believes that this Proposal already addresses, albeit temporarily, some of the main improvement points requested by the Shareholders,
namely: (i) simplification of the compensation structure, (ii) greater transparency regarding the compensation items, and (iii) a greater
focus on the long term, with alignment of interests between managers and Shareholders through a share-based payment structure and the
existence of a link between long-term incentives and the Company’s performance indicators (ESG and Operating Cash Flow metrics further
detailed below).
Summary of proposed changes in relation to the 2023 OEGM
As detailed throughout this item II of the Proposal,
the Board of Directors proposes, specifically for the global compensation limit for the year 2023, the following summarized changes to
the previous compensation structure rejected at the 2023 OEGM:
In BRL(1) |
Rejected Proposal |
New Proposal |
Board of Directors |
23,741,290 |
20,613,027 |
Board of Officers |
72,919,698 |
49,419,202 |
Fiscal Council |
563,328 |
563,328 |
Total |
97,224,316 |
70,595,557 |
(1) Numbers rounded up and disregarding cents. |
table 5 |
the Board of Directors:
| (i) | Discontinuation of the short-term
bonus policy, |
| (ii) | No payment of any short-term
bonuses to former members of the Board of Directors whose mandates ended in the 2023 OEGM, and |
| (iii) | No grant of long-term incentives
in the year 2023. |
Regarding the Board of Officers:
Preliminary revision of the Short-Term Incentive (STI)
structure, including –
a. | | Simplification
of the short-term incentive structure, which will now only include the Profit-Sharing Program (PSP), |
b. | | Revision of the
PSP, which will have a maximum value of 120% of the target value (previously up to 200% of the target value), |
c. | | No modification
to the existing indicators for the PSP. Although the Board of Directors acknowledges that the PSP rules can and should be improved, it
concluded that making a change to this instrument that affects the entire senior leadership of the Company in the middle of the year
would be counterproductive and not aligned with best practices. Nonetheless, the review of the PSP’s indicators will be a critical
aspect of the work planned for the second half of 2023 and will be included in next year’s proposal, taking into account contributions
from Shareholders, |
d. | | Discontinuation
of the Expansion Incentive Program, and |
Preliminary revision of the Long-Term Incentive (LTI)
structure, including –
a. | | Compliance with
programs contracted in previous years, which provide for payments contingent to the Officers’ continuing services to the Company
for a period of 3 years, with payments made in 2022 and payments scheduled for 2023 and 2024. No new grants will be made under these
programs in 2023. It should be noted that in the proposal for the 2023 OEGM submitted in April, the payment amounts for these programs
were incorrectly classified as a short-term incentives, but the current Board of Directors considers these programs as long-term incentives,
and therefore, the payment amounts are reflected in the tables and graphs of this Proposal as a long-term incentives, |
b. | | Ceasing to make
new grants under the current LTI plans (Stock Option plans) to statutory managers, considering the assessment that such plans did not
meet Board’s or the Shareholders’ expectations for the Company’s new corporation status, in addition to having critical
provisions established in the plans approved by the Shareholders in December 2020, before the listing of the Company’s shares that
took place in March 2021, which cannot be modified by the Board of Directors, such as a fixed 36-month vesting period and discounted
strike prices relative to the fair market value of the shares, |
c. | | Given the above
item (b) and aiming at awarding a long-term share-based incentive to the statutory Officers in 2023, featuring a 5-year vesting cycle,
while the design of the permanent ILP that is intended to be presented to Shareholders in 2024 is under analysis, a one-time grant of
Phantom Shares is proposed for 2023. These Phantom Shares will replicate the economic rationale of a stock grant, entitling the Officers
to receive a cash award equivalent to the fair market value of the Company’s shares on specific dates according to the vesting
schedule, subject to the fulfillment of the performance conditions outlined in this Proposal. It should also be emphasized that the current
Board of Directors intends to assess the potential migration of the Phantom Shares granted in 2023 in the new equity-based incentive
plan for 2024. |
Comparative Table: Rejected Proposal vs. Current Proposal
In order to facilitate the visualization of
the present Proposal in relation to the rejected proposal for the annual aggregate management compensation of the Officers, as originally
proposed for the 2023 OEGM, the following comparative tables are provided, considering scenarios with and without social contribution
taxes for comparative purposes between the mentioned proposals.
It is worth noting that items in orange represent
amortizations of past Stock Option grants or previously contracted retention cash payments. Therefore, they are not under the discretionary
power of the Board of Directors or even the Shareholders.
In BRL (1) |
Re-ratification (a) |
(b) |
New Proposal
(c) |
(c) - (a) |
(c) - (b) |
Pro labore |
13,258,236 |
8,686,962 |
9,485,629(3) |
-3,772,607 |
798,666 |
Participation in Committees |
- |
2,520,000 |
2,520,000 |
- |
- |
Benefits |
1,492,943 |
611,033 |
611,033 |
-881,910 |
- |
Fixed Compensation Subtotal |
14,751,179 |
11,817,995 |
12,616,662 |
-2,134,517 |
798,666 |
Bonus |
14,421,250 |
3,926,930 |
- |
-14,421,250 |
-3,926,930 |
STI Subtotal (2) |
14,421,250 |
3,926,930 |
- |
-14,421,250 |
-3,926,930 |
Options - Series 6 (2019 grant) |
338,633 |
- |
- |
-338,633 |
- |
Options - Series 7 (2020 grant) |
4,705,415 |
4,661,445 |
4,661,445 |
-43,970 |
- |
Options - Series 9 (2022 grant) |
760,556 |
3,334,920 |
3,334,920 |
2,574,364 |
- |
LTI Subtotal (2) |
5,804,604 |
7,996,365 |
7,996,365 |
2,191,762 |
- |
Total (no taxes) |
34,977,034 |
23,741,290 |
20,613,027 |
-14,364,005 |
-3,128,263 |
Taxes |
1,936,467 |
1,459,154 |
1,897,126 |
-39,341 |
437,972 |
Total (with taxes) |
36,913,499 |
25,200,444 |
22,510,153 |
-14,403,346 |
-2,690,292 |
(1) Numbers rounded up and disregarding
(2) As one can see, no new grants of short-
and long-term incentives will be made to members of the Board of Directors in 2023. The total amount of BRL 7,996,365.00 that will be
accounted for with variable (long-term) compensation relates exclusively to past grants.
(3) The increase in value for the fixed
compensation (pro labore) comprises the addition of two more members of advisory committees that are compensated by the Company in comparison
to the number of members presented at the Rejected Proposal of 2023. |
Table 6
In BRL (1) |
(a) |
(b) |
New Proposal
(c) |
(c) - (a) |
(c) - (b) |
Salary |
7,590,036 |
10,842,744 |
10,842,744 |
3,252,708 |
- |
Benefits |
526,061 |
712,668 |
712,668 |
186,607 |
- |
Fixed Compensation Subtotal |
8,116,097 |
11,555,412 |
11,555,412 |
3,439,315 |
- |
Bonus |
23,500,616 |
16,379,363 |
5,187,396 |
-18,313,219 |
-11,191,967 |
18,637,276 |
14,887,294 |
14,887,294 |
-3,749,982 |
- |
STI Subtotal (2) |
42,137,891 |
31,266,657 |
20,074,690 |
-22,063,201 |
-11,191,967 |
ILP Cash |
1,744,140 |
3,756,660 |
7,297,364 |
5,553,224 |
3,540,704 |
ILP Extraordinary |
- |
14,072,269 |
- |
- |
-14,072,269 |
Options - Series 6 (2019 grant) |
1,522,405 |
- |
- |
-1,522,405 |
- |
Options - Series 7 (2020 grant) |
2,395,448 |
1,430,706 |
1,430,706 |
-964,742 |
- |
Options - Series 8 (2021 grant) |
535,312 |
675,133 |
675,133 |
139,821 |
- |
Options - Series 9 (2022 grant) |
2,663,499 |
5,685,048 |
5,685,048 |
3,021,549 |
- |
Opções - Série 10 (outorga 2023) |
- |
4,477,812 |
- |
- |
-4,477,812 |
Ações virtuais (outorga 2023) (3) |
- |
- |
2,700,847 |
2,700,847 |
2,700,847 |
LTI Subtotal (3) |
8,860,803 |
30,097,628 |
17,789,098 |
8,928,295 |
-12,308,530 |
Total (no taxes) |
59,114,792 |
72,919,698 |
49,419,202 |
-9,695,590 |
-23,500,497 |
Taxes |
1,363,965 |
2,905,855 |
2,905,855 |
1,541,891 |
- |
Total (with taxes) |
60,478,757 |
75,825,553 |
52,325,057 |
-8,153,699 |
-23,500,497 |
(1) Numbers rounded up and disregarding
(2) As one can see, new grants of short-term
incentives will be made to members of the Board of Officers only under the PPR, considering the maximum amount that can be reached of
R$ 14,887,294.00, corresponding to the now ceiling of 120% of the target amount (at the 2023 OEGM, the same amount had been presented
as an estimate, but with the possibility of reaching 200%, now reduced to 120%). The other short-term amounts, BRL 5,187,396.00, correspond
to payments previously contracted.
(3) As one can see, there will be new long-term
incentive grants for Executive Officers only of Phantom Shares. All other amounts relate exclusively to past grants. In summary, of the
total amount of R$ 10,491,733.00 of the new proposal, R$ 2,700,847.00 (approximately 26%) correspond to new grants of Phantom Shares and
R$ 7,790,887.00 (approximately 74%) correspond to payments previously contracted.
(4) The fair value of the proposed grants of Phantom Shares
is R$22,659,677.00, including the regular grant expected for the year 2023 and specific grant for retention of the CEO under the renegotiation
of his contracts. The amount indicated considered the average price of the Company’s shares in the last 20 trading sessions before
June 1, 2023. This amount will impact the Company's financial statements proportionally to the vesting period, according to CPC 10, in
the years 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028. |
It should be noted that the former incentive
programs for members of the Board of Officers consolidated in the table above in the “Bonus” row and in the “ILP Cash”
row were not subject to new grants in 2023.
Additionally, we provide a visual representation
that illustrates the corresponding percentages for fixed compensation, short-term incentives (STI), and long-term incentives (LTI), from
an accounting viewpoint:
Chart B
Chart C
Compensation of the Board of Directors
As demonstrated in the tables above, the new
proposed limit for the compensation members of the Board of Directors is BRL 20,613,027.00. This represents a reduction of BRL 3,128,263.00
compared to the amount proposed in the 2023 OEGM, which was originally set at BRL 23,741,290.00.
This Proposal represents a complete change
to the previous compensation practices of the Company. Under the former controlling shareholder, the Company’s compensation policy
included the payment of short-term variable compensation (bonuses) to members of the Board of Directors. These individuals were also
eligible for Stock Option grants which, in some cases, were subject to vesting acceleration upon termination.
However, the current members of the Board of
Directors, as elected in the 2023 OEGM, will not be entitled to variable or share-based incentives. Their compensation for 2023 will solely
consist of monthly salary, with additional compensation for committee participation, also on a monthly basis.
As previously mentioned, this compensation proposal
also includes the accounting recognition of Stock Option grants made to former Board members whose tenure ended in April 2023, both in
their regular vesting schedules and in accordance with the former Board’s practice of accelerating vesting in certain cases of termination,
in line with the powers attributed to the Board under the Stock Option plans approved by the Shareholders in the past, as determined by
the former controlling shareholder, with all legal events having already been fully consummated.
We highlight that the current management of
the Company also negotiated with the former controlling shareholder the assumption of bonus payment to former Board members – who
were also employees of the former controlling shareholder. As a result of this negotiation, Casino agreed to directly assume the payment
to the former Directors of the Company, eliminating the amount of BRL 3,926,930.00 from this proposal and reducing the proposed compensation
for the Board of Directors in 2023 by such amount as compared to the original proposal.
It is important to note that even after Casino
assumed the bonus payments described above, compensation allocated to member of the former Board of Directors for the period between January
and April of 2023 (which represents 33% of the fiscal year) still represents approximately 52% of the total compensation proposed for
the Board of Directors in 2023. These amounts include the legacy components of the previous compensation structure, as well as extraordinary
expenses incurred due to the termination of former Board members. Conversely, the compensation attributed to the new members of the Board
of Directors, covering the period from May to December of 2023 (representing 66% of the fiscal year), accounts for approximately 48% of
the total compensation proposed for the Board of Directors in 2023 and is now aligned with market practices.
With regard to share-based payments for the
Board of Directors, the amount to be accounted for in 2023 as variable compensation, totaling BRL 7,996,366.00, encompasses (i) the fair
value of options with vesting periods scheduled for 2023 and (ii) the fair value of options that had their vesting periods accelerated
due to the termination of former Board members, resulting in the anticipated recording of expenses of the entirety of the vesting periods
in accordance with CPC 10 (IFRS 2).
The table below provides a detailed breakdown
of the components pertaining to the recognized share-based compensation of former members of the Board of Directors whose tenure ended
in April 2023. This demonstrates the impact resulting from the former Board’s decision to accelerate the vesting of Series 9 options,
as described above.
Furthermore, the table below presents a historical
record of the year-to-year accounting entries for the Stock Options granted to the former members of the Board of Directors in previous
fiscal years, in accordance with CPC 10 (IFRS 2):
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Total / year
Amount accounted for |
Fractions |
Amount accounted for |
Fractions |
Amount accounted for |
Fractions |
2019 - Series 6 |
2,004,812 |
12/36 |
338,633 |
5/36 |
- |
0/36 |
2,343,444 |
2020 - Series 7 |
5,106,081 |
12/36 |
4,705,415 |
12/36 |
4,661,445 |
5/36 |
14,472,940 |
2021 - Series 8 |
- |
0/36 |
- |
0/36 |
- |
0/36 |
- |
2022 - Series 9 |
- |
0/36 |
760,556 |
7/36 |
3,334,920 |
29/36 |
4,095,477 |
Total nominal economic amount |
7,110,893 |
24/36 |
5,804,604 |
24/36 |
7,996,365 |
35/36 |
20,911,861 |
Table 8 |
Compensation of the Board of Officers
As shown in the tables above, the new proposed
limit for the statutory Officers’ compensation (without including social contribution taxes) is BRL 49,419,202.00, representing
a reduction of BRL 23,500,497.00, if compared to the amount proposed in the 2023 OEGM of BRL 72,919,698.00 (without including social contribution
In item II.1, we presented a summary of the
proposed changes to the statutory Officers’ compensation. A detailed description of each of the main elements mentioned in item
II.1 is presented below.
- Short-Term Incentives (STIs)
For the 2023 fiscal year, Management proposes
simplifying the existing structure of Short-Term Incentives.
In this regard, for 2023, the STI will only
consist of the Profit-Sharing Program (PSP). All other STI programs will be discontinued.
| Ø | Profit-Sharing Program (PSP) |
Regarding the PSP, given that this review is
being carried out in the middle of the current year, the Board of Directors has decided to maintain the performance indicators and targets
for each of the goals existing under PSP agreement for 2023. This is largely due to the fact that PSP must comply with legal requirements
for its implementation, especially regarding negotiation procedures, in such a way that a substantial change in the structure of PSP in
the middle of the year could generate potential exposures to the Company from a legal perspective.
However, as permitted by applicable law and
current PSP rules, the Board decided to implement a significant change to the ranges of the PSP starting in 2023. The range, which could
previously vary from 0 to 200%, will now be limited to a range of 80 to 120%. Payment will be triggered for each indicator at the minimum
threshold of 80%, and performances below this level will not result in payments to the statutory Officers.
The PSP for the Officers is structured as a
Scorecard, which includes corporate indicators (50% weight) and department/directorate-specific goals evaluated quantitatively (15% weight)
and qualitatively (15% weight), and individual evaluation on aspects of behavioral alignment (20% weight).
Under the proposed change, if the achievement
level of a specific indicator is below 80%, it will be considered as 0% in the Scorecard. Furthermore, it’s important to note that
there are no other components that can increase the target amount beyond 120% under the PSP (e.g., “accelerators”).
The Scorecard is individualized as shown in
the example below:
80% |
100% |
120% |
Represent 50% of the Total Amount of the Indicators |
Net sales – same stores |
80% |
100% |
120% |
Net Income |
80% |
100% |
120% |
Net Debt |
80% |
100% |
120% |
80% |
100% |
120% |
Women in leadership offices (Managers and above) |
80% |
100% |
120% |
Total carbon emissions reduction |
80% |
100% |
120% |
Represent 15% of the Total Amount of the Indicators |
Specific Indicators of each Board of Officers’ Committee (Examples: Percentage of “breaks” on net sales; Expansion Plan; CAPEX - Cash-out; Turnover percentages; Cash Margin Volume; Supplier Financing; Market Share) |
80% |
100% |
120% |
Represent 15% of the Total Amount of the Indicators |
Projects (From 02 to 04 specific Projects from each Board of Officers’ Committee) |
80% |
100% |
120% |
Represent 20% of the Total Amount of the Indicators |
Behavioral review on individual performance - Discretionary |
80% |
100% |
120% |
Despite the request by some Shareholders that
the values of the targets be published, Assaí believes that such disclosure would be harmful to the Company, from the strategic,
competitive and talent retention standpoints. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the achievement of the Scorecard targets is compatible
with the achievement of the performance indicated by the Company in its guidance for 2023, according to its Reference Form.
| Ø | Previously contracted short-term
incentives |
Additionally, it should be noted that there
are predetermined payment amounts for 2023 that are associated previously contracted short-term incentives, which provide for payments
in subsequent years (2022, 2023, and 2024) and these amounts need to be taken into consideration in the current compensation proposal.
These programs provide for the payment of a certain amount to eligible employees, including certain Officers, upon the completion of each
cycle of continued services within the Company. The total amount of these programs to be paid in 2023 is BRL 5,187,396.00.
- Long-Term Incentives (LTIs)
| Ø | Previously contracted long-term
incentives |
I In 2021, Assaí entered into long-term
retention programs with its managers. The Programs provide for payments in 2023, in the amount of BRL7,297,364.00, and final installments
in 2024. It is worth mentioning that these amounts were classified in the management proposal to the 2023 OEGM as a short-term incentive.
However, its multi-year nature determines its classification as a long-term incentive, which is why we have reclassified it in this Proposal.
The Board of Directors proposes that no
new Stock Options be granted to managers in 2023. This means that the existing Stock Option plans, which were approved at the Company’s
Extraordinary General Meeting on December 31, 2020, will not be used for grants to statutory managers in 2023. However, these plans will
remain in effect, and grants will continue to be made to employees that are not the statutory Officers, following the rules outlined in
the plans. The Board’s ultimate goal is for both the Officers and the other employees to be subject to the same equity-based plan,
starting from 2024.
The Board believes that the current Stock Option
plans lack certain characteristics for the envisaged stock-based incentive and do not converge with the objectives of the structure that
is intended to be created for Assaí. Specifically, critical parameters such as fixed vesting periods of 3 years and discounted
exercise prices are rigidly defined in the existing plans. Moreover, based on the feedback of Shareholders who have criticized this type
of incentive, the Board of Directors believes that granting stock options below-market prices is inconsistent with best practices and
the incentives that are intended for the Company.
Additionally, the Board decided to extend the
vesting cycle of the long-term incentive to up to 5 years, which is incompatible with the rules of the current plans. It is important
to point out that the accounting for the Stock Options adopted follows the CPC10 standard - Share-based Payment (IFRS 2), thus reflecting
Management's premises and the accounting effects on the Company's financial statements.
For explanatory purposes, the table below shows
the total number of shares underlying the options and the potential dilution of outstanding options, based on the grants made in previous
Accumulated dilution* |
% Dilution |
# Shares |
% Representation |
Annual average dilution |
Number of years |
Board of Directors |
0.101% |
1,369,370 |
42.95% |
0.034% |
3 |
Board of Officers |
0.135% |
1,818,850 |
57.05% |
0.045% |
3 |
Total |
0.236% |
3,188,220 |
100.00% |
0.079% |
3 |
Table 10 |
* Considering the grants that occurred between 2020 and 2022. |
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Year |
Current number of shares |
Number of shares granted |
Net dilution – granted each year |
Current number of shares |
Number of shares granted |
Net dilution – granted each year |
2020 |
1,350,256,496 |
1,055,205 |
0.078% |
1,350,256,496 |
524,750 |
0.039% |
2021 |
1,350,256,496 |
- |
0.00% |
1,350,256,496 |
177,200 |
0.013% |
2022 |
1,350,256,496 |
314,165 |
0.023% |
1,350,256,496 |
1,641,650 |
0.013% |
Table 11 |
The previous grants of Stock Options to Officers
have accounting implications for the 2023 financial statements, as per CPC 10 (IFRS 2). Therefore, these values are included in the current
proposal for the total compensation in 2023, totaling BRL 7,790,887.00.
The table below provides a summary of the progression
of the accounting expenses associated with the previous Stock Option grants.
2021 |
2022 |
2023 New Proposal |
Total / year |
Amount accounted for |
Fractions |
Amount accounted for |
Fractions |
Amount accounted for |
Fractions |
2019 - Série 6 |
2,801,932 |
12/36 |
1,522,405 |
5/36 |
- |
0/36 |
4,324,337 |
2020 - Série 7 |
2,801,072 |
12/36 |
2,395,448 |
12/36 |
1,430,706 |
5/36 |
6,627,226 |
2021 - Série 8 |
492,487 |
7/36 |
535,312 |
12/36 |
675,133 |
12/36 |
1,702,931 |
2022 - Série 9 |
- |
0/36 |
2,663,499 |
7/36 |
5,685,048 |
12/36 |
8,348,547 |
Nominal economic total |
6,095,491 |
31/36 |
7,116,663 |
36/36 |
7,790,887 |
29/36 |
21,003,041 |
Table 12 |
| Ø | Phantom Shares – 2023
Grant |
Since the revision of the management compensation
structure will take place in 2023, and will only later presented to Shareholders in 2024, in order to address the need for a long-term
share-based incentive for Officers in 2023, both for retention purposes and for alignment of interests, the Board of Directors proposes
a grant of Phantom Shares. These Phantom Shares will entitle Officers to receive a cash award on specific dates according to Company shares’
market value. The proposal does not require a specific plan approval at a General Shareholders’ Meeting, as it is a share-based
incentive settled in cash.
The key terms and conditions of the grant are
as follows:
| • | Each phantom share entitles
the beneficiary to receive a cash award equivalent to the average price of one (1) Company share over the 20 trading days prior to each
vesting date, provided the beneficiary still provides services to the Company. |
| • | Phantom shares will have a
3-year cliff and a total vesting period of 5 years, with the following vesting schedule: 20% in the 3rd year, 20% in the 4th
year, and 60% in the 5th year. |
| • | The proposal also includes
performance indicators to which a portion of the awards will be conditioned to. |
This is a transitional structure that seeks
to quickly respond to Shareholders’ feedback and aims to reinforce the retention of the Officers, as the compensation structure
previously practiced focused primarily on short-term incentives. Notwithstanding its retention character, in line with Shareholders' feedback,
the Board of Directors proposes that the right to receive the amounts under the aforementioned terms is also conditioned upon the achievement
of performance indicators.
Thus, regarding the long-term incentives for
2023, the Board of Directors proposes a structure composed of (i) 50% for executive retention and (ii) 50% based on performance indicators.
The performance indicators will consist of ESG
metrics (disabled people, renewable energy matrix, and women in leadership), with a weight of 30%, and the Operational Cash Flow indicator
as a percentage of net revenue, with a weight of 70%.
The 50% based on the achievement of performance
indicators will have defined targets for each vesting date, and non-achievement in the 3rd or 4th years may be compensated for by achievement
in the subsequent year or both in the 5th year. The goal achievement is linked to a 10% absolute variation range.
The choice of indicators is based on (i) the
Company's responsibility in building a responsible and inclusive society and (ii) the alignment of executives with the commitment to sustainable
business growth.
The Board of Directors also evaluated the inclusion
Malus and Clawback provisions in the grant of Phantom Shares, but further legal analysis will be required, especially in light if the
Officers’ employment being regulated by the Brazilian labor laws.
It is important to note that a comprehensive
review of the executive compensation structure will take place in 2023, with a new proposal to be presented to the Shareholders in 2024.
The potential inclusion of Phantom Shares in the new equity-based incentive plan for 2024 will also be explored.
The total quantity of Phantom Shares to be
granted to the statutory Officers is 1,989,465, representing 0.1473% of the total amount shares issued by the Company as of this date.
The allocation of shares to each Officer was based on the latest edition of the Korn Ferry’s Top Exec survey, which compares
compensation parameters among major economic groups. This number of Phantom Shares also includes an extraordinary grant which represents
a renegotiation of the various retention programs that previously existed and that the Board, as mentioned, deemed misaligned with the
new reality of the Company, since they were mainly cash-based and short-term payments.
If this Proposal is approved, the Board of Directors
will be responsible for the approval of the Phantom Shares Plan, grant awards, as well as for the administration and creation of complementary
rules for their operation.
The fair value of the Phantom Shares is BRL
22,660,006.00, determined based on the average price of Company shares in the 20 trading days prior to June 1, 2023. The fair value will
be proportionally accounted for in the Company’s financial statements during the vesting period, in accordance with CPC 10 (IFRS
2), in the years 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028.
According to CPC 10 (IFRS 2), being a cash-settled
share-based payment, the fair value of the Phantom Shares should be recognized as a liability on the balance sheet (and not in equity,
as with Stock Options). For this reason, CPC 10 (IFRS 2) provides that the fair value of Phantom Shares must be remeasured at each reporting
period (i.e., on a quarterly and annual basis), to reflect changes in the Company’s stock price between each remeasurement date.
Therefore, the total accounting impact of the
Phantom Share grants for 2023 and subsequent years cannot be determined in advance.
The overall limit for the Officers' compensation
shall, therefore, be automatically adjusted to reflect the positive or negative variation in the fair value of Phantom Shares in 2023
compared to the initial amortized fair value in the year of Phantom Shares of BRL 2,700,847.00, as required by CPC 10, thereby avoiding
the global limit for compensation for the Board of Directors established based on estimated value from being exceeded due to the mandatory
remeasurement of the fair value of Phantom Shares at each reporting period.
Annual Grant Amounts and Recurring Payments
All amounts referenced in this Proposal up to
this section followed the accounting standards used by the Company. As repeatedly explained, these figures include impacts from decisions
made in prior years, which may make it difficult for Shareholders to analyze them. In order to mitigate this effect, in this section we
present different formats that we believe provide a better understanding of the compensation of the Board of Officers:
Each year, decisions are made that establish
rights for managers, some of which are deferred for several years. In this analysis, we compare the grants made in each of the last 2
years with the original and current versions of the proposal for 2023. For this simulation, we considered the maximum achievable value
in the short-term programs and the fair value of the stock instruments granted each year. This allows us to better understand the decisions
made annually to determine the total compensation of the statutory Officers. Additionally, we provide information on the vesting periods.
Board of Officers |
2021 |
To be re-ratified in 2022 |
New Proposal* |
Rejected Proposal |
New Proposal |
Salary (Pro Labore) |
6,140,318 |
7,590,036 |
7,590,036 |
10,842,744 |
10,842,744 |
Direct and indirect benefits |
407,730 |
526,061 |
526,061 |
712,668 |
712,668 |
Total Fixed Compensation |
6,548,048 |
8,116,097 |
8,116,097 |
11,555,412 |
11,555,412 |
14,485,076 |
18,637,275 |
18,637,276 |
14,887,294 |
14,887,294 |
STI (Other) |
6,459,095 |
25,975,923 |
13,469,425 |
7,651,263 |
0 |
Total Short-Term Variable Compensation |
20,944,171 |
44,613,198 |
32,106,701 |
22,538,557 |
14,887,294 |
LTI Cash |
17,525,000 |
LTI (Stock Options) |
1,779,783 |
15,415,067 |
15,415,067 |
22,357,397 |
Investimento em Ações |
8,083,803 |
Phantom Shares |
22,658,242 |
Total Long-Term Variable Compensation |
19,304,783 |
15,415,067 |
23,498,870 |
22,357,397 |
22,658,242 |
Total |
46,797,002 |
68,144,362 |
63,721,668 |
56,451,367 |
49,100,949 |
Table 13 |
* The new proposal for 2022 includes the Stock Investment Commitment of
the net portion of the Expansion Program exceed amount of approximately R$ 8.1 M, after income tax (R$ 4,422,695.00). |
With the approval of the compensation proposal
presented for 2023, the compensation mix for the Board of Officers will be composed as shown in the chart below, considering the amounts
granted in each year and not the corresponding accounting recognition:
Chart D
Chart E
In relation to the amount proposed for the 2023
grant, it is important to note that of the BRL 22,660,006.00 forecast as Phantom Share grants, the amount of BRL 12,660,006.00 refers
to what we call recurring values, i.e., calculated based on the Company’s compensation strategy, based on the aforementioned benchmarks
(Korn Ferry). The difference, in the amount of BRL 10,000,000.00, refers to the extraordinary grant, focused on the retention of key executives,
and which largely replaces the compensation systems established by the former controller, whose resolution was negotiated with the executives.
In order to consolidate the proposed changes
for 2023 and allow a clear understanding of the numbers, we have prepared the following comparative tables:
Considering the explanations provided above,
Management proposes to set the total aggregate management compensation limit for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2023, at a total
value of BRL 70,595,557.00, without considering
social contribution taxes, to be distributed among the management as outlined below. The proposed aggregate limit mentioned above considers
the estimated fair value of the Phantom Shares in 2023, amounting to BRL 2,700,847.00 based on the Company’s shares average trading
price in the 20 trading days prior to June 1, 2023. This value will necessarily fluctuate throughout 2023 due to the mandatory remeasurement
of the liability at the end of each reporting period, in accordance with CPC 10 (IFRS 2). Consequently, upon approval of the proposed
aggregate compensation limit by the Shareholders, it is also approved that the proposed aggregate limit of BRL 70,595,557.00 shall automatically
increase or decrease solely to account for the variation resulting from the remeasurement of the fair value of the Phantom Shares at
the end of each reporting period in 2023, in relation to the estimated fair value of the Phantom Shares of BRL 2,700,847.00 based on
the Company’s shares average trading price in the 20 trading days prior to June 1, 2023, as required by CPC 10 (IFRS 2).
| (i) | Board of Officers: up
to BRL 49,419,201.00 |
| (ii) | Board of Directors:
up to BRL 20,613,027.22 |
| (iii) | Fiscal Council: up to
BRL 563,328.00 |
Lastly, the Management would like to highlight
that the information specified in item 8 of the New Reference Form, as outlined in item 8 of Annex C of CVM Resolution 80, can be found
in Annex 1 of this Proposal.
Proposal for Aggregate Management Compensation
(Item 8 of
the Reference Form)
stated in item 8 of the Reference Form (according to Exhibit C - CVM Resolution 80/2022 and article 13, ii, of CVM Resolution 81/2022)
Management Compensation
Description of the Compensation Policy or Practice of the Management,
including the Non-Statutory Board of Officers, and Committees
objectives of the compensation policy or practice, indicating
whether the compensation policy was formally approved, the management body responsible for its approval, the date of approval, and, if
the issuer discloses the policy, any websites on which the document may be consulted
Despite the existence of a formalized
compensation policy for the Company's management, the Policy for Appointment and Compensation of the Members of the Board of Directors,
its Advisory Committees, Board of Officers and Fiscal Council ("Policy"), as approved at a Board of Directors’
meeting held on May 31, 2022, a broad project is underway to restructure the Company's management compensation, which will involve the
updating of the Policy.
The Company's new Board of Directors,
elected at the Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of April 27, 2023, is intensively dedicated to completely overhauling the current
management compensation structure and, in continuation of the transitional modifications presented for the Extraordinary General Meeting
of July 14, 2023, will conduct a more extensive and detailed study throughout 2023, to be presented in time for the 2024 Annual General
Meanwhile, the Policy currently in effect
provides that the compensation of the members of the Company's Board of Directors, its Advisory Committees, Board of Officers and Fiscal
Council will be based on:
| 1. | responsibilities of the members of the Board of Directors, its Advisory
Committees, Board of Officers and Fiscal Council, when installed, considering the different positions they hold and the functions they
perform; |
| 2. | time devoted to their duties; |
| 3. | competence and professional reputation, in view of their experience and
qualifications; e |
| 4. | value of their services in the market. |
In accordance with the Policy, the Company
adopts the following principles for the compensation of its members of the Board of Directors, its Advisory Committees, Board of Officers
and Fiscal Council, when installed:
| 1. | alignment of interests between the members of the Board of Directors, its
Advisory Committees, the Board of Officers and the Fiscal Council, when installed, and the Company's shareholders, with a philosophy of
sharing risks and returns; |
| 2. | translation of the Company's strategy into area-specific and individual
goals; and |
| 3. | recognition of the contribution and incentive to retain professionals, based
on references practiced by the market. |
Based on these principles, the Company adopts
a compensation plan that uses value creation metrics to establish variable compensation targets, benefits and stock-based compensation,
with an individualized description of the compensation for each management body of the Company provided in the Policy.
Furthermore, the Company regularly carries
out market surveys, which are conducted by contracting renowned external specialized consultants. The surveys are carried out based on
the analysis of data from the main companies in the Brazilian market, with similar revenues number and size to that of the Company, in
order to assess whether the parameters and conditions adopted by the Company to determine the total compensation are satisfactory and
allow for the retention of professionals.
The Policy is available for consultation at
the following websites:
| ü | Company's Investor Relations website (https://ri.assai.com.br/en/)
by clicking on “Corporate Governance”, “Bylaws and Policies” and finally “Appointment and compensation of
members of the Board of Directors Policy” or directly through the link https://api.mziq.com/mzfilemanager/v2/d/ec14f0ab-c5d4-4b12-a413-
b6cc7475ed98/97cae83d-963d-b441-25f5-ee46d09e1457?origin=1; |
| ü | Website of the Securities and Exchange Commission
of Brazil - CVM (https://www.gov.br/cvm/en?set_language=en); and |
| ü | Website of B3 S.A. - Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão
(https://www.b3.com.br/en_us/). |
practices and procedures used by the board of directors
to determine the individual compensation of the board of directors and the board of officers, indicating:
the issuer's management bodies and committees that participate
in the decision-making process, identifying how they participate
The Company has an area dedicated to
compensation-related topics, whose main objective is to evaluate, structure, and recommend best practices.
Based on this
analysis, the area responsible for establishing the compensation structure for management and key personnel suggests compensation parameters
and strategies, including for non-statutory Officers and occupants of other strategic positions that do not make up the Board of Officers.
These recommendations will be submitted to the People, Culture, and Remuneration Committee, which is
responsible for forwarding and making recommendations regarding the compensation of management and non-statutory executives.
the compensation proposal has been recommended by the People, Culture, and Remuneration Committee, the
Board of Directors must approve it and include the appropriate information in the Management Proposal so that the Company's shareholders
can resolve on the management global compensation amount, in each case divided by management body.
criteria and methodology used to determine the individual compensation,
indicating whether studies are used to verify market practices and, if so, the comparison criteria and the scope of such studies
To set the compensation of the Managers,
the Company regularly conducts market research, through the hiring of a specialized and recognized consulting firm (assessed by Korn Ferry's
Top Exec Research), based on the analysis of data from the main Brazilian companies, with revenues and size similar to that of the Company,
in order to assess whether the criteria and conditions it adopts to determine the compensation are compatible with the segment and allow
for the retention of the best professionals, as well as analyze the need to propose adjustments in some component of compensation that
may be misaligned.
Once the information is analyzed, a compensation
proposal is made based on the level of dedication and role played by the Managers.
how often and how the board of directors assesses the adequacy
of the issuer's compensation policy
Every year, the parameters and references
provided by the external consulting firm are evaluated and compared to those actually practiced by the Company. Based on these assessments,
the area dedicated to the topics of compensation and structure recommends proposals for adjustments in order to maintain the Company's
competitiveness and adherence to the established strategy. These recommendations are submitted to the People, Culture, and Remuneration
Committee, which is responsible for forwarding and recommending to the Board of Directors the compensation issues related to management
and non-statutory executives.
composition of the compensation, indicating:
description of the various elements which compose the compensation, including
for each of them:
its objectives and alignment with the issuer’s short, medium
and long-term interests
| · | The compensation of the members of the Board
of Directors is composed of Fixed Compensation only, while the members of the Board of Officers receive Fixed Compensation, in addition
to the Short-Term Incentives (STI) and the Long-Term Incentives (LTI), described below. |
| · | Fixed Compensation: Determined based on competitive compensation
structures that take into account the know-how, problem solving and responsibility of each position. The Company organizes its structure
by salary grades and respective average salaries, seeking to maintain alignment with the market average salary. The Fixed Compensation
of the Officers is composed of base salary and benefits and that of the members of the Board of Directors is composed of monthly fees,
additional compensation for participation in advisory committees and benefits. |
| · | Short-Term Incentives (STI): For the 2023 fiscal year,
the Short-Term Incentives (STI) of the Officers shall be composed only of the Profit-Sharing Program (“PSP”), with
the discontinuation of the other programs previously in effect. Under the PSP, the Company utilizes performance indicators aligned with
the Company's strategic planning, defined based on its business plan, which takes into consideration quantitative and qualitative results
(performance evaluation of officers). As an example, in recent years the Company has used metrics based on the following indicators: Net
Sales (Vendas Líquidas), Net Margin (Margem Líquida), General Administrative and Sales Expenses (Despesas
Gerais Administrativas e de Vendas), EBITDA, Net Profit (Lucro Líquido), Net Debt (Dívida Líquida),
ESG Indicators (% Women in leadership positions; Reduction in carbon emissions), Number of Tickets (Transactions) and Market Share. |
The maximum percentage of goal attainment
achievable by the Company’s officers will be limited to a range between 80% and 120%, and the minimum percentage of 80% will serve
as a trigger for the payment of each metric, so that performances below this level will not cause payments to the members of the Board
of Officers. This measure aims to mitigate the risk that eventual results that are much higher than expected at the time of approval
of the Profit-Sharing Program will significantly impact the amounts to be paid to the Company's officers.
The PSP for the members of the Board
of Officers is structures on a Scorecard basis, in which the goals are applied in each professional level with corporate indicators (general
goals of the Company, with a weight of 50%), individual goals of each area/board, evaluated on quantitative (weight of 15%) and qualitative
(weight of 15%) aspects, and individual evaluation on behavioral alignment aspects (weight of 20%).
In addition to the payments made under
the Profit-Sharing Program, until the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, members of the Board of Officers also received bonus payments,
based on performance, according to certain metrics described above, as applicable.
| · | Long-Term Incentives (LTI): Until the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, the Long-Term Incentives (LTI) of the Officers corresponded to (i) share-based payments, in the form
of stock option grants under two plans approved at a General Meeting, as described herein in item 8.4, and (ii) cash payments linked to
the Officers' continuity in the Company, aiming at retention. |
For the 2023 fiscal year, the Board of
Directors proposed a one-time grant of phantom shares, corresponding to the right to receive a cash payment equivalent to the value of
the Company's shares on certain dates, according to the vesting schedule described in item 8.4 of this Reference Form.
Until the fiscal year ended December
31, 2022, the Board of Directors received Long Term Incentive (LTI) in the form of stock option grants under two plans approved by the
Company's General Meeting, as described herein in item 8. For the 2023 fiscal year, the Board of Directors will not receive Long Term
Incentives (LTI).
The compensation of the members of the
Fiscal Council, in the fiscal year in which it is installed by the Company's General Meeting, will consist of a fixed monthly compensation,
disconnected from the effective participation in meetings, which cannot be lower, for each member in office, than 10% of the average monthly
compensation of the Officers.
its proportion in the total compensation in the last 3 fiscal years
The table below shows the
share of each element in the composition of total compensation in the last three fiscal years:
For the fiscal year ended December 31,
% in relation to total compensation |
Base Salary |
Direct and Indirect Benefits |
Variable Compensation |
Stock Option Plans |
Total |
Board of Directors |
36.99% |
6.57% |
40.24% |
16.20% |
100.00% |
Board of Officers |
20.80% |
0.88% |
66.27% |
12.04% |
100.00% |
Fiscal Council |
100.00% |
- |
- |
- |
100.00% |
For the fiscal year ended December 31,
% in relation to total compensation |
Base Salary |
Direct and Indirect Benefits |
Variable Compensation |
Stock Option Plans |
Total |
Board of Directors |
41.00% |
3.67% |
34.35% |
20.98% |
100.00% |
Board of Officers |
47.07% |
1.03% |
36.53% |
15.37% |
100.00% |
Fiscal Council |
100.00% |
- |
- |
- |
100.00% |
For the fiscal year ended December 31,
% in relation to total compensation |
Base Salary |
Direct and Indirect Benefits |
Variable Compensation |
Stock Option Plans |
Total |
Board of Directors |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Board of Officers |
50.77% |
1.36% |
28.26% |
19.61% |
100.00% |
Fiscal Council |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
calculation and adjustment methodology
For the purpose of setting and adjusting
management compensation, the Company regularly conducts market surveys in order to assess whether the criteria and conditions it adopts
to determine the compensation are satisfactory and allow for the retention of professionals, as well as to analyze the need to propose
adjustments in some component of the compensation that may be misaligned. These surveys are conducted annually, by a specialized and
recognized consulting firm hired by the Company and are based on the analysis of data from the main companies in the Brazilian market,
with revenues and size similar to that of the Company.
Once the survey is completed, the area
responsible for establishing the management compensation structure suggests compensation parameters and strategies, including for non-statutory
The Company has an area dedicated to
issues related to compensation, whose main objective is to assess, structure and recommend best practices. These recommendations will
be submitted to the People, Culture and Remuneration Committee, responsible for analyzing and forwarding
the compensation issues of management, as well as employees and non-statutory executives to the Board of Directors.
With regard to the short-term variable
compensation of the Officers, the Company has a Profit-Sharing Program under the terms of Law No. 10.101/2000. The calculation of the
amount to be paid under the Profit-Sharing Program is structured in the form of a Scorecard, in which the targets are applied at the level
of each professional with corporate indicators (the Company's general targets, weighted at 50%), targets for each area/directorate, assessed
on quantitative (weighting 15%) and qualitative (weighting 15%) aspects, and individual assessment on behavioral alignment aspects (weighting
20%). The calculation is based on financial and non-financial indicators, independent from each other, aligned with the Company's strategic
planning, defined based on the business plan and on the results to be achieved by the Company, under the terms of the negotiations carried
out as per the specific legal provision. The Profit-Sharing is, therefore, linked to the performance of the Company and of the Board of
Officers itself, under the terms of the Company's Profit-Sharing Program.
In addition, until the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2022, members of the Board of Officers also received bonus payments, calculated based on performance indicators aligned with
the Company's strategic planning.
With regard to the long-term incentives
of the Officers, the quantitative nature of both the past grants made under the Stock Option Plans and the retention programs via payment
in cash or a single virtual share grant was determined based on surveys conducted by Korn Ferry, which uses the large economic groups
operating in the country as comparison parameters. The single virtual share offer for the 2023 fiscal year also takes into account the
latest survey conducted by Korn Ferry (Top Exec).
key performance indicators taken into account, including, if applicable,
ESG indicators
For the purpose of the Profit-Sharing
Program, the Company has used metrics for quantitative results based on the following indicators:
| · | Net Sales (Vendas Líquidas) – same stores |
| · | Net Margin (Margem Líquida) |
| · | General Administrative and Sales Expenses (Despesas Gerais Administrativas e de Vendas) |
| · | Net Profit (Lucro Líquido) |
| · | Net Debt (Dívida Líquida) |
| · | Number of Tickets (Transactions) |
| · | ESG Indicators (% Women in leadership positions; Reduction in carbon emissions) |
In this sense the Company remains engaged
in the responsibility and commitment to act taking into consideration ESG metrics, with direct impact on the short-term variable compensation
of its Board of Officers.
Part of these indicators are strictly
financial, and the others are measurable factors that contribute to the Company's result and, therefore, have a correlation with its financial
For the year 2023, the grant of phantom
shares to the Officers will be 50% linked to the achievement of performance targets. The performance indicators shall be composed of ESG
metrics (disabled people, renewable energy matrix, and women in leadership), with a weight of 30%, and the Operational Cash Flow indicator
as a percentage of net revenue, with a weight of 70%.
The 50% based on the achievement of performance
indicators will have defined targets each year, and non-achievement in the 3rd or 4th years may be compensated for by achievement in the
subsequent year or the 5th year.
The goal achievement is linked
to a 10% absolute variation range. The choice of indicators is based on (i) the Company's responsibility in building a responsible and
inclusive society and (ii) the alignment of executives with the commitment to sustainable business growth.
reasons justifying the composition of the compensation
We consider the challenging scenario
of accelerated growth and increase in market share, consistently, for over 10 consecutive years, the constant adaptations in the governance
model of the business, to ensure transparency, reliability, agility and autonomy required to maintain its pace of growth, the implementation
of new products and services for its differentiation and, an extremely competitive market with many national and local players, which
requires a constant search for innovation and evolution of our business, as well as an alignment of its managers with the present and
future challenges of the business, being a model and example for other employees, with behaviors and attitudes that represent its culture
and values.
Given this challenging scenario, we need
to maintain an attractive compensation proposal for our business model. We are a growing company, and we want to retain the best and most
experienced professionals, preserve the knowledge about the business
and especially its strategies, and avoid
losing strategic resources and talents in critical and high-impact positions in the Company.
the existence of members not compensated by the issuer and the reason
for non-payment
One member of the Board of Directors
receives no compensation for his position as a member of the Board of Directors, because he is the Company's Chief Executive Officer and
is compensated for this position.
existence of compensation supported by subsidiaries, controlled entities
or direct or indirect controlling entities
Not applicable, considering
that the compensation of managers and committee members is borne exclusively by the Company.
existence of any compensation or benefit linked to the occurrence of
a certain corporate event, such as the disposal of the issuer's corporate control
There will
be no compensation or guaranteed benefits to the Company's managers or committee members linked to the occurrence of corporate events.
Total Compensation for the Board of Directors, Board of Officers and
Fiscal Council
Total compensation expected for the current Fiscal Year (ending December 31, 2023) - Annual Amounts |
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Fiscal Council |
Total |
Total number of members |
9.00 |
5.00 |
3.00 |
17.00 |
Number of compensated members |
8.00 |
5.00 |
3.00 |
16.00 |
Fixed annual compensation |
Salary or pro-labore |
9,485,629.00 |
10.842,744.00 |
563,328.00 |
20,891,701.00 |
Direct and indirect benefits |
611,033.00 |
712,668.00 |
0.00 |
1,323,701.00 |
Participation in committees |
2,520,000.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
2,520,000.00 |
Other |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Description of other fixed compensation |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Variable Compensation |
0.00 |
Bonus |
0.00 |
5,187,396.00 |
0.00 |
5,187,396.00 |
Profit-Sharing |
0.00 |
14,887,294.00 |
0.00 |
14,887,294.00 |
Participation in meetings |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Commissions |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Other |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Description of other variable compensation |
0.00 |
7,297,364.00 |
0.00 |
7,297,364.00 |
Other compensation benefits |
Post-employment |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Termination of office |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Share-based (including options)¹ |
7,996,365.00 |
10,491,733.00 |
0.00 |
18,488,099.00 |
Total Compensation |
20,613,027.00 |
49,419,202.00 |
563.328.00 |
70,595,557.00 |
Observation: |
As set forth in CVM´s 2023 Circular Letter
(Oficio Circular Anual 2023-CVM/SEP), the number of members of the Board of Directors was calculated according to the annual average
of the number of members of that body, calculated monthly, to two decimal places.
The amounts disclosed in the table above in relation
to "Salary or pro labore" do not include social charges that are the Company's responsibility, under the terms of CVM/SEP Circular
Letter 01/21.
They were granted in 2022 to Board members who
accumulated executive positions at GPA and paid 2023.
The amounts disclosed in the above table under
"Share-based (including options)" under Board of Directors refer to the accounting effects of the early vesting of share-based
payments granted specifically to former Directors who held executive positions in GPA.
The compensation of the Board of Directors for the
year 2023 does not include share-based payments. Moreover, the compensation of the Board of Directors from January to April 2023 reflects
the compensation structure in place as of 2022, while the compensation as of May 2023 has already been adjusted to be more in line with
market practices and shareholder interests. The amounts indicated in the table “bonus” correspond to cash settled short-term
incentives. The amounts indicated in the table “Description of other variable compensation” correspond to cash settled long-term
incentives. |
As set forth in CVM´s 2023 Circular Letter (Oficio
Circular Anual 2023-CVM/SEP), the number of members of the Board of Directors was calculated according to the annual average of the
number of members of that body, calculated monthly, to two decimal places.
The amounts disclosed in the table above in relation
to "Salary or pro labore" do not include social charges that are the Company's responsibility, under the terms of CVM/SEP Circular
Letter 01/21.
The amounts disclosed in the above table under "Share-based
(including options)", under Board of Officers, refer to the pro-rata accounting of grants made in previous fiscal years and the grant
of virtual shares that will occur in the year 2023.
The amounts posted in the "Bonus"
table correspond to short-term incentives via cash payment.
The amounts posted in the Table "Description
of other variable remuneration" correspond to long-term incentives via cash payment. |
As set forth in CVM´s 2023 Circular Letter (Oficio Circular Anual 2023-CVM/SEP), the number of members of the Fiscal Council was calculated according to the annual average of the number of members of that body, calculated monthly, to two decimal places. |
Total compensation for the Fiscal Year ended December 31, 2022 - Annual Amounts |
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Fiscal Council |
Total |
Total number of members |
9.00 |
5.00 |
3.00 |
17.00 |
Number of compensated members |
7.83 |
5.00 |
3.00 |
15.83 |
Fixed annual compensation |
Salary or pro-labore |
13,258,236.00 |
7,590,036.00 |
584,180.00 |
21,411,600.00 |
Direct and indirect benefits |
2,355,227.00 |
526,061.00 |
0.00 |
2,881,288.00 |
Participation in committees |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Other |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Description of other fixed compensation |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Variable Compensation |
Bonus |
14,421,250.00 |
23,500,616.00 |
0.00 |
37,921,866.00 |
Profit-Sharing |
0.00 |
18,637,276.00 |
0.00 |
18,637,276.00 |
Participation in meetings |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Commissions |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Outros |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Description of other variable compensation |
0.00 |
1,744,140.00 |
0.00 |
1,744.140.00 |
Other compensation benefits |
Post-employment |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Termination of office |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Share-based (including options)¹ |
5,804,604.00 |
7,116,663.00 |
0.00 |
12,921,267.00 |
Total Compensation |
35,839,316.00 |
59,114,792.00 |
584,180.00 |
95.538.288.00 |
Total compensation for the Fiscal Year ended December 31, 2021 - Annual Amounts |
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Fiscal Council |
Total |
Total number of members |
9.00 |
4.83 |
3.00 |
16.83 |
Number of compensated members |
8.00 |
4.83 |
3.00 |
15.83 |
Fixed annual compensation |
Salary or pro-labore |
13,893,505.35 |
18,665,131.89 |
331,340.21 |
32,889,977.45 |
Direct and indirect benefits |
1,242,658.01 |
407,730.25 |
- |
1,650,388.26 |
Participation in committees |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Other |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Description of other fixed compensation |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Variable Compensation |
11,639,545.69 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
11,639,545.69 |
Bonus |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Profit-Sharing |
0.00 |
14,485,075.83 |
0.00 |
14,485,075.83 |
Participation in meetings |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Commissions |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Outros |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Description of other variable compensation |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Other compensation benefits |
Post-employment |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Termination of office |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Share-based (including options)¹ |
7,110,892.25 |
6,095,490.98 |
0.00 |
13,206,383.23 |
Total Compensation |
33,886,601.30 |
39,653,428.95 |
331,340.21 |
73,871,370.46 |
Total compensation for the Fiscal Year ended December 31, 2020 - Annual Amounts |
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Fiscal Council |
Total |
Total number of members |
0.00 |
4.00 |
0.00 |
4.00 |
Number of compensated members |
0.00 |
4.00 |
0.00 |
4.00 |
Fixed annual compensation |
Salary or pro-labore |
0.00 |
11,653,780.40 |
0.00 |
11,653,780.40 |
Direct and indirect benefits |
0.00 |
338,839.20 |
0.00 |
338,839.20 |
Participation in committees |
0.00 |
0.00 |
- |
Other |
0.00 |
970,509.35 |
0.00 |
970,509.35 |
Description of other fixed compensation |
Variable Compensation |
Bonus |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Profit-Sharing |
0.00 |
7,026,892.79 |
0.00 |
7,026,892.79 |
Participation in meetings |
- |
Commissions |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Other |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Description of other variable compensation |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Other compensation benefits |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Post-employment |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Termination of office |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Share-based (including options)¹ |
0.00 |
4,877,112.45 |
0.00 |
4,877,112.45 |
Total Compensation |
0.00 |
24,867,134.19 |
0.00 |
24,867,134.19 |
Variable Remuneration of the Board of Directors, Board of Officers and
Fiscal Council
Variable compensation for the current Fiscal
(ending December 31, 2023)
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Fiscal Council |
Total |
Total number of members |
9.00 |
5.00 |
3.00 |
17.00 |
Number of compensated members |
8.00 |
5.00 |
3.00 |
16.00 |
Bonus |
Minimum amount provided for in the compensation plan |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Maximum amount provided for in the compensation plan |
0.00 |
12,484,760.00 |
0.00 |
12,484,760.00 |
Amount provided for in the compensation plan if the goals are achieved |
0.00 |
12,484,760.00 |
0.00 |
12,484,760.00 |
Profit-Sharing (participação nos resultados) |
Minimum amount provided for in the compensation plan |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Maximum amount provided for in the compensation plan |
0.00 |
14,887,295.00 |
0.00 |
14,887,295.00 |
Amount provided for in the compensation plan if the goals are achieved |
0.00 |
11,066,308.50 |
0.00 |
11,066,308.50 |
Variable compensation for the Fiscal Year
ended December 31, 2022
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Fiscal Council |
Total |
Total number of members |
9.00 |
5.00 |
3.00 |
17.00 |
Number of compensated members |
7.83 |
5.00 |
3.00 |
15.83 |
Bonus |
Minimum amount provided for in the compensation plan |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Maximum amount provided for in the compensation plan |
14,421,250.00 |
25,244,756.00 |
0.00 |
39,666,006.00 |
Amount provided for in the compensation plan if the goals were achieved |
13,817,500.00 |
11,682,051.00 |
0.00 |
25,499,551.00 |
Amount effectively accounted for in the result for the fiscal year |
14,421,250.00 |
25,244,756.00 |
0.00 |
39,666,006.00 |
Profit-Sharing (participação nos resultados) |
Minimum amount provided for in the compensation plan |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Maximum amount provided for in the compensation plan |
0.00 |
19,875,822.22 |
0.00 |
19,875,822.22 |
Amount provided for in the compensation plan if the goals were achieved |
0.00 |
9,937,911.11 |
0.00 |
9,937,911.11 |
Amount effectively accounted for in the result for the fiscal year |
0.00 |
18,637,276.00 |
18,637,276.00 |
Variable compensation for the Fiscal Year
ended December 31, 2021
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Fiscal Council |
Total |
Total number of members |
9.00 |
4.83 |
3.00 |
16.83 |
Number of compensated members |
8.00 |
4.83 |
3.00 |
15.83 |
Bonus |
Minimum amount provided for in the compensation plan |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Maximum amount provided for in the compensation plan |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Amount provided for in the compensation plan if the goals were achieved |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Amount effectively accounted for in the result for the fiscal year |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Profit-Sharing (participação nos resultados) |
Minimum amount provided for in the compensation plan |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Maximum amount provided for in the compensation plan |
0.00 |
35,231,021.00 |
0.00 |
35,231,021.00 |
Amount provided for in the compensation plan if the goals were achieved |
0.00 |
17,615,511.00 |
0.00 |
17,615,511.00 |
Amount effectively accounted for in the result for the fiscal year |
0.00 |
14,485,075.00 |
0.00 |
14,485,075.00 |
Variable compensation for the Fiscal Year
ended December 31, 2020
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Fiscal Council |
Total |
Total number of members |
0.00 |
4.00 |
0.00 |
4.00 |
Number of compensated members |
0.00 |
4.00 |
0.00 |
4.00 |
Bonus |
Minimum amount provided for in the compensation plan |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Maximum amount provided for in the compensation plan |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Amount provided for in the compensation plan if the goals were achieved |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Amount effectively accounted for in the result for the fiscal year |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Profit-Sharing (participação nos resultados) |
Minimum amount provided for in the compensation plan |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Maximum amount provided for in the compensation plan |
0.00 |
14,053,786.00 |
0.00 |
14,053,786.00 |
Amount provided for in the compensation plan if the goals were achieved |
0.00 |
7,026,893.00 |
0.00 |
7,026,893.00 |
Amount effectively accounted for in the result for the fiscal year |
0.00 |
7,026,893.00 |
0.00 |
7,026,893.00 |
Share Compensation Plan of the Board of Directors and Board of Officers,
in effect during the last fiscal year and planned for the current fiscal year
The Company's
shareholders approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on December 31, 2020 (i) the creation of the Stock Option Plan and its
related standard grant agreement ("Stock Option Plan"); and (ii) the creation of the Stock Option Compensation Plan and
its related standard grant agreement ("Compensation Plan" and, together with the Stock Option Plan, the "Plans").
as a result of the spin-off described in item 1.1 of this Reference Form, the Company's management members are still entitled to the grants
made under the plans of Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição ("GPA"), which are the Stock Option Plan ("GPA
Plan") and the Stock Option Compensation Plan ("GPA Compensation Plan" and, together with the GPA Option
Plan, "GPA Plans"), approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting of GPA on May 9, 2019, and amended at the Annual and
Extraordinary General Meetings held on April 24, 2015 and April 25, 2019 and at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on December 30,
2019. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, options granted by GPA under B7 Series of the GPA Compensation Plan and C7 Series
of the GPA Option Plan were in effect.
In addition,
subject to the approval of the compensation proposal presented for the EGM to be held on on July 14, 2023, the
Company intends to implement exclusively for the year of 2023 a grant of phantom shares, which shall represent the right to receive
the value of a determined amount of shares issued by the Company on the vesting dates, with payments in cash to the beneficiary (“Phantom
The programs mentioned above are described
| (a) | general terms and conditions |
The Compensation
Plan is governed by the Company's Board of Directors, which has appointed the People, Culture and Remuneration Committee to advise it
in the administration of the Compensation Plan, among other matters.
Subject to the general conditions
of the Plan and the guidelines set by the General Meeting and by the Company's Board of Directors, the Committee will have ample powers
to manage and interpret it, disposing, among others, of the necessary authority to:
(i) | | to decide upon the grants, prices,
dates and quantities granted in each series of the Plan, pursuant to the terms of the Plan; |
(ii) | | decide in regard to the dates on
which the options will be granted, being allowed to cease granting them whenever the interests of the Company so require; |
(iii) | | take all necessary and appropriate
measures for the administration of the Plan, including with regards to the interpretation, specification and application of the general
rules established herein |
(iv) | | make the Company adopt all the
necessary and appropriate measures to issue new shares at the proper time of each fiscal year or to dispose of treasury shares, observing
the regulation issued by CVM, to satisfy the exercise of stock options granted under the terms of the Plan; |
(v) | | select, among the eligible people,
those who will participate in the Plan and to whom stock options will be granted, according to the attributions and responsibilities
verified until the selection date, establishing all the conditions of the options to be granted, as well as the amendment of such conditions
whenever it becomes necessary to adjust the options to the terms of a supervening law, rule or regulation |
(vi) | | establish the applicable rules
for the granting of options to each Participant, in order to establish and define objective criteria for the election of Participants |
(vii) | | approve the stock option agreement
to be entered into between the Company and each of the Participants, especially with regard to the establishment of the number of shares
attached to the option and the conditions for the acquisition of the right to exercise the options |
(viii) | | establish for each Participant
the alternatives, deadlines and conditions for the exercise of the stock option, the acquisition price of the shares and their respective
payment, including the possibility of establishing special conditions in the event of dismissal, other than those set forth in the Plan,
in extraordinary cases and provided that the decision with respect to these special conditions is reasonably grounded; |
(ix) | | analyze exceptional cases arising
from or related to the Plan; and |
(x) | | resolve any questions regarding
the general rules established in the Plan. |
Each series of stock option
grants is assigned the letter "B" followed by a number. For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, options granted under the
B7/B8/B9 Series Compensation Plan were in effect.
Statutory and Non-Statutory
Officers of the Company are eligible to participate in the Compensation Plan.
It is important to highlight
that the participation in the Compensation Plan does not interfere with the compensation to which the participant is entitled as a Company
manager, such as salary, fees, pro-labore, benefits, profit-sharing and/or any other advantage or compensation.
Main purposes
of the Plan:
The Compensation Plan aims
to (i) engage and retain highly qualified executives and professionals to the Company; (ii) provide the participation of the Company's
managers in the Company's capital and in the equity increases arising from the results to which said managers have contributed; (iii)
promote the achievement of the Company's corporate purposes; and (iv) align the interests of the Company's managers with the Company's
shareholders, thereby encouraging the performance of these professionals and ensuring their continuity in the Company's management.
How the
Plan contributes to these goals:
The stock options grants made
under the Plan are an incentive to the managers conduct the Company's business successfully, stimulating an entrepreneurial and result-oriented
culture, aligning the interests of managers with those of the shareholders, since, together with the shareholders, the Plan Participants
benefit from an increase in the market price of the shares.
How the plan is part
of the issuer's compensation policy:
The Plan was developed as
a mechanism for the attraction and retention of highly qualified executives and professionals, also creating an alignment of interests
between the Participants, the Company and its shareholders.
By allowing executives to
become shareholders of the Company under special conditions, it is expected that they will have incentives to effectively commit to the
creation of value and perform their duties in a way that aligns their interests with those of the shareholders, the corporate purposes
and the Company’s growing plans.
How the plan aligns
the interests of the managers and the issuer in the short, medium and long term:
The granting of stock options
under the Plan aligns the Company's medium and long-term interests in encouraging the management to successfully conduct the Company's
business by stimulating an entrepreneurial and result-oriented culture, as both shareholders and management benefit from improved results
and increases in the market price of the shares.
date of approval and competent body
The Compensation Plan was
approved by the Company's shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on December 31, 2020.
maximum number of shares involved
Stock options granted under
the Compensation Plan may confer acquisition rights on a number of shares that does not exceed two percent (2%) of the total number of
common shares issued by the Company. The total number of shares issued or issuable under the Compensation Plan is subject to adjustments
due to splits, grouping and bonuses.
maximum number of options to be granted
The maximum number of options
to be granted is limited to the maximum number of shares covered by the Compensation Plan, as described in item (c) above.
Each stock option will confer
to the Participant the right to subscribe or acquire one (1) common share issued by the Company.
conditions for the acquisition of shares
The stock option grant will
be formalized by the execution of a stock option agreement between the Company and the Participant, which shall specify the total number
of shares object of the respective option, the deadline and conditions for the effective acquisition of the right to exercise the option,
the conditions for such exercise, the acquisition price and the conditions for its payment, subject to the provisions of the Compensation
Plan ("Stock Option Agreement").
For the purposes of the Compensation
Plan, the date of the Committee's decision on the series of stock option grants shall be the date on which the options shall be considered
granted to the respective Participants, provided the Participant, even if on a date subsequent to the date of the Committee's decision,
agrees to join the Compensation Plan with the execution of the Stock Option Agreement ("Grant Date").
Participants who wish to exercise
their stock options must notify the Company in writing during the Exercise Period (as defined in item (i) below) of their intention to
do so, indicating the number of options they wish to exercise. Such communication must follow the exercise form template attached to the
respective Option Agreement ("Option Exercise Form").
Participants may exercise
their call options fully or partially, on one or more occasions, provided that for each exercise they submit the corresponding Option
Exercise Form during the Exercise Period.
criteria for establishing the acquisition or exercise price
The exercise price of each
stock option granted under the Compensation Plan shall correspond to BRL 0.01 (one cent) ("Exercise Price").
criteria for fixing the term for acquisition or exercise
Options granted to a Participant
shall not be exercisable for a period of thirty-six (36) months from the Date of Grant ("Vesting Period") and may only
be exercised during the period commencing on the first day of the thirty-seventh (37th ) month after the Grant Date and ending
the last day of the forty-second (42nd) month after the Grant Date ("Exercise Period"), except in the cases
of anticipation, in accordance with item (n) and applicable sub-items below or authorized by the Committee, pursuant to the plan.
settlement method
By the thirtieth (30th)
day of the month in which it receives the Option Exercise Form, the Company must inform the respective Participant of (i) the total exercise
price to be paid, resulting from the multiplication of the Exercise Price by the number of options informed by the Participant in the
Option Exercise Form; (ii) the date of transfer to the Participant of the shares that are the subject to the exercise of the options,
which shall occur after approval of the capital increase resulting from the exercise of the respective options by the Board of Directors,
within the authorized capital, pursuant to the Company's Bylaws, upon receipt of the Option Exercise Form ("Share Acquisition
Date"); (iii) the number of shares to be transferred to the Participant; and (iv) the period during which the Participant must
pay the total exercise price, in local currency, by means of a discount from the Participant's payroll, provided that the deadline will
always be the tenth (10th ) day prior to the Share Acquisition Date ("Payment Date").
restrictions on the transfer of shares
The Compensation Plan does
not provide for restrictions on the transfer or trading of the shares resulting from the exercise of the options, with the Board of Directors
having the authority to establish such restrictions in the granting agreements it deems necessary.
criteria and events that, when verified, shall cause the suspension,
alteration or termination of the plan
The options granted under
the Compensation Plan will be automatically extinguished, with all their effects ceasing by virtue of law, in the following events:
| (i) | upon their full exercise, as provided for in
item 6 of the Compensation Plan; |
| (ii) | after the expiration of the stock option; |
| (iii) | upon termination, by mutual agreement between
the Company and the Participant, of the Stock Option Agreement; |
| (iv) | if the Company is dissolved, liquidated or has
its bankruptcy declared; or |
| (v) | in the events provided for in the Compensation
Plan, subject to any specific conditions that the Committee may establish for certain Participants. |
In the event the number, type
and class of shares existing on the date of approval of the Compensation Plan are altered as a result of bonuses, splits, groupings, conversion
of shares of one type or class into another, or conversion into shares of other securities issued by the Company, the Committee shall
be responsible for making the corresponding adjustment to the number and class of shares subject to the options granted and their respective
exercise price, in order to avoid distortions in the application of the Compensation Plan.
effects of the departure of the manager from the issuer's management
bodies on his rights as provided for in the share-based compensation plan
In the event of the Participant's dismissal,
with or without cause, resignation or removal from office, retirement, permanent incapacity or death, the rights granted to him under
the Compensation Plan may be extinguished or modified, subject to the provisions below:
If, at any time during the term of the
Plan, the Participant:
| (i) | is dismissed from the Company, as the case may be, involuntarily, by dismissal
without cause or removal from his or her position without breach of the duties and attributions of a manager, the Participant may exercise,
within ten (10) days as of the date of dismissal, the number of options calculated in a pro rata temporis basis in relation to
the Vesting Period. In the absence of exercise by the Participant within the aforementioned period, all options not exercised will be
automatically extinguished, by virtue of law, regardless of prior notice or notification and without any right to any indemnity; |
| (ii) | is dismissed from the Company, as the case may be, involuntarily, by dismissal for cause or removal from
his or her position for breaching the duties and attributions of a manager, all options already exercisable or not yet exercisable under
the terms of the respective Stock Option Agreement on the date of his or her dismissal shall be automatically extinguished, by virtue
of law, regardless of prior notice or notification and without any right to any indemnity; |
| (iii) | leaves the Company, as the case may be, voluntarily, resigning from his or her employment or resigning
from his or her position as manager, all stock options already exercisable or not yet exercisable under the terms of the respective Stock
Option Agreement on the date of his or her resignation shall be automatically extinguished, by virtue of law, regardless of prior notice
or notification and without any right to any indemnity; |
| (iv) | leaves the Company, voluntarily, having retired during the course of the employment contract, within fifteen
(15) days as of the date of resignation, the Participant may exercise all of the stock options under the Stock Option Agreement, including
the stock options still under the Vesting Period, subject to the other provisions of item 6 of the Compensation Plan. In the absence of
exercise by the Participant within the aforementioned period, all stock options not exercised will be automatically extinguished, by virtue
of law, regardless of prior notice or notification and without any right to any indemnity; and |
| (v) | leaves the Company due to death or permanent incapacity, within thirty (30) days as of the date of dispatch
of the inventory or of the competent court ruling that empowers the Participant's legal heirs and successors in case of death or declaration
of permanent incapacity issued by the National Institute of Social Security – Instituto Nacional da Seguridade Social (INSS),
the Participant's qualified heirs and legal successors, as the case may be, may exercise all of the stock options under the Stock Option
Agreement, including the stock options still under the Vesting Period, subject to the other provisions of item 6 of the Compensation Plan.
If the Participant's legal heirs or successors do not exercise the
stock options within the aforementioned period, all unexercised stock options will be automatically extinguished, by virtue of law, regardless
of prior notice or notification, and without any right to any indemnity. |
| (l) | general terms and conditions |
The Stock
Option Plan is governed by the Company's Board of Directors, which has appointed the People, Culture and Remuneration Committee to advise
it in the administration of the Compensation Plan, among other matters.
Subject to the general conditions
of the Plan and the guidelines set by the General Meeting and by the Company's Board of Directors, the Committee will have ample powers
to manage and interpret it, disposing, among others, of the necessary authority to:
(i) | | to decide upon the grants, prices,
dates and quantities granted in each series of the Plan, pursuant to the terms of the Plan; |
(ii) | | decide in regard to the dates on
which the options will be granted, being allowed to cease granting them whenever the interests of the Company so require; |
(iii) | | take all necessary and appropriate
measures for the administration of the Plan, including with regards to the interpretation, specification and application of the general
rules established herein |
(iv) | | make the Company adopt all the
necessary and appropriate measures to issue new shares at the proper time of each fiscal year or to dispose of treasury shares, observing
the regulation issued by CVM, to satisfy the exercise of stock options granted under the terms of the Plan; |
(v) | | select, among the eligible people,
those who will participate in the Plan and to whom stock options will be granted, according to the attributions and responsibilities
verified until the selection date, establishing all the conditions of the options to be granted, as well as the amendment of such conditions
whenever it becomes necessary to adjust the options to the terms of a supervening law, rule or regulation |
(vi) | | establish the applicable rules
for the granting of options to each Participant, in order to establish and define objective criteria for the election of Participants |
(vii) | | approve the stock option agreement
to be entered into between the Company and each of the Participants, especially with regard to the establishment of the number of shares
attached to the option and the conditions for the acquisition of the right to exercise the options |
(viii) | | establish for each Participant
the alternatives, deadlines and conditions for the exercise of the stock option, the acquisition price of the shares and their respective
payment, including the possibility of establishing special conditions in the event of dismissal, other than those set forth in the Plan,
in extraordinary cases and provided that the decision with respect to these special conditions is reasonably grounded; |
(ix) | | analyze exceptional cases arising
from or related to the Plan; and |
(x) | | resolve any questions regarding
the general rules established in the Plan. |
Each series of stock option
grants is assigned the letter "C" followed by a number. For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, options granted under the
C7/C8/C9 Series of the Stock Option Plan were in effect.
Statutory and Non-Statutory
Officers of the Company are eligible to participate in the Stock Option Plan.
It is important to highlight
that the participation in the Stock Option Plan does not interfere with the compensation to which the participant is entitled as a Company
manager, such as salary, fees, pro-labore, benefits, profit-sharing and/or any other advantage or compensation.
Main purposes
of the Plan:
The Stock Option Plan aims
to (i) engage and retain highly qualified executives and professionals to the Company; (ii) provide the participation of the Company's
managers in the Company's capital and in the equity increases arising from the results to which said
managers have contributed; (iii) promote the achievement of the Company's corporate purposes; and (iv) align the interests of the Company's
managers with the Company's shareholders, thereby encouraging the performance of these professionals and ensuring their continuity in
the Company's management.
How the Plan
contributes to these goals:
The stock options grants made
under the Plan are an incentive to the managers conduct the Company's business successfully, stimulating an entrepreneurial and result-oriented
culture, aligning the interests of managers with those of the shareholders, since, together with the shareholders, the Plan Participants
benefit from an increase in the market price of the shares.
How the plan is part
of the issuer's compensation policy:
The Plan was developed as
mechanism for the attraction and retention of highly qualified executives and professionals, also creating an alignment of interests between
the Participants, the Company and its shareholders.
Ao possibilitar que os executivos
se tornem acionistas da Companhia em condições diferenciadas, espera-se que estes tenham incentivos para se comprometer
efetivamente com a criação de valor e exerçam suas funções de maneira a alinhar seus interesses aos
dos acionistas, aos objetivos sociais e aos planos de crescimento da Companhia.
How the plan aligns
the interests of the managers and the issuer in the short, medium and long term:
The granting of stock options
under the Plan aligns the Company's medium and long-term interests in encouraging the management to successfully conduct the Company's
business by stimulating an entrepreneurial and result-oriented culture, as both shareholders and management benefit from improved results
and increases in the market price of the shares.
date of approval and competent body
The Stock Option Plan was
approved by the Company's shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on December 31, 2020.
maximum number of shares involved
Stock options granted under
the Compensation Plan may confer acquisition rights on a number of shares that does not exceed two percent (2%) of the total number of
common shares issued by the Company. The total number of shares issued or issuable under the Compensation Plan is subject to adjustments
due to splits, grouping and bonuses.
maximum number of options to be granted
The maximum number of options
to be granted is limited to the maximum number of shares covered by the Stock Option Plan, as described in item (c) above.
Each stock option will confer
to the Participant the right to subscribe or acquire one (1) common share issued by the Company.
conditions for the acquisition of shares
The stock option grant will
be formalized by the execution of a stock option agreement between the Company and the Participant, which shall specify the total number
of shares object of the respective option, the deadline and conditions for the effective acquisition of the right to exercise the option,
the conditions for such exercise, the acquisition price and the conditions for its payment, subject to the provisions of the Compensation
Plan ("Stock Option Agreement").
For the purposes of the Stock
Option Plan, the date of the Committee's decision on the series of stock option grants shall be the date on which the options shall be
considered granted to the respective Participants, provided the Participant, even if on a date subsequent to the date of the Committee's
decision, agrees to join the Compensation Plan with the execution of the Stock Option Agreement ("Grant Date").
Participants who wish to exercise
their stock options must notify the Company in writing during the Exercise Period (as defined in item (i) below) of their intention to
do so, indicating the number of options they wish to exercise. Such communication must follow the exercise form template attached to the
respective Option Agreement ("Option Exercise Form").
Participants may exercise
their call options fully or partially, on one or more occasions, provided that for each exercise they submit the corresponding Option
Exercise Form during the Exercise Period.
criteria for establishing the acquisition or exercise price
The exercise price for stock options
of each series granted under the Stock Option Plan shall correspond to eighty percent (80%) of the average trading price of the common
shares issued by the Company in the last twenty (20) trading sessions of B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão – preceding
the date on which a meeting of the Committee is called to resolve upon the granting of stock options of that specific series.
criteria for fixing the term for acquisition or exercise
Options granted to a Participant
shall not be exercisable for a period of thirty-six (36) months from the Date of Grant ("Vesting Period") and may only
be exercised during the period commencing on the first day of the thirty-seventh (37th ) month after the Grant Date and ending
the last day of the forty-second (42nd) month after the Grant Date ("Exercise Period"), except in the cases
of anticipation, in accordance with item (n) and applicable sub-items below or authorized by the Committee, pursuant to the plan.
settlement method
By the 30th (thirtieth) day
of the month in which it receives the Option Exercise Form, the Company must inform the respective Participant of (i) the total exercise
price to be paid, resulting from the multiplication of the Exercise Price by the number of options informed by the Participant in the
Option Exercise Form; (ii) the date of transfer to the Participant of the shares that are the subject to the exercise of the options,
which shall occur after approval of the capital increase resulting from the exercise of the respective options by the Board of Directors,
within the authorized capital, pursuant to the Company's Bylaws, upon receipt of the Option Exercise Form ("Share Acquisition
Date"); (iii) the number of shares to be transferred to the Participant; and (iv) the period during which the Participant must
pay the total exercise price, in local currency, by means of a discount from the Participant's payroll, provided that the deadline will
always be the tenth (10th ) day prior to the Share Acquisition Date ("Payment Date").
restrictions on the transfer of shares
Participants shall be prohibited during
the period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days from the Payment Date form directly or indirectly selling, assigning, exchanging, disposing
of, transferring, conferring to the capital stock of another company, granting options, or entering into any act or agreement that results
or may result in the direct or indirect, onerous or free disposal of all or any of the shares acquired by means of the exercise of the
stock option under the Stock Option Plan.
criteria and events that, when verified, shall cause the suspension,
alteration or termination of the plan
The options granted under
the Stock Option Plan will be automatically extinguished, with all their effects ceasing by virtue of law, in the following events:
| (i) | upon their full exercise, as provided for in
item 6 of the Stock Option Plan; |
| (ii) | after the expiration of the stock option; |
| (iii) | upon termination, by mutual agreement between
the Company and the Participant, of the Stock Option Agreement; |
| (iv) | if the Company is dissolved, liquidated or has
its bankruptcy declared; or |
| (v) | in the events provided for in the Stock Option Plan, subject to any specific conditions that the Committee
may establish for certain Participants. |
In the event the number,
type and class of shares existing on the date of approval of the Stock Option Plan are altered as a result of bonuses, splits, groupings,
conversion of shares of one type or class into another, or conversion into shares of other securities issued by the Company, the Committee
shall be responsible for making the corresponding adjustment to the number and class of shares subject to the options granted and their
respective exercise price, in order to avoid distortions in the application of the Stock Option Plan.
effects of the departure of the manager from the issuer's management
bodies on his rights as provided for in the share-based compensation plan
In the event of the Participant's dismissal,
with or without cause, resignation or removal from office, retirement, permanent incapacity or death, the rights granted to him under
the Stock Option Plan may be extinguished or modified, subject to the provisions below:
If, at any time during the term of the
Plan, the Participant:
| (i) | is dismissed from the Company, as the case may be, involuntarily, by dismissal
without cause or removal from his or her position without breach of the duties and attributions of a manager, the Participant may exercise,
within ten (10) days as of the date of dismissal, the number of options calculated in a pro rata temporis basis in relation to
the Vesting Period. In the absence of exercise by the Participant within the aforementioned period, all options not exercised will be
automatically extinguished, by virtue of law, regardless of prior notice or notification and without any right to any indemnity; |
| (ii) | is dismissed from the Company, as the case may be, involuntarily, by dismissal
for cause or removal from his or her position for breaching the duties and attributions of a manager, all options already exercisable
or not yet exercisable under the terms of the respective Stock Option Agreement on the date of his or her dismissal shall be automatically
extinguished, by virtue of law, regardless of prior notice or notification and without any right to any indemnity; |
| (iii) | leaves the Company, as the case may be, voluntarily, resigning from his
or her employment or resigning from his or her position as manager, all stock options already exercisable or not yet exercisable under
the terms of the respective Stock Option Agreement on the date of his or her resignation shall be automatically extinguished, by virtue
of law, regardless of prior notice or notification and without any right to any indemnity; |
| (iv) | leaves the Company, voluntarily, having retired during the course of the
employment contract, within fifteen (15) days as of the date of resignation, the Participant may exercise all of the stock options under
the Stock Option Agreement, including the stock options still under the Vesting Period, subject to the other provisions of item 6 of the
Stock Option Plan. In the absence of exercise by the Participant within the aforementioned period, all stock options not exercised will
be automatically extinguished, by virtue of law, regardless of prior notice or notification and without any right to any indemnity; and |
| (v) | leaves the Company due to death or permanent incapacity, within thirty (30)
days as of the date of dispatch of the inventory or of the competent court ruling that empowers the Participant's legal heirs and successors
in case of death or declaration of permanent incapacity issued by the National Institute of Social Security (INSS),
the Participant's qualified heirs and legal successors, as the case may be, may exercise all of the stock options under the Stock Option
Agreement, including the stock options still under the Vesting Period, subject to the other provisions of item 6 of the Stock Option Plan.
If the Participant's legal heirs or successors do not exercise the stock options within the aforementioned period, all unexercised stock
options will be automatically extinguished, by virtue of law, regardless of prior notice or notification, and without any right to any
indemnity. |
| (a) | general terms and conditions |
Each phantom share entitles
the beneficiary to receive a cash award equivalent to the average price of one (1) Company share over the 20 trading days prior to each
vesting date, provided the beneficiary still provides services to the Company.
Phantom shares will have a
3-year cliff and a total vesting period of 5 years, with the following vesting schedule: 20% in the 3rd year, 20% in the 4th year, and
60% in the 5th year.
Thus, regarding the long-term
incentives for 2023, the Board of Directors proposes a structure composed of (i) 50% for executive retention and (ii) 50% based on performance
The performance indicators
will consist of ESG metrics (disabled people, renewable energy matrix, and women in leadership), with a weight of 30%, and the Operational
Cash Flow indicator as a percentage of net revenue, with a weight of 70%.
The 50% based on the achievement
of performance indicators will have defined targets each year, and non-achievement in the 3rd or 4th years may be compensated for by achievement
in the subsequent year or the 5th year. The goal achievement is linked to a 10% absolute variation range.
The choice of indicators is
based on (i) the Company's responsibility in building a responsible and inclusive society and (ii) the alignment of executives with the
commitment to sustainable business growth.
date of approval and competent body
The grant of Phantom Shares
is subject to the approval of the compensation proposal on the extraordinary general meeting to be held on July 14, 2023. Once the compensation
proposal is approved in the respective general meeting, the Board of Directors shall be responsible for approving such grant.
maximum number of shares involved
Not applicable, since the grant of phantom
shares does not provide for the grant of actual shares issued by the Company.
Nevertheless, the total amount of Phantom
Shares to be granted to the members of the Board of Officers is 1,989,465, representing 0.1473% of the total amount of shares issued
by the Company as of this date, which amount was defined considering the average price of the shares issued by the Company in the last
20 trading days prior to June 1, 2023.
maximum number of options to be granted
Not applicable, since the
grant of phantom shares does not provide for the grant of options.
conditions for the acquisition of shares
As mentioned above, the Phantom
Shares shall be subject to a 3-year cliff and a total vesting period of 5 years, with the following vesting schedule: 20% in the 3rd year,
20% in the 4th year, and 60% in the 5th year.
Furthermore, the right to
the phantom shares shall be subject to the following conditions: (i) 50% of the grant shall be conditioned only upon the Officers’
continued presence in the Company, with the objective of retaining the executives, and (ii) 50% of the grant shall be subject to
the achievement of performance indicators. The performance indicators will consist of ESG metrics (disabled people, renewable energy matrix,
and women in leadership), with a weight of 30%, and the Operational Cash Flow indicator as a percentage of net revenue, with a weight
of 70%.
criteria for establishing the acquisition or exercise price
Not applicable.
criteria for fixing the term for acquisition or exercise
As mentioned above, the Phantom Shares
shall be subject to a 3-year cliff and a total vesting period of 5 years, with the following vesting schedule: 20% in the 3rd year, 20%
in the 4th year, and 60% in the 5th year.
settlement method
Cash settlement.
restrictions on the transfer of shares
Not applicable, given the
Plan provides for cash settlement.
criteria and events that, when verified, shall cause the suspension,
alteration or termination of the plan
Not applicable, since the
grant has not been carried out yet and its terms and conditions shall be established by the Board of Directors in due time.
effects of the departure of the manager from the issuer's management
bodies on his rights as provided for in the share-based compensation plan
Not applicable, since the
grant has not been carried out yet and its terms and conditions shall be established by the Board of Directors in due time.
Share-based compensation in the form of stock options accounted for
in the financial statements of the last 3 fiscal Years and expected for the current fiscal year for the Board of Directors and the Board
of Officers
Share-based compensation planned
for the 2023 fiscal year:
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Total number of members |
n/a |
n/a |
Number of compensated members |
n/a |
n/a |
Average exercise price |
n/a |
n/a |
(i) Options in effect in the beginning of the fiscal year |
n/a |
n/a |
(ii) Options expired during the fiscal year |
n/a |
n/a |
(iii) Options exercised during the fiscal year |
n/a |
n/a |
Potential dilution in the event of exercise of all options currently in effect |
n/a |
n/a |
Share-based compensation –
fiscal year ended 2022:
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Total number of members |
9.00 |
5.00 |
Number of compensated members |
7.83 |
5.00 |
Average exercise price |
6.01 |
6.01 |
(i) Options in effect (opções em aberto) in the beginning of the fiscal year |
6.70 |
6.70 |
(ii) Options expired during the fiscal year |
n/a |
n/a |
(iii) Options exercised during the fiscal year |
n/a |
n/a |
Potential dilution in the event of exercise of all options currently in effect |
0.00% |
0.00% |
Share-based compensation –
fiscal year ended 2021:
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Total number of members |
9.00 |
4.83 |
Number of compensated members |
8.00 |
4.83 |
Average exercise price |
(i) Options in effect (opções em aberto) in the beginning of the fiscal year |
n/a |
n/a |
(ii) Options expired during the fiscal year |
n/a |
n/a |
(iii) Options exercised during the fiscal year |
n/a |
n/a |
Potential dilution in the event of exercise of all options currently in effect |
n/a |
n/a |
Share-based compensation –
fiscal year ended 2020:
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Total number of members |
n/a |
4.00 |
Number of compensated members |
n/a |
4.00 |
Average exercise price |
(i) Options in effect (opções em aberto) in the beginning of the fiscal year |
n/a |
31.55 |
(ii) Options expired during the fiscal year |
n/a |
n/a |
(iii) Options exercised during the fiscal year |
n/a |
28.40 |
Potential dilution in the event of exercise of all options currently in effect |
n/a |
0.10% |
Stock Option granted in the last 3 fiscal years and approved to be granted
in the current fiscal year, to the Board of Directors and Board of Officers
There was no option granted in the fiscal
year ended December 31, 2020. Below are the grants made in the fiscal years ending December 31, 2022 and 2021. For fiscal year 2023 there
will be no new option grants or phantom stock option grants.
Fiscal year ended December 31, 2022:
B9 Series:
Sendas Distribuidora S.A. |
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Total number of members |
9.00 |
5.00 |
Number of compensated members |
7.83 |
5.00 |
Grant date |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |
Total options granted |
276,891 |
820,825 |
Vesting period |
06/01/2025 |
06/01/2025 |
Exercise period |
11/30/2025 |
11/30/2025 |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares related to the options |
n/a |
n/a |
Fair value of the options on the grant date |
BRL 15.27 |
BRL 15.27 |
Multiplication of the total number of granted shares by the fair value of the options on the grant date |
BRL 4,228,125.57 |
BRL 12,533,997.75 |
C9 Series:
Sendas Distribuidora S.A. |
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Total number of members |
9 |
5.00 |
Number of compensated members |
7.83 |
5.00 |
Grant date |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |
Total options granted |
37,274 |
820,825 |
Vesting period |
06/01/2025 |
06/01/2025 |
Exercise period |
11/30/2025 |
11/30/2025 |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares related to the options |
180 days |
180 days |
Fair value of the options on the grant date |
BRL 7.35 |
BRL 7.35 |
Multiplication of the total number of granted shares by the fair value of the options on the grant date |
BRL 2,035,148.85 |
BRL 6,033,063.75 |
Fiscal year ended December 31, 2021:
B8 Series:
Sendas Distribuidora S.A. |
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Total number of members |
n/a |
4.83 |
Number of compensated members |
n/a |
4.83 |
Grant date |
n/a |
05/31/2021 |
Total options granted |
n/a |
88,600 |
Vesting period |
n/a |
05/31/2024 |
Exercise period |
n/a |
11/30/2024 |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares related to the options |
n/a |
n/a |
Fair value of the options on the grant date |
n/a |
BRL 17.21 |
Multiplication of the total number of granted shares by the fair value of the options on the grant date |
n/a |
BRL 1,524,806.00 |
C8 Series:
Sendas Distribuidora S.A. |
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Total number of members |
n/a |
4.83 |
Number of compensated members |
n/a |
4.83 |
Grant date |
n/a |
31/05/2021 |
Total options granted |
n/a |
88,600 |
Vesting period |
n/a |
31/05/2024 |
Exercise period |
n/a |
30/11/2024 |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares related to the options |
n/a |
180 days |
Fair value of the options on the grant date |
n/a |
BRL 7.69 |
Multiplication of the total number of granted shares by the fair value of the options on the grant date |
n/a |
BRL 681,334.00
B7 Series:
Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição |
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Total number of members |
n/a |
4.00 |
Number of compensated members |
n/a |
4.00 |
Grant date |
n/a |
05/31/2020 |
Total options granted |
n/a |
52,475 |
Vesting period |
n/a |
05/31/2023 |
Exercise period |
n/a |
11/30/2023 |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares related to the options |
n/a |
n/a |
Fair value of the options on the grant date |
n/a |
BRL 20.78 |
Multiplication of the total number of granted shares by the fair value of the options on the grant date |
n/a |
BRL 1,090,430.50 |
C7 Series:
Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição |
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Total number of members |
n/a |
4.00 |
Number of compensated members |
n/a |
4.00 |
Grant date |
n/a |
05/31/2020 |
Total options granted |
n/a |
52,475 |
Vesting period |
n/a |
05/31/2023 |
Exercise period |
n/a |
11/30/2023 |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares related to the options |
n/a |
180 days |
Fair value of the options on the grant date |
n/a |
BRL 10,43 |
Multiplication of the total number of granted shares by the fair value of the options on the grant date |
n/a |
BRL 547,314.25 |
B6 Series:
Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição |
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Total number of members |
n/a |
4.00 |
Number of compensated members |
n/a |
4.00 |
Grant date |
n/a |
05/31/2019 |
Total options granted |
n/a |
43,528 |
Vesting period |
n/a |
05/31/2022 |
Exercise period |
n/a |
11/30/2022 |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares related to the options |
n/a |
n/a |
Fair value of the options on the grant date |
n/a |
BRL 82.39 |
Multiplication of the total number of granted shares by the fair value of the options on the grant date |
n/a |
BRL 3,586,271.92 |
C6 Series:
Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição |
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Total number of members |
n/a |
4.00 |
Number of compensated members |
n/a |
4.00 |
Grant date |
n/a |
05/31/2019 |
Total options granted |
n/a |
43,528 |
Vesting period |
n/a |
05/31/2022 |
Exercise period |
n/a |
11/30/2022 |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares related to the options |
n/a |
180 days |
Fair value of the options on the grant date |
n/a |
BRL 31.50 |
Multiplication of the total number of granted shares by the fair value of the options on the grant date |
n/a |
BRL 1,371.,32.00 |
Open Options of the Board of Directors and Board of Officers at the
end of the last fiscal year
Open Options at the end of the last
fiscal year regarding the grant from May 31, 2022 – B9 Series
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Total number of members |
9.00 |
5.00 |
Number of paid members |
7.83 |
5.00 |
Regarding the option that are not exercisable yet |
Amount |
276,891 |
820,825 |
Date on which they will become exercisable |
06/012025 |
06/012025 |
Maximum period for exercising the options |
11/302025 |
11/202025 |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares |
N/A |
N/A |
Weighted average price of the exercise |
0.01 |
0.01 |
Fair value of the option on the last day of the fiscal year |
15.66 |
15.66 |
Regarding the option that are exercisable |
Amount |
N/A |
N/A |
Date on which they will become exercisable |
N/A |
N/A |
Maximum period for exercising the options |
N/A |
N/A |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares |
N/A |
N/A |
Weighted average price of the exercise |
N/A |
N/A |
Fair value of the option on the last day of the fiscal year |
N/A |
N/A |
Open Options at the end of the last
fiscal year regarding the grant from May 31, 2022 –C9 Series
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Total number of members |
9.00 |
5.00 |
Number of paid members |
7.83 |
5.00 |
Regarding the option that are not exercisable yet |
Amount |
37,274 |
820,825 |
Date on which they will become exercisable |
June 01, 2025 |
June 01, 2025 |
Maximum period for exercising the options |
November 30,2025 |
November 30,2025 |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares |
6 months |
6 months |
Weighted average price of the exercise |
12.53 |
12.53 |
Fair value of the option on the last day of the fiscal year |
15.66 |
15.66 |
Regarding the option that are exercisable |
Amount |
N/A |
N/A |
Date on which they will become exercisable |
N/A |
N/A |
Maximum period for exercising the options |
N/A |
N/A |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares |
N/A |
N/A |
Weighted average price of the exercise |
N/A |
N/A |
Fair value of the option on the last day of the fiscal year |
N/A |
N/A |
Open Options at the end of the last
fiscal year regarding the grant from May 31, 2021 –B8 Series
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Total number of members |
0.00 |
5.00 |
Number of paid members |
0.00 |
5.00 |
Regarding the option that are not exercisable yet |
Amount |
0.00 |
88,600 |
Date on which they will become exercisable |
N/A |
June 01, 2024 |
Maximum period for exercising the options |
N/A |
November 30, 2024 |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares |
N/A |
N/A |
Weighted average price of the exercise |
N/A |
0.01 |
Fair value of the option on the last day of the fiscal year |
N/A |
17.18 |
Regarding the option that are exercisable |
Amount |
N/A |
Date on which they will become exercisable |
N/A |
N/A |
Maximum period for exercising the options |
N/A |
N/A |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares |
N/A |
N/A |
Weighted average price of the exercise |
N/A |
N/A |
Fair value of the option on the last day of the fiscal year |
N/A |
N/A |
Open Options at the end of the last
fiscal year regarding the grant from May 31, 2021 –C8 Series
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Total number of members |
0.00 |
5.00 |
Number of paid members |
0.00 |
5.00 |
Regarding the option that are not exercisable yet |
Amount |
0.00 |
88,600 |
Date on which they will become exercisable |
N/A |
06/012024 |
Maximum period for exercising the options |
N/A |
11/30 2024 |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares |
N/A |
6 months |
Weighted average price of the exercise |
N/A |
13.39 |
Fair value of the option on the last day of the fiscal year |
N/A |
17.18 |
Regarding the option that are exercisable |
Amount |
N/A |
N/A |
Date on which they will become exercisable |
N/A |
N/A |
Maximum period for exercising the options |
N/A |
N/A |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares |
N/A |
N/A |
Weighted average price of the exercise |
N/A |
N/A |
Fair value of the option on the last day of the fiscal year |
N/A |
N/A |
Open Options at the end of the last
fiscal year regarding the grant from May 31, 2021 –B7 Series
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Total number of members |
0.00 |
5.00 |
Number of paid members |
0.00 |
5.00 |
Regarding the option that are not exercisable yet |
Amount |
0.00 |
52,475 |
Date on which they will become exercisable |
N/A |
06/012023 |
Maximum period for exercising the options |
N/A |
11/302023 |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares |
N/A |
N/A |
Weighted average price of the exercise |
N/A |
0.01 |
Fair value of the option on the last day of the fiscal year |
N/A |
75.68 |
Regarding the option that are exercisable |
Amount |
N/A |
N/A |
Date on which they will become exercisable |
N/A |
N/A |
Maximum period for exercising the options |
N/A |
N/A |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares |
N/A |
N/A |
Weighted average price of the exercise |
N/A |
N/A |
Fair value of the option on the last day of the fiscal year |
N/A |
N/A |
Open Options at the end of the last
fiscal year regarding the grant from May 31, 2020 –C7 Series
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Total number of members |
0.00 |
5.00 |
Total number of members |
0.00 |
5.00 |
Regarding the option that are not exercisable yet |
Amount |
0.00 |
52,475 |
Date on which they will become exercisable |
N/A |
06/012023 |
Maximum period for exercising the options |
N/A |
11/302023 |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares |
N/A |
6 months |
Weighted average price of the exercise |
N/A |
60.54 |
Fair value of the option on the last day of the fiscal year |
N/A |
75.68 |
Regarding the option that are exercisable |
Amount |
N/A |
N/A |
Date on which they will become exercisable |
N/A |
N/A |
Maximum period for exercising the options |
N/A |
N/A |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares |
N/A |
N/A |
Weighted average price of the exercise |
N/A |
N/A |
Fair value of the option on the last day of the fiscal year |
N/A |
N/A |
Exercised Options Regarding the Share Based Compensation of the Board
of Directors and Board of Officers in the last 3 fiscal years
Below are the options exercised by GPA
and the Company or the members of the Company’s Board of Directors and Board of Officers in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
The shares regarding the exercise of
the stock option of GPA and ASSAÍ are delivered on the date of the respective exercise and each option gives the right to one share.
Accordingly, there is no differentiation between the options exercised and the shares delivered in the years 2020, 2021 and 2022.
Exercised Option – fiscal year ended December 31, 2022 |
Board of Directors
C6 Series
Board of Officers
C6 Series
Board of Directors
C6 Series
(GPA) |
Board of Officers
C6 Series
(GPA) |
Board of Directors
B6 Series
Board of Officers
B6 Series
Board of Directors
B6 Series
(GPA) |
Board of Officers
B6 Series
(GPA) |
Total number of members |
N/A |
4.00 |
N/A |
4.00 |
9.00 |
4.00 |
N/A |
4.00 |
Total number of members |
N/A |
4.00 |
N/A |
4.00 |
8.00 |
4.00 |
N/A |
4.00 |
Number of shares |
N/A |
203,385 |
N/A |
5,054 |
575,390 |
203,385 |
N/A |
40,677 |
Weighted average price of the exercise |
N/A |
10.65 |
N/A |
17.39 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
N/A |
0.01 |
Weighted average market price of shares related to exercised options |
N/A |
15.67 |
N/A |
18.03 |
15.67 |
15.67 |
N/A |
18.55 |
Multiplication of the total number of options exercised by the difference between the weighted average exercise price and the weighted average market price of the shares related to the options exercised |
N/A |
BRL 1,020,992.70 |
N/A |
BRL 3,234.56 |
BRL 9,010,607.40 |
BRL 3,185,009.10 |
N/A |
BRL 753,948.20 |
Exercised Option – fiscal year ended December 31, 2021 |
Board of Directors
B5 Series
(GPA) |
Board of Officers
B5 Series
(GPA) |
Board of Directors
C5 Series
(GPA) |
Board of Officers
C5 Series
(GPA) |
Total number of members |
N/A |
4.00 |
N/A |
4.00 |
Total number of members |
N/A |
4.00 |
N/A |
4.00 |
Number of shares |
N/A |
41,673 |
N/A |
41,673 |
Weighted average price of the exercise |
N/A |
0.01 |
N/A |
62.61 |
Weighted average market price of shares related to exercised options |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Multiplication of the total number of options exercised by the difference between the weighted average exercise price and the weighted average market price of the shares related to the options exercised |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Exercised Option – fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 |
Board of Directors
B4 Series
(GPA) |
Board of Officers
B4 Series
(GPA) |
Board of Directors
C4 Series
(GPA) |
Board of Officers
(GPA) |
Total number of members |
N/A |
4.00 |
N/A |
4.00 |
Total number of members |
N/A |
4.00 |
N/A |
4.00 |
Number of shares |
N/A |
45.320 |
N/A |
45.320 |
Weighted average price of the exercise |
N/A |
0,01 |
N/A |
56,78 |
Weighted average market price of shares related to exercised options |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Multiplication of the total number of options exercised by the difference between the weighted average exercise price and the weighted average market price of the shares related to the options exercised |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Share-based compensation, in the form of shares to be delivered directly
to the beneficiaries, accounted for in the financial statements of the last 3 fiscal years and in forecasted for the current fiscal year,
of the Board of Directors and Board of Officers
For the last three fiscal
years ending December 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020, the Company had no share-based compensation in the form of shares to be delivered directly
to the beneficiaries.
For fiscal year 2023, even
though the Company does not have a share-based compensation plan, with settlement in shares, pursuant to item 8.4 above, the Company intends
to grant phantom shares to the Officers:
Body |
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Total number of members |
0.00 |
5.00 |
Number of compensated members |
0.00 |
5.00 |
Potential dilution in case all shares are granted to beneficiaries |
N/A |
N/A |
Granting of Shares carried out in the last 3 fiscal years and expected
for the current fiscal year of the Board of Directors and Board of Officers
In the last three fiscal years, as of
December 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020, the Company had no share-based compensation in the form of the delivery of shares directly to the beneficiaries.
For fiscal year 2023, although the Company
does not have a share-based compensation plan, with settlement in shares, pursuant to item 8.4 above, the Company intends to grant phantom
shares to the Officers:
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Total number of members |
0.00 |
5.00 |
Number of compensated members |
0.00 |
5.00 |
Grant date |
N/A |
N/A |
Total shares granted |
N/A |
1,989,465 |
Maximum term for delivery of the actions |
N/A |
5 years |
Restriction period for the transfer of shares |
N/A |
N/A |
Fair value of the options at grant |
N/A |
2,700,887.00 |
Multiplication of the number of shares granted by the fair value of the shares on the grant date |
N/A |
22,660,006.00 |
Shares Delivered Regarding the Share-Based Compensation of the Board
of Directors and Board of Officers
This item is not applicable,
considering that there is no share-based compensation plan, in the form of delivery of shares directly to beneficiaries accredited in
the last 3 fiscal years. Likewise, in relation to the grant of Phantom Shares to be made in 2023, there will be no settlement (in cash)
of the Phantom Shares in 2023.
Required Information for Comprehension of the Data Disclosed in Items
8.5 to 8.11
The fair value of each option granted
is estimated at the grant date using the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing model.
b. data
and assumptions used in the pricing model, including weighted average share price, strike price, expected volatility, option term, expected
dividends and risk-free interest rate
The fair value of each option granted
is estimated on the grant date using the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing model, considering the following assumptions regarding the
options in force in 2022. Considers the 1:5 share split approved on August 11, 2021.
On the grant date |
Weighted average price of shares (per share), according to the average value of the last 20 trading sessions in relation to the grant date |
B6 Series: BRL 88.27 |
C6 Series: BRL 88.27 |
B7 Series: BRL 75.68 |
C7 Series: BRL 75.68 |
B8 Series: BRL 17.18 (Sendas) |
C8 Series: BRL 17.18 (Sendas) |
B9 Series: BRL 15.66 (Sendas) |
C9 Series: BRL 15.66 (Sendas) |
Strike Price |
B6 Series: BRL 0.01 |
C6 Series: BRL 70.62 |
B7 Series: BRL 0.01 |
C7 Series: BRL 60.54 |
B8 Series: BRL 0.01 (Sendas) |
C8 Series: BRL 13.39 (Sendas) |
B9 Series: BRL 0.01 (Sendas) |
C9 Series: BRL 12.53 (Sendas) |
Expected updated volatility |
37.29% |
Options term |
3 years |
Expected dividends |
1.20% |
Risk free interest rate |
12.18% |
Fair value of the option on the grant date (per option) |
According to item 8.7 above |
c. method
used and assumptions made to incorporate the expected effects of early exercise
Early exercise due to involuntary termination,
death or disability of the beneficiary, as well as due to corporate events, are not considered for the purposes of pricing the options.
The Company adopts the assumption that
the options will be exercised from the moment they become exercisable. Thus, the term of the options adopted in the calculations is 3
years, according to the grant series and corresponding grace periods.
d. form
of determining the expected volatility
To calculate the expected volatility,
the standard deviation of the natural logarithms of historical daily variations in the price of shares issued by the Company was considered,
according to the term of effectiveness of the options.
e. other
attributes incorporated in measuring the fair value of options
There are no additional attributes to inform in this item.
Participation in companies: inform the number of shares, quotas and
other securities convertible into shares or quotas, issued, in Brazil or abroad, by the issuer, its direct or indirect controllers, controlled
companies or companies under common control, held by members of the board of directors, the board of officers or the fiscal council, grouped
by body.
On the date of this Reference Form, members of the Company's
board of directors and officers held, directly or indirectly, the following equity interests in the Company:
Company |
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Fiscal Council |
Company |
1,279,472 |
1,538,654 |
0 |
Note: The equity interests
of members of the board of directors who are also members of the board of officers were computed in the board of directors.
Information on Pension Plans Granted to Members of the Board of Directors
and Board of Officers
Below is the information regarding the
private pension plans in effect and granted to the Company's management members:
Board of Directors |
Board of Officers |
Number of members |
n/a |
5.00 |
Number of compensated members1 |
n/a |
5.00 |
Plan name |
Assaí Private Pension Plan, with Brasilprev Seguros e Previdência S.A. (Plano de Previdência Privada Assaí, com a Brasilprev Seguros e Previdência S.A.) |
Number of officers/directors who meet the conditions to retire |
None |
Conditions for early retirement |
- Be at least 60 years old;
- Have at least 10 years of employment with the Company;
- Have at least 5 years of contribution to the Pension Plan;
- Having the relationship with the Company terminated. |
Updated value of accumulated contributions in the pension plan until the end of the last fiscal year, discounting the portion related to contributions made directly by directors/officers (in BRL) |
BRL 1,101,853.38 |
Total accumulated value of contributions made during the last fiscal year, discounting the portion related to contributions made directly by directors/officers (in BRL) |
BRL 254,591.40 |
Possibility and conditions for early redemption: |
Early redemption is possible, in
the event of the beneficiary leaving the Company. Regarding the redemption of contributions made by the Company, the balance of the reserve
will be released according to the following proportion:
- No redemption, if you have contributed
for less than 4 years;
- Redemption of 50% of the balance,
if you have contributed for 4 to 5 years; and
- Redemption of 100% of the balance,
if you have contributed for more than 5 years.
Exclusively for the cases of Officers, 100% of the reserve
will be released at the end of the respective mandate. |
1 The number of
members of the Board of Officers who are compensated with private pension plans, informed in the table above, corresponds to the annual
average of the number of Officers compensated monthly.
Minimum, maximum and average compensation: in the form of a table, indicate,
for the last 3 fiscal years, in relation to the board of directors, the board of officers and the fiscal council
Board of Officers |
Board of Directors |
Fiscal Council |
12/31/2022 |
12/31/2021 |
12/31/2020 |
12/31/2022 |
12/31/2021 |
12/31/2020 |
12/31/2022 |
12/31/2021 |
12/31/2020 |
Number of Members |
5.00 |
4.83 |
4.00 |
9.00 |
9.00 |
0.00 |
3.00 |
3.00 |
0.00 |
Number of compesated Members |
5.00 |
4.83 |
4.00 |
7.83 |
8.00 |
0.00 |
3.00 |
3.00 |
0.00 |
Value of the highest compensation (in BRL) |
32,376,846.90 |
20,857,461.14 |
14,973,432.67 |
8,417,984.42 |
13,604,484.68 |
0.00 |
187,200.00 |
124,800.00 |
0.00 |
Value of the lowest compensation (in BRL) |
1,681,732.92 |
2,651,300.39 |
1,879,899.93 |
216,000.00 |
216,000.00 |
0.00 |
165,600.00 |
96,140.21 |
0.00 |
Average compensation value (in BRL) |
11,822,958.40 |
8,209,819.65 |
6,216,783.55 |
4,577,179.56 |
4.235,825.16 |
0.00 |
194,727.00 |
110,446.73 |
0.00 |
Board of Officers |
12/31/2022 |
The minimum, average and maximum compensation calculations
excluded officers who held the position for less than 12 months.
Higher value includes funds related to fees, vacation, 13th
salary and return from vacation.
Permanence in the position of the member with the highest compensation:
12 months. |
12/31/2021 |
The minimum, average and maximum compensation calculations
excluded officers who held the position for less than 12 months.
Higher value includes funds related to fees, vacation, 13th
salary and return from vacation.
Permanence in the position of the member with the highest compensation:
12 months. |
12/31/2020 |
The minimum, average and maximum compensation calculations
excluded officers who held the position for less than 12 months.
Higher value includes funds related to fees, vacation, 13th
salary and return from vacation.
Permanence in the position of the member with the highest compensation:
12 months. |
Board of Directors |
12/31/2022 |
The minimum, average and maximum compensation calculations
excluded directors who held the position for less than 12 months.
Higher value includes funds related to fees, vacation, 13th
salary and return from vacation.
Permanence in the position of the member with the highest compensation:
12 months. |
12/31/2021 |
Considering that all members of the Board of Directors held
the position for less than 12 months, the amount of the lowest individual annual compensation was calculated considering the compensation
effectively accounted for in the financial statements for the fiscal year.
Higher value includes funds related to fees, vacation, 13th
salary and return from vacation.
Permanence in the position of the member with the highest compensation:
12 months. |
12/31/2020 |
The Company did not have a Board of Directors in the 2020 fiscal year. |
Fiscal Council |
12/31/2022 |
The minimum, average and maximum compensation calculations
excluded members of the Fiscal Council who held the position for less than 12 months.
Higher value includes funds related to fees, vacation, 13th
salary and return from vacation.
Permanence in the position of the member with the highest compensation:
12 months. |
12/31/2021 |
The minimum, average and maximum compensation calculations
excluded members of the Fiscal Council who held the position for less than 12 months.
Higher value includes funds related to fees, vacation, 13th
salary and return from vacation.
Permanence in the position of the member with the highest compensation:
12 months. |
12/31/2020 |
The Company did not have a Fiscal Council installed in 2020. |
Compensation or indemnification mechanisms for managers in the event
of removal from office or retirement
On the date of this Reference Form, the
Company did not have contractual arrangements, insurance policies or other instruments that structure compensation or indemnification
mechanisms for the Company’s managers in the event of removal from office or retirement.
Percentage of the total compensation of each body accounted
for in the Company’s financial statements for members of the Board of Directors, the Board of Officers and the Fiscal Council that
are related parties to the direct or indirect controllers, in relation to the last 3 fiscal years and the forecast for the current fiscal
No compensation was accounted
for in the Company’s financial statements for members of the Board of Directors, the Board of Officers and the Fiscal Council who
are related parties to the Company’s direct or indirect controllers in the 2022, 2021 and 2020 fiscal years and there is no forecast
for the current fiscal year.
Amounts accounted for in the Company’s financial statements as
compensation for members of the Board of Directors, Board of Officers, or the Fiscal Council, for any reason other than the function they
hold, such as, for example, commissions and consulting or advisory services, in relation to the last 3 fiscal years and the forecast for
the current fiscal year
No amounts were accounted for in the Company's
financial statements as compensation for Managers and members of the Fiscal Council, grouped by body, received for any reason other than
for their position in the Company, in the last three fiscal years, and no provision has been made for the current fiscal year.
Amounts accounted for in the financial statements of other companies:
in relation to the past three fiscal years and the forecast for the current fiscal year, please indicate the amounts accounted for in
the financial statements of direct or indirect controlling shareholders, of companies under common control and the issuer's subsidiaries,
as compensation of members of the issuer's Board of Directors, Board of Officers or Fiscal Council, grouped per body, specifying the reason
why such amounts were attributed to these individuals
No amounts were accounted for in the fiscal
years ending in 2022, 2021 and 2020, by direct or indirect controlling shareholders, companies under common control and/or subsidiaries
of the Company as compensation for members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Officers of the Company. Moreover, there is no forecast
in this regard for the current fiscal year, since the Managers and members of the Company's fiscal council, when installed, do not receive
any compensation due to any reason other than the position they occupy.
Other Relevant Information
The Company informs that the amount of
payroll charges due on management compensation proposed for 2023 is BRL 4,802,981.00.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: June 14, 2023
Sendas Distribuidora S.A.
By: /s/ Daniela Sabbag Papa
Name: Daniela Sabbag Papa
Title: Chief Financial Officer
By: /s/ Gabrielle Helú
Name: Gabrielle Helú
Title: Investor Relations Officer
This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These
statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances,
industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates",
"expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking
statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies
and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or
results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject
to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements
are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors.
Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.
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